Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

1. Accuracy, Orderliness (यथार्थता, नियमितता)
Discipline, Order (अनुशासन)

2. Benevolence, Altruism (परोपकारिता, परोपकार)
Goodwill, Auspiciousness (शुभभावना)

3. Carefreeness, Certainty (निश्चिंतता)
4. Cheerfulness, Delightfulness (हर्षितमुखता, रमणीकता)
5. Cleanliness, Neatness (स्वच्छता)
6. Compassion (Mercy), Merciful (रहम, रहमदिल)
7. Contentment, Satisfaction (सन्तुष्टता)
8. Co-operation, Contribution (सहयोग)

9. Courage, Bravery (साहस)
Fearlessness, Valour (निर्भयता)

10. Dedication, Surrender (समर्पण, समर्पणमयता)
11. Detachment, Neutrality (न्यारापन)
12. Determination, Fortitude (दृढ़ता)
13. Equanimity, Impartiality (समदृष्टि)
14. Farsightedness, Foresight (दूरदर्शिता)
15. Flexibility, Adaptability (लचीलापन)
16. Generosity, Magnanimity (उदारचित, उदारता)

17. Gentleness, Tenderness (कोमलता)
Politeness, Graciousness (शालीनता)

18. Honesty, Fidelity (ईमानदारी)

19. Humility, Modesty (नम्रता)
Egoless, Humbleness (निरहंकारिता)

20. Introversion, Introspection (अंतर्मुखता)
21. Lightness, Easiness (हल्कापन, सरलता)
22. Maturity, Sobriety (गंभीरता)
23. Obedience, Observance (आज्ञाकारिता, आज्ञाकारी)
24. Patience, Endurance (धैर्य, धैर्यता)
25. Purity, Holiness (पवित्रता)
26. Respect, Reverence (सत्कार)
27. Royalty, Nobility (श्रेष्ठता)
28. Self-confidence, Willpower (आत्मविश्वास)
29. Serenity, Calmness (शीतलता)
30. Simplicity, Innocence (सरलता, सादगी)
31. Stability, Constancy (स्थिरता)
32. Sweetness, Amiability (मधुरता)
33. Tirelessness, Energetic (अथकता, स्फूर्ति)
34. Tolerance, Forbearance (सहनशीलता)
35. Truthfulness, Reality (सत्यता)
36. Wisdom, Prudence (विवेकशीलता)

Virtuosity, Appreciation (गुणग्राहकता, गुणग्राहक)

[ To be continued ... ]
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

1. Accuracy, Orderliness (यथार्थता, नियमितता)
Discipline, Order (अनुशासन)

Visualise a GEM-CUTTER (lapidarist) who cuts, grinds, polishes and engraves ORDINARY rough stones into VALUABLE gems and diamonds. The ACCURACY of successive cuts should be such, as to PROGRESSIVELY enhance the VALUE of the rough stone. While cutting the rough stone, GREAT CARE should be exercised to ensure that its value does not decrease with ANY cut, at ANY time - the value should only INCREASE with EACH successive cut – for which great ATTENTION has to be paid, with proper DISCIPLINE!

Likewise, whenever one would like to point out any mistake of another person, with the good intention to assist him/her in realizing and correcting himself/herself for his/her OWN benefit, GREAT CARE should be exercised to ensure that this is done in a TACTFUL manner – with great ACCURACY and proper DISCIPLINE - so that the other person does not FEEL offended or hurt in ANY way.

ShivBaba uses this technique to transform body-conscious human beings from ones with stone-like intellects into those with Divine intellects!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

2. Benevolence, Altruism (परोपकारिता, परोपकार)
Goodwill, Auspiciousness (शुभभावना)

Visualise a flower and fruit bearing TREE which continues to CONSTANTLY give something to others – enchantingly beautiful flowers, deliciously nourishing fruits, pure fresh oxygen – throughout its life-span, WITHOUT EXPECTING anything in return – NO acknowledgement, NO gratitude, NO thanks or appreciation! The TREE has NATURAL Benevolence & Goodwill towards EVERYONE, without ANY discrimination. EVEN when the TREE dies, its wood is very useful to human beings THROUGHOUT their lives – right from birth (from being rocked in a wooden cradle) UNTIL death (to being buried within a wooden coffin, or being burned within a wooden pyre). The act of GIVING is such that the TREE does not give ANY CAUSE for the receiver to experience even the slightest sense of obligation or indebtedness towards the TREE, while sacrificing itself COMPLETELY in the service of humanity!

We too should have such BENEVOLENCE & Goodwill towards EVERYONE, like that TREE – we too should continue to serve others constantly, WITHOUT giving ANY CAUSE for those who are served to FEEL even the slightest sense of obligation or indebtedness towards us! We should not expect ANY acknowledgement, or gratitude, or appreciation from ANY one who is served by us. We too should have such BENEVOLENCE & Goodwill towards EVERYONE - WITHOUT ANY discrimination!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

3. Carefreeness, Certainty (निश्चिंतता)

Visualise the BIRDS one sees at sea, or in the forest, who are so NATURALLY CAREFREE - they have ABSOLUTELY NO CONCERN about the next day, as to what they will get to eat to survive, or how they will continue to exist. They live their entire life with COMPLETE Carefreeness, and ABSOLUTE Certainty about their existence, with FULL faith and trust in their Destiny – (Drama, or God)!

We too should live our lives with such CAREFREENESS & CERTAINTY just like those BIRDS – having the FULL and COMPLETE faith and trust in Drama, and in the Almighty, that ALL our ACTUAL needs and requirements for our ENTIRE life will ALWAYS be available to us in the NATURAL process of our existence. With this PURE attitude ALL our efforts are NEVER experienced to be laborious, but are ALWAYS experienced to be ENJOYABLE and ENTERTAINING.

It is ONLY WHEN we become body-conscious and come under the influence of the vices that we FEEL COMPELLED to acquire and accumulate MUCH MORE than we ACTUALLY require for our PEACEFUL and HAPPY existence – which then leads to a life of being CAREWORN, ANXIOUS, DOUBTFUL, PEACELESS, and constantly TROUBLED with UNCERTAINTY – and ALL our efforts are experienced to be LABORIOUS and BURDENSOME!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

4. Cheerfulness, Delightfulness (हर्षितमुखता, रमणीकता)

Visualise a lovely, beautiful, fragrant FLOWER which constantly stimulates a sense of loveliness, beauty, happiness and joy in the beholder – WITHOUT being aware of the physical source of its sustenance (mud), which is dirty and which has an unpleasant odour. The FLOWER has the ability to transform the dirtiness and unpleasant odour of its source of sustenance into enchanting BEAUTY and refreshing FRAGRANCE that stimulates a sense of CHEERFULNESS and DELIGHTFULNESS within the onlookers!

We too should constantly maintain the AWARENESS of the INNER BEAUTY, LOVELINESS, and SWEETNESS of the Self, the soul – so that whenever we come in contact, or are in a relationship with others, we too can stimulate a sense of loveliness, beauty, happiness, joy, CHEERFULNESS and DELIGHTFULNESS within them - just like that FLOWER! If the soul (flower) becomes aware of the body (mud), then that INHERENT, NATURAL BEAUTY will diminish – and will NOT be EXPERIENCED, either by one’s OWN Self, or by others!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

5. Cleanliness, Neatness (स्वच्छता)

Visualise a full-length MIRROR which has been covered with slime over a long period of time - the layers of slime have gradually solidified and are sticking fast like glue, over the ENTIRE MIRROR - such that I am not able to see my TRUE REFLECTION within the MIRROR with ANY degree of clarity. It takes me a great deal of effort, and a LONG time, to CLEAN the MIRROR patiently, UNTIL there is not the slightest trace of dirt or slime over the MIRROR. After cleaning THOROUGHLY, the MIRROR becomes so CRYSTAL CLEAR that I am able to see my REAL REFLECTION – EXACTLY the way I ACTUALLY am, as my ORIGINAL self!

SIMILARLY, when the MIRROR of my INTELLECT gets covered, or clouded with the ‘dirt & slime’ of body-consciousness - which develops PROGRESSIVELY over a long period of time - then I am not able to FEEL or SENSE my ORIGINAL PURE Self, as a soul, FULL of Divine Virtues, Celestial Arts, and Spiritual Powers. It is ONLY when I receive the CORRECT introduction and Re-Cognition of the Father, that I begin to CLEAN my Self with His Divine Knowledge and Spiritual Remembrance, to GRADUALLY remove the ‘cloudiness’ of the INTELLECT, thereby COMPLETELY purifying same, so that I can then EXPERIENCE my TRUE nature and TRUE qualities of my Self, as a soul, and REGAIN soul-consciousness, ONCE AGAIN!

CLEANLINESS of the Self, the soul, and the sanskars, is achieved by CONSTANTLY ‘rubbing’, or massaging the intellect with Divine Knowledge & Spiritual Remembrance of Incorporeal God Father Shiva!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

6. Compassion (Mercy), Merciful (रहम, रहमदिल)

Visualise a scene where a thorn has got embedded under the foot of a person while walking in a garden. When I am required to remove that thorn, I should pay the utmost ATTENTION & CARE, with great COMPASSION, to ensure that not even a single drop of blood is shed, and the person does not experience even the SLIGHTEST pain – it should be just like clipping a finger nail.

Likewise, whenever anyone feels the need to point out any DEFICIENCY of another person, with the good intention to assist him/her in recognizing and removing same for the sake of his/her OWN benefit, GREAT CARE should be exercised to ensure that this is done in a very TACTFUL manner – with great COMPASSION and Spiritual LOVE - so that the other person does not FEEL offended or hurt in the SLIGHTEST way.
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

7. Contentment, Satisfaction (सन्तुष्टता)

Visualise yourself returning home from the local market with a ‘bag full of wheat’, which you have paid for from your own salary that you have personally earned, and which is SUFFICIENT for your family members for their actual requirement for the required period. On the way home, you come across an unattended ‘mountain of wheat’ which has been kept there temporarily for bagging, before being stored in a Food Corporation government warehouse – but you are not tempted to steal any more wheat from that momentarily unattended ‘mountain of wheat’, because you know that an ‘Ocean of wheat’ belongs to you – which means that if you are caught stealing, you will not only lose your job but also go to jail; but if you are CONTENT with whatever you have, and are ALWAYS honest in your dealings, you will ALWAYS have that which you and your family members ACTUALLY require for the rest of your life.

Likewise, we too should have complete CONTENTMENT for whatever has been provided to us, and for whatever we have, while being ALWAYS honest in our dealings, and we should not be tempted to acquire more than what we ACTUALLY require by dishonest means, because we know that the ‘Ocean’ (ShivBaba) ALWAYS belongs to us, and we have the FULL and COMPLETE CONFIDENCE that we will ALWAYS have whatever is ACTUALLY required by us and our family members for our ENTIRE existence, in ALL our births THROUGHOUT the Cycle, to live peacefully with adequate COMFORT!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

8. Co-operation, Contribution (सहयोग)

Visualise a staircase or stairway with a flight of steps leading from one floor to another, which is ALWAYS present in one location, EVER READY to be used, but which READILY and CONSTANTLY co-operates with ANYONE who wishes to go from one floor to another, WITHOUT causing any impression of its OWN importance, or any awareness of its function of giving CONSTANT CO-OPERATION, within the mind of ANYONE who uses same to ascend or descend from one floor to another.

Likewise, when we are present on the field of Spiritual Service, we too should be INSTRUMENTAL to give CONSTANT CO-OPERATION to ANYONE who is in need of same, WITHOUT causing any impression of our OWN importance, and WITHOUT giving any cause to create a sense of obligation towards us, within the mind of ANYONE, who is thus served by us, through such willing CO-OPERATION.
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

9. Courage, Bravery (साहस)
Fearlessness, Valour (निर्भयता)

Visualise someone walking with complete confidence on the top surface of an iceberg, floating on the surface of a deep ocean, where only a few centimeters of the iceberg is actually visible over the surface of the cold water, and the remaining portion of the body of the iceberg is not visible, being completely submerged inside the water. The iceberg could be thick and solid enough to hold the weight of the person all along its surface - or it could even be thin enough as not to hold the weight of the person in certain places over its surface, in which case the person could sink inside the cold water and drown. Although superficial doubts may have arisen within the mind of the person from time to time, but the person who is walking on the surface of the iceberg has complete trust and full faith in the strength and solidity of the iceberg and he is able to walk anywhere on its surface with FULL confidence, without the slightest apprehension, in a state of complete FEARLESSNESS and absolute COURAGE.

One realises the extent and degree of his courage when the major part of the iceberg emerges out of the water at a critical time, when one is clearly able to see its solidity!

Likewise, when we remain busy on the field of Spiritual Service we should have complete FEARLESSNESS and absolute COURAGE that we are moving across a SOLID FOUNDATION, under the FULL and COMPLETE PROTECTION of the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, and we need not have the slightest apprehension of any adverse situations or circumstances, since we know that we will always be victorious at all times, as we have the absolute Spiritual support of the most Powerful Almighty Authority – Incorporeal God Father Shiva!

One will realise the extent and degree of this COURAGE when Incorporeal God Father Shiva is finally REVEALED at the very end to EVERYONE, and the drums of VICTORY begin to sound EVERYWHERE!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

10. Dedication, Surrender (समर्पण, समर्पणमयता)

Visualise a plant, which surrenders COMPLETELY to the Gardener right from the moment it is first planted. When it just springs up, the Gardener installs a protective enclosure around it to prevent any herbivores from devouring it, until it is strong enough. The Gardener continues to replenish the soil around it with the right type of nutrients for its healthy growth, providing the required quantity of water daily, and ensures that the plant gets adequate fresh air and sun light in an open space, as it continues to grow. The plant never complains about what it receives, or what it does not receive, but continues to grow steadily with whatever is made readily available to it under the situations and the circumstances. And, finally, when it grows into a large tree, it never questions the authority of the Gardener - as to why some things were provided to it, and why other things were not provided to it - but continues to provide the required flowers and fruits, for which it was planted, year in and year out, without expecting any appreciation or gratitude in return from anyone!

Likewise, we too should SURRENDER COMPLETELY to the Spiritual Gardener right from the moment of our Spiritual rebirth. The Spiritual Gardener continues to provide us with the right type of Spiritual Knowledge - sustaining us with whatever is necessary for our Spiritual growth, at the appropriate time - which is required for us to become soul-conscious, once again, and which enables us to regain our Divine Virtues, Celestial Arts and Spiritual Powers. We, too, should never complain about what we receive, or what we do not receive, but we should continue to make Spiritual efforts to regain soul-consciousness, under whatever situations and circumstances we may find ourselves in. And, finally, when we become Spiritually strong and mature, we should never question the Authority of the Supreme Gardener – as to why we were provided with only certain things, and why we were not provided with other things - but we should continue to perform Spiritual Service with absolute Devotion and DEDICATION for the benefit of the rest of the human race, without expecting any appreciation or gratitude in return from anyone!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

11. Detachment, Neutrality (न्यारापन)

Visualise a mountaineer (mountain climber) climbing a near vertical cliff. He hammers one piton or peg at a convenient height, and then climbs upwards by stepping on that peg. Then he hammers the next peg higher up, and continues to move upwards in this manner. At every higher step, he has to detach himself from the lower peg, and he has to forget about that peg, and concentrate on the next higher peg, in order to be able to move upwards continuously, in this manner. If he cannot detach himself from a lower peg, by letting go of that peg, then he cannot progress upwards comfortably, in order to finally reach the peak of the cliff.

Likewise, each of our births is like a ‘peg’ in our journey towards our final destination. If we do not forget about our past birth, then we cannot concentrate on the next birth. After leaving one body, and taking a new body, a soul naturally forgets about the previous birth very quickly, hence a soul automatically becomes detached from the previous birth.
We need to practice similar DETACHMENT within one birth also. From being an infant, to a child, to an adolescent, to being a youth, to a mature man, to an elderly person – we have to continuously DETACH ourselves from the past state of existence of even our single birth. We also need to DETACH ourselves from our situations and circumstances, as they CONTINUOUSLY keep changing – we may have to change our home as well as our partner, and we may have to move far away from close family members. If we do not perfect the art of DETACHMENT, like that mountaineer, then we cannot progress SMOOTHLY in the journey of our life towards our final destination!

Finally, in Confluence Age, the Supreme Soul advises us to become COMPLETELY DETACHED from our bodily religion, bodily relations, and even with our own physical body – in order to become soul-conscious, once again, and be able to play our brand-new roles from the beginning of the Golden Age!

During the LATTER part of Confluence Age, itself, the ‘shooting’ or REFRESHING of major religious ideologies of Ravan Rajya, or of Copper & Iron Ages takes place. Eventually, we have to become DETACHED from any corresponding ideology, with which we may become associated after coming into this Knowledge, to be able to ReCognize the FINAL role of the Supreme Soul which is enacted at the end of the Confluence Age, through the first two most renowned human souls of the entire Cycle! The number-wise ReCognition of this FINAL part of the Supreme Soul who is the Seed Form, and the first two renowned souls who are the very first Leaves, is governed by, and also determines the number-wise religio-political status of souls during RamRajya, as well as during Ravan Rajya!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

12. Determination, Fortitude (दृढ़ता)

Visualise a SPIDER which continues to weave a web constantly with firm determination, so that any intruding insect gets trapped in its web. No matter how many times the web may be damaged, or even completely destroyed by anyone, the spider, once again, immediately sets upon the task of restoring the web to its original shape and condition with firm resolve and unwavering determination!

Visualise a RIVER which meets many obstructions on its long and winding journey, but continues to flow constantly with firm determination towards its final destination - which is the ocean!
And when the RIVER finally MERGES within the ocean, the RIVER COMPLETELY loses its own individual identity as a separate entity, and becomes PART of the ocean!

Likewise, regardless of how much criticism, or even insults, we may face during our involvement in carrying out Spiritual Service, or no matter how many obstacles, hindrances, drawbacks or setbacks we may encounter in our aim to reach our final destination of becoming soul-conscious, once again - we should constantly endeavour to make relentless efforts with firm resolve and unwavering DETERMINATION to reach our desired final destination UNTIL same is achieved!

Just as the RIVER loses its own identity as a limited entity, and becomes ONE with the unlimited ocean - so also the limited identity of an individual soul gets MERGED, when one becomes soul-conscious, and the consciousness of the soul MERGES in the ‘Ocean of Love’ and the soul experiences God-consciousness, or UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS - to finally become absorbed in the ECSTATIC EXPERIENCE of super-sensuous Joy, or a state of supreme BLISS!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

13. Equanimity, Impartiality (समदृष्टि)

Visualise the sun which shines with the SAME intensity and the SAME quantity over EVERYTHING and EVERYONE – plants, birds, animals, humans – without ANY discrimination whatsoever – with absolute EQUANIMITY. Some are able to utilise the energy of the sun to their maximum advantage, and others number-wise according to their own individual initiative and effort. Some prefer to loiter around in the shade, and are not inclined to make the best use of the energy of the sun which is freely available to them, for their very own benefit.

Likewise, the ‘Sun of Knowledge’ also SHINES EQUALLY over ALL human beings, without ANY discrimination whatsoever – with ABSOLUTE EQUANIMITY. Some souls are able to take the maximum advantage of the Knowledge for their own benefit in order to become soul-conscious, once again - and others number-wise according to their own individual initiative and effort! Some prefer to loiter around in the shadows of Maya, and are not inclined to make the best use of the Spiritual ENERGY of the ‘Sun of Knowledge’ for their own Spiritual progress, in order to regain soul-consciousness, once again, for their own ultimate benefit!
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Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues

Post by Golden Heart »

Developing AWARENESS of Divine Virtues through PRACTICAL visualisation!

14. Farsightedness, Foresight (दूरदर्शिता)

A train guard has to see far ahead, up to the train engine, before he is able to give a green signal to the train driver to start the train – so as to avoid any mishap.

The train driver has also to see far ahead, across the entire visible length of the tracks, when the train is being driven at a fast speed – so as to prevent the possibility of any accident.

When one is managing the affairs of a house-hold, the house-hold manager has to have adequate foresight to plan for the entire month, in accordance with the available monthly budget – so as not to overspend inadvertently.

Similarly, when one has to manage the affairs of a state or a country, the Leaders have to have tremendous foresight and farsightedness, so as to be able to take various complex factors into proper consideration, over a long period of at least one complete financial year, while planning the annual budget – so as to exercise adequate control over the economy, and avoid getting into excessive debt!

While managing the armed forces, the Generals have to plan and prepare themselves in advance with great foresight – they have to plan their strategies according to the strength, as well as the weakness of the enemy. They have to understand the weakness of the enemy very well so that they can take full benefit of same for their own advantage – and this strategy has to be kept top-secret!

Similarly, the Scientists have developed the nuclear weapons through inspiration with great foresight and farsightedness; and they have been manufactured accordingly, so that they can be used at the appropriate time for final world destruction, or world transformation from Iron Age to Golden Age – although the world Leaders and the Scientists, themselves, are not fully aware of their most beneficial purpose!

Similarly, the Supreme Soul enables human souls to regain their original extreme foresight and farsightedness, by relating the Knowledge of the ENTIRE Cycle of 5000 years duration to them, during the Confluence Age, so that they can use this Knowledge for their own maximum benefit for ALL their births THROUGHOUT the Cycle!
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