SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2018

To discuss the BK and PBK versions relating to the progressive differential development of BK & PBK ideologies or theologies.
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2018

Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 01.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भगवान बैठ, भक्तों को समझाते हैं। भक्त हैं भगवान के बच्चे। सभी हैं भक्त, बाप है एक। तो बच्चे चाहते हैं, एक जन्म तो बाप के साथ भी रहकर देखें। देवताओं से भी बहुत जन्म बीते। आसुरी सम्प्रमदाय के साथ भी बहुत जन्म बीते। अब भक्तों की दिल होती है - एक जन्म तो भगवान के बनकर, भगवान के साथ रहकर देखें।
“God sits and explains to the Devotees. Devotees are the Children of God (‘Bhagwan’). ALL are Devotees, whereas the Father is ONE. Therefore, You Children also desire to experience the Company of the Father for this one birth. Many births were spent with Deities. Many births were also spent with the devilish community. The heart's desire of devotees is now to belong to God, and experience one birth with God, by staying with Him.

ONLY AFTER receiving the CORRECT introduction of REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, ONLY THROUGH REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, is it possible for the Righteous Children to stay in the CONSTANT Spiritual COMPANY of God, and EXPERIENCE ALL DIFFERENT relationships with Him, THROUGH the Third Divine Eye of their intellects, in this one birth, during the Confluence Age. It is MOST DEFINITELY NOT FEASIBLE to experience SUCH CONSTANT Spiritual COMPANY, with their corporeal bodies, through an impure corporeal body of ANY embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere, owing to the LIMITATIONS of ANY corporeal body!

अभी तुम भगवान के बने हो, मरजीवा बने हो, तो भगवान के साथ रहते हो। यह जो अमूल्य अन्तिम जीवन है, इसमें तुम परमपिता परमात्मा के साथ रहते हो। गायन भी है – ‘तुम्हीं से खाऊं, तुम्हीं से बैठूँ, तुम्हीं से सुनूँ ..’। जो मरजीवा बनते हैं, उनके लिए यह जन्म साथ रहना होता है। यह एक ही है, ऊंचे ते ऊंचा जन्म। बाप भी एक ही बार आते हैं, फिर तो कभी आ नहीं सकेंगे।
“Now that You belong to God, You have ‘died’, while alive, and so You are living with God. In this last and invaluable life of yours, You are staying with the Supreme Father Supreme Soul. There is the praise: ‘I shall eat only with You, I shall sit only with You, I shall listen to only You ..’. Those who ‘die’, while alive, are able to spend this life of theirs in His Company. This is the one and only MOST ELEVATED birth of all. The Father also comes only once; He will not be able to come again.”

ONLY THOSE Righteous Children, who are able to ‘die’, while alive – that is, who are able to DETACH themselves from the consciousness of the corporeal body, and DEVELOP their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness - can ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE ALL DIFFERENT relationships with REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, THROUGH the Third Divine Eye of their intellects, in this one birth, during Confluence Age, while STILL being within their CURRENT impure corporeal bodies – and PRACTICALLY EXPERIENCE, eating ONLY with Him, sitting ONLY with Him, listening ONLY to Him, etc.
It is MOST DEFINITELY NOT FEASIBLE to experience SUCH CONSTANT Spiritual COMPANY, with their corporeal bodies, through an impure corporeal body of ANY embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere, owing to the LIMITATIONS of ANY corporeal body!

अब तुम बच्चे समझते हो, बरोबर बाबा जो समझाते हैं, वह कोई शास्त्र आदि में है नहीं। बाप बहुत गुह्य और रमणीक बातें समझाते हैं। ड्रामा के आदि-मध्य-अन्त, रचता और रचना का सारा समाचार तुमको सुनाते हैं। फिर भी कहते हैं, अच्छा, जास्ती नहीं, तो दो अक्षर ही याद करो – ‘मनमनाभव’, ‘मध्याजीभव’। यह अक्षर तो भक्तिमार्ग की गीता के हैं, परन्तु बाप इसका अर्थ, अच्छी रीति समझाते हैं। भगवान ने तो सहज राजयोग सिखाया है; कहते हैं, सिर्फ मुझ बाप को याद करो।
“You Children NOW understand that the aspects which Baba explains are NOT in ANY of the Scriptures. The Father explains very deep and entertaining aspects. He tells all the news of the Creator, the creation, and the beginning, the middle and the end of the Drama. Then, too, Baba says: OK, If not a great deal, then just remember two words: ‘Manmanabhav’ (Creator) & ‘Madhyajibhav’ (creation – inheritance). These words are from the Gita of the ‘Path of Devotion’, but the Father explains the meaning of them very CLEARLY. God TEACHES easy RajYog. He says: Just Remember Me, the Father.”

Although the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, explains the ESSENCE of ALL the Vedas & Scriptures of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, the SUBTLE aspects which REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God explains to the Righteous Children, are NOT in ANY of the Vedas or Scriptures of the ‘Path of Devotion’, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’.

Whereas, the explanations - of the Vedas & Scriptures of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, which are ALL FALSE - are given to the BLIND Unrighteous children, by the Defamer Of God, who is under the ACTIVE influence of the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya – in the form of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - which represents the ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita of Ravan Rajya, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’ – carried out, more specifically, during the latter part of Confluence Age!
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 02.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह है तुम्हारा मरजीवा जन्म। जो जीते जी मरते नहीं, उनका मरजीवा जन्म नहीं कहेंगे। उन्हों को तो खुशी का पारा भी चढ़ नहीं सकता। जब तक मरजीवा नहीं बने हैं अर्थात् बाप को अपना नहीं बनाया है, तब तक पूरा वर्सा भी मिल नहीं सकता। जो बाप के बनते हैं, जो बाप को याद करते हैं, उनको बाप भी याद करते हैं। तुम हो ईश्वरीय सन्तान। तुम्हें नशा है कि हम ईश्वर बाप से, वर्सा अथवा वर ले रहे हैं, जिसके लिए भक्त लोग भक्ति मार्ग में धक्का खाते रहते हैं।
“This is the birth in which You have ‘died’, while alive. Those who have not ‘died’ a ‘living death’, cannot be considered to have a birth of ‘dying’, while alive. Their ‘mercury’ of Happiness cannot rise high until they have ‘died’, while alive, that is, until they have made the Father belong to them. So, they cannot receive their FULL inheritance until then. Those who belong to the Father, and who Remember Him, are also Remembered by the Father. You are the Children of God. You have the intoxication that You are claiming your inheritance and blessings from God, the Father, for whom the devotees stumble around on the Path of Devotion.”

The ‘mercury’ of Happiness, of ONLY THOSE Righteous Children, who have ‘died’, while alive, and who have made the Incorporeal Father belong to them, can rise HIGH. THOSE who have ‘died’, while alive, means those who have DETACHED themselves from the consciousness of their corporeal bodies, and DEVELOPED their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness, while STILL being within their current corporeal bodies; and those who have made the Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Father belong to them with the Third Eye of their Divine intellects; and those who remain in His ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance – as a POINT source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering themselves ALSO as souls – also as a Point source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy!

The Righteous Children claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya from Shiva, in Confluence Age ITSELF, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba, through the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog.

Whereas, the BLIND Unrighteous children, can ONLY claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya from the the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, etc., in Confluence Age ITSELF, through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God , by EXPOSING their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge – thus carrying out the EXACT ‘shooting’ of the BLIND devotees of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, who ONLY STUMBLE AROUND, on the ‘Path of Devotion’ of the ‘Night of the Cycle’!

बाप कहते हैं, इन गुरूओं ने परमात्मा की महिमा गुम कर दी है। हम तो उनकी बहुत महिमा करते हैं। वह परम पूज्य परमपिता परमात्मा है। शिव का चित्र भी बहुत अच्छा है। परन्तु बहुत लोग ऐसे हैं, जो मानेंगे नहीं कि शिव कोई ऐसा ज्योर्तिबिन्दु है क्योंकि वह तो आत्मा सो परमात्मा कह देते हैं। आत्मा अति सूक्ष्म है जो भ्रकुटी के बीच में बैठी है, फिर परमात्मा इतना बड़ा आकार वाला कैसे हो सकता है? बहुत विद्वान, आचार्य लोग बी.के. पर हँसी उड़ाते हैं कि परमात्मा का ऐसा रूप तो हो नहीं सकता।
The Father says: These gurus have ‘destroyed’ the praise of God, whereas we praise Him a great deal. He is the supremely worship-worthy Supreme Father Supreme Soul. The picture of Shiva is also very good, but there are many people who do not accept that Shiva is a ‘POINT of Light’, because they say that a soul and the Supreme Soul are one. A soul is very subtle, who sits in the center of the forehead, then how could the Supreme Soul have such a LARGE form? Many scholars and savants laugh at the BKs and say that the form of the Supreme Soul cannot be like that (a POINT of Light).”

The Defamer Of God ‘DESTROYS’ the praise of God Father Shiva, by TREACHEROUSLY TRICKING the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’) & the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ – thus OPPOSING, DEFAMING, INSULTING & MOCKING God, CONSISTENTLY & PERSISTENTLY, and carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

अब बाप हमको अपना ज्ञान का वर्सा देते हैं। सारे सृष्टि का ज्ञान इनके पास है क्योंकि बीजरूप है। हम अपने को बीजरूप नहीं कहेंगे। बीज में जरूर झाड़ के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान होगा ना? तो बाप खुद कहते हैं, मैं हूँ सृष्टि का बीजरूप। इस झाड़ का बीज ऊपर है। वह बाप सत् चित आनन्द स्वरूप, ज्ञान का सागर है। सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ही उसमें ज्ञान होगा। नहीं तो क्या होगा! क्या शास्त्रों का ज्ञान होगा? वह तो बहुतों में है। परमात्मा की तो जरूर कोई नई बात होगी ना? जो कोई भी विद्वान आदि नहीं जानते।
The Father is now giving us our inheritance of Knowledge. He has the Knowledge of the whole World, because He is the ‘Seed Form’ (‘Bheejrup’). We CANNOT call ourselves the ‘Seed Form’ (‘bheejrup’). The seed would definitely have the knowledge (encoded within it) of the beginning, middle and end of that tree, is it not? So, the Father Himself says: I am the Seed Form (‘Bheejrup’) of the World. The Seed of this Tree is UP ABOVE. That Father is the Truth, the Living Being, the Embodiment of Bliss, and the Ocean of Knowledge. ONLY He has the Knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the World. Otherwise, what would he have! Would He have the knowledge of the Scriptures? Many have that. The Supreme Soul would surely have something new, which no other scholar, etc., would know.”

The Defamer Of God FURTHER ‘DESTROYS’ the praise of God Father Shiva, by TREACHEROUSLY TRICKING the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘Seed Form’ (‘Bheejrup’) – when God, HIMSELF, has CLEARLY DECLARED that NO embodied soul can call himself the ‘Seed Form’ (‘Bheejrup’) – thus OPPOSING, DEFAMING, INSULTING & MOCKING God, CONSISTENTLY & PERSISTENTLY, and carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

अब बाप सारे ड्रामा का राज़ समझाते हैं। बाप पत्थरबुद्धि से पारसबुद्धि बनाए, पारसनाथ बनाते हैं। अब तो सब पत्थरबुद्धि, पत्थरनाथ हैं। परन्तु वह अपने को बड़े-बड़े टाइटिल्स देकर, अपने को पारसबुद्धि समझ बैठे हैं।
“The Father NOW explains the secrets of the whole Drama. The Father changes your intellects from stone to Divine, and makes You into ‘lords of Divinity’. NOW, everyone has stone intellects, and are the ‘lords of Stone’. However, they give themselves very big titles and CONSIDER themselves to have Divine intellects.

Thus, it becomes VERY CLEAR that the Defamer Of God is a ‘lord of Stone’, who has a STONE intellect, and who is CLEARLY the ‘MAHA-MURKH’ ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, who gives himself BIG TITLES, and FURTHER, TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he has a Divine intellect, and that Shiva operates through his impure perishable corporeal body, (AFTER Brahma Baba leaves his corporeal body in 1969) – when, in ACTUAL FACT, he has a DEVILISH STONE intellect, and is ACTUALLY the ‘MAHA-MURKH’ ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

अभी इस छी-छी शरीर को छोड़ना है। यह सबका पुराना जड़जड़ीभूत, तमोप्रधान शरीर है, इससे ममत्व मिटा देना है। पुराने शरीर को याद क्या करें? अब तो अपने नये शरीर को याद करेंगे, जो मिलना है सतयुग में। वाया मुक्तिधाम होकर सतयुग में आयेंगे।
“NOW, You have to shed your dirty bodies. Everyone's body is old, decayed and ‘tamopradhan’. Remove your attachment from it. Why should You remember your old body? Now you would remember the new body which You are to receive in the Golden Age. You will come into the Golden Age via the ‘Land of Liberation’ (‘Mukthidham’).”

The Righteous Children should remove their attachment to their old bodies and remember their new bodies, which they are to receive in the Golden Age.

विकारों का तो कोई रूप ही नहीं है। मनुष्य एक्ट में आता है, तब पता पड़ता है कि इनमें काम का, क्रोध का भूत आया है। इस विकार की स्टेज में भी उत्तम, मध्यम, कनिष्ट होते हैं। कोई में काम का नशा एकदम तमोप्रधान हो जाता है, कोई को रजो नशा, कोई को सतो नशा रहता है। कोई तो बाल ब्रह्मचारी भी रहते हैं। समझते हैं, यह भी एक झंझट है, सम्भालना। सबसे अच्छा उनको कहेंगे। सन्यासियों में भी बाल ब्रह्मचारी अच्छे गिने जाते हैं।
“The Vices DO NOT have ANY form, AT ALL. Only when a person comes into the act, does one come to know that the evil spirit of lust or anger has come. There are the highest, the average and the lowest stages in these Vices as well. Some have ‘tamopradhan’ intoxication of lust, some have a ‘rajo’ stage of intoxication, and some have a ‘sato’ stage of intoxication. Some even remain celibate from birth. They think that it is too much bother to take care (of a household). Such ones are considered to be the best. Among sannyasis too, those who are celibate from birth are considered to be good.”

The GROSS Vices, by themselves, DO NOT have ANY form, AT ALL! They originate from the NEGATIVE DEGRADED ENERGY, which is personified as ‘Ravan’ or ‘Maya’, whose ‘MAHA-MURKH’ ‘mukrar-rath’, in the Confluence Age, is the Defamer Of God, who is ACTUALLY the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Ishwar’, ‘Allah’, ‘Alif’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Vishnu’, ‘Shankar’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, Confluence Age ‘Krishna’, Confluence Age ‘Narayan’, etc., etc., etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 03.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भगवानुवाच - भगवान अपने बच्चों को राजयोग और ज्ञान सिखला रहे हैं। यह कोई मनुष्य नहीं। ... कृष्ण को बाप नहीं कहा जा सकता। बाप को कहा जाता है, परमपिता, परमधाम में रहने वाला। आत्मा इस शरीर द्वारा भगवान को याद करती है। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं कि मैं तुम्हारा बाप परमधाम में रहने वाला हूँ। मैं सभी आत्माओं का बाप हूँ।
“God speaks. God (‘Bhagwan’) is TEACHING His Children RajYog and Knowledge. THIS is NOT ANY human being. ... Krishna cannot be called the Father. The Father is called the Supreme Father, the One who resides in the Supreme Abode. The soul remembers God (‘Bhagwan’) through this body. The Father sits and explains: I am your Father, the One who resides in the Supreme Abode. I am the Father of ALL souls.”

God (‘Bhagwan’), who resides in the Supreme Abode, is NOT ANY human being, but is the Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father of ALL souls, who TEACHES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog, ONLY to the Righteous Children, in Confluence Age, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, who is the VERY SAME soul of Shri Krishna of Golden Age.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

तो ऐसी चैतन्य आत्माओं से बाप बात करते हैं। कहते हैं, मैंने यह शरीर लोन पर लिया है। मैं आकर सभी आत्माओं को वापिस ले जाता हूँ। फिर जो आत्मायें सम्मुख होती हैं, उन्हों को राजयोग सिखाता हूँ। राजयोग सारी दुनिया नहीं सीखेगी। कल्प पहले वाले ही राजयोग सीख रहे हैं।
“So, the Father speaks to such living souls. He says: I have taken THIS body on loan. I come and take ALL souls back (Home). I TEACH RajYog to THOSE souls who are FACE to FACE with Me. The whole World will NOT Study RajYog; ONLY THOSE from the previous Cycle are Studying RajYog.”

ONLY the Righteous/Worthy Children, or TRUE Brahmins, can Study the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog from the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba!

Whereas, the BLIND Unrighteous/Unworthy children, or FALSE Brahmins, study the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, initiated by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

अब तुम्हारी सगाई हुई है निराकार से। निराकार बाप ने ही आकर सगाई कराई है। कहते हैं, कल्प पहले मुआफिक तुम बच्चों की अपने साथ सगाई कराता हूँ। मैं निराकार इस मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप हूँ। सभी कहेंगे यह मनुष्य सृष्टि गॉड फादर ने रची है। तो तुम्हारा बाप, सदैव परमधाम में रहते हैं। अभी कहते हैं, मुझे याद करो।
You are NOW Engaged with the Incorporeal One. ONLY the Incorporeal Father comes and carries out this Engagement. He says: I Engage You Children with Myself, just as I did in the previous Cycle. I, the Incorporeal One, am the Seed Form of this human World Tree. Everyone would say that God Father created this human World. So, your Father ALWAYS resides in the Supreme Abode. He NOW says: Remember Me.”

ONLY the Righteous Children, who DEVELOP the CLEAR AWARENESS of being incorporeal souls, can get Engaged with the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva – who is the Seed Form of this human World Tree, and who ALWAYS resides in the Supreme Abode – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba!

श्रीमत पर न चला और दुर्गति को पाया, तो फिर बहुत पश्चाताप करना पड़ेगा। फिर धर्मराजपुरी में, शिवबाबा इस तन में बैठ समझायेंगे कि मैंने तुमको इस ब्रह्मा तन द्वारा इतना समझाया, पढ़ाया, कितनी मेहनत की। निश्चय पत्र लिखे कि श्रीमत पर चलेंगे। परन्तु नहीं चले।
“Those who DO NOT follow Shrimat, and become DEGRADED, will have to repent a great deal. ShivBaba will THEN sit in THIS body (in SUBTLE form), in the Region of Dharmaraj, and say: I explained so much to You through the body of THIS Brahma; I TAUGHT You, and made so much effort on You. Some even wrote letters of their faith and said that they will follow Shrimat, but they DID NOT follow it.”

The BLIND Unrighteous children, who DO NOT follow the Pure UNADULTERATED Shrimat of REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, delivered to them ONLY THROUGH REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, will have to REPENT a GREAT DEAL, at the end of Confluence Age!
Shiva will THEN sit in the SUBTLE body of Brahma Baba, in the Subtle Region of Dharmaraj, and make them REAL-EYEs how they DISOBEYED His Pure UNADULTERATED Shrimat, after which they would have to experience SEVERE RETRIBUTION - to, FINALLY, be able to become pure from impure, through the UNPLEASANT process of Spiritual REPENTANCE!

गाते भी हैं वारी जाऊं, कुर्बान जाऊं। परन्तु किस पर? ऐसे तो नहीं लिखा है - सन्यासी पर वारी जाऊं! वा ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर पर वारी जाऊं! वा कृष्ण पर वारी जाऊं! कुर्बान जाना है, परमपिता परमात्मा पर। कोई मनुष्य पर नहीं। वर्सा मिलता है बाप से। बाप बच्चों पर कुर्बान होता है। यह बेहद का बाप भी कहते हैं, मैं कुर्बान होने आया हूँ। परन्तु बाप पर कुर्बान होने में बच्चों का हृदय कितना विदीर्ण होता है। देह-अभिमान में आया तो मरा, व्यभिचारी हुआ। याद, उस एक की रहनी चाहिए। उन पर बलिहार जाना चाहिए।
“They sing, ‘I will surrender myself, I will sacrifice’. But, to whom (would they surrender)? It is not written, ‘I surrender to a sannyasi’! Or, ‘I surrender to Brahma, Vishnu or Shankar’! Or, ‘I surrender to Krishna’! You have to surrender yourselves to the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, NOT to ANY human being. You receive your inheritance from the Father. A father surrenders to his children. This Unlimited Father ALSO says: I have come here to surrender to You. However, the hearts of the children shrink at the thought of surrendering to the Father. If You come into body consciousness, You die, and become ADULTERATED. There should be Remembrance of ONLY that One. You have to surrender yourself to Him.

Embodied souls have to surrender SPIRITUALLY, ONLY to the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva – and NOT to ANY human being!

However, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY INDOCTRINATES the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that they should surrender to THEIR IMAGINARY ‘ShivBaba’, WITHIN his impure perishable corporeal body – thus VICIOUSLY TRAPPING them into body-consciousness EVEN FURTHER, as a result of which their intellects become ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED – leading them on the path towards DEGRADATION & PERDITION!

श्रीमत पर चल नहीं पाते तो माया नाक से पकड़ एकदम गटर में डाल देती है। बापदादा का बनकर फिर ट्रेटर बनना, गोया उनका सामना करना है, इसलिए बाप कहते हैं, कदम-कदम सम्भाल कर चलो। अब माया का अन्त होने वाला है, तो माया बहुतों को गिराती है, इसलिए बच्चों को खबरदार रहना है। रास्ता जरा लम्बा है, पद भी बहुत भारी है। अगर ट्रेटर बना, तो सजा भी भारी है। जब धर्मराज बाबा सजा देते हैं, तो बहुत रड़ियां मारते हैं। जो कल्प-कल्प के लिए कायम हो जाती हैं।
“If one is NOT ABLE to follow Shrimat, then Maya gets hold of that one by the nose and throws him into the gutter. To become a TRAITOR after belonging to BapDada is to OPPOSE Him. This is why the Father says: Be cautious at EVERY step. Maya's time is now coming to an end, so she makes MANY of you fall. Therefore, the Children should remain VERY ALERT. The road is a little long, but the status is very great. If You become a TRAITOR, then the punishment is also SEVERE. When Dharamraj Baba punishes souls, they cry out in distress, which then becomes fixed for EVERY Cycle.”

The Defamer Of God is NOT ABLE to follow the Pure UNADULTERATED Shrimat of God, so Maya THROWS him into a Spiritual GUTTER, AFTER which he becomes the GREATEST Spiritual TRAITOR, who continues to OPPOSE, DEFAME, INSULT & MOCK God, CONSISTENTLY & PERSISTENTLY, by propagating the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, due to which he becomes liable for experiencing SEVERE punishment – ALONG WITH the other BLIND Unrighteous children, who VOLUNTARILY CHOOSE to PAY SCANT REGARD to the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge of God, and CONTINUE to RECKLESSLY DISMISS the UNLIMITED UNADULTERATED CLARIFICATIONS being provided HEREIN!

माया बड़ी प्रबल है। थोड़ा सा भी बाप का डिसरिगार्ड किया तो मरा। गाया हुआ है, ‘सतगुरू का निंदक ठौर न पाये’। काम वश, क्रोध वश, उल्टे काम करते हैं। गोया बाप की निंदा कराते हैं, और दण्ड के निमित्त बन जाते हैं। अगर कदम-कदम पर पदमों की कमाई है, तो पदमों का घाटा भी है। अगर सर्विस से जमा होता है, तो उल्टे विकर्म से, ना भी होती है। बाबा के पास सारा हिसाब रहता है।
“Maya is very powerful. If there is even the slightest disregard for the Father, you die. It is said, ‘one who defames the Satguru CANNOT reach the destination’. Some perform WRONG actions under the influence of lust, or anger, and cause DEFAMATION of the Father, and so they become instruments for experiencing punishment. Since there is a multi-million-fold income at every step, there is also a multi-million-fold loss. If your account is increased by doing Service, then, by performing WRONG, SINFUL actions, it also goes into deficit. Baba has ALL the accounts.”

The Defamer Of God shows the GREATEST DISREGARD for, BOTH, the ‘Parlokik’ Father, Shiva, AS WELL AS, the ‘Alokik’ Father, Brahma Baba, by CONTINUING to propagate the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge – thereby becoming an instrument to EXPERIENCE the HARSHEST Spiritual PUNISHMENT, for his OWN self, AS WELL AS, for the BLIND Unrighteous children.
The Defamer Of God has been performing WRONG ACTIONS, under the SEVERE influence of SEX LUST, since several decades, by Spiritually ENTICING, and THEN RAPING MANY INNOCENT/IGNORANT mothers & spinsters (‘matas & kanyas’), in the Name of God, and has thus CONTINUED to DEFAME the ‘Parlokik’ Father, Shiva, AS WELL AS, the ‘Alokik’ Father, Brahma Baba.
He has ONLY RECENTLY been EXPOSED to the outer World, and is currently HIDING from the authorities, leaving the INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ to fend for themselves, instead of FACING the MUSIC, himself – thus CLEARLY PROVING himself to be the GREATEST Spiritual COWARD!
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 04.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
गुण प्राप्त होते हैं, बाप से, जिसको सतगुरू भी कहते हैं। अवगुण प्राप्त होते हैं माया रावण से। इतने गुणवान फिर अवगुणी कैसे बनते हैं? सर्वगुण सम्पन्न और फिर सर्व अवगुण सम्पन्न कौन बनाते हैं? यह तुम बच्चे जानते हो।
“Virtues are received from the Father, who is also known as the Satguru. Vices are received from Maya, Ravan. After being so virtuous, how did they become vicious? How did those who were full of all Divine virtues, become those full of all Vices? You Children know this.

During the Confluence Age, the Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, who is ALSO the TEACHER & the Satguru, enables the Righteous Children, to imbibe Divine Virtues, ONCE AGAIN, or to carry out the ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the Divine Virtues, within their sanskaras, through the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, delivered to them, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba.

On the other hand - more specifically, during the latter part of Confluence Age - the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, (MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, etc.), enables the BLIND Unrighteous children, to imbibe the Devilish, or Demoniac Vices, ONCE AGAIN, or to carry out the ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING of same, within their sanskaras, through the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

तो समझाना है कि श्रीनारायण के अन्तिम 84 वें जन्म में परमपिता परमात्मा ने प्रवेश किया है, और राजयोग सिखला रहे हैं। तो कृष्ण की बात उड़ जाती है। यह उनके 84 वें जन्म का भी अन्त है।
“Therefore, You should explain (to them) that the Supreme Father Supreme Soul has entered in the FINAL 84th birth of Shri Narayan, and is TEACHING RajYog. In this way, the aspect of Krishna (being God of the Gita) will disappear. This is the end of even his 84th birth.”

The Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ONLY enters, ONLY at the END, of the FINAL 84th birth of the VERY SAME soul, who is the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereign, Shri Narayan, in the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age – as His ‘mukrar-rath’, in ‘Sakar’ – (when he is in his impure corporeal body, as DLR - who is THEN named as the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL PrajaPita, or JagadPita, of the ENTIRE human race, within this EWD Play) – and TEACHES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog to the Righteous Children, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, when he is at the END of his LAST or 84th birth, at the VERY END of Iron Age, during the most auspicious Confluence Age - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.

अभी तुमको फिर माया के चम्बे से सबको छुड़ाना है। बाबा को तो तरस पड़ता है, देखते हैं कैसे माया थप्पड़ लगाए बच्चों की बुद्धि ही एकदम फिरा देती है। राम से बुद्धि फेर, रावण की तरफ कर देती है। जैसे एक खिलौना होता है। एक तरफ राम, एक तरफ रावण। इसको कहा जाता है, आश्चर्यवत बाप का बनन्ती, फिर रावण का बनन्ती।
“NOW, You have to liberate everyone from the clutches of Maya. Baba has Mercy. It is seen that Maya slaps the children and turns their intellects COMPLETELY (in the OPPOSITE direction). She turns the intellects away from RAMA, towards Ravan. There is a toy that has RAMA on one side, and Ravan on the other side. This is known as: AMAZINGLY, they belong to the Father, and THEN they belong to Ravan.”

The Righteous/Worthy Children, or TRUE Brahmins, have to liberate EVERYONE from the VICIOUS CLUTCHES of Ravan or Maya, who SLAPS the BLIND Unrighteous children, with the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, and turns their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED STONE intellects, COMPLETELY in the OPPOSITE direction, AWAY from REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, towards the the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, through the ‘MAHA-MURKH’ ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – who is instrumental to carry out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

In this manner, the BLIND Unrighteous children, AMAZINGLY, belong to the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva - and THEN belong to Ravan or Maya, through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – DELUSIVELY believing that they are proceeding on the path towards ELEVATION & FRUITION, WITHOUT REAL-EYEsing that they are ACTUALLY proceeding on the path towards DEGRADATION & PERDITION!

माया बड़ी दुस्तर है। चूहे मुआफिक काट कर, खाना खराब कर देती है, इसलिए श्रीमत कभी छोड़नी नहीं है। कठिन चढ़ाई है ना। अपनी मत माना रावण की मत। उस पर चले, तो बहुत घुटका खायेंगे। बहुत बदनामी कराते हैं।
“Maya is very powerful. She bites you like a mouse and spoils all your income. This is why You must never stop following Shrimat. The climb is very steep. To follow your own dictates means to follow Ravan's dictates. If you follow those, you choke a great deal, and this causes great DEFAMATION.”

Ravan, or Maya, is so DECEPTIVELY POWERFUL, that she is ABLE to BITE the BLIND Unrighteous children, like a MOUSE, and SPOIL ALL their Spiritual income, by THOROUGHLY INDOCTRINATING them with ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge – while, SIMULTANEOUSLY, DELUSIVELY making them STAUNCHLY believe that same constitutes the ‘unlimited clarifications’ of the Pure Knowledge of God, in the SMs & AVs – when, IN ACTUAL FACT, they are NOTHING but the MISINTERPRETATIONS, MISREPRESENTATIONS & MISAPPROPRIATIONS of same, which are in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the DISTORTED & PERVERTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the outer World or Ravan Rajya, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’.
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 05.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
चाहे मैं नजदीक हूँ, चाहे दूर हूँ - याद तो मुझे ही करना है। ... आत्माओं से परमपिता परमात्मा बैठ बात करते हैं। ... जब तक यहाँ हैं, तब तक पुराने शरीर को, पुरानी दुनिया को, बुद्धि से भूलना है, और योग में रहना है। तो इस योग अग्नि से पाप भस्म होंगे। इसमें मेहनत लगती है।
“Whether I am close or whether I am far away, You STILL have to Remember ONLY Me. ... The Supreme Father Supreme Soul sits and speaks to souls. ... As long as You are here, You have to forget the old bodies and the old World with your intellects, and remain in Yoga. Your sins will be absolved with this Fire of Yoga. This requires effort.”

WHETHER REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God is CLOSE, operating on this corporeal sphere, through the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba, or WHETHER he is FAR AWAY, in the Supreme Abode, or the Soul World – the Righteous Children must STILL have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY Incorporeal God Father Shiva – as a POINT source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST forgetting their OWN old bodies, and the old World, and considering themselves ALSO as souls – also as a Point source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy. ONLY through THIS ‘Fire of Yoga’ can their sins of innumerable births be incinerated, and they can then become pure, from being impure.

मनुष्य कहते हैं कि विश्व का मालिक तो शिवबाबा है। परन्तु नहीं, विश्व का मालिक मनुष्य ही बनते हैं। बाप बैठ, बच्चों को विश्व का मालिक बनाते हैं। ... ज्ञान बुद्धि से भी साक्षात्कार होता है। जो स्याने बच्चे हैं, नित्य बाप को याद करते हैं, उन्हों को बहुत मजा आयेगा।
People say that ShivBaba is the ‘Master of the World’. But NO! ONLY human beings become the ‘Masters of the World’. The Father sits and makes You Children into the ‘Masters of the World’. ... You can also have a vision through the intellect of Knowledge (‘Gyan buddhi’). Those Children who are sensible, and who Remember the Father CONSTANTLY will enjoy themselves a great deal.”

REAL ShivBaba is NOT a human being! The terms, ‘ShivBap’, or ‘ShivBaba’, pertain ONLY to ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE – and CANNOT pertain to ANY embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that ONLY ‘ShivBap’ refers to God Father Shiva, while ‘ShivBaba’ refers to his OWN self - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

अपनी मत माना रावण की मत। सो तो तकदीर को लकीर लगाने की ही निकलेगी। बाप से पूछेंगे, तो बाबा झट कहेंगे - यह आसुरी मत है। श्रीमत नहीं है। कदम-कदम पर श्रीमत चाहिए। देखना है, कहाँ उल्टा काम कर, बाप की निंदा तो नहीं कराते?
“To follow your own dictates means to follow the dictates of Ravan. They would only be those who cross out their fortune. If You ask the Father, Baba will quickly tell You: Those directions are Devilish. That is NOT Shrimat. You need Shrimat at EVERY STEP. You should check that You are not performing WRONG actions and having the Father DEFAMED.”

The BLIND Unrighteous children follow their OWN dictates, which means, that they follow the dictates of the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – in the form of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - and thereby CROSS OUT their OWN fortune. The ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, is therefore Devilish, and is DEFINITELY NOT the Pure UNADULTERATED Shrimat of God!
The Defamer Of God performs the WRONG ACTIONS of PHYSICALLY COPULATING with the SELECTED INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ (‘matas & kanyas’), in the Name of God, and thus becomes the CHIEF instrument to DEFAME & INSULT God Father Shiva, to the VERY ULTIMATE LIMIT! Recently he has been EXPOSED to the outer World, and is currently in HIDING, leaving the INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ to FEND for themselves, instead of FACING the MUSIC, himself – thus CLEARLY PROVING himself to be a DOWNRIGHT Spiritual COWARD!

यह है अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों की कमाई, जो वहाँ अथाह धन बन जाता है। तो बच्चों को पुरुषार्थ बहुत अच्छा करना है। बाप को यहाँ भी याद करो, तो वहाँ भी याद करो।
“This income is that of the imperishable Jewels of Knowledge, which becomes limitless (PRACTICAL) wealth there (in Golden Age). Therefore, You Children should make very good effort. Remember the Father here, and ALSO THERE.”

The Unlimited income of the imperishable Jewels of Knowledge gained in Confluence Age, NUMBER-WISE, becomes the LIMITLESS PRACTICAL wealth THERE, in Golden Age, NUMBER-WISE.

Those Children who are STILL UNABLE to Remember God Father Shiva, THERE, in the Supreme Abode, or the Soul World, owing to their RESIDUAL body-consciousness, can Remember Him when He is ACTUALLY operating on this corporeal sphere through the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba, UNTIL they are ABLE to DEVELOP their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness - en route to DEVELOPING COMPLETE soul-consciousness.

रात्रि क्लास - 16-12-68
जिस द्वारा बाप गीता सुनाते हैं, उनको कितनी गालियाँ देते हैं। शिवबाबा को भी गाली देते हैं। ...
न जानने के कारण बाप पर, तुम्हारे पर, कितने कलंक लगाते हैं!
Night Class: 16/12/1968
“The one (Brahma Baba) through whom the Father (Shiva) speaks the (TRUE) Gita is insulted so much. ShivBaba (God) is ALSO insulted so much. ... Because of NOT KNOWING, they cast SO MANY aspersions on the Father, and on You!

The Defamer Of God and the BLIND Unrighteous children OPPOSE, DEFAME, INSULT & MOCK – BOTHREAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, AS WELL AS, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, who speaks the TRUE Gita, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.
Because of NOT KNOWING, NOT Re-Cognizing & NOT REAL-EYEsing REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, AS WELL AS, REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, the Defamer Of God and the BLIND Unrighteous children, cast SO MANY aspersions on them, AS WELL AS, on the OFFICIALLY APPOINTED instrumental souls of the Yagya. When this is HIGHLIGHTED to them by the Righteous Children, they SHAMELESSLY ACCUSE the Righteous Children of casting aspersions on them – thus making a FURTHER MOCKERY of God, His ‘mukrar-rath’, or chosen Chariot, AS WELL AS, His chosen instruments of the Yagya!
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 06.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भोलानाथ सदैव शिवबाबा को कहा जाता है। शंकर को नहीं कहा जाता। वह तो विनाश करता है, और शिवबाबा स्थापना करते हैं। यह तो जरूर है, स्थापना स्वर्ग की और विनाश नर्क का करेंगे। तो ज्ञान सागर भोलानाथ शिव को ही कहेंगे।
ALWAYS, ShivBaba is called the ‘Innocent Lord’ (‘BholaNath’). Shankar CANNOT be called that. He causes ‘destruction’, whereas ShivBaba carries out establishment. It is definitely Heaven which is established, and Hell which is ‘destroyed’ (TRANSFORMED). Therefore, ONLY Shiva can be called the ‘Innocent Lord’ (‘BholaNath’), the Ocean of Knowledge.

ONLY the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, can be called the ‘Innocent Lord’ (‘BholaNath’), and the Ocean of Knowledge, who Re-establishes Heaven, on this earth, ONLY THROUGH REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.

Shankar CANNOT be called the ‘Innocent Lord’ (‘BholaNath’), since he is ONLY a SYMBOLIC representation of the ACT of Destruction, or TRANSFORMATION, which is ACTUALLY initiated by Shiva, through the delivery of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba. Shankar DOES NOT come in ANY corporeal body, on this corporeal sphere, like Shiva does; so, he is ONLY a SYMBOLIC INSTRUMENT devised to apportion the ‘blame’ of the SEEMINGLY HARSH process of destruction, or TRANSFORMATION, to himself, rather than to Shiva, who is ALWAYS considered to be ABSOLUTELY & INFINITELY BENEVOLENT – the process of World TRANSFORMATION, although APPARENTLY destructive, being ACTUALLY SUPREMELY BENEVOLENT, which brings about the REJUVENATION of the old World of Iron Age into the New World of Golden Age!

A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!

निराकार बाप जरूर परमधाम में रहते होंगे। जैसे तुम भी सब मेरे साथ रहते हो। पहले जब मैं आता हूँ तो मेरे साथ ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर होते हैं। मनुष्य सृष्टि तो पहले से ही है, फिर वह कैसे पलटा खाती है, रिपीट कैसे होती है। पहले-पहले जरूर सूक्ष्मवतन रचना पड़े, फिर स्थूलवतन में आना पड़े क्योंकि मनुष्य जो देवता थे, वह अब शूद्र बने हैं। उन्हों को फिर ब्राह्मण से देवता बनाना पड़े। तो जो कल्प पहले मैंने ज्ञान दिया था, फिर वही रिपीट करूंगा। इस समय बैठ राजयोग सिखाता हूँ।
“The Incorporeal Father would definitely reside in the Supreme Abode, just as ALL of You also reside (there) with Me. When I first come, Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are with Me. The human world already exists. So, how does it turn and how does it repeat? The Subtle Region has to be definitely created FIRST, and THEN I have to come into the corporeal World, because the human beings who were Deities have now become ‘shudras’. They have THEN to be changed from Brahmins into Deities. So, I have to repeat the SAME Knowledge that I gave You in the previous Cycle. It is at THIS TIME that I sit and TEACH RajYog.”

When Shiva says that Brahma, Vishnu & Shankar are with Him, when He first comes, it DOES NOT imply that Shankar comes on this corporeal sphere. It means that the SUBTLE Deities are with Shiva, when Shiva FIRST creates the Subtle Region, for them to be instrumentally operative from the Subtle Region, BEFORE Shiva comes to this corporeal World, to change ORDINARY human beings into ELEVATED Brahmins and THEN into ELEVATED Deities, by TEACHING them the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.

बाबा कहते हैं, तुम मेरे नूरे रत्न, सिकीलधे बच्चे हो। शिवबाबा भी कहते, तो ब्रह्मा बाबा भी कहते हैं। वह निराकारी बाप, यह साकारी बाप।
“Baba says: You are the ‘gems’ of My Eyes, the ‘long-lost and now-found’ (‘sikildhe’) Children. ShivBaba says this, and Brahma Baba also says this. That One is the Incorporeal Father, and THIS one is the ‘corporeal’ Father.

BOTH, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, who is the Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Father (besides ALSO being the ‘Parlokik’ Mother & Grand-Father), AS WELL AS, REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is the EVIDENT ‘corporeal’ ‘Alokik’ Father (besides ALSO being the INCOGNITO ‘Alokik’ Mother), say to the Righteous/Worthy Children, or the TRUE Brahmins, that they are the ‘long-lost and now-found’ ‘gems’ of their Divine Eyes.

तो बाबा को जरूर मनुष्य सृष्टि रचने के लिए यहाँ ही आना पड़ेगा ना? जिसके तन में आते हैं, उन द्वारा मुख वंशावली बनाते हैं। तो यह हो गई माता। कितनी गुह्य बात है। है तो यह मेल, इनमें बाबा आते हैं, तो यह माता कैसे हुई, इसमें मूंझेंगे जरूर।
“So Baba would definitely have to come here to re-create the human World, is it not? He creates the ‘mouth-born’ progeny, through the one (Brahma Baba) whose body He enters. So, THIS one (Brahma Baba) becomes the Mother. This is such a deep aspect! THIS one is a MALE, so they would certainly get confused as to how THIS one becomes a Mother, when Baba (Shiva) enters him!”

When Shiva enters the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, Shiva is the INCOGNITO ‘Parlokik’ Father & Brahma Baba is the INCOGNITO ‘Alokik’ Mother (since he is in a male corporeal body) – the TWO of them being the Spiritual PARENTS of the Righteous Children (Father being ‘Parlokik’ & Mother being ‘Alokik’). When Shiva Re-creates the Righteous Children through the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, Shiva ALSO becomes their ‘Parlokik’ Grand-Father (besides ALSO being their ‘Parlokik’ Mother), since Brahma Baba is ALSO their EVIDENT ‘Alokik’ Father (since he is in a male corporeal body), and Saraswati Mama is THEN delegated to be their EVIDENT ‘Alokik’ Mother (since she is in a female corporeal body), in the place of Brahma Baba – the TWO of them being, THEN, the ‘Alokik’ Spiritual Parents of the Righteous Children!

A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!

तुम सिद्ध कर बताते हो कि यह मात-पिता, ब्रह्मा-सरस्वती, दोनों कल्प वृक्ष के नीचे बैठे हैं, राजयोग सीख रहे हैं, तो जरूर उन्हों का गुरू चाहिए। ब्रह्मा-सरस्वती और बच्चे, सभी को राजऋषि कहते हैं। राजाई के लिए योग लगाते हैं। बाप आकर राजयोग और ज्ञान सिखाते हैं, जो और कोई भी सिखा न सके।
“You prove, by showing THIS (‘Alokik’) Mother & Father, Brahma & Saraswati, who are BOTH sitting beneath the Kalpa Tree, and studying RajYog, that they definitely have a Guru. Brahma, Saraswati and the Children are known as Raj Rishis. You have Yoga in order to claim your Sovereignty. The Father comes and TEACHES RajYog and Knowledge, which NO ONE ELSE can teach.”

Therefore, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR & Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, become the ‘Alokik’ Father & Mother of the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ALL of whom are known as Raj Rishis – and ALL of whom definitely have to have the Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God as their ‘Parlokik’ Father, ‘Parlokik’ TEACHER, AS WELL AS, ‘Parlokik’ Satguru – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.

A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 08.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप बच्चों को समझाते हैं। कौन सा बाप? वास्तव में दोनों बाप हैं। एक रूहानी, जिसको बाबा कहा जाता; दूसरा जिस्मानी, जिसको दादा कहा जाता। यह तो सभी सेन्टर्स के बच्चे जानते हैं कि हम बापदादा के बच्चे हैं। रूहानी बाप शिव है। वह है सभी आत्माओं का बाप, और ब्रह्मा दादा है सारे मनुष्य सिजरे का हेड। उनके तुम आकर बच्चे बने हो। उनमें भी कोई तो पक्के सगे हैं, कोई फिर लगे भी हैं। ... यह है सारी बुद्धियोग की बात।
“The Father explains to the Children. Which Father? In fact, BOTH are Fathers. One is Spiritual (Father), who is called Baba; and the other is corporeal (Father), who is called Dada. Children at all the Centers know that they are the Children of BapDada. Shiva is the Spiritual Father. He is the Father of ALL souls, and Brahma Dada is the head of the human genealogical Tree. You have come and become their Children. Among You also, some are truly Righteous, whereas some are also Unrighteous. ... This is all a question of the Yoga of the intellect.

BOTH, Shiva (God – Supreme Soul) & Brahma (soul of DLR) are Fathers (besides ALSO being Mothers).
Shiva is Spiritual, and is called (‘Parlokik’) Baba (ShivBaba - Father); and is ALSO called (‘Parlokik’) ‘Dada’ (Grand-Father‘d’ pronounced, as in ‘day’).
Brahma (soul of DLR) is corporeal, and is called (‘Alokik’) Dada (Elder Brother‘d’ pronounced, as in ‘they’); and is ALSO called (‘Alokik’) ‘Baba’ (Brahma Baba) - since he is the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT PrajaPita, or JagadPita, of the ENTIRE human race, on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play, (besides ALSO being the INCOGNITO JagadAmba)!

ALL the TRUE Brahmins KNOW that they are the Righteous Children, or the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of BapDada (Shiva & Brahma COMBINEDShiva being the ‘Parlokik’ PARENT & Brahma being the ‘Alokik’ Parent)!
ShivBaba (God – Supreme Soul) is the Head of ALL the bodiless souls, while Brahma Dada (soul of DLR - Brahma Baba) is the head of the human genealogical Tree, of ALL embodied souls, on this corporeal sphere – being the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT PrajaPita, or JagadPita, of the ENTIRE human race, on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play, (besides ALSO being the INCOGNITO JagadAmba)!

ONLY the Righteous Children are ABLE to TRULY Re-Cognize, REAL-EYEs & EXPERIENCE REAL BapDada, as their ETERNAL Parents; while the BLIND Unrighteous children get TREACHEROUSLY TRICKED into DELUSIVELY believing the APPARENT, or FALSE, ‘BapDada’, to be THEIR ETERNAL ‘Parents’!

भक्तिमार्ग में तो है ही अन्धश्रद्धा। ... भक्ति भी पहले अव्यभिचारी थी।
“On the ‘Path of Devotion’, there is just BLIND faith. ...
Devotion was also UNADULTERATED, at first.”


The Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, ALSO ADULTERATES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge of God Father Shiva, GRADUALLY, through the BOGUS mouth of the the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

भल ब्रह्मा सरस्वती ही लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनते हैं, परन्तु नाम ब्रह्मा का दिया है। ब्रह्मा के साथ बच्चे भी बहुत हैं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण के बच्चे तो बहुत नहीं होंगे। प्रजापिता भी उनको नहीं कहेंगे।
“Although Brahma & Saraswati, THEMSELVES, become Lakshmi & Narayan, they have mentioned (ONLY) Brahma’s name. Together with Brahma there are also MANY Children. There would not be many children of Lakshmi & Narayan; he (Narayan) would NOT be called PrajaPita.”

Brahma Baba CANNOT be called PrajaPita in his VERY FIRST Pure birth, in the beginning of Golden Age, as the VERY FIRST Emperor Narayan, where he has ONLY TWO children of his own.
Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR, becomes the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT PrajaPita, or JagadPita, of the ENTIRE human race, on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play, (besides ALSO being the INCOGNITO JagadAmba), ONLY at the END of his LAST birth, at the VERY END of Iron Age, during the Confluence Age, when Shiva enters him, and adopts him as, BOTH, His Spiritual Wife, AS WELL AS, His VERY FIRST DIRECT ‘mouth-born’ Spiritual Child, Spiritually Re-born through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba’s OWN corporeal body, and NOT through the corporeal body of ANY OTHER embodied soul!

Pure Versions, like these, have been MISAPPROPRIATED & MISREPRESENTED by the Defamer Of God to TREACHEROUSLY TRICK the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that Brahma Baba is NOT PrajaPita - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

तुम हो शिव शक्ति पाण्डव सेना। पण्डे भी हो, सबको रास्ता बताते हो। तुम्हारे बिगर रूहानी स्वीट होम का रास्ता कोई बता न सके। वह पण्डे लोग तो करके अमरनाथ पर, कोई तीर्थ पर ले जाते हैं। तुम बी.के. तो एकदम सभी से दूर, परमधाम ले जाते हो। वह जिस्मानी गाइड हैं - धक्के खिलाने वाले। तुम सभी को बाप के पास, शान्तिधाम ले जाते हो।
You are the Shiv Shakti Pandava Army. You are also (Spiritual) guides who show everyone the path. No one, apart from You, can show the path to the Spiritual, sweet Home. Those guides take others to Amarnath, or to some other pilgrimage place. You BKs take others very far away from everything to the Supreme Abode (‘Paramdham’). Those are corporeal guides, who make you stumble around. You take everyone to the Father, in the Land of Peace.

The BLIND Unrighteous children TRAP others, FURTHER into body-consciousness, by INDOCTRINATING others into DELUSIVELY believing that the Defamer Of God, who is their bodily guru, and whom they DELUSIVELY consider to be their ‘Prajapita’, is the ‘Living Amarnath’ (Lord of Immortality), through whose impure perishable corporeal body Shiva operates, on this corporeal sphere, AFTER Brahma Baba leaves his corporeal body in 1969 (according to them)!

The Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, who are the REAL Spiritual guides, are the REAL Shiv Shakti Pandav Army, who show the REAL Spiritual path to the Sweet Silence Home, which is the Supreme Abode, or the Soul World; and enable others to have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE - in the Land of Peace – as a POINT source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy.

फिर भक्ति में वो लोग अपनी गीता बना देते हैं, उसमें बहुत फ़र्क पड़ जाता है। भक्ति के लिए उन्हों को देवी-देवता धर्म का पुस्तक जरूर चाहिए। सो ड्रामा अनुसार गीता बना दी है। ऐसे नहीं भक्ति मार्ग की उस गीता से कोई राजाई स्थापन करेंगे वा नर से नारायण बनेंगे। बिल्कुल नहीं!
“THEN, on the ‘Path of Devotion’, those people write their own (FALSE) Gita, and there is a LOT of DIFFERENCE in that. For Devotion, they definitely need the books of the Deity religion. Therefore, according to Drama, they have created the (FALSE) Gita. It is NOT that they will establish a Kingdom, or change human beings into Narayan, with THAT (FALSE) Gita of the ‘Path of Devotion’. NOT AT ALL!

The Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, initiates the ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita of the outer World of Ravan Rajya - more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age – through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, by propagating the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, through his BOGUS mouth – for which, the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge spoken by Shiva through Brahma Baba, in the form of the SMs & AVs, which represents the TRUE Gita, is definitely needed.
The ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, in the form of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, in Confluence Age, has to be carried out, in ACCORDANCE with Drama, for the establishment of Ravan Rajya – but NEITHER the establishment of RamRajya, NOR the TRANSFORMATION of ORDINARY human beings, into ELEVATED Deities of RamRajya, is possible through the ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita, in the form of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - as is TREACHEROUSLY propagated by the Defamer Of God and DELUSIVELY believed by the BLIND Unrighteous children!

अब बाप समझाते हैं, तुम हो गुप्त सेना। बाबा भी गुप्त है। तुमको भी गुप्त योगबल से राजाई प्राप्त करा रहे हैं। बाहुबल से हद की राजाई मिलती है। योगबल से बेहद की राजाई मिलती है।
“The Father NOW explains: You are the INCOGNITO (Spiritual) Army. Baba is also INCOGNITO. He is enabling You to achieve your Sovereignty through the INCOGNITO ‘Power of Yoga’. Through the ‘Power of Arms’, one receives a limited sovereignty. With the ‘Power of Yoga’, You receive the Unlimited Sovereignty.”

The Righteous Children receive the Unlimited inheritance of the Sovereignty of RamRajya, through the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & ‘Power of ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Yoga’.

The BLIND Unrighteous children receive the ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya, through the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘Power of Arms’) & ‘power of INACCURATE & ADULTERATED Yoga’!
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Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 09.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
शिव भगवानुवाच’, मनुष्य जब गीता सुनाते हैं तो कृष्ण का नाम लेकर सुनाते हैं। यहाँ तो जो सुनाते हैं, कहते हैं, ‘शिव भगवानुवाच’। खुद भी कह सकते हैं ‘शिव भगवानुवाच’, क्योंकि शिवबाबा स्वयं ही बोलते हैं। दोनों इक्ट्ठे भी बोल सकते हैं। बच्चे तो दोनों के हैं। बच्चे और बच्चियां दोनों बैठे हुए हैं। तो कहते हैं, बच्चे, समझते हो कि कौन पढ़ाते हैं? कहेंगे ‘बापदादा’ पढ़ाते हैं। बाप बड़े को, दादा छोटे को अर्थात् भाई को कहा जाता है। तो ‘बापदादा’ इक्ट्ठा कहा जाता है।
“ ‘God Shiva speaks’. When people relate the (FALSE) Gita, they do so using the name of Krishna. Here, the One who speaks, (TRUE Gita) says: ‘God Shiva speaks’. He, Himself, can say ‘God Shiva speaks’, because ShivBaba, Himself, is speaking. The TWO, TOGETHER, can ALSO say this. You children belong to BOTH (Shiva & Brahma). Both Sons and Daughters are sitting here. Therefore, He says: Children, do You understand who is TEACHING You? You would say that ‘BapDada’ is TEACHING You. The senior One is called the Father, and the junior one is called Dada, that is, the Brother is called Dada. So, TOGETHER, they are called ‘BapDada’. ”

The term, ‘BapDada’, pertains ONLY to the TWO HIGHEST souls of the Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God & REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev. Shiva is ALSO a TEACHER through the corporeal body of Brahma Baba.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is ‘Bap’, while Brahma Baba is ‘Dada’; and that Shiva is NOT a TEACHER through the corporeal body of Brahma Baba - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

कोई भी आये तो उनको समझाना है - यह गॉडली कालेज है। ‘भगवानुवाच’, और स्कूलों में तो कभी ‘भगवानुवाच’ नहीं कहेंगे। भगवान है ही निराकार, ज्ञान का सागर, मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप ..। तुम बच्चों को बैठ पढ़ाता हूँ। यह गॉडली नॉलेज है। सरस्वती को गॉडेज़ आफ नॉलेज कहते हैं। तो जरूर गाडली नॉलेज से गॉड-गाडेज ही बनते होंगे। ... बाकी देवतायें गॉड गाडेज तो हो नहीं सकते।
“Explain to anyone who comes that this is a Godly College. ‘God speaks’. In other schools, they would NEVER say: ‘God speaks’. God (‘Bhagwan’) is Incorporeal, the Ocean of Knowledge, the Seed Form of the human World Tree .. I sit here and TEACH You Children. This is Godly Knowledge. Saraswati is called the ‘goddess of Knowledge’. So, they definitely become ‘gods & goddesses’ through Godly Knowledge. ... Deities cannot be (STRICTLY called) ‘gods & goddesses’. ”

REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God (‘Bhagwan’) TEACHES Godly Knowledge to the Righteous Children, in the Godly College – therefore Shiva is ALSO a TEACHER through the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba.

Whereas, the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, CHEATS the BLIND Unrighteous children with the DoGly knowledge, through the DoGly university – through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

Brahma & Saraswati can be called ‘god & goddess’, ONLY at the END of Confluence Age, when they become COMPLETE, through the Godly Knowledge, imparted to them DIRECTLY by REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, HIMSELF.
When they, THEMSELVES, become the MOST ELEVATED Deities in the beginning of Golden Age, they CANNOT STRICTLY be called ‘god & goddess’, since God DOES NOT impart Godly Knowledge to them AT THAT TIME, in Golden Age! Secondly, ALTHOUGH they become LIKE ‘god & goddess’ at the END of Confluence Age, they CAN NEVER be called God (‘Bhagwan’) - which can pertain to ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE – and CANNOT pertain to ANY OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’) & the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

तुम बच्चे जानते हो हम स्कूल में बैठे हैं। पढ़ाने वाला ज्ञान सागर है। इनकी आत्मा भी पढ़ती है। इस आत्मा का बाप, वह परमात्मा है, जो सभी का बाप है, वह पढ़ाते हैं। उनको गर्भ में तो आना नहीं है, तो नॉलेज कैसे पढ़ायें? वह आते हैं ब्रह्मा के तन में। उन्होंने फिर ब्रह्मा के बदले कृष्ण का नाम डाल दिया है। यह भी ड्रामा में हैं। ... निराकार को न जानने कारण ही मूँझ गये हैं।
“You Children know that You are sitting in a School (Seminary). The One who is TEACHING You is the Ocean of Knowledge. THIS one's (Brahma Baba’s) soul is also studying (PRIOR 1969). The Father of THIS soul (Brahma Baba) is that Supreme Soul (God), who is the Father of ALL, who is TEACHING us. He DOES NOT have to enter a womb, so how would He TEACH You Knowledge? He enters the body of Brahma. They have then put Krishna’s name instead of Brahma’s. This too is (fixed) in Drama. ... Because of NOT knowing the Incorporeal One, they have become CONFUSED.

REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God TEACHES the Righteous Children, and hence He is ALSO a TEACHER, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba - who ALSO studies the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, DIRECTLY from Shiva, PRIOR 1969, which Shiva delivers through the Lotus Mouth of the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, HIMSELF – and through NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere!

Because of NOT KNOWING, Re-Cognizing, REAL-EYEsing or EXPERIENCING REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, AS WELL AS, REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, the BLIND Unrighteous children are TREACHEROUSLY TRICKED by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, into DELUSIVELY believing that their bodily guru, who is ACTUALLY the Defamer Of God, is Confluence Age ‘Krishna’, through whom Shiva is a TEACHER - INSTEAD of understanding that Shiva is a TEACHER ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba or the soul of DLR, who, HIMSELF, becomes the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna, in the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age!

पतित राजायें कैसे बनते हैं, और पावन राजाओं के राजा कैसे बनते हैं, वह भी बाप तुमको समझाते हैं। मैं स्वयं आकर राजाओं का राजा स्वर्ग का मालिक बनाता हूँ - इस राजयोग से। वह पतित राजायें तो दान करने से बनते हैं। उन्हों को मैं थोड़ेही आकर बनाता हूँ। वह बहुत दानी होते हैं। दान करने से राजाई कुल में जन्म लेते हैं। मैं तो 21 जन्मों के लिए तुमको सुख देता हूँ। वह तो एक जन्म के लिए बनते, सो भी पतित दु:खी रहते हैं।
“The Father sits and also explains how impure kings are created, and how the pure ‘Kings of kings’ are created. I Myself come and make You into ‘Kings of kings’, Masters of Heaven, through THIS RajYog. Those impure kings become that by making donations. I DO NOT come to create them. They are great donors. By donating, they take birth in a royal family. I give You Happiness for 21 births. They become that for one birth but, then too, they remain impure and unhappy.”

REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God DOES NOT create the impure kings of Ravan Rajya through the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, delivered through the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, but ONLY creates the pure Kings of RamRajya, in Confluence Age ITSELF, who THEN become the ‘Kings of kings’, or the Masters of REAL Heaven, or TRUE Paradise, during the ‘Day of Brahma’, or the ‘Day of the Cycle’.

Whereas, the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, creates the impure kings of Ravan Rajya, through the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, in Confluence Age ITSELF, who THEN become kings for ONLY ONE birth, or the masters of APPARENT ‘Heaven’, or FALSE ‘Paradise’, during the corresponding period of the ‘Night of Brahma’, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’ – by ‘donating’, or INDOCTRINATING, others with the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, in Confluence Age – and by ‘donating’ PERISHABLE wealth, or ‘DIRTY MONEY’, during the CORRESPONDING period of their respective sovereignty during Ravan Rajya – due to which they CONTINUE to remain IMPURE & UNHAPPY – BOTH, during the respective period of Confluence Age, AS WELL AS, during the corresponding period of the ‘Night of the Cycle’!

बहुत भक्ति जो करते हैं, उनका मान होता है। भक्त माला भी है ना। ज्ञान माला है रूद्र माला। यह फिर भक्त माला। वह है निराकारी माला। सभी आत्मायें वहाँ रहती हैं। उनमें भी, पहला नम्बर आत्मा किसकी है, जो नम्बरवन में जाते हैं? सरस्वती की आत्मा वा ब्रह्मा की आत्मा नम्बरवन पढ़ती है। यह आत्मा की बात है। ... तुम जानते हो ब्रह्मा की आत्मा क्या बनती है। वह जाकर शरीर धारण कर राजाओं का राजा बनते हैं।
“ There is respect for those who do a lot of Devotion; there is also a ‘Rosary of Devotees’. The ‘Rosary of Rudra’ is the ‘Rosary of Knowledge’; the other is then the ‘Rosary of Devotees’. That is the Incorporeal Rosary. All souls reside there. Out of those also, which souls are the FIRST NUMBER, who claim NUMBER ONE? The souls of Saraswati & Brahma Study and claim NUMBER ONE. These are aspects of the soul. ... You know who the soul of Brahma (DLR) becomes. He will go and adopt a body and become a ‘King of kings’. ”

The Incorporeal ‘Rosary of Rudra’, which is the ‘Rosary of Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge’, consists of the HIGHEST PURE BODILESS souls - the VERY FIRST NUMBER among them being the souls of Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe & Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who become the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereigns in the BEGINNING of Golden Age, by virtue of having been the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL World Sovereigns at the END of Confluence Age!

Whereas, the ‘Rosary of Devotees’, which is the ‘Rosary of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge’, consists of the BLIND Unrighteous children, who are TREACHEROUSLY TRICKED by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, into DELUSIVELY believing that THEIR ‘ShivBaba’, or THEIRRudra’, operates through the impure perishable corporeal body of THEIR ‘Prajapita’ – who is ACTUALLY the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

बापदादा दोनों मिलकर कहते हैं ‘बच्चे’; दोनों को ‘बच्चे’ कहने का हक है। आत्मा को कहते हैं, ‘निराकारी बच्चे, मुझ बाप को याद करो’। और कोई कह न सके कि ‘हे निराकारी बच्चे, हे आत्मायें, मुझ बाप को याद करो’। बाप ही आत्माओं से बात करते हैं। ऐसे तो नहीं कहते, ‘हे परमात्मा, मुझ परमात्मा को याद करो’। कहते हैं, ‘हे आत्मायें, मुझ बाप को याद करो, तो इस योग अग्नि से तुम्हारे विकर्म विनाश होंगे’।
“BOTH, Bap and Dada TOGETHER say: ‘Children’. BOTH have a RIGHT to say: ‘Children’. They say to souls: ‘Incorporeal Children, Remember Me, the Father’! No one else can say: ‘O incorporeal Children, o souls, Remember Me, the Father’! ONLY the Father speaks to You souls. He does not say: ‘O Supreme Soul (God), Remember Me, the Supreme Soul (God)’. He says: ‘O souls, Remember Me, your Father, and your sins will be absolved through this Fire of Remembrance (‘Yoga’).”

ONLY REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God AND REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to say, ‘Children’, to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, who are the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of REAL Brahma (who is Brahma Baba), and who TRULY Re-Cognize, REAL-EYEs & EXPERIENCE them, as their ‘Parlokik’ PARENT (‘Parlokik’ Mother AS WELL AS ‘Parlokik’ Father) & their ‘Alokik’ Parent (‘Alokik’ Mother AS WELL AS ‘Alokik’ Father).

Whereas, the Defamer Of God - MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - has CLEARLY NO SUCH RIGHT to address the BLIND Unrighteous children, as ‘children’, and hence, he is ONLY able to address them as ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ – thus CLEARLY PROVING that he is an ABSOLUTE FRAUD, who is involved in only OPPOSING, DEFAMING, INSULTING & MOCKING God, CONSISTENTLY & PERSISTENTLY!

मैं तुमको नई दुनिया में ले चलता हूँ इसलिए पुरानी दुनिया से, पुराने शरीर से, ममत्व तोड़ो। फिर नई दुनिया में तुमको नया शरीर मिलेगा। देखो, कृष्ण को ‘श्याम-सुन्दर’ कहते हैं। सतयुग में वह गोरा था, अब अन्तिम जन्म में काला हो गया है। तो कहेंगे ना, श्याम ही सुन्दर बनता है, फिर सुन्दर से श्याम बनता है। तो नाम रख दिया है ‘श्याम-सुन्दर’।
“I take You to the New World, so break your attachment to the old World, and the old body. Then, in the New World, You will receive a NEW body. Look, Krishna (soul of DLR) is called ‘Shyam-Sundar’ (ugly & beautiful one). He was beautiful in the Golden Age, whereas NOW, in the LAST birth, he has become ugly. So, it would be said that the one who was ugly, himself, becomes beautiful, and then becomes ugly from being beautiful, again. This is why they have given him the name ‘Shyam-Sundar’ (ugly & beautiful one).”

The soul of Shri Krishna of Golden Age was the MOST BEAUTIFUL in his VERY FIRST birth, in the very beginning of Golden Age, and GRADUALLY becomes MOST UGLY in his VERY LAST birth, as DLR, or Brahma Baba, at the VERY END of Iron Age, due to which the term, ‘Shyam-Sundar’ (ugly & beautiful one), is given to him, in PARTICULAR - and to ALL other Righteous Children, who go RIGHT ROUND the WHOLE Cycle, in GENERAL.

However, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that the term, ‘Shyam-Sundar’, applies to himself, since he, himself, becomes ‘most beautiful’, from being ‘most ugly’, in the SAME CURRENT IMPURE corporeal body, at the VERY END of Confluence Age, ITSELF (according to him) - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age – and making THOROUGH IDIOTS out of the BLIND Unrighteous children!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 10.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भगवान बैठ बच्चों को समझाते हैं कि मनुष्य को भगवान नहीं कहा जा सकता। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर का भी चित्र है, उनको भगवान नहीं कह सकते। परमपिता परमात्मा का निवास उनसे भी ऊंच है। उनको ही प्रभू, ईश्वर, भगवान आदि कहते हैं। मनुष्य जब पुकारते हैं, तो उन्हों को कोई भी आकार वा साकार मूर्ति दिखाई नहीं पड़ती, इसलिए किस भी मनुष्य आकार को भगवान कह देते हैं। ... भगवान खुद समझाते हैं कि मनुष्य को भगवान नहीं कहा जा सकता!
“God (‘Bhagwan’) sits and explains to You Children that a human being CANNOT be called God (‘Bhagwan’). Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar have images, but they (too) CANNOT be called God (‘Bhagwan’). The residence of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul is EVEN HIGHER than theirs. He, ALONE, is called ‘Prabhu’, ‘Ishwar’, ‘Bhagwan’, etc. When people call out, they are unable to see ANY subtle or corporeal form in front of them, which is why they call ANY form of a human being, God (‘Bhagwan’). ... God (‘Bhagwan’), Himself, explains: Human beings CANNOT be called God (‘Bhagwan’).”

ANY embodied soul, or ANY human being CANNOT be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). EVEN the Subtle Deities of the Subtle Region CANNOT be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE, can be called ‘Prabhu’, ‘Ishwar’, or ‘Bhagwan’ (God).

However, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ & ‘Paramatma’ (‘Supreme Soul’) - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age – and making THOROUGH IDIOTS out of them!

अगर गुरू को याद कर, और ‘हे भगवान’ कहें, तो वह मनुष्य तो जन्म-मरण में आने वाला हो गया। तो यह गोया 5 तत्वों के बने हुए शरीर को याद करते हैं, जिसको 5 भूत कहा जाता है। आत्मा को भूत नहीं कहा जाता। तो वह जैसे भूत पूजा हो गई। बुद्धियोग शरीर तरफ चला गया।
“Even if they do remember their guru and call him ‘Bhagwan’ (‘God’), but THAT is a human being who takes birth and dies. Therefore, this means that they are remembering the body made of the five elements, which are called the five GHOSTS (evil spirits). A soul is NOT called a GHOST. So that is LIKE worshiping a GHOST. Their Yoga of their intellects is DIVERTED to the body.”

The Yoga of the ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED STONE intellects of the BLIND Unrighteous children gets INADVERTENTLY DIVERTED to the impure perishable corporeal body of their bodily guru, who INDOCTRINATES them into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ & ‘Paramatma’ – WITHOUT REAL-EYEsing that he is a human being who takes birth and dies, and that they are attempting the IMPOSSIBLE, by eandeavouring to remember Incorporeal Shiva within his impure corporeal body made of the five elements, or five GHOSTS – which is LIKE remembering a GHOST – thereby getting VICIOUSLY TRAPPED into body-consciousness EVEN FURTHER – while DELUSIVELY believing that they are in the process of developing soul-consciousness!

निराकार बाप को निराकार आत्मा याद करती है। उसको देही-अभिमानी कहेंगे। साकार शरीर को जो याद करते हैं, वह जैसे भूत अभिमानी हैं। भूत, भूत को याद करते हैं क्योंकि अपने को आत्मा समझने बदले, 5 भूतों का शरीर समझते हैं।
“Incorporeal souls remember the Incorporeal Father. That is called being soul-conscious. Those who remember a corporeal body are GHOST-conscious. GHOSTS remember a GHOST, because they consider themselves to be bodies of the five GHOSTS (elements), instead of considering themselves to be souls.

The BLIND Unrighteous children are, therefore, GHOSTS, who endeavour to remember the Incorporeal Father within the impure perishable corporeal body of their bodily guru, who is a GHOST – while continuing to be aware of themselves as bodies, or GHOSTS, instead of considering themselves to be incorporeal souls – owing to which they stand NO CHANCE to develop ANY soul-consciousness, WHATSOEVER!

अपने को भी 5 तत्वों का भूत समझते हैं, और उनको भी शरीर से याद करते हैं। देही-अभिमानी तो हैं नहीं। अपने को निराकार आत्मा समझें, तो निराकार परमात्मा को याद करें। सभी आत्माओं का सम्बन्ध पहले-पहले परमात्मा से है। ...
यह तो बाप ने खुद समझाया है, मैं परम आत्मा हूँ, जिसका नाम शिव है। शिव को रूद्र भी कहते हैं।
“They consider themselves to be GHOSTS (human beings) of the five elements, and they remember (their bodily guru) with their bodies; they are, therefore, NOT soul-conscious. If they were to consider themselves to be incorporeal souls, they would remember the Incorporeal Supreme Soul. The relationship of all souls is FIRST of ALL with the Supreme Soul. ... The Father Himself has explained: I am the Supreme Soul, whose Name is Shiva. Shiva is ALSO called Rudra.”

The BLIND Unrighteous children PRIMARILY consider themselves to be GHOSTS (human beings) of the five elements, and are UNABLE to consider themselves as incorporeal souls, and, therefore, they remember their bodily guru with their bodies – DELUSIVELY believing the Defamer Of God to be the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Ishwar’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, etc. - and, therefore, they CANNOT become soul-conscious, since they are NOT ABLE to incinerate their sins of innumerable births through this PERVERTED PROCESS!

The ETERNAL Spiritual relationship of ALL incorporeal souls is FIRST of ALL with the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva. In order to be SUCCESSFUL in Remembering Shiva, it is FIRST of ALL VERY ESSENTIAL, to FIRST consider the Self ALSO as a soul – as a Point source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – and ONLY THEN endeavour to Remember Supreme Soul Shiva – ALSO as a POINT source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – in order to incinerate the sins of innumerable births, and become pure from being impure, and THEN become soul-conscious, ONCE AGAIN, from being body-conscious!

ब्रह्मा द्वारा स्थापना .., परन्तु कैसे, यह नहीं जानते। अब क्रियेटर तो जरूर नया धर्म, नई दुनिया रचेगा। ब्रह्मा द्वारा ब्राह्मण कुल ही रचेगा। तुम ब्राह्मण, ब्रह्मा को नहीं, परमपिता परमात्मा को याद करते हो क्योंकि ब्रह्मा द्वारा तुम उनके बने हो। बाहर वाले देह-अभिमानी ब्राह्मण ऐसे अपने को ब्रह्मा के बच्चे, शिव के पोत्रे नहीं कहेंगे। ... यह परमपिता परमात्मा एक ही है, जिसका व्यक्त नाम रूप नहीं है, परन्तु मूढ़मति मनुष्य समझते नहीं हैं।
“Establishment takes place through Brahma .., but they DO NOT know how. The Creator would definitely create a NEW religion and a New World. He would ONLY create the Brahmin clan, through Brahma. You Brahmins remember the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, and NOT Brahma, because You belong to Him THROUGH Brahma. The outer body-conscious Brahmins would NOT call themselves Children of Brahma, the Grand-Children of Shiva. ...
The Supreme Father Supreme Soul is the ONLY ONE, who DOES NOT have a corporeal name or form. However, humans who are IDIOTS, DO NOT understand this.”

The Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE – and they DO NOT Remember Brahma Baba, bur are ONLY AWARE of him – because they belong to Incorporeal Shiva, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – and through NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere!

However, the BLIND Unrighteous children, who become THOROUGH Spiritual IDIOTS, AFTER EXPOSING their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge – (due to which their intellects become ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED) – CANNOT call themselves the ‘mouth-born’ Children of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR & the Grand-Children of REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God – since they DO NOT REAL-EYEs that Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, is the ONLY ONE, who DOES NOT have ANY corporeal name or form, but is STILL called ShivBaba, by HIMSELF - and NOT ONLY when COMBINED with His ‘mukrar-rath’, or APPOINTED Chariot - who is ACTUALLY Brahma Baba - and DEFINITELY NOT the Defamer Of God, who is ACTUALLY the ‘MAHA-MURKH’ ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan or Maya, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

जब कलियुग का अन्त आये, तब भक्ति का भी अन्त आये, तब ही भगवान आकर मिले क्योंकि वही भक्ति का फल देने वाला है। उनको ज्ञान सूर्य कहा जाता है। ज्ञान चन्द्रमा, ज्ञान सूर्य और ज्ञान लकी सितारे। अच्छा, ज्ञान सूर्य तो है बाप। फिर माता चाहिए ज्ञान चन्द्रमा। तो जिस तन में प्रवेश किया है, वह हो गई ज्ञान चन्द्रमा, माता, और बाकी सब हैं बच्चे, लकी सितारे। इस हिसाब से जगदम्बा भी लकी स्टार हो गई क्योंकि बच्चे ठहरे ना।
“When the end of the Iron Age comes, Devotion too comes to an end. Only then does God (‘Bhagwan’) come and meet You, because He is the One who gives You the fruit of your Devotion. He (God) is called the ‘Sun of Knowledge’. There are the ‘Sun of Knowledge’, the ‘Moon of Knowledge’, and the ‘Lucky Stars’ (of Knowledge). OK, the Father is the ‘Sun of Knowledge’. Then, a Mother is required, the ‘Moon of Knowledge’. So the body He (God Father) has entered is the Mother, the ‘Moon of Knowledge’. And ALL the rest are the Children, the ‘Lucky Stars’. According to this account, JagadAmba is ALSO a ‘Lucky Star’ (of Knowledge), because You are Children.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva (‘Bhagwan’) is ACTUALLY the ‘Sun of Knowledge’, who DEFINITELY requires a corporeal Mother, Brahma Baba, who is the ‘Moon of Knowledge’, in order to Re-Create the corporeal Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins – (through the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of ONLY Brahma Baba) - who THEN become the ‘Lucky Stars of Knowledge’ – EVIDENT JagadAmba, who is Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, being the BRIGHTEST ‘Lucky Star of Knowledge’ & the ‘goddess of Knowledge’.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘Sun of Knowledge’ – thus OPPOSING, DEFAMING, INSULTING & MOCKING God – and carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

ब्राह्मण धर्म, सूर्यवंशी देवता धर्म, और चन्द्रवंशी क्षत्रिय धर्म, तीनों का स्थापक एक ही परमपिता परमात्मा है। तो तीनों का शास्त्र भी एक होना चाहिए। अलग-अलग कोई शास्त्र हैं नहीं। ब्रह्मा इतना बड़ा सभी का बाप है, प्रजापिता। उनका भी कोई शास्त्र है नहीं। एक गीता में ही भगवानुवाच है। ब्रह्मा भगवानुवाच नहीं है। यह है शिव भगवानुवाच, ब्रह्मा द्वारा, जिससे शूद्रों को कनवर्ट कर ब्राह्मण बनाया जाता है। ब्राह्मण ही देवता, और जो नापास होते हैं, वह क्षत्रिय, बन जाते हैं। दो कला कम हो जाती हैं। कितना अच्छी रीति समझाते हैं। ऊंच ते ऊंच है परमपिता परमात्मा; फिर ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर उनको भी पुरुषोत्तम नहीं कहेंगे।
“ONLY the ONE Supreme Father Supreme Soul establishes ALL the THREE religions – the Brahmin religion, the Sun-Dynasty Deity religion, and the Moon-Dynasty ‘Kshatriya’ religion. Therefore, the Scripture of ALL THREE should be just ONE. There aren't different Scriptures. Brahma is the grandest Father of all, PrajaPita. He, too, DOES NOT have ANY Scripture. ‘God speaks’, is mentioned ONLY in ONE Gita. It is not said: God Brahma speaks. THIS is God Shiva, who speaks through Brahma, through whom ‘shudras’ are converted into Brahmins. ONLY Brahmins become Deities, and those who fail become ‘Kshatriyas’. They are reduced by two (celestial) degrees. He explains everything so CLEARLY. The Highest-on-High is the Supreme Father Supreme Soul. THEN there are Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar; they too CANNOT be called the most elevated beings.”

Brahma Baba is the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT PrajaPita, or JagadPita, of the ENTIRE human race, on this corporeal sphere, withing this EWD Play – through whom the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, establishes ALL the THREE religions – the Brahmin religion, the Sun-Dynasty Deity religion, and the Moon-Dynasty ‘Kshatriya’ religion – through ONLY ONE SINGLE TRUE Gita – which is spoken through the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of ONLY Brahma Baba – and through NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere!

The BLIND Unrighteous children, who are THOROUGHLY INDOCTRINATED with the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya - propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – FAIL, and become ‘kshatriyas’, or ‘warriors’, who FIGHT with the WEAPONS of ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age – to be able to claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya, during the respective period of their sovereignty during the ‘Night of the Cycle’, where they ALSO FIGHT with corporeal WEAPONS in order to establish/protect/maintain their respective kingdoms – the SUBTLE ‘shooting’ of which takes place in the latter part of Confluence Age!
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Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 11.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
वास्तव में महिमा सारी है ही ऊंचे ते ऊंचे परमात्मा की, जिसको बच्चे जानते हैं, और बच्चों द्वारा सारी दुनिया भी जानती है कि मात-पिता हमारा वही है। ... श्रीकृष्ण को तो मात-पिता कह नहीं सकते। ... शास्त्रों में यह भूल है। अब यह बेहद का बाप, तुमको सभी शास्त्रों का सार बताते हैं।
“In fact, ALL the praise is of the Highest-on-High Supreme Soul (God Father Shiva), whom the Children know. Everyone in the whole World ALSO comes to know, through the Children, that ONLY He is our Mother & Father (‘Parlokik’ PARENT). ...
Shri Krishna (AS the FIRST Prince of Golden Age) CANNOT be called the Mother & Father. ... This is a MISTAKE in the Scriptures. This Unlimited Father NOW tells You the ESSENCE of ALL the Scriptures.”

The terms, ‘Highest-on-High’ & Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’), can pertain to ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE – who is the ‘Parlokik’ PARENT of ALL bodiless souls, and who tells the ESSENCE of ALL the Scriptures to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – and through NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere!

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ & ‘Paramatma’ (‘Supreme Soul’) - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

जितने भी बच्चे पैदा करने हैं, सो अभी ही ब्रह्मा मुख कमल द्वारा करने हैं। ... यह एक ही एडाप्टेड माता निमित्त है। ...
यह तो सारे जगत का एक ही माता-पिता है। तुम सभी जानते हो कि हम उनके मुख से एडाप्ट हुए हैं। यह हमारा पारलौकिक माँ-बाप है। ...
बच्चों को यह तो बुद्धि में होना चाहिए कि हम पारलौकिक बाप के एडाप्टेड बच्चे हैं। परमधाम से बाप आये हैं। वह है डाडा (ग्रैण्ड फादर), यह दादा (बड़ा भाई) है; जो पूरा सरेण्डर हैं, वो समझेंगे हम ईश्वरीय माँ-बाप से पलते हैं।
“ALL the Children, who are to be created, are to be created THROUGH the Lotus-Mouth of Brahma, ONLY NOW. ... THIS one is the ONLY adopted Mother, who is an instrument. ...
This is the ONLY ONE Mother & Father of the whole World. ALL of You know that You have been adopted through his (Brahma Baba’s) Mouth. This One is our ‘Parlokik’ Mother & Father (from beyond). ...
It should be in the intellects of You Children that You are the adopted Children of the ‘Parlokik’ Father (from beyond). The Father has come from the Supreme Abode. That One is ‘Dada’ (Grand-Father - ‘d’ pronounced, as in ‘day’), and THIS one is Dada (Elder Brother - ‘d’ pronounced, as in ‘they’). Those who are FULLY surrendered would understand that they are being sustained by the Godly Mother & Father.”

The Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, who are the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of REAL Brahma (who is Brahma Baba), are Spiritually Re-Created ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, who is the ONE & ONLY Spiritual Mother - adopted by Shiva, by entering the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, himself – and through NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere. Therefore, it is ALWAYS within the Divine intellects of the Righteous Children that they are the Spiritually adopted TRUE Brahmins, or REAL Children of ‘Parlokik’ God Father Shiva, who comes from the Supreme Abode, and who is ALSO their ‘Parlokik’ Grand-Father – who have been Spiritually Re-Created ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba – and are being Spiritually sustained by BapDada - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through the ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body of Brahma Baba, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through the ELEVATED SUBTLE body of Brahma Baba, till the end of Confluence Age.

यह दादा भी बुजुर्ग है। शिवबाबा को कभी बूढ़ा वा जवान नहीं कहेंगे। वह है ही निराकार। यह भी तुम जानते हो कि हम आत्माओं को निराकार बाप ने एडाप्ट किया है। और फिर साकार में है, यह ब्रह्मा। अहम् आत्मा कहती हैं, हमने बाप को अपना बनाया है। फिर नीचे आओ, तो कहेंगे हम भाई बहनों ने, ब्रह्मा को अपना बनाया है। शिवबाबा कहते हैं - तुम ब्रह्मा द्वारा हमारे ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली बने हो। ब्रह्मा भी कहते हैं, तुम हमारे बच्चे बने हो। तुम ब्राह्मणों की बुद्धि में श्वाँसों श्वाँस यही चलेगा कि यह हमारा बाप है, वह हमारा डाडा है। बाप से जास्ती डाडे को याद करते हैं।
“This Dada is also elderly. ShivBaba would NEVER be called old or young. He is Incorporeal. You also know that the Incorporeal Father has adopted us souls. Then, there is THIS Brahma in the corporeal form. We souls say that, ‘we have made the Father belong to us’. Then, as You come down, You would say that, ‘we Brothers & Sisters have made Brahma belong to us’. ShivBaba says: You have become My ‘mouth-born’ progeny THROUGH Brahma. Brahma also says: You have become My Children. You Brahmins have it in your intellects, in every breath, that THIS one (Brahma Baba) is your Father, and that that One (ShivBaba) is your Grand-Father. One remembers the grand-Father even more than the father (since one receives the property of the grand-Father, as an inheritance, from the father).”

The term, ‘ShivBaba’, pertains to ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE - who would NEVER be called old or young, since He NEVER comes into the cycle of birth & death, like other embodied souls. The Righteous Children are the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of Shiva, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – and through NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere. The Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ALWAYS have within their Divine intellects, that Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, is their EVIDENT ‘Alokik’ Father, REAL PrajaPita, or JagadPita (besides ALSO being their INCOGNITO ‘Alokik’ Mother); and that REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God is their ‘Parlokik’ Grand-Father, (besides ALSO being their ‘Parlokik’ Mother & Father), from whom they receive their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – in Confluence Age ITSELF!

अज्ञानी उसको कहा जाता है, जो रचता और रचना को नहीं जानते हैं। रचता द्वारा जो रचता और रचना को जानते हैं, उनको ज्ञानी कहा जाता है। यह ज्ञान तुमको यहाँ मिलता है। सतयुग में नहीं मिलता। वो लोग कहते हैं, परमात्मा विश्व का मालिक है। मनुष्य उस मालिक को याद करते हैं, परन्तु वास्तव में विश्व का अथवा सृष्टि का मालिक तो लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनते हैं। निराकार शिवबाबा तो विश्व का मालिक बनता नहीं। तो उन्हों से पूछना पड़े कि वह मालिक निराकार है, या साकार? निराकार तो साकार सृष्टि का मालिक हो न सके। वह है ब्रह्माण्ड का मालिक। वही आकर पतित दुनिया को पावन बनाते हैं। खुद पावन दुनिया का मालिक नहीं बनते। उनका मालिक तो लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनते हैं, और बनाने वाला है बाप। यह बड़ी गुह्य बातें हैं, समझने की।
“Those who DO NOT know the Creator, or creation, are called IGNORANT. Those who come to know the Creator and creation, from the Creator, are said to be Knowledgeable. You receive THIS Knowledge here, NOT in the Golden Age. Those people say that the Supreme Soul is the ‘Master of the World’. People remember THAT Master (God – Supreme Soul). However, in actual fact, Lakshmi & Narayan become the ‘Masters of the World’. Incorporeal ShivBaba DOES NOT become the ‘Master of the World’. Therefore, You have to ask them: Is that Master Incorporeal or corporeal? The Incorporeal One CANNOT be the Master of the corporeal World. He is the Master of Brahmand. ONLY He comes and makes the impure World, pure. He, Himself, DOES NOT become the Master of the Pure World. Actually, Lakshmi & Narayan become the Masters of that (Pure World), and the Father is the One who makes them that. These are very deep aspects, which have to be understood.”

The BLIND Unrighteous children DO NOT Re-Cognize, REAL-EYEs or EXPERIENCE the REAL ‘Parlokik’ Creator REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, AND His VERY FIRST, DIRECT ‘mouth-born’ creation REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev – and hence they are Spiritually IGNORANT – since their intellects become ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED, AFTER EXPOSURE to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, initiated by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God! The BLIND Unrighteous children are TREACHEROUSLY TRICKED into DELUSIVELY believing that the Defamer Of God, MASQUERADING as Confluence Age ‘Narayan’, is the corporeal ‘Master of the World’ - when, in ACTUAL FACT, the PRINCIPAL corporeal ‘Masters of the World’ are the souls of Brahma Baba or soul of DLR & Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe - who become the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereigns (MOST ELEVATED Deities), Lakshmi & Narayan, in the beginning of Golden Age, by virtue of having become the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL World Sovereigns (MOST ELEVATED ‘god & goddess’), at the end of Confluence Age!

The Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, are Knowledgeable, since they Re-Cognize, REAL-EYEs and EXPERIENCE, the REAL ‘Parlokik’ Creator REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, AND His VERY FIRST, DIRECT ‘mouth-born’ creation REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev – who is Spiritually Re-Born through the Lotus Mouth of the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, HIMSELF - through whom the Righteous Children receive the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, and their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya – in Confluence Age ITSELF!

N.B.: The word, ‘Farukhabad’, has been INTENTIONALLY omitted from this Version, by the OFFICIALLY appointed representatives of God Father Shiva, of the Godly University, in order to AVOID CONFUSION in the intellects of new aspirants of Knowledge - created by the earlier MISINTERPRETATION, MISREPRESENTATION & MISAPPROPRIATION of SIMILAR points of Knowledge, by the Defamer Of God & his BLIND followers! The OFFICIALLY appointed representatives of God Father Shiva, of the Godly University, have the FULL AUTHORITY, given by BapDada, to take APPROPRIATE measures to PROTECT the interests of the Organization!
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Golden Heart
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 12.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह तो बेहद बाप के लिए ही गाया जाता है, ‘तुम मात-पिता, हम बालक तेरे .. तुम्हारी कृपा वा दुआ से सुख घनेरे’। ... गाते हैं, ‘तुम मात पिता ..’, परन्तु समझते नहीं हैं कि कौन से ‘माता-पिता’ की महिमा है। ... भक्ति मार्ग में गाते हैं, ‘तुम मात पिता ..’, यह बिल्कुल यथार्थ है, परन्तु कोई बुद्धिवान होगा तो पूछेगा कि परमात्मा को तो गॉड फादर कहा जाता है, उनको फिर मदर कैसे कहते हैं? तो उनकी बुद्धि जगत अम्बा के तरफ जायेगी। जब जगत अम्बा की तरफ बुद्धि जाती है, तो फिर जगत पिता के तरफ भी बुद्धि जानी चाहिए। अब ब्रह्मा सरस्वती, यह कोई भगवान तो नहीं हैं। यह महिमा उनकी हो नहीं सकती। उनके आगे भी ‘माता-पिता’ कहना राँग है। मनुष्य गाते तो परमपिता परमात्मा के लिए हैं, परन्तु जानते नहीं हैं कि वह ‘मात-पिता’ कैसे बनते हैं!
“ This is sung ONLY to the Unlimited Father, ‘You are the Mother &Father, we are Your children .. through Your Blessings & Mercy we receive limitless happiness.’ ... They sing, ‘You are the Mother & Father ..’, but they DO NOT understand which ‘Mother & Father’ they are praising. ... On the ‘Path of Devotion’, they sing, ‘You are the Mother & Father ..’, which is absolutely accurate. However, IF someone is clever, one would ask, ‘when the Supreme Soul is called God Father, then how could He be called the Mother’? Then their intellects would go towards JagadAmba (World Mother). When their intellects go towards JagadAmba, then their intellects should ALSO go towards JagadPita (World Father). However, Brahma & Saraswati are not God (‘Bhagwan’). This CANNOT be their praise. It is WRONG to say, ‘Mother & Father’, in front of them. Although people sing this praise for the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, they DO NOT understand how He becomes the ‘Mother & Father’! ”

Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, is MOST DEFINITELY the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL PrajaPita, or EVIDENT JagadPita (World Father), besides ALSO being the INCOGNITO JagadAmba; and Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, is MOST DEFINITELY the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT JagadAmba - of the WHOLE World, withing this EWD Play. However, Brahma Baba & Saraswati Mama CANNOT be called God (‘Bhagwan’), since NO EMBODIED soul can EVER be called ‘Bhagwan’. ALSO, the praise, ‘You are the Mother & Father ..’, pertains to ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE – and CANNOT pertain to ANY OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere. Therefore, it would be WRONG to say, ‘You are the Mother & Father ..’, in front of Brahma & Saraswati, since they are NOT the ‘Parlokik’ PARENTS, EVEN THOUGH they are the ‘Alokik’ Parents of the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins!

The Defamer Of God MISAPPROPRIATES Versions, LIKE these, to TREACHEROUSLY TRICK the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that Brahma Baba & Saraswati Mama are NOT the ‘Alokik’ Father & ‘Alokik’ Mother of the Righteous Children, and that they CANNOT be called ‘god & goddess’ (bhagvan-bhagvati); and that he, himself, is the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

इस बाप की (ब्रह्मा की) दिल पर चढ़े, तो गोया शिवबाबा की दिल पर चढ़े। यह गायन है ही उस ‘मात-पिता’ का। बुद्धि उस बेहद के ‘मात-पिता’ के तरफ चली जानी चाहिए। ब्रह्मा की तरफ भी कोई की बुद्धि नहीं जाती है। भल जगत अम्बा की तरफ कोई की जाती है। उनका भी मेला लगता है, परन्तु आक्यूपेशन को कोई जानते ही नहीं। तुम जानते हो हमारी सच्ची-सच्ची माता, कायदे अनुसार, यह ब्रह्मा है। यह भी समझना है। याद भी ऐसे करेंगे। यह माता भी है, तो ब्रह्मा बाबा भी है। लिखते हैं, शिवबाबा केयरआफ ब्रह्मा। तो माता भी हो जाती है, तो पिता भी हो जाता। अब बच्चों को इस पिता की दिल पर चढ़ना है क्योंकि इनमें ही शिवबाबा प्रवेश होते हैं। यह जब गैरन्टी देते हैं कि हाँ, बाबा, यह बच्चा बहुत अच्छा सर्विसएबुल है, सभी को सुख देने वाला है, मन्सा-वाचा-कर्मणा किसको दु:ख नहीं देता है, तब ही शिवबाबा की दिल पर चढ़ सकता है।
“If You climb onto this Father’s (Brahma Baba’s) Heart, it means that You have also climbed onto ShivBaba’s Heart. This praise is of THAT (‘Parlokik’) Mother & Father (Shiva). The intellect should be drawn to THAT Unlimited (‘Parlokik’) Mother & Father (Shiva). No one’s intellect is drawn towards Brahma. Although the intellects of some are drawn towards JagadAmba, and they also hold fairs in her name, but no one knows her occupation. You understand that, according to the Law, your TRUE Mother is THIS Brahma. It also has to be understood, and remembered that, as well as being Brahma, the (‘Alokik’) Mother, he is ALSO the (‘Alokik’) Father. You write to Shiv Baba, c/o Brahma, and so, as well as being your (‘Alokik’) Mother, he is ALSO your (‘Alokik’) Father. You Children have to climb onto the Heart of THIS (‘Alokik’) Father, because ShivBaba ONLY enters THIS one. When THIS one (Brahma Baba) gives a guarantee to (Shiv)Baba that a particular Child is very good and serviceable, that he gives happiness to everyone, that he doesn’t cause sorrow for anyone through his thoughts, words or deeds, that Child can then climb onto the Heart of ShivBaba.”

Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL PrajaPita, or EVIDENT JagadPita, AS WELL AS, the INCOGNITO JagadAmba, of the Righteous Children, is the INCOGNITO (‘Alokik’) Mother, AS WELL AS, the EVIDENT (‘Alokik’) Father, of the Righteous/Worthy Children, or TRUE Brahmins, who are the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of REAL Brahma (who is Brahma Baba). UNLESS & UNTIL the Righteous Children, FIRST of ALL, climb onto the Divine Heart of Brahma Baba, they CANNOT climb onto the Heart of REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God – because God ONLY enters Brahma Baba to give the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & TEACH Easy RajYog to the Righteous Children - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that God is NOT a TEACHER, THROUGH EITHER the corporeal, or subtle, body of Brahma Baba; and that Brahma Baba is NOT the ‘Alokik’ Father, or PrajaPita, but ONLY the ‘Alokik’ Mother, or the Senior Mother; and that he, himself, is THEIR ‘Prajapita’ - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

यह बड़ी गुह्य बात है, जो एक को ही ‘माता-पिता’ कहते हैं। यह ब्रह्मा बाप भी है, तो बड़ी माँ भी है। अब यह बाबा किसको माँ कहे? यह माता (ब्रह्मा) अब किसको माँ कहे? इस माँ की तो माँ कोई हो नहीं सकती। जैसे शिवबाबा का कोई बाप नहीं, ऐसे इन्हें अपनी कोई माँ नहीं। ...
सच्चे साहेब के आगे सच्चा रहना है, इनसे भी सच्चा रहना है। यह दादा ही सर्टीफिकेट देंगे कि बाबा यह बच्चा बड़ा सपूत है।
“This is a very deep aspect that ONLY ONE is called ‘Mother & Father’. THIS Brahma is ALSO the (‘Alokik’) Father, AS WELL AS the Senior (‘Alokik’) Mother. Now, who would this Father, call Mother? Who would THIS Mother (Brahma), call Mother? THIS Mother CANNOT have ANY (‘Alokik’) Mother. Just as ShivBaba DOES NOT have ANY Father, in the same way, this one DOES NOT have ANY (‘Alokik’) Mother of his own. ...
Remain honest with the TRUE Lord, and remain honest with this one, AS WELL. ONLY THIS Dada will give the certificate and say: (Shiv)Baba, this Child is TRULY worthy.”

Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, is ALSO the (‘Alokik’) Father, AS WELL AS, the Senior INCOGNITO (‘Alokik’) Mother of the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins – who DOES NOT have ANY OTHER ‘Alokik’ Mother of his OWN, since he, HIMSELF, is the ‘Alokik’ Mother of ALL the OTHER Righteous Children, INCLUDING Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe - WHEN REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God is the ‘Parlokik’ Father. Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, is THEN APPOINTED as the Junior EVIDENT (‘Alokik’) Mother of the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins - who have to remain honest with Brahma Baba ALSO, to be able to remain honest with REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God – since the certificate of honesty has to be given by Brahma Baba.

However, the Defamer Of God BLATANTLY OPPOSES, DEFAMES, INSULTS & MOCKS Brahma Baba, by propagating the the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, through his BOGUS mouth – thereby ALSO OPPOSING, DEFAMING, INSULTING & MOCKING God, PERSISTENTLY & CONSISTENTLY - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

बाप कहते हैं, अच्छा कृष्ण भगवानुवाच समझो, तो वह भी नम्बरवन है। उनकी बात भी माननी चाहिए, तब तो स्वर्ग के मालिक बनेंगे। समझते हैं, कृष्ण भगवान ने श्रीमत से शिक्षा दी है। अच्छा, उनकी मत पर चलो। उसने भी कहा है कि काम महाशत्रु है, भला उनको जीतो। इन विकारों को जीतेंगे, तब ही कृष्णपुरी में आ सकेंगे। अब कृष्ण की तो बात नहीं। कृष्ण तो बच्चा था। वह कैसे मत देंगे? जब बड़ा होकर गद्दी पर बैठेगा, तब वह मत देगा। मत देने के लायक बनेंगे, तब तो राज्य चलायेंगे ना?
“The Father says: OK, even if one thinks that it is God Krishna who speaks, he too is NUMBER ONE. One should accept what he says, then one can become the ‘Master of Heaven’. They think that Krishna is God, and that the directions he gave were Shrimat. OK, then follow his directions, for he too said that lust is the greatest enemy, so one should conquer it. ONLY when one conquers these vices can one go to the ‘Land of Krishna’. However, there is no question of Krishna (saying any of this) because Krishna was a Child. How could he have given directions? He would give instructions when he grows up and sits on the throne. Only when he becomes worthy of giving instructions would he be able to rule the Kingdom.”

REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God says THROUGH the Lotus Mouth of the corporeal body of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is the VERY SAME soul of the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna of Golden Age – that EVEN IF others think that God Krishna of Golden Age speaks, (which is NOT the CASE, AT ALL), STILL Shri Krishna of Golden Age, too, is NUMBER ONE among the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play, and so they should listen to him, AT LEAST - but they NEITHER believe him, NOR follow his instructions, when it is CLEARLY mentioned EVEN in the (FALSE) Gita of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, that LUST is the GREATEST ENEMY!

अब शिवबाबा तो कहते हैं, मुझे निराकारी दुनिया में याद करो। कृष्ण फिर कहेगा कि मुझे स्वर्ग में याद करो। वह भी कहते हैं, काम महाशत्रु है, इन पर जीत पहनो। वहाँ विष नहीं मिलेगा, तो विष को छोड़ पवित्र बनो। यह तो कृष्ण का बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। अच्छा, समझो मनुष्यों ने मेरा नाम निकाल बच्चे का नाम डाल दिया है, वह भी तो सर्वगुण सम्पन्न है। वह भी कहते हैं, गीता में लिखा हुआ है कि काम महाशत्रु है। उनको भी मानते थोड़ेही हैं। उन पर भी चलते थोड़ेही हैं। समझते हैं, कृष्ण खुद आये तब हम उनकी मत पर चलेंगे, तब तक तो गोता ही खाते रहेंगे।
“ShivBaba NOW says: Remember Me in the Incorporeal World. Krishna would say: Remember me in Heaven. He also says: You must conquer lust, the greatest enemy. You will not receive poison there. Therefore, renounce poison and become pure. It is the Father of Krishna who sits and explains this. OK, consider human beings removed My Name and inserted the Child’s name - but he too is COMPLETE with ALL virtues. He too says that it is written in the Gita that lust is the greatest enemy. However, they DO NOT believe him; they DO NOT even follow his (Krishna’s) instructions. They think that when Krishna himself comes, then they will follow his instructions. Till then they continue to drown.”

REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God instructs the Righteous Children to FINALLY have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of Him in the Incorporeal World, Supreme Abode, or the Soul World.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY INDOCTRINATES the BLIND Unrighteous children to remember THEIR IMAGINARY ‘ShivBaba’ within his own impure perishable corporeal body – thus VICIOUSLY TRAPPING them into body-consciousness EVEN FURTHER, and making THOROUGH IDIOTS out of them!

यह बड़ी माँ बैठी है, इनसे सर्टीफिकेट मिल सकता है। इस वन्डरफुल मम्मी को कोई मम्मी नहीं। जैसे उस बाप को कोई बाप नहीं। फिर मम्मा, फीमेल्स में, नम्बरवन है। ड्रामा में जगत अम्बा गाई हुई है। सर्विस भी बहुत की है। जैसे बाबा जाते हैं, मम्मा भी जाती थी। छोटे-छोटे गांवों में सर्विस करती थी। सबमें तीखी गई।
“THIS is the Senior Mother sitting (here), from whom a certificate can be received. This wonderful Mummy DOES NOT have ANY (‘Alokik’) Mummy, just as THAT (‘Parlokik’) Father doesn’t have ANY Father. However, among the females, Mama (Om Radhe) is NUMBER ONE. JagadAmba is praised in Drama. She did a lot of Service. Just as Baba used to go, Mama too used to go out (on Service). She used to serve small villages. She was very sharp in everything.”

Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is the WONDERFUL Senior INCOGNITO Mother, DOES NOT have ANY ‘Alokik’ Mother of his own; JUST as ‘Parlokik’ Father Shiva DOES NOT have ANY Father of his OWN. Therefore, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR & Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe are BOTH, NUMBER ONE, among ALL OTHER embodied souls on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play, and there CANNOT be ANY OTHER COMBINATION of TWO embodied souls who can go AHEAD of them!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 13.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यहाँ वह रसम नहीं है कि पियरघर, ससुरघर को छोड़, यहाँ आकर बैठें। यह हो नहीं सकता। यहाँ तो गृहस्थ में रहते कमल फूल समान रहना है। कुमारी है वा कोई भी है, उनको कहा जाता है, घर में रह, रोज़ ज्ञान अमृत पीने आओ। नॉलेज समझकर फिर औरों को समझाओ। दोनों तरफ तोड़ निभाओ।
“ There is not a system here to leave your parents' home or your in-laws' home, and come and stay here. This would not be possible. Here, You have to become like a Lotus flower, while living in the house-hold. Whether You are a Kumari, or anyone else, (You are told to) live at home and come to drink the ‘Nectar of Knowledge’ every day. Understand this Knowledge and then explain to others. You have to fulfill your responsibilities to BOTH sides (‘Alokik’, AS WELL AS, ‘lokik’).

Whether one is a Kumari (spinster), or ANYONE else, one has to live within one’s OWN house-hold, and drink the ‘Nectar of Knowledge’ every day, understand & CHURN the Knowledge, become like a Lotus flower, and explain the Knowledge to others, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY fulfilling one’s responsibilities to the ‘Alokik’, AS WELL AS, the ‘lokik’ families!

गृहस्थ व्यवहार में भी रहना है। अन्त तक दोनों तरफ निभाना है। अन्त में यहाँ रहें, या वहाँ रहें, मौत तो सभी का आना है। कहते हैं – ‘राम गयो, रावण गयो ..’, तो ऐसे नहीं कि सभी को यहाँ आकर रहना है। ... कन्याओं को भी रहना घर में है। मित्र सम्बन्धियों की सर्विस करनी है। ... यहाँ तुमको रूहानी सेवा करनी है। गृहस्थ व्यवहार में भी रहना है। ... गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते पवित्र बनाने की ताकत ईश्वर में ही रहती है।
You ALSO have to live within the house-hold. You have to fulfill your responsibilities to BOTH sides (‘Alokik’, AS WELL AS, ‘lokik’), TILL the END. At the end, whether You live here, or whether You live there, death will come to EVERYONE. It is said: ‘RAMA went, and Ravan went ..’, therefore, it is NOT that EVERYONE has to come and stay here. ... Kumaris ALSO have to live at home. They have to serve their friends and relatives. ...
Here, You have to do Spiritual Service. You ALSO have to live within the house-hold. ...
ONLY God who has the power to enable You to become pure, while living within the house-hold.

ONLY the Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God has the REAL Spiritual POWER to enable the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, to become pure, while living within one’s OWN house-hold, through ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of Him – as a POINT source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Luminous Spiritual Light Energy!

Whereas, the Defamer Of God IMPRISONS the INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ (‘matas & kanyas’) in VIRTUAL fortresses, in the GUISE, or PRETEXT, of affording them ‘PROTECTION’ from the ‘RAPISTS’ of the outside World, while CONTINUING to RAPE them, himself, in the Name of God - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

बाप कहते हैं, रचता मैं भी हूँ। तुमको भी ब्रह्मा मुख द्वारा मैंने रचा है। मैं मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप हूँ। ... बाप कहते हैं, मैं मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप, परमधाम में रहने वाला, निराकार परमात्मा हूँ। तुम भी समझ सकते हो। साकार मनुष्य तो अपने को बीजरूप कह न सकें। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर भी नहीं कह सकते।
“The Father says: I am also a Creator. I also (Re)-Created You through the Mouth of Brahma. I am the Seed Form of the human World. ... The Father says: I am the Seed Form of the human World, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, who is the Resident of the Supreme Abode. You too can understand that NO corporeal human being can call himself the Seed Form. Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar CANNOT say this.

NO corporeal human being can call himself the Seed Form. Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar CANNOT say so!

However, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he is the Seed Form (‘beej-rup’) - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

यह तो जानते हैं कि सबको रचने वाला शिवबाबा है। मैं दैवी धर्म की स्थापना कर रहा हूँ। ऐसे कहने की भी कोई में ताकत नहीं। भल अपने को कृष्ण कहलायें, ब्रह्मा कहलायें, शंकर कहलायें.. बहुत अपने को अवतार भी कहलाते हैं। परन्तु है सब झूठ। यहाँ आकर जब सुनेंगे, तो समझेंगे बरोबर बाप तो एक है, अवतार भी एक है।
“You know that it is ShivBaba who (Re)-Creates everyone. I am establishing the Deity religion. No one has the power to say this either, although they may have themselves called Krishna, Brahma or Shankar. Many even have themselves called an incarnation. However, those are ALL LIES. When they come here, and listen, they would understand that the Father TRULY is ONE, and the Incarnation is ALSO ONE.”

The Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God is ONLY ONE, who incarnates through ONLY ONE REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev!

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children, by MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Ishwar’, ‘Prabhu’, ‘Allah’, ‘Alif’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Vishnu’, ‘Shankar’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age! Hence, the Defamer Of God is a BLATANT LIAR, who makes THOROUGH IDIOTS out of the BLIND Unrighteous children, who CONTINUE to believe his DOWNRIGHT LIES – EVEN AFTER bringing the Pure UNADULTERATED Versions of God to their CLEAR NOTICE – owing to their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED STONE intellects, AFTER having EXPOSED their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge!!!

बाप इस ब्रह्मा मुख से बैठ समझाते हैं। यह जो दादा है, जिसका हमने तन लोन लिया है, वह भी अपने जन्मों को नहीं जानते थे। यह है व्यक्त - प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा। वह है अव्यक्त। हैं तो दोनों एक। तुम भी इस ज्ञान से, सूक्ष्मवतनवासी फरिश्ते बन रहे हो।
“The Father sits and explains through the Mouth of THIS Brahma. This Dada, whose body I have taken on loan, also did not know his own births. THIS one is corporeal (‘vyakt’), PrajaPita Brahma. That one is Subtle (‘Avyakt’ Brahma). BOTH are the SAME. Through this Knowledge, You too are becoming angels who are residents of the Subtle Region.”

The SYMBOLIC, REPRESENTATIVE, PERFECT Form of Brahma Baba is Seen in the Subtle Region, as ‘Avyakt Brahma’, by SELECTED trance-messengers, ONLY DURING the SPECIFIC PERIOD of TIME, WHEN Brahma Baba PRACTICALLY enacts the role of REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL PrajaPita Brahma, through his impure corporeal body, on this corporeal sphere, UNTIL 1969. However, BOTH are the SAME. REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God REQUIRES, BOTH, the SYMBOLIC Form of ‘Avyakt Brahma’ in the Subtle Region, AS WELL AS, the PRACTICAL corporeal body of Brahma Baba, as PrajaPita Brahma, on this corporeal sphere, DURING THIS PERIOD, for performing His Divine tasks of giving Divine Spiritual Re-Births to the Righteous Children, AS WELL AS, sustaining them Spiritually, since He DOES NOT remain within the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, or PrajaPita Brahma, the WHOLE DAY. Therefore, the SYMBOLIC Form of ‘Avyakt Brahma’, in the Subtle Region, is ALSO REQUIRED, in order to provide the required guidance through the SELECTED trance-messengers, to facilitate the Spiritual Service of mankind, WHEN Shiva is NOT ACTUALLY operating within the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, or PrajaPita Brahma, during the course of the REST of EACH day & night! WHEN Brahma Baba, or PrajaPita Brahma, achieves his ‘sampurna karmateet avastha’, or COMPLETE ANGELIC STAGE, in 1969, THAT SYMBOLIC Form of ‘Avyakt Brahma’ is NO LONGER Seen separately in the Subtle Region, ANY LONGER, for the REST of the Confluence Age!

A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!

सूक्ष्मवतनवासियों को फरिश्ता कहते हैं क्योंकि हड्डी-मास नहीं है। ब्रह्मा विष्णु शंकर को भी हड्डी-मास नहीं है, फिर उन्हों के चित्र कैसे बनाते हैं? शिव का भी चित्र बनाते हैं। है तो वह स्टॉर। उनका भी रूप बनाते हैं। ब्रह्मा विष्णु शंकर तो सूक्ष्म हैं। जैसे मनुष्यों का बनाते हैं, वैसे शंकर का तो बना न सकें क्योंकि उनका हड्डी-मास का शरीर तो है नहीं। हम तो समझाने लिए ऐसे स्थूल बनाते हैं। परन्तु तुम भी देखते हो कि वह सूक्ष्म है।
“The residents of the Subtle Region are called Angels because they DO NOT have flesh & bones. Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar DO NOT have flesh & bones, so how are their pictures created? A picture of Shiva is also created, although He is a STAR; they also create His form. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are Subtle. They cannot create the same form for Shankar as they do for human beings, because he DOES NOT have a body of flesh & bones. We create that corporeal form in order to explain. However, You too can See that he (Shankar) is Subtle.”

WHEN Brahma Baba, or PrajaPita Brahma, achieves his ‘sampurna karmateet avastha’ or COMPLETE ANGELIC STAGE, in 1969, THAT SYMBOLIC Form of ‘Avyakt Brahma’ is NO LONGER Seen separately in the Subtle Region, ANY LONGER, for the REST of the Confluence Age!
BOTH are ONE and the SAME! However, the INSTRUMENTAL operations of the SYMBOLIC Forms of Vishnu & Shankar, who ONLY have a Subtle body, and who DO NOT have a body of flesh & bones, CONTINUE from the Subtle Region, THROUGHOUT the Confluence Age! Vishnu & Shankar DO NOT come to this corporeal sphere, and operate through a corporeal body, LIKE Shiva & Brahma Baba does, DURING the Confluence Age.

A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 15.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप समझाते हैं, मुझे जरूर ब्रह्मा द्वारा ब्राह्मण धर्म रचना पड़े। ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली, ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारियां ठहरे। ...
वास्तव में सभी भारतवासियों का धर्म एक होना चाहिए। परन्तु देवता धर्म नाम बदल, हिन्दू नाम रख दिया है क्योंकि वह दैवी गुण नहीं हैं। अब बाप बैठ धारण कराते हैं। कहते हैं, अपने को आत्मा समझ अशरीरी हो जाओ। तुम कोई परमात्मा नहीं हो। परमात्मा तो एक शिव है। वह सभी का प्रीतम एक ही बार संगमयुग पर आते हैं। यह संगमयुग बहुत छोटा है।
“The Father explains: I definitely have to create the Brahmin religion THROUGH Brahma. The ‘mouth-born’ progeny of Brahma are the Brahma Kumars & Kumaris (BKs). ...
In fact, the religion of all the people of Bharat should be one; but they have changed the name of ‘deity religion’ and given it the name ‘Hindu religion’, because they DO NOT have those Divine virtues. The Father NOW sits and enables You to imbibe them. He says: Consider yourselves to be souls and become bodiless. You are NOT the Supreme Soul. The Supreme Soul is ONLY ONE - Shiva. He is the Beloved of ALL, who only comes ONCE in the Confluence Age. This Confluence Age is very short.”

The Righteous/Worthy Children, or TRUE Brahmins (BKs), are the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of REAL Brahma (who is Brahma Baba), THROUGH whom the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, creates the TRUE Brahmin religion, in the Confluence Age.

Whereas, the BLIND Unrighteous/Unworthy children, or FALSE Brahmins, MASQUERADING as the ‘mouth-born’ progeny of ‘Brahma’, are ACTUALLY the ‘womb-born’ progeny of THEIR FALSE Brahma - who is ACTUALLY the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – through whose BOGUS mouth, the FALSE Brahmin religion is established, by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, through the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

The Supreme Soul is ONLY ONE Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God, and the term, ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’), CANNOT pertain to ANY embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that, he, himself, is ‘Paramatma’ (‘Supreme Soul’) & the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ – thus OPPOSING, DEFAMING, INSULTING & MOCKING God, CONSISTENTLY & PERSISTENTLY – and carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

सभी धर्मों का विनाश होगा। ब्राह्मण कुल भी वापिस जायेगा क्योंकि उन्हों को फिर दैवी कुल में ट्रान्सफर होना है। वास्तव में यह पढ़ाई है। सिर्फ भेंट की जाती है। वह विषै विकार है जहर। यह ज्ञान है अमृत। यह तो मनुष्य को देवता बनाने की पाठशाला है।
“ALL religions are to be eliminated. Even the Brahmin clan will RETURN (Home), because they have THEN to be transferred to the Deity clan. In fact, this is a Study. A comparison is made - that toxic Vice is POISON - and THIS Knowledge is NECTAR. THIS is a Seminary for changing human beings into Deities.”

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A is a Godly University, established by God Father Shiva, HIMSELF, THROUGH Brahma Baba, where the Righteous Children Study the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog, and drink the ‘NECTAR of Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge’, in order to become pure from impure, become soul-conscious, and claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya from God Father Shiva, in Confluence Age ITSELF - THROUGH Brahma Baba!

Whereas, the DoGly university is established by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, THROUGH the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – where the BLIND Unrighteous children study the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – DELUSIVELY, but STAUNCHLY, believing same to be the ‘unlimited clarifications’ of the Pure Versions, in the SMs & AVs, originally spoken by God Father Shiva, through Brahma Baba – but which are ACTUALLY the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED ‘unlimited clarifications’ of same, which have been MISINTERPRETED, MISREPRESENTED & MISAPPROPRIATED, to be in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the DISTORTED & PERVERTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’, and which SUSTAIN the GROSS toxic Vices of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, in a SUBTLE form – by studying which, the BLIND Unrighteous children become MORE impure from being impure, and get FURTHER TRAPPED into the EXTREME ARROGANCE of ABJECT body-conscious – to, THEN, be able to claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya, in Confluence Age ITSELF!

यह जो माताओं पर अत्याचार आदि होते हैं, यह भी ड्रामा में नूँध हैं, तब तो पाप का घड़ा भरेगा। कल्प-कल्प ऐसे ही रिपीट होता है।
“All the oppression, etc., to which the (innocent) mothers are subjected, is ALSO fixed in Drama. ONLY THEN will the ‘urn of Sin’ become full. The same thing repeats every Cycle.”

The Defamer Of God IMPRISONS the selected INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ (‘matas & kanyas’) in VIRTUAL fortresses, in the GUISE, or PRETEXT, of affording them ‘PROTECTION’ from the ‘RAPISTS’ of the outside World, INCLUDING their OWN family members, while CONTINUING to ABOMINABLY RAPE them, himself, in the Name of God - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age – which is ALSO fixed in Drama – NOTHING NEW!

The ‘urn of Sin’ of the Defamer Of God is now ALMOST FULL – which is why he has RECENTLY been EXPOSED to the outer World, and is currently HIDING SHAMELESSLY, leaving the INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ to FEND for themselves, instead of having the Spiritual SPUNK to FACE the MUSIC, himself – thus CLEARLY PROVING himself to be a DOWNRIGHT Spiritual COWARD – after having performed the ATROCIOUSLY SINFUL ACTIONS of PHYSICALLY COPULATING with the SELECTED INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘mothers & spinsters’ (‘matas & kanyas’), in the Name of God, thus becoming the CHIEF instrument to DEFAME & INSULT God Father Shiva, to the VERY ULTIMATE LIMIT!

One can READILY JUDGE the SHEER ABYSMAL EXTENT of his MOCKING NATURE, when one PRACTICALLY witnesses some of the INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘matas & kanyas’ - who have been NEFARIOUSLY RAPED by him, AFTER having been THOROUGHLY INDOCTRINATED by him - ACTUALLY ATTEMPTING to protect him, by AGGRESSIVELY ACCUSING the Government & NGO Officials, and the MEDIA, that - on the CONTRARY - their OWN ‘urns of Sin’ are getting FULL, by FALSELY ACCUSING him of RAPE – which, ACCORDING to these FLAGRANT Spiritual PROSTITUTES, is NOT TRUE, but are ALL LIES!!!

One can ONLY WATCH - and MANY would even SPONTANEOUSLY SHUDDER with NAUSEOUS DISDAIN - at the SORDID STATE of affairs, to which SUCH ‘MAHA-MURKH’ bodily gurus have been allowed to STOOP to, in Society – EVEN, in accordance with Drama – BRAZENLY supported by the VERY SAME INNOCENT/IGNORANT ‘matas & kanyas’, who have been CRIMINALLY RAPED by him, AFTER having been THOROUGHLY INDOCTRINATED by him – owing to their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED STONE intellects – who are EVIDENTLY behaving like Spiritual ZOMBIES – who would ULTIMATELY be dealt with ACCORDINGLY – if NOT by the corporeal Administrations, THEN SURELY by the Spiritual Administration of this EWD Play!!!
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PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 16.01.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भारत ही अविनाशी खण्ड है, यह कब विनाश नहीं होता, और सभी खण्डों का विनाश हो जाता है। भारत ही सबसे ऊंच ते ऊंच है। अविनाशी है। भारत खण्ड ही स्वर्ग बनता है, और कोई खण्ड स्वर्ग नहीं बनता। बच्चों को समझाया गया है - नई दुनिया सतयुग में भारत ही होता है।
“ONLY Bharat is the imperishable Land. This NEVER gets destroyed, whereas all other lands get ‘destroyed’. ONLY Bharat is the highest-on-high; it is imperishable. ONLY the Land of Bharat becomes Heaven; NO OTHER land becomes Heaven. It has been explained to You Children that only Bharat exists in the New World of the Golden Age.”

‘Bharat’ refers to the ENTIRE LAND MASS, which becomes Heaven, in the New World of the Golden Age – from being Hell, in the old World of the Iron Age.

भारत खण्ड की महिमा अपरमअपार है। वैसे परमपिता परमात्मा की महिमा, और गीता की महिमा, भी अपरमअपार है। परन्तु सच्ची गीता की। झूठी गीता तो सुनते-सुनते पढ़ते-पढ़ते नीचे गिरते आये हैं। अभी बाप तुमको राजयोग सिखलाते हैं। यह गीता का पुरुषोत्तम संगमयुग है। भारत ही फिर पुरुषोत्तम बनने का है।
“The praise of the Land of Bharat is limitless. In the same way, the praise of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, and the praise of the Gita, are ALSO limitless - but ONLY of the TRUE Gita. While listening to, and studying, the FALSE Gita, they have continued to fall. The Father is NOW TEACHING You RajYog. This is the most auspicious Confluence Age of the Gita. ONLY Bharat will then become the MOST ELEVATED.”

The Unlimited Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God TEACHES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, or TRUE Gita, and Easy RajYog, to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba - through which Bharat THEN becomes the MOST ELEVATED Heaven, during RamRajya, or the ‘Day of Brahma’, or the ‘Day of the Cycle’.

Whereas, the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, CHEATS the BLIND Unrighteous children, or FALSE Brahmins, with the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, or FALSE Gita, propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan - MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - through which Bharat THEN becomes the MOST DEGRADED Hell, during Ravan Rajya, or the ‘Night of Brahma’, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’!

त्रिमूर्ति में भी ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर दिखाया है। उनका अर्थ कोई समझते नहीं हैं। वास्तव में कहना चाहिए ‘त्रिमूर्ति शिव’, न कि ब्रह्मा! ब्रह्मा विष्णु शंकर को क्रियेट किसने किया .. ऊंचे ते ऊंच शिवबाबा है। कहते हैं ब्रह्मा देवताए नम:, विष्णु देवताए नम:, शंकर देवताए नम:, शिव परमात्माए नम:। तो वह ऊंच हुआ ना? वह है रचयिता। गाते भी हैं, परमपिता परमात्मा ब्रह्मा द्वारा ब्राह्मणों की स्थापना करते हैं, फिर परमात्मा बाप द्वारा वर्सा भी मिलता है। फिर खुद बैठ ब्राह्मणों को पढ़ाते हैं क्योंकि वह बाप भी है, सुप्रीम टीचर भी है।
“Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar have been shown in the picture of the Trimurti, but no one understands the meaning of that. In fact, it should be said ‘Trimurti Shiva’, and NOT ‘Trimurti Brahma’! Who created Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar? It was ShivBaba, the Highest-on-High. It is said: Salutations to the Deity Brahma, salutations to the Deity Vishnu, salutations to the Deity Shankar; and salutations to the Supreme Soul Shiva. Therefore, He is the highest, is He not? He is the Creator. It is sung that the Supreme Father Supreme Soul creates Brahmins THROUGH Brahma. Then they also receive their inheritance from the Father, the Supreme Soul. He Himself sits and TEACHES Brahmins, because He is the Father, as well as the Supreme Teacher.”

The terms, ‘Highest-on-High’ & ‘Supreme Soul’, can pertain to ONLY ONE Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE – who is ALSO the Supreme TEACHER, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.

Whereas, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’) & the ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’; and that God Father Shiva is NOT a TEACHER THROUGH, EITHER the corporeal, OR the subtle, body of Brahma Baba - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

‘हम सो, सो हम’ का अर्थ भी समझाया है। वह कह देते आत्मा सो परमात्मा, परमात्मा सो आत्मा। अब बाप समझाते हैं, आत्मा सो परमात्मा कैसे हो सकता? परमात्मा तो एक है। उनके सब बच्चे हैं। साधू सन्त आदि भी हम सो का अर्थ रॉंग करते हैं। अब बाप ने समझाया है ‘हम सो’ का अर्थ ही है - हम आत्मा सतयुग में सो देवी-देवता थी, फिर हम सो क्षत्रिय, हम सो वैश्य, हम सो शूद्र बनी। अब फिर हम सो ब्राह्मण बने हैं, हम सो देवता बनने के लिए। यह है यथार्थ अर्थ। वह है बिल्कुल रॉंग। बाप कहते हैं, मनुष्य रावण की मत पर चल कितने झूठे हो गये हैं, इसलिए कहावत है - झूठी माया, झूठी काया ..।
“The meaning of ‘hum so, so hum’ (we ourselves are that) has also been explained. They say that a soul is the Supreme Soul, and that the Supreme Soul is a soul. The Father NOW explains: How can a soul be the Supreme Soul? There is ONLY ONE Supreme Soul, and ALL are His Children. Even monks and saints give a WRONG meaning for ‘hum so’ (thou art that). The Father has now explained the meaning of ‘hum so’: We souls were Deities in the Golden Age, then we became ‘kshatriyas’, merchants and then ‘shudras’. We have now become Brahmins, once again, in order to become Deities. This is the ACCURATE meaning. That is COMPLETELY WRONG. The Father says: By following the dictates of Ravan, human beings have become so FALSE! This is why it is said: Maya is FALSE, the body is FALSE, and the World is FALSE ..

There is ONLY ONE Supreme Soul - Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva – and to consider ANY embodied soul to be the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’), is COMPLETELY WRONG.
However, the Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’) – which CLEARLY PROVES that they are following the TREACHEROUS dictates of the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and have become COMPLETELY FALSE - the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya is FALSE; the Defamer Of God, who is the the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, is FALSE; and their ‘world’ of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, representing the FALSE Gita of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, is ALSO FALSE!!!

तुम हो गाडली स्टूडेण्ट। तो फादर भी हुआ, स्टूडेण्ट हैं, तो वह टीचर हुआ। फिर तुम बच्चों को सद्गति दे स्वर्ग में ले जाते हैं, तो सतगुरू हुआ। बाप, टीचर, गुरू तीनों ही हो गया। उनके तुम बच्चे बने हो, तो तुमको कितनी खुशी होनी चाहिए।
“You are Godly Students. He is the Father and, because You are Students, He is also your Teacher. Then He grants You Children Salvation, and takes You to Heaven. Therefore, He is also your Satguru. He is the Father, Teacher and Satguru – ALL THREE. You have become His Children. Therefore, You should have so much Happiness!”

The Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, is ALSO the Supreme Father, and ALSO the Supreme Teacher, and ALSO the Supreme Satguru - from whom the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, receive Unlimited Divine Happiness, and claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, in Confluence Age ITSELF - ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age.
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Golden Heart
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Re: Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 17.01.2018 wrote: Version spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969
DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भगवानुवाच - यह तो समझाया गया है कि मनुष्य को भगवान कभी भी नहीं कहा जा सकता। यह है मनुष्य सृष्टि, और ब्रह्मा विष्णु शंकर हैं सूक्ष्मवतन में। शिवबाबा है आत्माओं का अविनाशी बाप।
“God speaks: It has been explained that a human being can NEVER be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). This is the human World; whereas Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are in the Subtle Region. ShivBaba is the imperishable Father of souls.”

The above Version CLEARLY PROVES that - the Defamer Of God - who MASQUERADES as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – AS WELL AS, the BLIND Unrighteous children, who BLINDLY follow him, AFTER EXPOSING their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge – have become ‘MAHA-MURKH’ (STUPID) to SUCH a GROSS EXTENT, that they are simply UNABLE to comprehend the SIMPLEST Version of God, when He says that NO HUMAN BEING can EVER be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God).
The Defamer Of God TREACHEROUSLY TRICKS the BLIND Unrighteous children into DELUSIVELY believing that he, himself, is ‘Paramatma’ (‘Supreme Soul’) & ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’ – and his BLIND followers, KEEP ON believing WHATEVER he tells them, owing to their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED & INVERTED STONE intellects - thus carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!
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