False Gita, and its effect

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False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 01:-

Introduction:- Most beloved, Knowledgeful, Incorporeal Supreme God Father ShivBaba usually says False Gita is the cause for downfall of Bharath and fall of other religious scriptures too.

The False Gita begins with-

Putting/inserting name of corporeal Sri Krishna in place of Incorporeal Shiva. It then gradually led to the following misconception.

---the spiritual love into earthly love,
---the non violence, internal war with Maya/vices into physical war of violence.

---It then gradually increased vices, and caused gender inequality, then cause for downfall of other religious scriptures too. These aspects would be dealt one by one gradually. The readers are free to interrupt at any time.

At the end, effects of Right Gita can also be obviously put. But, till there let us discuss effect of false Gita to a great extent.

As usual, the topic starter is just yathaashakti effort-maker, so there can be errors, kindly bear it, but one will definitely find lot of good points too. Let us proceed.
1) Actually, a soul is both male and female. [We are limiting discussion to human souls only here].

---When soul is related with God, God is male/groom, and all the souls (say 700 crores), are HIS brides. Because all the souls love, pray, and try to seek God in one or other way.

---When a soul is related to its own body, the soul is male/owner and the body is its bride/property.

---So, practically a soul is above gender. A soul can have male body in this birth and female in another birth.

Explanation :- In India, for example, there is a word- karod_pati, lakh_pati. lakshmi_pati, Sita_pati, etc.

Karod means crore. One who owns crores or lakhs is called karodpati or lakhpati.

Lakshmipati means husband of Lakshmi, and Sitapati means husband of Sita.

So, pati can mean husband or owner. In short, the SUPERIOR.

2) Even though all the 7 billion souls are brides of Supreme ShivBaba, only 16108 become practically eligible to be called as brides of God, since their love only attains to the level of love between a good husband and wife. Relation of other souls is not so strong. They pray to God for limited or selfish desires only.

Actually, this love between souls and God is FULLY SPIRITUAL. And, the brides can be physically males or females (Brahmakumaris as well as brahmakumars). And God is obviously FULLY above gender (physically as well as intellectually- he does not have body of his own, and is least influenced by body-consciousness).

3) But, when the name of Sri Krishna had got inserted, level of gender-less/incorporeal God is brought down to just a physically male personality. And, the spiritual brides (who could be physically female as well as male personalities) were considered to be only female.
This depicted the spiritual love between the Supreme Soul and the top most 16108 HUMAN SOULS to a mere human deity and some physical females. The self esteem of both God and highest truth-seekers or top most human personalities were brought down. What would be the result?! Just imagine.

4) This then caused GENDER UNBALANCE too. Just imagine what would happen if one male is considered to have 16108 wives.The level of female personalities falls to the bottom, is it not?
But, the level of male (Krishna) personality would not be (practically) considered to be high. Even though some may consider Sri Krishna as hero, but all will not accept. Many would see him as lusty personality only.
So, degradation begins.

5) All the rules were forced on females:- If we see the scriptures, there majority of the rules are said for females only. Many restrictions are put on females. For example, in Hinduism, married females are forced to wear a DOT on forehead, but husband need not!

Widows have no rights, but widower has. A widow cannot marry another male, but a widower can marry.

[ The REAL SIGNIFICANCE:- Actually, male is God, and all the human souls are females. God is perfect, so no need of forcing rules on HIM.
But, all the human brides (including males) have to follow rules. Male/God can marry any no. of females (any no. of human souls), but any human being can marry only once (to God only).
Once they forget God (become spiritual widow), they lose all the rights. Marrying (attachment) anyone else than God would be a sin.

This is the real significance. But, when name of Krishna got placed on Shiva, gender inequality arose and caused downfall of society in Bharat. And, this led to male dominated society and males had more rights to commit mistakes].

BUT-When devotees enter a temple, every male should also wear the dot on his forehead! Because in temple (in front of God), he agrees that is is also a female (subordinate) ]

6) HIGHEST SYMBOL VALUE fell down to the bottom:- The significance of the DOT on forehead are TWO.
First is I am an eternal soul.
Second is- I am wife(related) to/of God only/mainly.

Now- When name of corporeal Sri Krishna got inserted, incorporeal God was totally forgotten, and the significance of the DOT/TILAK has been considered just to the level of wife of an Iron/Copper Aged Male.

So, value of the highest symbol/DOT fell into a useless ritual.

7) Today some feminists criticize this DOT/TILAK what Indian females(wives) wear as a symbol of slavery to males/husbands. And, they argue it should be abandoned. A great degradation, is it not.
So, the one of the HOLIEST, HIGHEST and RICHEST symbols had got considered to a be a symbol of SLAVERY (as well as license to have vicious/sexual relation with husband).

8) So, the symbol which is actually for purity had got interpreted as a symbol for impurity (or in fact, Kaliyugi level purity. In Kaliyug, sex with one person is considered to be purity only. It looks that there is at least SOMETHING here. But-... ).

9) But, when sex with one person is considered to be purity, the status of virgin got lost. In India, even though, there is lot of value to purity/celibacy, they lost courage to follow it. Because when sex with one person is considered to be purity, status of virgins got lost. The virgins were considered to be burden and her parents think to get her married as early as possible.
So, the SOMETHING is actually worse than nothing.
And, we know the situation in some parts in India/Bharat where poor parents become ready to sell their daughters for small money just to get rid of her, as a virgin sitting in parents house is considered to a drawback. Because, the society or the neighbourhood will start to comment or criticize such virgins staying in parents house.
So, the RESPECT to PURITY practically got lost.

More points will come later.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 02)

10) When the esteem of woman got lost, woman was considered to be an object of physical beauty, then to lust. Woman became a burden to man. Since he would always have a worry about her. Even today- SOME Parents or husbands - are usually worried and do not like to send their wives/daughters alone outside and majorities of MEN expect their daughters/wives to be at home before SUNSET.

So, by male dominance, freedom of even males got lost. Because they are now worried/concerned about their female assests (female relatives). I am not saying this is entirely due to false Gita. Lust/vices are the cause. But, by the false Gita, the degree of degraration increased to a great extent.

11) The widows lost their basic rights. At/In SOME places/clans* in India, the widows used to jump into the fire of her husband's dead body and sacrifice her life. This is called as SATI PRATHA ritual. Some may be jumping willingly, some might be due to fear of facing humiliation from the society, some may be forced.

But, the life/esteem of woman came down, is it not?

* - Mostly SATI PRATH had existed at very places only. But, anyhow, the practice shows the downfall of the society.

[Real Significance of SATI PRATHA:- Most beloved ShivBaba says in his sweet Murli of divine, Supreme Knowledge (almost in right words) - "Main aayaa hun tumhen le jaaney. Tum aavo yaa naheen, main tumhaarey shareer ko aag lagaakar le jaavoonga. = I have come to this world to take you all back to Paramdham. Whether you become ready to return or not, (even if you do not become ready) I will burn your bodies and take you back. "

The point here is- when the SUPREME GROOM DIES (leaves HIS body/Chariot**), all the 7 billion human brides will have to leave their bodies. The SUPREME GROOM has the authority to do so, because at THAT/THIS time, eveyone has become tamopradhan (fully degraded), and hence God comes to transform the world once again (AS PER DRAMA PLAN). Also- when these human brides die (leave their bodies) willingly or unwillingly, they will receive either liberation in life or liberation and free from all the sorrow for at least half a Kalpa. ]

** - Even though ShivBaba has left sorporeal body of B Baba in 1969, he still is in subtle body of Brahma, and also comes in Gulzar Dadi occassionally. But, when the final bell rings, HE wil leave even the subtle body of B Baba.

So, SATI PRATHA has a GREAT significance. Baba says in Murli- "You practice bodiless stage, you put to effort to die (tum marney ki practice karthay ho= Willingly you are practicing bodiless stage as well as then to die(leave body without attachment and sorrow) ).
So, the practice of BODILESS stage which is the HIGHEST one which recharges the human soul and the human soul enjoys its highest state super sensuous bliss- This is acutally following the sati-pratha WILLINGLY. [Of course, those who are not willing, will be forced (have to take punishment) as per THEIR OWN karmic account as per drama plan.]

12) Like Baba says- Actually, one should give sacrifice of mein_pan (ego), but people due to ignorance give sacrifice of goat, sheep, etc which pronoounce "mein, mein". [In Hindi - MEIN means I (ego)].
Without realizing the essence people give sacrifice of lakhs, crores of animals in the NAME of GOD!

Similarly, due to ignorance, physically females had to follow sathipratha in worldly way. [Now, SATI PRATHA/PRACTICE does not exist. It is banned by law. ]

13)The real slogan is - "Parameshwar hee sachchaa pati hai = God is the real/first/supreme GROOM (all the human grooms of many births are secondary/next)" got INVERTED and in Bharat/Hindusim, the slogan became famous as "PATI HEE PARAMESHWAR hai = human groom himself is the SUPREME"

So, total inversion!

So, due to androclone society, there had been great degradation. [I am not saying feminism is good/right. Feminism also is not good. There should be BALANCE. Shifting one side will always lead to degradation].
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 03)


When the incorporeal ShivBaba is replaced by a bodily personality SriKrishna, the spiritual/internal war with vices got depicted as physical war with (evil) human beings. So, the nonviolent war got depicted as violent/external one.

So, like purest/spiritual relation got depicted as most impure one (as alreasy explained above), similarly, a bad action (physical war of fighting and killing one another) got depcited as a part of dharma/righteousness.

Such a great blunder happened.

So, the scripture which is considered to be the highest book again fell down to the most bottom level.
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15) When Indians fall, others too fall.

Let us see how false Gita first degraded Indians and then led to fall/spoil of other religions too.

16) Murli Points:-

---Geetha khandan honey se baaki sab dharm shaastyr khandan hotey hain. = When Gita gets corrupted, other scriptures too get corrupted.

---Bharatvaasi khud girtey hain, aur doosron ko giraaney nimitt bnathay hain = Indians (first) fall and become cause/instrument for downfall of others.

---Gita hai mayi-baap, baaki sab hain baal bachche= Gita is Father and mother, all the rest (scriptures) are like children or kids.

17) So, when Indians have depicited/shown physical war as a part of dharma in THEIR SCRIPTURE, other religions too might have had included physical war as a part of their RELIGIOUS duty.

For example, in Islam, there is JIHAAD, and in Christianity, there is CRUSADES. - PHYSICAL WAR on non believers .

I am not saying Hinduism false/sancsrit Gita fully responsible for JIHAAD or CRUSADE, but to some extent it might had motivated followers of other religions to include those topics in their scriptures. Because when they think- In Gita it is show as part of dharma, so we too should motivate our followers for physical sacrifice to protect and promote our religion.
I am not saying this as 100% true, but definitely there could be some percentage of influence of this on followers of other religions which motivated to include the physical war in their scripture.

18)But, truth is clear:- In lowkik/sanscrit/false Gita, it is said- fight, fight with vices. It is never said- fight with human beings and kill others. That is- actually lowkik Gita nevers directs physical war. It clearly directs internal war (war with vices).
But, the lowkik Gurus who had authority over Hindu religion, interpreted it as war on people(KOURAVAS- who are the evil people as per the epic Mahabharat)

Some Hindu Gurus clearly say- the war in Gita is actually internal war. But, majority interpret it as both physical and internal war. But, in lokwik/false/sanscrit Gita, no where it is said fight with people, kill others. This point is to be noted.
Mostly- as per my knowledge no Indian/Hindu King used Gita as a tool to motivate anyone for war.

Even in Islam some scholars believe JIHAAD means internal fight (fight with one's own internal weakness/vices, etc), but they are very very few. Majority believe/interpret it as external/physical war.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 04:- Hindus most non-violent, but Hindu scriptures are most violent!

19) No doubt, Hindus are the most tolerant religion/people*. But, at the same time, it is in Hindu scriptures, where highest amount of violence/wars is shown than any other religuious scriptures.

In Mahabharat epic, 17 AKSHOHINI** armies are shows as fought and died in the war of just 18 days between PANDAVAS and KOURAVAS.
And- in the same epic, there had been other MANY smaller wars too, like Kans, Jarasandh, Shishupaal, etc.
Also- it is shown that the kul(generation) of YAADAVAAS fought among themselves and died.

[Take Ramayan, Mahabharat, or other(totally there are 18 epics), there are countless wars, and death of billions of people.]

20) So- total number of death would be HUGE.

And- there are 18 epics in Hinduism, and COUNTLESS wars are shown there.

21) So- how -a religion where highest violence is shown, are the MOST TOLERANT people? Wonderful, is it not?

22)I cannot say- lowkik Gita is the main cause for violence in other Hindu scriptures. [= I do not know whether story of violence said in Gita has passed to the other Hindu scriptues.]

But, I believe to SOME (or great) EXTENT, Gita is ALSO responsible for the spread of violence to other Hindu scriptures too.

Had Gita been interpreted properly- (that is the INTERNAL WAR), other Hindu scriptures which describe violence would have lost importance, or such violence stories would have been much lesser in them- IS IT NOT?


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* - 24)Let us take MAJOR religions in the world- Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity.

I believe - It is Hindus who are MOST non-violent. [If I am wrong, anyone may kindly mention/refute.]

Islam and Christianity have committed countless wars and atrocities on other religions, as well as fought among (within) themselves too. They have been cause for the first two world wars and todays terrorism.

If we take Buddhism, take example of Japan and China which are major Buddhist religions. Japan had been war mongering country. Neither Japan, nor China are interested to follow principles of Lord Buddha.

China supresses other countries as well as other religions in its country to a great extent. At present, it follows Communism more than Buddhism.

But, if we take India/Bharat, it is least. So- the most tolerating country, the largest democratic and secular country in the world.

** - An akshauhini ARMY IS - is described in the Mahabharata as a battle formation consisting of 21,870 chariots (Sanskrit ratha); 21,870 elephants; 65,610 horses and 109,350 infantry as per the Mahabharata (Adi Parva 2.15-23). The ratio is 1 Chariot : 1 elephant : 3 cavalry : 5 infantry soldiers.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 05:- DILUTION and CONFUSION (From one scripture to many scriptures):-

25)Almost every religion (except Hinduism/Sanaatan) in the world has only/mainly ONE SCRIPTURE.
It is better to have ONE scripture for a religion (or at least have ONE SCRIPTURE as the MAIN ONE). This will make the followers

---EASY to FOLLOW the religion,
---MAINTAIN UNITY in the religion.
---LESSER RITUALs, so lesser expenditure,

But, Hinduism has MANY (4 Vedas, 18 epics, many UPANISHADs) scriptures. And, no one knows which among these is the highest/main scripture.
Some believe VEDAS are the most important, some believe Gita as most, some believe Ramayan, some may believe UPANISHADs, etc

26)Since in Gita, name of deity Sri Krishna is placed, it lost its importance, hence even though it is the main scripture, it could not get that seat.

27)Due to this blunder/confusion, many other scriptures came up in Hinduism. (And- some Hindu sects have their own smaller scriptures and believe them as MAIN for them.)

[The other reasons for cause of creation of many scriptures in Hindusim may be - flexibility, higher level of Independence, creativity, etc. ]

28)But, this has led to Hindus to believe in MANY GODs, GODDESSES, and also have made more number of castes/varnas/sects than other religions.

29)Had incorporeal SUPREME GOD Father, KNOWLEDGEFUL, MOST BELOVED, PURIFIER, ALMIGHTY, Shiva had been put in Gita, the Gita alone would have been considered as the MAIN scripture, and other scriptures would have been considered as SECONDARY only. This would have made Hindus more able and self esteemed people. Because they would have been more closer to God.

30)Because- all Hindus will not believe Sri Krishna as God. Some started to believe Sri Rama as God, some Durga as God, ... later sun, moon, stars, all as God, ... later even snakes, trees, cows, rivers, etc too considered to be as God or worship worthy or PURIFIER, etc.

31)Due to not having FIRM concept of one (the main or real) God, many scriptures arose in Hinduism, and many rituals, and hence more wandering in the name of pilgrimages.

32) This then led to the Iron Aged human Gurus taking the title "Shree Shree Shree 108 Jagadguru" on themselves. So- FINALLY God's title itself is hijacked by the human Gurus*.

33) And- many concepts - such as DWAITA, ADWAITA, VISHISHTAADWAITA, etc came up and they started debating with each other.

# Post No. 07) Humans got/hijacked title of God:-

34)FINALLY many Gurus in Hindusim, started saying such a low level statement - "ALL THE WAYS LEAD TO GOD!". Then effort or knowledge makes no sense at all, everything lost its value.

* 35) - Murli Point(almost in right words)- "manushy ko Bhagavaan maan_ney se Bharat kaa durgati huyi hai = Considering humans as God is the main cause (one of the main causes) for degradation of Bharat/India."

The first step in this degradation begain by considering the number one human/deity Sri Krishna as God. Later Sri Ram, etc, etc- and finally Irong Aged people also considered themselves to be God.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 08:- Bodily Husband also hijacked/took seat of God:-

36) As said earlier, the gender imbalance had happened due to insertion of Krishna in the place of Shiva.
This probably, then led to the tradition of "Pati hee parameshwar hai = Bodily Husband is God". [But, in reality it should be opposite- "Parameshwar hee (sachchaa) pati hai = God is the (true) husband"]

37)The lowkik Gurus then later said- Without human Guru, one cannot see/realize God. And- they also say- One should become slave of human Guru, serve the human Guru for several years, then only the disciple will be able to proceed to the next step in the path of spirituality.

Gradually, great darkness entered in the society.
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# Post No. 09:- The great titles-
- all - lost their significance

38)Regarding the great title "Bharat-mata(Mother India)", in Bhakti/lowkik, people believe it for the just nature/earth of land of Bharat/India.
But, Baba clarifies it that- it is the memorial of living spiritual mothers/sisters of India, or the gyaan gangas(rivers of knowledge).

39)But, without realizing, people considered even the physical rivers(example River ganges) as patit-pavan (purifier).

40) Regarding- the bhati saying- "Vande_Mataram (Salute to Mothers)" - ShivBaba says/clarifies the meaning- "I salute to you mothers- who are instrument in purifying the India and the world)" .
But, people who utter this, do not understand the real significance.

41)In India, even the cows got the title goddess. But, most beloved ShivBaba has clarified - It is actually, spiritual human cows, not the animals.

So-like - instead of the spiritual river, people assumed it to be for physical river, similarly, even the cows were placed in the divine seat.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 10:- SHIV_RATRI lost its significance:-

42)So- when Krishna became hero (shown as God of the highest scripture), seat of Shiva fell down.
Today- people celebrate Shivratri/Shiv_Jayanti (Birthday of Shiva) much lesser than Krishn_Jayanti (birthday of Krishna). Actually it is Shiva who made Krishna eligible to the seat of Krishna,
But, Shiva is forgotten.

Baba says- Bhakti initally had been satopradhaan, later degrades,...

43)Later, there had been fight among Shaivas(those who believe Shiva is most superior) and Vaishnavas(those who believe Krishna/Vishnu is the most ).
So- due to forgottten state of Shiva, conflcits increase. More sects emerge. People get divided, unity decreases. Rituals come up with blindfaiths.

44)The real/internal devotion in Bhakti got reduced, and external activties became the prime tool of expressing and measuring Bhakti/devotion.
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# Post No. 11) The highest words DHARMA, KING, RISHI also lost their significance:-

45)Gita believers utter words - RajYog, RajRushi, etc.

When people utter word KING/RAJ -they think of only single crown Kings. They do not know the meaning of double crown at all. [Even though they show it in pictures of Krishna, Ram, etc].

Even though they show the light crown (behind the head) which is the symbol of purity/dharma, they do not understand the meaning, and believe even deities like Krishna, Ram, etc gave birth only by vices like ordinary human beings.

46)The real meaning of RISHI is one who observes purity. But, in Bhaktimarg, they do not know even this.
Most or almost everyone of the Rishis had been shown having family and they believe all these rishis gave birth by vices only.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 12) Yagya/YAJN lost its value:-
48)The Yagy/Yajn is of high importance in Hinduism. Two inevitable things in Yagya are OFFERINGS, and FIRE.

In Gita, it is clearly said- burn/sacrifice the vices.
In Gita, it is all about knowledge/gyaan.

The Gita preachers also say- Gyan_Yagy, and say- Gyan_Yagy is of highest one.

But, no one knows how the gyaan is related to fire. The fire is of Yoga/remembrance.

Due to considering the Yoga as physical instead of remembrance, the Gita believers cannot make use of even the knowledge/gyaan.
Hence the Yagya today has become mere ritual sacrifices and wasting a lot of things -like oil, ghee, conconut, etc, amd also creating garbage.

But, most beloved Ocean of Knowledge, Purifier ShivBaba has taught us the real significance.

The fire is of HIGHEST/SPIRITUAL knowledge/GYAAN and Yoga/remembrance. Without gyaan, there cannot be Yoga.

DONATION- first is donation of vices, then offering SERVICE- tan, man, dhan, mansaa, vaachaa, karmanaa (thoughts, speech and action, wealth, etc)

49)Even though Gita preachers say- highest yagy is of gyaan_Yagya, neither they realze, nor can attract people for gyaan_yagy, and most of the population of devotees go for physical Yagya of physical offerings.

50) We know real meaning of Yoga. It is very simple.
Its first/highest meaning is - RELATION/UNION, second level meaning is- EFFORT/SAADHNAA. That is ALL.

Without knowing the real significance, Gita preachers preach different types of yogas, and just like without knowing the foundation, one will be wandering. Simialrly, they talk about various types of yogas, but they do not know its bascis meaning.

So- today, the level of word Yoga has come down just to or predominantly to only physical Yoga- like Praanaayam, Hathayog, Kundaliniyog, etc.

51)Actually, GYAAN and Yoga highly/fully inter-related to each other. Else, one cannot make use of it/them.

The highest scipture Gita has totally 18 chapters, each chapter is given the name Yoga.
But, due to inability of understaning and relating gyaan with Yoga, all are just in total ignorance.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 13) SHIVLING and INCORPOREAL lost their significance

52)We all know that Shivling is actually represents the corporeal symbol of incorporeal entity Supreme Soul Shiv, because most beloved SS ShivBaba has clearly said this in HIS SWEET GYAAN Murlis.

Now- Statues/Idols of all the deities are shown as human forms, except Shivling.

53) Meaning of LING = SYMBOL.

But- When Krishna took the highest place, the intellect of majority got blocked, and did not attempt to think of elevated/incorporeal/meditation/dhyan things, but got satisfied in and centered at lower/corporeqal/karma things.

54)Due to this, people could not interpret the right meaning of Shiv_Ling, and it got mis-interpreted as REPRODUCTIVE organ of Shankar - a great degradation.
[Some Hindu saints like Swami Vivekananda opposed this, but they could not stop this degradation].

55)INCARNATION:- Actually, the real incarnation is of SHIV. Other incarnations have no value.
But, in Hindu scriptures, the highest value of incarnation has been given to deity Vishnu. The TEN AVTAAR/INCARNATIONs of Vishnu are famous than others.

56)So- when Vishnu/Krishna got the highest seat, it would have become easy to mix Shiv with Shankar.

Very few people in Hinduism, said- God Shiva is incorporeal. But, when Shivling itself got defamed, and Shankar too took place of Shiv, REAL/INCORPOREAL Shiv got eliminated FULLY.
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# Post No. 14) Chariot lost its value and the term INCARNATION became meaningless:-

57) When incorporeal entity's importance got eliminated, then the meaning of incarnation also would easily get mis-interpreted.
Actually - incarnartion means soul or Supreme Soul entering into a body. Supreme Soul's incarnation is the most special, since HE neither gets influenced by the body/nature nor gets into its bondage.

SHIV is free to enter any body and leave as HE wishes. No other soul has such a high status/power.

Every soul after entering into the body, its name gets changed. But, name SHIV does not gets affected/diluted. The name SHIV is PERMANENT.
Shiv is such a great soul, hence is the Supreme Soul.

58)But- when the value of incorporeal being got highly diluted, people interpreted the meaning of AVTAAR/INCARNATION in ANY WAY as they like.

Sometimes, the devotees say- getting birth like humans is also avtaar, and even go to a lower level- saying- God takes avtaar of even animals - like fish, tortoise, pig, etc.

So- God became an object of sale or the cheapest. People took the name of God as "FOR GRANTED".

59)When value of the term INCORPOREAL was lost, the value of Chariot also got lost. So- the next to God personality BRAHMA also lost the value.

So- even though words- Brahma, Brahm_Gyaan, Brahma_Lok, etc are said to be of highest level, practically, no value is given to Brahma.
There is no celebration of Brahma Jayanti (birthday of Brahma).
----------------- ------
# Post No. 15) Even the word LING got misunderstood:-

60)Actually, as said above, LING means SYMBOL. The word LING is NEUTRAL.

PU_LING means SYMBOL of PUrush/MALE.

Shiv_Ling is also called as JYOTIR_LING, which clearly means symbol of Shiv is LIGHT/JYOTI.

So- it is very clear that meaning of the word LING is neutral.

But, even though it is very easy to understand the above, majority or ordinary people consider meaning of LING to be MALE reproductive organ.

So- the blockage of intellect due to the insertion of a corporeal being in highest/incorporeal seat is clearly visible.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

61) An additon to point No. 57) in Post No. 14 above-

When Krishna had been shown as hero, the ten avtaars(incarnation) of Vishnu had got depicted as most prominent.

Now- Vishnu is corporeal. So- when the incarnation of corporeal got highest value, significance of real incarnation (incarnation of the incorporeal) got lost even further.

Hence Baba says- I had been criticized/defamed to the highest extent. People have put me in fish, tortioise, pig, dirt, etc.

So- level of both the PERSONALITY (God) and PROCESS(incarnation) came to the bottom level.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 16)When Shiv Jayanti lost its significance, Jayantis of all others lost, including Sri Krishna's, Sri Krishna fell into Copper Age from Golden Age:-

62)When Shiv Jayanti (Shiv-Ratri) lost the significance, all lost their values. Krishna's place got skipped from Golden Age into Copper Age.

Few Murli points:-

1)SM 29-6-76(1):- Krishn Jayanti manaate hain. Vaastav may iski darkaar naheen. Vaastav may manaanaa chaahiye LN ki. Maharaja ki manaanaa chaahiye jis_say raajaayi shuru hoti hai. -44 [Jayanti]

= Krishna Jayanti is celebrated. Actually it is not required. Jayanti of LN should be celebrated Celebration of the Emperor should be done from whom the Kingdom begins.

For example- it is said- Buddh Jayanti, not as Siddarth jayanti.[Siddarth was the initial name, and Buddha- the later]. When we say about later, the former also gets addressed automatically- so it become full, else it would be like just half knowledge].

2)SM 18-8-87(2):- Braahman hee devta banenge. Toh tum Krishn ki jayanti manaa naheen saktey ho. Tum kiski jayanti manaayenge? Tumko LN ki manaanee padegi gyaan sahith. Ve chotey-pan may hain RK. Toh donon ki manaanee padey. Sirf Krishn ki kyon? Ve toh Krishn ko dwaapur may le gaye hain. Radhe aur krishn donon alag2 ghar ke hain. Phir miltey hain toh donon ke ikatthi manaanee chaahiye. Naheen toh samajhte naheen ki Krishn ki janm kab huvaa. Tum abhee samajhte ho Krishn kaa janm Satyug aadi may huvaa thaa. Radhe kaa bhee Satyug aadi may kahenge. Karke 2- 4 varsh kaa anthar hogaa. Tumhaareliye hai sabsey sarvottam hai Shiv Jayanti. Bas. Mera toh ek ShivBaba , doosaraa na koyi.-160 [jayanti, RK]

= Brahmins only become deities. Hence you cannot celebrate (just) Krishn Jayanti Of whose birthday you will celebrate? You should celebrate jayanti/birthday of LN with knowledge. They would be RK during childhood. So- Jayanti of both should be celebrated. Why only of Krishn? They have put Krishn at Copper Age... They do not know when birth of Krishn took place. You now understand that birth of Krishna happens in beginning of Golden Age. Even Radha also takes birth during that time. There would be a difference of 2 to 4 years approximately. For you the best jayanti is of ShivBaba. Enough. None but one Father.

63)If Jayanti/birthday of just of Krishna is celebrated, significance of Incorporeal most beloved Supreme God Father, the Property(heaven) and that of the whole divine family are lost. On one hand, People

--celebrate Krishn Jayanti (but do not give such importance to Radha), and they
--celebrate Ram navami (not of Sita).
--When they address pandavas, only male category is shown in the army.
--When they address Shiv Shaktis- only Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, etc come into picture- only females.
--When they think of Jagadamba, Jagatpita is forgotten.
--When they think of Lakshmi (eg- Deepavali), Narayan is forgotten.
---People call God of wealth as Lakshmi, but both ShivBaba and Brahma and Saraswathi are forgotten.
---When story of Satya Narayan is mentioned, there is no praise of Lakshmi.
[And- in pictures, Lakshmi is shown as pressing the feet of Narayan. These all are part of great degradations.]

3)SM 8-3-81(1):- Ab Jayanti manaate ho, dikhaate ho 45vee Shiv Jayanti. BABA KE PADHARMANI KI MANAATE HAIN. SAATH2 BVS KI BHI PADHAARMANI HAIN. BRAHMA KI JAYANTI KOYI DIKHAATE NAHIN HAI. DIKHAANAA ZAROOR HAI. Kyonki Baba kahte hain main brahma dwara sthapnaa phat se shuru kartaa hun. –[Jayanti, BVS]

= When you celebrate Jayanti, you show it as 45th Shiv Jayanti. Father’s coming is celebrated. Together there is coming of BVS also (BVS also have connection with the Father’s coming). BRAHMA’S BIRTH IS NOT SHOWN. IT SHOULD DEFINITELY BE SHOWN. Because baba says- I begin work of establishment immediately through Brahma.

64) Note the line "braahimns only become deities." - Full essence is here. When jayanti of LN is celebrated, then the Kingdom or the whole 9 lakh citizens will come into picture and the whole knowledge would come out. That is why baba says- How Brahma becomes Vishnu and Vishnu becomes Brahma (Or Jagadamba so Lakshmi)- in this, the whole of the knowledge is dependent.

It would be better if we put the name as Jayanti of LN, Brahma jayanti, Trimurti Shiv jayanti, etc instead of just Krishna jayanti or Shiv jayanti.
Because if we put the just Krishna or just ShivJayanti, people may think- we are celebrating functions in lowkik way only (like them).
But- if we include names of others too (add BVS with Shiv, include Lakshmi with Narayan ), people will get surprise- "Arey- Jayanti of LN, jayanti of trimuti Shiv, what is this? etc"- and not only giving knowledge would be easier, (connections among all these related personailites) but also would become complete.

65)But, today in Bhaktimarg, Jayanti of just Krishna is celebrated, and that too of Copper Age level.
What made Bhakti people to take/put Sri Krishna to Copper Age?
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 17) Seat of Heaven too got lost:-

66)I cannot directly prove/explain- "that the False Gita is the cause for the blunder of throwing Sri Krishna from Golden Age Sri Krishna to Copper Age".
But, one thing is CLEARLY visible. That is- when the seat of God was altered(obviously the first/main cause is false Gita), seat of all the rest got affected very badly.

67) Even seat of heaven got lost. The ruler/leader of heaven is said to be INDRA (as per Hindu scriptures). But,
---And, the Indra is shown with commining many crimes.
---The heaven is depcited as with vices, apsaraa ladies, alocohol, etc.
---Also- the heaven is shown as not fool/full proof. It is shown that ASURAS (demons) used to attack heaven and defeat deities.

68) Sri Ram is shown as at a better place then Sri Krishna (Silver Age). But, his status is shown as weaker. His wife was stolen by Ravana, and he then later sent his full pregnant wife(Sita) to forest! It is also shown in Ramayan scripture that- Ram had fought with his own sons LAV and KUSH.

69) So- seat of Ram-Rajya too got lost!
On one hand, people praise Ram rajy (Kindom of Ram), but on the other hand, their Ram_rajy was full of sorrow.
[Ram had to go to forest due to his own Aunt KAIKAYI, his Father died during that peirod, Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, later as said in 68) above.

Do we need such a Ram_Rajy?! Hence it is clear that- the real Ram_rajy is something different than what is said in the scriptures. And, most beloved ShivBaba has explained to us.

70)Some politicians or historians comment/criticize [from the scriptures Ramayana and Mahabharath]- "Ram and Krishna were the greatest terrorists" (since it is shown in the scriptures that crores of people died due to the wars said there).

Now- common devotees fail to give proper replies to such criticisms.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 18:- COWS too got the seat - GODDESS:-

71)In scriptures, deity Sri Krishna is shown as COWHERD.
The cows are given the seat goddess. A special cow known as - KAAMA_DHENU is shown there as the one which is capable of fulfilling all deisres. [Kaama = desire, Dhenu = one who gives/delivers].

72)Cows got seat of MOTHER:- Due to this, cows have got the great seat, and became worship-worthy.

But, devotees do not know the real significance. They fail to reply to the questions/criticisms- "Arey- If cow is your mother, is bull your Father?"

73)Most beloved ShivBaba has explained us the real significance.
In reality, the milk is the milk of spiritual knowledge, and spiritual children (A_lokik Confluence Aged Mouth born progenies) are the SPIRITUAL cows (BKs).

And- the KAAMADHENU is the nyumber one daughter (braahmin sister) - BK Mammma or BK Saraswathi, to whom the kalash/vessel of knowledge is given.

More one imbibes knowledge, more his/her desires are fulfilled and/or conquerred.

BKs are mothers, (including Brahma), and SS ShivBaba is the real/ultimate spiritual Father.

# Post No. 19:- Water/Ganges too got the seat - GODDESS or PURIFIER:-

74) Even the physical water got the seat PURIFIER! We fell to such a low level stage. WE/majority failed to think- Arey- how can physical water purify spiritual entity soul.

But, again we know that the real significance is as said above. It is not physical water. It is spiritual water or spiritual knowledge.
And, the BKs are the real rivers/ganges of knowledge.

75)Due to all the above misunderstanding, the real value of knowledge got lost, and people's concentration/attention got diverted from the knowledge to physical things like cow, and physical rivers.
So- the intelligence was caughtin total darkness, and importance of knowledge and intellect got lost fully.
Sometimes devotees say- Purifier is river Ganga. Somtimes Silver Aged Ram, sometimes nectar, sometimes milk. So- total confusion.

Perhaps - due to these, finally some Gurus might have had said- "All the ways lead to goal!" - :-? :sad:
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 20:- Not only KNOWLEDGE, but also DHARMA/RIGHTEOUSNESS lost its significance:-

76)Already it is explained that the highest KNOWLEDGE lost its value, and mere physical things or rituals took that place. But, the highest word- DHARMA too lost its value.


Three related meanings can be derived from this.
, and
----the one that is fit for to be INCULCATED/DHARNA/ACCEPTABLE.

77)In Gita as well as in other scriptures, there are words DHARMA, A_DHARMA, SATH_DHARMA, SWA_DHARMA, PARA_DHARMA.

But, no scholar is capable of explaining these properly. And, nowhere it is explained enough.
-------------------- ----------------------- ------------

# Post No. 21:- NATIONAL FLAG too lost its value:-

78)The present national flag of India has tri/three colours and a wheel/chakra in between.

It had been a long process (and had many uncertainities, and drastic changes from one to the next) how India selected its present tri-colour flag with the Ashoka Chakra/Wheel in the middle.

---The Ashoka Chakra is also called as DHARMA CHAKRA/WHEEL.
---The three colours represent great significance like- Bravery(Sacrifice), Peace, and Prosperity.

https://knowindia.gov.in/my-India-my-pr ... he%20land.


https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-signi ... ndias-flag

79) NO DOUBT - The national flag of India is FAR BETTER* than most of other countries, but it neither gives any information about the " complete ancient glory of India" nor indicates the source that has delivered/bestowed such great virtues of dharma, peace, prosperity, etc.

[* - In Indian flag, dharma is shows as qualities/virtues. The 24 spokes represent 24 qualities/virtues. In this way, the Indian flag is one of the great flags, when compared to other nations.
Even the three colours selected are quite good and have great significance. ]

80) Failure of the NATIONAL FLAG to give proper message, then led to the arise of several other flags.
In India, we have STATE FLAGs in addition to the NATIONAL FLAG.

And, some minor conflcits happen in our country on the matter of which flag should be used on different occassions.

Eg- https://www.ndtv.com/India-news/two-fla ... rt-1261301

https://www.firstpost.com/India/mohan-b ... 33006.html

In some events, both the flags are flown. But, placing national flag and state flag at EQUAL LEVEL is clearly a foolishness.

Recently in Karnataka State of India too, conflicts have happened during RAJYOTSAVA celebrations (November 1st of every year) .
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit ... 861671.cms

So- minor conflicts are still happening now and then.
Nobody knows the great ancient glory of India, nor they are aware that - it is Supreme Soul HIMSELF is the bestower, and hence all are in total darkness and are like orphans, fighting among themselves.
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Re: False Gita, and its effect

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 22) NATIONAL ANTHEM of India too lost its value:-

81) "JANA GANA MANA" song is the national anthem of Bharath/India. The praise looks as if it is said to the Almighty. The English translation is

"Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sindh,
Gujarat and Maratha,
Of the Dravida and Odisha
and Bengal;
It echoes in the hills of Vindhya and the
Mingles in the music of Ganga and Yamuna
and is chanted by
The waves of the Indian sea.
They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.
The saving of all people waits in thy hand,
Thou dispenser of India's destiny.
Victory, victory, victory to thee."

Note that the song says- "Leader/Ruler (Super hero = Adhi_Nayak) of Minds of People (JANA GANA MANA)"
This praise can apply only to Supreme Soul.

82)But, it is also said that the song was composed (by Ravindranath Tagore) and sung specially to welcome British King- "George V" when he came to visit India in 1911.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jana_Gana ... kiritised.

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blo ... al-anthem/

https://www.dailyo.in/politics/markande ... /3270.html

Some also argue- this praise for the British King helped Ravindranath Tagore to get Nobel Prize in 1913 for his Gitanjali work.

83)Due to this controversy, many Indians do not wilfully accept "Jana Gana Mana" as the national anthem.

In India, sometimes, Kings/Queens are praised as God/godess. So- we cannot say it is not praised for the British King, since they had been the rulers of most of India at that time.

84)But, one thing is right/good. We can now convert this praise to Supreme Soul. Then it is a wonderful national anthem.
[Like most beloved ShivBaba had directed to convert lowkik film songs for meditation in the initial period of Yagya, similarly, we can think of God when we sing our national anthem.]
So- it is a wonderful national anthem.
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# Post No. 23) COAT of ARMS (or EMBLEM) too lost its value:-

85)"Coat of Arms" also lost its value to a great extent.




86) The Coat of Arms (COA) gives information about the history of the Kings (Royal Family). But, todays COA of India does not give any information on that. Most of it had been copied from LION CAPITAL OF ASHOKA - the great Mauryan Emperor of India in 3rd century.

87)Again, it was a long process (and uncertainity till) in arriving to the final/present emblem.

88) Anyhow, if we see- both the flag and emblem of India are mainly taken from Buddhism. It is said in the links above.

This is a clear indication of fall of Sanatan Religion (or Hinduism).

What may be the cause for King Ashoka to get influenced by Buddhism and adopt symbols from it in his LION capital? An attempt to gain insight for this is done here.

89) Ashoka repented due to the vast killings in Kalinga war. The KALINGA war transformed Samrat Ashoka. He became a peacelover King after that. But, can he get peace from Hindu scriptures? Mostly difficult.

As said in point No. 19 above - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... nce#p54296 , when in Hindu scriptures, lots of violence is shown, how can a person find peace from Hindus scriptures?

This may one of the significant reasons which made him influenced by Buddhism. More will be written in next post.
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