Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

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Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

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लेकिन आपने अपने अनुभव के आधार से, तीन चार मास के अन्दर ध्यान दिया होगा, सन्मुख मिलने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ होगा तो अनुभव किया होगा कि यह ब्रह्मा अब साकारी नहीं लेकिन अव्यक्त आकारी रूपधारी है। कुछ वर्ष पहले ब्रह्मा छोटी-छोटी बातें सुनते थे, समय देते थे, लेकिन अब क्या देखा? इन छोटी-छोटी बातों को न सुनने का कारण क्या था कि यह समय निरन्तर याद में बीते। क्या आप बच्चों ने उनके तन द्वारा कभी नोट नहीं किया कि उनके मस्तक में सितारा चमकता हुआ नजर आता था? अव्यक्त स्थिति में जो होंगे उन्होंने अव्यक्त मूर्त को जाना, पहचाना। जो खुद नहीं अव्यक्त अवस्था में रहते थे, उन्हों ने अमूल्य रतन को पूरी रीति नहीं पहचाना। अभी भी स्थापना का कार्य ब्रह्मा का है न कि हमारा। अभी भी आप बच्चों की पालना ब्रह्मा द्वारा ही होगी। स्थापना के अन्त तक ब्रह्मा का ही पार्ट है।
“On the basis of your OWN experience, if You had received the fortune of meeting (Brahma Baba) personally, during his last three to four months (in ‘Sakar’), You must have observed and EXPERIENCED that this Brahma (soul of DLR) was no longer a corporeal being, but that he had attained the ‘Avyakt’ angelic form (while STILL being within his impure corporeal body). A few years ago, Brahma would listen to little matters, he used to give You time, but what did You observe recently? The reason for him not listening to these little matters was that he was spending that time in CONSTANT Remembrance. Did You Children not notice that a shining Star was visible, sparkling on the forehead of his (corporeal) body? Those who were stable in their ‘Avyakt’ stage knew, and recognised the ‘Avyakt’ form (of Brahma Baba). Those who, themselves, were not stable in their ‘Avyakt’ stage, did not FULLY recognise the invaluable Jewel. Even now, the task of establishment is Brahma's, not yours. Even now, You Children will be sustained ONLY through Brahma (soul of DLR). The part of Brahma (soul of DLR) will continue until the end of the establishment (UNTIL the END of Confluence Age).

क्लास जैसे चलती है, वैसे ही चलेगी। क्या सुनायेंगे? जो ब्रह्मा का तन मुकरर है, तो मुरली उसी के तन द्वारा जो चली हैं, वही मुरली है। और सन्देशियों द्वारा थोड़े समय के लिए जो सर्विस करते हैं, उनको मुरली नहीं कहा जाता है। उस मुरली में जादू नहीं है। बापदादा की मुरली में ही जादू है। इसलिए जो भी मुरलियाँ चल चुकी हैं, वह सभी रिवाइज करनी हैं।
“(Murli) Class will continue as it has been up to now. What will be spoken? The body of Brahma (soul of DLR) has been fixed; and the ONLY Murlis, are the Murlis that were spoken, ONLY through his body. The Service that takes place through the trance messengers for short duration cannot be called Murlis. That does not have the magic of the Murlis. There is magic ONLY in the Murli of BapDada (spoken by Shiva, ONLY through Brahma Baba). So you have to REVISE ALL the Murlis which have ALREADY been spoken (by Shiva, ONLY through the body of Brahma Baba).

आप सोचते होंगे कि लोग पूछेंगे कि आपका ब्रह्मा बाबा 100 वर्ष से पहले ही चला गया। यह तो बहुत सहज प्रश्न है, कोई मुश्किल नहीं। 100 के नजदीक ही तो आयु थी; यह जो 100 वर्ष कहे हुए हैं, यह गलत नहीं है। अगर कुछ रहा हुआ है, तो आकार द्वारा पूरा करेंगे। 100 वर्ष ब्रह्मा की स्थापना का पार्ट है। वह तो 100 वर्ष पूरा होना ही है, लेकिन बीच में ब्रह्मा के बाद ब्राह्मणों का जो पार्ट है वह अब चलना है।
“You must be thinking that people will ask why your Brahma Baba has gone away in less than 100 years. This is a very EASY question; it is not difficult (to respond). His age was CLOSE to 100 (93). The fact that a 100 years have been mentioned is not wrong. If there are any left, he will complete them through his angelic form. The part of establishment through Brahma is for 100 years. Those 100 years have DEFINITELY to be completed, but until then, after the part of (corporeal) Brahma, the part of Brahmins has now to continue (in ‘Sakar’).

बाकी आज से सभी के लिए कौन निमित्त है? वह तो आप जानते ही हैं - दीदी तो है, साथ में कुमारका मददगार है। जैसे और सभी लिखा-पढ़ी चलती थी, वैसे ही हेड क्वार्टर से चलती रहेगी। यह दोनों आप सभी की देख-रेख करती रहेंगी।
“And everyone knows who is the instrument for all of You from today. (Manmohini) Didi is there already, and Kumarka is her helper. All the administrative work will continue from the headquarters, as it has been before. Both of them will continue to look after all of You.”

शरीर छूटा परन्तु हाथ-साथ नहीं छूटा। बुद्धि का साथ-हाथ नहीं छूटा। वह तो अविनाशी कायम रहेगा।
“He (Brahma Baba) left his (corporeal) body, but he did not let go of your hand and company. He has not let go of the hand and company of his intellect. That will remain forever constant.

इससे साकार भी वतन में मुस्करा रहे हैं। ...
साकार बाबा ने कहा मैं बच्चों से मिलन मनाने आऊंगा। अगर आज आ जाता तो बच्चे आंसू बहा देते।
Because of this, Sakar Baba (soul of DLR) is smiling in the Subtle Region. ...
Sakar Baba (soul of DLR) said that he will come to celebrate a Meeting with the Children. If he had come today, then the Children would be shedding tears.

This CLEARLY PROVES that Brahma Baba DID NOT come into the corporeal body of Dadi, during this VERY FIRST ‘Avyakt’ Meeting, but remained in the Subtle Region - and ONLY Supreme Soul Shiva spoke this FIRST Avyakt Vani, by Himself!
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Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

Post by Golden Heart »


आज मैं आप सभी बच्चों से अव्यक्त रूप में मिलने आया हूँ। जो मेरे बच्चे अव्यक्त रूप में स्थित होंगे वही इसको समझ सकेंगे। आप सभी बच्चे अव्यक्त रूप में स्थित हो किसको देख रहे हो? व्यक्त रूप में या अव्यक्त रूप में? आप व्यक्त हो या अव्यक्त? अगर व्यक्त में देखेंगे तो बाप को नहीं देख सकेंगे।
“Today, I (Brahma Baba) have come in the ‘Avyakt’ form to Meet all of You Children. ONLY my Children who are stable in their ‘Avyakt’ stage will understand this. Whilst all of You Children are stable in your ‘Avyakt stage’, whom are You seeing? Are You seeing (Brahma Baba) in the ‘vyakt’ (corporeal) form, or the ‘Avyakt’ (subtle) form? Are You in your corporeal or your subtle stage? If You are looking whilst in your ‘vyakt’ (corporeal) stage, You will NOT be able to see the (‘Alokik’ - ‘Avyakt’ - subtle) Father (Brahma Baba).

In order to FULLY benefit from an ‘Avyakt’ Meeting with BapDada, one has to FIRST be stable in one’s OWN ‘Avyakt’ stage – which would STILL be number-wise!

अभी यह अव्यक्त मुलाकात है। जैसे कल्प पहले मिसल बच्चों से रूहरूहान चल रही है। रूह-रूहान करने मीठे-मीठे बाबा ने आप सभी बच्चों से मिलने भेजा है।
“This is now an ‘Avyakt’ Meeting. It is as though a (heart-to-heart) conversation continues with the Children, like a Cycle ago. Sweetest (Shiv)Baba has sent me to have a (heart-to-heart) conversation and Meet all of You Children.

This CLEARLY PROVES that ONLY the soul of Brahma Baba came to Meet the Children through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi – and ShivBaba was NOT present, during this SECOND ‘Avyakt’ Meeting, AFTER Brahma Baba became ‘Avyakt’!

व्यक्त रूप में नहीं, तो अव्यक्त रूप से मुलाकात कर ही रहे हैं। सर्विस की वृद्धि वैसे ही है, बच्चों की याद वैसे ही है, लेकिन अन्तर यह है कि वह व्यक्त में अव्यक्त था और यह अव्यक्त ही है। जो नयनों की मुलाकात जानते होंगे वह नयनों से इस थोड़ी सी मुलाकात में अपने प्रति शिक्षा डायरेक्शन ले लेंगे। ... अब जहाँ तक बच्चों की जितनी बुद्धि क्लीयर होगी, उसी अनुसार ही अव्यक्त मिलन का अनुभव कर सकेंगे।
“If not in a corporeal form, You are still Meeting in the ‘Avyakt’ form. The expansion of Service is the SAME, the remembrance of the Children is the SAME, but the difference is that whereas (before 1969) he was ‘Avyakt’ whilst in the corporeal form, now he is ONLY ‘Avyakt’ (subtle or Angelic). Those who know about the ‘Meeting with the eyes’ will take the directions and the teachings for themselves through their eyes, in this short Meeting. ... Now, TO THE EXTENT that the intellects of the Children are CLEAR, they will be able to have the experience of an ‘Avyakt’ Meeting, accordingly.

The intellects of the Children have to be CLEAR, to be able to have a PROPER EXPERIENCE of an ‘Avyakt’ Meeting with BapDada – through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi!

अभी भी ऐसा नहीं समझना, बाप है दादा नहीं, या दादा है तो बाप नहीं। हम दोनों एक दो से एक पल भी अलग नहीं हो सकते। ऐसे ही आप अपने को त्रिमूर्ति ही समझो।
“Even now, DO NOT THINK that (Shiv)Baba is here and (Brahma)Dada is not, or that (Brahma)Dada is here and (Shiv)Baba is not. Both of us CANNOT be separated from each other EVEN for ONE MOMENT. In the same way, consider yourself to be the Trimurti (Bap, Dada and the Self).”

EVEN THOUGH, Brahma Baba DID NOT come into the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi, during the VERY FIRST ‘Avyakt’ Meeting, AFTER he became ‘Avyakt’, but remained in the Subtle Region - and ONLY Supreme Soul Shiva came and spoke the VERY FIRST Avyakt Vani, by Himself, through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi – AND - EVEN THOUGH, ONLY Brahma Baba came to Meet the Children through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi – and ShivBaba was NOT present, during this SECOND ‘Avyakt’ Meeting – YET, Brahma Baba is CONTINUOUSLY LINKED with ShivBaba through his Divine intellect, AFTER he becomes ‘Avyakt’ – and hence the TWO of them CANNOT be separated from each other EVEN for ONE MOMENT – in this PARTICULAR CONTEXT!

जितना अव्यक्त स्थिति में स्थित होंगे उतना उस अव्यक्त स्थिति से कर्मेन्द्रियों द्वारा कर्म ऐसा होगा जैसे श्रीमत राय दे रही है। यह अनुभव बच्चे पायेंगे।
To the extent You are stable in your ‘Avyakt’ stage, to that extent the actions performed through the sense organs will be such, AS IF ‘Shrimat’ is (AUTOMATICALLY) giving you directions through that ‘Avyakt’ stage. Children will have this experience.”

बाबा ने कहा है - ज्यादा समय वहाँ नहीं बैठना।
“(Shiv)Baba said: Do not sit there (on the corporeal sphere) for too long.”

This CLEARLY PROVES that ShivBaba was NOT present within the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi, during this SECOND ‘Avyakt’ Meeting, after Brahma Baba became ‘Avyakt’ - and ONLY Brahma Baba spoke this SECOND ‘Avyakt’ Vani, by himself – WHILE maintaining a CLEAR LINK with ShivBaba, and while STILL being COMBINED with Him, through his Divine intellect – which is, AS IF, BOTH of them are STILL present TOGETHER, INTELLECTUALLY!
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Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

Post by Golden Heart »


अव्यक्त स्थिति में स्थित होकर अव्यक्त को व्यक्त में देखो।
“Whilst remaining stable in your ‘Avyakt’ stage, see ‘Avyakt’ (Brahma Baba) in the ‘vyakt’ (corporeal) form (of Dadi).”

आपने शुरू में संकल्प किया था ना कि बाबा जायेंगे तो हम भी साथ जायेंगे। ... जब कहा था तो क्यों नहीं शरीर छोड़ा? छोड़ सकते हो? अभी छूट भी नहीं सकता। क्योंकि जब तक हिसाब-किताब है, अपने शरीर से, तब तक छूट नहीं सकता। योग से या भोग से हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू जरूर करना पड़ता है। कोई भी कड़ा हिसाब-किताब रहा हुआ है तो यह शरीर रहेगा। छूट नहीं सकता।
“In the beginning, You had the thought that if (Brahma) Baba goes (leaves his corporeal body), You will also go along with him. ... Since You had said this, why did You not renounce your body (when Brahma Baba renounced his corporeal body)? Are You able to renounce (the body)? You CANNOT renounce now. As long as there are karmic accounts with your body, You cannot renounce (your body). You definitely have to settle all karmic accounts, either by Yoga, or through retribution. If there are any severe karmic accounts, this body will remain; it CANNOT be renounced.

Brahma Baba was able to renounce his impure corporeal body in 1969, WITHOUT having to take ANOTHER impure corporeal body, because he had settled ALL his karmic accounts within an impure corporeal body – AFTER which he achieved his ‘sampurna karmateet avastha’, or COMPLETE ANGELIC stage, and became stable in the form of his ‘Avyakt’ stage!

अब साकार तो अव्यक्त स्थिति स्वरूप में स्थित है। लेकिन आप बच्चे भी अव्यक्त स्थिति में स्थित होंगे तो अव्यक्त मुलाकात का अलौकिक अनुभव कर सकते हो।
“NOW, ‘Sakar’ (Brahma Baba) is stable in his form of an ‘Avyakt’ stage; but, ONLY when You Children ALSO become stable in your ‘Avyakt’ stage, will You be able to have an ‘alokik’ experience of an ‘Avyakt’ Meeting (with BapDada, through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi).”

वैसे तो आप जब साकार से साकार रीति से मिलते थे तो आप की आकारी स्थिति बन जाती थी। अब जितना-जितना अव्यक्त आकारी स्थिति में स्थित होंगे उतना ही अलौकिक अनुभव करेंगे।
“When You used to meet ‘Sakar’ (Brahma Baba, through his corporeal body, PRIOR 1969) in your corporeal form, your stage used to become angelic (naturally and spontaneously). Now, You will have ‘alokik’ experiences, ONLY to the extent that You remain stable in your ‘Avyakt’ angelic stage (by yourselves).”
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Golden Heart
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Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

Post by Golden Heart »


इसलिए जो भी बच्चे चाहते हैं कि अव्यक्त बाप से मुलाकात करें, वह कर सकते हैं। कैसे कर सकते हैं? इसका तरीका सिर्फ यही है कि अमृत-वेले याद में बैठो और यही संकल्प रखो कि अब हम अव्यक्त बापदादा से मुलाकात करें। ... अव्यक्त स्थिति में स्थित होकर रूह-रूहान करो। तो अनुभव करेंगे कि सचमुच बाप के साथ बातचीत कर रहे हैं। और इसी रूह-रूहान में जैसे सन्देशियों को कई दृश्य दिखाते हैं, वैसे ही बहुत गुह्य, गोपनीय रहस्य बुद्धियोग से अनुभव करेंगे।
“And so, all the Children who have a desire to meet the Avyakt Father can do so. How can You do that? The method for this is simply to sit in Remembrance at ‘Amrit Vela’ and have the thought that You are now going to Meet Avyakt BapDada. ... Become stable in the ‘Avyakt’ stage and have a heart-to-heart conversation. You will then experience AS THOUGH You are REALLY talking to the Father. And in this heart-to-heart conversation, You will have the experience of very deep and entertaining mysteries through the Yoga of the intellect - JUST LIKE the trance messengers are shown many scenes.

ONLY when the Righteous Children ACTUALLY develop their OWN ‘Avyakt’, or angelic, stage - although STILL number-wise - can they have the experience AS THOUGH they are REALLY talking to BapDada, when they are sitting in Remembrance at ‘Amrit Vela’ – and also have entertaining experiences of very deep mysteries, DIRECTLY, through the Yoga of their OWN Divine intellects – WITHOUT having to depend on ANY OTHER corporeal body of ANY other embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere!

अमृतवेले भी अव्वक्त स्थिति में वही स्थित हो सकेंगे जो सारा दिन अव्यक्त स्थिति में और अन्तर्मुख स्थिति में स्थित होंगे। वही अमृतवेले यह अनुभव कर सकेंगे। इसलिए अगर स्नेह है और मिलने की आशा है तो यह तरीका बहुत सहज है । करने वाले कर सकते हैं, और मुलाकात का अनोखा अनुभव प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
ONLY those who are stable in the ‘Avyakt’ stage, and the stage of introversion, THROUGHOUT the day, will be able to remain stable in the ‘Avyakt’ stage at ‘Amrit Vela’. ONLY they will be able to have this experience at ‘Amrit Vela’. So, if You have Love, and the DESIRE to Meet (BapDada), then this is a very easy method. Those who want to do it can do it, and can have the experience of a unique Meeting.”

The Righteous Children are able to remain stable in their ‘Avyakt’ stage at ‘Amrit Vela’, and experience a unique Meeting with BapDada - ONLY when they CONSTANTLY practice to maintain this stage INTERNALLY, THROUGHOUT the day!

इस साकार वतन में रहते हुए भी फरिश्ते बन सकते हो। आप फिर कहेंगे, ‘आप वतन में जाकर फरिश्ता क्यों बनें? यहाँ ही बनते’। लेकिन नहीं! जो बच्चों का काम वह बच्चों को साजे। जो बाप का कार्य है, वह बाप ही करते हैं। बच्चों को अब पढ़ाई का शो दिखाना है। टीचर को पढ़ाई का शो नहीं दिखना है। टीचर को पढ़ाई पढ़ानी होती है। स्टूडेन्ट को पढ़ाई का शो दिखाना होता है। शो केस में शक्तियों को, पाण्डवों को, आना है। बापदादा तो है ही गुप्त।
You can become an angel even whilst staying in this corporeal World. You may then say, ‘Why did You go and become an Angel in the Subtle Region? You could have become that here’. But NO! Whatever is the task of the Children suits the Children. Whatever is the Father's task is done ONLY by the Father. Children now have to reveal the results of their Study (to others). A teacher does not have to reveal the result of the study. A teacher has to teach the study; and the students have to reveal the results of their study. It is the Shaktis and Pandavas who have to be placed into a showcase. BapDada is now INCOGNITO.

The Righteous Children can experience the ‘Avyakt’, or angelic, stage - EVEN WHILE staying in this corporeal World, within their impure corporeal bodies!

तो यह भी संकल्प आता है कि ड्रामा का सीन जल्दी पूरा कर, सभी अव्यक्तवतन वासी बन जायें। बनना तो है। लेकिन आप बच्चों में इतनी शक्ति है जो अव्यक्त वतन को भी व्यक्त में खींचकर ला सकते हो। अव्यक्त वतन का नक्शा व्यक्त वतन में बना सकते हो!
“And so, this thought also arises that everyone should complete the scenes of Drama quickly, and become residents of the Subtle Region. You definitely have to become that, but You Children have so much power that You can even draw the Subtle Region into the corporeal. You can create an imprint of the Subtle Region in the corporeal World!

Although the Righteous Children desire to leave their impure corporeal bodies, and become residents of the Subtle Region, like Brahma Baba, by settling all ‘karmic’ accounts within the corporeal body, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – UNTIL they are able to achieve that stage, they can STILL develop sufficient Spiritual power to AS THOUGH draw the Subtle Region in the corporeal, and experience a unique Meeting with Avyakt BapDada - number-wise, according to individual efforts!

कई बच्चे मूंझते हैं कि साकार द्वारा तो यह कहा कि सूक्ष्मवतन है ही नहीं, तो बाबा कहाँ गये? ... यह एक युक्ति है, चटकी हुई चीज से छुड़ाने की। तो यह भी युक्ति की। ... तो ऐसे भी नहीं कि सूक्ष्मवतन नहीं है। सूक्ष्मवतन है। लेकिन अब सूक्ष्मवतन में आने जाने के बजाए स्वयं ही सूक्ष्मवतन वासी बनना है। ...और सूक्ष्मवतनवासी बनने से ही बहुत वण्डरफुल अनुभव करेंगे। ... यह कमाई भी है, और अनुभव भी।
“Some Children become confused because they were told through ‘Sakar’ (Brahma Baba) that the Subtle Region does not exist; so, where did (Brahma) Baba go? ... This was a technique to free one from that, to which one was clinging to. This technique was employed. ... It does not mean that the Subtle Region does not exist. The Subtle Region does exist, but instead of going to the Subtle Region and returning, You yourself, have now to become a resident of the Subtle Region. ... You will have many wonderful experiences by becoming a resident of the Subtle Region. ... This is also an income, and also an experience.

Earlier the Children were told that the Subtle Region does not exist, JUST as a matter of using a technique to free them from being EXCESSIVELY preoccupied with same. When Brahma Baba becomes Avyakt, the Children can STILL experience AS THOUGH they are residents of the Subtle Region, like Brahma Baba, by remaining stable in their OWN ‘Avyakt’ stage during ‘Amrit Vela’ - EVEN WHILE staying in this corporeal World, within this impure corporeal body - thereby being able to earn a Spiritual income, AS WELL AS, have entertaining experiences of the deepest mysteries merged within this EWD Play!

याद हरेक की पहुँचती है, उसका रेसपोंड लेने के लिए अवस्था चाहिए। रेसपान्ड फौरन मिलता है। जैसे साकार में बच्चे ‘बाबा’ कहते थे, तो बच्चों को रेसपांड मिलता था। तो रेसपान्ड अब भी फौरन मिलता है, लेकिन बीच में व्यक्त भाव को छोड़ना पड़ेगा तब ही उस रेसपान्ड को सुन सकेंगे।
Everyone's Remembrance reaches (the Subtle Region), but a (‘Avyakt’) stage is needed in order to receive a response to that. You receive an instant response - just as when (Brahma Baba was) in the corporeal form, the Children used to say, ‘Baba’, and the Children would (instantly) receive a response. So, even now, You receive a response instantly, but You have to let go of your intervening corporeal awareness, and ONLY then will You be able to hear that response.

The Righteous Children can receive an INSTANT response from BapDada, ANYTIME - and particularly during ‘Amrit Vela’ - by remaining stable in their OWN ‘Avyakt’ stage, and letting go of their INTERVENING corporeal awareness - EVEN WHILE staying in this corporeal World, within this impure corporeal body!
They are ALSO ABLE to continue their Spiritual Study with Avyakt BapDada, in their angelic stage, on a subtle level, through CLEAR Spiritual TOUCHINGS, received through their OWN Divine intellects!
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Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

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तीन बातें छोड़ो और तीन बातें धारण करो। अब यह तीन बातें छोड़ेंगे तब ही स्वरूप में स्थित होंगे। सर्विस में सफलता भी होगी। बताओ कौन सी तीन बातें छोड़नी है? जो सर्विस में विघ्न डालती है, वह छोड़नी है। एक तो - कभी भी कोई बहाना नहीं देना। दूसरा - कभी भी किससे सर्विस के लिए कहलाना नहीं । तीसरा - सर्विस करते कभी मुरझाना नहीं। बहाना, कहलाना और मुरझाना यह तीन बातें छोड़नी है। और फिर कौनसी तीन बातें धारण करनी हैं? त्याग, तपस्या और सेवा। यह तीन बातें धारणा में चाहिए। तपस्या अर्थात् याद की यात्रा, और सर्विस के बिना भी जीवन नहीं बन सकती। इन दोनों बातों की सफलता, त्याग के बिना नहीं हो सकती। इसलिए तीन बातें छोड़नी है, और तीन बातें धारण करनी है।
“Renounce three aspects, and imbibe three aspects. Only when You renounce these three aspects, will You be (able to remain) stable in the form of the self (be soul-conscious), and there will also be success in Service. Can You say which three aspects You have to renounce? You have to renounce those aspects which become an obstacle in Service. Firstly, NEVER make ANY excuses. Secondly, never wait to be told to do Service by anyone. Thirdly, never wilt (lose courage) whilst doing Service. Making excuses, waiting to be told, and wilting - You have to renounce these three aspects. And which are the three aspects which You have to imbibe? Renunciation, intense Meditation, and Service (‘Tyaag’, ‘Tapasya’ and ‘Seva’). These three aspects have to be imbibed. ‘Tapasya’ means the ‘pilgrimage of Remembrance’; and (Brahmin) life cannot flourish without (Spiritual) Service. There cannot be success in these two aspects (Remembrance & Service) without renunciation. This is why You have to renounce three aspects and imbibe three aspects.”

अभी तक शक्तियाँ गुप्त क्यों हैं? क्योंकि अभी तक अपने स्वमान, अपनी सर्विस और अपनी श्रेष्ठतायें अपने से ही गुप्त हैं। अपने से ही गुप्त होने कारण सृष्टि से भी गुप्त हैं। जब अपने में प्रत्यक्षता आयेगी तब सृष्टि में भी प्रत्यक्षता होगी।
“Why are the Shaktis still incognito? Because until now, your Self-Respect, your Service and your Specialities are incognito, even to your own selves. Because they are incognito to your own selves, they are also incognito to the World. When they get revealed to your own selves, then they will also get revealed to the World.

बीजरूप स्थिति में स्थित रहेंगे, तो अनेक आत्माओं में समय की पहचान, और बाप की पहचान का बीज पड़ेगा। अगर बीजरूप स्थिति में स्थित न रहे, सिर्फ विस्तार में चले गये, तो क्या होगा? ज्यादा विस्तार से भी वैल्यु नहीं रहेगी। व्यर्थ हो जायेगा। इसलिए बीजरूप स्थिति में स्थित हो, बीजरूप की याद में स्थित हो, फिर बीज डालो। फिर देखना यह बीज का फल कितना अच्छा और सहज निकलता है! अभी तक मेहनत जास्ती की है, प्रत्यक्षफल कम है। अभी मेहनत कम करो, प्रत्यक्षफल ज्यादा दिखाओ।
When You remain stable in your Seed form (be soul-conscious), the seeds of ‘recognition of time’ and ‘introduction of the Father’ will get planted within many souls (AUTOMATICALLY). And what will happen if You do not remain stable in your Seed form, but simply go into expansion? If there is too much expansion, there is far less value. It will be wasted. This is why You must remain stable in your Seed form (be soul-conscious) and in Remembrance of the Seed Form (Supreme Soul Shiva), and then sow the seeds. Then see how easily the fruits of these seeds emerge, and how good they are! Until now You have made a lot of efforts, but there has been little evident fruit. Now make less efforts, and show greater visible fruit.
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Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis

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(शिवरात्रि के अवसर पर अव्यक्त बापदादा के महावाक्य - सन्तरी दादी के तन द्वारा)
(Avyakt BapDada’s elevated versions on Shiv Ratri - spoken through the body of Santri Dadi)

यह तो अभी पढ़ाई का समय है, बाप अपना कर्तव्य कर रहे हैं, डायरेक्शन देते पढ़ाते हैं। जब तक पढ़ाना है, पढ़ाते रहेंगे। विनाश सामने खड़ा है, उसका कनेक्शन बाप के साथ है। ऐसे मत समझो बाप की जुदाई है। जुदाई भी नहीं, विदाई भी नहीं। जब तक विनाश नहीं तब तक बाप साथ है।
“This is now the time for studying. Baba is carrying on with His task. Whilst giving You directions, He is also TEACHING You. He will continue to TEACH You, for as long as He has to TEACH. Destruction is standing in front of You, and that is connected with the Father. Do not think that the Father has separated from You. Neither is this (Brahma Baba becoming ‘Avyakt’) a separation, NOR is it a farewell. Until destruction takes place, Baba is with You.
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