When does Golden ERA actually commence?

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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

Besides body-consciousness, what makes them definitely believe that Shiva (‘Hari’) also ACTUALLY enters the last, or 84th, impure corporeal body, of the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age – according to you - when he is in his last impure corporeal body in Confluence Age - (‘Rama’ aka ‘Shankar’)?
Is it not strongly because of the unlimited clarifications, (of the Murlis and Vanis, spoken by Shiva through Brahma Baba), which are given by him, directly in Sakar, even after Brahma Baba leaves his corporeal body in 1969?
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

In the case of the religious founder souls of Ravan Rajya - ‘Night of Brahma’, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’ - we know that God Father Shiva does not come down from the Soul World, and enter any corporeal body at THAT time - but the pure soul of a particular religion, comes down from the Soul World for the FIRST time, and enters the impure corporeal body of a particular soul - who has been right around the Cycle, from the very beginning of Golden Age - in order to establish that particular religion, at a specific time, during Ravan Rajya.

For example, the pure soul of Christ comes down from the Soul World (about two thousand years ago), and enters the impure corporeal body of the impure soul of Jesus of Nazareth - who has been right around the Cycle, from the very beginning of Golden Age, and who has been one of the Narayans of Golden Age - through whom the particular religion of Christianity is established – (by the pure soul of Christ, through the impure corporeal body of the impure soul of Jesus) – and the two of them combined together are referred to as ‘Jesus Christ’ by his followers, who call themselves Christians.
Other major religions are also established in a similar manner, during Ravan Rajya.

Both the souls of Christ and Jesus refresh their sanskaras during Confluence Age - through APPROPRIATE EXPOSURE of their respective intellects, to the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), spoken by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – at the APPROPRIATE time, and APPROPRIATE duration, during Confluence Age - in the FIRST INSTANCEAND – through APPROPRIATE APPRECIATION of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (FALSE Gita), initiated by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – (being the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age) – at the APPROPRIATE time, and APPROPRIATE duration, during Confluence Age - in the SECOND INSTANCE!
Therefore, Shiva DOES NOT enter the impure corporeal bodies of the embodied souls of EITHER Christ or Jesus, during Confluence Age, but these souls refresh their sanskaras, merely by EXPOSING their intellects to the TRUE Gita & APPRECIATING the concepts of the FALSE Gita – at the APPROPRIATE time, and APPROPRIATE duration, during Confluence Age – and imbibing ONLY that much ESSENCE within their sanskaras, as is required to enable them to establish their particular religion, once again, during Ravan Rajya.

Therefore, the philosophy of a particular religion of Ravan Rajya, is NOT based on ANY DIRECT Knowledge, given by the DIRECT entry of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, at THAT time - but it is based on the RECOLLECTION of the ESSENCE of Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), AND of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (FALSE Gita) - actually IMBIBED by the souls of Christ and Jesus (in the case of Christianity), during Confluence Age, and refreshed within their sanskaras - and the power of purity of the soul of Christ, at THAT time - when the pure soul of Christ first descends from the Soul World, into the impure corporeal body of the impure soul of Jesus.
Theoretically, one can still say that the philosophy of Christianity originates from God Father Shiva – but INDIRECTLY, and NOT DIRECTLY!

SIMILARLY, during Confluence Age, Shiva (‘Hari’) DOES NOT ACTUALLY enter the last, or 84th, impure corporeal body, of the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age – when he is in his last impure corporeal body in Confluence Age (‘Rama’) – but this particular soul is the HEAD of ALL religious ideologies or philosophies of Ravan Rajya, by virtue of –
a) having studied the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya EXTENSIVELY, during Ravan Rajya, and having those sanskaras recorded within his soul.
b) having studied the history of ENTIRE RamRajya, from the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age to the VERY END of Silver Age EXTENSIVELY, by virtue of being the last Sovereign of Silver Age, and having those sanskaras recorded within his soul.
c) having studied the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) from the available RECORDED Sakar Murlis & Avyakt Vanis EXTENSIVELY, AFTER 1969, to be able to easily corroborate same with the knowledge of the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya, and the history of RamRajya, recorded within his sanskaras.

Therefore, he DOES NOT hear the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) DIRECTLY from Shiva, THROUGH Brahma Baba – but he later studies same, and corroborates same with the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya, and the history of ENTIRE RamRajya, which are recorded within his sanskaras – as a consequence of which he is in a position to give those so-called ‘unlimited clarifications’ of the TRUE Gita – which are formulated and propagated ONLY by him, based on his specific roles within this EWD Play, as detailed above – but his followers DELUSIVELY believe that same are given DIRECTLY by Shiva, by ACTUALLY entering him, AFTER Brahma Baba leaves his corporeal body in 1969, which is NOT TRUE – JUST AS the followers of the religious founder souls of Ravan Rajya, DELUSIVELY believe that God, or Shiva, speaks DIRECTLY through them, and DELUSIVELY consider the embodied religious founder soul of their respective religion to be their ‘Bhagwan’, or God - which is NOT TRUE!

Theoretically, one can still say that the so-called ‘unlimited clarifications’ of the TRUE Gita, propagated by the soul of ‘Rama’ aka ‘Shankar’, originate from God Father Shiva – but INDIRECTLY, ONLY through the ADULTERATED study of the RECORDED SMs & AVs - and NOT DIRECTLY, by the ACTUAL entry of Shiva within the last impure corporeal body of the impure soul of ‘Rama’ aka ‘Shankar’, in Confluence Age – who is the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Adam »

Golden Heart wrote:SIMILARLY, during Confluence Age, Shiva (‘Hari’) DOES NOT ACTUALLY enter the last, or 84th, impure corporeal body, of the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age – when he is in his last impure corporeal body in Confluence Age (‘Rama’) – but this particular soul is the HEAD of ALL religious ideologies or philosophies of Ravan Rajya, by virtue of –
a) having studied the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya EXTENSIVELY, during Ravan Rajya, and having those sanskaras recorded within his soul.
b) having studied the history of ENTIRE RamRajya, from the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age to the VERY END of Silver Age EXTENSIVELY, by virtue of being the last Sovereign of Silver Age, and having those sanskaras recorded within his soul.
c) having studied the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) from the available RECORDED Sakar Murlis & Avyakt Vanis EXTENSIVELY, AFTER 1969, to be able to easily corroborate same with the knowledge of the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya, and the history of RamRajya, recorded within his sanskaras.


You have inferred, that the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age, becomes the HEAD of ALL religious ideologies or philosophies of Ravan Rajya, by virtue of having been the instrument to propagate the ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita, through his last impure corporeal body, during the latter part of Confluence Age – or, by virtue of the reasons mentioned in paras a, b & c, in your post, (which is partly quoted above).

In an earlier post in this topic, here, you have also inferred that the soul of Brahma Baba ‘becomes the FIRST prince, and the FIRST king, of the Copper Age, when Ravan Rajya commences!’
Golden Heart wrote:The ‘Satopradhan’ memorials of King Vikarmajeet & king Vikram are of the VERY SAME soul of DLR or Brahma Baba, who becomes the REAL PrajaPita of the Cycle – through whom Incorporeal God Father Shiva delivers the TRUE Gita, in Confluence Age – who becomes the FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna; and THEN the FIRST Emperor, Shri Narayan, of the Golden Age; when RamRajya commences – and who THEN becomes the FIRST prince, and the FIRST king, of the Copper Age, when Ravan Rajya commences!
Since the CHANGE of Silver Age to Copper Age – or RamRajya to Ravan Rajya – should actually be over a duration, of a certain period of time - which may be termed as the confluence between Silver Age & Copper Age – therefore, should not the soul of Brahma Baba be actually considered as the VERY LAST prince of Silver Age – rather than his corporeal father, who is the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age, and who is considered as the LAST prince of Silver Age - as per your inference?
In this case, would not the reasons mentioned in paras a, b & c, in your post, (which is partly quoted above), be ALSO applicable to the soul of Brahma Baba?
Namely, the soul of Brahma Baba would ALSO -
a) have studied the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya EXTENSIVELY, during Ravan Rajya, and have those sanskaras recorded within his soul.
b) have studied the history of ENTIRE RamRajya, from the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age to the VERY END of Silver Age EXTENSIVELY, by virtue of being the VERY LAST prince of Silver Age, and having those sanskaras recorded within his soul.
c) have studied the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) DIRECTLY from Incorporeal God Father Shiva, EXTENSIVELY, during Confluence Age, to be able to easily corroborate same with the knowledge of the religious scriptures of Ravan Rajya, and the history of ENTIRE RamRajya, recorded within his sanskaras.

In this case, would not the soul of Brahma Baba ALSO be the HEAD of ALL religious ideologies or philosophies of Ravan Rajya? If so, what is the spiritual inter-relationship between the souls of the very last sovereign of Silver Age, or RamRajya & the very first sovereign of Copper Age, or Ravan Rajya (who is the soul of Brahma Baba)?
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

Your analytical inference is correct.

The reference to the soul of the last prince, and the last Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age has been made with the specific understanding that he is the VERY LAST prince, who becomes the LAST Sovereign of Silver Age – there being NO OTHER prince, who can become ANOTHER Sovereign of Silver Age, THEREAFTER.

In one PARTICULAR sense, the soul of Brahma Baba may ALSO be CONSIDERED to be the VERY LAST prince of Silver Age – the DIFFERENCE being that the VERY LAST prince, who is the last Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age is born through ‘Yogbal’ – whereas, the one who may ALSO be CONSIDERED to be the VERY LAST prince of Silver Age - who should ACTUALLY be regarded as the VERY FIRST prince of Copper Age, and who is the soul of Brahma Baba – is born through ‘bahubal’ – owing to the CHANGE from RamRajya to Ravan Rajya, during this particular period of time – and secondly, he DOES NOT become a Sovereign of Silver Age, but becomes a sovereign of Copper Age, when the CHANGE takes place from RamRajya to Ravan Rajya!

Therefore, the soul of the last prince, and the last Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age, becomes the (MASCULINE) HEAD of ALL religious ideologies or philosophies of Ravan Rajya – more specifically, pertaining to the LHS (from the point of view of the observer) of the Kalpa Tree, or Western philosophies;
while the soul of Brahma Baba, who becomes the first prince, and the first sovereign of the Copper Age - when Ravan Rajya commences – becomes the (FEMININE) Co-HEAD of ALL religious ideologies or philosophies of Ravan Rajya – more specifically, pertaining to the RHS (from the point of view of the observer) of the Kalpa Tree, or Eastern philosophies - divided VERTICALLY within the Trunk of the Tree, during the ‘Night of the Cycle’ - from which FOUR Major Branches, representing FOUR Major religious ideologies or philosophies, emerge on EITHER side of the Tree - thus TOTALLY making up the Major TEN HEADS of Ravan of Ravan Rajya, in a SUBTLER SENSE!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

I had put this in the BK forum (brahmakumarisforum.net) which is now not functioning. A copy of that is given below.

Imp points-

Cycle begins from Sri Krishna. But, the coronation begins from LN. So, the Golden Age actually begins from birth of Krishna, (like India got independence in 1947), but official date(1-1-1 or Vikarmaajeeth samvatsar) would be from LN (like India became a republic only in 1950).
So, the Golden Age should end around 30 yrs (time for RK to become LN) before 31-12 -1250 .

But, the 5000 year count begins from the entering of soul of Krishna into the womb. Murli points given below.

I have kept those words written in the BK forum as they are to great extent. If the readers feel not OK, kindly reply. I will post them as new ones.

# Post No. 182) A thought about Advance Party souls giving birth to Deities:-

As per the belief of BKs, there are two groups in Advance Party. Task of the one group is to do spiritual service, and that of the other group is to give birth to initial deities.

Now- to give birth to the initial deities of 9 to 10 lakhs in a span of 25 to 30 years (from the birth of Sri Krishna till he becomes Narayan - so should be around 25 to 30 years), there is need of around 20 lakh souls(parents) in the second group of the Advance Party. But- there are just a few thousand souls now.

First deity child Krishna is likely to get birth only in 2036. [put in Post No. 111 - below]

Mostly, the present no. of BKs is around 12 to 13 lakhs (correct me if I am wrong). By the time 2036, there is possibility that no. of BKs as well as the Advance Party souls will increase and reach the desired quantity.

And- if the Advance Party souls(parents) give birth to more than one child, suppose say- 2 to 4 (not sure)- the no. of Advance Party souls necessary gets reduced by that factor.

Another point is:- Few souls have gone to Advance Party much earlier, their age may cross the limit to give birth. For example- Mama has already reached (2015-1965) = 50 yrs. now. But- they may fall in the first group of Advance Party and hence need not give birth to deities. They are likely to take birth as deities through the second group of the Advance Party.

Again- these are just churning, not fully sure.

A Note:-The population in Golden Age will reach to 30 to 40 lakhs soon after the beginning:-

When first LN sit on throne(approx at 30 yrs of their age), the population will be 9 to 10 lakhs. (so it will be say 2036 + 30 = 2066 AD).

Within a span of 30 yrs(when first LN reach to 60 yrs of their age), they will give birth (let us call them as second generation deities). (say at 2096 AD). Now population will be double, so 20 lakhs.

In the next 30 yrs (60 yrs after first LN sit on throne= when first LN reach 90 yrs), third generation deities will take birth, (say at 2126 AD). [Now, the first LN will retire and the second LN have reached the age 30 yrs, so will sit on throne]. Now population will be another around 9/10 lakh extra, so near 30 lakhs.

After next 30 yrs, (when the first LN reach 120 yrs), fourth generation deities will take birth. Now, the second LN will retire and the third LN will sit on throne (say 2156 AD). Now, population would be another 10 lakhs, so 40 lakhs.

After next 30 yrs, the first generation will leave their body and take re-birth as fifth generation deities, hence the no. of births and deaths will match together (since there will be only two children to a parent- one male and one female in Golden Age) and hence population will be maintained at the same value, say 40 lakhs till the end of Golden Age.

But in rare cases, a parent may have three children in Golden Age (given below). So, the net population may grow slowly beyond 40 lakhs in Golden Age itself.

SM 25-9-76(1, 2):- Achchaa, 9 laakh manusy, vahaan ek2 ko ek bachchaa, ek bachchee hoti hai toh 1250 varsh may hisaab nikaal saktey ho ki kitney manushy hone chaahiye. Satyug may ek bachchaa, ek bachchee ho toh phir tretaa may itney ho jaavenge. Phir aate hain vaam maarg may. Aisey naheen ki usee samay koyi 5-6 bachche paidaa karte hain yaa pet cheer_kar bachche nikaalte hain. Yah pet cheerney ka toh abhee fashion padaa hai. Hubahoo jaise bichchoo 100 paidaa karti hai, aur khud mar jaati hai. Yah marte naheen kyonki doctor log bachche ko nikaalte hain. Toh yah bhee jaise bichchoo aur bichchunee huyi. Yah abhee fashion padaa hai. Satyug may itney bachche hote hee naheen. KARKE MUSHKIL SE KOYI KE THEEN (3) HO. Peeche aahishthey2 bachche jaasti ho jaate hain. Bharatvaasi apney dharm ko na jaan_ney kaaran hisaab toh kar naheen saktey. 33 KAROD BHAARATVAASI Hindu SAMPRADAAY DIKHAATE HAIN. Toh aur dharmvaley zaroor unsey kum/kam honey chaahiye. Kyonki yah hai praacheen dharm. -36-, 37 [population, CP]

= ...…In Golden Age, there would be one male child and one female child.... In rare case, some may have three children…...

We or most of the BKs had previously thought our main target as 9 to 10 lakhs. But- I feel the main target is 40 lakhs.

Moreover- there is no need of 9 lakh deities as on 2036. The population reaches 9 lakh only during 2066 (2036 + 30 = when first LN sit on throne), so Advance Party souls may have enough time to give birth to deities.

[To the next post]
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

[From the previous post]

# Post No. 111:- Counting begins from Sri Krishna:-

1)SM 24-6-76(2):- Jo bhee aate hain unhen sato, rajo, tamo may pass karnaa hee hai. Krishn bhee poorey 84 janm lete hain. Janm liyaa aur poorey 5000 varsh kaa part bajaayaa. Poorey 84 janm lenge. Ek bhee kam naheen. Poorey aacurate unko part bajaanaa hai. Jab atma pet may hain toh bhee janm toh hai na. Krishn ki atma jab aatee hai Satyug may, jab garbh may pravesh kiyaa, tab se lekar 5000 varsh may 84 janmon ka part bajaanaa hai. Jaise Shiv Jayanti manaate hain, toh ismay baithaa hai na? Krishn ki atma bhee garbh may aayi. Churpur huyi. Us samay se lekar 5000 varsh kaa hisaab shuru hota hai. Agar kam/jaasti ho toh fir 5000 varsh se kam ho jaaye. Yahy badee sookshm samajhne kee baath hai. -37 [Krish, rath]

= All have to pass through sato, rajo, tamo stages. Krishn takes complete 84 births. He takes birth and plays role of complete 5000 years. He takes full 84 births. Not even a birth lesser. He has to play role fully accurate. When the soul is in the womb, that is also birth is it not. When soul of Krishn comes in Golden Age, as soon as it enters womb, from there, 84 births have to be played in 5000 years. Like Shiv Jayanti is celebrated, (Father) is seated in this, is it not. Soul of Krishn enters womb, churpur (movement) happens. From there the calculation of 5000 years begins. If lesser or more, then it would be lesser than 5000 years. This is very subtle matter to be understood.

2)SM 1-4-77(1):- Main inkaa aadhaar letaa hun. Inki atma bhi padhti hai. Pahley number may devtaa banti hai. Jo new man thaa vahi puraanaa ho gaya hai. KRISHN HAI SABSEY PAHLAA NEW MAN. Phir 84 janmon ke baad yah Brahma aakar bante hain. Yah apney janmon ko nahin jaante hain. Isliye main baith sunaataa hun. PAHLEY JANM MAY YAH SRI KRISHN THAA. Phir punarjanm lete2 patit ban gayaa.

= ....Krishn is the first new man....

3)SM 29-1-76(3):- Tum samajhte ho Krishn to manushy thaa. Nayi duniyaa ka Prince thaa. Phir usney 84 janmon kaa chakr lagaayaa. CHAKR SHURU HEE SRIKRISHN SE HOTAA HAI. Phir anth may chakr pooraa hoga.

= You know/understand that Krishna was a human being. (He) was prince of new world. Then he came in cycle of 84 births. THE CYCLE BEGINS FROM SRI Krishna. Then at the end, the cycle will be completed.

4)SM 03-09-82(2, 3):- Baap kahte hain maamekum Yaad karo to CHATURBHUJ ho tum vishw ke maalik ban jaayenge. Janm janmaantar shaastr aadi tum padhtey aaye ho. Kuch bhi samajhthey thode hi thay. Ab samajhtey ho saari Gita jhooti kar di hai. Shiv Bhagavaanuvaach ke badley Krishn Bhagavaanuvach daal diyaa hai. Jo Krishn 84 janm ke anth may ab gyaan le rahe hain unkaa naam daal diyaa hai. Sangamyug POORAA HONEY SE HI KRISHN KA JANM HOTA HAI. KRISHN JANMAASHTHAMI RAATH KO KAHTE HAIN. Vaastav may yah hai behad ki baath. Vah phir hadh ki raath kah dete. -4-, 5 [Krishn, Sangamyug, Gita, LM]

= ...After the completion of the Confluence Age, birth of Krishna takes place. Krishn Janmaashtami is also shown in the Night. Actually it is unlimited way. They show it in limited way.

5)SM 15-9-72(4):-Jhaad ke pichaadi may puraane patte chantey jate hain aur naye patte nikalte jate hain. Nikalte hee rahte hain. Pattey chante bhi hai na. Kiltey bhi bahut hai, chantey bhi bahut hai. Jhaad naya bantaa jaataa. Purane chante jate hain. Aatmaayein jo aatee hain vah phir oopar may janm leti rahti hai. Us jhaad may aisey nahin hota hai. Yah human jhaad hai. Jo marte hain vah phir aakar janm lete rahte hain. Baba ka bhi dekho, neeche tapasyaa kar rahe hain, oopar may bhi khadaa hai. Aadi may Sri Narayan, anth may phir Brahma. Phir 84 janm lete hain. Tatwam. Jo saathi hai vah bhi aisey. Aisey to is raaz ko to achchi reeti buddhi may baithnaa chahiye. Yah khel bada wonderful hai. Yah raath Brahma ka, vah dinn ka Naryan. Vah devataatein, vah Braahman. Din aur raath ka khel hai. Yah hai Sangamyugi. Vah hai Satyugi. Kaliyug so Sangamyug so Satyug. Kitnaa achchi reeti samjhaate rahte hain. Sivaaye tumhaare aur koyi yah baatein samjhaa na sake. Tumko kitnaa achchaa knowledge mil gaya hai. Gaaya bhi jaata hai braahmanon ki raath. Saamney din khadaa hai. Sangamyug BHI RAATH SE MILTAA HAI. Beech may samjhaayaa jaataa hai. Yah2 adopted hai. Hai to raath ka na. Vah raath ka, vah din ka. Beech may hai purushottam Sangamyug. Tab Baba ne kaha thaa saadhaaran aur double taajvaalaa chitr banaavo. Double taajvaalaa yah sharir nahin bantaa hai. Yah bhi samjhaanaa padtaa hai na. Achchaa, meethey2…. -172- [WOT, Sangamyug, old body]

= It is said Night of braahmins. At the front, there is Day (means day is near). Confluence Age is also accounted with the Night. In between it is explained. This and this one, etc are adopted. But they belong to Night, is it not?

Baba says- Confluence Age is also considered in Night. (Its age is 100 yrs). And- the cycle begins from Sri Krishna. So- Sri Krishna is likely to take birth in 2036.

But, there is a Murli point saying- thodaa samay Paramdhaam may bhee rahnaa padey, yah bhee samajhney kee bath hai na= There is need to stay in Silence world for a short duration, this is also a matter to be understood.
If we assume a couple of years B Baba's soul stays in Paramdham after the last bell rings, all the above dates will be postponed by say- 2 to 3 yrs.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

mbbhat wrote: 08 Jul 2019 Again- these are just churning, not fully sure.
A Note:-The population in Golden Age will reach to 30 to 40 lakhs soon after the beginning:-
See point 2 of Revised SM dated 19.06.2019 below -

जरूर वहाँ का कायदा होगा, बच्चा किस आयु में आयेगा। वहाँ तो सब रेग्युलर चलता है ना। वह तो आगे चल महसूस होगा, सब मालूम पड़ेगा। ऐसे तो नहीं 15-20 वर्ष में कोई बच्चा होगा, जैसे यहाँ होता है। नहीं! वहाँ आयु 150 वर्ष की होती है, तो बच्चा तब आयेगा जब आधा लाइफ से थोड़ा आगे होंगे, उस समय बच्चा आता है क्योंकि वहाँ आयु बड़ी होती है। एक ही तो बच्चा आना होता है, फिर बच्ची भी आनी है, कायदा होगा। पहले बच्चे की फिर बच्ची की आत्मा आती है। विवेक कहता है, पहले बच्चा आना चाहिए। पहले मेल, पीछे फीमेल 8-10 वर्ष देरी से आयेंगे। आगे चल तुम बच्चों को सब साक्षात्कार होना है।
“There will definitely be laws there regarding the age when they would have a child. Everything there works on a very regular basis. You will know all about that as you progress further; you will know everything. There, it is not like it is here, where children are born even at the age of 15 to 20 years. No! There, the lifespan is 150 years, so they have children when they are just over half way through their lifespan. They have children at that time (when they are around 75 years of age) because the lifespan there is long. They (the RULING clan) have only one son anyway, and then they have one daughter; that is the law. First the soul of the son is born, and then the soul of the daughter is born. Reason says that the son has to be born first. First the male (is born), and then the female (is born), who would be born 8 to 10 years later. As You progress further, You Children will have visions of everything.”

Your ENTIRE churning in this regard is OUTDATED and ERRONEOUS. BKs are supposed to NOT ONLY read the Murlis regularly, but STUDY them properly and remember same for effective INCULCATION! The above Murli has been recently revised. You have either not read it, or not paid attention to it, and have not bothered to correct your previous ERRONEOUS churning, which you have presented again here. Nor have you bothered to read the relevant posts on this forum properly. This will only serve to confuse and confound innocent viewers who are new to the Knowledge - GIGO - Garbage IN, Garbage OUT - which means MOST BKs are unknowingly/innocently/ignorantly STILL following the GIGOLO, Virendra Dev Dixit, while pretending to do spiritual Service of REAL ShivBaba!
You too are CLEARLY OPPOSING the Shrimat of REAL ShivBaba - viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2713&p=54099#p54096
ATTENTION PLEASE! DO NOT POST GARBAGE, UNLESS you intend to carry out the shooting of Ravan Rajya!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

Dear Soul,

Thank you for the great/right Murli point. I am yet to read the link given by you. I will edit this post or write a new one shortly.

6) But, here, in the topic, date is asked, I think the date 2036, 2066, etc will not change. You or anyone may kindly address this issue. Or am I wrong here too?
BTW, I have put several Murli points which contradict with themselves or with BK beliefs - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2012
So, far many points there remain unsolved. Let us see in drama when can we get solution.
Your ENTIRE churning in this regard is OUTDATED and ERRONEOUS. BKs are supposed to NOT ONLY read the Murlis regularly, but STUDY them properly and remember same for effective INCULCATION! The above Murli has been recently revised. You have either not read it, or not paid attention to it, and have not bothered to correct your previous ERRONEOUS churning, which you have presented again here. Nor have you bothered to read the relevant posts on this forum properly. This will only serve to confuse and confound innocent viewers who are new to the Knowledge - GIGO - Garbage IN, Garbage OUT - which means MOST BKs are unknowingly/innocently/ignorantly STILL following the GIGOLO, Virendra Dev Dixit, while pretending to do spiritual Service of REAL ShivBaba!
You too are CLEARLY OPPOSING the Shrimat of REAL ShivBaba - viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2713&p=54099#p54096
ATTENTION PLEASE! DO NOT POST GARBAGE, UNLESS you intend to carry out the shooting of Ravan Rajya!
Mistakes may happen. I will take back my words. Is that OK?

* FYKI, I am not either date conscious or population conscious. In this forum, we are discussing some points where everyone is putting their views.
Whether I am right or wrong in these physical figures is immaterial to me. So, your comments have no effect on me. Baba says- do not become date conscious. Baba says- no need to debate. But, still SOME BKs become date conscious and are ready to debate. And, the forum has given a platform for smooth going. That is why we are here.

Once again thank you for the correction. Happy to get the Murli point.

7) Now, you have said- my entire churning is wrong. I would like to give reason for my churning here- Hope you will be able to solve it. - Post No. X - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=9&t= ... 143#p54143

8) Also, I have given a comment here regarding some errors. Hope you will be able to solve that too. - Post No. 01- in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2713&p=54147#p54147

Added next day:-

9) BTW, I went to the post given in the link. But, could not get proper explanation from anyone for the discrimination between the birth of Krishna, coronation, age of Conf. Age, etc, etc. Put in that link too.

If I am wrong here, if you have time, you may suggest me whether and where exactly and PROPERLY these aspects are dealt with.

There are many things to be dealt here-

Time/year of birth of Krishna.
Krishna's parents are impure.
Krishna's birth is viceless.
Date when LN sit on throne. How Advance Party souls would give birth to 9 lakh souls by that time.

10) Now, correcting the error in my churning, the initial target would be 18/20 lakhs (instead of 30 to 40 lakhs what I had previously stated).

But, yet to know who will solve the point- "21 PEEDHI" as said above.

Whether the problem is solved or not, it has nothing with the effort (food). But, if it solved, it is like a snack (or chocolate). Let us enjoy.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

mbbhat wrote: 08 Jul 2019 a) So, the Golden Age actually begins from birth of Krishna,
b) So, the Golden Age should end around 30 yrs (time for RK to become LN) before 31-12 -1250.
a) Study point 4 in post at the beginning of this topic viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2711#p54034
SM, Revised 24.08.2017
एक भी पतित न रहे तब कहेंगे पावन दुनिया। तुम इस समय हो पावन, परन्तु सारी दुनिया तो पावन नहीं है ना। पावन बनेंगी जरूर। जब विनाश होगा, तब सारी दुनिया पावन होगी, उसको नई दुनिया कहेंगे। नई दुनिया का संवत कोई पूछे, तो समझाना चाहिए, जब महाराजा महारानी तख्त पर बैठते हैं तब नया संवत शुरू होता है। जब तक नया संवत शुरू हो, तब तक पुराना जरूर कायम रहेगा। यहाँ से संवत शुरू नहीं होगा। हम ब्राह्मण भल नये हैं। परन्तु दुनिया अथवा सारी पृथ्वी थोड़ेही नई है। अभी है संगम। कलियुग के बाद सतयुग आना है। हम कहते ही हैं फर्स्ट प्रिन्स प्रिन्सेज राधे कृष्ण, फिर भी हम उस समय सतयुग नहीं कहेंगे। जब तक लक्ष्मी-नारायण तख्त पर नहीं बैठे हैं, तब तक कुछ न कुछ खिटपिट होती रहेगी, भल राधे कृष्ण आ जाते हैं। देखो, यह हैं विचार सागर मंथन करने की बातें। सतयुग जब शुरू होगा, तब संवत शुरू होगा। सूर्यवंशी डिनायस्टी का संवत फलाना। परन्तु प्रिन्स प्रिन्सेज के नाम पर संवत कभी नहीं होता। बाकी बीच के समय में, आना जाना होता रहता है। छी-छी मनुष्यों को भी जाना है। कुछ न कुछ बचे हुए तो रहते ही हैं ना। जो भी बचे हुए होंगे वह भी वापिस जायें, टाइम लगता है। यह कौन समझाते हैं? ज्ञान सागर भी समझाते हैं, तो ब्रह्मपुत्रा ज्ञान नदी भी है, दोनों इकट्ठे समझाते हैं।
This will be called a pure World, when NOT A SINGLE impure person remains. At THIS time You are pure, but the whole World is not pure. They will definitely become pure. After destruction takes place, the whole World will be pure. That will be called the New World. When someone asks You about the era of the New World, then explain that the NEW ERA will begin when the Emperor and Empress sit on the throne. Until the NEW ERA begins, the old era will definitely still remain. The era will not begin from here. Although we Brahmins are NEW, the World, that is, everything on Earth, is NOT new. It is now the Confluence. The Golden Age has to come after the Iron Age. We say that the first princess and prince are Radhe and Krishna. Even then, we will NOT call that the Golden Age at THAT time. Until Lakshmi & Narayan sit on the throne, there will continue to be one conflict or another, even though Radhe and Krishna have come. Look, these are all aspects to be churned. When the Golden Age begins, the era will begin, the era of so-and-so of the Sun Dynasty. An era never exists by the name of the prince or princess. There will continue to be coming and going during the time in between. Impure people also have to go back. There will be a few people that still remain here. It takes time for all those who are still left here to go back (Home). Who is explaining this? The Ocean of Knowledge is also explaining, and Brahmaputra River of Knowledge is also present; BOTH are explaining together.”

b) Study the point below. When the soul of Shri Krishna ascends the throne at the age of 20-25 years, and becomes Shri Narayan – then Shri Narayan would be considered to have 20-25 years LESS – although he is the SAME soul of Shri Krishna!

mbbhat wrote: 08 Jul 2019 a) Now- to give birth to the initial deities of 9 to 10 lakhs in a span of 25 to 30 years, ... there is need of around 20 lakh souls(parents) ...
b) And- if the Advance Party souls(parents) give birth to more than one child, suppose say- 2 to 4 (not sure)- the no. of Advance Party souls necessary gets reduced by that factor.
a) Please quote a relevant Murli point, which says Shri Krishna ascends the throne when he is 25-30 years old. The Murli point below implies that Shri Krishna ascends the throne when he is 20-25 years old.

BKWSU SM, Revised 10.09.2016 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2602&start=150#p51835
बाप ने समझाया है, नम्बरवन ही लास्ट नम्बर में तमोप्रधान बनते हैं। मैं खुद कहता हूँ कि, मैं बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में साधारण तन में प्रवेश करता हूँ। जिसने पूरे 84 जन्म लिए हैं, वह तो जरूर पतित होगा - पावन तो हो नहीं सकता। बाप खुद कहते हैं, पहले नम्बर में है श्रीकृष्ण - फर्स्ट प्रिन्स। श्री नारायण तो बाद में बनता है, जब बड़ा होता है - वह भी 20-25 वर्ष कम हो जाते हैं। उनके भी पूरे 84 जन्म नहीं कहेंगे। नम्बरवन है श्रीकृष्ण। भल वही फिर स्वयंवर बाद नारायण बनते हैं। परन्तु हिसाब तो बच्चों को करना है ना। पूरे 84 जन्म, 5 हजार वर्ष श्रीकृष्ण के ही कहेंगे। तो बाप बैठ समझाते हैं, मैं कल्प-कल्प उसी ही तन में आता हूँ, जिसका आदि से लेकर अन्त तक पार्ट है। दूसरे कोई में आ नहीं सकता हूँ। हिसाब है ना। ब्रह्मा ही पहला नम्बर ठहरा। मैं और कोई में आ कैसे सकता? तुमसे बहुत लोग पूछते हैं, सिर्फ एक ही ब्रह्मा में क्यों आते हैं? परन्तु यह हिसाब है ना। यह समझने की बातें हैं। गाया भी हुआ है ब्रह्मा द्वारा स्थापना करते हैं। विष्णु वा शंकर द्वारा स्थापना नहीं करते। यह और कोई का काम नहीं है। मनुष्य रचता और रचना को नहीं जानते हैं। यह भी ड्रामा में नूँध है।
“The Father has explained that the NUMBER ONE soul, then becomes ‘tamopradhan’, at the end. I, Myself, tell You that I enter an ORDINARY BODY, at the END of his MANY births. He has taken the FULL 84 births and so he would definitely be impure - he cannot be pure. The Father Himself says: Shri Krishna is the NUMBER ONE - first Prince. He becomes Shri Narayan later on, when he grows up - when 20 to 25 years become less (than his full age). FULL 84 births cannot be said for him (Shri Narayan) too. Shri Krishna is NUMBER ONE, although he HIMSELF then becomes Narayan, after his marriage. However, Children have to keep an account. Only Shri Krishna is said to take the FULL 84 births, in 5000 years. The Father sits and explains: Every cycle, I ONLY enter the body of THAT ONE, who has a part from the beginning to the end. I CANNOT ENTER ANYONE ELSE's BODY. There is this account. ONLY BRAHMA is NUMBER ONE. How can I enter anyone else's body? Many people ask you: Why does God come in the body of ONLY ONE Brahma? However, there is this account, is it not? These matters have to be understood. It is remembered that establishment is carried out through Brahma. Establishment is NOT carried out through Vishnu or Shankar. This is not anyone else’s task. People neither know the Creator nor the creation, and this too is fixed in the Drama.”

b) Since only TWO children are born to one set of parents, during the REAL DIAMOND AGE – from the time of birth of Shri Krishna, to the time that he ascends the throne – which is SYMBOLICALLY considered to be the FIRST birth, out of 21 births of RamRajya – therefore, the same NUMBER of parents would be required to give birth to the SAME number of souls – 9,16,108 – on the date 01.01.01 – when the Golden ERA (sanvat) ACTUALLY commences!

mbbhat wrote: 08 Jul 2019 Another point is:- Few souls have gone to Advance Party much earlier, their age may cross the limit to give birth. For example- Mama has already reached (2015-1965) = 50 yrs. now.
The limit of menopause of impure bodies of Iron Age, DOES NOT APPLY to the Pure bodies, instrumental to give birth to Deity souls.

mbbhat wrote: 08 Jul 2019 A Note:-The population in Golden Age will reach to 30 to 40 lakhs soon after the beginning:-
You have now realized that above is NOT correct – after the relevant Murli point was brought to your notice viewtopic.php?f=21&p=54154#p54138. As per your current understanding, what do you believe to be the population by the end of Silver Age? Please also quote a relevant Murli point, if you have one handy.

mbbhat wrote: 08 Jul 2019 We or most of the BKs had previously thought our main target as 9 to 10 lakhs. But- I feel the main target is 40 lakhs.
The MAIN target pertains to the number of embodied souls as on 01.01.01 – 9,16,108.
The souls who come thereafter do not fall in this category!

More, when we are able to find adequate time, owing to our EXTREMELY busy schedule. Meantime, you may reflect on above PROPERLY, and THEN provide your relevant comments for further consideration. No hurry. Take your time. There are currently 300 to 600 viewers, who are in connection with this Knowledge, visiting this forum everyday; they need time to absorb these subtler aspects; we have to take them along also, GRADUALLY & PATIENTLY!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

destroy old world wrote: 11 Jul 2019This will be called a pure World, when NOT A SINGLE impure person remains.
11) See soul brother,
Mbbhat had mentioned clearly the different events in point No. 9). So, this Murli point does not have so much relevance. Of course, it has, but not as the MAIN one.

The topic title is- When does Golden Era actually commence. I usually like to address the RELATED ISSUES with the TOPIC too, so that it is covered MORE FULLY. Else, there would be some doubts remaining.

So, the events likely to be in sequence are -more fully explaining below.
---a) Too late Board
---b) End of Conf. Age
--c) Returning of BapDada to Paramdham. (and others too)
---d) Staying in Paramdham for small period.
---e) Soul of Krishna descending to next world, and beginning of the cycle. (two stages here - entering into the womb, and coming out of the womb)
---f) Soul of Radha coming- (2-3 years, or 5 years difference).
---g) RK attaining age of maturity and becoming LN and sitting of the throne.
----h) [Together in between how the Advance Party souls would be capable to give birth to the first 9/10 lakh souls].
---etc, etc

So, ... b) If Conf. Age ends in 2036, and returning to Paramdham of BapDada will follow soon.
----d) Staying of soul of Krishna in Paramdham for few years (say 2 to 3 years - not sure - just a guess).
----e) Birth of Krishna is in (2036 + 2/3) = 2038/39
---g) Sri Krishna attaining age of maturity in 25/30/35 years- not fully clear.
destroy old world wrote:b) Study the point below. When the soul of Shri Krishna ascends the throne at the age of 20-25 years, and becomes Shri Narayan – then Shri Narayan would be considered to have 20-25 years LESS – although he is the SAME soul of Shri Krishna!

a) Please quote a relevant Murli point, which says Shri Krishna ascends the throne when he is 25-30 years old. The Murli point below implies that Shri Krishna ascends the throne when he is 20-25 years old.
mbbhat wrote:http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=9&t= ... ars#p29856 -SM 10-5-81(1):- SriKrishn toh poorey 84 janm lete hain. Garbh se bachchaa jab baahar aayaa, us din se 84 janm ginenge. LN ko toh bada hone may 20-25 varsh lage na. Toh vah 30-35 varsh 5000 varsh may se kum karna padey. Krishn toh garbh se baahar nikley aur poore 84 janm liye. LN ke liye 25-30 varsh kum kahenge. ShivBaba ka toh ginn nahin sakte. ShivBaba kab aaye time de nahin sakte-16-

= SriKrishn takes full 84 births. When the child comes out of the womb, from that instant 84 births are counted. LN take 20-25 years to grow is it not? So that/those 30-35 years should be reduced from 5000 years. (But) Krishn came outside the womb and took full 84 births. It will be said less of 25-30 years to LN. It cannot be counted for ShivBaba. When ShivBaba came, time cannot be given. -16-
12) In the above Murli point, in the first sentence, it is 20-25. In the second sentence it is 30-35. In the third sentence it is 25-30 years. I had read this Murli personally. May be the second one could be typing error- and could be 20 instead of 30 there.
But, there are at least clearly two different values. 20-25 and 25-30 years. Or the other one too typing error? Guess yourself.

For me, any value/number is OK. - because it is only a small difference.

Now, to the CALCULATION AGAIN ------

13) If we take 30/25/20 years , the final date woul be 2036/2038 + 30/25/20 = , 2066 - take any value.

If you like to guess the staying period of Krishna's soul in Paramdham is very small, and negligble, you may select 2036 instead of 2038. Which one would you like to select? Your choice.
destroy old world wrote:“ Shri Krishna is the NUMBER ONE - first Prince. He becomes Shri Narayan later on, when he grows up - when 20 to 25 years become less (than his full age).[/b] FULL 84 births cannot be said for him (Shri Narayan) too. ...
14) See the Murli point you have quoted. It clearly says- LN cannot be called as FULL 84 births. That means REAL COUNTING will begin from Krishna, is it not?
That is what mbbhat did and explained it like, first(birth of Krishna) is like 1947/independenace, and coronation of LN is like 1950 (republic year). If it is wrong, you may suggest better words of explanation.
b) Since only TWO children are born to one set of parents, during the REAL DIAMOND AGE – from the time of birth of Shri Krishna, to the time that he ascends the throne – which is SYMBOLICALLY considered to be the FIRST birth, out of 21 births of RamRajya – therefore, the same NUMBER of parents would be required to give birth to the SAME number of souls – 9,16,108 – on the date 01.01.01 – when the Golden ERA (sanvat) ACTUALLY commences!
The MAIN target pertains to the number of embodied souls as on 01.01.01 – 9,16,108.
The souls who come thereafter do not fall in this category!
15) Some Murli points say 9 lakh, some say 9 to 10 lakhs as INITIAL POPULATION. I have not heard any Murli point saying - 916108. But, I have no objection. It is a nice figure and fall between the two.

In my post, I had done calulation of population of the next generation/s too. I HAD CLEARLY MENTIONED that. The reason for extra calculation is- "Now, the total no. of BKs has crossed 12 lakhs . Some BKs question- the initial population is 9 lakhs. So, when we had reached 12 lakhs, there should be some close sign of beginning of Golden Age, is it not? So, I considered the children of the first parents too, since they would take birth soon (after 75 plus years), is it not?

Now, I had CORRECTED the previous number ( which I had earlier said as 30 or 40 lakhs) as 18/20 lakhs. Already said in point No. 10).
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

The limit of menopause of impure bodies of Iron Age, DOES NOT APPLY to the Pure bodies, instrumental to give birth to Deity souls.
16) Mbbhat was talking about Advance Party (not deities). Their body would be impure, is it not? What I had written was some of the Advance Party souls may not be giving birth to deities. The Mama/first group. I mentioned it as a POSSIBILITY.

But, your arguement could also be right. The souls are powerful. So, some of the souls in that group too may become instrumental to give birth to deities. We are yet to know.
You have now realized that above is NOT correct – after the relevant Murli point was brought to your notice viewtopic.php?f=21&p=54154#p54138. .
17) Thank you for the Murli point. But, in THIS topic, the date and events of beginning of Golden Era, etc are more important (than the MERE population), is it not?
So, I think that Murli point is not going to affect the date/year of commencement of Golden Era, is it not? But, thank you once again for that Murli point.
As per your current understanding, what do you believe to be the population by the end of Silver Age? Please also quote a relevant Murli point, if you have one handy
One to Two crores. Murli point is given in SM 15-10-81 - here- http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... ion#p31787

But, there is another Murli poin that says- end population of G Age is 2 crores. BUT....
Mostly I think- BK leadership might had purposefully edited the Murli point as - "2 crores" since initially for many years, MOST OF THE BKs had beein in the belief that- the population at the end of Silver Age is 33 crores. Even today, many BKs still believe it as 33 crores, is it not? Am I right?
Anyhow, I will not go to detail about it here, as it would go off topic.

18) BTW, When is the birth of Ravan? I wrote it as 20/25/30 years lesser than 31-12-1250, (because 1-1-1 is when LN sit on throne].

But, the 5000 your counting begins from birth of Krishna (actually womb entrance itself).

19) So, which is more important date for you (or anyone)? Krishna's soul entering into the womb or LN sitting on throne?

I believe the first one, since counting of 5000 yrs begins from that instant.

So, in my comment, I had mentioned -
---Actually (in INCORPOREAL/SOUL?SPIRITUAL WAY, say in any words) G Age would be counted from 20/25/30 yrs before 1-1-1 (LN sitting on throne), because Murli point clearly says- LN do not take fully 84 births! ...

--but (in SOCIETY/CORPOREAL/PHYSICAL?BODILY WAY- say in any words) the counting of samvatsar would be from LN sitting on throne.

If anyone claims Golden Age or heaven starts from 1-1-1 only, and date of birth of Krihna is highly INSIGNIFICANT, there are other problems. Where would you fit the BALANCE 20/25/30 years?- In Ram_Rajy or Ravan_Rajy? The following questions arise.

20) What is the duration of VIKARMAAJEETH samvatsar and VIKARMA samvatsar?

a) If we believe Heaven starts at 1-1-1 (from LN sit on throne) and will be there for next 2500 years, Ravan comes only after THIS 2500 yrs, then we will be like saying Ravan_rajy exists for 2500 + the BALANCE years. (So, it will not be 50: 50).

b) Another point is- If we count the the balance years with the hell as said above, then it indicates there had been Kingdom of Ravan existed even after God returned Paramdham. [The very purpose of God is to end Kingdom of Ravan's influence or Kingdom, is it not? ].

---c) Also- If you count it with hell, it will then indicate that the soul of Krishna would be free from influence of Maya for (25/30 years) more than 2500 yrs after taking his first birth. Is that logical?

----d) HENCE mbbhat thinks the balance years should be added with heaven only. Tht is why mbbhat had written that the vikarmaajeeth samvatsar will be OFFICIALLY 25/30 years lesser than 2500 years.

BUT- Actually, both will be 50: 50, because by the time Krishna takes birth, INFLUENCE OF Ravan had already come to almost zero. There would be some impure souls, NOT to commit crime, but to clear their karmic accounts, and for doing service for the establishment of new world, is it not?

BTW Which option would you like to select among the above? I select the last one- 20d). If you have other options, you may kindly mention and explain.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

Dear mbbhat,

Some of your inferences and assumptions are based on impulsive conjectures, in accordance with what you FEEL to be logical, from your own personal viewpoint, according to your own personal, PRESENT stage of spiritual evolution - that too, based on information which may have been inappropriately assimilated, on account of various factors beyond your personal control - which may definitely be good for the development of your own personal stage – but which could be a WASTE of time and energy for others. As such, same may be presented in a separate topic, which is exclusive to yourself, so that only those who are genuinely interested in same may interact with you there, if they so wish. You could open a new topic for yourself, where you may link to the posts in this topic, if required!

You are requested to avoid cluttering other topics with egoistic gibberish, so that we may present a more comprehensive and cohesive picture of events, based on all available information provided by ShivBaba - to which you can readily contribute, from the vast stock of points which you have compiled over the years – with VERY BRIEF and SENSIBLE comments, where required.
We understand you are an author, and so you would have the capability to work with a great mass of information, and you also appear to have adequate time at your disposal - this strength of yours should be more effectively used in the right direction, in the right way, with greater fortitude and composure, to draw the maximum possible advantage – FREE from any speculative assumptions, which we neither have the time nor the disposition to address, or even consider – since they are a WASTE of our intellectual prowess, and would ONLY serve to diffuse our spiritual energy, rather than promote same.

Study the following SM points below CAREFULLY

SM 20.06.19
तुम जानते हो 5 हजार वर्ष में कितने मास, कितने घण्टे, कितने सेकण्ड होते हैं। कोई हिसाब निकाले तो निकल सकता है। फिर यह जो झाड़ है, उसमें भी यह लिख देंगे कि कल्प में इतने वर्ष इतने मास, इतने दिन, इतने घण्टे, इतने सेकण्ड होते हैं। मनुष्य कहेंगे यह तो बिल्कुल एक्यूरेट बताते हैं। 84 जन्मों का हिसाब बताते हैं। तो कल्प की आयु क्यों नहीं बतायेंगे?
You know how many years, how many months, hours and minutes and seconds there are in 5000 years. If anyone makes an account, it can be done. Then you can write on the picture of the tree that there are so many years, months, days, hours and seconds in a cycle. People will say that what you tell them is absolutely accurate. If Baba tells you about the account of 84 births, why would He not tell you about the duration of the cycle?

Ironically, and FUNNILY, Google translator translates
कोई हिसाब निकाले तो निकल सकता है। as ‘If you can calculate an account, then you can GET OUT’.
Which means one should churn up to a certain LIMIT, to remain within the actual directive of ShivBaba, for the required purpose ONLY - beyond which Maya takes control of the intellect, where the soul indulges in manmat and parmat WITHOUT realizing same, and one can GET OUT of the limits of following Shrimat – while the soul continues to believe he is following Shrimat – Maya blows cleverly and sweetly with Shrimat, then CUTS in MERCILESSLY with manmat and parmat, without realization!

SM 22.06.19
तुम आत्माओं का तो कितना बड़ा अनगिनत झुण्ड है। कभी गिनती नहीं कर सकते। यहाँ मनुष्यों की गिनती नहीं कर सकते। भल आदमशुमारी निकालते हैं। वह भी एक्यूरेट नहीं निकालते हैं। आत्मायें कितनी हैं, वह हिसाब कभी निकाल नहीं सकते। अन्दाज लगाया जाता है कि सतयुग में कितने मनुष्य होंगे क्योंकि सिर्फ भारत ही रह जाता है।
The swarm of you souls is also huge; you cannot count them. They cannot count the number of human beings here, even though they conduct a population census. However, that too is not calculated accurately. You cannot calculate how many souls there are. It can be estimated how many human beings there will be in the Golden Age, because only Bharat remains at that time.

SM 12.07.19
तब बाबा ने कहा था हिसाब निकालो, 5 हज़ार वर्ष में इतने मास, इतने घण्टे .. तो मनुष्य वण्डर खायेंगे। यह हिसाब तो पूरा बताया है। एक्यूरेट हिसाब लिखना चाहिए, इसमें ज़रा भी फ़र्क नहीं पड़ सकता। मिनट बाई मिनट टिक-टिक होती रहती है। सारा रील रिपीट होता, फिरता-फिरता फिर रोल होता जाता है फिर वही रिपीट होगा। यह ह्यूज़ रोल बड़ा वण्डरफुल है।
This is why Baba asked you to calculate: There are so many months, so many hours .. in 5000 years. Then people will be amazed. This clear account has been shown. You should write down the accurate calculation. There cannot be the slightest difference in that. It continues to tick away, minute by minute. The whole reel repeats. As it turns, it continues to roll and it then repeats. This huge roll is very wonderful.

SM 02.07.19
5 हज़ार वर्ष में कितने मिनट, घण्टे, सेकण्ड हैं, एक बच्चे ने सब धर्म वालों का हिसाब निकालकर भेजा था, इसमें भी बुद्धि व्यर्थ की होगी। बाबा तो ऐसे ही समझाते हैं कि दुनिया कैसे चलती है।
A child calculated how many hours, minutes and seconds there are of each religion in the 5000 years and sent this calculation to Baba. He MUST HAVE WASTED HIS INTELLECT on that. Baba just explains how the world continues.

Beneficial churning is DEFINITELY required, but one has to take GREAT CARE that one does NOT cross the LIMIT, into WASTE churning – where the control of one’s intellect SHIFTS from Shrimat to manmat & parmat, WITHOUT realizing what is actually taking place, thus WASTING one’s time and energy, which could be better utilized in fruitful churning, COMBINED with proper remembrance of ShivBaba. Since the soul has ALREADY passed from Kaliyug to Sangamyug to Satyug INNUMERABLE times, the soul retains that record within the sanskars, which will ONLY emerge, naturally and spontaneously, with fruitful churning COMBINED with proper remembrance - but which will be OBSTRUCTED/RESTRICTED by WASTEFUL churning – and the time and energy spent on same would be better utilized in proper remembrance, which will AUTOMATICALLY foster and promote fruitful churning – the two being COMPLEMENTARY to each other!

Let us therefore proceed SLOWLY, but EFFECTIVELY – and the best way to do that would be to address ONLY ONE aspect at a time, to its desired conclusion – BEFORE proceeding to the next one. This would make the interaction more readily intellectually digestible to majority of the viewers, who would stand to benefit GREATLY from same. Our purpose should not be, solely, to develop our own churning prowess, or to display our own egoistic expertise, but to also assist in the development of the spiritual prowess of all others concerned.

Rest assured that the various PERTINENT issues raised by you, several of which have ALREADY accumulated, will be addressed gradually, but one at a time, in accordance with our own availability of time, in due course.
You need not worry about being off-topic, as long as our intention is to ultimately proceed towards the desired goal. In case any posts are required to be moved, we may request SAT at any time; or they would advise us accordingly; or they would do the needful themselves whenever they consider appropriate.

Let us first take up the issue of the ambiguity in the SM revised on 10-5-81, which has been presented by you.

Using the information in the attachment below,
SM Revision dates.rtf
(93.62 KiB) Downloaded 617 times
it is possible to locate the exact latest date of the same, from the latest cycle of revisions of SMs, to better comprehend this complex issue (with word files). In case you have any difficulty, if you have the whole SM with you, revised on 10-5-81, or ANY OTHER old Murli of earlier cycles, you may also use the song (where available), and the first line, after ‘Om Shanti’, for locating same with greater ease (for pdf files). The latest revision of this particular SM revised on 10-5-81 earlier, should be available IN, or AROUND, May, 2016.


We have since located same in Revised SM dated 21.05.2016, attached below -
SM 21.05.2016.docx
(39.25 KiB) Downloaded 613 times
गर्भ से बच्चा बाहर निकलता है तब से आयु शुरू होती है। श्रीकृष्ण तो पूरे 84 जन्म लेते हैं। गर्भ से बाहर आया, उस दिन से 84 जन्म गिनेंगे। लक्ष्मी-नारायण को तो बड़ा होने में 30-35 (?) वर्ष लगे ना। तो वह 30-35 (?) वर्ष 5 हजार से कम करना पड़े। शिवबाबा का तो गिनती नहीं कर सकते। शिवबाबा कब आये, टाइम दे नहीं सकते। शुरू से साक्षात्कार होते थे।
Someone’s lifespan begins the moment he comes out of the mother’s womb as a baby. Shri Krishna takes the full 84 births. His 84 births are counted from the moment he comes out of the womb. It takes them 30 to 35 (?) years to become Lakshmi and Narayan. Therefore, those 30 to 35 (?) years have to be deducted from 5000 years. You cannot count anything for Shiv Baba. There is no time given for the moment Shiv Baba came. From the beginning there were visions.

Compare above with the earlier Revised version, with which your are still STRUGGLING along -
SM 10-5-81(1):- SriKrishn toh poorey 84 janm lete hain. Garbh se bachchaa jab baahar aayaa, us din se 84 janm ginenge. LN ko toh bada hone may 20-25 varsh lage na. Toh vah 30-35 varsh 5000 varsh may se kum karna padey. Krishn toh garbh se baahar nikley aur poore 84 janm liye. LN ke liye 25-30 varsh kum kahenge. ShivBaba ka toh ginn nahin sakte. ShivBaba kab aaye time de nahin sakte-16-

= SriKrishn takes full 84 births. When the child comes out of the womb, from that instant 84 births are counted. LN take 20-25 years to grow is it not? So that/those 30-35 years should be reduced from 5000 years. (But) Krishn came outside the womb and took full 84 births. It will be said less of 25-30 years to LN. It cannot be counted for ShivBaba. When ShivBaba came, time cannot be given.

This will leave everyone EVEN MORE CONFUSED (and probably SHOCKED TOO) than ever before, bur EVERY ASPECT has a PROPER answer.

You may like to draw your own conclusions and revert with your EXPERT comments, after which we can proceed further!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

21) http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... 162#p54162
destroy old world on 11th July 2019 wrote: b) Study the point below. When the soul of Shri Krishna ascends the throne at the age of 20-25 years, and becomes Shri Narayan – then Shri Narayan would be considered to have 20-25 years LESS – although he is the SAME soul of Shri Krishna!

a) Please quote a relevant Murli point, which says Shri Krishna ascends the throne when he is 25-30 years old. The Murli point below implies that Shri Krishna ascends the throne when he is 20-25 years old.
mbbhat wrote:
destroy old world on 14th July 2019 wrote:We have since located same in Revised SM dated 21.05.2016, attached below -
SM 21.05.2016.docx

गर्भ से बच्चा बाहर निकलता है तब से आयु शुरू होती है। श्रीकृष्ण तो पूरे 84 जन्म लेते हैं। गर्भ से बाहर आया, उस दिन से 84 जन्म गिनेंगे। लक्ष्मी-नारायण को तो बड़ा होने में 30-35 (?) वर्ष लगे ना। तो वह 30-35 (?) वर्ष 5 हजार से कम करना पड़े। शिवबाबा का तो गिनती नहीं कर सकते। शिवबाबा कब आये, टाइम दे नहीं सकते। शुरू से साक्षात्कार होते थे।

Someone’s lifespan begins the moment he comes out of the mother’s womb as a baby. Shri Krishna takes the full 84 births. His 84 births are counted from the moment he comes out of the womb. It takes them 30 to 35 (?) years to become Lakshmi and Narayan. Therefore, those 30 to 35 (?) years have to be deducted from 5000 years. You cannot count anything for Shiv Baba. There is no time given for the moment Shiv Baba came. From the beginning there were visions.
22) So, what is conclusion of DOW soul? Do you NOW agree- in some Murlis the age to become LN is said as 25, some 35? Which one would you select? 20, 25, 30 or 35?
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Please give a short description of your interest in joining this forum.: I am a Bk and a writer. I have been benefited a lot by the knowledge given in BK institution. I also have materials written totally on logic without BK knowledge. Anyone can get them as attachments for free by email.

Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by mbbhat »

There could be a typing error as well as two small sentences are cut in later revised versions.
DOW wrote- SM 21-05-2016 :- ... श्रीकृष्ण तो पूरे 84 जन्म लेते हैं। गर्भ से बाहर आया, उस दिन से 84 जन्म गिनेंगे। लक्ष्मी-नारायण को तो बड़ा होने में 30-35 (?) वर्ष लगे ना। तो वह 30-35 (?) वर्ष 5 हजार से कम करना पड़े। शिवबाबा का तो गिनती नहीं कर सकते। शिवबाबा कब आये, टाइम दे नहीं सकते। शुरू से साक्षात्कार होते थे।

... Shri Krishna takes the full 84 births. His 84 births are counted from the moment he comes out of the womb. It takes them 30 to 35 (?) years to become Lakshmi and Narayan. Therefore, those 30 to 35 (?) years have to be deducted from 5000 years. You cannot count anything for Shiv Baba. There is no time given for the moment Shiv Baba came. From the beginning there were visions.

Compare above with the earlier Revised version, with which your are still STRUGGLING along -

mbbhat wrote- SM 10-5-81(1):- SriKrishn toh poorey 84 janm lete hain. Garbh se bachchaa jab baahar aayaa, us din se 84 janm ginenge. LN ko toh bada hone may 20-25 varsh lage na. Toh vah 30-35 varsh 5000 varsh may se kum karna padey. Krishn toh garbh se baahar nikley aur poore 84 janm liye. LN ke liye 25-30 varsh kum kahenge*. ShivBaba ka toh ginn nahin sakte. ShivBaba kab aaye time de nahin sakte-16-

= SriKrishn takes full 84 births. When the child comes out of the womb, from that instant 84 births are counted. LN take 20-25 years to grow is it not? So that/those 30-35 years should be reduced from 5000 years. (But) Krishn came outside the womb and took full 84 births. It will be said less of 25-30 years to LN*. It cannot be counted for ShivBaba. When ShivBaba came, time cannot be given.

This will leave everyone EVEN MORE CONFUSED (and probably SHOCKED TOO) than ever before, bur EVERY ASPECT has a PROPER answer.
23) There is no confusion for me. Because I had personally read the Murli by myself. It could be a typing error in the Murli. But, one may also say- it is typing error from mbbhat (unless mbbhat uploads the page of he Murli).

BUT, from any error, I have no complaints. Because they/BKWSU are doing work/service. Initially Murlis had been cyclostyled. So, in some Murlis there could be difference due to different hard copies. All the Seniors are our beloved soul brothers, who are doing great service. Any mistake is not a mistake, since our aim is Alaf and Bey, not figures.

*24) The two sentences marked in underline, bold, red and large size is cut in the newer version. You would be knowing BKWSU now cuts some sentences which are repetitive. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THOSE TWO SENTENCES ARE REPETITIVE (in the earlier version). Many senior BKs know this.

So, in the earlier version (what I had written) the age figures have appeared thrice, and in the later version, only twice. Hope you got it.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

As already intimated to you earlier ( viewtopic.php?f=21&p=54165#p54161 ), ‘we neither have the time nor the disposition to address’ ‘speculative assumptions’, based on erroneous inputs, nor indulge in same. Hence, you are requested to kindly refrain from persistently pressing for any response to same.
You have also been informed earlier ( viewtopic.php?f=21&p=54165#p54161 ) to ‘rest assured that the various PERTINENT issues raised by you, several of which have ALREADY accumulated, will be addressed gradually ...’, but it appears that you have not appreciated this so far. Trust you will be able to appreciate same now.
UNLESS we complete our ground-work to our REASONABLE satisfaction, we will not resort to make, what we deem to be, FRIVOLOUS & RECKLESS statements, based on flimsy grounds!

While revising the figures in SM of 21.05.16, (or earlier), ( viewtopic.php?f=21&p=54165#p54161 ), based on different figures appearing in SAME SM of 10.05.81, (or earlier), ( viewtopic.php?f=21&p=54165#p54157 ), concerned BK Org officials had the option of choosing any one of 20-25, 25-30 or 30-35. They decided, or were advised, to choose 30-35, which is EVIDENTLY a BLUNDER on their part, based on the information and Murli points, which have ALREADY been revealed here - which, it appears, they are YET to recognise.
We could have clarified this issue to you, but it is plainly evident, based on the observation of your conduct on this forum, that you are not keen to comprehend the complexities of same. We will, therefore, treat this issue as closed, for the present.
Should any other member desire proper clarification on the above, please feel free to request for same.

We will now proceed to the next point – ONE at a TIME – as requested earlier.

Go to: viewtopic.php?f=9&p=54169#p54169
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