Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

To discuss the BK and PBK versions relating to the progressive differential development of BK & PBK ideologies or theologies.
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“जब साइन्स वाले नये-नये यन्त्रों द्वारा धरनी से ऊपर के आकाश मण्डल के चित्र खींच सकते हैं, वहाँ के वायुमण्डल के समाचार दे सकते हैं, इनएडवांस प्रकृति के तत्वों की हलचल के समाचार दे सकते हैं, तो आप सर्व शक्ति सम्पन्न बाप के अथॉरिटी वाली श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें अपने दिव्य बुद्धि के यन्त्र द्वारा तीन काल की नॉलेज के आधार से अपना वर्तमान काल और भविष्य काल नहीं जान सकते? यन्त्र तो सभी के पास है ना? दिव्य बुद्धि तो सबको प्राप्त है। इस दिव्य बुद्धि रूपी यन्त्र को कैसे यूज करना है, किस स्थान पर अर्थात् किस स्थिति पर स्थित हो करके यूज करना है, यह भी जानते हो! त्रिकालदर्शी-पन की स्थिति के स्थान पर स्थित हो तीनों काल की नॉलेज के आधार पर यन्त्र को यूज करो! यूज करने आता है? पहले तो स्थान पर स्थित होने आता है, अर्थात् स्थिति में स्थित होने आता है?”

“Scientists are able to take pictures of outer space, above the earth, with brand new instruments, and they are able to give information about the atmosphere there, and give news of the upheavals of the elements of nature that are to take place, in advance. So, can You ELEVATED souls, who have the authority of the Father who is filled with ALL powers, not know your present, and also your future, on the basis of the Knowledge of the three aspects of Time, with the instruments of your DIVINE intellects?
All of You have this instrument, do you not? All of You HAVE RECEIVED a DIVINE intellect. You also know how to use this instrument of a DIVINE intellect, and where to use it, that is, in which stage You have to stabilize yourself and use it. Stabilize yourself in the stage of being the Knower of the three aspects of Time, and use this instrument on the basis of the Knowledge of the three aspects of Time. Do you know how to use it? First of all, do you know how to stabilize yourself in your position? That is, do you know how to stabilize yourself in a particular stage?”

(AV – 16.04.1982, Revised - 02.07.2017)
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“बाप और आप कम्बाइन्ड रूप है ना? इसी स्वरूप को ही सहजयोगी कहा जाता है। योग लगाने वाले नहीं, लेकिन सदा कम्बाइन्ड अर्थात् साथ रहने वाले।”
“You and the Father are in the combined form, are you not? Only this form is known as that of an easy yogi. You are not those who have (to make effort) to have Yoga, but those who are constantly combined, that is, those who are constantly with the Father.”

“बड़े ते बड़े बाप के साथ बड़े ते बड़े बड़ा दिन और मिलन मना रहे हैं।”
“You are celebrating the greatest (Christmas) day and meeting the Highest-on-High Father.”

“बड़ा दिन मनाना अर्थात् स्वयं को सदा के लिए बड़े ते बड़ा बनाना। सिर्फ मनाना नहीं लेकिन बनना और बनाना है।”
“To celebrate a great day means always to make yourself the greatest. You don’t just celebrate this;
you also have to become this and make others the same.”

(AV – 25.12.1982, Revised - 20.08.2017)

Am I ALWAYS able to remain in my natural form of an easy yogi, who is CONSTANTLY COMBINED with the Father?
If not, why NOT?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“एक बात सभी को समझनी चाहिए कि ब्राह्मण आत्माओं द्वारा यहाँ ही हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू होना है। धर्मराजपुरी से बचने के लिए, ब्राह्मण कहाँ न कहाँ निमित्त बन जाते हैं। तो घबराओ नहीं कि यह ब्राह्मण परिवार में क्या होता है। ब्राह्मणों का हिसाब-किताब ब्राह्मणों द्वारा ही चुक्तू होना है। तो यह चुक्तू हो रहा है, इसी खुशी में रहो। हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू हुआ और तरक्की ही तरक्की हुई।”

“Everyone should understand one aspect that karmic accounts have to be settled HERE itself, THROUGH Brahmin souls. In order to be saved from the ‘Land of Dharamraj’, Brahmins become instruments somewhere or the other. So, do not be afraid about what is happening in the Brahmin Family. The karmic accounts of Brahmin souls are going to be settled ONLY through Brahmin souls, and they are now being settled. Therefore, remain happy. As your karmic accounts finish, there will be nothing but CONSTANT progress.”

(AV – 09.01.1983, Revised - 17.09.2017)

Am I able to remain CONSTANTLY happy, with the clear awareness that there is no TONIC like happiness, which is the ULTIMATE medicine for both mental as well as physical ailments?
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