Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

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Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

"सारी दुनिया में एक भी ऐसा मनुष्य नहीं होगा जो अपने को आत्मा समझते हो। आत्मा क्या है, यही नहीं जानते तो परमात्मा को फिर कैसे जानेंगे?"
"There wouldn't be a single human being in the whole world who considers himself to be a soul. They don't know what a soul is and so how could they know the Supreme Soul?" (Revised SM - 07.10.16)

Am I really able to consider my Self as a soul?
Do I really know that I am a soul?
Even if I do really know that I am a soul, do I really experience my Self as a soul?
Do I really know the Supreme Soul?
If I really do know the Supreme Soul, do I really experience Him?
How would I know for sure that I am really experiencing the Supreme Soul?

"यह नॉलेज जिसकी बुद्धि में टपकती रहेगी उनको अपार खुशी होगी।"
"Those who have this Knowledge trickling into their intellects will experience infinite happiness."
(Revised SM - 07.10.16)

Do I really understand this Knowledge?
Is this Knowledge trickling into my intellect, in its pure form?
How would I know for sure that this Knowledge is trickling into my intellect, in its pure form?
Do I really experience infinite happiness?
Is this Knowledge only meant for discussing, and not for experiencing?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

"एक गीता को ही खण्डन किया है।"
"The one (true) Gita has been falsified (contradicted/repudiated)."
(Revised SM - 11.10.16)

Who speaks/delivers the one true Gita to humanity, and through whom is it spoken/delivered to humanity, in the Confluence Age?

Who is the main embodied soul, who is instrumental to falsify, contradict or repudiate the one true Gita, and what would such falsification, contradiction or repudiation be collectively termed as, in the Confluence Age?

How does one recognize the extremely subtle (or unlimited) clarifications of the one true Gita?

How does one recognize the pretentious justifications of the false Gita, which are deceptively presented as unlimited clarifications of the one true Gita to unwary embodied souls?

Who is the main embodied soul who is actively involved in such slanderous falsifications, pretentious justifications and presumptuous clarifications, which actually comprise the false Gita, in the Confluence Age?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“अमृतवेले बाप से मिलन मनाकर, बाप समान मास्टर बीजरूप बन, मास्टर विश्व कल्याणकारी बन, सर्व आत्माओं को अपनी प्राप्त हुई शक्तियों के द्वारा, आत्माओं की वृत्ति और वायुमण्डल परिवर्तन करने के लिए सहयोगी बनो। बीज द्वारा सारे वृक्ष को रूहानी जल देने के सहयोगी बनो। जिससे सर्व आत्माओं रूपी पत्तों को प्राप्ति के पानी मिलने का अनुभव हो।”
“After celebrating a Meeting with the Father at ‘Amrit Vela’, become a master Seed and a master World benefactor, like the Father, and use the powers you have attained to be co-operative in transforming the attitude of souls and the atmosphere. Be co-operative in giving spiritual Water to the whole Tree through the Seed. When you do this, all souls, in the form of Leaves, will experience receiving the Water of attainment.” (AV – 26.11.1981, Revised - 23.10.2016)

Am I able to celebrate a true Meeting with the True Father, everyday, during the early morning hours of Nectar, through my subtle stage of consciousness?

Is such a Meeting with the True Father actually experienced to be real and practical, by simultaneously experiencing infinite inner spiritual happiness?

Do I experience myself to be a master Seed and a master World benefactor, who is able to provide spiritual nourishment to the whole Tree, like the Father?

Do I practically experience that I am able to be co-operative in transforming the attitude of souls and the atmosphere, with the spiritual powers which I have regained from the Father?

Do I practically experience that the concerned souls are also actually experiencing the happiness associated with the reception of the Living Spiritual Water of all spiritual attainments, provided to them through the Seed?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

The number one Shrimat of BapDada is: Consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father.
If, instead of considering yourself to be a soul, you consider yourself to be an ordinary bodily being,
then there cannot be focused remembrance. In any case, before two things are combined, they are first made equal. Similarly, first consider yourself to be a soul and then it will become easy to have remembrance. This Shrimat is the main foundation. Repeatedly pay attention to this aspect and you will become an easy yogi.
Have I really appreciated the basic principle that two dissimilar things have first to be made equal, before they can be combined together?

Therefore, am I really able to first consider my self as a soul, before I attempt to remember the Father?

Am I am able to readily appreciate the various factors which prevent me from considering my self as a soul, so that I may be able to easily remember the Father?

Am I able to appreciate the basic principle that I have to first forget the physical body, in order to be able to easily consider my self as a soul, to be then be able to easily remember the Father?

Am I able to readily appreciate the fact that if I attempt to remember the Father within the physical body of another embodied soul, this would only act in contravention of my primary objective to forget my own physical body, to be able to easily consider my self as a soul, to be then be able to easily remember the Father?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

"विकर्म संवत तो रावण ने स्थापन किया।"
"Ravan established the era of Vikarm (Sin)." (Revised SM - 29.11.16)

Who is Ravan, who established the era of Sin, or the kingdom of Ravan, in the Confluence Age?

Who is the main or prominent embodied soul, who is actively involved, as an instrument of Ravan, to establish the kingdom of Ravan, in the Confluence Age?

Would I really be able to first consider my self as a soul, to be able to remember the Father, by following the dictates of Ravan, provided through the corporeal medium of Ravan?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

"खान-पान भी शुद्ध होना चाहिए .."
"Your Food and Drink should be Pure .." (Revised SM - 06.12.16)

Are the Food of my Thoughts and the Drink of my Feelings always Pure?

"सब्जियों में भी सतो, रजो, तमो हैं।"
"Vegetables are also ‘sato, rajo & tamo’" (Revised SM - 06.12.16)

Onion, Garlic, and pungent Chili or hot Pepper are NOT Sato.

Under-cooked food is Rajo, over-cooked food is Tamo.
Lightly cooked or steamed food without subjecting to high pressure or high heat is Sato.

An unripe fruit is Rajo, an over-ripe fruit is Tamo.
A freshly ripened fruit plucked directly from the tree is the most Sato.
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“हर आत्मा अपने अति स्नेही अनादि सम्बन्ध के स्वरूप से अपनी लगती है”।
“You feel that every soul belongs to you in the form of an extremely loving and eternal relationship.”
(AV – 15.04.1981, Revised - 11.12.2016)

Do I really feel that every soul belongs to me in the form of an extremely loving and eternal relationship?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“सदा एक बाप दूसरा न कोई, यही नैचुरल प्युरिटी है”।
“One Father and none other, constantly; only this is natural purity.”
(AV – 06.01.1982, Revised - 18.12.2016)

Do I constantly remain in my natural purity of maintaining the constant awareness of belonging to only One Father, and none other?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“बाबा जो कहे, बच्चे वह फौरन करके दिखा दें, तब समझेंगे इनका बाप के साथ लव है।”
“If children instantly do whatever Baba says, it would be understood that they have Love for the Father.”
(Revised SM - 18.01.17)

Do I have true Love for the Father?
Am I able to do whatever Baba says instantly?
If not, what do I really need to do, so that I may be able to follow whatever Baba says instantly,
and demonstrate practically that I have true Love for the Father?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“अभी-अभी आवाज में आये, अभी-अभी आवाज से परे। ऐसी कन्ट्रोलिंग पावर, रूलिंग पावर अपने में अनुभव करते हो? संकल्प शक्ति को भी, जब चाहो तब संकल्प में आओ, विस्तार में आओ, जब चाहो तब विस्तार को फुलस्टाप में समा दो। स्टार्ट करने की और स्टॉप करने की दोनों ही शक्तियां समान रूप में हैं?”

“Do you experience such controlling power and ruling power within yourself, as to come into sound one moment, and go beyond sound the next moment? Even when it comes to the power of thoughts, you need to be able to have whatever thoughts you choose, whenever you choose; and to be able to expand on them, whenever you want, and to merge all expansion into a full stop, whenever you want. Are both the powers, to start, and to stop, within you, in equal measure?”
(AV – 14.01.1982, Revised - 22.01.2017)
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“एक दिन भी बाप और बच्चों का मिलन न हो, वा एक सेकण्ड भी मिलन न हो, ऐसा हो नहीं सकता। ऐसा अनुभव तो करते हो ना? सदा बाप के साथ-साथ कम्बाइन्ड हो ना?”

“It is impossible for there to be even one day, or even one second, when the Father and the children do not meet. This is your experience, is it not? You are always combined with the Father, are you not?”
(AV – 07.03.1982, Revised - 12.02.2017)

Do I experience my Self to be a soul, completely detached from the awareness of my corporeal body?

Do I always experience my Self to be combined with the Father?

Do I always experience a Spiritual Meeting with the Father, every day and every second?

Would it be possible for me to experience a corporeal Meeting with the Father, every day and every second, if the Father was constrained by the limitations of an impure corporeal body?

Would it be possible for thousands of souls to experience a corporeal Meeting with the Father through one single impure corporeal body, through their own impure corporeal bodies, every day and every second?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“प्रश्न: इस संगमयुग को पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग व सर्वश्रेष्ठ युग क्यों कहते हो?
उत्तर: क्योंकि इसी समय आत्मा में हर प्रकार के धर्म की, राज्य की, श्रेष्ठ संस्कारों की, श्रेष्ठ सम्बन्धों की और श्रेष्ठ गुणों की सर्व श्रेष्ठता अभी रिकार्ड के समान भरती जाती है। चौरासी जन्मों की चढ़ती कला और उतरती कला उन दोनों के संस्कार इस समय आत्मा में भरते हैं। रिकार्ड भरने का समय अभी चल रहा है, इसलिए यही सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुरूषोत्तम युग है।”

“Question: Why is this Confluence Age called the most auspicious Confluence Age or the most elevated age?
Answer: Because it is only at this time that all the greatness, of all the religions, of the kingdoms, of the elevated sanskars, of the elevated relationships and of the elevated virtues, is being recorded in souls, like a record.
The ascending and descending sanskars of 84 births are recorded in souls at this time. The time for recording is taking place now, and this is why this is called the most elevated and auspicious age.”
(AV – 12.03.1982, Revised - 19.02.2017)
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Jaydeepan »

Knowing the Knowledge is one thing, but experiencing param Shanti is a different matter. It is said, by elders in India, that even if you drink amrith, you should not binge-drink amrith. Here the experience is strictly individual and there is no comparison between my truth and your truth.

As far as I am concerned, I do experience peace when I need it the most.

Thank you,
Param Shanti.
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“आज शमा अपने परवानों के रूहानी महफिल में आये हैं। यह रूहानी महफिल कितनी अलौकिक और श्रेष्ठ है। शमा भी अविनाशी है, परवाने भी अविनाशी हैं, और शमा-परवानों की प्रीति भी अविनाशी है। इस रूहानी प्रीति को शमा और परवानों के सिवाए और कोई जान नहीं सकता। जिन्होंने जाना उन्होंने प्रीत निभाया और उन्होंने ही सब कुछ पाया। प्रीत की रीति निभाना अर्थात् सब कुछ पाना। निभाना नहीं आता तो पाना भी नहीं आता।”

“Today, the Flame has come into the spiritual gathering of His Moths. This spiritual gathering is so 'alokik' and elevated. The Flame is eternal, the Moths are eternal, and the Love between the Flame and the Moths is also eternal. No one except the Flame and the Moths can know this spiritual Love. Those who know this Love have fulfilled the responsibility of Love, and have attained everything. To fulfill the responsibility of Love means to attain everything. Someone who does not know how to fulfill the responsibility of Love does not know how to attain anything.”
(AV – 20.01.1982, Revised - 05.03.2017)

Am I able to recognize the Flame when He comes into the spiritual gathering of His Moths?

Am I able to naturally surrender to the Flame, by experiencing true Love for the Flame, as His eternally loving Moth?

Do I have the experience of having attained everything, by fulfilling the responsibility of true Love for the Flame?

Or, do I still find myself in the outer darkness, still being unable to experience true Love for the Flame, keeping on asking questions to others, thinking that no one has experienced true Love for the Flame so far, instead of examining the reasons, as to why I, MYSELF, have not been able to experience true Love for the Flame so far?
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Re: Knowing, understanding and experiencing my Self, first!

Post by Adam »

“सदा रूह को देखते और रूहों के मालिक के साथ रूह-रूहान करते, यही रूहानी गुलाब की विशेषता है।”

“The specialty of a Spiritual Rose is to constantly see the spirit, and to constantly converse with the Master of spirits.”
(AV – 24.03.1982, Revised - 30.04.2017)

To what extent am I able to constantly feel my own spirit, or my Self, and constantly see the spirit of others?

To what extent am I able to constantly converse with the Supreme Soul, or the Master of all spirits?
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