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Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:Was there advanced knowledge in the beginning?
So- do PBKs not give any importance to the incident what they claim that God entered into Sevakram in 1936 and put the seed through him and PBK Gitamata alias KD and PBK Radha bachchi alias sister Vedanti?

Your fake arguments only prove - how weak and treacherous PBKs are. That is OK. You may keep on arguing like that if you feel that is correct. Left to your LU (Level of Understanding).
What difference does it make if a soul enters for a shorter or longer period?
It is obvious. Getting some illness for a short period is OK. Being influenced for a short period is OK. But, if someone is influenced for decades throughout, it automatically implies he is fully weak. Do the so-called gyaani tu aatmas not able to understand this?
You say the rule is that the more powerful enters the less powerful, but is there such rule?
It is again obvious. If the King is powerful, no enemy can enter his country. If someone enters, controls, uses and misuses, that too for so many years, what should be said?
You claim PBKs say Sister Vedanti is Saraswati. Please, provide proofs of where it is said, who has said that.
I did not claim. I said- some PBKs may claim. [Read the post properly before accusing others].

By all these things- now the PBK understanding level has come to much below that of ex-l alias fluffy bunny.
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Post by sita »

I said- some PBKs may claim.
So you accept that you have not heard anyone saying this nor read it somewhere, but has reached to that conclusion only through your own thinking. Is that right?
[Read the post properly before accusing others]
this is what you have said:

1) PBKs believe Sister Vedanti is real Saraswati,
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Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:So you accept that you have not heard anyone saying this nor read it somewhere, but has reached to that conclusion only through your own thinking. Is that right?
1) I have already given enough proof.
PBK harikrishna had said- in the topic -(Flaws in PBk philosophy)- "Sevakram did not lose faith, but was murdered".
You had said- Sevakram left yayga with his group.
PBK arjun had said- Sevakram lost faith due to rudimentary knowledge.

Lots of such examples are given in the forum.

2) So- PBKs contradict with themselves. So- I wrote- there is possibility that some PBKs may believe sister Vedanti as Swaraswathi, some may believe it for KD. That is a probability. Why should you get upset or worried about that? Or how come it is a mistake when already enough evidence is given in 1) above.
sita wrote: this is what you have said:

1) PBKs believe Sister Vedanti is real Saraswati,
3) Obviously true. It was here- Flaw No. 445 - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=52352&hilit=real#p52352

I have already given explanation to it. - flaw No. 454 - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=52352&hilit=real#p52374

4) You are again sticking like only to the tail of an elephant. Take the whole of the discussion.
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Post by mbbhat »

From viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2666&p=52470#p52445 to viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2666&p=52470#p52470
The topic is drishti. And I have quoted a point where Baba says to give and take drishti. I consider the topic about the Ladder completed. If you don't have some argument you better keep silent.
We can see - it is PBK sita who had argued out of context and got trapped in her/his own pit. But, accusing the other, as usual!

Let PBKs do it. It will just add garbage/manure to us, which is also highly beneficial. Thank you. Carry on!
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mbbhat ways

Post by sita »

He he has stated many times his agenda to find flaws in the PBK philosophy. Even though such a hobby could bring him some joy, it adds little with respect to knowledge from his side and bears a vast variety of propaganda methods.

But let us ask ourselves why he has taken this agenda? It is simple, because PBK knowledge is false, so it has to be proved as false. PBK knowledge is false because the BK knowledge is only true and nothing else can be true. But does mbbhat believe in the BK knowledge, apart from his collection of points.

Lets agree that the advance knowledge is false and it has to be proved as false every time it states something. Is such an effort worthwhile. Certainly not for anyone who has a path to follow. It will be a good opportunity for someone who sees a way to gain through this. What can he gain from proving the PBK knowledge false. Will this make the BK knowledge more true than it is. No.

The disproportional attention being given to fighting the PBK knowledge shows a lack of interest in some positive and easy and true path. Is it just out of boredom or too much free time. No. It is a mission. It is a mission, because on completing the mission there will be some reward. The PBK knowledge stands to show where the BK understanding has slided in misinterpretation and wrong practices. He has himself admitted that his acting is reacting.

One big mistake in his argumentation is the argument ad hominem. His stand says that PBK is wrong. Nothing we can say can be true, PBK is wrong by default. This is very different to the way PBKs address the BKs, where they even praise them and put them ahead of themselves and show some manmat and wrong practices among the good and right practices. Mbbhat has also tried to enter into such game, by trying to find a place for the PBKs, with respect to the BKs, and he always likes to demonstrate them as number two. What will he gain by that?

The PBK knowledge mainly challenges his fanatical like obsession with the BKs. Every fanatical obsession is no true belief. I would say that with the same success he would be able to argue against the christians , Muslims, buddhists provided he devotes time to study their scriptures. The points he quotes serve the only purpose to show his great effort of study. His selfish approach does not allow any other interpretation even where he himself is unable to present any. He has proved himself unable to value where he has been proved wrong and accept and embrace something new to learn. He has proved himself unable of regret, that is inability to look at ones own self and change ones own self. He is so obsessed with the outside that he has forgotten the inside.

We should not fall under the illusion that he is on the path of search. He may say that some things in the Murli are yet to be known, but there is no way he would know them. The more he studies the Murlis the more controversies he meets. His inability to come to conclusion leaves him in an incomplete state, where his only gift is to present a contrasting point to any point anyone can give. What he means with that is that it is not so certain what the Murli means, its says so many things. But this state of indecisiveness is a taopradhan stage from which there is no escape.

He reaches for the PBKs as opponents that can throw some light to his doubts. He is of course unable to accept any point from them by default, but at least he may receive some food for thoughs and move forward from his state of stagnation.

No doubt he belongs to this class of BKs who are there with another agenda and it will be difficult to classify them as BK. He is a worldly scholar who uses the BK public for his own interest. Having met little response there he tries to get in contact with the PBKs, but here he finds a serious attitude towards the knowledge and alive knowledge.

His two main ways to argue is from emotion and through sarcasm. Sarcasm is the inability to accept, it is equal to total rejection. This defense mechanism leads him to always try to put PBKs on the defensive mode. He is coming from an emotion of self righteousness and a righteous indignation from the mere existence and activity of the PBKs. He is so angry with them that whatever they may do or say, falls upon his strict eye and just attitude. He is determined to put them on their place, where they belong that is to the nonexistence. PBKs were not there before (to challenge him), so it is better they vanish again. Is it jealousy or something else I am not able to say, but there is a strong competitive ingredient in it.

His completely formal approach and arguing over words shows no essence. His destructive attitude is only making him a bad favor. People would be able to realize his non belonging to the BK, because his attaching of PBKs serve no good advertisement for the BKs. But in taking personal responsibility he is weak, because he only finds ground for motivation in the BK. He even makes this for the benefit and good of the whole world.

He is also losing his power to judge. He is unable to decide when he is right or wrong, because he always have to be right with the PBKs, because they are always wrong, because they are false. There is not even something small like true in them.

His lengthy posts, use of abusive language and arrogant tone demonstrate the lack of real arguments. For to keep his position it is only enough to draw empowerment from any post. It does not matter what does it say, it has to make clear that he be the winner and PBKs be the losers. For him the discussion does not need to be there, because the arguments does not matter. He will ridicule everything.

In his attempt to ridicule the PBKs it is seen his inability to see them in their reality and address them properly. He has gone so far that he is unable to detach from his arguments with the PBKs and obviously sees no better service for himself than to challenge what they say. Does he need them to shut up or speak up, it is equally bad for him. If they speak he has to fight them and in this he may be proved wrong, and if not how can he be great.

His non belonging to the BK is not seen only through his behavior, but through his inability to think in the spirit of the Murlis, but to think in the words of the Murlis. But this proves to be good, because he is always accepting as valid the Murli points, whilst the BKs are in total denial for the points about destruction in 76, about entering of other souls before Brahma Baba, about Shankar. Mbbhat at least accepts the Murli points and although he is unable to come with conclusion he at least helps in bringing them into the awareness of the BKs.

Arguing when you are wrong is not a spirit of victory. It is not possible that someone is always right (even more when one gives ones own interpretation) and to mistake means to learn, but to argue for the sake of argue is to tease people. I can only say that mbbhat is immature in his approach towards debate.
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Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:One big mistake in his argumentation is the argument ad hominem. His stand says that PBK is wrong.
1) You are wrong here. Usually my reply is on what the person says, not on the person. On what the person has written, I have replied. Countless quotes prove it.
Nothing we can say can be true, PBK is wrong by default. This is very different to the way PBKs address the BKs, where they even praise them and put them ahead of themselves and show some manmat and wrong practices among the good and right practices. Mbbhat has also tried to enter into such game, by trying to find a place for the PBKs, with respect to the BKs, and he always likes to demonstrate them as number two. What will he gain by that?
2) The way the PBKs praise is just like scapegoat, only illusion, and Mr. Dixit has to praise at least to some extent, as AIVV is dependent on BKWSU.
All these are put in the thread- "Flaws in PBK philosophy". You might have already read them. If you still need, I can give the link.

3) But- Why should PBKs think on gain or loss only NOW? If they believe knowledge are gems, then just keep on churning till you find truth. See- we are discussing on knowledge. So- what is there to bother?
His selfish approach does not allow any other interpretation even where he himself is unable to present any. He has proved himself unable to value where he has been proved wrong and accept and embrace something new to learn.
4) Just lie. Where have I stopped PBKs in giving their different interpretations? Even you had given many interpretation.
But, obviously, they got proved/argued wrong. It is up to the readers to judge. [Reality and the funny thing is- more you or any PBK tried to give different interpretation, more deeply it proved wrong! - is it not? ] Due to frustration of failure, you are writing so.

5) When I am not sure, or do not know, I admit myself- [instead of typical PBK arguments like- my cock has three legs] and write- "Most probably", or "According to my awareness or churning"- etc. What is there to accuse more?
He has proved himself unable of regret, that is inability to look at ones own self and change ones own self. He is so obsessed with the outside that he has forgotten the inside.
6) I know that my act in this forum with PBKs is also due to ego of knowledge which I had admitted/expressed FAR BEFORE in this forum. Why should I regret?

7) But, I also enjoy in positive way and find some real great satisfaction - when I find gems of knowledge as well as find great errors in PBK philosophy- because it is mainly AIVV that is misusing the Murli itself and misguiding those who believe in Murlis. In this world, I believe Murli is the only one which is true knowledge. So- when AIVV misuses and misguides its believers, I feel exposing them is also a part of spiritual service- even though not a great one.
We should not fall under the illusion that he is on the path of search.
8) I am not on the path of search. This again shows LLU of PBKs. I had ALREADY SAID VERY CLEARLY that I am mainly listing flaws in the PBK philosophy in that topic. Are you kidding?

See this is again like a sarcasm or even worse. You act as if you are honestly speaking something, but just acting with deception.

9) But, I am also on path of churning - and they have been put in the BK forum, as well as in this forum (to lesser extent).
He may say that some things in the Murli are yet to be known, but there is no way he would know them.
10) Controversies are there. It is better to accept it instead of misinterpret them or speaking lies like PBKs and acting superior to ShivBaba or HK Hood. Already proved.
The more he studies the Murlis the more controversies he meets.
Just plain lie. This applies only to PBk. But, I am least bothered about your comment, You may say anything.
He reaches for the PBKs as opponents that can throw some light to his doubts. He is of course unable to accept any point from them by default, but at least he may receive some food for thoughts and move forward from his state of stagnation.
11) Again just LLU. When I had already said- in that topic - my work is to expose faults in AIVV, why should you expect me to take PBK philosophy - as a food?

But, I have also taken. When you had put many Murli points, I had given my views on them. Sometimes - my reply were spontaneous, sometimes I churned and then gave.
His two main ways to argue is from emotion and through sarcasm. Sarcasm is the inability to accept, it is equal to total rejection.
12) PBKs act as if they are emotion-free, but in fact, it is they who are more emotional and clearly get upset many times- already proved in the forum.

I have never got upset during the discussion. Just continued with usual way. I have not acted in sarcasm with any of the PBKs, (except with ex-l = fluffy bunny*). But, when their views- go against Murli points and I expose it, they may feel they have got rejected, that is their own problem.

* -ex-l also had acted with sarcasm which had been criticized by some members here much before others. Even you had complained about that soul for crossing the limits.
sita wrote:Dadis and Seniors enjoy an environment where no one dares speak to them directly and in opposite. They have a managed and an easy environment. They won't also enter in a debate, because they cannot perform this great task of cutting the heads of Ravan and destroying the other religions. They cannot face the opposition, because the truth is not with them.
mbbhat wrote:Baba has said- do not debate. Are you asking someone to go against srimath and act superior to ShivBaba?
sita wrote:To debate is the work of a warrior, whilst victory is the birthright of the deity.
13) See- PBKs openly challenge BKs. So, I thought why not address to them if THEY REALLY WANT IT.
But, when they are addressed, PBKs even accuse it! This is the TOTAL IMMATURITY of PBKs**.

The irony is- Being in TOTAL glass house, PBKs throw stones to others, but do not realize that it is they who are actually in glass house and most of the stones they receive are just their own stones which are rebounded.

14) Baba says- "Mirwaa mowth malookaa shikaar". Of course I clearly know that I have to FInally enter in sakshi stage. And- since I am less emotional, I am able to cope and continue in the usual way. But, PBKs lost their stability and have begun complaining others with emotions! - Still ACCUSE THE OTHER!

Rest and most of the comments are written due to clear defeat in the debate and frustration.

** - But, do not worry, we all would be meeting in heaven, and there is need of all the positions- like even servants***.
Since the deity religion is a complete one in itself (when compared to any other religion), this fight is normal in drama, and PBKs are obviously going to take lower class position there- if they do not get awakened from the stomach of Maya as well as human python of Mr. Dixit.

I FIRMLY BELIEVE- in the end- PBKs will congratulate me for pointing these errors in PBK philosophy. But if it is only after too late- then they will say- "AAHO PRABHU, teri leelaa", else they will return to the right track.

*** - Baba has said- in heaven, even the servants would have place at heart of the master. So- it becomes duty of BKs to accept the PBKs with full love and respect. But, due to the HISAAB KITAAB (karmic accounts) within the braahmin family [Post No. 151- ... cts#p13165 ] and due to TOTAL KUMBHKARNA SLEEP of PBKs and their MIYAMITTU stage, as well as a little IMMATURITY even from BK side, AT PRESENT PBKs do not realize the respect and love of AT LEAST FEW BKs towards them. Another reason is- their intellect could have been locked at present due to the possibility of highest punishment on them as said here- Post No. 138) - ... 39+#p12552

Baba says- padhnaa aur padhaanaa hee krupaa karnaa hai = To teach/learn is the real krupa(blessings).

So- PBKs may take my posts as a study/blessings for them, or as a debate - which they themselves demand. ANy way they like.
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Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:I have not said that. I said that in the Murli it is said about the salt and the flour with respect to the scriptures and it is not said about the pictures. It is from the point of view of correctness. It does not mean I have said that pictures are fully accurate.
1) Here- - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=52443&hilit=accurate#p52443

You did not write any response to it. So- I took it so.*

[But, that WAS NOT A NECESSITY. Even if your comment on picture is not taken, my argument on the topic- AN (Ardh_Naareeshwar) would be complete.]

* - Many times - you do not reply- it is obvious that you do not have anything logical points to reply. You play this hide and seek game- and later accuse the other.

OK. If you did not mean that- I will take back my words. No problem. At least NOW you may say - "To WHAT EXTENT (say in percentage) - Bhakti pictures are correct. WILL YOU??? This is worse than sarcasm.
In fact there is a point about the pictures. It is said that many pictures are prepared on devilish advice. I knew you could misinterpret my words and here you go.
Where is the question of misinterpreting? Put your comments properly instead of twisting them or arguing one sided.
Now- you only should say then- which pictures are not on devilish, and which are not!
Deities pick up hints means they think on themselves and act on themselves, they don't have to be told what to do.
This is what had been asked/discussed in detail. Reply to the points there- IF YOU LIKE.
Why would not he be Ganesh? Ganesh stands for purity as Brahma stands for purity.
I have never said - B baba is not Ganesh. I fully agree. But, my point of argument is- Ganesh is God of knowledge, hence he has to give knowledge, not to the level of inculcating purity. Here, the PBK theory fails. This was my conclusion.
It is Baba who has said that Brahma Baba is like a baby, clean.
This is PBK statement with clear SARCASM. (Shiv)Baba has said "Baby" to "all the children* in the beginning.
Moreover- the meaning of BABY there was not CLEAN. Meaning of baby there was IGNORANT.
Even PBKs criticize B baba as ignorant (in many cases) only, when they address him as baby intellect.

Even though PBKs agree- Mr. Dixit/Sevakram failed, and Murli point clearly says- he went into stomach of python (and the other tow PBK sisters as well), why do they not use the word BABY (or even worse one) for Mr. Dixit and the other two?

*- This is another clear proof that PBKs twist the Murli points.

* - PLEASE SAY CLEARLY- You did not reply to the point- and still playing HIDE AND SEEK GAME, then you may accuse once again the other.
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Lies of PBK Sita

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote: Nothing we can say can be true, PBK is wrong by default. This is very different to the way PBKs address the BKs, where they even praise them and put them ahead of themselves and show some manmat and wrong practices among the good and right practices. Mbbhat has also tried to enter into such game, by trying to find a place for the PBKs, with respect to the BKs, and he always likes to demonstrate them as number two. What will he gain by that?
1) Just one more lie. I have never entered into any kind of such games like PBKs. I have clearly said- PBKs are bhaaganthis, and have/had entered into stomach of python(in their own as well). But, I have said- everything is drama, so nothing new and wrong.

But- I have And also quoted a Murli point which says cause for conflicts in BK family- already put- Post No. 151 in the previous post.

2) It is Mr. Dixit who FIRST BEGAN the game of demonstrating number one and number two. It is PBKs who first created two Krishnas, two Narayans, etc, and claim (the so-called) Conf. Aged Narayan is higher than G Aged Narayan.
He even plays game among Father and mother and made/demonstrated Mother as weak, goes into eclipse, has attachment, cowardice, etc.
PBKs even play this game in their own group- Rudr-Mala and Vijaymala - claiming one is superior to the other.
Mr. Dixit has also made two human Gitas- True Gita and False Gita. But, in all these games, they fail to explain and have been caught in their own spiritual suicide. Lot of things are already written.

But, it is ridiculous to see- some PBKs not only feel very bad of them when they are proved/argued they are number two.
They even complain when someone debates so (which they had done it at first place!).
This once again shows total immaturity of PBKs, as if they are yet to take birth. As they themselves believe their leader would be in spiritual womb till 2016. Somewhere they have implied it as 2017-18. Very pitiable state of PBKs, but still they are lucky, since they will definitely come to heaven and have already taken place in koton may koyi.

You many call the above (bold words) as a game or sarcasm. But, it is not. Because

---Baba HIMSELF has said- "mala ke last daaney ko bhee Baba bhaagyvaan samajhthay hain = Baba considers even the last bead in the mala as lucky ones."

----Baba has also said- "Ek baar Mama- baba kahaa, varse ke hakdaar banaa. = Even if you have said Mama- baba once (from heart), you become eligible for the property."

Of course- while writing the above comment, if I am not in sakshi stage, to that extent only PBKs have right to say- mbbhat had acted like sarcasm. But, kindly note- they are words of ShivBaba- nothing else. And- PBKs sarcasm is unlimited, which cannot be expressed in words.
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Post by sita »

When we say that a soul cannot achieve perfection on its own, it is not becoming dependent. When it is said that some souls are ahead in some speciality like purity or knowledge or remembrance or whatever, it is not a superficial praise, but reality. Souls have different specialities and achieve perfection in their own way, using this speciality of their own, but all souls achieve perfection together. The help of every soul is needed. This is the reality.

There is a complain about answring of questions. I have the feeling that I am devoting more time and effort to answer as I should and that there are many questions that I have asked that have not received reply.

When I reply I don't receive feedback about the reply I have given.

Let me tell you that argument ad hominem does not mean only that you use personal matters. It means that you don't accept anything from a certain source, because it comes from this source. It does not matter if it is true or false. You are not able to accept something as true, just because it comes from a certain source, that is not true source according to you.

Your vision has been blurred by your unhealthy attitude towards the PBKs. Your desire to find faults and win arguments makes you make quick judgements, rush conclusion, absurd statements, lock you in denial, make unnesesarry challenges and claims, have a competitive attitude, use abusive and dismissive language, display of irritation, arrogant ways, humiliating words. I encourage you to always aim to discover truth in discussion rather than pursuing a certain effect (or affect).

The discussion should be in such a manner.....I make claim. You reply...for example reject it. Than it is again my turn to discuss your rejection. Because what happens now is when I give you some reply you either stay silent, or dismiss it. But if you dismiss it in a superficial way, this is no argument like....this is the PBKs vision. Let it be their vision, what does it say about its being true or false. It can be their vision and be true, is that right, or false. If it is not true, then why? Tell your arguments.

You have tired yourself from discussion, because you take too much time and effort. Calm down and lets discuss in a normal way.

Ask yourself the question if with your question do you ask for answers or are these question of mere oposition. Why are you asking so much questions? Is it not so that to overwhelm and discourage people? You have managed to discourage people with your ways, to the level that people answer to you....OK brother.... as if to a mad person.

Lets analyze your arguments. Your use of titles. What is important is that you use some flash title. For example the last one lies of Sita, that neither contain some lie I have said, nor it is about me. You use title for to impress. I here tell you once more that the power is in the arguments not in the strong words.

Next is your strange attachmet to the word “lie”. You like telling people they lie, or that something is a lie. Let me tell you here that I come here to speak the truth and I aim to speak true statements. You complain I don't answer, but I limit myself to what I know is true and stick to that. I also have to make the extra effort to avoid useless debate that you always so much attempt. And finally your questions are sometimes so stupid and provocative that indeed they are rhethorical, nor do they desire answer, nor there can be come proper answer to them and the only possible way is to meet them with silence. I have expected that you will be able to understand that by your own, but alas. Remember that with the stupid questions you are just discrediting your own position, not the one of anyone else. You are trying to involve the discussion in discussing stupid and obvious things. I will always avoid that.'

You don't value discussion and the answers your receive. You don't value the time and effort of your opponent. When you don't receive reply you get irritated. When you receive you get even more irritated.

We are here due to our own wish and in our free time. We participate voluntary. We don't awe anyone answers. We answer if we want and if we can. You like to present it that your participation here is some act of justice. You confront the PBKs, because they confront the BKs. You have not presented examples of how BKs are confronted and try to excuse your ways. You are not taking responsibility for what you do. No one has given you the task to confront the PBKs, you have taken it up yourself. You have to realize we have equal right of existence and expression.

There is no need to answer now and defend yourself. Just think more of your ways of discussing in future. I will also help you with providing more feedback and requesting more feedback.

Just one more advice. It becomes tiring for the reader to follow links to other discussions. You may have the feeling you have properly addressed the subject already, but it will be much, much better if when the need to address it again arises, to just synthesize it in few words and in essence, you will see this will help you to keep the clarity with the subject and also in your attempt to express the same idea, argument again and again you will find yourself formulating it better and better every time. It will also be more neat and easier for the reader to refer. If someone needs more in depth approach to certain subject, he will open it like a discussion, then you can refer if you like or discuss again if you like. Posting just a link is bit disrespectful. Is is always better, when you will post a link to say in few word what will one find in that link, to put the main idea in essence.
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Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:There is no need to guess. You have to read only what is being said. There is no need to interpret.
Then what is the need of any of us here. Just do copy and paste of the PBK literature or just Murli points.
If something is not clear or there is confusion or doubt, I am gere to clarify my words.
Just again lie. You do not clarify many times. The same question needs to be asked again and again.
Please, don't quote so long Murli point.
I like to make it clear as much as possible. If you wish, you may read. Left to you. I make the important/relevant words bold.
You make unecessary conclusion and then you hold me responsible. And the conclusions are always ridiculous and this way you want to prove my words ridicuous. It is not fair.
I do comments on what is inadvertently implied in your comments. Why do you get upset. Let readers judge about it. If I am wrong, I am the one who will lose the value.
Lets analyze your arguments. Your use of titles. What is important is that you use some flash title. For example the last one lies of Sita,
You only first began to put my name in the title space as "mbbhat ways". Was there need of it? Then I put it. That is all.
Unhhealthy attitude towards PBKs
It is PBKs who first have unhealthy attitude towards BKs. I am replying to PBKs just in THEIR OWN COIN.
It is PBKs who have first started to point mistakes in BKs. I usually point mistakes in what they speak/write in the forum or in their philosophy more than what they do. PBKs like to count on everything- like tying rakhi, Bhog, etc.
But, I like to discuss mainly on knowledge. Why do PBKs complain about attitude? Do not they have spirit of discussion or game spirit?

All other comments are just due to frustration and ignorance. You may keep on commenting.
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Post by sita »

From your replies I can understand that what I have written does not hold any value for you.
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Post by sita »

Mbbhat is either unaware, or he is deliberately using this, but it is a common knowledge that every comparison is limited. Comparison is used for the sake of explaining something, by connecting the subject with some other subject, where there is a common attribute to both. We can use the comparison to some limit. When we cross the limit, the comparison does not work any more. For example, Baba says that this world is like a film. It is used in some context to convey a certain meaning. We can use this comparison to some extent and find some attributes that are there in the film that are there in the drama like world. But if we cross the limit we destroy it. We can ask, but is this film recorded with a camera? What is the camera? We can speculate it is the soul etc, but then what are the screws in the camera? Comparison is useful for as long as it gives us the information needed. But then when we continue the comparison above the limit and destroy it, it does not destroy the truthfulness of the original comparison.

Maybe this issue was already addressed, but mbbhat does not seem to know that argument ad hominem does not mean making personal comments only. Ad hominem means that you don't judge the argument on its own, but based on the source. If we think someone speak lies, and don't judge what he says, if it is true or false, this is ad hominem, because even someone who speaks lies can also speak the truth. Truth is truth no matter who says it. The opposite to that is the allergic reaction like that of mbbhat, that he feels he has to argue on whatever we may say. It can be just a simple, common truth something from the Murli, never mind, he becomes blind and opposes. But there is nothing strange in that. We are all likely to believe certain sources more than others. The nature of the Murli is also like in absolute terms, that whatever comes from one is true and rest is false. Baba has said that everyone believes the one to whose religion he belongs. It seems mbbhat belongs to a different religion than mine.
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Post by sita »

I am not sure, whether you have added later, but it seems that it was my mistake.
You are aware I am already acquainted with your unique way of accepting your mistakes. It is always accompanied with putting the blame on others. Now again you don't miss the opportunity to cast doubt that maybe in fact I did delete my post and then put it back after you pointed it. Firstly why should I delete or edit my post. Is there something wrong or to be ashamed about it in that. Are the words that you say have been deleted not true. Why should I delete them.

I am sorry for going into such matters, but lets go. First you make a strange claim. What you like to say with it that in front of you I fear and edit my posts. Or that I hide something and edit my post, or I don't know what else bad do I do and that is why I edit my post. I edit my post because I lose argument.

When I pointed to you that my point is not edited, you did not even take the time and make the effort to check. You continued to insist I have edited my post. What is important are your claims. This is the style of your argumentation all the time. To make wild and crazy claims and try to involve others in low quality discussion. Your posts are always an attempt to humiliate.

I am unable to understand what made you raise the question about editing my post, so I will attribute it to golden heart interfering.

You also insist on the matter that I have said that pictures are 100 accurate, when I have not said this. I only said that the matter about salt in the flour is said about the scroptures and not about the pictures. And I have also provided a Murli point that says that many pictures are created on the direction of Maya. But you always twist what we say in the way that it seems ridiculous.
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Post by mbbhat »

Due to clear failure to correctly address the core issues, you are once again trying to highlight other person's small mistakes as Big ones, to hide your own mistakes.
And- actually it is irrelevant, because the topic of discussion was not that. You are trying to deviate from the churning of knowledge - ShivBaba's versions, and trying to enjoy in finding silly faults, as a diversionary tactic. You may continue to do that, if you are enjoying that, rather than attempting to understand the knowledge.

Many times you do not reply to the point, also do not read the posts properly, and ask the questions which are unnecessary and irrelevant.

You even had once said (honestly)- "it is out of my capacity", then said- "now it is in my capacity"(dishonestly).

You even do not reply to the answers fully. And accuse the other- if he assumes something logical/relevant. I have always kept my door open that any PBK can correct my statement.

How much ignorant PBKs are- they even do not understand the question, or the replies- or perhaps even what they write - just tip of the iceberg - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=52694#p52694
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Post by mbbhat »

A suggestion:-

It seems that Shivsena soul has stopped/forgotten to translate the Murli points into Englsih. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1860&p=52700#p52686

I believe - it is better and important to translate at least few words/sentences in it on which he expresses his views or asks questions.
But, since Shivsena Bhai has some independent powers like admin, so, I cannot say anything, left to his decision. This is not a complaint, but only a suggestion.

All is well/OK in drama.
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