Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by fluffy bunny »

... Or you could just stop posting off topic posts in the topic in question?

Which would be easier, and take less effort?
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by admin »

BKWSU SM, Revised 10.08.2015 wrote: भगवान जो फरमाते हैं वह मानना चाहिए ना। पहले तो वह श्रीमत देते हैं श्रेष्ठ ते श्रेष्ठ बनाने के लिए। तो मत पर चलना चाहिए ना। पहली-पहली मत देते हैं - देही-अभिमानी बनो। बाबा हम आत्माओं को पढ़ाते हैं। यह पक्का- पक्का याद करो। यह अक्षर याद किया तो बेड़ा पार है।

You should listen to what God says. First, He gives Shrimat in order to make you into the most elevated souls of all. Therefore, you have to follow His directions. The first and foremost direction He gives is: Become soul conscious. Baba is teaching us souls. Remember this very firmly.
If you remember these words, your boat can go across.
Have the 'pure ego' that you are a Child of God !
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by admin »

BKWSU SM, Revised 11.08.2015 wrote: कहाँ इस पुराने माया के नाले में बह न जायें। बेहद के बाप को बच्चों का फुरना रहता है।
They should not be swept away down Maya's gutter. The unlimited Father is concerned about the Children.

यहाँ कोई की सेफ्टी नहीं है। कहाँ न कहाँ विकारों रूपी माया के चम्बे में फंस पड़ते हैं। अभी तुम आत्माओं को यहाँ पढ़ाई मिल रही है। सत का संग भी यहाँ है।
There is no safety for anyone here. Somewhere or other they become trapped in the claws of Maya, in the form of vices. You souls are now receiving this study here. It is here that there is the Company of Truth.

आपस में मिलकर राय करनी है कि सर्विस की वृद्धि कैसे हो। विहंग मार्ग की सर्विस कैसे हो। ब्रह्माकुमारियों के लिए जो इतना हंगामा करते हैं फिर समझेंगे यह तो सच्चे हैं। बाकी दुनिया तो है झूठी, इसलिए सच की नईया को हिलाते रहेंगे।
Get together and discuss how service can expand. How can service become fast? Then, they will understand that the Brahma Kumaris, for whom they create so much chaos, are in fact right. The rest of the world is false, and this is why they continue to rock the Boat of Truth.
God Himself is very much concerned about you, since you are trapped in the vicious claws of Maya!
To get out of this treacherous trap you need to keep the 'Company of Truth'.
You will then be able to free yourself from the heavy treacherous burden of -
creating so much chaos for the Brahma Kumaris, and rocking the Boat of Truth!
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by fluffy bunny »

admin wrote:To get out of this treacherous trap you need to keep the 'Company of Truth'.
Wouldn't evidence of "the Company of Truth" be that they actually spoke the truth?

If so, it would exclude the leaders of the BKWSU.
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by admin »

Evidence of the ‘Company of Truth’ would only be that one would be MAKING the BEST POSSIBLE EFFORT to actually act/speak/think/dream/be the TRUTH!
Why would anyone who is ALREADY the COMPLETE EMBODIMENT of TRUTH require the ‘Company of Truth’ any longer? The very fact that one STILL requires the ‘Company of Truth’ implies that one does not STILL possess the ability to act/speak/think/dream/be the TRUTH CONSTANTLY, which means that one is STILL susceptible or liable to act/speak/think/dream/be the UNTRUTH sometimes INTERMITTENTLY, DEPENDING on the degree of body-cosciousness sublimated or the degree of soul-consciousness achieved, the leaders of BKWSU being no EXCEPTION to same.
Satan, Beelzebub, Devil, Lucifer, Old Nick, Prince of Darkness, the Tempter, the Demon, Force of Evil, Power of Evil, Nescience, Shaitan, Ravan or Maya is successful into trapping souls like you into Satan’s vicious claws, so that Satan can then continue to use them like cheap spiritual prostitutes or destitutes, to create so much chaos for the Brahma Kumaris, and rock the ‘Boat of Truth’, by completely confounding and perplexing their intellects, so that they cannot comprehend the above simple TRUTH accurately - until the apportioned time - if they do not become aware of their spiritual prostitution and spiritual destitution before then, and make an attempt to free themselves from the ABJECT slavery of Satan!
BKWSU SM, Revised 12.08.2015 wrote: इस सृष्टि में ही उत्तम पुरूष, मध्यम और कनिष्ट होते हैं। आदि में हैं उत्तम, बीच में हैं मध्यम, अन्त में हैं कनिष्ट। हर चीज़ पहले नई उत्तम फिर मध्यम फिर कनिष्ट अर्थात् पुरानी बनती है। दुनिया का भी ऐसे है। तो जिन-जिन बातों पर मनुष्यों को संशय आता है, उस पर तुमको समझाना है।

It is only in this world that there are elevated, mediocre and degraded human beings. In the beginning they are elevated, in the middle they are mediocre and at the end they are degraded. Everything is at first new and elevated, then mediocre, and then degraded, that is, it becomes old. It is the same with the world. Therefore, you have to explain to people whatever aspect they have doubts about.
Since you have made a personal choice to focus on defects and degradation in others, you have chosen to specifically relate to those defects and degradation in others (which are actually in the process of being transformed), as a result of which you have inadvertently chosen to LOCK your own intellect into focusing on those defects and degradation, making it IMPROBABLE for you to EVEN HOPE to have the chance of becoming ELEVATED yourself, thus wilfully allowing Satan to hold you within Satan’s vicious claws.
In this manner Satan manages to make a COMPLETE SPIRITUAL IDIOT out of you, to such an extent that you begin to delusively believe that anyone with whom you are interacting is also an idiot like you, and you do not hesitate to readily address them in like manner, so much so that you even consider the ACTUAL Chariot of God to be an idiot, and what’s more, you even consider that the TRUE Spirit of God Himself is also an idiot – and you conduct yourself accordingly, in perfect consonance with the dictates of Satan - who, in fact, is the REAL SPIRITUAL IDIOT !
BKWSU SM, Revised 12.08.2015 wrote: परमपिता परमात्मा से प्रीत नहीं है तो विप्रीत बुद्धि ठहरे ना। इस पर तुम समझा सकते हो जो प्रीत बुद्धि हैं वह विजयन्ती और जो विप्रीत बुद्धि हैं वह विनशन्ती हो जाते हैं। इस पर भी कई मनुष्य बिगड़ते हैं, फिर कोई न कोई इलज़ाम लगा देते हैं। झगड़ा-फसाद मचाने में देरी नहीं करते हैं। कोई कर ही क्या सकते हैं।

Those who don’t love the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, definitely have divorced intellects. You can tell them about this. Those who have loving intellects are victorious, whereas those whose intellects have no love are led to destruction. Some people become upset about this and then make false allegations. They don’t take long to start a fight. What can one do in those circumstances?
Such ABSOLUTE SPIRITUAL IDIOTS (‘maha-murkh’) of Ravan are ultimately led to DESTRUCTION, if they are not able to transform themselves before then! And nothing more can be done in such circumstances, other than watching (as a detached observer), the DESTRUCTION of such souls, through appropriate measures designed within Drama to FORCEFULLY TRANSFORM them through EXTERNAL processes!
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by sita »

I don't approve of such patronising comments and remarks of personal revenge from the admin, who is to embody equanimity. Indeed it seems like Golden Heart is there involved. We could cherish the times with shivsena as admin.
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by arjun »

The above words spoken by Admin to fluffy-bunny make me ponder whether golden heart has been reborn as Admin????? Or perhaps it is a BK and ex-PBK majority team acting as SAT?????
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by mbbhat »

From the other topic- viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2579&p=49791#p49791
fluffy bunny wrote:You cannot confuse today's world with the Imperial Age. ...
Similarly, you cannot compare this world to the older period. I said the caste system is right if there is no exploitation of people. When exploitation increased, it failed, and then we see today's new development.
You cannot blame the people who fight for human rights with the corporations who exploit others.
So, your this statement has no value. I did not say exploitation is right. I just said caste system, if goes in natural way, is the best solution.
The West had caste systems in the feudal era. It evolved and it threw it out. Sadly, much of India remains feudal (or an even earlier period), a sort of feudalism with cell phones exists.
But, they are exploiting other countries. Is that not true? They give so-called justice to their citizens by exploiting others and causing injustice to them. It is like giving so-called clean, healthy non-vegetarian food by killing animals or manufacturing a product by greatly polluting the environment.

BTW, would you like to list down how much for the pollution the so called developed countries are responsible for?

India has to come down. So, there is no surprise if Indians committed mistakes.*
Of course, many great Indians have fought against the inherited slavery of the caste system and criticized the Brahmins for 100s of years.
So, you only replied. Thank you.

* - Baba also says- all the wrong has come from lowkik Gita or Bhakti scriptures, is it not?
I never really understood what was so spiritual about wanting to be Upper Caste. Most BKs are not Brahmins, what castes do they come from?
I was not telling about Confluence Age. I was saying about the whole period of 5000 yrs. Those who have studied well (or done some good karma) will be born in royal families or upper caste.

To properly understand the perfect caste system, one has to properly understand the perfect functioning of the physical body, (differentiated in 4 principal functional systems, representing the caste systems on a macro level), when the physical body is pure in the Golden Age, there being no disease at all!
The perfect physical body represents the perfect functioning of systems within society on a macro level.
What we have been striving for, by overruling the caste system, in an imperfect society,' is to convert the whole physical body into just 'one head', and nothing else! How can one live with or in such a body?
Are you totally blind to the world situation today and its root causes? It's the lop-sided thinking which people like you have developed, and which you blindly endorse, which is responsible for sustaining the degraded condition of the world today! Only a small portion of the population lives in rich condition, at the expense of the poor. They misuse others to a great extent.
Promote human rights, equal rights, democracy
Where is true democracy or equal rights? Why class one officer should get higher salary than class four officer? Why not share the profit in an organization/company equally by all of its employees?

How many wars/fights are going on in every corner of the world and the developed countries not only create them, but also pour oil to the fire.
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by fluffy bunny »

Off topic. Please start a new topic if you want to discuss caste or Western democracy.

So, have we established that the Admin is Golden Heart?

And is Mbbhat working with them?

What about a bit of honesty and clarity with regard to the changes in the forum administration?

Shivsena ... care to respond?
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by admin »

From here -

It does appear 'shivsena' feels apprehensive of interacting with "such ABSOLUTE SPIRITUAL IDIOTS (‘maha-murkh’) of Ravan, who are ultimately led to DESTRUCTION", as can be easily surmised from the preventive actions 'shivsena' had been adopting hitherto on the forum, in order to protect own self, and an intelligent individual would readily appreciate the concerns of 'shivsena' in this matter!

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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by arjun »

SAT alias golden heart wrote:"such ABSOLUTE SPIRITUAL IDIOTS (‘maha-murkh’) of Ravan, who are ultimately led to DESTRUCTION"
Dear SAT alias golden heart,

I was under the wrong impression all these days that golden heart has been banned for good, but it seems he/she has been given a promotion (with incentives) as a member/chief of SAT. Congratulations dear golden heart :D May you take the glory of SAT to greater heights with golden versions like the above one. ;-)
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Re: Ideological interpretation of the Yagya History - REVs .

Post by fluffy bunny »

Is it not a bit childish to keep removing requests to stop posting off topic comments and keep posting repetitive nonsense?

Is it really divine?

These posts have nothing to do with the Yagya history.

No one on the forum thinks so.
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Re: Ideological interpretation of the Yagya History - REVs .

Post by sita »

No one on the forum thinks so.
To me, you are the stubborn one, fluffy bunny.
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by warrior »

sita wrote:To me, you are the stubborn one, fluffy bunny.
Hummm sita, are you lost in the jungle? Don't be, save us.
SAT alias golden heart wrote:"such ABSOLUTE SPIRITUAL IDIOTS (‘maha-murkh’) of Ravan, who are ultimately led to DESTRUCTION"
arjun wrote: Dear SAT alias golden heart,
So this soul is now the Admin of this forum?
No wonder so much repetition is going on.
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Re: Queries & concerns of 'fluffy bunny'

Post by mbbhat »

fluffy bunny wrote:Off topic. Please start a new topic if you want to discuss caste or Western democracy.
It is left up to you to start or not. But, since your post in the other topic, was off topic, I transferred my post here.
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