seeing a tiny white speck

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seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

i havent got any shakshatkaars(divine visions) as such but i do feel(visualize) Murli points and that way try to understand Gyan more clearly..
i have heard that many students have divine visions based on their evolution in Gyan..i.e more clear their intellect more clear are their visions..
i used to study the Murlis a lot to understand the philosophy and used to note all new points and churn them..
some students told me that even now other than trance messengers some students also receive divine visions(of Satyug) based on their spiritual progress..
i understand that it is not compulsory to get visions even though some students are highly evolved(understanding of Gyan, Amrit Vela, following srhrimat)..
i would like to know of any visions the members of this forum have had because of Gyan..
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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

i sometimes see a tiny speck of light(tube light white colour but very intense and minute)..
i see it seems to drift and move in mid air..
it flashes only for a few seconds and vanishes..
i generally seem to see it when in confusion or stress..
i have seen it about 5-6 times till now..
many times i wonder if it was a figment of imagination or hallucination but it is seen abruptly and in ordinary conditions i.e. day time and fully awake and in some thoughts or when in a conversation with someone..
i am asking because i want to know if any of you have any such visions..
when discussed some sisters said it was "gun moti"(spark of virtue), some said it was my soul, some said it was brahma baba assuring you when in crisis, some say it is just an optical illusion..

kindly give your feedback..
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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

some even said it was a vision to encourage a new student to further study and emulate Gyan..
i wonder if it was a vision at all or just an optical illusion..
have any of you had such or similar visions..

thanks and regards
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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by Roy »

sukshmbindu wrote:have any of you had such or similar visions..
I have on occasion, experienced these sparks of light in front of my eyes; i even had one quite recently. I have always thought of them, as form of encouragement, or sometimes even a warning, to become soul conscious. I am not sure if there is a consensus in the Brahmin family, regarding them; or even if they are merely an aberration of the brain. So i wouldn't mind knowing myself.

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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by nivi »

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

From what I understand, Baba has said Gyani or knowledgeable souls don't need to rely on visions but should churn and understand the finer points of knowledge. Just like Brahma Baba had many visions of Golden Age, Vishnu, destruction etc. and was not able to understand them, he had to ask many of his lokik Guru's to get the meaning and he still was not satisfied with the answers. He finally had to reach to his very dear and trusted friend in Calcutta to get the explanation of his vision's. At the starting point in Yagya there were a quite a few who would get visions in the earlier days because there wasn't much knowledge. Baba has said that on the path of Bhakti many get visions. For example 15th century Princess Mira (devote of Krishna) also had vision, but did she attain God or Mukti or Jeevan Mukti? Baba has already given us so much knowledge and also clarification of many Murli points, so I would think it is better to churn and understand and apply those points in our lives.

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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by Roy »

nivi wrote:From what I understand, Baba has said Gyani or knowledgeable souls don't need to rely on visions but should churn and understand the finer points of knowledge.
Absolutely Nivi behan, i totally agree, visions are not the path of knowledge. I've never thought of my "spark incidents" as visions anyway; they happen pretty infequently and out of the blue. I've never known for sure if they are from ShivBaba; but i've always used them as a reminder to make a little more effort with my soul consciousness, anyway.

I was taught right from the start of my Gyani career in 1985, that visions or experiences, are not to be hankered after; which was a good thing, as i never had any, apart from the occasional spark. My contemporaries in Gyan, all seemed to be having experiences of one type or another, and it did make me feel a little left out to be honest, and less Gyani; even though i was taught they are not an indicator of your worth as a soul.

Having become pretty steeped in AK for the last 10 months or so; this lesson has become even more firm; because i feel i have now found my true home in Gyan... this is where i belong and feel at home.

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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

thankyou sister nivi and brother roy..

brother roy..
was the spark like this ... s_ether1#5 ... es_fire1#2

the spark i saw was somewhat like the first pic but the dot was more intense and minute where as the shadow as such was not there..only the dot moved in a path similar to 2nd pic..
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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

i am speculating if that speck is form of a soul..
also how to know if its intentions are divine or harmful to me(may be it depends on whether the soul is of a saint or a ghost)..
or is it just an imagination
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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by Roy »

Dear suksh Bhai

My points, are like the first picture also; and like your own, smaller and more intense. They tend to be like mini flash bulbs; so you cannot mistake that you've seen something. I always thank Baba when they occur, as i just presume they are a prompting to use my mind more productively.

As to whether these points are harmful or not, i believe they are totally benign. I have no psychic abilities at all; and so for me, these sparks are either from Baba, or they are just something firing off in my brain. If they were harmful you would know about it; as i had a few run-ins with a not so nice spirit, about 20 years ago, when i was experiencing some emotional problems at the time. It was not a pleasant experience, and i saw no points of light during these episodes.

But even if they are just the product of neurons in the brain firing up, or not totally positive souls; the solution and method to deal with all of this is the same... i.e. simply be soul conscious. :D

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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

Roy wrote:Dear suksh Bhai

As to whether these points are harmful or not, i believe they are totally benign. I have no psychic abilities at all; and so for me, these sparks are either from Baba, or they are just something firing off in my brain. If they were harmful you would know about it; as i had a few run-ins with a not so nice spirit, about 20 years ago, when i was experiencing some emotional problems at the time. It was not a pleasant experience, and i saw no points of light during these episodes.

Om Shanti

thankyou brother roy..
can you eloborate on it..
this is only for my understanding..

best regards
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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by Roy »

sukshmbindu wrote:thankyou brother roy..can you eloborate on it..this is only for my understanding..
Dear suksh Bhai.

These experiences occured as i mentioned, when i was in a particularly bad place, that is a long story in itself. But the key element for me, that brought me to this pivotal time; was a deep lack of self worth and respect; with the void the lack of these qualities created, filled with an enormous ego. Also; at this time, i would rather put myself in the hands of others, than take responsibility for myself and my actions. I was always terrified of making mistakes; i was a real mess! So this was the root cause of my problems, although there was much going on in my life, that brought it all to a head; including poor health.

So this very imbalanced consciousness, lead me into dark place in 1990. So it is not suprising, that a disembodied soul, might see another soul in a weakened state, and take advantage of the situation. The episodes always occured at night, when i would "awaken" from sleep, in a paralysed state, and feel something crawling up my bed. Then the soul would attack. It was like my soul itself, was being put in a vice... the pressure was immense. I just concentrated as hard as i could, and tried to mentally resist this pressure, and at the same time, chant Baba, over and over. Eventually the attack would stop, and i'd just go back to sleep; not lingering too much on what had happened. This then occured, on several more occasions over the next few weeks. I have a theory about who the soul in question was; but that's not for this forum.

This was around 1990 as i've mentioned; but i had another one or two events after i moved house, about 5 years later. I was very ill at this time, so this itself, may have been the motivation for the attacks, i don't know. But since then, nothing of this nature has ever occured again, and it is not something i dwell on, or would advise you to either.

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Re: seeing a tiny white speck

Post by sukshmbindu »

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