International Museum of Women

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fluffy bunny
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International Museum of Women

Post by fluffy bunny »

Janki and Jayanti get themselves present as exhibitions in the International Museum of Women, or more to the point, 'Global Council' members.

We posted an official "correction" from the BKWSU about Janki advertised status as "Wisdom Keeper". Can anyone explain to me what the BKWSU’s programs "embracing" a variety of disciplines, including law, education, science, social action and governance" means to the readers of such statements or how Jayanti "worked" with the Dalai Lama? I suppose there is a difference between 'working the Dalai Lama' and 'working with the Dalai Lama'??
International Museum of Women wrote:Janki Kripalani

United Nations designated Wisdom Keeper

In 1974, Dadi Janki established London’s Brahma Kumaris center, the first outside of India, which now has 5,400 centers in 129 countries around the world. The center’s programs are multicultural and embrace a variety of disciplines, including law, education, science, social action and governance. Also deeply concerned with integrating spiritual values into our professional and personal lives, she is the president of the Janki Foundation for Global Health Care, which she established and launched in 1997, as well as a member of the Global Peace Initiative.

Did You Know?
  • • In 1992, Dadi Janki was designated one of the United Nations 10 prestigious Wisdom Keepers, and in this capacity was a spiritual adviser at the Earth Summit in Brazil.
    • Dadi Janki has written three books: Companion of God, Wings of Soul, and Pearls of Wisdom.
    • In 2002, Dadi Janki led a delegation to the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
Jayanti Kirpalani

She is a leader in the promotion of interfaith friendship and dialogue to bring about the peaceful resolution of world problems, and she is a member of the executive committee of the World Congress of Faiths.

Did You Know?
  • Sister Jayanti has worked with the Dalai Lama.
    • Sister Jayanti is the author of Practical Meditation: Spiritual Yoga for the Mind, a widely recognized book.
    • Sister Jayanti is a popular lecturer, perceived as a powerful and mesmerizing speaker despite a soft spoken and gentle demeanor.
By "work", does she mean "being a member of a loose coalition spearheaded by Jewish financier Richard Blum and San Francisco Episcopal Bishop Bishop Swing, the 'Inter-religious Friendship Group'" with HH The Dalai Lama?

Recently Blum and wife US senator Senator Dianne Feinstein who made Judicial Watch's List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007, created controversy for themselves over a potential financial conflicts of interest relating to Blum's 111,000 shares of stock in URS Corporation, now one of the top defense contractors in the United States and others. URS and Blum banked on the Iraq war, scoring a $600 million contract through defense contractor EG&G and a result, saw stock prices more than triple since the war began in March 2003. Blum is said to have cashed in over $2 million on this venture alone and another $100 million for his investment firm. He also heads Perini Corporation who gained $2 bn worth of with Afghanistan and Iraq War reconstruction contracts.

In 2005 her family earned income of between $500,000 and $5 million from capital gains on URS and Perini stock combined. From military construction company, CB Richard Ellis, Blum earned between $1.3 million to $4 million. Perini, which partly specializes in erecting casinos, now holds at least $2.5 billion worth of contracts tied to the worldwide expansion of American militarism. It also built a biological warfare laboratory for the US Navy in Virginia. Projects are typically examined and approved or disapproved by MILCON.

Feinstein resigned her post as chairwoman of the Senate Subcommittee on Military Construction Appropriations MILCON after Metro Newspapers, a group of alternative weekly papers in northern California, detailed the number of defense contracts awarded to Perini Corp. and URS Corp., both of which her husband, Richard C. Blum, has ownership, according to the newspapers.
john morgan
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Re: International Museum of Women

Post by john morgan »

Quote from above.

"Sister Jayanti is a popular lecturer, perceived as a powerful and mesmerizing speaker despite a soft spoken and gentle demeanor."

I'd like to offer some definitions of the verb "mesmerize"
  • 1. to hypnotize.
    2. to spellbind; fascinate.
    3. to compel by fascination.
The word "mezmerizing" is often found in hynotherapy circles. Another word may have more accurately expressed what the International Museum of Women intended to say.
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