Ideological interpretation of the Yagya History - REVs .

To discuss the BK and PBK versions relating to the progressive differential development of BK & PBK ideologies or theologies.
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Golden Heart
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Ideological interpretation of the Yagya History - REVs .

Post by Golden Heart »

Sweet Golden Hearts,

I have been studying most of your posts for a very long period.

First of all, please allow me to express my gratitude to Admin for making this interaction possible. You are a wonderful Child of God who has been instrumental for establishing a 'Field' to facilitate the purpose of purifying Atmas and Atoms through the process of constant churning. Needless to mention, that you are constantly accumulating an unlimited income for many lifetimes through this great Service to Creation.
  • You are showered with fragrant petals of fondest and deepest Divine Spiritual Love from a Golden Heart ...
Secondly, I would also like to express my deep appreciation of Fluffy Bunny, who is a very devoted and dedicated Child of God, determined, with a True and Loving Golden Heart, to facilitate the process of realization of Absolute Truth vis-à-vis Relative Truth.
  • You are showered with imperishable jewels of the most profound Divine Love from a Golden Heart ...
Would it sound rather strange if I suggested that if Admin may be considered as the Father of this 'Field', then Fluffy Bunny could be considered as the Mother? ...

Thirdly, I would also like to express my sincere appreciation towards all the other Divine Children of God, who have been consistent in their churning efforts, providing spiritual sustenance to many other souls.
  • All of you are showered with precious pearls of Divine Love from a Golden Heart ...
I would like to introduce myself as 'your obedient servant' who aspires to be lost in Divine Love in the deepest recesses of the Golden Heart of each one of you ...

With your compassionate permission, I would like to present my humble understanding of certain aspects of the Eternal World Drama, as per my present level of spiritual evolvement, for your kind consideration and critical appreciation.

1. Supreme Soul Shiv revealed the Knowledge, in its entirety, through Brahma Baba-Lekhraj Kirpalani, DIRECTLY through his lotus mouth from 1937 to 1969, in His Role as KARANHAR (One Who Acts DIRECTLY). The 'shooting' period of Golden Age was from 1937 to 1951, and the Destruction mentioned for this time, was the 'ideological' Destruction of that period, after which the Yagya was shifted to Mt Abu and the 'shooting' of Silver Age commenced, lasting till 1969.

2. From 1969 onwards, the 'shooting' of Path of Devotion or Ravan Rajya commenced in the Yagya. The Destruction mentioned for the Seventies was the 'ideological' Destruction(Confusion) of BK ideology with the dissemination of PBK 'ideology'; and the Destruction mentioned for the beginning of the new century, was the 'ideological' Destruction(Confusion) of PBK ideology by the progressive emergence of remaining 8 major Religious 'ideologies'.

3. There is no direct involvement of the Supreme Soul Shiv after 1969, when the role of Shiv, as Shankar, is being played through 'PURE Inspiration' and 'TOUCHING' only, in His subtle Role as KARANKARAVANHAR, (One Who GETS DONE through Others), and NOT directly. On the basis of the original Knowledge revealed by Shiv through Brahma-Lekhraj Kirpalani, the Bhakti aspect of the Knowledge begins to emerge in the consciousness of the soul of last Ram of Silver Age, inspired by Shiv & Avyakt Brahma Baba, in the role of Shankar. The PBK philosophy is promulgated through the mouth of V D D who is the soul of last Ram of Silver Age, which later gives birth to the other 8 major ideologies.

Shiv & Avyakt Brahma Baba, in the role of Shankar, through the corporeal medium of the soul of last Ram of Silver Age, inspire each of the 8 Seed Souls to promulgate their respective ideologies, which emerge in the consciousness of each of those Seed Souls, progressively. D P of the Vishnu Party is one of the Seed Souls, emerging from the PBK 'ideology'. All these 'ideologies' 'accurately' misinterpret and mix the original Pure Shrimat of Shiv in 'absolute' accordance with the relevant Scriptures of existing Religions in the outer Broad Drama, to lay the ground for the enactment of same in the relevant periods of the next Cycle - all, perfectly, as per Drama Plan.

4. The Ten Heads of Ravan are therefore:
  • a) the TWO Major ideologies prominent during Copper Age & Iron Age in the central trunk of the Tree, representing Krishna & Ram as God; and
    b) the FOUR Major ideologies in each side of the Tree, Masculine and Feminine - Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Communism – Buddhism, Sanyas, Sikhism and Arya Samaj.
In the blue-print of Sangamyug, the TWO Major ideologies are BK and PBK and the remaining EIGHT are the ideologies which emerge from these two. All these TEN Major ideologies are completely 'destroyed' or MERGED when Supreme Soul Shiv purifies all souls through various processes and enables them to have His Pure, UNADULTERATED Recognition at the very end of the Confluence Age.

5. The concepts of ShivBaba, Trimurti - (Brahma, Vishnu & Shankar), Prajapita Brahma, Radha & Krishna, Lakshmi and Narayan, Mother & Father, Pandavas, Kauravas, rosaries of 108 & 16,000 souls, etc., would be replicated IDENTICALLY in each of the above TEN Major ideologies, representing the Godly FORM (ISHWARIYA RUP) of Maya. Besides these, many Minor ideologies also emerge on a lesser scale in Bharat, representing the smaller Branches of the Tree, with similar patterns. However, even a pinch of Salt in a handful of Flour is sufficient to take any true aspirant’s Boat across. At the end of CoA, there will be two Divine Families, Krishna taking birth in one Clan and Radha taking birth in the other Clan, which will then merge into one, on the day of Coronation, when the Day 1:1:1 of Golden Age commences, with one singular ideology of 'Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharm'.


1. Whatever practices are prevalent in the Organizations and aspirants of the BK, PBK and other 8 major ideologies, during the 'shooting' of Path of Devotion or Ravan Rajya, are the blue-print of the Path of Devotion, Bhakti Marg or Ravan Rajya, which will tend towards progressive expansion, prominence and deterioration, till they are merged. This includes the various practices, the various interpersonal interactions among the aspirants of the same Organization and the various interpersonal interactions between aspirants of different Organizations.

This is what we are practically witnessing today within the blue-print of the Yagya, corresponding to similar states in the outer Broad Drama. Their principal characteristic is to be excessively possessive of their own individual ideology, to the exclusion of other ideologies, projecting superficial sweetness and affection during propagation, which quickly assumes an 'aggressive' form when their views are challenged. This is the Power of Lust operating at the subtlest level.

2. It will now not be difficult to visualize that the revision of the Yagya History has to be a natural outcome of the spiritual evolvement of the Yagya. In the beginning, the aspirants projected the History based on their initial comprehension of the Knowledge revealed by Shiv through Brahma-Lekhraj Kirpalani, which was progressively upgraded with the passage of time, in accordance with their gradual spiritual evolvement.

3. The re-writing of the Murlis also was the natural outcome of the progressive change in the collective consciousness of the Yagya with the passage of time. In many earlier Murlis, Shiv referred to the Service of individuals by name of particular individuals for that specific period of time, and these versions became irrelevant at a later period for newer aspirants of Knowledge. Secondly, in the process of writing, re-writing, typing, re-typing, translating, etc., a lot of administrative alterations of a minor nature also crept in, inadvertently. The K also clearly specifies that the earlier versions would not come into use at a later period of time, and hence would become obsolete, with the evolvement of the collective spiritual consciousness of the Yagya!

In addition to these changes, certain intentional changes would also have been made to certain Murli points, (which were not clearly understood by the 'Care-Takers'), with a view to protect the integrity of the Yagya, and not with any malicious intent, but however based on their governing Bhakti Sanskars, with the intention to prevent the evident mis-interpretation of specific points by the evolving 'ideologies'. All these changes, however do not have the power to alter the core message or the ORIGINAL, PURE, UNADULTERATED intent of Supreme Soul Shiv for any true aspirant of the Knowledge, at any given time in the Confluence Age.

In any case, when the 'shooting' of Ravan Rajya commences in 1969, the INTERPRETATIONS of the Murlis progressively get altered, until they reach an alignment of 180 degrees contrary to the ORIGINAL, PURE, UNADULTERATED intent of Supreme Soul Shiv. This is where DUALITY creeps in and confuses all Brahmin souls, the result of which is evident today. Just as the development of Science has been able to produce imitation jewelry, which APPEARS to be even more real than the real jewelry and has fooled many souls, so also the ISHWARIYA FORM of Maya has developed so powerfully, as to fool even the best of souls in the K, in the 'shooting' period of Ravan Rajya! However, this is only a LOVELY PLAY ('LILA') in the EWD, designed to determine the numberwise status of souls - only within the framework of Drama.

4. It is not necessary to be concerned or perturbed about the revision of Yagya History or revision of the original Murlis, once the Drama is understood in its proper perspective and a clear link established with Supreme Soul Shiva.
Let the Dead bury their Dead.

One's endeavour should be to follow the Pure Shrimat of Supreme Soul Shiva. Just as a true aspirant of spirituality does not have to be restricted by the Political or Religious ideology he is currently associated with within the outer Broad Drama, the same applies in the Yagya also.

One can be associated with any ideology, and while meeting the external requirements of that ideology superficially, continue to make internal efforts to reach the true destination.
Give to Caeser what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.

5. The Finer definition of Lust –
  • Level 1 – School – Gross : physical attraction to the physical body
    Level 2 – College – Subtle : attraction to hold on to power of any form
    Level 3 – Research – Seed : attraction to one's individual ideology, to the exclusion of even considering the ideology of another.
When one conquers Lust at the Seed Level, it is automatically conquered at the other two Levels. On the Seed Level, all of us in the corporeal sphere are now extremely Lustful, hence it is impossible to establish a clear link with Supreme Soul Shiva in this state of mind. Only when the grandeur and beauty of each and every Leaf of the Tree is accepted, respected and appreciated can one be considered to have conquered Lust, which is the number one enemy of the Soul and Soul-Consciousness, thereby transforming this Diversity into Unity.


1. Those who desire to experience the personality of Supreme Soul Shiv can easily do so by simply discerning His personality in any Sakar Murli or Avyakt Vani. The depth of Compassion which is evident in the Murlis/Vanis for each and every Child, and for the whole of Creation, cannot originate from any embodied soul. The souls who are able to truly perceive this aspect in their inner consciousness are the souls who belong to the Real Advance Party (not the Advance Party of the PBKs, who primarily promulgate the Advance Knowledge of the Advanced part of the Cycle, i.e. Copper & Iron Ages).

The Real Advance Party souls have successfully imbibed the Knowledge to a high extent and brought a definite change in their consciousness and their personality, but they are not in physical communication with any of the BKs (whether, ex-BK, BK, PBK, etc.). These are the prominent Ruler souls of Golden Age, and again, in the beginning of Copper Age. These 16,108 souls take all 84 births. Purification of these souls is PRIMARILY achieved through the power of Yoga (Yoga Bal).

2. Those who are in the process of determining their governing ideologies of the latter half of the Cycle, should continue to do so, without generating too much friction with individuals of other ideologies. These are the prominent Ruler souls of Silver Age and again latter part of Copper Age (whether, ex-BK, BK, PBK, etc.).

These 16,108 souls also take all 84 births. Purification of these souls is PRIMARILY achieved through the power of Churning of Knowledge, particularly of latter half of the Cycle (Bahu Bal). Hence, they will be involved in severe verbal and mental duels with each other in the process of Churning the Knowledge, either directly or through any other means, including the Internet, as is done here. The remaining 900,000 souls who take all 84 births are the prominent Ruler souls of the Iron Age.

3. Criticism of any particular individual in any official capacity of any Organization is meaningless and fruitless. Each one is playing his/her accurate part within Drama. Instead of dissipating energy through criticism, carefully observe the various aspects of Drama, as it unfolds, appreciate its beauty and endeavour to determine each individual’s part within the frame-work of Drama. This is such a Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful Drama ...

4. There is no need to dissipate the energy of the Self in contradicting the conflicting interpretations of the various ideologies, or even the adverse conduct of the chief propagators or care-takers of the relevant ideologies. The various allegations made against the chief propagators of the ideologies are definitely based on actual facts, without any doubt whatsoever, (although at times unduly exaggerated), but this is of no consequence to individual souls, since that was/is an expression of the weak aspect of the personality which was/is in the process of being transformed. Rather, one should appreciate and correlate their ideologies in the System of the Tree with an attitude of detachment, simultaneously recognizing one's status in the System of the Tree.

5. In the Relative sense, Children are number-wise within the framework of Drama, but in the Absolute sense every Child is uniquely supreme, in the absolute likeness of Supreme Soul Shiva. God is not only with each of the other Groups, but also with each one of you.
Hence the legal action against this Site is only one of the wonderful scenes of Drama which will only get progressively more wonderful. Just wait and watch and ENJOY ...

In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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Post by john »

golden heart wrote:1. The Supreme Soul Shiv revealed the Knowledge, in its entirety, through Brahma Baba-Lekhraj Kirpalani, directly through his mouth from 1937 to 1969. The ‘shooting’ period of Golden Age was from 1937 to 1951, and the destruction mentioned for this time, was the ‘ideological’ destruction of that period, when the Yagya was shifted to Mt Abu and the ‘shooting’ of Silver Age commenced, lasting till 1969.

Welcome Golden Heart and thank you for your comprehensive account of the Yagya to date. Maybe your post would be better in a thread of it's own?

I have some questions, but firstly, there is documented evidence available on this site that shows that God Father Shiva did not make an appearance in Brahma baba until around 1950, before that BKs considered Brahma Baba to be God himself. So you say 1937 to 1951 is the Golden Age of Yagya, therefore do you consider Brahma baba as God and this to be the true or Golden Aged understanding? There is a thread in the history section.
The allegations made against the chief propagators of the ideologies are definitely based on actual facts, without any doubt whatsoever

Which allegations do you know are facts?
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Post by fluffy bunny »

Welcome to the forum and namaste, golden heart. I am grateful for the company of a thoughtful and gentle soul. You are under no obligation to do so, but can you disclose which group you align yourself with?

I hope you can excuse what may appear to you to be criticism of certain individuals. From my point of view, it is not meant as such. Rather, on one hand, merely observation and documentation upon which to build an accurate picture of what is going on; and, on the other, as hopefully a light by which other souls will be able to free themselves from their golden and silver chains. I hesitate to offer that we should not allow ourselves to be inhibited by inhibitions that belong to a lower way of being ... whilst at the same time avoid falling into the trap of making it a habit.

"Saving face" or defending reputations, either for the self or others, is also a subtle form of vice that does not belong on the absolute path. Unfortunately, all to often, the 'cheeks' that have been exposed on this site are not those on the faces of the BKWSU.

Can you help us with any further detailed knowledge of the early period, the changes around 1950 when Shiva must have been introduced and the events of 1969-76?
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Post by arjun »

golden heart wrote:All of you are showered with precious pearls of Divine Love from a Golden Heart ...

3. Criticism of any particular individual in any official capacity of any Organization is meaningless and fruitless. Each one is playing his/her accurate part within Drama. Instead of dissipating energy through criticism, carefully observe the various aspects of Drama, as it unfolds, appreciate its beauty and endeavour to determine each individual’s part within the frame-work of Drama. This is such a Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful Drama ...
Dear golden heart,

Om Shanti and welcome to the forum. Thanks for showering love upon all the members of this forum.
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Hearts that recognise Gold or something ...

Post by abrahma kumar »

Dear Golden Heart thank you for participating on the forum. Your post itself reads like a showering of fragrant petals of fond and deep Divine Spiritual Love; it also gives rise to a number of questions.
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keep me searching for a heart of gold (Neil Young)

Post by alladin »

Hi, Golden Heart, and thanks. Many of the things you wrote resonate with my feelings. Before I write any comment, let me just ask you a question: do you manage to maintain constantly such a clear mind, a stage of detached observer of the Drama and its actors? If so, it'd be nice if you could share with all of us some yuktis on how to create and maintain that.

It is very important to be objective and not too emotional! Unfortunately, many of us took in a lot of sorrow, got burnt by the Yagya, either at a very early stage or later, and even during the healing process, all sorts of feelings continue to re-emerge, possibly loosing intensity over time, as our awareness increases. Having found a tribe with whom sharing is possible, also helped me to recover and clarify things. So, I'd like to know, whenever you will feel comfortable to do so, if you could share what your experience has been. If you also got scarred and how have you imbibed detachment or forgiveness. Or is it a natural sanskar of yours?

Maybe some people are over-sensitive, and for sure, all the sorrow we accumulate, after being stocked up, has to come out, like any energy, in one form or another. Hopefully not as retaliation!! Maybe the involvement in service, the exposure to many people and situations, or the expectations one had, make the difference. BKs who were not around for too long, or invested less in service, seem to find it easier to exit without bitterness. They just throw everything behind their shoulders, because the bundle was lighter.

First time I heard a Double Foreigner brother suggesting that the Yagya was also subject to entropy, and it had entered its own Kaliyug, was over 20 years ago. And it became a scoop, a scandalous statement. In a regime, such comments are not allowed!!
golden heart wrote:projecting superficial sweetness and affection during propagation, which quickly changes to aggression when their views are challenged.

I will definetely churn some points on the different aspects of lust, in the way you explained. What instinctively comes to mind, now, is that lust is very much connected with superficiality, grasping and using, and pretending, in order to be able to achieve our own limited and insatiable pleasure.
continue to make internal efforts to reach the true destination.
I agree that true aspirants, should be able to maintain their elevated aims in spite of all the shaking of the Tree and corruption going on around. After all, this is what mystics did in all religions, not letting go of God's hand. It is possible that re-writing, editing, distorting, has started inadvertently or non-maliciously but later on it has become a common practice and a form of abuse for impure reasons. I also felt, and still feel, not only the compassion, as you say, but also the benevolence, as well as the fine and deep knowledge of human psychology, shown especially in Avyakt Murli,
cannot originate from any embodied soul.
I am convinced that we should not develop absolute skepticism, become defeatists, nihilists or atheists in reaction to the wrong doings of others. This would be throwing the axe on our own feet. "Loosing our fortune". So best would be keeping the eyes open, yes, but let's avoid
to dissipate the energy of the Self in contradicting the conflicting interpretations of the various ideologies, or even the adverse conduct of the chief propagators or care-takers of the relevant ideologies.
The allegations made against the chief propagators of the ideologies are definitely based on actual facts, without any doubt whatsoever, but this is of no consequence to individual souls, since that is an expression of the weak aspect of the personality which is in the process of being transformed.
Exposing all of this, though, is very important. Especially to safeguard souls who have the tendency to handover their lives to gurus and put them on pedestals as if they were flawless. Not useless criticism, I support, but one that prevents sheep from falling down a ravine by following someone whilst in an hypnotic state or blind-folded.

Love and peace.
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The Script of Drama

Post by Golden Heart »

john wrote: I have some questions, but firstly, there is documented evidence available on this site that shows that God Father Shiva did not make an appearance in Brahma Baba until around 1950, before that BKs considered Brahma Baba to be God himself. So you say 1937 to 1951 is the Golden Age of Yagya, therefore do you consider Brahma Baba as God and this to be the true or Golden Aged understanding? Which allegations do you know are facts?

Hello, Sweet Golden Heart, John

Thank you for your sweet response.

Firstly, I would like to thank Admin for his loving co-operation in re-organizing my first post. It is said that the sound of the Mind reaches the Mind and the sound of the Heart reaches the Heart. The sound from his/her Golden Heart has reached mine, and I express my deepest gratitude to him/her, once again. Thank you ...

1. In today's Sakar Murli, there is a point:
  • " Sri Krishna is 16 celestial degrees complete. Now there is NO celestial degree. Now all are impure. "
Obviously, if all were impure in the beginning, with hardly any celestial degree of purity, it stands to reason that Brahma Baba could not comprehend the exact intent of Shiv at that time. Neither could the aspirants. Most of them were drawn to him through visions of either Golden Age, Vishnu or Sri Krishna. They could not discern Shiv to be separate from Brahma Baba. The subtle consciousness in CoA can be easily visualized by visualizing the consciousness in the outer Broad Drama.

In Golden Age, we are not conscious of Shiv. We are aware of Lakshmi and Narayan. Thus, in the beginning of Yagya also, Brahma/Vishnu/Krishna was considered to be God, and this sense was communicated to the outer World. This awareness was merged by 1950-51, when it became clear that Shiv was completely separate from Brahma Baba.

2. No embodied soul can be considered to be God. Neither the soul of Krishna nor the soul of Rama can be considered to be God. Only the One Incorporeal Supreme Soul Shiv (Jehovah, as indicated in the Old Testament of the Bible - being a lingual corruption of the original word Shiv-ah) is God.

3. All the allegations, from the beginning, to the middle, to the end are based on facts.
Since the souls were impure in the beginning, they had no power of purity to refrain from physical contact, inspite of the Knowledge, while expressing their deep Love for each other.

There were physical relationships in the beginning. I am sure this is not very difficult to understand. Same applies to the allegations made against the soul of last Ram of Silver Age. The so-called 'special part' he plays with most of the virgins and some mothers, needs to be appreciated in it's proper perspective, within the frame-work of Drama!

4. And what about you and me. Could we immediately observe purity right from the beginning? How can that be possible, unless the power of Lust is actually transcended and transformed into the power of Purity? That takes time, doesn't it? It is definitely achievable, but it takes time.

5. The K does not indicate that Brahma Baba was pure right from beginning. The K clearly tells us that he becomes the most impure and takes time to purify himself. The same applies to all of us. We made the blunder of assuming that Senior Sisters were all very pure right from inception. That was a wrong assumption, and when we began to realize the Truth, some of us went into a state of shock, and started doubting God, and maybe blaming Him for everything. Well, that is the Script of Drama . . .

Anyway, Beloved John, is anything lost? No, I think I should not get philosophical.

The Pain! Ah, the Pain! What do we do about the Pain! How do we really handle the Pain on a practical level, that is the real issue! Will "Pain is just another form of Pleasure" help? No. How about, "We should endeavour to transcend Pain and Pleasure and experience real Bliss"? That may not help either. Bliss also eventually turns to Lust anyway. So what do we do?

No philosophy, please. Action. But which action? Where do we start? We have to start somewhere. Supreme Soul Shiva seemed to be the answer. But, Alas, even those hopes appear to be dashed to the ground??? Now, what do we do? Occupy our time and energy in denouncing BKWSU - could this be one of the solutions? Would that really help us to free ourselves from our state of turbulence? Well, we can go on and on. Is there really an end to this?

Sweet Golden Heart, John, I am not God, and I cannot help anyone in any magical manner, other than offering whatever Love I hold in my Golden Heart for all those who are in a state of turbulence. This is all I have in my power to do. However, when this is done in the Loving Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiva, I believe it would suffice to heal all the wounds of entire Humanity ...

In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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Both GOD and DRAMA are Perfect

Post by Golden Heart »

F B wrote:You are under no obligation to do so, but can you disclose which group you align yourself with? "Saving face" or defending reputations, either for the self or others, is also a subtle form of vice that does not belong on the absolute path. Unfortunately, all too often, the 'cheeks' that have been exposed on this site are not those on the faces of the BKWSU. Can you help us with any further detailed knowledge of the early period, the changes around 1950 when Shiva must have been introduced and the events of 1969-76?
Sweet Golden Heart, Fluffy Bunny

Thank you for your welcome and salutations to you! And thank you for your kind thoughts too.

I would think that God is with everyone, and hence I honestly consider I should 'align' myself with everyone, appreciate everyone, forgive their weaknesses, as I would expect others to forgive mine, LOVE everyone to the best of my ability and wish the best for everyone.

I believe that God and this Drama are perfect and absolutely impartial to each and every soul. Furthermore, I very staunchly believe that circumstances, situations and individuals have no power to affect me adversely if I have conducted myself appropriately.

If at any time I find myself adversely affected in any way, I alone have been responsible for it, and I alone have the power to free myself from it. Hence the question of acting against what are considered to be ‘unjustified’ actions by any Institution or Individual does not arise for me, since I believe that they have no power to harm me or anyone else, by whatever actions they may perpetuate. And if such actions are considered to be ‘harming’ someone, I believe there is definite benefit in such an experience for that individual, which cannot be superficially perceived in a corporeal state of consciousness.

I believe this attitude frees me from the laborious bondage of constantly battling with situations, circumstances and individuals.

I am not a specific Historian. My expertise is to observe the unfolding of events, analyze the various ideologies and draw a cohesive picture of the whole in its essenceful form, and keep upgrading this picture, as my perceptions change with spiritual evolution.

I appreciate that in the latter part of the Cycle, the governing characteristic of personalities, aspiring for power, is to believe that there is something wrong somewhere, which needs to be corrected for the benefit of many, convince themselves and others that something needs to be done urgently, draw upon resources using convincing techniques, and then acquire a position of power, only to eventually become inadvertently instrumental to impose greater ‘injustice’ over greater number of individuals.

I am sorry if you have felt hurt to such an extent that you feel obliged to 'expose' the source of it. The initial hurt is bad enough, but I feel that the additional painful burden of being compelled to ‘expose’ the source is even worse. I wish that I could somehow massage your Heart to dissipate the initial hurt and free you from the consequential burden. My best wishes are with you.

In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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Into what context does Lord Shiva & The BKWSU fit

Post by abrahma kumar »

Dear Golden Heart,

Is it an observation worthy of any note at all that a lot of what you speak about has to do with the unfolding drama scenes within the so-called Godly family (BKs, PBK, Vishnu Party etc etc etc).

Not only the unfolding of the drama in the broader family but very much i get the feeling that one could say: Drama is unfolding exactly as it ought to. Everyone playing their part exactly as they ought to. No blame, no recriminations, no praise even. Just the unfolding of the role that each soul has recorded within.

If this is the case then what is the relevance of BKs interpreting Shiv Baba's teachings and these events you refer to in the context of the world at large (well over 6 Billion souls)?

Thank you

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Post by john »

golden heart wrote:Obviously, if all were impure in the beginning, with hardly any celestial degree of purity, it stands to reason that BB could not comprehend the exact intent of Shiv at that time. Neither could the aspirants. Most of them were drawn to him through visions of either Golden Age or Sri Krishna. They could not discern Shiv to be separate from BB. The subtle consciousness in Confluence Age can be easily visualized by visualizing the consciousness in the outer Broad Drama. In Golden Age, we are not conscious of Shiv. We are aware of L/N. Thus, in the beginning of Yagya also, Brahma/Vishnu/Krishna was considered to be God, and this sense was communicated to the outer World. This awareness was merged by 1950-51, when it became clear that Shiv was completely separate from BB.
Thank you Golden Heart.
  • Was you previously aware that until 1950-51 Shiva was not revealed in the Yagya?
    Why do you think SS now try and say ShivBaba was incarnating into BB since 1937?
These are the souls who belong to the Real Advance Party (not the Advance Party of the PBKs, who promulgate the Advanced Knowledge of the Advance part of The Cycle – Copper & Iron Ages).
Can you tell us who are the real Advance Party? Are they studying any knowledge be it BK or PBK or any other splinter group?
3. There is no direct involvement of the Supreme Soul Shiv after 1969, when the role of Shiv, as Shankar, is being played through inspiration only; and not directly.
In Murli it says ShivBaba does not do anything by inspiration, but comes himself. Which really makes the most sense because anyone could say 'I got inspired by ShivBaba to say or do such and such" and try and pass it off as God Father Shiva's word.
Anyway, Beloved John, is anything lost ?
No Golden Heart, but thank you for your concern.

Quite the contrary, things are being found as various souls on this forum are pursuing a fact finding mission of the Yagya. It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :lol:. Your philosophies and ideas resonate beautifully. Yet within the beauty of flowing words we have to extract some hard facts.
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Subtle Secrets of the Law of Karma

Post by Golden Heart »

alladin wrote:1. Do you manage to maintain constantly such a clear mind, a stage of detached observer of the Drama and its actors?
2. If so, it'd be nice if you could share with all of us some yuktis on how to create and maintain that.
3. It is very important to be objective and not too emotional!
4. So, I'd like to know, if you could share what your experience has been. If you also got scarred and how have you imbibed detachment or forgiveness. Or is it a natural sanskar of yours?
5. What instinctively comes to mind, now, is that lust is very much connected with superficiality, grasping and using, and pretending, in order to be able to achieve our own limited and insatiable pleasure.
6. It is possible that re-writing, editing, distorting, has started inadvertently or non-maliciously but later on it has become a common practice and a form of abuse for impure reasons.
7. I also felt, and still feel, that not only the compassion, as you say, but also the benevolence as well as the fine and deep knowledge of human psychology, shown especially in Avyakt Murli, cannot originate from any embodied soul.
8. Exposing all of this, though, is very important. Especially to safeguard souls who have the tendency to handover their lives to gurus and put them on pedestals as if they were flawless.
Sweet Golden Heart, alladin

Thanks a Million for the Wonder and Beauty, the Magnificence and Splendour, and the Enchanting Nourishment from your Golden Heart ...

1. No. Not constantly. I have many upheavals. But I am definitely making progress in this area, no question about that; and I am confident I will definitely reach my final Destination, there is absolutely no doubt about that, none whatsoever ...

2. Baba has already given us, and continues to give us so many, many 'yuktis'. The ones which work for one may not necessarily work for another. You already have the 'yuktis' suitable for you within you; just emerge them, use them and enjoy! Do not depend on any other bodily soul for this, when Baba is present. Be totally independent. You are a sovereign Ruler soul, there should not be the slightest doubt about this in your mind. However, may I suggest to go deep into just these three words: “MY SWEET CHILD”. Take each word and go into the depth of it, and you will reach your True destination, the dams of Happiness will burst open ...

3. Sorry, Sweet Heart. I have this tendency of being over-bearing, overwhelming, and even embarrassing others when I express my emotions. But what does one do with a Heart that wants to Bloom, Blossom and Explode suddenly? Is suppression the answer? I get choked with emotion many times, even when I interact with all of you on this forum. Many times, I have to just stop and sit aside for a long time, wiping my tears. It is Lust and Attachment being transformed into Bliss and Pure Love. This is a Healing process. We are in a spiritual Hospital here, you know! This is a Spiritual University-cum-Hospital for souls!

4. I got butchered, raped, mangled, strangled, torn to pieces, shattered, battered – the list can go on and on. That should say it all? Detachment and Forgiveness are in the process of being cultivated after I got engaged to Baba ...

5. I fully agree with you here, and I have been one of the worst culprits at this game.

6. If you compare with the outer Broad Drama, it is very easy to understand this aspect.

7. Fortunate are the souls who Recognize this. This is the absolute proof of God. It is impossible for those who Recognize this, to divorce themselves from Baba, no matter what the circumstances, even if the whole World turns against them.

8. If we can expose the negative aspect of our own personality, we will automatically expose all that is to be exposed, it is really so simple! Then there will be no question of us making the blunder of getting entangled in Gurudom. To expose the Devil in us is really to disarm Him and make him powerless against us.

I take this opportunity to confess publicly that I have been Doubly Violent. During the Night of the Cycle, when I was vested with sovereign authority, I was instrumental to perpetuate Rape and Murder in one form or another, countless times. Many have suffered through my actions all during this period, right up to this birth.

In today’s Sakar Murli, there is a point:
  • "By confessing to Baba whatever sins you have committed, the effect of half the sins are erased."
Since we can readily recollect the sins of this birth, that is easy. But I believe that by making the above confession in public, and therefore before Baba, half the sins of the rest of 62 births will also be erased. This is a good equation!

Of course, all souls who are facilitating this platform, will also receive remission, proportionately – these are the very subtle secrets of the Law of Karma!

Now, having made my confession, I can concentrate in developing my Divine Personality, without too much opposition from the Devilish Personality within me, and become Doubly Non-Violent.

Sweet Golden Heart, alladin, - Is this exposure good enough? Do you consider this documentation to be sufficient proof? In any case, it is also indelibly recorded in the Subtle Machinery, which cannot be erased; it can be merged, but cannot be erased.

In today’s Sakar Murli, there is another point:
  • "Everyone’s account is in the Subtle Machinery. No one can hide sinful actions, all have to definitely give an account."
So when we have an infallible System in place, what is my concern with the wrong actions of another? I feel I may just have enough time to transform my own negative sanskars. Don't you think so?

In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

arjun wrote:Om Shanti and welcome to the forum.
Sweet Golden Heart, arjun

Thank you very much for your welcome, and I wish you all the very best.

In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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The Human World Tree

Post by Golden Heart »

Sweet Golden Heart, abrahma kumar
abrahma kumar wrote:Your post itself reads like a showering of fragrant petals of fond and deep Divine Spiritual Love.
Thank you very much for you kind and sweet thoughts!
If this is the case then what is the relevance of BKs interpreting Shiv Baba's teachings and these events you refer to in the context of the world at large (well over 6 Billion souls)?
Drama is fixed, no change, no alterations; pre-destined, pre-ordained, pre-recorded.

In the Absolute sense, there is no such thing as Blame and Praise, these are Relative terms within the framework of Drama. The 9,16,108 souls who take all 84 births and go right round the Cycle are the Seed or Ancestor souls of the Cycle, who are the Political Heads of Governing structures and the Religious Heads during the relevant periods of the Cycle. This includes the present day prominent Political and Religious Leaders.

They are all linked and related to each and every soul in this Drama. The Human World Tree is a classic example to understand this Drama comprehensively, where each Leaf represents one soul in respective Branches. The CoA is the blue-print for the entire Drama in a subtle form.

Only the above 9,16,108 souls will involve themselves actively with this Knowledge given by the Supreme Soul, and be attracted to this Knowledge in order to 're-fresh' their inherent recording within their Sanskars, and re-play their role in the outer Broad Drama in the ensuing Cycle. All the interactions between above souls in CoA are based on their interactions in the outer Broad Drama and vice versa.

In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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Golden hearted inspirations adorning the BK story ...

Post by abrahma kumar »

Thanks for your feedback golden heart. I continue to read your posts with interest. Considering that you mentioned having spent some time familiarising yourself with goings-on over here you ought not be too taken aback that your nick prodded me to scurry around in the record box so as to fnd a tune seemingly tailor-made for a golden heart.
In Baba's Yaad
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Real Advance Party . . .

Post by Golden Heart »

john wrote:1. Were you previously aware that until 1950-51 Shiva was not revealed in the Yagya?
2. Why do you think SS now try and say ShivBaba was incarnating into BB since 1937?
3. Can you tell us who are the real Advance Party? Are they studying any knowledge be it BK or PBK or any other splinter group?
4. In Murli it says ShivBaba does not do anything by inspiration, but comes himself. Which really makes the most sense because anyone could say ‘I got inspired by ShivBaba to say or do such and such’ and try and pass it off as God Father Shiva's word.
5. Yet within the beauty of flowing words we have to extract some hard facts.
Sweetest Golden Heart, John

Supreme Salutations to you, filled with imperishable fragrance of Divine LOVE! Your questions really flood me with sensations of incredible Joy! Thanks a million DarLing!

DarLing means ‘dearest Ling’, Ling refers to Supreme Soul Shiva, it also refers to a Loving soul who is completely lost in the Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiva.

1. During my several years of BK Knowledge, this was in my seed awareness. During my several years of exposure to PBK Knowledge, this was in my subtle awareness. Your question and the account in the History Section, triggered the fact to emerge into my gross awareness like a flash of lightning. Much gratitude is due to Admin, Fluffy Bunny and all the others who have served diligently to document these aspects on this Site.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, with imperishable Divine LOVE.

2. Sorry DarLing. Bit of a mis-communication here. You do understand how the language of Humans can be so confounding at times. There is direct involvement of Supreme Soul Shiva on Sakar level from 1937 to 1969. For the first 14 years this was not clearly discerned by the aspirants. Even Brahma Baba thought that his 12th guru was responsible for his visions, and all the aspirants, of course, thought that Brahma Baba was responsible for their visions which attracted them to him. However, it was, in fact, Supreme Soul Shiva who was directly involved with this operation on the Sakar level at that time. This fact became apparent to the aspirants only after 1950-51, when their Golden Aged consciousness got merged.

3. There are various references to the Real Advance Party souls in many Avyakt Vanis. They are souls who have purified themselves to a high extent through the Power of Remembrance and have taken births in well-to-do families, with beautiful features. They have no interaction with the Yagya in a corporal consciousness, since their study on a corporeal level is complete. They interact with the Yagya in a subtle consciousness, and are continuing their study with Bap-Dada on a subtle level. They also have groups, similar to the Yagya on the gross level.

This may sound a little disconcerting to souls who are not close to their subtle awareness. But the best analogy, which will readily clarify this matter is to take the example of what we are doing here. We all have physical bodies in various parts of the World with relevant names, performing our relevant actions. At the same time, we are interacting in Cyberspace with each other under assumed names. We are studying the Knowledge in depth.

Our interactions at this level can be compared to the interactions of the RAP souls in the Subtle Regions, while being embodied in this World. Cyberspace for us is equivalent to Subtlespace for them, the difference being that we use the Internet of Matter, while they use the Internet of the Mind. (I hope I am getting somewhere with this explanation).

Material Science and Spiritual Science are converging towards the same point. Cyberspace will ultimately merge with Subtlespace. Whatever we are documenting here in Cyberspace is being inspired by the souls in Subtlespace, and is influencing EACH and EVERY SOUL in Creation, on a subtle level. That is how transformation of all souls and matter takes place.

Since all concerned souls already have all this K in their seed or subtle awareness, in order to assist in bringing same to the gross awareness, I take this opportunity to just highlight some points for churning!

Power of Remembrance and Power of Arms. Half number of Seed Souls achieve subtle awareness through PoR, the other half through PoA (becoming proficient in using the Sword of Knowledge through Churning, to conquer negativity). Each of the souls in subtle awareness is intimately linked to each of us, the souls on gross awareness, and influence us on a subtle level. EACH ONE TEACH ONE. They are our life-partners in the Cycle.

Each soul has four distinct personalities, represented by four arms of Vishnu. On one side the Divine – Male and Female, on the other side the Devilish – Male and Female. The Divine personalities PRINCIPALLY operate in the Day of the Cycle and the Devilish personalities PRINCIPALLY operate in the Night of the Cycle. Those souls who use the Sword of K for purification are the Warrior souls who Rule in Silver Age with their Divine personality, and again in latter part of Copper Age with their Devilish personality. (I suppose the rest can be easily deduced by concerned souls).

4. Another bit of miscommunication here. My apologies. The role of Shiva is certainly not through inspiration, when He gives the COMPLETE Knowledge in its 'essenceful' form, directly on the Sakar level from 1937 to 1969.

When He plays his second part as Shankar, this is through 'inspiration' and 'intellectual touching'. He inspires the Scientists' souls to make the nuclear weapons for World transformation, etc.

What you have mentioned regarding 'passing it off as God Father Shiva's Word' is precisely correct when the role of Shankar is being played. That is why TEN different Major ideologies spring up, each claiming that they are the TRUE GOD, and 'readily' assume others are influenced by the Devil.

Let’s take the example in the outer Broad Drama. The Christians interpret ‘NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE Father BUT BY ME’ to mean that only Christians are destined to belong to God and all the rest to Hell-fire. This is because they took the 'gross' meaning of the message, which really means ‘NO MAN (person who is conscious of the body) CAN COME TO TRULY RECOGNIZE or REALIZE GOD, UNLESS HE IS SOUL-CONSCIOUS, LIKE ME (Christ having just descended from the Soul World was completely soul-conscious at that time). So they consider all the rest of Humanity to be their 'enemies' (in their 'inner' consciousness).

The Muslims interpret ‘KILL THE INFIDELS’ (in their 'inner' consciousness), to mean kill all those who are non-Muslims, because they are Devilish. The real meaning of that was actually KILL ALL THE NEGATIVITY WITHIN THE SOUL, the demons that are afflicting the soul - in the form of FIVE VICES in Man and FIVE VICES in Woman - the TEN HEADS of Ravan or SHAITAN.
So what happens in this case is that Bush feels he is justified in bombarding Iraq and Bin Laden feels he is justified in killing the Americans. By the way, both these souls are potential BK souls, Seed or Ancestor souls, who take all 84 births, and who get vested with authority at the very end of the Cycle - as per Drama Plan.

5. SWEETEST, BELOVED, GOLDEN HEART, DEAREST SPIRITUAL BROTHER, JOHN – MY GOLDEN HEART IS VERY DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! Do you believe there is a good chance for this to be the hardest fact ever?


In Loveful Remembrance of Supreme Soul Shiv,

Golden Heart
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