SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 01.09.2020

भगवानुवाच - काम चिता पर बैठ सांवरे बन जाते हैं, फिर ज्ञान चिता पर बैठने से गोरा बनेंगे। अब जो भी समझाते हैं, वह तो काम चिता पर बैठ न सकें। परन्तु ऐसे भी हैं, जो औरों को समझाते-समझाते काम चिता पर बैठ जाते हैं। आज यह समझाते, कल विकार में गिर पड़ते। माया बड़ी जबरदस्त है। बात मत पूछो। औरों को समझाने वाले खुद काम चिता पर बैठ जाते हैं। फिर पछताते हैं - ‘यह क्या हुआ?’ बॉक्सिंग है ना। स्त्री को देखा और कशिश आई, काला मुँह कर दिया। माया बड़ी दुश्तर है। प्रतिज्ञा कर और फिर गिरते हैं, तो कितना सौ गुणा दण्ड पड़ जाता है। वह तो जैसे शूद्र समान पतित हो गया। ... भगवान की सन्तान होकर फिर क्रिमिनल एसाल्ट कैसे करते हैं? हम बी.के. विकार में जा नहीं सकते। इस युक्ति से ही पवित्र रह सकते हैं।
“God speaks - by sitting on the ‘pyre of lust’, souls have become ugly; then, by sitting on the ‘pyre of Knowledge’, souls will become beautiful. Anyone who explains this, cannot sit on the ‘pyre of lust’. However, there are also some who, while explaining to others, sit on the ‘pyre of lust’, (themselves). Today, they explain this (Knowledge), and tomorrow they fall into vice (of sex-lust). Maya is so forceful – do not even ask! Those who explain to others, then sit on the ‘pyre of lust’, themselves. Then they have to repent, and wonder - ‘what happened?’ This is a boxing match. As soon as a man sees a woman, he is attracted, and he dirties his face. Maya is very powerful. They make a promise and then fall; so, one hundred-fold retribution is then accumulated. It is like becoming as impure as a ‘Shudra’. ... You are the children of God, so how can there be criminal assault? We, BKs CANNOT indulge in vice (of sex-lust). It is only by using this technique that you can remain Pure.”

IF – AFTER receiving and understanding this Knowledge, and CLEARLY understanding the CONSEQUENCES of continuing to indulge in the vice of sex-lust – anyone STILL continues to DIRTY his/her face – then one hundred-fold retribution is accumulated, which has to be resolved – EITHER, through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’) - ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – OR, through the ‘Power of Retribution’ (‘bahubal’), in which case, the status also gets DEGRADED!

अब तुमको बाप समझाते हैं - काम चिता पर बैठने से पतित, दु:खी, ‘वर्थ नाट ए पेनी’ बन जाते हैं। वह है निर्विकारी दुनिया। यह है विकारी दुनिया। तो ऐसे-ऐसे समझाना चाहिए - यह सूर्यवंशी, यह चन्द्रवंशी - फिर वैश्य वंशी बनना ही है। वाम मार्ग में आने से फिर वह देवता नहीं कहलाते। जगत नाथ के मन्दिर में ऊपर में देवताओं का कुल दिखाते हैं। ड्रेस देवताओं की है, एक्टिविटी बड़ी गन्दी दिखाते हैं। बाप जिन बातों पर अटेन्शन खिंचवाते हैं, ध्यान देना चाहिए। मन्दिरों में बहुत सर्विस हो सकती है। श्रीनाथ द्वारे में भी समझा सकते हैं। पूछना चाहिए - इनको काला क्यों बनाया है? यह समझाना, तो बहुत अच्छा है।
“The Father is now explaining to you - by sitting on the ‘pyre of lust’, you became impure and unhappy, and ‘worth not a penny’. That is the viceless World, and this is the vicious world. Explain in this way - this is the Sun Dynasty, and that is the Moon Dynasty - then, you have to become part of the merchant dynasty; by going onto the path of sin, they are no longer called Deities. In the Jagadnath Temple, they have shown the Deity clan up above. Their dress is that of Deities, but their activity is portrayed as being very dirty (lustful). Pay attention to the aspects which the Father draws your attention to. A great deal of Service can be done at the temples. You can explain at the Shrinath Temple too. Ask them - why have these images been made dark-blue (ugly)? It is very good to explain this.”

Whether ‘Shrinath’, or ‘Jagadnath’ – both names pertain, PRINCIPALLY, to the same soul of Brahma Baba – who is fair, or beautiful, in the very beginning of Golden Age – portrayed as ‘Shrinath’; and who, himself, becomes dark, or ugly, after taking the full 84 births, and going right around the Cycle, at the very end of Iron Age – portrayed as ‘Jagadnath’!

Also view points - ... 150#p55094
SM, Revised 16.06.2020 (point 4)
श्रीनाथ के मन्दिर में, जगन्नाथ के मन्दिर में जाकर देखो - है तो एक ही!
“Go and see this in the temples to Shrinath and Jagadnath - they are actually ONE and the same!” ... 210#p54248
SM, Revised 30.08.2019 (point 3)
जगन्नाथ कहो वा श्रीनाथ कहो - बात एक ही है। दोनों ही काले दिखाते हैं।
“Whether you call him Jagannath or Shrinath, it is the SAME thing. They show both of them as ugly (dark).” ... 300#p53849
SM, Revised 08.12.2018 (point 3)
तुम श्रीनाथ के मन्दिर में देखेंगे - कितने माल बनते हैं। अब श्रीनाथ पुरी और जगन्नाथ पुरी, वास्तव में है एक ही बात, परन्तु वहाँ श्रीनाथ द्वारे में देखेंगे तो बहुत वैभव बनते हैं, और जगन्नाथ पुरी में सिर्फ फीके चावल का भोग लगता है। घी आदि कुछ नहीं पड़ता। यह फ़र्क बताते हैं - गोरा है, तो ऐसे माल; और सांवरा है, तो यह सूखा चावल। राज़ बड़ा अच्छा है। यह बाप बैठ समझाते हैं।
“At the Shrinath Temple, you would see how they cook so many varieties. In fact, Shrinath-Puri and Jagannath-Puri pertain to the SAME aspect. However, at Shrinath one can see how they prepare many nourishing varieties of food; whereas, at Jagannath, they offer oblation (‘Bhog’) of ONLY plain cooked rice. They do not even use ghee, etc. This difference portrays how they offer such nourishing foods when he (soul of Krishna, in Golden Age) is Pure, and how they offer plain rice when he (soul of Krishna, in Iron Age) is impure. The significance of this is very good. The Father sits and explains this.”

SM, Revised 21.09.2017
बाबा ने बतलाया है - श्रीनाथ द्वारे पर घी के कुएं हैं। वहाँ पक्की रसोई बनती है, और जगन्नाथ द्वारे पर कच्ची रसोई बनती है। फर्क है ना। वह है श्याम, वह है सुन्दर।
“Baba has told you that at Shrinath temple they have wells of ghee. They cook very rich food there, whereas at Jagannath temple, they cook very simple food. There is a difference. That one (soul of Krishna, in Golden Age) is beautiful (fair), and this one (soul of Krishna, in Iron Age) is ugly (dark).”

आत्मा तो एक शरीर छोड़ दूसरा जाकर लेती है, एक सेकण्ड की बात है। ...
बाप तो कहते हैं - मुझे याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश होंगे। यह योग अग्नि है, जिससे पतित से पावन बनेंगे। नॉलेज से धन मिलता है। योग से एवर हेल्दी, पवित्र; ज्ञान से एवर वेल्दी, धनवान बनते हैं। योगी की आयु हमेशा बड़ी होती है। भोगी की कम। कृष्ण को योगेश्वर कहते हैं। ईश्वर की याद से कृष्ण बना है, उनको स्वर्ग में योगेश्वर नहीं कहेंगे। वह तो प्रिन्स है। पास्ट जन्म में ऐसा कर्म किया है, जिससे यह बना है।
“A soul leaves one body and takes another - in a matter of just a second. ...
The Father says - Remember Me and your sins will be absolved. This is the Fire of Yoga through which you become Pure from impure. You receive wealth through Knowledge. Through Yoga you become ever-healthy and Pure, and through Knowledge you become ever-wealthy and rich. The life-span of a Yogi is always longer than that of a ‘bhogi’ (one who indulges in sensual pleasures). Krishna is called ‘Yogeshwar’. He became Krishna by remembering God. He is not called ‘Yogeshwar’ in Heaven. He is a Prince there (in Golden Age). He performed such actions in his past birth (during Confluence Age) through which he became Krishna (in Golden Age).”
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 02.09.2020

यह ड्रामा है ना। एक भी दिन एक समान नहीं होता। यह ड्रामा चलता रहता है। सारे दिन का पार्ट सेकण्ड बाई सेकण्ड बदलता रहता है - शूट (‘shooting’) होता रहता है। तो बाप बच्चों को समझाते हैं, कोई भी बात में हार्ट-फेल (heart-failure) मत हो। यह ज्ञान की बातें हैं। भल अपना धन्धा आदि भी करो, परन्तु भविष्य ऊंच पद पाने के लिए पूरा पुरूषार्थ करो।
“This is a Drama; no two days are the same. This Drama continues to spin. Everyone’s part (role) of the whole day, continues to change, second by second - ‘shooting’ continues to take place. The Father explains to you children – do not have heart-failure about any aspect! These are aspects of Knowledge. You may carry on with your business, (service, work), etc., but also make full effort to achieve an elevated status, for your future (during RamRajya).”

Since this Drama repeats IDENTICALLY, EVERY Cycle - and Cycle after Cycle – therefore, it can be said, that the ‘shooting’ of the ENTIRE Drama continues to take place, second by second, EVERY day of the WHOLE Cycle – which keeps REPEATING ETERNALLY - IDENTICALLY!

Nevertheless, it can ALSO be said that the ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the sanskars – of the various roles to be played by each embodied human soul during the whole Cycle – takes place during the Confluence Age – which, in EFFECT, represents the BLUEPRINT for the ENTIRE Cycle!

गृहस्थ व्यवहार में भी रहना है। कुमारियाँ तो गृहस्थ में गई ही नहीं हैं। गृहस्थी उनको कहा जाता जिनको बाल बच्चे हैं। बाप तो अधर-कुमारी और कुमारी सबको पढ़ाते हैं। अधरकुमारी का भी अर्थ नहीं समझते। क्या आधा शरीर है? अभी तुम जानते हो कन्या पवित्र है; और अधर कन्या उनको कहा जाता है जो अपवित्र बनने के बाद फिर पवित्र बनती है - तुम्हारा ही यादगार खड़ा है।
“You also have to live within your house-hold. Kumaris have not started a house-hold (of their own). A house-holder is someone who has a family and children, etc. The Father teaches everyone – ‘half-kumaris’ and kumaris too. People do not understand the meaning of ‘half-kumari’. Is it that they only have half a body? You now understand that a ‘kumari’ is someone who is pure (celibate); and that a ‘half-kumari’ is someone who becomes pure after becoming impure (after marriage) – it is your memorial, which is built here (‘Adhar Devi Temple’, at Mt. Abu).”

The ‘Adhar Devi Temple’, at Mt. Abu, is the memorial of the ‘half-kumaris’ (‘adhar-kumaris’), who become pure, after having indulged in sex-lust, through marriage, in their current birth, during Confluence Age!

The ‘kumaris’, who remain celibate, and who do not marry during Confluence Age, are said to be pure – although they too have indulged in sex-lust during their previous births, during Ravan Rajya – and therefore, they too were ‘adhar-kumaris’ in their previous births!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 03.09.2020

हमको पढ़ाने वाला ज्ञान का सागर, बाबा है। ... तुम भी जानते हो बाबा, टीचर भी है। नाम को तो नहीं पकड़ना है ना। ध्यान में रखना है - हम आत्मा हैं, बाप से सुन रहे हैं। यह तो कभी होता ही नहीं। न सतयुग में, न कलियुग में होता है। सिर्फ एक ही बार संगम पर होता है - तुम अपने को आत्मा समझते हो। हमारा बाप इस समय टीचर है क्योंकि पढ़ाते हैं, दोनों काम करने पड़ते हैं। आत्मा पढ़ती है शिवबाबा से। यह भी योग और पढ़ाई हो जाती है। पढ़ती आत्मा है, पढ़ाते परमात्मा हैं।
“The One who is TEACHING us is the Father, the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’. ... You also know, that the Father, is also your Teacher. You must not hold on to any (particular) name. You simply have to pay attention to being souls, who are listening to the Father. This does not take place at any other time - neither in the Golden Age, nor in the Iron Age. It is only at the Confluence Age that you consider yourselves to be souls. Our Father is (also) our Teacher, at this time, because He is TEACHING us. He has to perform both functions (of a Father, as well as, of a Teacher). You souls Study from Shiv Baba – this (awareness) too, becomes a Study, together with Yoga. It is you souls who Study, and it is the Supreme Soul (Shiva) who is TEACHING you.”

When the Righteous Children Study the Murli, while SIMULTANEOUSLY remaining in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – THEN, this, in EFFECT, becomes a Study, TOGETHER with Yoga, or Remembrance – which gives the DOUBLE benefit of Wealth, TOGETHER with Health – which gives the EXPERIENCE of CONSTANT Happiness!

योग सिखलाने वाला है ईश्वर - इसलिए उनको कहा जाता है योगेश्वर। तुम भी योगेश्वर के बच्चे हो। उनको योग लगाना नहीं है। वह है योग सिखलाने वाला परमपिता परमात्मा। तुम एक-एक योगेश्वर, योगेश्वरी बनते हो, फिर राज-राजेश्वरी बनेंगे। वह है योग सिखलाने वाला ईश्वर। खुद नहीं सीखता है, सिखलाते हैं।
“It is God (Ishwar) who teaches you Yoga (Remembrance) - this is why He is called ‘Yogeshwar’. You are the children of ‘Yogeshwar’ (Shiva). He does NOT have to have Yoga (with ANYONE). He is the Supreme Father Supreme Soul (Shiva), who TEACHES you Yoga. Each of you becomes a (Master) ‘yogeshwar’ or ‘yogeshwari’ (during Confluence Age) - you will then become ‘raj-rajeshwari’ (Princes and Princesses, in Golden Age). He (Shiva) is God - the One who TEACHES you Yoga. He does NOT study Himself, He (ONLY) TEACHES.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva is ALSO called ‘Yogeshwar’ – NOT because He, Himself, has Yoga with ANYONE – but because He TEACHES Yoga to the Righteous Children, and makes them into Master ‘yogeshwar’ or ‘yogeshwari’, during Confluence Age - to THEN become PRACTICAL ‘raj-rajeshwari’, or Princes & Princesses, during Golden Age!

अभी तुम्हारे साथ बाप है। जिस तरफ साक्षात् परमपिता परमात्मा बाप है, उनकी जरूर विजय होनी है। बाप कोई हिंसा थोड़ेही करायेंगे। किसको मारना, हिंसा है ना। सबसे बड़ी हिंसा है काम कटारी चलाना। अभी तुम डबल अहिंसक बन रहे हो। वहाँ है ही अहिंसा परमो देवी-देवता धर्म। वहाँ न लड़ते हैं, न विकार में जाते हैं। अभी तुम्हारा है योगबल, परन्तु इसको न समझने कारण, शास्त्रों में असुरों और देवताओं की लड़ाई लिख दी है; अहिंसा को कोई जानते नहीं।
“You now have the Father with you. There will definitely be victory for those who have God, the Almighty Authority, PRACTICALLY with them. The Father would not make you commit violence, would He? To kill someone is violence. The GREATEST violence of all is to use the Sword of sex-lust. You are now becoming doubly non-violent. There (in Golden Age), there is the most elevated Deity religion of non-violence. There, they neither fight nor indulge in any vice. You now have the ‘Power of Yoga’ - but since no one understood this, they have written about a war between Demons and Deities in the Scriptures. No one understands the meaning of non-violence.”

The Righteous Children achieve victory over the vices through the ‘Power of Yoga’, or the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’), during Confluence Age! But, when they, themselves, become body-conscious in Copper Age, they write about a war between the Demons and the Deities – to commemorate their OWN victory (as Brahmins, in Confluence Age - who become Deities, ONLY in Golden Age) over their OWN vices (which represent the ‘Demons’, within their OWN selves, at the end of Iron Age)!

तुम अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करो। बाप कहते हैं - मैं तुम्हारा बाप हूँ। ब्रह्मा द्वारा राज्य देता हूँ। यह (ब्रह्मा) हो गया बीच में दलाल, इनसे योग नहीं लगाना है। अभी तुम्हारी बुद्धि लगी है, उस अपने पतियों के पति शिव साजन के साथ। इन द्वारा वह तुमको अपना बनाते हैं। कहते हैं - अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझे याद करो।
“Consider yourselves to be souls and Remember the Father! The Father says - I am your Father. I grant you Sovereignty (ONLY) through Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani); this one (Brahma Baba) becomes the Broker (or Agent) in between; you must NOT have Yoga with him. Your intellects are now connected to Shiva, the Bride-Groom, who is your Husband of all husbands. That One (Shiva) makes you belong to Him through this one (Brahma Baba). He says - consider yourselves to be souls, and Remember Me.”

Although Incorporeal God Father Shiva enables the Righteous Children to become Pure, through His ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – YET, they should NOT Remember Brahma Baba – but should Remember ONLY ONE Incorporeal Shiv Baba – while ONLY being aware of Brahma Baba, who ALSO Remembers ONLY ONE Incorporeal Shiv Baba!

यहाँ तो देखो हीरे-जवाहरात आदि कुछ भी नहीं हैं। सतयुग में फिर कहाँ से आते हैं? खानियाँ जो अब खाली हो गई हैं, वह सब, फिर से, अब भरतू हो जाती हैं। खानियों से खोद कर ले आते हैं। विचार करो - सब नई चीजें होंगी ना! लाइट (electricity) आदि भी जैसे नैचुरल रहती है; साइंस से यहाँ सीखते रहते हैं, वहाँ यह भी काम में आती हैं। हेलीकाप्टर खड़े होंगे, बटन दबाया यह चला। कोई तकलीफ नहीं। वहाँ सब फुलप्रूफ होते हैं, कभी मशीन आदि खराब हो न सके। घर में बैठे सेकण्ड में स्कूल में, वा घूमने-फिरने पहुँचते हैं। प्रजा के लिए फिर उनसे कम होंगे। तुम्हारे लिए वहाँ सब सुख होते हैं। अकाले मृत्यु हो नहीं सकता।
“Here, there are no diamonds, or jewels, etc. Where do they come from in the Golden Age? The mines that have now become empty, will then become full, once again. They will dig mines and bring them out. Just think about it - EVERYTHING there will be NEW! Light (electricity), etc., will be (like) natural (daylight); they learn from science here, which will also be useful there. Helicopters will be at your disposal - you just press a button and it takes off. There is no difficulty at all. There, everything will be foolproof. The machines, etc., will never get damaged. Everyone will live in a home, and then be able to go to school, or tour around, in just a second. There will be lesser facilities for the subjects. There are all types of facilities for you there. There can be no untimely death there.”

The latest scientific technologies will also be useful to facilitate the GRAND life-style of Golden Age!

सिखलाने वाला तो वह (शिव) बाप है ना। यह (ब्रह्मा) भी सिखाते रहते हैं। इनको (ब्रह्मा को) पूछने की दरकार नहीं रहती। पूछते तो तुम हो। यह तो सुनते ही हैं। बाप (बच्चों को) रेसपान्ड देते हैं, और यह भी सुनते हैं - इनकी एक्टिविटी कितनी वन्डरफुल है। यह भी याद में रहते हैं। फिर बच्चों को वर्णन कर सुनाते हैं। ‘बाबा हमको खिलाते हैं; मैं उनको अपना रथ देता हूँ - सवारी करते हैं तो क्यों नहीं खिलायेंगे? यह ह्यूमन अश्व है; शिवबाबा का रथ हूँ - यह ख्याल रहने से भी शिवबाबा की याद रहेगी; याद से ही फायदा है’। ... याद से ही बेड़ा पार होना है - यह शिव-बाबा कहते हैं, या ब्रह्मा बाबा कहते हैं - यह समझना भी मुश्किल हो जाता है। इसमें बड़ी महीन बुद्धि चाहिए।
“The One who TEACHES you is that Father (Shiva). This one (Brahma Baba) also continues to teach you. This one, (Brahma Baba) does NOT need to ask anything. It is you who ask (all the questions). This one, ONLY listens (and understands). The Father responds (to the children), and this one (Brahma Baba) also listens. This one's activity is so wonderful! This one also stays in Remembrance. Then, he relates same to the children. ‘Baba feeds me; I give Him my Chariot (body) - He rides within me, so why would He not feed me? This (body) is a human horse; I am Shiv Baba's Chariot – EVEN by being aware of this, there will be Remembrance of Shiv Baba; there is benefit, only in Remembrance’. ... It is ONLY by having Remembrance that your Boat will go across - it becomes difficult to understand whether it is Shiv Baba, or Brahma Baba, who is saying this. A very refined intellect is required for this.”

Brahma Baba is able to understand Shiv Baba easily, and hence he does not need to ask Him any questions. Brahma Baba ONLY listens, and relates same to the children.
A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE – and to CLEARLY DISCRIMINATE whether a particular sentence, in any version, is spoken by Shiv Baba, or by Brahma Baba!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 04.09.2020

बाप कहते हैं - ड्रामा अनुसार जब तुम फूल बन जायेंगे, और जब समय आ जायेगा, तो सम्पूर्ण बगीचा बन जायेगा। बागवान भी निराकार को कहा जाता है, माली भी निराकार को कहा जाता है, साकार को नहीं। माली भी आत्मा है, न कि शरीर; बागवान भी आत्मा है। बाप समझायेंगे तो जरूर शरीर द्वारा ना। शरीर के साथ ही उनको माली, बागवान कहा जाता है, जो इस विश्व को फूलों का बगीचा बनाते हैं।
“ The Father says - according to Drama, when the time comes, you will become (living) Flowers, and then the (living) Garden will be completely ready. The Incorporeal One (Shiva) is also called the ‘Master of the Garden’ (‘Bagvan’), and also the ‘Gardener’ (‘Mali’) – and NOT any corporeal being. The ‘Gardener’ is also a Soul - not a body; the ‘Master of the Garden’ is also a Soul. The Father definitely has to explain through a body. It is when He is in this body that He is called the ‘Gardener’ and the ‘Master of the Garden’, because He is making this world into a (living) ‘Garden of Flowers’. ”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva is called the ‘Master of the Garden’, as well as, the ‘Gardener’ – since He changes this world from a ‘jungle of Thorns’, into a living ‘Garden of Flowers’!

लक्ष्मी-नारायण के लिए सब कहेंगे स्वर्ग के मालिक थे। यह है तुम्हारी एम आब्जेक्ट। राधे-कृष्ण कौन हैं? मनुष्य बिचारे एकदम मूंझे हुए हैं, कुछ नहीं समझते। जो बाप द्वारा समझते हैं, वह समझाने लायक भी बनते हैं। नहीं तो लायक बन नहीं सकते - दैवीगुण धारण कर नहीं सकते - भल कितना भी समझाओ। परन्तु ड्रामा अनुसार ऐसा होना ही है।
“Everyone says that Lakshmi & Narayan were the Masters of Heaven. This is your aim and objective. Who are Radhe and Krishna? The poor helpless people are completely confused; they do not understand anything. Those who understand this from the Father, also become capable to explain to others. Otherwise, no matter how much you explain to them, they cannot become worthy, since they are unable to imbibe Divine virtues. However, according to Drama, it has to happen like that.”

ONLY those who understand this Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) from Incorporeal Father Shiva, through Brahma Baba, are able to explain same clearly to others!

तुम बच्चों को रूहानी सोशल सर्विस भी करनी है, इस सेवा में अपना जीवन सफल करना है। चलन भी बहुत मीठी सुन्दर होनी चाहिए, जो औरों को भी मीठे-पन से समझा सकें। खुद ही कांटा होगा, तो किसको फूल कैसे बनायेंगे? उनका तीर पूरा लगेगा नहीं। बाप को याद नहीं करते होंगे, तो तीर कैसे लगेगा? अपने कल्याण के लिए अच्छी रीति पुरूषार्थ कर, सर्विस में लगे रहो।
“You children have to also perform Spiritual Social Service, and make your lives worthwhile by doing this Service. Your conduct has to be SO sweet and lovely, that you can also explain to others with sweetness. If you are a Thorn yourself, how could you make others into Flowers? Your arrow (of Knowledge) would not strike (the intellect of anyone) completely. If you do not Remember the Father, how would the arrow strike (anyone)? In order to benefit yourself, make effort very well, and remain busy in doing Service.”

UNLESS one remains in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE - the arrow of Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) will not strike the intellect of anyone EFFECTIVELY!

विकार बड़ा दुश्मन है। इन पर जीत पाने से ही जगतजीत अर्थात् राजा-रानी बनना है। प्रजा को जगतजीत नहीं कहेंगे; मेहनत तो राजा-रानी करते हैं ना। कहते भी हैं, ‘हम तो लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनेंगे’। वह फिर राम-सीता भी बनेंगे। लक्ष्मी-नारायण के बाद, उनके तख्त पर जीत, उनके बच्चे की होती है। वह लक्ष्मी-नारायण फिर दूसरे जन्म में नीचे चले जायेंगे। भिन्न नाम-रूप से बच्चे को गद्दी मिलती है, तो ऊंच नम्बर गिना जायेगा। पुनर्जन्म तो लेते हैं ना। बच्चा तख्त पर बैठेगा - तो वह सेकण्ड ग्रेड हो जायेगा। ऊपर वाला नीचे, नीचे वाला ऊपर आ जायेगा।
“Lust is a great enemy. It is by conquering this vice (of sex-lust) that you become conquerors of the World, that is, Sovereigns (Kings and Queens). Subjects are not said to be conquerors of the World; it is those who become Sovereigns, who make such effort now. They say that they will become like Lakshmi and Narayan. They will then also become like Rama and Sita. It is the children of Lakshmi and Narayan who come and claim their throne after them. Lakshmi and Narayan will then have a lower status in their next birth. Their children receive the throne under a different name and form; so, their status is said to be higher. They do take rebirth. When their son sits on the throne, they (their parents) become second grade (of a lower status). The ones who were higher (parents) come down, and the ones who were lower (children) become higher.”

UNLESS one achieves COMPLETE victory over ALL the vices, one CANNOT become worthy to become an ELEVATED Sovereign of RamRajya!

यह प्रवृत्ति मार्ग है। जैसे जोड़ी को दौड़ाते हैं, तो जोड़ी का एक-एक पांव बांधते हैं, फिर दौड़ते हैं। यह भी तुम्हारी दौड़ी है ना। कोई की प्रैक्टिस नहीं होती है तो गिर पड़ते हैं, इसमें भी ऐसे होता है। एक आगे बढ़ता है, तो दूसरा रोक लेता है, कहाँ दोनों गिर पड़ते हैं। बाबा वन्डर खाते हैं - बूढ़ों को भी काम की आग लगती है, तो वह भी गिर पड़ते हैं। ऐसे थोड़ेही, ‘उसने गिराया’। गिरना, न गिरना अपने हाथ में है। कोई धक्का थोड़ेही देते हैं - हम गिरें क्यों? ‘कुछ भी हो जाए हम गिरेंगे नहीं’। गिरे तो खाना खराब, जोर से चमाट लगती है। फिर पछताते भी हैं, हड्डी-हड्डी टूट जाती है; बहुत चोट लगती है!
“This is the family path. Sometimes, they have three-legged races in which one leg of each of two people are tied together, and then they race. This too is your race. When someone does not have the practice of doing that, he/she falls - it is the same here too. One runs ahead, and the other one stops him/her - sometimes, both of them fall. Baba is amazed! Even the elderly ones are affected by the Fire of lust, and so they too fall. You cannot say - ‘he/she made me fall’. It is in your hands whether you fall or not. No one is pushing you - so why should you fall? (You must think) – ‘No matter what happens, I will not fall’. If you fall, everything is ruined and you get slapped very hard. Then you also repent; all your bones get broken; you become hurt so much!”

तुम समझा भी सकते हो - शिवबाबा को बाप, ब्रह्मा को दादा कहते हैं। एक को कभी कोई बाप-दादा कहते हैं क्या? यह तो वन्डरफुल बात है, इसमें सच्चा-सच्चा ज्ञान है। परन्तु याद में रहें, तब किसको तीर भी लगे। घड़ी-घड़ी देह-अभिमान में आ जाते हैं। बाप कहते हैं - आत्म-अभिमानी बनो।
“You can also explain that Shiv Baba is called ‘Bap’ (Father), and that Brahma is called ‘Dada’ (Elder Brother). Would just one soul be ever called Bap-Dada? This is something wonderful! This (the combined form) contains TRUE Knowledge. However, the arrow can only strike someone when you stay in Remembrance. Some become body-conscious very frequently. The Father says - become soul-conscious!”

The term, ‘BapDada’, refers ONLY to Incorporeal God Father Shiva (‘Bap’), and Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani (‘Dada’) – and to NO OTHER embodied soul!

यह ज्ञान भी तुम्हारी बुद्धि में है। वह भी नम्बरवार। कईयों की बुद्धि में तो ठहरता ही नहीं, इसलिए किसको समझा नहीं सकते। आत्मा बिल्कुल ही गर्म तवा, तमोप्रधान पतित है। उन पर ज्ञान अमृत डाला जाता है, तो ठहरता नहीं। जिसने बहुत भक्ति की है, उनको ही तीर लगेगा, झट धारणा होगी। हिसाब ही वन्डरफुल है - पहले नम्बर में पावन, वही फिर पतित बनते हैं। यह भी कितनी समझने की बातें होती हैं।
“You have this Knowledge in your intellects. This too is number-wise; it does not stay in the intellects of some, which is why they are unable to explain to anyone. Such souls become like a hot griddle, completely impure and degraded. When the Nectar of Knowledge is given to such souls, it does not stay (has no effect). Only those who have done a lot of Devotion will be pierced by the arrow; they will be able to imbibe this quickly. It is a wonderful account - the number one pure soul, (Brahma Baba) himself, then becomes the most impure. These aspects have also to be understood.”

Those who are UNABLE to comprehend the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge, in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE, are UNABLE to explain same to ANYONE, EFFECTIVELY!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 05.09.2020

अभी तुम बच्चों से ही बाप बात करते हैं, जिन्होंने 84 का चक्र लगाया है। सब तो 84 जन्म नहीं ले सकते हैं।
“The Father now speaks ONLY to you children, who have been around the Cycle of 84 births. Not everyone can take 84 births.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva speaks the TRUE Gita – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – and ONLY to the Righteous Children, who go right around the Cycle of 84 births, like Brahma Baba!

हम पार्टधारी हैं। ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान का भी विचित्र पार्ट है। ब्रह्मा और विष्णु का विचित्र पार्ट नहीं कहेंगे - दोनों ही 84 का चक्र लगाते हैं। बाकी शंकर का पार्ट इस दुनिया में तो है नहीं।
“We are actors. The Highest-on-High Father (Shiva) has a UNIQUE part. You would not say that Brahma, or Vishnu has a UNIQUE part - both go around the Cycle of 84 births. Shankar DOES NOT have a part to play in this (corporeal) world.”

Shankar is a subtle Deity of the Subtle Region, who DOES NOT come to this corporeal world to enact ANY role, through ANY corporeal body – like Shiva does!

परमात्मा कोई प्रेरणा से काम नहीं करता; न प्रेरणा से ज्ञान मिल सकता है। बाप आते हैं इन कर्मेन्द्रियों द्वारा पार्ट बजाने। करनकरावनहार है ना। करायेंगे बच्चों से। शरीर बिगर तो कर न सकें। ... बाप है मुख्य क्रियेटर, डायरेक्टर - डायरेक्शन भी देते हैं; श्रीमत देते हैं। ... उनको कहा जाता है निराकारी शिवबाबा - निराकारी आत्माओं का बाबा।
“Neither does the Supreme Soul work by giving inspiration; nor can Knowledge be received through inspiration. The Father comes to play a part through these physical organs (of Brahma Baba). He is ‘Karankaravanhar’ (One who acts through others). He works through the children. He cannot do anything without a body. ...
The Father is the principal Creator and Director - He gives directions; He gives you Shrimat. ... He is called Incorporeal Shiv Baba, who is the Father (‘Baba’) of incorporeal souls.”

The Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) CANNOT be given through inspiration. Incorporeal God Father Shiva has to come to this corporeal world and speak the TRUE Gita by taking the support of the body of Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani – who is the REAL PrajaPita of the Righteous Children!

तुम बच्चों को इस पुरानी दुनिया से निकल फिर हद की दुनिया में, नई दुनिया में आना है क्योंकि वहाँ है एक धर्म। अनेक धर्म, अनेक मनुष्य होने से बेहद हो जाती। वहाँ (नई दुनिया में) तो है एक धर्म, थोड़े मनुष्य।
“You children have now to move away from this old world, and go into the New World, which is the ‘limited World’ (‘had ki duniya’), because there is just one religion there. When there are innumerable religions and innumerable human beings (in the world), it becomes ‘unlimited’ (‘behad ki duniya’). There (in the New World), there is just one religion and few human beings.”

RamRajya is called the ‘limited World’ (‘had ki duniya’), because there is just one religion there, with limited population. Ravan Rajya is called the ‘unlimited world’ (‘behad ki duniya’), because there are innumerable religions and innumerable human beings there!

इस समय जो कुछ प्रैक्टिकल में होता है, उसका ही फिर भक्ति मार्ग में त्योहार मनाते हैं। नम्बरवार कौन-कौन से त्योहार हैं, यह भी तुम बच्चे जानते हो। ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान शिवबाबा की जयन्ती कहेंगे। वह जब आये तब फिर और त्योहार बनें। शिवबाबा पहले-पहले आकर गीता सुनाते हैं, अर्थात् आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान सुनाते हैं। योग भी सिखाते हैं; साथ-साथ तुमको पढ़ाते भी हैं।
“Whatever takes place, in a practical way, at this time, will later be celebrated as a festival on the ‘path of Devotion’. You children know about all the number-wise festivals. It is said - the ‘Birth of Shiv Baba, God, the Highest-on-High’. The other festivals can only evolve after He comes. Shiv Baba first comes and speaks the (TRUE) Gita, that is, He tells you the Knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end (of the world). Together with teaching you this, He also teaches you Yoga.”

When Shiv Baba speaks the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba – that is considered to be the symbolic ‘birth’ of the TRUE Gita!

तो पहले-पहले बाप आया, शिवजयन्ती हुई - फिर कहेंगे गीता जयन्ती। आत्माओं को ज्ञान सुनाते हैं, तो गीता जयन्ती हो गई। ... पहले बाप आते हैं, वही आकर राजयोग सिखलाते हैं, तो कहेंगे शिवजयन्ती सो फिर गीता जयन्ती - फिर नारायण जयन्ती; वह तो हो जाता सतयुग।
“So, first of all, when the Father came, there was the Birth of Shiva (‘Shiv Jayanti’, or ‘Shiv Ratri’) - then there was the ‘birth’ of the (TRUE) Gita (‘Gita Jayanti’). He spoke Knowledge to souls, and so that becomes the ‘birth’ of the (TRUE) Gita. ... First of all, the Father comes; He comes and teaches you Raj Yoga. Therefore, it is said - there is the Birth of Shiva, then the ‘birth’ of the (TRUE) Gita - and then the birth of (Shri Krishna, who then becomes) Narayan; that is then the Golden Age.”

Immediately after the Divine Birth of Shiva, there is the symbolic ‘birth’ of the TRUE Gita – when Shiva speaks the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba – who, then himself, becomes the first Prince, Shri Krishna, and the first Emperor Narayan, of the beginning of Golden Age!

यह भी जानते हो जो हमको पढ़ाते हैं वह हमारा बाप भी है; लौकिक बाप कोई गुम नहीं हो जाता है। लौकिक, पारलौकिक, और फिर यह (ब्रह्मा) है अलौकिक। इनको कोई याद नहीं करते। लौकिक बाप से तो वर्सा मिलता है। अन्त तक याद रहती है। शरीर छोड़ा, फिर दूसरा बाप मिलता है। जन्म बाई जन्म लौकिक बाप मिलते हैं। पारलौकिक बाप को भी दु:ख व सुख में याद करते हैं। बच्चा मिला, तो कहेंगे ईश्वर ने बच्चा दिया। बाकी प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को क्यों याद करेंगे, इनसे कुछ मिलता थोड़ेही है। इनको अलौकिक कहा जाता है।
“You also know that the One who teaches you, is also your Father; a corporeal father does not disappear. There are the corporeal (‘lokik’) father, and ‘Parlokik’ Father (from beyond); and then this ‘Alokik’ Father (Brahma Baba). No one remembers this one (Brahma). You receive an inheritance from your corporeal father. You remember that one till the end (of your current birth). When you leave your body, you go and have another (corporeal) father. You receive a corporeal father for birth after birth. People remember the ‘Parlokik’ Father in sorrow, and in happiness. When they have a child, they say that God gave them that child. Why would they remember PrajaPita Brahma? You do not receive anything from him. He is called the ‘Alokik’ Father.”

The Righteous Children receive their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of the New World from Incorporeal God Father Shiva – which is why they Remember ONLY Him. They DO NOT Remember Brahma Baba, but only remain AWARE of him, and follow him – in the BENEVOLENT act of remaining in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE!

तुम जानते हो हम ब्रह्मा द्वारा शिवबाबा से वर्सा ले रहे हैं। जैसे हम पढ़ते हैं, यह (ब्रह्मा का) रथ भी निमित्त बना हुआ है। बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में इनका शरीर ही रथ बना है। रथ का नाम तो रखना पड़ता है ना। यह है बेहद का सन्यास। रथ कायम ही रहता है - बाकी का ठिकाना नहीं है; चलते-चलते फिर भागन्ती हो जाते। यह रथ तो मुकरर है, ड्रामा अनुसार - इनको कहा जाता है ‘भाग्यशाली रथ’। तुम सबको ‘भाग्यशाली रथ’ नहीं कहेंगे। ‘भाग्यशाली रथ’ एक माना जाता है, जिसमें बाप आकर ज्ञान देते हैं।
“You know that you are receiving your inheritance from Shiv Baba through Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani). Just as you are studying, so, too, is this one; this Chariot (body of Brahma) has become the instrument. This one's body has become the Chariot at the end of his many births. The Chariot has to be given a name. This renunciation is unlimited. The Chariot is fixed, but there is no guarantee for anyone else. While moving along, they become those who run away (from the Father). This Chariot has been appointed, according to Drama - he is called the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagyashali Rath’). None of you would be called a ‘Lucky Chariot’. Only one is considered to be the ‘Lucky Chariot’, whom the Father enters to give you Knowledge.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva gives the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and the Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, to the Righteous Children, ONLY THROUGH the ‘Lucky Chariot’ of Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Avyakt Vani 19.03.1986, Revised on 06.09.2020

रोज़ अमृतवेले, बापदादा स्नेह और शक्ति की विशेष पालना से, सभी रूहानी गुलाब के पुष्पों से मिलन मनाते हैं।
अमृतवेला विशेष प्रभू पालना की वेला है। अमृतवेले विशेष परमात्म मिलन की वेला है। रूहानी रूह-रूहान करने की वेला है। अमृतवेले भोले भण्डारी के वरदानों के खजाने से सहज वरदान प्राप्त होने की वेला है। जो गायन है, ‘मन इच्छित फल प्राप्त करना’, यह इस समय, अमृतवेले के समय का गायन है। बिना मेहनत के खुले खजाने प्राप्त करने की वेला है। ऐसे सुहावने समय को अनुभव से जानते हो ना? अनुभवी ही जानें इस श्रेष्ठ सुख को, श्रेष्ठ प्राप्तियों को!

“Every day at ‘Amrit Vela’, while giving the special sustenance of (Spiritual) Love and Power, BapDada celebrates a Meeting with all the Spiritual Rose Flowers.
‘Amrit Vela’ is the special time for receiving sustenance from God. ‘Amrit Vela’ is the special time for celebrating a Meeting with God. It is the time for having a Spiritual conversation. ‘Amrit Vela’ is the time for easily attaining blessings from the treasure-store of blessings of the Innocent Lord. The memorial of ‘attaining whatever fruit you desire (from the Innocent Lord)’, is the memorial of this time of ‘Amrit Vela’. It is the time for attaining treasures freely (from the open treasure-store) without making (laborious) effort. You know about this BEAUTIFUL time from your EXPERIENCE, do you not? Only those who are EXPERIENCED would know of this elevated Happiness and elevated attainments!”
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 07.09.2020

बाबा ने समझाया है भक्त (वा भक्तिन) को ‘सीता’ कहा जाता, भगवान को ‘राम’ कहा जाता - जो भक्तों को फल देने आता है। इस बेहद के रावण राज्य में सारी दुनिया फंसी हुई है। उन्हों को लिबरेट कर राम राज्य में ले जाते हैं। ‘रघुपति राघव राजा राम’ की बात नहीं। वह तो त्रेता के राजा थे।
“Baba has explained that (male or female) ‘devotees’ are called ‘Sita’, and that ‘Bhagwan’ (God) is called ‘RAMA’ - who comes to give the devotees the fruit (of their devotion). The whole world is trapped in this unlimited kingdom of Ravan. He comes and liberates them, and takes them to the ‘Kingdom of RAMA’. It is not a question of ‘King Rama of the warrior clan’ – who was the king of the Silver Age.”

In a PARTICULARLY GENERAL relationship with Incorporeal God Father Shiva – who ALONE is considered to be ‘Masculine’, and who is also called ‘RAMA’ – ALL the devotees, or children, are considered to be ‘feminine’, and are called ‘Sita’ – in this SPECIFIC CONTEXT!

ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान पूज्य - फिर है सतयुगी देवतायें पूज्य। इस समय तो सब पुजारी हैं; पहले-पहले शिव की पूजा होती है, वह है अव्यभिचारी पूजा। वह सतोप्रधान, फिर सतो - फिर देवताओं से भी उतर कर जल की, मनुष्यों की, पक्षियों आदि की पूजा करने लग पड़ते। दिन-प्रतिदिन अनेकों की पूजा होने लगती है।
“God, the Highest-on-High, is worthy of worship – and THEN, the Deities of Golden Age are worthy of worship. At this time, all are worshipers. First of all, there is the worship of Shiva - that is UNADULTERATED worship. That (worship of ONLY ONE Shiva) is ‘Satopradhan’, and then worship (of the Deities of Golden Age) becomes ‘sato’. Then, they move down from the (worship of the) Deities and begin to worship (ordinary) human beings, birds (animals), water (elements), etc. Day by day, there is worship of many.”

On the ‘path of Devotion’, worship is, at FIRST, ‘Satopradhan’ (of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE) – in the beginning of Copper Age – and then it PROGRESSIVELY DEGRADES to being ‘sato’, ‘rajo’, ‘tamo’ – and FINALLY becomes ‘tamopradhan’, by the end of Iron Age! ALL the CURRENT images, idols, pictures, paintings, memorials, practices, etc., which are prevalent on the ‘path of Devotion’, in the outer world, are NOW COMPLETELY ‘tamopradhan’!

वास्तव में देवताओं से भी ऊंच ब्राह्मणों को कहेंगे, चोटी हैं ना। यह ब्राह्मण ही मनुष्यों को देवता बनाते हैं। पढ़ाने वाला है परमपिता परमात्मा, स्वयं ज्ञान का सागर। यह किसको भी पता नहीं है। बाप के पास आकर, ब्राह्मण बनकर, फिर भी कल शूद्र बन पड़ते हैं। पुराने संस्कार पलटने में बड़ी मेहनत लगती है। अपने को आत्मा निश्चय कर बाप से वर्सा लेना है; रूहानी बाप से रूहानी बच्चे ही वर्सा लेंगे। बाप को याद करने में ही माया विघ्न डालती है। बाप कहते, ‘हथ कार डे दिल यार डे’।
“ In fact, you Brahmins are said to be even more elevated than the Deities because you are the top-knot. You Brahmins (as instruments of Shiva) change (ordinary) human beings into (ELEVATED) Deities. The One who TEACHES you is the Supreme Father Supreme Soul (Shiva), who, Himself, is the Ocean of Knowledge. No one knows this. Some come to the Father and become Brahmins, and they still become ‘shudras’ (again) tomorrow! It takes great effort to change old sanskars. You have to have the faith that you are a soul and that you have to claim your inheritance from the Father. It is the spiritual children who have to claim their inheritance from the Spiritual Father. It is in your Remembrance of the Father that Maya causes obstacles. The Father says – ‘let your hands do the work, and let your heart Remember the Father’. ”

There are some Unrighteous children who get attracted to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) – EVEN AFTER having become Brahmins and studying the TRUE Gita!
This is also preordained in Drama!

तुम्हारी है सच्ची गीता, जो बाप सुनाते हैं। भगवान निराकार को ही कहा जाता है। आत्मा निराकार ‘गॉड फादर’ को बुलाती है। वहाँ तुम आत्मायें रहती हो। तुमको ‘परमात्मा’ थोड़ेही कहेंगे। परमात्मा तो एक ही है ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान - फिर सब हैं आत्मायें, बच्चे। सर्व का सद्गति दाता एक है - फिर हैं देवतायें। उनमें भी नम्बरवन है कृष्ण क्योंकि आत्मा और शरीर दोनों पवित्र हैं।
“Yours is the TRUE Gita, which the (Incorporeal) Father (Shiva) speaks to you. ONLY the Incorporeal One is called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). Souls call out to Incorporeal ‘God Father’ (Shiva). You souls reside there (in the Soul World). You would NOT be called ‘Parmatma’ (‘Supreme Soul’) - there is ONLY ONE Supreme Soul – who is ‘Bhagwan’ (God), the Highest-on-High. Then there are all the souls, who are His children. The Bestower of Salvation for ALL is One - and then there are the Deities. Out of all of them, Krishna (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) is NUMBER ONE, because that soul and his body are both pure.”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal Shiva can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God), or ‘Paramatma’ (Supreme Soul). NO embodied soul can be called as ‘Bhagwan’ (‘God’), or ‘Paramatma’ (‘Supreme Soul’)! ALL embodied souls are the children of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, who ALONE is the Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’).
Shri Krishna - or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, who becomes the REAL PrajaPita Brahma, during Confluence Age – is NUMBER ONE among ALL embodied human souls, on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play! BUT, the Sermonizer of the TRUE Gita is Incorporeal God Father Shiva, and NOT Shri Krishna (who is the SAME soul of Brahma Baba)!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 08.09.2020

इस ड्रामा की अथवा सृष्टि की आयु 5 हज़ार वर्ष है, यह बातें एक ही बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। यह कभी भी कोई मनुष्य के मुख से नहीं सुन सकते हैं। तुम रूहानी बच्चे बैठे हो - तुम जानते हो बरोबर हम सभी आत्माओं का बाप वह एक है। बाप ही बच्चों को बैठ अपना परिचय देते हैं - जो कोई भी मनुष्य मात्र नहीं जानते। कोई को पता नहीं, गॉड वा ईश्वर क्या वस्तु है; जबकि उनको ‘गॉड फादर’, बाप कहते हैं तो बहुत प्यार होना चाहिए। बेहद का बाप है तो जरूर उनसे वर्सा भी मिलता होगा।
“The age of this Drama, that is, this (Cycle of the) world, is 5000 years; ONLY ONE Father (Shiva) sits and explains these aspects. You CANNOT hear this from the mouth of ANY human being (embodied soul). You spiritual children who are sitting here know that the Spiritual Father of all of you souls is that One (Shiva). The Father, Himself, sits and gives you children His OWN introduction – which no human being knows. No one knows who God, or ‘Ishwar’ is. Since they call Him ‘God Father’, or Father, there should be so much Love for Him. He is the unlimited Father, so you would definitely be receiving an inheritance from him.”

NO embodied human soul, or human being, can give the Knowledge of the beginning, the middle, and the end of this Eternal World Drama Cycle of 5000 years duration – since they ALL come into a stage of FORGETFULNESS, due to EXTREME body-consciousness, by the end of Iron Age!

अभी तुम समझते हो बाप ने ही राजयोग सिखाया, जिससे सब मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति को पाते हैं। यह भी समझते हो कि भारत में ही शिवबाबा आया था, उनकी जयन्ती भी मनाते हैं, परन्तु गीता में नाम गुम होने से महिमा भी गुम हो गई है। जिससे सारी दुनिया को सुख-शान्ति मिलती है, उस बाप को भूल गये हैं! इनको कहा ही जाता है एकज़ भूल का नाटक। बड़े ते बड़ी भूल यह है, जो बाप को नहीं जानते।
“You now understand that the (Incorporeal) Father, Himself, taught you Raj Yoga, through which EVERYONE attains Liberation and Liberation-in-Life. You also understand that it was ONLY in Bharat, where Shiv Baba came. His Birthday is also celebrated, but because His Name has been made to vanish from the Gita, His praise too has vanished. They have forgotten the Father from whom the whole world receives happiness and peace. This is called the Play of just the ONE GRAVE mistake. The biggest mistake is that they do not know the (Incorporeal) Father (Shiva).”

By putting the name of corporeal Shri Krishna, as the Sermonizer of the (FALSE) Gita, the Name of the TRUE Sermonizer of the TRUE Gita, who is Incorporeal God Father Shiva, has been made to VANISH!

तुम कहेंगे हम स्वर्ग की राजाई प्राप्त करने के लिए ही पढ़ते हैं। कौन पढ़ाते हैं? शिवबाबा, भगवान। उनका नाम तो एक ही है जो चला आया है। रथ का नाम तो है नहीं। मेरा नाम है ही शिव। ‘बाप शिव’, और ‘रथ ब्रह्मा’ कहेंगे। अभी तुम जानते हो यह कितना वन्डरफुल है, शरीर तो एक ही है। इनको ‘भाग्यशाली रथ’ क्यों कहते हैं? क्योंकि शिवबाबा की प्रवेशता है, तो जरूर दो आत्मायें ठहरी। यह भी तुम जानते हो और किसको तो यह ख्याल में भी नहीं आता।
“You say that you are studying ONLY in order to attain the Sovereignty of Heaven. Who is teaching you? God, Father Shiva. He has ONLY ONE Name which has continued. That Name is not the Chariot’s name. My name is Shiva. You say ‘Father Shiva’, and ‘Chariot of Brahma’. You now know how wonderful this is. The body is one. Why is this one (Brahma Baba) called the ‘Lucky Chariot’? Because Shiv Baba entered him. There are definitely two souls. Only you know this; no one else would even think of it.”

The body of the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, or Brahma Baba, is called the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagyashali Rath’) because Incorporeal God Father Shiva entered him, in order to speak the TRUE Gita to the Righteous Children, to enable them to Study same, in order to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty during RamRajya, number-wise!

यह नहीं समझते स्वर्ग कहा ही जाता है नई दुनिया को। यहाँ सब कुछ सीखना है। साइंस का हुनर भी फिर वहाँ काम में आता है। यह साइंस भी वहाँ सुख देती है। यहाँ तो इन सबसे है अल्पकाल का सुख। वहाँ तुम बच्चों के लिए यह स्थाई सुख हो जायेगा। यहाँ सब सीखना है - जो फिर संस्कार ले जायेंगे। कोई नई आत्मायें नहीं आयेंगी, जो सीखेंगी। यहाँ के बच्चे ही साइंस सीखकर वहाँ चलते हैं। बहुत होशियार हो जायेंगे। सब संस्कार ले जायेंगे - फिर वहाँ काम में आयेंगे।
“They do not understand that it is the New World which is called Heaven. Everything has to be learnt here. The technology of science will also be useful later on there (in Golden Age). Science too gives (ONLY) Happiness there. There is temporary happiness through all the things here. There, it will become lasting Happiness for you children. Everything has to be learnt here so that those sanskars can be taken there. New souls will not come there, and learn them there. The children from here, will learn science and go there. They will become very clever. They will take all the sanskars, which will be useful there.”

ALL the LATEST achievements in scientific technologies which get developed until the very end of Confluence Age, will then be used to give lasting Happiness during RamRajya!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 09.09.2020

दुनिया में किसको मालूम नहीं है कि रूहानी बाप आकर स्वर्ग की, वा नई दुनिया की स्थापना कैसे करते हैं। कोई भी नहीं जानते हैं। तुम बाप से कोई भी प्रकार की मांगनी नहीं कर सकते हो। बाप सब कुछ समझाते हैं। कुछ भी पूछने की दरकार नहीं रहती, सब कुछ आपेही समझाते रहते हैं। ... कोई भल एक अक्षर भी न पूछे, तो भी सब कुछ समझाते रहते हैं।
“No one in the world knows how the Spiritual Father comes and establishes the New World of Heaven (on this earth). No one knows this. You cannot (NEED NOT) ask the Father regarding any aspect. The Father explains EVERY aspect to you (by Himself). You DO NOT NEED to ask about any aspect - He CONTINUES to explain every aspect, Himself. ... Even if no one asks about EVEN ONE word, He still continues to explain EVERY aspect.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva explains EVERY aspect of the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), by Himself, to the Righteous Children, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, thereafter – so there is NO NEED for ANYONE to ask Him regarding ANY aspect, AT ALL!

HOWEVER, in order to receive the CLEAR TOUCHINGS from Incorporeal God Father Shiva, THROUGH Brahma Baba, in ‘Akar’ – WITHOUT ANY INTERMEDIARY corporeal medium – the CONCERNED Righteous Children SHOULD FOLLOW ShivBaba’s Shrimat to make efforts to ALSO DEVELOP their OWN ‘Akari’ or ‘Angelic’ stage – en route to FINALLY DEVELOPING their OWN ‘Nirakari’ or ‘Seed’ stage, of COMPLETE soul-consciousness, once again!

बाप बहुत ऊंच है। माया का भी कितना प्रभाव है। ईश्वर बाप कहते हैं - ऐसा मत करो - तो भी नहीं मानते हैं। भगवान कहते हैं - मीठे बच्चे, यह काम नहीं करना - फिर भी उल्टा काम कर देते हैं। उल्टे काम के लिए ही मना करेंगे ना? लेकिन माया भी बड़ी जबरदस्त है। भूले-चूके भी बाप को नहीं भूलना है। ‘कुछ भी करें - मारे अथवा कूटे ..’। ऐसा कुछ बाप करते नहीं हैं - परन्तु यह एक्स्ट्रीम में कहा जाता है।
“The Father is so elevated. There is also so much influence of Maya. God, the Father, says – DO NOT do this - and yet some (children) DO NOT listen to Him. God says - sweet children, DO NOT perform this action - in spite of that, some children perform CONTRARY actions. He only forbids you to perform WRONG actions - but Maya too is very forceful. Do not forget the (Incorporeal) Father (Shiva), even by mistake. (We say) - ‘no matter what You do to me, even if You beat me (we will not leave You)’ - but the Father does not (actually) do anything like that - this is just said as an EXTREME example.”

EVEN when the Incorporeal Father cautions ALL the children NOT to get attracted by Ravan or Maya, and NOT to leave His Hand – YET, some Unrighteous children, get attracted to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge – (initiated by the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, who MASQUERADES as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, AFTER 1969) – and perform actions which are TOTALLY CONTRARY to Shrimat of Incorporeal God Father Shiva – WITHOUT EVEN realizing (REAL-EYEsing) what exactly they are ACTUALLY doing!

बाबा ने समझाया है - योगबल से तुम सृष्टि को पावन बनाते हो, तो क्या योगबल से खाना शुद्ध नहीं हो सकता है? अच्छा, तुम तो ऐसे बने हो। फिर कोई को आप समान बनाते हो? अभी तुम बच्चे समझते हो कि बाप आया है, स्वर्ग की बादशाही फिर से देने। तो इनको रिफ्यूज़ नहीं करना है। विश्व की बादशाही रिफ्यूज़ की तो खत्म। फिर रिफ्यूज़ (किचड़े के डिब्बे) में जाकर पड़ेंगे। यह सारी दुनिया है किचड़ा। तो इनको रिफ्यूज़ ही कहेंगे।
“Baba has explained that you make the world Pure with the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’) - therefore, can you not purify your food with the ‘Power of Remembrance’? OK, you have become like this; then, do you make others become like yourselves? You children now understand that the Father has come to give you the Sovereignty of Heaven, once again. Therefore, you must not refuse Him. If you refuse the Sovereignty of the (New) World, then everything is finished. You will then end up in the ‘refuse’ (trash – garbage-bin). The whole world is rubbish - so that would be called ‘refuse’ (trash).”

If the children REFUSE to imbibe the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), given by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba, then they INADVERTENTLY REFUSE to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of the New World of RamRajya – the consequence of which is that they EVENTUALLY (and UNKNOWINGLY) end up in the ‘REFUSE’, or ‘GARBAGE-BIN’, of EXPOSING their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) - initiated by the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, who MASQUERADES as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, AFTER 1969 – (DELUSIVELY believing same to be the ‘TRUE Gita’) – due to which, they are ONLY able to claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of the sovereignty of the ‘suryavanshi clan’, of the old world of Ravan Rajya, number-wise – while SIMULTANEOUSLY, but DELUSIVELY, believing that they are claiming the ‘Unlimited’ inheritance of ‘Sovereignty’ of the ‘Suryavanshi Clan’, of the New World of RamRajya, number-wise!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 10.09.2020

कहा भी जाता है ‘पतित आत्मा’, ‘पावन आत्मा’। ‘पतित परमात्मा’ कभी नहीं सुना है। सर्व के अन्दर परमात्मा अगर होता तो ‘पतित परमात्मा’ हो जाए। तो मुख्य बात है आत्म-अभिमानी बनना।
“It is said, ‘impure soul’, or ‘pure soul’. You would never have heard (anyone say), ‘impure Supreme Soul (Paramatma)’. If God were in everyone, then it would be said, ‘impure Supreme Soul’. So, the main aspect is to become soul-conscious.”

Since Supreme Soul Shiva does NOT get embodied, and does NOT come into the cycle of birth and death, like other embodied human souls – therefore, it can NEVER be said, ‘impure Supreme Soul’, since He is ETERNALLY Pure! NO embodied human soul can be called as ‘Paramatma’, or ‘Supreme Soul’!

बाप है सर्वशक्तिमान्। हम आत्माओं का उनसे योग नहीं होगा तो बैटरी चार्ज कैसे हो? सारा कल्प लगता है डिस्चार्ज होने में। अभी फिर बैटरी को चार्ज करना होता है। बच्चे समझते हैं, हमारी बैटरी डिस्चार्ज हो गई है, अब फिर चार्ज करनी है। कैसे? बाबा कहते हैं - मेरे से योग लगाओ। यह तो बहुत सहज समझने की बात है। बाप कहते हैं - मेरे साथ बुद्धि योग लगाओ तो तुम्हारी आत्मा में पावर भरकर सतोप्रधान बन जायेगी। पढ़ाई तो है ही कमाई। याद से तुम पावन बनते हो। आयु बड़ी होती है। बैटरी चार्ज होती है।
“The Father is the Almighty Authority. If we souls do not have Yoga with Him, how could our batteries be charged? It takes a whole Cycle for your batteries to become discharged. The batteries have now to be charged. You children understand that your batteries have become discharged, and that they now have to be charged. How? Baba says - have Yoga with Me. This is something that can very easily be understood. The Father (Shiva) says - when you souls connect your intellects in Yoga with Me, you will be filled with (Spiritual) Power and become Pure (‘satopradhan’). This Study gives an income. You become Pure by having Remembrance; your lifespan increases; your batteries become charged.”

UNLESS & UNTIL one is ABLE to have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – as a POINT source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST, EXPERIENCING the self ALSO as a soul – ALSO as a Point source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – the ‘battery’ of the embodied soul CANNOT get Spiritually CHARGED – as a consequence of which the soul CANNOT become Pure, once again - since the sins of many births CANNOT be absolved through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’) ALONE - and have, therefore, to be EVENTUALLY absolved through the ‘Power of Arms’ (‘bahubal’), FORCEFULLY – due to which the status of the soul gets DEGRADED, number-wise!

तुम तो हो सेना। तुम्हारा नाम ही है प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियाँ, कोई भी अन्दर आये, पहले-पहले तो ये पूछो कि ‘कहाँ से आये हो? किसके पास आये हो?’ कहेंगे ‘हम बी. के. के पास आये हैं’। ‘अच्छा, ब्रह्मा कौन है? प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा का नाम कभी सुना है?’ ‘हाँ।’ ‘प्रजापिता के तो तुम भी बच्चे हो। प्रजा तो सब हो गये ना। तुम्हारा बाप है, तुम सिर्फ जानते नहीं हो।’
“ You are the (Spiritual) Army. Your name is, ‘Prajapita Brahma Kumars and Kumaris’ – when anyone comes to you, first of all ask them – ‘from where did you come, and to whom have you come?’ They would reply – ‘we have come to the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris’. ‘OK, who is Brahma? Have you ever heard the name of Prajapita Brahma?’ ‘Yes’. ‘You too are children of Prajapita Brahma. All are his people. He is your (‘Alokik’) Father too, but it is just that you do not know him’. ”

The Unrighteous children DO NOT REAL-EYEs that ONLY Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, is the REAL, original, PrajaPita of EVERYONE, within this EWD Play!

ब्रह्मा भी जरूर किसी का बच्चा होगा ना। उनके बाप का कोई शरीर तो देखने में नहीं आता है। ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर इन तीनों के ऊपर है शिवबाबा। त्रिमूर्ति शिव कहा जाता है - तीनों का रचयिता। ऊपर में एक शिवबाबा, फिर हैं तीन। जैसे सिजरा होता है ना। ब्रह्मा का बाप जरूर भगवान ही होगा। वह है आत्माओं का पिता।
“Brahma is definitely someone’s Child too. His Father (Shiv Baba) has no body which can be seen. Shiv Baba is higher than the three - Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. It is said, ‘Trimurti Shiva’ - because He is the Creator of all three. Shiv Baba is at the top, and then there are the three, just like a genealogical tree. The Father of Brahma is definitely God (‘Bhagwan’). He is the Father of all souls.”

The Spiritual Father of PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, is NOT ANY embodied soul – but ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva - who ALONE, can be called ‘Bhagwan’, or God! NO embodied human soul can be called ‘Bhagwan’, or God!

अच्छा, फिर ब्रह्मा कहाँ से आया? बाप कहते हैं - मैं इनमें प्रवेश कर, इनका नाम रखता हूँ ‘ब्रह्मा’। तुम बच्चों के नाम रखे, तो इनका भी नाम रखा ‘ब्रह्मा’। कहते हैं - यह मेरा दिव्य अलौकिक जन्म हैं। तुम बच्चों को तो एडाप्ट करता हूँ। बाकी इनमें प्रवेश करता हूँ - फिर तुमको सुनाता हूँ इसलिए यह हो गये ‘बाप-दादा’। जिसमें प्रवेश किया उनकी आत्मा तो है ना। उनके बाजू में आकर बैठता हूँ।
“OK, so where did Brahma come from? The Father (Shiva) says - I enter this one's body and name him ‘Brahma’. You children were also given names, and so he too was named ‘Brahma’. He (Shiva) says - this is My Divine, and ‘Alokik’ Birth. I adopt you children. I enter this one's body and speak (Knowledge – TRUE Gita) to you - therefore, we are ‘Bap-Dada’. The body I enter has its own soul - I come and sit next to him (soul of Brahma Baba).”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva speaks the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge, or TRUE Gita, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani – and ONLY to the Righteous Children – to enable them to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, once again!

सच की बेड़ी (नांव) है - तूफान बहुत आयेंगे क्योंकि आर्टीफीशियल बहुत निकल पड़े हैं। कोई अपने को ‘भगवान’ कहते, कोई क्या कहते हैं। रिद्धि-सिद्धि भी बहुत दिखाते हैं। साक्षात्कार भी कराते हैं। बाप आते ही हैं, सर्व की सद्गति करने। ... लिखा हुआ है, ‘भीष्मपितामह आदि भी अन्त में आते हैं’। अभी तो कितना घमण्ड है, फिर वह घमण्ड उन्हों का पूरा हो जायेगा।
“This is the ‘Boat of Truth’. There will be many storms, because many artificial ones (bodily gurus) have emerged. Some call themselves ‘Bhagwan’ (God), and some call themselves something else. Many show their occult power; they even grant visions. The Father comes to grant everyone Salvation. ... It is written that Bhishmapitamai, etc., also came at the end. At the moment, they have so much arrogance, but their arrogance will then end.”

During Confluence Age - the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan or Maya, and the other bodily gurus, along with their RESPECTIVE BLIND followers – (AFTER Brahma Baba leaves his corporeal body, in 1969, and achieves his ‘sampurna karmateet avastha’, or COMPLETE Angelic stage) – create MANY storms to shake the REAL ‘Boat of Truth’ (of those who Study and imbibe the TRUE Gita). EVENTUALLY, their IGNORANCE & ARROGANCE of body-consciousness will end through BITTER REAL-EYEsation of the ACTUAL Truth – but then it will be TOO LATE for them to do anything, at that time! This, too, is preordained within this EWD Play!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 11.09.2020

‘रूहानी बाप’ एक को ही कहा जाता है। बाकी सब हैं आत्मायें। उनको ‘परम आत्मा’ कहा जाता है। बाप कहते हैं - मैं भी हूँ आत्मा। परन्तु मैं परम, सुप्रीम, सत्य हूँ। मैं ही पतित-पावन, ज्ञान का सागर हूँ। बाप कहते हैं - मैं आता ही हूँ भारत में, बच्चों को विश्व का मालिक बनाने।
“ ONLY One (Incorporeal Shiva) is called the ‘Spiritual Father’, and all the rest are (human) souls. He (Shiva) is called the ‘Supreme Soul’. The Father says - I too am a Soul, but I am the Highest, Supreme - I am the Truth. ONLY I am the Purifier, and the Ocean of Knowledge. The Father says - I only come in Bharat, in order to make you children into the ‘Masters (Sovereigns) of the World’. ”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva can be called the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’).

कहते भी हैं ‘पाप आत्मा’, ‘पुण्य आत्मा’, ‘महान् आत्मा’। वह फिर ‘परमात्मा’ तो बन नहीं सकते। कोई भी अपने को ‘शिव’ कह न सके।
“It is said – ‘sinful soul’, ‘charitable soul’, ‘great soul’ – they CANNOT become the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’). No (embodied human) soul can call himself (Incorporeal God Father) ‘Shiva’.”

NO embodied human soul can be called as the ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Shiva’, or ‘ShivBaba’!

अभी तुम आस्तिक बन रहे हो। आस्तिक-नास्तिक यह अक्षर इस समय के हैं।
“You are now becoming theists. The terms ‘theists’ and ‘atheists’ are of this time (during Confluence Age).”

The Righteous Children, who ReCognize, REAL-EYEs & EXPERIENCE Incorporeal God Father Shiva – as a POINT source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST, EXPERIENCING their OWN selves ALSO as souls – ALSO as a Point source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – are THEISTS (‘Aastik’).
The BLIND, Unrighteous Children, who remember God through the corporeal, or subtle body of ANY embodied human soul – are ATHEISTS (‘nastik’)!

तुमको साक्षात्कार कराया था - इब्राहम, क्राइस्ट आदि कैसे आते हैं। वह तो पिछाड़ी में जब बहुत आवाज़ निकलेगा तब आयेंगे।
“You were given visions of how Abraham, Christ, etc. come down. They will come here towards the end, when this sound has spread a great deal.”

SIMILARLY - the bodily gurus of Confluence Age, and their BLIND followers, will come to the REAL-EYEsation of REAL Incorporeal Supreme Soul Shiva, ONLY at the end – by which time it will be TOO LATE for them to do anything!

श्रीकृष्ण यह बातें समझा नहीं सकते। उनको ‘बाप’ भी नहीं कहेंगे। बाप है लौकिक, अलौकिक और पारलौकिक। हद का बाप लौकिक, बेहद का बाप है - पारलौकिक, आत्माओं का। और एक यह है सगंमयुगी वन्डरफुल बाप, इनको अलौकिक कहा जाता है। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को कोई याद ही नहीं करते। वह हमारा ‘ग्रेट-ग्रेट ग्रैण्ड फादर’ है, यह बुद्धि में नहीं आता है। कहते भी हैं, ‘आदि देव, एडम ..’, परन्तु कहने मात्र।
“Shri Krishna (of Golden Age) cannot explain these aspects; he cannot EVEN be called ‘Father’ (since he is ONLY a child, at that time). Fathers are ‘lokik’, ‘Alokik’, and ‘Parlokik’. Your corporeal fathers are limited. The ‘Parlokik’ Father (from beyond this world) is Unlimited - Father of souls; and this wonderful Father (Brahma Baba), of Confluence Age, is called the ‘Alokik’ one. No one remembers PrajaPita Brahma. It does not enter their intellects that he is the ‘great-great-grandfather’ (of entire humanity). They speak of ‘Adi Dev, Adam, ..’, but that is just for the sake of saying it.”

Embodied souls who become body-conscious at the end of Iron Age – AS WELL AS, the Unrighteous children, who are the BLIND followers of their respective bodily gurus of Confluence Age - NEITHER EXPERIENCE their ‘Parlokik’ Father – Incorporeal God Father Shiva – NOR their ‘Alokik’ Father – PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani!

कहते भी हैं, भगवान जरूर कोई वेष में आ जायेगा। अब कुत्ते-बिल्ली, ठिक्कर-भित्तर आदि में तो नहीं आयेंगे। गाया हुआ है, ‘भाग्यशाली रथ पर आते हैं’। बाप खुद कहते हैं - मैं इस साधारण रथ में प्रवेश करता हूँ। यह अपने जन्मों को नहीं जानते हैं, तुम अभी जानते हो। इनके बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में जब वानप्रस्थ अवस्था होती है, तब मैं प्रवेश करता हूँ।
“They say that God will definitely come in some form. However, He does not come in the form of a cat, a dog, a pebble, or a stone. It is remembered that ‘He comes in the Lucky Chariot’. The Father Himself says - I enter THIS ordinary Chariot (body of Brahma Baba). This one does not know his own births. You now know this. When he reaches his stage of retirement at the end of his many births, then I enter him.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva ONLY enters the body of Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, as His ‘mukrar rath’ – who is called the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagyashali Rath’) – in order to TEACH the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) to the Righteous Children, to enable them to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, during Confluence Age, once again!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 12.09.2020

बाबा कितनी प्वाइंट्स देते हैं - बच्चे, अगर अच्छी रीति याद में रहेंगे तो बहुत खुशी में रहेंगे। परन्तु बाप को याद करने के बदले, और दुनियावी बातों में पड़ जाते हैं। यह याद रहनी चाहिए कि हम श्रीमत पर अपना राज्य स्थापन कर रहे हैं। गाया भी हुआ है, ‘ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान’, उनकी ही ऊंच ते ऊंच श्रीमत है। श्रीमत क्या सिखलाती है? सहज राजयोग। राजाई के लिए पढ़ा रहे हैं!
“Baba gives you so many points - children, if you stay in Remembrance ACCURATELY, you will remain very happy. However, instead of Remembering the Father, some children get caught up in worldly affairs. You should remember that you are establishing your own Kingdom, according to Shrimat. God has been remembered as the Highest-on-High; His directions (Shrimat) are the most elevated. What does Shrimat teach you? Easy Raj Yoga. He is teaching you how to attain your Sovereignty (of the New World of RamRajya).”

If children are not ABLE to stay in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – then they CANNOT EXPERIENCE constant super-sensuous Happiness, and CANNOT claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya from Him, during Confluence Age ITSELF!

अपने बाप के द्वारा सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त को जानकर फिर दैवीगुण भी धारण करने हैं। बाप का कभी सामना नहीं करना चाहिए। बहुत बच्चे अपने को सर्विसएबुल समझ, अहंकार में आ जाते हैं। ऐसे बहुत होते हैं। फिर कहाँ-कहाँ हार खा लेते हैं, तो नशा ही उड़ जाता है।
“You have come to know the beginning, middle and end of the world from your Father, and you now also have to imbibe Divine virtues. Never oppose the Father! Many children consider themselves to be serviceable and become very arrogant. There are many children like that; but when they are sometimes defeated, their (arrogant) intoxication then disappears.”

The BLIND Unrighteous children continue to INADVERTENTLY OPPOSE, INSULT, DEFAME & MOCK Incorporeal God Father Shiva – after having allowed themselves to be TREACHEROUSLY TRICKED by the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, through respective bodily gurus, during Confluence Age, to become instruments to propagate the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) – while DELUSIVELY believing same to be the ‘unlimited clarifications’ of the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – in the form of SMs & AVs, ORIGINALLY spoken by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba!

यहाँ तुम यह पढ़ाई जितनी भी पढ़ेंगे, वह व्यर्थ जायेगी नहीं। हाँ, श्रीमत पर न चल, कुछ उल्टा चल पड़ते, या गटर में जाकर गिर पड़ते, तो जितना पढ़ा वह कोई चला नहीं जाता, यह पढ़ाई तो 21 जन्मों के लिए है। परन्तु गिरने से कल्प-कल्पान्तर का घाटा बहुत-बहुत पड़ जाता है। बाप कहते हैं - बच्चे, काला मुंह नहीं करो।
“To whatever extent you study this Study here, none of it will go to waste. Yes, if someone does not follow Shrimat, but performs WRONG actions, or falls into the gutter (of sex-lust), whatever he/she studied does not go (completely) to waste, because this Study is for 21 births. However, if he/she falls (in the vice of sex-lust), there is a GREAT deal of loss for Cycle after Cycle. The Father says - Children, do not dirty your faces (by falling into the vice of sex-lust).”

Although whatever one studies from the SMs & AVs (TRUE Gita), during Confluence Age, can NEVER go COMPLETELY to waste – YET, those who perform WRONG actions, or fall into the ‘gutter’ of GROSS sex-lust - AS WELL AS, those who fall into the SUBTLE ‘gutter’ of the SUBTLE VICE of SUBTLE LUST, (in the form of ATTRACTION to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, being the SUBTLE ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita; and INDULGENCE in the propagation of same), which, in turn, sustains the GROSS vice of sex-lust in the outer world of Ravan Rajya - CANNOT claim a high status during RamRajya!

ऐसे बहुत हैं जो काला मुंह करके, छी-छी बनकर फिर आकर बैठ जाते हैं। उनको कभी यह ज्ञान हज़म नहीं होगा, बद-हाजमा हो जाता है। जो सुनेगा वह बद-हाजमा हो जायेगा, फिर मुख से किसको कह न सके कि ‘भगवानुवाच - काम महाशत्रु है, उन पर जीत पानी है’। खुद ही जीत नहीं पाते, तो औरों को कैसे कहेंगे? अन्दर खायेगा ना? उनको कहा जाता है आसुरी सम्प्रदाय, अमृत पीते-पीते विष खा लेते हैं, तो 100 गुणा काले बन जाते हैं। हड्डी-हड्डी टूट जाती है।
“There are many who dirty their faces (by falling into the vice of sex-lust); they become dirty (indulge in sex-lust) and then come and sit here. They would never be able to digest (imbibe) this Knowledge; they would have indigestion. Whatever they hear would cause them indigestion. They would then be unable to tell anyone – ‘God speaks - lust is the greatest enemy and you have to conquer it’. If they have not conquered it themselves, how can they tell others? Their consciences would bite within them; they are called those who belong to the community of Demons. While drinking Nectar (of Knowledge), they drink Poison (of sex-lust), and so they become one hundred per cent ugly, and every (spiritual) bone of theirs is crushed.”

Those who continue to indulge in the vice of GROSS sex-lust – AS WELL AS, those who continue to indulge in the SUBTLE VICE of SUBTLE LUST, (in the form of ATTRACTION to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, being the SUBTLE ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita; and INDULGENCE in the propagation of same), which, in turn, sustains the GROSS sex-lust in the outer world of Ravan Rajya - will NOT be able to IMBIBE the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE – as a consequence of which, they CANNOT claim a high status during RamRajya!

यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण का चित्र तो बहुत अच्छा है। इसमें सिर्फ लिखना है – ‘एक ही सत्य त्रिमूर्ति शिवबाबा, सत्य त्रिमूर्ति शिव टीचर, सत्य त्रिमूर्ति शिव गुरू’। त्रिमूर्ति अक्षर नहीं लिखेंगे तो समझेंगे परमात्मा तो निराकार है, वह टीचर कैसे हो सकता है? ज्ञान तो नहीं है ना।
“The picture of Lakshmi & Narayan is very good. You must simply write on that – ‘ONLY ONE Trimurti Shiv Baba, the Truth; Trimurti Shiva, the TRUE Teacher; Trimurti Shiva, the TRUE Guru’. If you do not write the word ‘Trimurti’, then since God is Incorporeal, they would wonder how He could be the Teacher. They do not have Knowledge.”

Those who DO NOT COMPREHEND the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE will NOT be ABLE to understand HOW the Spiritual SEED of the Tree, Incorporeal God Father Shiva, performs the THREE distinct functions of establishment, destruction (transformation), and sustenance – PRINCIPALLY THROUGH the TWO MAIN LEAVES of the Tree, Brahma Baba or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani & Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Avyakt Vani 22.03.1986, Revised on 13.09.2020

बापदादा देख रहे थे, इतनी महान पवित्र आत्माओं का संगठन कहाँ हो सकता है। हर एक बच्चे के अन्दर यह दृढ़ संकल्प है कि न सिर्फ कर्म से, लेकिन मन-वाणी-कर्म तीनों से पवित्र बनना ही है। तो यह पवित्र बनने का श्रेष्ठ दृढ़ संकल्प और कहाँ भी रह नहीं सकता। अविनाशी हो नहीं सकता, सहज हो नहीं सकता। और आप सभी पवित्रता को धारण करना कितना सहज समझते हो क्योंकि बापदादा द्वारा नॉलेज मिली, और नॉलेज की शक्ति से जान लिया कि मुझ आत्मा का अनादि और आदि स्वरूप है ही पवित्र। जब आदि अनादि स्वरूप की स्मृति आ गई, तो यह स्मृति समर्थ बनाए, सहज अनुभव करा रही है। जान लिया कि हमारा वास्तविक स्वरूप पवित्र है। यह संग-दोष का स्वरूप अपवित्र है। तो वास्तविक को अपनाना सहज हो गया ना।

“BapDada was looking to see where else a gathering of such great and Pure souls could take place. Every Child has the DETERMINED thought to become Pure, not just in their actions, but definitely to become Pure in all three - thoughts, words and deeds. Nowhere else can anyone have this elevated and determined thought to become Pure. Nowhere else can it be everlasting; nowhere else can it be EASY. However, all of you consider it very easy to imbibe Purity. This is because you have received Knowledge from BapDada, and with the ‘Power of Knowledge’, you have ReCognised that the original and eternal form of ‘I, the soul’ is PURE. Because you have become aware of your original and eternal form, this AWARENESS makes you POWERFUL and enables you to experience everything to be EASY. You now know that your real form is, in fact, of PURITY. The form of the influence of bad company is of impurity. Therefore, it has become easy to adopt the REALITY (of Purity).”

Once an embodied soul becomes soul-conscious, once again, through the Study and inculcation of the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), he/she has the CLEAR & CONSTANT AWARENESS of Purity, as a consequence of which he/she SPONTANEOUSLY & NATURALLY EXPERIENCES CONSTANT Peace and Happiness!

However, the BLIND Unrighteous children, who INADVERTENTLY allow themselves to come under the influence of bad company - by EXPOSING their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), initiated by the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, who MASQUERADES as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – as well as, through other prominent bodily gurus, during Confluence Age – CONTINUE to remain VICIOUSLY TRAPPED in the form of SUBTLE IMPURITY and body-consciousness - WITHOUT EVEN REAL-EYEsing SAME!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 14.09.2020

अभी जीव आत्मायें सब कलियुगी हैं। उन्हों की बुद्धि ऊपर जाती है। बाप कहते हैं - मैं जो हूँ, जैसा हूँ, ऐसा कोई नहीं जानते हैं!
“All human souls are now in Iron Age. Their intellects go upwards. The Father says - no one knows Me, as I am, or what I am!”

ONLY THOSE Righteous Children who are ABLE to FIRST, EXPERIENCE their OWN selves, as souls – as a Point source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – are THEN, ABLE to ALSO EXPERIENCE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, the way He ACTUALLY is, as the Supreme Soul – ALSO as a POINT source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy!

कुसंग कलियुगी मनुष्यों का। सत् का संग तो एक ही है। अभी तुमको वण्डर लगता है - सारे सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान कैसे बाप देते हैं। तुमको तो खुशी होनी चाहिए, तुम सच्ची-सच्ची पाठशाला में बैठे हो। बाकी सब हैं झूठी पाठशालायें; उन सतसंगों आदि से कुछ भी बनकर निकलते नहीं।
“Bad company is (the company) of human beings of Iron Age; the Company of Truth is ONLY ONE. You are now amazed at how the Father gives you the Knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the whole world. You should have the happiness (of knowing) that you are sitting in the TRUE ‘pathshala’ (Spiritual School, or Seminary). All other ‘pathshalas’ are FALSE; no one achieves any status by going to those satsangs, etc.”

There is ONLY ONE TRUE ‘pathshala’ (Seminary), where Incorporeal God Father Shiva, Himself, TEACHES the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), to the Righteous Children, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Avyakt’ & ‘Akar’ thereafter – to enable the Righteous Children to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, in Confluence Age ITSELF, number-wise!

Whereas, ALL the OTHER so-called ‘pathshalas’ - which emerge in Confluence Age, AFTER Brahma Baba becomes ‘Avyakt’ in 1969 – are of bodily gurus, who DECEIVE their gullible followers that they are ‘pathshalas’ of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, or ‘ShivBaba’ – BUT, in ACTUAL FACT, they are ONLY FALSE ‘JUTHshalas’ of the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya – for propagation of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) - to enable the BLIND Unrighteous children to claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya, in Confluence Age ITSELF, number-wise!

बाप बच्चों को बैठ समझाते हैं, अच्छी मत मिलती है तो वह लेनी चाहिए ना? तुम्हारा भी कोई दोष नहीं है। यह भी ड्रामा था। राम राज्य, रावण राज्य का खेल बना हुआ है। खेल में कोई हार जाते हैं, तो उनका दोष थोड़ेही है। जीत और हार होती है, इसमें लड़ाई की बात नहीं।
“The Father sits and explains to you children. When you receive good directions, you should take them, should you not? You are not to be blamed; that too is preordained within Drama. The Play about RAMA’s (Shiva’s) Kingdom and Ravan’s kingdom is created. In a play, some are defeated, but they cannot be blamed; there is victory and defeat. There is no question of a battle in this.”

The existence of ONLY ONE TRUE ‘pathshala’ (Seminary), of Incorporeal God Father Shiva - and numerous FALSE ‘JUTHshalas’ of the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, during Confluence Age – are ALSO preordained within this EWD Play - which is of RAMA’s (Shiva’s) Kingdom, during Golden & Silver Ages; and Ravan’s kingdom, during Copper & Iron Ages – and since this is ONLY a Play of Victory & Defeat, hence no BLAME can be apportioned to ANYONE for any defeat!

ड्रामा में आपदायें, खिटपिट आदि कितनी है। अबलाओं पर अत्याचार लिखा हुआ है। रक्त की नदियाँ भी बहेंगी। कहाँ भी सेफ्टी नहीं रहेगी। अभी तो सुबह को क्लास आदि में जाते हो, सेन्टर्स पर। वह भी समय आयेगा, जो तुम बाहर निकल भी नहीं सकेंगे। दिन-प्रतिदिन जमाना बिगड़ता जाता है, और बिगड़ना है। दु:ख के दिन बहुत ज़ोर से आयेंगे।
“There are so many calamities and conflicts etc., in this Drama. ‘Assaults on innocent ones’ has been written about. Rivers of blood will flow too. There will not be safety anywhere. You are now able to go to the centers for morning class. The time will come when you will not even be able to go out. Day by day, the times are worsening, and they have to become even worse. Days of sorrow will come with great force.”

Since these occurrences repeat IDENTICALLY every Cycle – there is NOTHING NEW!
Those who EXPERIENCE themselves as souls, and remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – remain under the CANOPY of COMPLETE protection from ALL adverse CIRCUMSTANCES – which ULTIMATELY facilitate the PRACTICAL establishment of Golden Age!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 15.09.2020

बाप ही बच्चों को ज्ञान का तीसरा नेत्र देते हैं, जिससे तुमको सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान मिला हुआ है। तुम कल्प पहले भी ब्राह्मण थे और देवता बने थे - जो बने थे वही फिर बनेंगे। आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म के तुम हो। तुम ही पूज्य और पुजारी बनते हो। ...
तुम्हारी इन बातों को सब धर्म वाले नहीं समझेंगे - जो इस धर्म के कहाँ कनवर्ट हो गये होंगे, वही आयेंगे।
“Only the Father gives you children the Third Eye of Knowledge, through which you receive the Knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world. You were Brahmins and then became Deities in the previous Cycle too - those who became this, will become the same again. You belong to the original eternal Deity religion. It is only you who become worthy-of-worship, and then you become worshipers. ...
Those of all the other religions will not understand these aspects you speak about – ONLY those who have been converted from this religion are the ones who will come back again.”

ONLY the Righteous Children are ABLE to COMPREHEND this Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!

अगर दूसरे धर्म वाले हैं - तो समझाना चाहिए कि ‘यदि तुम मुक्तिधाम में जाना चाहते हो, तो अपने को आत्मा समझो, बाप को याद करो। अपने को परमात्मा नहीं समझो। अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करेंगे, तो तुम्हारे जन्म-जन्मान्तर के पाप कट जायेंगे, और मुक्तिधाम में चले जायेंगे। तुम्हारे लिए यह मनमनाभव का मंत्र ही बस है।’ ...
परमात्मा को तो शास्त्र आदि पढ़ने की दरकार नहीं। बाप कहते हैं - इन शास्त्रों आदि से किसकी भी सद्गति हो नहीं सकती।
“ If there are others from other religions (who come), explain to them – ‘if you want to go to the Land of Liberation, consider yourselves to be souls and Remember the Father; do not consider yourselves to be the ‘Supreme Soul’; by considering yourself to be a soul and Remembering the Father, your sins of many births will be cut away, and you will go to the Land of Liberation; this mantra of Manmanabhav is enough for you’. ...
The Supreme Soul does NOT need to study any Scriptures, etc. The Father says - no one can receive Salvation by studying those Scriptures, etc.”

NO embodied soul can be called the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’). Incorporeal Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva DOES NOT need to study ANY Scriptures, etc.!

पूरा समझने से ही ऊंच पद पायेंगे। थोड़ी भक्ति की होगी, तो थोड़ा ज्ञान समझेंगे। बहुत भक्ति की होगी, तो बहुत ज्ञान उठायेंगे। ...
ज्ञान, भक्ति - फिर भक्ति का है वैराग्य। जब ज्ञान मिलता है, तब ही भक्ति का वैराग्य होता है। इस पुरानी दुनिया से तुमको वैराग्य होता है।
“Only by understanding COMPLETELY will you claim a high status. Those who have done less Devotion will understand very little of this Knowledge. Those who have done a great deal of Devotion will take a great deal of this Knowledge. ...
(It is said) - Knowledge, Devotion - and then there is disinterest in Devotion. It is when you receive Knowledge that you become disinterested in Devotion. You have disinterest in this old world.”

Those who have performed a great deal of ‘Satopradhan’ Devotion from the beginning of Copper Age, will be ABLE to COMPREHEND this Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE - and consequently be ABLE to make the RIGHT efforts - and will subsequently be ABLE to claim a high Sovereign status in RamRajya, number-wise!
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