The Great Year

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The Great Year

Post by bansy »

Google Video:The Great Year, is the term that some ancient civilizations use to describe the slow precession of the equinox through the twelve houses of the ancient zodiac, a period that takes about 24,000 years. Different cultures refer to this cycle by different names including: the Platonic year, Perfect year, Yuga cycle, Ages of Man or just the equinoctial cycle, but one thing is clear, it was known to virtually every ancient culture throughout the globe. In their epic work Hamlet’s Mill Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend document the great year tale and point out it was the number one topic woven into myths and folklore around the ancient world.

Read up about it in : ... #GreatYear
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Post by bert »

I recognise this - One of the speakers in the video is from the Self-realisation Fellowship Order. I had some involvement with them before coming across the BK. They promote the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, who may ring a few bells as the author of "Autobiography of a Yogi". Yogananda believed that the precession of the Equinox was caused by the Sun's proximity to a companion star, and that it was the influence of this eliptically governed proximity, that affected a waxing and waning of human conciousness over the course of the 24,000 year long processional period.

I'd say that even during my time of BK involvement, I continued to prefer Yogananda's historical angle. However, I did not have the depth of meditional experience with SRF that I was subsequently lucky enough to have with the BK, so I guess in their different ways, I've found aspects of both paths to be enlightening.

I am not sure what connection there is, if any, between the SRF and the video's distributors who call themselves the Binary Research Institute, but for anyone interested to find out more about the Great Year, some more links:
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Post by bert »

On closer inspection, it looks to me as though the Binary Research Institute are quite independent of the Self Realisation Fellowship, other than that both share a fascination with the precession of the Equinox.

The BRI appears to employ and associate itself with genuine research physicists, in its efforts to prove that precession is caused by a companion star to our Sun. They also seem to be successfully wooing many other leading lights on the alternative science stage. ... ndex.shtml

All of which must surely be quite satisfying for the folk at SRF, to see an independent research body hard at work attempting to verify their cosmology!
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Post by bansy »

Hi bert,

Thanks for your effort and these links.

Not being so scientifically minded, I do find all these research material into "time and space" quite boggling, its a far cry from the simple BK solution that everything is in cyclic 5000 years, 5 ages and 3 aspects of time. However, there is always good motive to see both the simple and the complex so as to give a broader understanding, so hence very much appreciated for these links.

In the BRI site, there is something about the precession of the Equinox, so now I can appreciate the old early 70s song "Age of Aquarius" by the band 5th Dimension, way before my time though. :P
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Post by bert »

Thanks for the original link Bansy.

The BRI stuff is neccessarily complex. But Yoganandas rendering is not so demanding..atleast not if you're the sort of person used to swallowing cyclic time concepts without blinking an eye!

Lost of similarities, but a few more differences:
  • Such as 24000 years instead of 5000.
    Equal periods of waxing and waning rather than 98% descent and 2% ascent (confluence)
    A nadir of human conciousness around 500 AD rather than 2000AD.
    Electromagnetic/gravity source of external influence rather than deity.
    and a few etcs.
What interests me is that there seems to be a coming together of scientists/researchers from various disciplines under the BRI umbrella who seem seriously intent on pooling their findings in broad support of this one.

Who knows?
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