shivsena,shivsena wrote:Can any PBK please throw some light on these ambiguities between answers given by Baba and the Murli points and the conventional teachings of Advanced Knowledge?
I follow your post because of their acuity and close references to the original Murlis.
But can I ask you an honest question?
- • What is your position or what are you attempting to prove or express?
May people have "disproven" the teachings to their own mind and just left. Admitted that it does not add up and so therefore cannot be God. Some want to "disprove" the BKWSU on the basis of the teachings. Others want to "disprove" the PBKs on the basis of the teachings. Many others, I suspect, admit to themselves that the teachings do not and cannot up add but don't care. They are happy to be swept along by the inertia of BK life without questioning, because questioning is difficult, painful and costly, e.g. Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs have paid such a serious price for questioning further than the BKIVV SS want BKs to question. And life has no better or alternative options, especially after BKWSU re-programming.
So where do you fit in? You appear to be an independent voice. How or where do feel that you relate to the other parties and where do you want to take this study?
Thank you in advance for an honest answer. I am prefectly happy to answer those same questions from my own position.