WMC = Weapons of Mass Construction

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WMC = Weapons of Mass Construction

Post by proy »

WMC = Weapons of Mass Construction

In this thread I want to explore some positive aspects of spirituality.

A short list to think and talk about would include – The Placebo Effect, Co-incidences, The Power of Thoughts, The Importance of Water, The Self-Healing nature of the Human Body and Mind, The Original Purity and Power of the Human Soul, - there are many more. I will make a start now and add more later. I will be glad to read any additions, comments, anecdotes, etc.

I will start with my first Weapon of Mass Construction;
  • The Placebo Effect.
It is well known in medical science that there is a verifiable and measurable “Placebo Effect.” When a new drug is tested some people are given the drug and some people are given a “Placebo”, which is a pill or injection that looks exactly like the real thing, but is inactive, it has no effect on the body. Neither the patients nor the experimenters know who has received the real drug and who has received the placebo.

In every test conducted some of the people who received the placebo experience a real and measurable reduction in their illness, sometimes even a complete cure of their disease, which may or may not be a serious disease, depending on the trial. Scientists call this the “Placebo Effect”. Often spontaneous remissions or cures are attributed to this placebo effect. For example a disabled person may go to a place where there is “Holy Water” such as Lourdes in France, take the treatment there, which according to current medical science is religious mumbo-jumbo and complete nonsense, and that person will be cured completely.

The scientists would say that this is just the Placebo Effect. JUST! By any terms it is a miracle. These miracles take place during every scientific trial, as I said above, you don’t have to be religious to be healed. The truth seems to be that if a person believes a pill made of nothing but chalk and sugar will cure their illness, then it will work. In fact it is not only not necessary to go to Lourdes, it is not only not necessary to be religious, it is not even necessary to take the pill. I am a Reiki Master (Reiki is a form of “spiritual” healing), and I have seen many people cured of illnesses just by putting my hands on them. Even this “Laying on of Hands” is not necessary. The real truth is that I am not healing that person, the Lourdes water is not healing that person, the sugar pill is not healing that person. So what is?

I think it is the power of their own minds and bodies to heal themselves, and that we all have this power. The Placebo Effect is simply the power of thought and, if you like, faith, although that is a loaded word and I don’t personally use it much. So if we can heal ourselves by the power of thought what else can we do with it? My answer is we can do anything we desire to do. Anything. Walk on water? Sure, yes, if we believe it enough. I am not at that stage, but I have manifested many things in my life just using the power of thought. Examples – A wonderful wife, a good financial income, my dream home, the best friends a man could have. How have I done it? Just by knowing that I will get exactly what I desire and then leaving it to the universe to fill in the details and deliver what I want without a further thought or an ounce of effort on my part. This part is important.

Once I have made the initial intention I do not worry about the details or try to make efforts towards my goal. I wait for the co-incidences and miracles to happen, that is all. I am ready for the opportunity and I take it when it presents itself, no more. The universe exists to give me exactly what I want. I create it all. If I worry or entertain negative thoughts then I will get back negative results. Just set the intent – then trust in the result I have visualised – then forget it. I will recognise the right time to act when it comes. Live in the present. One day at a time. Trust the universe to provide me with my desire, and be careful about what I do desire.

I want a good relationship, so don’t think about all the old ones that have gone wrong, just visualise my perfect relationship and absolutely know it is mine. I want plenty of money, so don’t think about debt or lack, just see myself having an abundant income, and trust the universe to do its job. This is all working for me right now. I have all I want. I am not any different from the rest of humanity. Anyone can do this. Look back at the placebo effect. When there is a miracle cure the scientists say it is just the placebo effect, then they dismiss it. Do not dismiss it or you will end up like those fools. It is the most important thing that they have discovered in their drug trials, and they dismiss it! Use it. Use it all the time. Wake up with it. Go to sleep with it. Live with it as your constant knowledge. You create your own world through the power of your thoughts.

Your thoughts are a "Weapon" of Mass Construction. They can make anything if you are plugged into the power of the universe and aligned with that power. If you believe in the power of your own thoughts you will be gods, supermen, superwomen. You will be able to create anything you desire.

You may need a little practice – so don’t stop taking your medications, or doing your exercises right away, but practise this, see how it feels. When you start to experience the results then your belief in your self will become greater still. There are no limits here. Only our own doubts and fears have to be overcome. You don’t need Jesus or Baba or Buddha, just a belief in and alignment with your own higher self. It is your own higher self that creates all that you perceive anyway.

You are already creating your own world. Why not create a good one. Go ahead. Give it a try. It is working for me. When you get some good results then let me know. Then the real work begins. If I can create my perfect world for myself, by myself ... and you can do the same ... think what a paradise we will create for ourselves when we start to work together!

Love & Luck

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Is this from "The Secret" ?
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The Secret?

Post by proy »

bansy wrote:Interesting. Is this from "The Secret" ?
Yes, I have seen the film "The Secret", You guessed it! I have also seen the film, "What the Bleep do we Know?", the boxed set of "Bleep" DVDs, "Down the Rabbit Hole", and I have had training in this technique from Masters in the Western Tradition.

I started this training in 1985, well before the films were out. Many of my teachers were trained in Western Mystery Schools. e.g. David Spangler, Sir George Trevelyan.
Well, all I can say is - it is no secret any more is it?
So- spread the word!
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Psychic Ability

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Psychic Ability

This is the second of our tools that I want to talk about. The second arrow in the spiritual warrior's quiver. The next weapon of mass CONstruction.
Most of the material has been given to me by my wife, who is a person with extra-ordinary psychic abilities.
The following words are hers, in response to my Question, "What does the word PSYCHIC mean?

"To me as a clairvoyant (literally a person who sees clearly) and as a practising consultant in metaphysics for more than 30 years I see it as the by product of intuition and insight.
To understand how psychic energy works we have to see it in a framework. For me this framework is a Western one, because I come from the Western Tradition.

We live in a psychic world, some of us are aware of this and some are not. Maybe the word itself has been very poorly represented and it seems to have attracted all types of wierd and dangerous myths.
The word 'psychic', usually, when used in the West, conjures up feelings of fear and mistrust. Probably this is more and more the case as now more information is becoming available to us in the open. 'Psychic' is not a thing in itself, it is a state of being or awareness.
It can be applied to spirituality, occultism, mystery schools - various organisations - Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and Yogic institutions. So, you can have a psychic person, or a small group operating in any form of collective. A 'psychic' describes a person. A psychic group is only as good as their ability to focus on the same thing, otherwise it becomes chaotic.
In the Christian tradition there is a collective body known as the Institute of Psychic Studies. There are also hands on healing groups, meditation groups, and in Scotland there is the Edinburgh College of Psychical Research. It may surprise you to learn that in fact none of these groups or institutes are in fact groups of 'psychics'.
So. What is a psychic? And what is the experience of psychic phenomena?
Briefly, the psychic is aware of a field. In the West we call this a morphogenic field. The field carries information only, no energy., and it is available throughout time and space without loss of clarity, to any time or distance from where and when the field was created.
The fields are created by the pattern of physical forms, like biological systems for example.
The DNA in the living system, such as a tree or a human being, does not carry all of the information that is necessary to give shape and form to that system. The DNA acts as a 'tuning seed' which tunes into the morphogenic fields of previous systems of the same type and so provides the missing information.
The morphogenic view is that the human brain is a transmitting and a receiving station constantly 'on air' leaving a constant and continuous trail of experience imprinted in the morphogenic field. Memory is the recall of these experiences and is achieved by tuning into that trail.
The psychic ability itself is also held within the morphogenic field, and people who are tuned in can access information as easily as going onto the internet.[ This is true - I have seen my wife work like this, proy ].

Training, protocol, ethics and years of experience and observation of human psychology are an essential pre-requisite before any psychic undertaking. If this is not done then all manner of difficulties can, and will, arise.

Obviously this psychic internet can be open to mis-use and corruption by both spiritual and secular organisations.

The task of the psychic is to train their intuition and insight by tuning into the morphogenic fields, and then to refine themselves as precision instruments for their task.
By doing this they will hasten the 'Shift'. That is they will help to shape the consciousness of humanity, and indeed the consciousness of all beings at all times and in all places."
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12 steps

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The 12 step program that is well known for its success with alcoholism, substance abuse, mental health problems, problems with relatives or friends who are addicts, is, if you read it, very similar to any true spiritual path.
In outline the 12 steps are as I have listed below -

1. Admit you've got a problem
2. Take action
3. Trust and cooperate
4. Get the power
5. Use and develop personal resources
6. Begin personal evaluation
7. Cultivate healthy thinking
8. Cultivate healthy behaviour
9. Realise that feelings are not facts
10. Get on with your life
11. Give it time
12. Pass it on

Later I will go into the steps one at a time. When I first experienced it I felt like I was hearing Gyan without the BS.

Here are the 12 Promises

1. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.

2. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

3. We will comprehend the word serenity.

4. We will know peace.

5. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.

6. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.

7. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.

8. Self-seeking will slip away.

9. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.

10. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.

11. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.

12. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
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expansion on the 12 steps

Post by proy »

Expansion on the 12 steps

1. Admit you've got a problem. define it, and admit that you have it and that this difficulty is making you unable to master your life normally. That is important! That is the block and the core thing that you have to put aside, forever!
2. Take action If you, yourself, still are the highest power of your life, the problem will always remain. Turn, whatsoever, to a power higher than yourself, outside yourself and admit that this power can give you your common sense back.
3. Trust and cooperate Have your own opinion of what, who, this higher power is, trust it and decide to give your will and life over to this power. Give up, surrender and believe strongly that this Higher Power will help you to get rid of what's bothering you.
4. Get the power
This I did not understand. Here is the cleaning job to be done. Sit down, look at yourself, go through every corner of yourself, take things up and out, look at it and wish goodbye. All of us have some favourites that we would like to keep and without any hesitation put it back in ourself, because we are 100% sure that we can not live without that, very special, adorable part of our own personality. Get rid of it! FIRST! It is so easy to start with the small things. OK, you can go, you can go, but, OH, not you, but you, you and you can go, but NOT THAT ONE. NO WAY. I CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT THAT!!!!! Then you have the problem.
This is like trying to loosen a part on the car. The part is fixed with 5 screws. If one is completely stuck. Forget the repair until that one is loose. ---- and it is very natural; If you start with the hardest thing first, the easier will be even easier later.
5. Use and develop personal resources
Find someone that you feel comfortable with, that you really trust and confess what you have found out about yourself to this person. NOT your life partner or family member. It NEVER works.
6. Begin personal evaluation
We have simply got to believe that MY Higher power will help me to get rid of these defects. What ever they are.
7. Cultivate healthy thinking
Be humble, ask Him every day, and I mean every day to help you to remove THAT defect. It may take time, looooong time, but suddenly, it's gone. When it is, see that it remains so!
8. Cultivate healthy behaviour
9. Realise that feelings are not facts. Here is a very individual thing! Very hard, but very necessary, both 8 and 9 as the book says. (12 Steps and 12 Traditions, look for it on Amazon)
10. Get on with your life,
Continue to look at yourself, be willing to admit that it did not work quite as planned today. Ask for forgiveness and try harder tomorrow. An evening job before you close your eyes. Regardless honesty and will to look at yourself. NO hanki panki. Honestly!!!!!!!!!!!
11. Give it time
NOTHING of this works until prayer and meditation has become a regular habit.
12. Pass it on FORGET IT! ---- unless you do your homework under step 11.
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