Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

कहते तो सभी हैं कि ‘हमको भगवान् ने पैदा किया है’ - तो जरूर मात-पिता होंगे! भक्ति मार्ग में याद भी करते हैं। हर धर्म वाले ‘गॉड-फादर’ को जरूर याद करते हैं। भक्त खुद तो ‘भगवान्’ हो नहीं सकते। भक्त भगवान् की बन्दगी (साधना) करते हैं। ‘गॉड-फादर’ तो जरूर सबका एक ही होगा - अर्थात् सभी आत्माओं का फादर एक है। सभी जिस्मों का फादर एक हो नहीं सकता। वह तो अनेक फादर हैं। वह जिस्मानी फादर होते हुए भी ‘हे ईश्वर’ कहकर याद करते हैं। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं - मनुष्य बेसमझ हैं, जो बाप का परिचय ही भूल जाते हैं। तुम जानते हो स्वर्ग का रचयिता जरूर एक ही बाप है। अभी कलियुग है। जरूर कलियुग का विनाश होगा (तब ही सतुयग फिर से आ सकता है)!

“ Everyone says that ‘God created us’ - therefore, He must surely be the (Spiritual) ‘Mother & Father’ (or the Spiritual Parent of the whole human race)! They remember God on the ‘path of devotion’ (during Ravan Rajya). People of every religion definitely remember God-Father (during Copper and Iron Ages). Devotees of God cannot be ‘God’ themselves. Devotees make Spiritual endeavour and pray to God. Surely, there can only be One God-Father of all - that is, One who is the Father of ALL souls. There cannot be one (corporeal) father of all the bodies (on this planet); there would have to be many different (corporeal) fathers. Although everyone has a physical father, still they call out ‘O God’ and remember Him. The Father sits here and explains - Human beings have become so senseless that they forget the Father’s (CORRECT) introduction! You understand that the Creator of Heaven is definitely just One Father. It is now (the very end of) the Iron Age. This Iron Age definitely has to be destroyed (or transformed through three distinct phases of nuclear war, civil war and natural calamities on a world scale – only then can the Golden Age come again – that is, the entire planet earth undergoes COMPLETE ‘redevelopment’)!

[ SM, Revised 09.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

बाप समझाते हैं - अपने मित्र-सम्बन्धियों का कल्याण करो; यह कायदा होता है। घर में बड़ा भाई होता है, तो छोटे भाई को मदद देना उनका फ़र्ज है - इसको कहा जाता है, ‘चैरिटी बिगन्स एट होम’। बाप कहते हैं – ‘(ज्ञान) धन दिये, (स्थूल) धन ना खुटे ..’ - (ज्ञान) धन देंगे नहीं, तो मिलेगा भी नहीं, (सतयुग-त्रेता में ऊँच) पद पा नहीं सकेंगे! चांस बहुत अच्छा मिलता है। रहमदिल बनना है। तुम संन्यासियों, साधुओं पर भी रहमदिल बनते हो। कहते हो, ‘आकर समझो - तुम अपने पारलौकिक बाप को नहीं जानते हो, जो बाप भारत को हर कल्प सदा सुख का वर्सा देते हैं’। कोई भी जानते नहीं! कहते हैं, ‘ऑफीसर्स भी भ्रष्टाचारी हैं’ - तो फिर श्रेष्ठाचारी कौन बनायेंगे?

“The Father explains - bring benefit to your friends and relatives; this is a (Spiritual) Law. When there is an elder brother in a home, it is his duty to help the younger ones - this is what is meant by ‘charity begins at home’. The Father says – ‘your (material) wealth will not be reduced by donating this ‘Wealth’ (of Knowledge). If you do not donate this ‘Wealth’ (of Knowledge), then you will not receive (abundant wealth) and you will not be able to claim a high status (during Golden and Silver Ages)! You receive a very good chance (during this Confluence Age). You have to become Merciful. You also have to become Merciful towards the sannyasis and sages. Say to them, ‘come and understand (this Knowledge of the TRUE Gita) - you do not know your Father from beyond, the One who gives the people of Bharat their inheritance of constant Happiness every Cycle (during RamRajya). No one knows Him (ACCURATELY)! People say that even Government Officers are corrupt – so, who can make them elevated (once again)?”

[ SM, Revised 10.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

माया बाप की याद भुलवा देती है क्योंकि नई बात है ना! ऐसे तो कोई बाप को कभी भूलते नहीं। स्त्री कभी अपने पति को भूलती नहीं। सगाई हुई, और बुद्धियोग लटका - भूलने की बात नहीं होती। पति, पति है; बाप, बाप है। अब यह तो है निराकार बाप, जिसको ‘साजन’ भी कहते हैं। सजनी कहा जाता है भक्तों को। इस समय सब हैं भक्त। भगवान् एक है। भक्तों को ‘सजनियां’, भगवान् को ‘साजन’ - या भक्तों को ‘बालक’, भगवान् को ‘बाप’ कहा जाता है। अब ‘पतियों का पति’ वा ‘पिताओं का पिता’ वह एक है। हर एक आत्मा का बाप परमात्मा तो है ही। वह लौकिक बाप हर एक का अलग-अलग है। यह पारलौकिक परमपिता सभी आत्माओं का बाप एक ही ‘गॉड-फादर’ है - उनका नाम है शिवबाबा!

“ Maya makes you forget the Father, because this is a new aspect! In fact, no one can ever forget his (corporeal) father. A wife would never forget her husband. As soon as they become engaged, the Yoga of their intellects is connected to one another - there is no question of forgetting. A husband is a husband; and a father is a father. Now, this One is the Incorporeal Father (of all souls), who is also called the ‘Bride-Groom’; devotees are called ‘brides’. At this time, all are devotees; whereas, there is only One God. Devotees are called ‘brides’, and God is called the ‘Bride-Groom’ (in one context) - or, devotees are called ‘children’, and God is called the ‘Father’ (in another context). Now, the ‘Husband of all husbands’ and the ‘Father of all fathers’ is One. The Supreme Soul is, in fact, the Father of every single (human) soul; whereas, each one has their own individual physical father. That Supreme Father from beyond is the only One God-Father of ALL souls - His Name is ShivBaba!

[ SM, Revised 11.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

‘हेविनली गॉड-फादर’ ही नर्क के दु:ख से लिबरेट कर, फिर गाइड बन ‘स्वीट साइलेन्स होम’ में ले जाते हैं, जहाँ से हम आत्मायें आई हैं। फिर ‘स्वीट हेविन’ की राजाई देते हैं। दो चीज़ देने बाप आते हैं - गति और सद्गति। सतयुग है सुखधाम, कलियुग है दु:खधाम; और जहाँ से हम आत्मायें आती हैं वह है शान्तिधाम। यह बाप है ही शान्तिदाता, सुखदाता ‘फॉर फ्युचर’ (for future)। इस अशान्त देश से पहले शान्ति देश में जायेंगे। उसको ‘स्वीट साइलेन्स होम’ कहा जाता है, हम रहते ही वहाँ हैं। यह आत्मा कहती है कि हमारा ‘स्वीट (साइलेन्स) होम’ वह है, फिर हम जो इस समय नॉलेज पढ़ते हैं, उससे हमको स्वर्ग की राजधानी मिलेगी। बाप का नाम ही है ‘हेविनली गॉड-फादर’, लिबरेटर, गाइड, नॉलेजफुल, ब्लिसफुल, ज्ञान का सागर। रहमदिल भी है। सब पर रहम करते हैं। तत्वों पर भी रहम करते हैं। सभी दु:ख से छूट जाते हैं!

“ Only the ‘Heavenly God-Father’ Liberates you from the sorrow of Hell; then He becomes your Guide and takes you back to the ‘sweet silence Home’ (Soul World), from where we souls came (to this planet earth, to play our parts by donning corporal bodies). He then gives us the Sovereignty of ‘sweet Heaven’ (during Golden and Silver Ages). The Father comes to give two things - Liberation and Salvation. The Golden Age is the ‘Land of Happiness’ (Heaven), and the Iron Age is the ‘land of sorrow’ (Hell); and the ‘region’ from where we souls come is the ‘region of Peace’ (Soul World). That Father is the ‘Bestower of Peace’ and the ‘Bestower of Happiness’ for the future (world of RamRajya). We will first go from this ‘peaceless land’ (Hell) to the ‘World of Peace’ (Soul World). That is called the ‘sweet silence Home’, where we reside (as bodiless souls). It is the soul who says - that is our ‘sweet (silence) Home’, and then, by studying this Knowledge (of the TRUE Gita) at this time (during this Confluence Age), we will receive the ‘kingdom of Heaven’ (during Golden and Silver Ages – once again). The Name of the Father is ‘Heavenly God-Father’, Liberator, Guide, Knowledge-FULL, Blissful, ‘Ocean of Knowledge’. He is also Merciful (Compassionate). He has Compassion for EVERYONE. He also has Compassion for the elements (of nature). EVERYONE becomes Liberated from sorrow!

[ SM, Revised 13.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

बाप आते ही हैं बच्चों की सर्विस करने, दु:ख से लिबरेट करने। मनुष्य समझते नहीं हैं कि यह दु:ख है, तो सुख का भी कोई स्थान है - यह जानते नहीं। शास्त्रों में सुख के स्थान को भी दु:ख का स्थान बना दिया है। अब बाप है रहमदिल। मनुष्य तो यह भी नहीं जानते कि हम दु:खी हैं - क्योंकि सुख का और सुख देने वाले का पता ही नहीं है। यह भी ड्रामा की भावी। सुख किसको कहते हैं, दु:ख किसको कहते - यह जानते नहीं। ईश्वर के लिए कह देते कि वही सुख-दु:ख देते हैं। गोया उस पर कलंक लगाते हैं। ईश्वर, जिनको ‘बाप’ कहते हैं, उनको जानते ही नहीं। बाप कहते हैं कि मैं बच्चों को सुख ही देता हूँ!

“ The Father comes (ONCE during the Cycle – during the Confluence Age) only to serve you children, and to Liberate you from sorrow. People do not understand that this (Iron Age) is a place of sorrow (Hell), and that there must also be a place of Happiness (Heaven) - they do not know this (comprehensively). In the Scriptures (of the ‘path of Devotion’), they have made (described) even the place of Happiness into a place of sorrow. The Father is Merciful. People do not even know that they are unhappy (they continue to devise artificial means of experiencing temporary happiness) - because they do not know about (REAL) Happiness and the One who gives that (TRUE) Happiness. This too is preordained within this (Eternal World) Drama. They do not know what is called (TRUE) Happiness and what is called sorrow. They say of God that He is the One who gives Happiness, as well as sorrow - which means that they defame Him. They do not know God, the One who is called ‘Father’ (ACCURATELY). The Father says - I only give Happiness to you children!

[ SM, Revised 14.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

बाप को बच्चों के पास आना ही है। यह सृष्टि चक्र कैसे रिपीट होता है, इसके आदि, मध्य, अन्त को जानना - इसको कहा जाता है ‘त्रिकालदर्शी’ बनना। इतने सब करोड़ों एक्टर्स हैं, हर एक का पार्ट अपना है। यह बेहद का ड्रामा है। बाप कहते हैं - मैं क्रियेटर, डायरेक्टर, प्रिन्सीपल एक्टर हूँ। एक्ट कर रहा हूँ ना। मेरी आत्मा को ‘सुप्रीम’ कहते हैं। आत्मा और परमात्मा का रूप एक ही है। वास्तव में आत्मा है ही ‘बिन्दी’। भृकुटी के बीच में आत्मा ‘स्टॉर’ रहता है ना। बिल्कुल सूक्ष्म है। उनको देख नहीं सकते हैं। आत्मा भी सूक्ष्म है, तो आत्मा का बाप भी सूक्ष्म है। बाप समझाते हैं - तुम आत्मा बिन्दी समान हो। मैं शिव भी बिन्दी समान हूँ। परन्तु मैं सुप्रीम, क्रियेटर, डायरेक्टर हूँ; ज्ञान सागर हूँ। मेरे में सृष्टि के आदि, मध्य, अन्त का ज्ञान है। मैं नॉलेजफुल, ब्लिसफुल हूँ, सब पर ब्लैसिंग करता हूँ। सबको सद्गति में ले जाता हूँ। दु:ख-हर्ता, सुख-कर्ता एक ही बाप है। सतयुग में दु:खी कोई होता ही नहीं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण का ही राज्य है!

“ The Father definitely has to come to the children (every Cycle – ONLY during this Confluence Age). To know how the world Cycle repeats (eternally), and to know its beginning, middle and end, is to become ‘Trikaldarshi’ (‘seer, or knower, of the three aspects of Time’). There are millions of actors (within this Eternal World Drama Play), and each one’s part is one’s own. This Drama is unlimited (and continues to repeat IDENTICALLY – Cycle after Cycle). The Father says - I am the Creator, Director and principal Actor. I am acting, am I not? I, the Soul am called the ‘Supreme’. The form of each soul and the form of the Supreme Soul are the same. In fact, a soul is just a Point (source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – just like a star seen at night in the sky). The soul, the Star, resides in the centre of the forehead (of the corporeal body). It is extremely subtle; and it cannot be seen (with these corporeal eyes). A soul is subtle, and the Father of souls is also subtle. The Father explains - you souls are like a ‘Point’; I, Shiva, am also like a ‘POINT’ (source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy). However, I am the Supreme Creator and Director; I am the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’. I have the Knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world (Cycle). I am Knowledge-FULL and Blissful; I give Blessings to everyone. I take everyone into Salvation. Only One Father is the ‘Remover of Sorrow’ and the ‘Bestower of Happiness’ (for EVERYONE). No one is unhappy in the Golden Age (there is no name or trace of sorrow there). It is the Kingdom of only Lakshmi & Narayan (during Golden Age – and Sita & Rama during Silver Age)!

[ SM, Revised 15.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

परमधाम एक ही है, सतयुग को ‘परमधाम’ नहीं कहा जाता। सतयुग तो यहाँ होता है ना, परमधाम में रहने वाले तो हम सब हैं। तुम जानते हो हम आत्मायें परमधाम, निर्वाण देश से आती हैं इस साकार सृष्टि में। स्वर्ग कोई ऊपर नहीं है। आते तो तुम भी परमधाम से हो। तुम बच्चे अब जानते हो हम आत्मायें शरीर द्वारा पार्ट बजा रहे हैं। कितने जन्म लेते हैं, कैसे पार्ट बजाते हैं, यह अब जानते हैं। वह है, ‘दूर देश का रहने वाला, आया देश पराये’। अब पराया देश क्यों कहा जाता है? तुम भारत में आते हो ना। परन्तु पहले-पहले तुम बाप के स्थापन किये हुए स्वर्ग में आते हो फिर वह नर्क रावण राज्य हो जाता है, अनेक धर्म, अनेक गवर्मेन्ट हो जाती हैं। फिर बाप आकर एक राज्य बनाते हैं!

“ There is only one Supreme Abode (Soul World). The Golden Age cannot be called the ‘Supreme Abode’. The Golden Age is here (on this planet earth); whereas, we (souls) are all the ones who reside in the ‘Supreme Abode’ (as bodiless souls). You souls know that you came from the ‘Supreme Abode’, the ‘Region of Nirvana’ (which is beyond sound), to this corporeal world (to play our various roles by taking various physical bodies). Heaven is not up above (it is here, on this planet earth). You come (here) from the Supreme Abode. You children now know that you souls are playing your parts through your (corporeal) bodies. You now know how many births you take (during this entire Cycle of 5000 years duration) and how you play your parts (during Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages). That One (Supreme Soul Shiva) is ‘the Resident of the faraway Region (Soul World), and has come to this foreign land (this planet earth)’. Why is this called a ‘foreign land’? You come to Bharat, do you not? However, first of all, you come to Heaven (Golden and Silver Ages) which is established by the Father (during this Confluence Age), and then that becomes Hell, the ‘kingdom of Ravan’ (during Copper and Iron Ages). There are innumerable religions and innumerable governments (by the end of Iron Age). Then the Father comes and (re)creates one Kingdom (of Heaven – once again)!

[ SM, Revised 16.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

बाप आये हैं, बच्चों को मालूम पड़ा तो बच्चों का फ़र्ज है औरों को भी परिचय देना। सारी दुनिया को बतलाना फर्ज़ है, जो फिर ऐसे ना कहें कि ‘हमको मालूम नहीं था!’

“ When you children know that the Father has come, so it is the duty of you children to give His introduction to others also. It is your duty to tell the whole world, so that no one can say that ‘they were not aware of this!

यह तो पुराना शरीर है। यह शरीर ठीक भी तब रहेगा जब ज्ञान और योग की धारणा होगी। धारणा नहीं होगी तो शरीर और ही सड़ता जायेगा। नया शरीर फिर भविष्य में मिलना है। आत्मा को प्योर बनाना है। यह तो पुराना शरीर है, इनको कितना भी पाउडर, लिपिस्टिक आदि लगाओ, श्रृंगार करो, तो भी ‘वर्थ नाट ए पेनी’ है। यह श्रृंगार सब फालतू है। अब तुम सबकी सगाई शिवबाबा से हुई है। जब शादी होती है तो उस दिन पुराने कपड़े पहनते हैं। अब इस शरीर को श्रृंगारना नहीं है। ज्ञान और योग से अपने को सजायेंगे तो फिर भविष्य में प्रिंस-प्रिंसेज बनेंगे। यह है ज्ञान मान सरोवर। इसमें ज्ञान की डुबकी मारते रहो तो स्वर्ग की परी बनेंगे!

“ These bodies are now old (impure and degraded). These bodies will be fine (in RamRajya) when you imbibe this Knowledge and have Yoga (with One Father, and NONE other – during this Confluence Age). If you do not imbibe this, your bodies will continue to decay even more. You are to receive new bodies in the future (in Golden Age). You souls have to make yourselves pure (once again). These are old bodies. No matter how much powder and lipstick, etc., you may put on, how much you may decorate them, they are ‘worth not a penny’. All of that decoration is useless. All of you are now engaged to ShivBaba. When a marriage is to take place, the bride first wears old clothes on that day. You must not decorate your body now. If you decorate yourself with this Knowledge and Yoga, you will become princes and princesses (Sovereigns) in the future (during Golden and Silver Ages). This is a ‘Lake of Knowledge’ (‘Gyan Mansarovar’). Continue to take a dip in this Knowledge and you will become an Angel (Deity) of Heaven (once again)!

[ SM, Revised 17.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

बाप का वर्सा है स्वर्ग की राजाई। उनको ‘जीवनमुक्ति’ कहा जाता है। यह है ‘जीवनबंध’। समझाना चाहिए - बरोबर जब आप आयेंगे तो जरूर हमको स्वर्ग का, मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति का वर्सा देंगे। तब ही लिखते हैं – ‘मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति दाता एक है’। यह भी समझाना पड़े। सतयुग में है ही एक आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म। वहाँ दु:ख का नाम नहीं। वह है ही सुखधाम। सूर्यवंशी राज्य चलता है। फिर त्रेता में है चन्द्रवंशी राज्य। फिर द्वापर में ही इस्लामी, बौद्धी आयेंगे। सारा पार्ट नूंधा हुआ है। एक बिन्दी जैसी आत्मा में और परमात्मा में कितना पार्ट नूंधा हुआ है। शिव के चित्र में भी यह लिखना पड़ता है कि - मैं ज्योतिर्लिंगम जितना बड़ा नहीं हूँ, मैं तो स्टॉर मिसल हूँ। आत्मा भी स्टॉर है, गाते भी हैं, ‘भृकुटी के बीच में चमकता है अजब सितारा ..’, तो वह आत्मा ही ठहरी। मैं भी परमपिता परम आत्मा हूँ - परन्तु मैं सुप्रीम, पतित-पावन हूँ!

“ The Father's inheritance is the Sovereignty of Heaven. It is called ‘Liberation-in-Life’ (during RamRajya, or during Golden and Silver Ages). This is ‘bondage-in-life’ (during Ravan Rajya, or during Copper and Iron Ages). You have to explain – ‘truly, when You come, You will come to give us the inheritance of Heaven, Liberation and Liberation-in-Life’. This is why it is written that ‘the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life is One (Heavenly God-Father)’. This also has to be explained. In the Golden Age, there is just the one original, eternal, Deity religion. There is no name or trace of sorrow there. That is the ‘Land of Happiness’. It is the Sun-Dynasty Kingdom there (governed by 8 generations of Empress Lakshmi & Emperor Narayan). Then, in the Silver Age, it is the Moon-Dynasty Kingdom (governed by 12 generations of Queen Sita & King Rama). Then, in the Copper Age, those of Islam and the Buddhists (Christians, etc.) come. Each whole part is preordained (and repeats IDENTICALLY, Cycle after Cycle). Such huge parts are fixed in tiny, point-like souls and the Supreme Soul. You also have to write on the picture of Shiva - I am not as big as a ‘jyotilingam’ (oval-shaped light), I am like a star (seen at night in the sky). Souls too are like stars. It is remembered – ‘a wonderful Star sparkles in the center of the forehead ..’; so, that is a soul. I am the Supreme Father Supreme Soul - however, I am the Supreme, the Purifier (of all souls, and of all elements of nature)!

[ SM, Revised 18.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

रूप तो सब आत्मायें बदलती हैं। तुम आत्मायें असुल (परमधाम में) निराकारी हो, फिर यहाँ (इस धरती पर) आकर साकारी बनती हो, मनुष्य कहलाती हो। अभी मनुष्य पापात्मा, पतित हैं, तो मुझे भी अपना रूप रचना पड़े। जैसे तुम निराकार से साकारी बने हो, मुझे भी बनना पड़े (लेकिन बाप गर्भ से जन्म नहीं लेते, अवतार लेते हैं)। इस पतित दुनिया में तो श्रीकृष्ण आ न सके। वह तो है स्वर्ग का मालिक। समझते हैं श्रीकृष्ण ने गीता सुनाई, परन्तु श्रीकृष्ण तो पतित दुनिया में हो न सके। उनका नाम, रूप, देश, काल, एक्ट सब बिल्कुल अलग है। यह (निराकार शिव) बाप बतलाते हैं। श्रीकृष्ण को तो अपने मात-पिता हैं, उसने माँ के गर्भ से अपना रूप रचा। मैं तो गर्भ में नहीं जाता। मुझे रथ तो जरूर चाहिए। मैं इनके (श्रीकृष्ण के) बहुत जन्मों के अन्त के जन्म में प्रवेश करता हूँ (और नाम ‘ब्रह्मा’ रखता हूँ)। पहला नम्बर तो है श्रीकृष्ण। इनके बहुत जन्मों के अन्त का जन्म हुआ 84वाँ जन्म। तो मैं (संगमयुग के शुरू में) इसमें ही आता हूँ!

“ All souls change their form (from incorporeal to corporeal). You souls are originally incorporeal (in the Supreme Abode, or Soul World), you become corporeal when you come here (and enter a womb of a mother and take birth, on this earth), and you are then called ‘human beings’. Human souls are now impure and sinful, and so I, too, have to change My form (from Incorporeal to corporeal, and come here). Just as you become corporeal from incorporeal, in the same way, I also have to become this (but the Father does not take birth from a womb, He incarnates). Shri Krishna cannot enter this impure world; he is the Master (number one Sovereign) of Heaven. People think that Shri Krishna spoke the Gita (of the ‘path of Devotion’), but Krishna cannot exist in this impure world. His name, form, country, time and act are totally separate (in his 84th body – as compared to his first body in Golden Age). The (Incorporeal) Father (Shiva, or ‘Jehovah’) explains all of this. Krishna has his own mother and father; he has his form which is created in his mother’s womb (in the very beginning of Golden Age). I do not enter a womb, but I definitely do need a Chariot (a mature, grown up body). I enter this one (soul of Shri Krishna) when he is in the final one of his many births (and name him ‘Brahma’). He is Shri Krishna in his first birth. This birth is now his 84th and final one of his many births. Therefore, I enter him (or incarnate into him, in the beginning of this Confluence Age – and into the soul of Radha at the end of Confluence Age, who is now named as ‘Mother Devaki’, who gives birth to Shri Krishna, before she leaves that body and takes her own birth as Radha, once again)!

[ SM, Revised 20.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

गीता में है, ‘श्रीमद् भगवानुवाच’। ‘श्री’ अर्थात् ‘श्रेष्ठ’, तो (निराकार) परमपिता परमात्मा शिव को ही कहेंगे। श्रीकृष्ण तो दैवी गुण वाला मनुष्य है। गीता का भगवान् तो शिव है, जिसने राजयोग सिखाया है। बरोबर पिछाड़ी (कलियुग के अंतिम समय) में सब धर्म विनाश हो, एक धर्म की स्थापना हुई है। सतयुग में एक ही ‘आदि सनातन देवी-देवता’ धर्म था। वह श्रीकृष्ण ने नहीं, परन्तु (निराकार शिव) भगवान् ने स्थापन किया। उनकी महिमा यह है - उनको ‘त्वमेव माताश्च पिता’ कहा जाता है। श्रीकृष्ण को तो (ऐसे) नहीं कहेंगे। तुम्हें सत्य बाप का परिचय देना है। तुम समझा सकते हो कि भगवान् ही लिबरेटर और गाइड है जो सबको ले जाते हैं; मच्छरों सदृश्य सबको ले जाना यह तो शिव का काम है। ‘सुप्रीम’ अक्षर भी बड़ा अच्छा है। तो शिव परमपिता परमात्मा की महिमा अलग, श्रीकृष्ण की महिमा अलग, दोनों सिद्ध कर समझानी है। शिव तो जन्म-मरण में आने वाला नहीं है। वह पतित-पावन है। श्रीकृष्ण तो पूरे 84 जन्म लेते हैं (पावन से पतित, फिर पतित से पावन बनते हैं)!

“ It is in the Gita (of the ‘path of Devotion’) – ‘Shrimat spoken by God’. ‘Shri’ means the ‘MOST elevated’, and so this would apply to ONLY (Incorporeal) Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva (or ‘Jehovah’). Krishna is a human being with Divine qualities. Shiva is the God of the (TRUE) Gita, the One who taught Raja Yoga (DIRECTLY - through the lotus mouth of Brahma, being the 84th impure body of the very same soul of Shri Krishna who was the very first Prince of Golden Age with a pure body). At the end (of the Iron Age), all the other religions are definitely destroyed (merged), and one religion is re-established. In the Golden Age, there was only one original Deity religion. It was not Krishna, but (Incorporeal) God (Father Shiva) who established it. This praise belongs to God - He is called the Mother & Father (of humanity). Krishna cannot be called this. You have to give the TRUE Father’s introduction (to everyone). You can explain that God alone is the Liberator and the Guide, the One who takes everyone back Home (to the Soul World – at the very end of the Iron Age). It is Shiva’s task to take everyone back Home like a swarm of mosquitoes. The word ‘Supreme’ is also very good. Therefore, you have to explain that the praise of Shiva, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, is separate from the praise of Shri Krishna (who is the very first Prince of the very beginning of Golden Age, who then ascends the throne as Shri Narayan, the very first Emperor of the Golden ERA of 8 generations of Lakshmi & Narayan). You have to clarify this and explain the difference between the two. Shiva does not come into the cycle of birth and rebirth. He is the Purifier; whereas, Krishna takes the full 84 births (he becomes impure from pure, and is then made pure from impure by Shiva during this Confluence Age, once again)!

[ SM, Revised 21.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli


गीत: ‘प्रीतम आन मिलो ..

गीत तो बच्चों ने बहुत बार सुने हैं। दु:ख में भगवान् को सभी बुलाते हैं; तुम्हारे पास तो वह बैठे हैं, तुमको सभी दु:खों से लिबरेट कर रहे हैं। तुम जानते हो बरोबर दु:खधाम से सुखधाम ले जाने वाला सुखधाम का मालिक बतला रहे हैं। वह आया हुआ है, तुम्हारे सम्मुख बैठा हुआ है और राजयोग सिखला रहा है। यह कोई मनुष्य का काम नहीं। तुम कहेंगे परमपिता परमात्मा ने हमको मनुष्य से देवता बनाने के लिये राजयोग सिखलाया है। मनुष्य, मनुष्य को देवता नहीं बना सकते। ‘मनुष्य से देवता किये करत न लागी वार ..’, यह किसकी महिमा है? (निराकार शिव) बाबा की! बरोबर देवतायें तो सतयुग में होते हैं। इस समय देवतायें होते ही नहीं। तो जरूर स्वर्ग की स्थापना करने वाला ही मनुष्य को देवता बनायेगा। परमपिता परमात्मा जिसको ‘शिव’ भी कहते हैं, उनको यहाँ आना पड़े पतितों को पावन बनाने!

Song: ‘Come and Meet us, O Beloved ..

“ You children have heard this song many times. Everyone calls out to God at times of sorrow; whereas, He is now sitting with you and is Liberating you from all forms of sorrow. You understand that the Master of the ‘Land of Happiness’, the One who takes you from this ‘land of sorrow’ (Hell) to the ‘Land of Happiness’ (Heaven), is explaining to you. He has come and is sitting in front of you and teaching you Raja Yoga (TRUE Gita – DIRECTLY). This is not a task for a human being. You say that the Supreme Father Supreme Soul (Shiva, or ‘Jehovah’) taught you Raja Yoga to change you from (impure, degraded) humans into (pure, elevated) Deities (during this Confluence Age). Human beings cannot change (degraded) humans into (elevated) Deities. ‘It did not take God long to change humans into Deities ..’ - whose praise is this? It is the praise of (Incorporeal Shiv) Baba! Deities would definitely exist only in the Golden (and Silver) Age. Deities do not exist at this time (during Copper and Iron Ages). Therefore, it is surely the One who (re)creates Heaven who can change humans into Deities (once again). The Supreme Father Supreme Soul, the One who is called Shiva, has to come here to purify the impure (humans, animals, and all the elements of nature)!

[ SM, Revised 22.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

भक्त भगवान् को याद करते हैं, साधू साधना करते हैं - भगवान् से मिलने लिए। गॉड को ‘फादर’ कहा जाता है। बरोबर हम उनकी सन्तान ठहरे। ‘ब्रदरहुड’ कहते हैं ना! चीनी-हिन्दू भाई-भाई हैं! तो बाप एक हुआ ना? जिस्मानी रूप में फिर बहन-भाई हो जाते हैं, विकारी दृष्टि हो न सके। यह युक्ति है पवित्र रहने की। बाप भी कहते हैं - काम महाशत्रु है। परन्तु जब कोई समझे! मुख्य एक बात है - भगवान् सबका बाप है। बाप स्वर्ग की स्थापना करने वाला है तो जरूर बाप से वर्सा मिलना चाहिए। वर्सा था, अब गँवाया है। यह सुख-दु:ख का खेल है। यह अच्छी रीति से समझाना चाहिए।

“ Devotees remember God; sages make spiritual endeavour – all, in order to meet God. God is called the ‘Father’. We are truly His children. They speak of a ‘Brother-hood’; they said that the Hindus and the Chinese are ‘Brothers’! So, their Father would be One, would He not? In the physical form, they become (Spiritual) Brothers and Sisters, and so there cannot be vicious vision (of sex-lust). This is a (very good) technique to remain Pure. The Father also says – (sex) lust is the greatest enemy (of the soul, and of soul-consciousness). However, one has to understand this (in the proper perspective)! The one main aspect is - God is the Father of ALL (so, ALL human beings are ‘Brothers’ among one another, as bodiless souls in the Soul World - and as Spiritual Brothers and Sisters, as human beings who play there respective roles by donning costumes of physical bodies on this planet earth). The Father is the One who (re)establishes Heaven, and so you surely have to receive the inheritance (of Heaven) from the Father (as His worthy child). You had the inheritance (of Heaven – during Golden and Silver Ages – where you are soul-conscious), and you then lost it (in Hell - during Copper and Iron Ages – when you become body-conscious). This is a (PREORDAINED Eternal World Drama) Play about Happiness and sorrow (which repeats IDENTICALLY every Cycle of 5000 years duration). This has to be explained very well (to everyone).

[ SM, Revised 23.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

सच्चाई-सफाई बहुत चाहिए। जो खुद विकारी होगा वह औरों को कहे - ‘काम महाशत्रु है , उन पर जीत पानी है; इन पर जीत पाने से ही तुम जगतजीत बनेंगे ..’ - तो तीर लग नहीं सकता! जैसे पण्डित का मिसाल - ‘राम-राम कहने से नदी वा सागर पार कर जायेंगे’! यह अभी की बात है। शिवबाबा कहते हैं - मुझे याद करने से तुम इस विषय सागर से पार हो जायेंगे। कौन-सा सागर? यह पण्डित नहीं जानते। वेश्यालय से शिवालय में चले जायेंगे। बड़ी अच्छी रीति से श्रीमत पर चलना है!

“ A great deal of honesty and cleanliness is required. If someone who indulges in vice (of sex-lust) himself, tells others - ‘(sex)lust is the greatest enemy, you have to conquer it; by conquering it, you become the conquerors of the world ..’ - then the ‘arrow will not strike the target’ (the message will not create any impact on the intellect of others)! There is the example of the pundit who said – ‘chant the name of RAMA (God), and you will be able to go across the river or the ocean (of the poison of sex-lust)’ - (but he, himself, began sinking while crossing)! This refers to this time (during this Confluence Age). Shiv Baba says - by Remembering Me (PRACTICALLY EXPERIENCING My virtues of Love, Peace and Bliss), you will go across this ‘ocean of poison’ (of the vices). The pundits do not know which ‘ocean’ (or ‘river’ is actually being referred to). You will go from this ‘brothel’ (temple of Ravan, or Satan – or world of Hell) to ‘Shivalaya’ (Temple of Shiva, or God - or Heaven on earth). You have to follow His Shrimat (directives) very well!

[ SM, Revised 24.11.2023 ]
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Re: Extracts from the Sakar Murlis published by BKs

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Sakar Murli

बच्चे यह तो जानते हैं कि बाप जो नॉलेज देते हैं, यह सब धर्म वालों के लिए है। सारी दुनिया का उस बाप से बुद्धियोग टूटा हुआ है। माया, घोस्ट बुद्धियोग लगाने नहीं देती है, और ही बुद्धियोग तोड़ती है। बाप आकर घोस्ट पर जीत पहनाते हैं। आजकल दुनिया में रिद्धि-सिद्धि वाले भी बहुत हैं। यह है ही घोस्टों की दुनिया। काम विकार रूपी घोस्ट एक-दो को आदि, मध्य, अन्त दु:ख देते हैं। एक-दो को दु:ख देना घोस्ट का काम है। सतयुग में घोस्ट होता नहीं। तो यह भी समझाया है – ‘घोस्ट’ नाम बाइबिल में (भी) है। रावण माना ‘घोस्ट’, यह (द्वापर, कलियुग - या रावणराज्य) है ही घोस्ट का राज्य। सतयुग (व त्रेता - या), रामराज्य में घोस्ट होता नहीं। वहाँ सुख घनेरे होते हैं!

“ You children know that the Knowledge (of the TRUE Gita) which the Father gives (during this Confluence Age) is for those of ALL religions (established during Copper and Iron Ages). The Yoga of the intellect of the WHOLE world has broken away from that (Heavenly God) Father. Maya, the ghost, does not allow you to connect the Yoga of your intellect (with Him). Instead, she breaks the Yoga of your intellect away (from Him), even more. The Father comes and enables you to achieve victory over the ghosts. Nowadays, there are many people in the world with occult powers. This is a world of ghosts. The ghost of the vice of (sex)lust makes you cause sorrow for one another from its beginning, through the middle, to the end (during Ravan Rajya). It is the work of a ghost to make you cause sorrow for one another. Ghosts do not exist in the Golden (and Silver) Age. It has also been explained that - a ‘ghost’ is also mentioned in the Bible. Ravan (or Satan) means a ‘ghost’. This (Copper and Iron Ages – or Ravan Rajya) is the ‘kingdom of ghosts’. There are no ghosts in the Golden (and Silver) Age - which is the ‘Kingdom of RAMA (Shiva)’. There is a great deal of Happiness there (and no trace of sorrow)!

[ SM, Revised 25.11.2023 ]
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