Personal Views and Questions of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

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Personal Views and Questions of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Vishnu Party Ahmedabad
bansy wrote: 03 May 2009 I am no scientist but what I understand, God is at the centre of "gravitional energy", "super symmetry", "string theory" and "The Theory of Everything".

Forum members can wiki these terms.

Remember where and who you heard it from first.

There is still a chance of a nuclear war, but that does not mean the Murli is right. If Murli is the truth, then souls should start expressing the power of knowledge and purity to attract worldly people. I did not even see one soul displaying the quality of a Godly king so far. All souls are suffering, and there is no sign of Mukti so far. If Shiva is the Supreme Soul, then He should be able to purify souls, and we should start seeing signs of purity. All I can see and sense is Shiva and Murli, and the cult of BKs behaving like Islam and Christianity (Abrahamic religion)!
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Vishnu Party Ahmedabad
jaycdp wrote: 10 Mar 2022
There is clear evidence for dinosaurs - and it is not a theory like Darwin's evaluation (of evolution), so the Vishnu Party also makes sense. I am not saying science is 100 percent trustworthy and that there is no manipulation in health care studies for the best interests of corporate giants. And we all know science is used for weapons of mass destruction and war. Even the new coming artificial intelligence (AI) is looking at its application in the military more than in civilian life. So if you happen to believe in Brahma Kumaris, then you should not write off the Vishnu Party. There can be multiple universes and multiple Shivas too. What is most interesting with Brahma Kumaris and PBKs is that Shiva lights up your soul (unfortunately there is no sign of light in any souls of these Kumars or Kumaris - as far as I am able to perceive). I hope they will light up when Putin throws his nuke in Europe, and perhaps in America too?
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

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Re: Prajapati God Brahma
mbbhat wrote: 21 Aug 2015
There is neither senior, nor junior ...
Why press the mango to make it ripe?
fluffy bunny wrote: 21 Aug 2015 Just another excuse to do nothing, as usual ...

You know who I mean by "Seniors" whether you think they are or are not.

First let me be clear
Brahma baba had some spiritual vibration in talk and walk (but nothing compare to Buddha)
VD has no vibe in walk or talk or manners
World don't accept a rich business man or third class uncivillised VD with no respect to a lower level followers.
So where is your Shiva in practical
BKs are like rich Dubai sheikhs
Your shiv Supreme Soul cannot impress Hindus forget the world.
Don't scare people with war
Empower the villagers uplift them
Don't be arrogant with 1930s mural
Bring new knowledge with civilised culture
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Details about Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV
Shivshaktirudramala wrote: 23 Nov 2016 Maya is materialists tieup. But Ravan is personality. Because no one knows what Maya is. But every human knows about the intelligence of Ravan...
Maya is 'Gupt' or Incognito, as a Soul... But Ravan is Loud, as a human...


Who, do you believe, is the MAIN, SINGULAR HUMAN PERSON, in the Confluence Age, who represents the PERSONIFIED FORM of Ravan?

Dear Madam,

How can you make this Murli an academic study, here we are addressing the reincarnation and angelic life of brahma baba and Sankar and several dynasties. The geetha trhough Brahma baba was a clear mess, then avyaktha Vani was another mess, and advance knowede is too subtle and hard to comprehend. If virendra dev was sree Ram then time has to prove it. Even through brahma baba Shiva did not say atom bomb until the real atom bomb exploded in japan. There are two arguements here, one baba do not want to tell you directly so that he can test your faith. 2.. Baba is a myth and brahma baba made up the story. As far as i am concerned I have never experienced bliss from both parties, but this knowledge is not going away from my mind because the knoweldge is super deep and it addresses the blind faith of Hinduism. Honestly i have never met baba, or brahma baba, or dadiji ( As far as i am concered dadijis are fake like Islam)
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

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Re: False Gita, and its effect
mbbhat wrote: 16 Oct 2022 # Post no. 88) Continuation:-

398)As time passed, ...
403) So- as per drama, heaven would be like Utopia, and as time passes from Copper Age onwards, relations gradually become weaker and weaker.

That is why European colonialists started running human zoos because they were spiritually degraded, They want physical wealth looted from Bharath and Africa, etc. They think they must set the rule and they started human rights and forcing that in Africa. First, they forced the bible now they are forcing human rights and democracy. The original color is coming out, Russians are ready for war, Americans are super ready for war, China is ready, and Europe is going to be the battleground as per Murli. In India, it is the Brahma kumari vs PBKs Mahabharata war. Either Shiva lied or he is the eternal truth. Only time will tell because he does not want to reveal the truth and let the truth reveal itself. But again there was a dinosaur in Israel ( how come Abraham did not see one) There were dinosaurs in India too and Budha did not write anything about it. It is a bit hard to digest dinosaurs were 2500 years old, but worldly study about the age of the earth and evolution is a pure lie.
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Comprehensive Study of Avyakt Vanis
Golden Heart wrote: 05 Jul 2019 21.01.1969

लेकिन आपने अपने अनुभव के आधार से, तीन चार मास के अन्दर ध्यान दिया होगा, सन्मुख मिलने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ होगा तो अनुभव किया होगा कि यह ब्रह्मा अब साकारी नहीं लेकिन अव्यक्त आकारी रूपधारी है। कुछ वर्ष पहले ब्रह्मा छोटी-छोटी बातें सुनते थे, समय देते थे, लेकिन अब क्या देखा? इन छोटी-छोटी बातों को न सुनने का कारण क्या था कि यह समय निरन्तर याद में बीते। क्या आप बच्चों ने उनके तन द्वारा कभी नोट नहीं किया कि उनके मस्तक में सितारा चमकता हुआ नजर आता था? अव्यक्त स्थिति में जो होंगे उन्होंने अव्यक्त मूर्त को जाना, पहचाना। जो खुद नहीं अव्यक्त अवस्था में रहते थे, उन्हों ने अमूल्य रतन को पूरी रीति नहीं पहचाना। अभी भी स्थापना का कार्य ब्रह्मा का है न कि हमारा। अभी भी आप बच्चों की पालना ब्रह्मा द्वारा ही होगी। स्थापना के अन्त तक ब्रह्मा का ही पार्ट है।
“On the basis of your OWN experience, if You had received the fortune of meeting (Brahma Baba) personally, during his last three to four months (in ‘Sakar’), You must have observed and EXPERIENCED that this Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) was no longer a corporeal being, but that he had attained the ‘Avyakt’ angelic form (while STILL being within his impure corporeal body). A few years ago, Brahma would listen to little matters, he used to give You time, but what did You observe recently? The reason for him not listening to these little matters was that he was spending that time in CONSTANT Remembrance. Did You Children not notice that a shining Star was visible, sparkling on the forehead of his (corporeal) body? Those who were stable in their ‘Avyakt’ stage knew, and recognised the ‘Avyakt’ form (of Brahma Baba). Those who, themselves, were not stable in their ‘Avyakt’ stage, did not FULLY recognise the invaluable Jewel. Even now, the task of establishment is Brahma's, not yours. Even now, You Children will be sustained ONLY through Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani). The part of Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) will continue until the end of the establishment (UNTIL the END of Confluence Age).

क्लास जैसे चलती है, वैसे ही चलेगी। क्या सुनायेंगे? जो ब्रह्मा का तन मुकरर है, तो मुरली उसी के तन द्वारा जो चली हैं, वही मुरली है। और सन्देशियों द्वारा थोड़े समय के लिए जो सर्विस करते हैं, उनको मुरली नहीं कहा जाता है। उस मुरली में जादू नहीं है। बापदादा की मुरली में ही जादू है। इसलिए जो भी मुरलियाँ चल चुकी हैं, वह सभी रिवाइज करनी हैं।
“(Murli) Class will continue as it has been up to now. What will be spoken? The body of Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) has been fixed; and the ONLY Murlis, are the Murlis that were spoken, ONLY through his body. The Service that takes place through the trance messengers for short duration cannot be called Murlis. That does not have the magic of the Murlis. There is magic ONLY in the Murli of Bap-Dada (spoken by Shiva, ONLY through Brahma Baba). So you have to REVISE ALL the Murlis which have ALREADY been spoken (by Shiva, ONLY through the body of Brahma Baba).

आप सोचते होंगे कि लोग पूछेंगे कि आपका ब्रह्मा बाबा 100 वर्ष से पहले ही चला गया। यह तो बहुत सहज प्रश्न है, कोई मुश्किल नहीं। 100 के नजदीक ही तो आयु थी; यह जो 100 वर्ष कहे हुए हैं, यह गलत नहीं है। अगर कुछ रहा हुआ है, तो आकार द्वारा पूरा करेंगे। 100 वर्ष ब्रह्मा की स्थापना का पार्ट है। वह तो 100 वर्ष पूरा होना ही है, लेकिन बीच में ब्रह्मा के बाद ब्राह्मणों का जो पार्ट है वह अब चलना है।
“You must be thinking that people will ask why your Brahma Baba has gone away in less than 100 years. This is a very EASY question; it is not difficult (to respond). His age was CLOSE to 100 (93). The fact that a 100 years have been mentioned is not wrong. If there are any left, he will complete them through his angelic form. The part of establishment through Brahma is for 100 years. Those 100 years have DEFINITELY to be completed, but until then, after the part of (corporeal) Brahma, the part of Brahmins has now to continue (in ‘Sakar’).

बाकी आज से सभी के लिए कौन निमित्त है? वह तो आप जानते ही हैं - दीदी तो है, साथ में कुमारका मददगार है। जैसे और सभी लिखा-पढ़ी चलती थी, वैसे ही हेड क्वार्टर से चलती रहेगी। यह दोनों आप सभी की देख-रेख करती रहेंगी।
“And everyone knows who is the instrument for all of You from today. (Manmohini) Didi is there already, and Kumarka is her helper. All the administrative work will continue from the headquarters, as it has been before. Both of them will continue to look after all of You.”

शरीर छूटा परन्तु हाथ-साथ नहीं छूटा। बुद्धि का साथ-हाथ नहीं छूटा। वह तो अविनाशी कायम रहेगा।
“He (Brahma Baba) left his (corporeal) body, but he did not let go of your hand and company. He has not let go of the hand and company of his intellect. That will remain forever constant.

इससे साकार भी वतन में मुस्करा रहे हैं। ...
साकार बाबा ने कहा मैं बच्चों से मिलन मनाने आऊंगा। अगर आज आ जाता तो बच्चे आंसू बहा देते।
Because of this, Sakar Baba (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) is smiling in the Subtle Region. ...
Sakar Baba (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) said that he will come to celebrate a Meeting with the Children. If he had come today, then the Children would be shedding tears.

This CLEARLY PROVES that Brahma Baba DID NOT come into the corporeal body of Dadi, during this VERY FIRST ‘Avyakt’ Meeting, but remained in the Subtle Region - and ONLY Supreme Soul Shiva spoke this FIRST Avyakt Vani, by Himself!

(Murli) Class will continue as it has been up to now. What will be spoken? The body of Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) has been fixed; and the ONLY Murlis, are the Murlis that were spoken, ONLY through his body. The Service that takes place through the trance messengers for short duration cannot be called Murlis. That does not have the magic of the Murlis. There is magic ONLY in the Murli of BapDada (spoken by Shiva, ONLY through Brahma Baba). So you have to REVISE ALL the Murlis which have ALREADY been spoken (by Shiva, ONLY through the body of Brahma Baba).”

So avyaktha Vani is not Murli ? does that mean it was not spoken by Shiva?
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Karma
bansy wrote: 17 May 2006
Karma - this topic will never go away ... because it is precisely that :lol:

1. When did the first drop of poison come from after the Golden and Silver Age ? ...
So how can you create positive karma ? Dadi's ... don't travel?

Ravan give sorrow for 8 billion souls and he goes to heaven is it dharmic?
A cow gives lots of love when she is a baby. OK when she is young she gives milk and ask nothing in return. Once she stop giving milk billions of people kill her and eat her. So billions of cow suffer this sorrow. But Shiva or karma does not give billions of cow room in garden. Same with a deer. So brahma kumari karma is meaningless and untruth. According to Hindus karma is for trillions of life. Dinosaur lived 2500 year ago, but no human ever lived with dinoser. Indian. Means abraham budha lived with dinosaurs. Or there was a huge destruction 100 year after Silver Age. But brahma kumari says there was a destruction after Silver Age. There was humans all over the world 2500 years back.
This brahma baba or Shankar cannot destroy blind fath in their followers, how can they destroy blind faith in 8 billion in the next 15 years. No third world war in the world. No fighting in brahma kumari or pbk they are living human life. No sighn of big yogi life. The sdent of these teacher do not experience any bliss, all they are experiencing is hallucinations. PBKs say no bliss in bk, but look at VCD people siting as if thier monkey was dead yesterday.
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Karma
howiemac wrote: 21 May 2006 What would human nature do when finding itself in a perfect place? Play for a while ... get bored ... and tinker ...

There you have it, tinker with perfection and it becomes imperfect ... and what would human nature do then? keep tinkering ... create some man made flaws in the natural perfection ... then, some way down the line greed and the other vices would be born out of the escalating imperfection ...

So creativity is the first sin ...

Not really if you are like child baby less thinking then you can have fun. But it should be visible in the ashram today. All you see is fake smile and depressed souls even after 75 years.
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: On the subject matter of karma
atma wrote: 11 Nov 2006
Bhais and sisters,

On the subject matter of Karma most recently I quickly read a headline in our local newspapaper where one person was beaten by a group of people and while being beaten many simply watched and even walked buy while this man was being beaten in a well populated area.

As far as I know he had not committed any crime or violence to receive this beating it was a random act of violence.

Now the question arises do you help this soul who is being beaten or do you understand that in the past there may have been some beatings going on and this is a return to this particular soul so you keep walking buy?


Why should you help, you are not a gurkha trained to fight with a knife. Why should you take risk?
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: On the subject matter of karma
dilaram wrote: 23 Sep 2008
Karma is a fascinating subject is it not ... just to perhaps throw a curved ball, as our cousins from America would say, what do you think about this hypothesis?

Karma is you give love you get back love, you give sorrow you get back sorrow. That make sense. But 2500 year is a lie .. hmmm .. can be untruth. I am not sure but my opinion is this.
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy
mbbhat wrote: 05 Oct 2009
Flaw No. 01)PBKs say their group(the 2.25 lakh pbk souls) will be better/best in knowledge and Yoga(remembrance). They will imbibe purity/dharna from the other group(2.25 lakh souls of BKs). They say that each group's deficiency will be compensated by the company of the other group.

But it is said- Knowledge sits in pure intellect, means one whose dharna(purity) is better, more knowledge will sit there. So- how can less dharna souls(PBKs) have high level of(advanced) knowledge?

Does not this mean pbk philosophy is wrong by its own definition?

Here the prblem is niether BK nore PBK has purity, and the Murli or the leaders say the purity will only be shining in the end according to the purusharth. PBKs have very importent point they have the Father. But what i am concerned is there is no school you get a phd without passing highschool. So it is a gradual process and it should visible. What i am seeing in brahma kumaris are lots of bollywood style smile ( they even use priyanka chopra ) And PBKs are siting in the flour as if they lost their donkey and monkey last night. Point to note is Virendra dev dixit sit with No rapid eye ball movement, but bk Dadis have not able to achieve this. But look at the PBKs their eyes are down head is down and look like they are praying in a temple for lost business. This is heavenly purity we are talking about , you cannot say i just get a phd in the end and you do not have to assess my college degree. In my college degree i was a poor stundent, in my lkg i was a poor student. In my phd study i was not confident . But i am going to become a highest of high scientist in one second.
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Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy
jaycdp wrote: 13 Nov 2022

Om Shanti
You can be a patient taking insulins' and blood pressure medication, and cholesterol medication
In the past brahma kumaris used to just sit, Now a days i can see brahma kumaris doing Yoga dance bollywood etc. ( look like they are stressed or they have diabetes so doctor told them to do so. ( You can see that in Christian church they sing and dance for fake god jesus)
PBKs are not even siting in the chair, they are sitting in the floor, PBKs are not doing much exercise( may be doing cleaning and cooking and that kind of job)
My point is just one-day destruction starts and then you do not need insulins anymore. So the one who fails die without geting insuline ( PBKs claims those are BKs) and PBKs get diabetes cured by purity. ( Again we should be seeing this in a gradual process that PBKs are curing disease 1% every year) so that can belive it is true. Otherwise it will be like church fooling people they can cure the blind with jesus as son of god. * What is the difference in faith. I read in the Murli 20 years back worldly bakth have no experience but you have experience. Non of the BK or PBK said they experience any thing. We cannot see that in their eyes. So I think all the BKs must die so that we can have peace in the world for 8 billion people. And it has not happened in 2022 , we do not have not much time left( Murli was repeating this since 1937-2022). How can this happen nature or bomb select all the BKs and kill them . That is a question mark. Or all BKs get heart attack . At present baba has no purity otherwise he would not have beaten up in jail . Now he has to run away from the centre. BKs are siting in the couch. If baba had purity he could have sat down in the centre. But there was no teaching about this in the Murli. I think he is innocent old man, but that is not an excuse to say that bk teaching is perfect. There is faith( Murli itself say you feel the power of Shiva like a million sun). How can 2 million brahmins cannot experience this million son . IF they do experience this million sun then the world should experience this too. You cannot say in 2037 it will happen in one second.
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Re: Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Questions for PBKs
arjun wrote: 13 May 2006 Dear Atma, Om Shanti.
You are right on dot w.r.t the difference between the BKs and PBKs. I would only like to add that PBKs don't believe just in the mother and Father, but the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiv also who actually enables the souls of Prajapita (Father) and Brahma (mother) to play their roles.
With regards,
On Godly service

Dear arjun Bhai,

People kill millions of chickens and millions of cows for food. The cows and chickens experience sorrow, but the people who eat them appear to be very happy, and their master Ravana gets 90% of the heaven, and 100% other half of the Kalpa. These animals, black people, and people of lower caste, all have to come back again and become slaves of Ravana. The chickens and cows (vegetarian animals give no sorrow to others) do not get to go to heaven. Obviously 1 out of 2000 cows may reach heaven. But how about the billions of cows who have to come back number-wise and get butchered. Same with Rama and his family. He gets 10% of the heaven, and Ravana rules 90% of the heaven - and then, when Rama is in hell, he had to fight brutal war (like punishment) with Mughals, with defeat over defeat, and finally sikhs had to come and save them. And again the British made them, and all Islam, slaves again. But the British never become slaves. They put humans in zoo. But all the punishment was for Rama and his cows, while the British are siting in America, or Madhubhan, in a 5 star hotel (black people are still in hell); and black people will come back number-wise again and become slaves. But the British will get 10 years punishment in sangam yug, and get to rule pretty much throughout the drama. Where does the Law of Karma fit in here?

Om Shanti
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Re: Personal Views of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Shiv Baba's Message
Kaal wrote: 22 May 2020 To all divine soul Brothers,

Supreme Father's divine message, in brief.
This message includes some main points from Murlis (source of spiritual Knowledge).
So begin ...
Reference: Brahma Kumaris
Please visit official page 'Shiv Baba's Message' to read more.


Dear Kaal,

That was an excellent message, that is basic knowledge, and it makes anyone happy and peaceful when they hear it first. Here Shiva speaks to his direct children who were present from 1937, saying that you will experience everything that you experienced in the last 5000 years again in the coming 100 years of Sangam yuga.

But unfortunately less than a few thousand people got this message. But Golden Age starts with lacs of souls, and it was increasing gradually.

Have you seen this happening in Shiva's teaching (including Brahma Baba's, and today's brahma kumaris, and today's Advance Party (contact arjun for more information)!

Shiva's teaching says there are 9 dynasties, and out of this, five Narayana and five Lakshmi of videshi, vidharmi are Ravana (here he meant one Narayana that get converts into Islam, another Narayana that converts into Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim, and communism. The combined five couples are playing ten-headed Ravana (did you know that?)
And that ten-headed Ravana is ruling brahma kumaris and Advance Party. Shiva's promise is - I will grant you salvation from this sorrowful world through knowledge. So far Shiva did not deliver any thing!

If 8 people get salvation we should feel that salvation - no body is feeling salvation; and all those who aimed high are dying with cancer and pain (so they are not the promised ones). In sanathana dharma there is no room for angels (said Shiva in Murli) - also if you know Hinduism, we do not care about angels. But in Semitic religion they do care about angels. So you must be careful about the devil in those angels. Because Shiva did not say who is asura and who is sura.
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Re: Personal Views and Questions of ex-BK 'jaycdp'

Post by jaycdp »

Does anybody think that this Sangam Yuga can extend beyond 2037?

Om Shanti,

What I am thinking is that Sangam Yuga is only going to begin in 2037, and from then onward the teaching will quickly spread to the whole world.
There are still a lot of things to be done, we have not spread the knowledge to the Arab world, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Earth is still in good shape, serious damage to earth cannot happen in the coming years. Only if there is a nuclear war, yes, then the earth can be affected.
However, Shiva Bap must be introduced to 5 billion souls and they must do 'purushartha' (make efforts). Maybe Jesus or Buddha will come in angelic form, and then the teaching can be faster. But there is no short cut, they must study, and it requires time.
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