Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 04:- Only AV, not AIVV?
arjun wrote:Mbbhat and 'destroy old world' are free to believe any report about Adhyatmik Vidyalaya and are free to hurl any kind of abuses on the PBKs, Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and Adhyatmik Vidyalaya on this forum. Om Shanti.
8) Once again, it shows that pbk characteristic is just to SOMEHOW ATTEMPT to throw the ball to the person of other court, by HOOK or CROOK, WITHOUT honestly attempting to ADDRESS the ball which is in their Court, properly, logically and sensibly. It also reminds one of the story of the fox saying "grapes are sour".

When Guru of PBKs himself, many times, gives vague and EVASIVE replies to his own followers (when he has no PROPER answer to give), similarly his followers also will be of that SAME type only, is it not?
Good luck to all the PBKs at least for next time.

9) BTW, have PBKs started to address their organisation as just AV instead of AIVV???
So, their acts, once again, automatically show that they are just LIMITED instead of UNLIMITED. [ Only Vidyalaya, no VISHWA Vidyalaya, ...]

10) The word, 'Ishwariya', was removed by the Guru of PBKs, himself, earlier, which is very much against the Murli point which PBKs keep quoting, in the first place (see below). Now the word, 'Vishwa', has been removed to comply with the HC order of the Kourav govt?

11) View post in this topic - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2696&p=53582#p53531
arjun wrote:
“This is the big Godly University (University of God the Father) or Iswariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, where human beings become Narayan from a man [and] Lakshmi from a woman. Many [institutions] have been named Vishwa Vidyalaya (university). In reality, they aren’t ‘world universities’. Actually, the entire world is the universe. [...] We aren’t allowed to keep this name, but the government itself keeps it.” (Mu.05.09.74, beginning of the middle of pg.2)

As regards AVV being an unregistered organization, this again is based on the directions given by God Shiva through Dada Lekhraj in the Sakar Murlis. It is another aspect that PBKIVV cowed down under the government pressure* and got itself registered.
12) We have to wait and see whether AV gets cowed down under the government pressure and gets itself registered!
BTW, why did they get cowed down under the HC pressure of the Kourav govt and drop the word, 'Vishwa', AGAINST the directions given by God Shiva, according to the Murli point quoted above by the innocent pbk?
Or will it finally become ONLY 'V' - 'unlimited' meaning being that Virendra Dev Dixit is the whole and soul of the entire pbk ashram?

*13) - This is Kingdom of Maya. So, we will have to bow down to the rules of kourav govt too to some extent TILL Golden Aged Kingdom comes. Even God is bound in drama. Do not PBKs have knowledge of that?

Baba has clearly said - "alp Kaal ke haar may bahut kaal ki jeeth samaayi huyi hai = Victory of long period lies in the defeat for small period."

To expect not to follow lokik govt rules even to slightest** extent would be like ego of spirituality/knowledge.
And, it also reflects the power to adjust, which is one of the 8 main spiritual powers of Raja Yoga.

But, when PBKs point one finger on OTHERs, three fingers point on themselves only. They claim for silly things that BKWSU violates srimath, but they do not realize that they are violating srimath much more than that.
And, now here too we can see what all the accusations PBKs put on BKWSU (PBKIVV), later, the so-called PBKs have fallen into their own trap.

**14) BTW - Baba has clearly said - "prajapita means one who has karm-bandhan at least to some extent, and Avyakt Brahma means karmaateet. "
So, in Brahmin life, there will be some karm-bandhan.
Do not many PBKs work 8 hours per day, like a donkey in this world, as per govt laws or lokik Kaliyugi people? (Even BKs work. But, they do not criticize lokik people or govt. They adjust and move, also serve others instead of criticizing like PBKs).

15) BTW - PBKs believe their own Guru Shankar - whom they claim "Father is strict", is being controlled by bull to such an extent that Mr. Dixit sometimes slaps some sister during Amrit Vela. Now, is this not worse than cowing down?

In fact, when the Guru of PBKs claims he got independence in 1998, but is still bring controlled by a ghost/bull until date, then what a ridiculous and hopeless state the PBKs are in - and yet they still point fingers on OTHERs - do they have any ability of self-realization at all??
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by destroy old world »

As usual, the shameless stupid son of the terror rapist pretends to slyly slink away like a vicious and venomous snake, camouflaged by the green grass, while at the same time craftily attempting to subvert any reports or documentation which go against his bodily guru, terror rapist Virendra Dev Dixit, by cunningly drawing upon the innocence of the general public, and solicit their sympathy, by fooling them into believing that all such reports which are against his bodily guru are baseless and false, and only meant to defame his bodily guru, who is indeed, very innocent and God fearing person, whose only interest is to do good to humanity and nothing else, while all those who thus speak or go against his bodily guru are crooks, rogues, cheats, defamers and the like, who are only like barking dogs condemned to eternal hell fire . .

In actual fact, the most vicious and most cunning spiritual terrorist, Virendra Dev Dixit, has been doing nothing else than hurling all kinds of abuses on the Godly university and the official caretakers of the Godly university, and on God Himself, right from the time he was thrown out of the Godly university at Mt Abu, owing to his arrogance and lustful vision and conduct, after which he swore that he would take revenge against the BKs by raping them, if it was the last thing he could do, which he has been involved in doing ever since, by completely subverting the Murlis of God Father Shiva, and altering their meaning in such a way, as to completely deceive his innocent and ignorant followers, who are now hell bent on following him, even at the cost of their own lives, even when clear proofs have been shown to them, as to how he has been involved in manipulating the Murli points and deceiving them, by himself being the greatest barking dog of all times, but they pay scant regard to all such Murli points of God Father Shiva which are being continuously posted on this forum, owing to their growing arrogance, very much to their own disadvantage, which they simply refuse to realize, even after repeatedly pointing out their utter deception and treason in no uncertain manner . .

Whatever is being pointed out is for their own benefit, if at all they care and choose to listen, and for the benefit of all other unwary individuals who may be inclined to fall prey and become the unwary victims of confirmed spiritual terrorist and terror rapist, Virendra Dev Dixit, until the concerned authorities are in a position to bring him to book and make him pay for his crimes against woman, against humanity and against God, Himself . .

If the ignorant son of the terror rapist still feels that injustice is being done to PBKs, Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and Adhyatmik Vidyalaya on this forum, then he should be bold enough to take up each and every point of the Murlis being continuously presented on this forum, which go totally against their philosophy, and explain their point of view, with clear reference to each and every such point being presented herein, instead of keeping on barking like a dog and saying that they are being abused, when, in actual fact, they themselves have been doing the abusing of woman, of humanity and of God, Himself . .
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by jaycdp »

The issue is only after 1969 when ShivBaba talks about the atom bomb. If ShivBaba was knowledgeable, he should have predicted this in 1937. If this knowledge is to purify the soul then we should notice progress in the process. But Baba says you will get the result only in the end. That sounds like Abrahamic religion. ShivBaba did not mention poison in the food by chemicals, and water impurities and air impurities. It cannot be solved just by spiritual purification. The milk is full of hormones and it is not mentioned in Murli in the knowledge. The cow is treated without respect and how can we drink such milk? If spiritual cleansing can change the world it should cure chronic diseases like schizophrenia, depression and autism by cleansing the soul. We are still dependent on medicine for chronic diseases which are chemicals and synthetic. Spiritual cleansing could not cure chronic illness. The Brahma Kumaris or PBKs are both degrading in the spiritual process and we cannot see any influence in the world. It is Ravan and Maya controlling the world. The question is how come western countries and other middle east countries are rich and have a higher quality of life. If they are new souls then that brings more questions. How come the new 5 billion souls are poor and persecuted in the world?
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by jaycdp »

destroy old world wrote: 02 Mar 2018
‘subtle aspect of human behaviour’, ‘adequate spiritual enlightenment’, ‘governing principle’, etc –


if he considers himself to be innocent at all, instead of clearly proving himself to be a disgraceful coward and a sissy before the whole world ..

Dear Brother Destroy,

I had been reading your circular arguments with hasty generalizations. Please make the debate healthier. There is rape case against VD or BK. As far as vd is concerned he is the head; and as far as Bk is concerned, he is not the head of the institution. So I am taking this concern seriously. But that does mean I will tolerate your ranting with bad words. You should first take a course on modern civilization before spiritual civilization. The way you are expressing your anger is as if this police case is proven in court with tons of evidence. The cat-and-mouse game between VD and BK had been going on for several decades, PBKs had been accusing BKs and certain individuals - I do not remember his name, but something like Pahuja for using money and power to defame Baba. I was reading Indian Express today and it was written in that paper they beat up Baba and made him clean toilet and do menial labor job, and also it was written baba was acquitted in that case. But the newspaper continues to bash him on other cases. So it looks like one sided story. We all know Brahma Kumaris give huge amount for advertisement in all the media in India. So no media will write against that institution, we all know even todays Indian president is from Brahma Kumaris, and even Narendra Modi or Kejriwal has good connections with Brahma Kumaris. Brahma Kumaris even have connection in United Nations. Anybody can can bring a crowd and beat up an individual with rape case, they have also written that case very clearly. All these things happen in India. Unfortunately both Baba and Brahma Baba or Dadis are from stone age with no education. They do not understand modern legal system in India. But Brahma Kumaris have the money to hire people like Kapil Sibal or even rich lawyers. Unfortunately VD does not look like he is a rich man. All his buildings look like built by poor people. Besides Brahma Kumaris have the girls under the control of ladies, and for VD the girls are not under the control of ladies and he is under the control of girls. From my point of view with modern system it is a wrong choice any body can accuse you for rape, OR you can also become a rapist and dictator. So baba should have avoided this by consulting a good lawyer before running an institution. On the other hand Shiva does not guarantee you freedom from sex lust or anger. Shiva has fooled his students from Brahma Kumaris, or from VD several times, as if He will take care of their affairs when you surrender. This lead to big trouble for millions of people. Because for majority Shiva was not there when they needed him the most. Say for example, if you are driving and remember Shiva, chances are that you can get an accident. Say for example, Shiva promises great amrith vela, but for millions it is waste amrith vela. In all those cases their is crocked answer in the Murli. So do not just accuse Baba for every thing, just like the communist party of India accusing Narendra Modi for every thing. So next time you come up with legal papers proving evidence that VD is a terrorist, VD is a rapist. You can also be the gang that participate in the defaming game of VD too. Please do not take it seriously; there is bigger issue to be addressed in the Brahma Kumari and VDs teaching. Looks like both have fallen down and Shiva disappeared from the show or it was all made up story of Brahma Baba. Or it was a religious Father, like Buddha, who came and entered Brahma Baba and made him a fool.
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by jaycdp »

arjun wrote: 04 Mar 2018 “तो यह सब बाप समझाते हैं, इसमें ग्लानि की कोई बात नहीं है। बच्चों को सदैव हर्षित रहना है। यह तो ड्रामा बना हुआ है। मुझे इतनी गालियाँ देते हैं, फिर मैं क्या करता हूँ? गुस्सा आता है क्या। समझता हूँ ड्रामा अनुसार यह सब भक्ति मार्ग में फँसे हुए हैं। नाराज़ होने की बात ही नहीं है। ड्रामा ऐसा बना हुआ है। प्यार से समझानी देनी होती है। बिचारे अज्ञान अन्धेरे में पड़े हैं, नहीं समझते हैं तो तरस भी पड़ता है। सदैव मुस्कुराते रहना चाहिए। यह बिचारे स्वर्ग के द्वारे आ नहीं सकेंगे, यह सब शान्तिधाम में जाने वाले हैं। सब चाहते भी शान्ति ही हैं।“ (ब्रह्माकुमारियों द्वारा प्रकाशित रिवाइज़्ड साकार मुरली दिनांक 15.07.09, पृ. 3 एवं 4)

“So, the Father explains all this. There is no question of defamation in this. Children should always remain joyful. This is a drama. People abuse Me so much; then what do I do? Do I feel angry? I think that all these are entangled in the path of Bhakti as per drama. There is nothing to be upset. The drama itself is like this. You have to explain lovingly. Poor fellows are lying in darkness of ignorance; if they do not understand, then I also feel pity. You should always keep smiling. These poor fellows will not be able to come to the gateway of heaven. All these are going to go to the abode of peace. It is peace that everyone wishes.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 15.07.09, pg 3&4 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

Dear Arjun Bhai,

You are writing in this Murli point, one should have strong faith in himself and his Father. The problem is one is tested every three seconds - you forget to lock your car, you forget to turn off oven, you forget your reading glass, you are too tired in the morning after amrith vela, you have too much sex lust one day, one day you have zero anger - I don't think Shiva can make it change - if He does then He should have helped me do it 20 years back. Now can I do it by myself? No way, I cannot - and it is not human capacity. I do need help because I am addicted to all these areas. So I am a beggar in this area, but I thought Shiva could help me once a month. But Shiva looks like as He cannot do anything. If I do not take vitamin D in the winter I cannot wake up from the bed - no matter I connect with Shiva or meditate or listen to Murli - nothing works. But when you take vitamin everything works. In that case, we do not need Shiva, we can do it by ourselves. That is not what we expect from Shiva, we expect a gradual growth spiritually and sustain it. There were lots of Sai Baba and people like Jesus who lied about heaven and hell. So we must be careful too. Not anybody can be God. We must put it on test. If we are children then Father should direct us to stay peaceful and because Shiva is ever pure it should be done in split seconds. But nothing happened in two decades. Not even 8 souls came out and said - look, we are progressing; not even Mother is coming out and telling - look, I am progressing; not even VD is telling us - look at me, I am doing so well, I defeated all the sins. If Virendra Dev did not defeat kama lust then it should be OK to have sex, or get angry or beat up any one. I have never slapped anybody after becoming a BK. Baba should have controlled it. But again I know how hard it is to control vices. But these girls are from our family so we should not feel sex lust with our family. We should feel Bhai-Bhai. In some cases there can be a seed Islamic soul with lust trying to test you. As per the teaching you cannot be victorious the first day. It will take years of practice. So I think Baba should accept the truth that it is OK, but you should keep practicing to victory. Nobody can just claim they are brahmachari without pure mind. In every case sanyasi, Christian Vatican, we see them getting trapped and raped, or having sex with intention. But here it is Shiva - we should not expect similar situation here. Again if we are expecting, then we should expect it from Ravana kul (Brahma Kumar) - but Baba says Dadi, Didi are pure. So here one side you are saying Ravana is pure, and Sun Dynasty is impure. And Shiva come to Sun Dynasty to purify. But there is no sign of purity in Ravan kul or Ram kul. No ones mind is pure, if Baba slap somebody he was not ruling his indriyas, so it is OK for him to have sex, since it is an indriya too. Why Shiva did not say that? If Shiva told us you will only become victorious in the end, and you have a hard road to go because you are lustful thorn.
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by jaycdp »

arjun wrote: 07 Mar 2022 शिवबाबा की मुरली
ShivBaba’s Murli
वीसीडी 2816, दिनांक 11.03.2019
VCD 2816, dated 11.03.2019
रात्रि क्लास 14.11.1967
Night Class dated 14.11.1967

समय- 00.01-17.15
Time- 00.01-17.15

Dear arjun Bhai,

Sanyasis do not worship a sanyasi, they bow down - except for Sai Baba. Sanyasis only listen in sanskrit.
Narendra Modiji is a sanyasi. But they worship devta, shivling, etc.
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by jaycdp »

arjun wrote: 16 Mar 2021 शिवबाबा की मुरली
ShivBaba’s Murli
वीसीडी 2677, दिनांक 21.10.2018
VCD 2677, Dated 21.10.2018
प्रातः क्लास 18.9.1967
Morning Class dated 18.9.1967

समय- 00.01-17.30
Time- 00.01-17.30

Many people, including Ravan's community and Ram's community, surrender because of the love promised by Shiva.
Then why suicide, rape in Shivalaya? Suicide, rape happens in sanyasi and Vatican, or madrasa. If it happens here then what is the difference in this truth vs that truth. How can Shiva claim to be superior and a protector of his children. The excuse is - they are not my children. OK, at least they come to you. Shiva should come in the body of Brahma and explain this in detail. Otherwise you are making ego maniac children, thinking he is beloved and other one is cursed.
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by admin »

arjun wrote: 14 Nov 2022 Dear jaycdp,

Om Shanti.

Please note that this thread is not for discussion, but for just posting the Murlis.

I request the Admins to please move the posts of jaycdp to another appropriate topic.


Dear Arjun,

The relevant posts have been moved to this topic, and the concerned Member is being cautioned, once again, to observe appropriate code of conduct on this forum, as per guidelines laid down by the Admin.

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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by arjun »

Dear jaycdp,

Om Shanti. I would like to reply to your queries in brief. You are comparing the teachings given in the BK Murlis, Avyakt Vanis and PBK Murlis/discussions with the practical acts of the temporary/permanent chariots of Shiva or His children, the BKs and PBKs. In this regard, I would like to say on the basis of my experience that if we sincerely follow the Shrimat, then we will definitely see the results. If we are weak in following God's directions (Shrimat), if we mix our own opinion (manmat) or the opinions of others (parmat) in the Godly directions, then we may not see the desirable result and start doubting the authenticity of God's Shrimat.

As regards the practical acts of BKs/PBKs/temporary/permanent chariots of Shiva, I would like to point out that all of them are human souls and all of them were/are purusharthis/effort-makers. We should pay attention to the directions of God rather than the defects of individual purusharthis. One should have the knowledge of both good and bad. That is a different issue. But we shouldn't get influenced by the evil.

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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by Adam »

arjun wrote: 17 Nov 2022 Dear jaycdp,

Om Shanti. I would like to reply to your queries in brief. ...

In this regard, I would like to say on the basis of my experience that if we sincerely follow the Shrimat, then we will DEFINITELY see the results. ...

... We should pay attention to the directions of God rather than the defects of individual purusharthis. One should have the knowledge of both good and bad. That is a different issue. But we shouldn't get influenced by the evil.


Above response by Bro Arjun is regarded as very rational, logical, appropriate and mature.
We trust that all of Baba's children would eventually comprehend and appreciate the various occurrences and interactions within the Yagya, likewise.
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by jaycdp »

Dear Arjun Bhai,

I am very sorry to hurt people's emotions by using inappropriate words, I will make sure that I will not make any such mistakes from my side. Since I was not familiar very well with this site, it is today that I am reading your message. It is very kind of you to write a very well-respected way to warn me.

Om Shanti
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by jaycdp »

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Dear Arjun Bhai,

So, in the morning when we wake up at 3 am, we look at baba considering Shiva is giving Drishti through this body and consider yourself as a soul and become thoughtless.
Is that a good meditation that is called Raja Yoga?
Obviously, Murli also recommends you should have love for Yoga.
Do you like to add anything here?


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admin wrote: 14 Nov 2022

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admin wrote: 12 Dec 2022

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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by arjun »

So, in the morning when we wake up at 3 am, we look at baba considering Shiva is giving Drishti through this body and consider yourself as a soul and become thoughtless.
Is that a good meditation that is called Raja Yoga?
Dear jaycdp,

If what you have written means looking at the permanent Chariot of Shiva considering yourself to be a soul and thinking that Shiva is giving drishti through His Chariot sitting in his bhrikuti, then it is correct. Either you can create positive thoughts about the knowledge or you can become thoughtless, but you should at least be aware that you are a soul and looking at the Supreme Soul Shiva through His permanent Chariot.

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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by jaycdp »

arjun wrote: 05 Feb 2023 शिवबाबा की मुरली
ShivBaba’s Murli
वीसीडी 2877, दिनांक 11.05.2019
VCD 2877, dated 11.05.2019
प्रातः क्लास 23.11.1967
Morning Class dated 23.11.1967

समय- 00.01-31.41
Time- 00.01-31.41

प्रातः क्लास चल रहा था 23.11.1967 सातवें पेज पर मध्य में गुरुवार को बात चल रही थी झोली भरने की। कहते हैं भर दे झोली, भर दे झोली। हँ? तो बाप बैठकरके धन देवे और तुम ऐसे बैठे हो सोते हुए, तो झोली नीचे गिर जाती है और सारे रतन धरणी की गोद में चले जाते हैं। तो कहेंगे बह जाएगा ना। भक्ति मार्ग में आगे ऐसे कहते थे - भर दे झोली, भर दे झोली। अभी भी भर-भर तो कहना पड़े ना। अगर जिम्युट आएगा तो मुंह भर-भर करेगा या मुंह ऐसे करेंगे? ऐसे बहुत यहां बच्चे होते हैं जो बैठते हैं और झुटके खाते रहते हैं। और फिर दूसरी निशानी है इनकी उबासी देने की। समझा ना? आहाहाहा। बस, ये समझो तो बाबा की तो नजर तो फिरती जाती रहती है ना। जब देखता है कोई उबासी देते हैं तो समझते हैं ये थका हुआ है। अभी इन बिचारों को नींद आती है। समझा ना?

Even that was a perishable business. One may feel sleepy in that. It was a limited business; the business of one birth. And this one? You earn the income for many births. This is an imperishable business. Hm? Nobody should ever feel sleepy in this. So, those who do not understand this topic, the ones in whose intellect it doesn’t sit, then they will yawn as w

Truth is, in the perishable business, people never feel sleepy - they are so enthusiastic about the earning; the problem in the imperishable business is the earning in the next life (just like Jesus said you would be saved after you die) but here the statement is little different.
Here, you are promised salvation in the end - 99.999999 years after the year 1937 (it is almost the same as you study to be a doctor in this life and become a doctor in the next life).
99.999% of the PBKs look like they are a street artist with a monkey and entertaining people - (and all of a sudden the monkey died)!
Virendra Dev Dixit is accusing huge sorrow coming to BKs, like a tsunami - and huge happiness coming to PBKs like anything.
It sounds like a promise of the congress party; it should have been looking like the promise of Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji talking, and delivering roads and bridges on time.
The highest of high gods should be a trillion times more believable than 'mortal' men like Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji.
Arjun Bhai, you ask Virendra Dev Dixit and give him a number of 1 and 1 lac - and ask him where is his control, happiness, joy, enthusiasm and sorrow? And you do it for yourself and publish it!
I would ask the BK Dadis and their followers similar questions too.
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Re: Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'

Post by admin »

jaycdp wrote: 02 Mar 2023
Dear Jay,

Your above (preceding) post is NOT CORRECTLY CONFIGURED!!!
Your post should have been made like it is shown here, down below.
Also, once again, you have posted above post in the WRONG topic of ‘Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs’, instead of posting same here in this topic, viz., “Discussion on 'Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs'”. You are NOT ALLOWED to make any posts in the topic ‘Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs’. This has been brought to your notice SEVERAL TIMES earlier also, and you have been provided with the required guidance as well, but you are still paying scant attention to same, with the pretense that you are having some physical or mental deficiency.
Hence, NEITHER are you configuring your posts PROPERLY, NOR are you following the code of conduct as advocated by the Admin.
Therefore, you are hereby SUSPENDED from making ANY posts in ANY sub-forum of this site, for a period of THREE MONTHS from today!


arjun wrote: 05 Feb 2023 शिवबाबा की मुरली
ShivBaba’s Murli
वीसीडी 2877, दिनांक 11.05.2019
VCD 2877, dated 11.05.2019
प्रातः क्लास 23.11.1967
Morning Class dated 23.11.1967

समय- 00.01-31.41
Time- 00.01-31.41


Even that was a perishable business. One may feel sleepy in that. It was a limited business; the business of one birth. And this one? You earn the income for many births. This is an imperishable business. Hm? Nobody should ever feel sleepy in this. So, those who do not understand this topic, the ones in whose intellect it doesn’t sit, then they will yawn as well as sleep.


Truth is, in the perishable business, people never feel sleepy - they are so enthusiastic about the earning; the problem in the imperishable business is the earning in the next life (just like Jesus said you would be saved after you die) but here the statement is little different.
Here, you are promised salvation in the end - 99.999999 years after the year 1937 (it is almost the same as you study to be a doctor in this life and become a doctor in the next life).
99.999% of the PBKs look like they are a street artist with a monkey and entertaining people - (and all of a sudden the monkey died)!
Virendra Dev Dixit is accusing huge sorrow coming to BKs, like a tsunami - and huge happiness coming to PBKs like anything.
It sounds like a promise of the congress party; it should have been looking like the promise of Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji talking, and delivering roads and bridges on time.
The highest of high gods should be a trillion times more believable than 'mortal' men like Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji.
Arjun Bhai, you ask Virendra Dev Dixit and give him a number of 1 and 1 lac - and ask him where is his control, happiness, joy, enthusiasm and sorrow? And you do it for yourself and publish it!
I would ask the BK Dadis and their followers similar questions too.

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