Questions for PBKs

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

Murli 15-6-16 says:
 " पानी की हद पर भी कितना झगड़ा चलता रहता है। दुश्मनी लगी पड़ी है। आपस में एक दो को ब्रदर्स समझते नहीं। सिर्फ ऐसे ही कह देते हैं कि हम सब एक हैं। एक तो हो न सकें। अनेक आत्मायें हैं, सबका अपना-अपना पार्ट है।"

In the above Murli point, Trikaldarshi ShivBaba is describing the future fight between the many groups which are forming in Sangamyug over Gyan ka pani....all groups have been BKs sometime in past and consider Brahma-Lekhraj Kirpalani as their mother and consider themselves as brothers....but every group has its own belief and these 7 groups can never be united, as they are souls of different religion and doing the shooting of broad drama.

Only after these 7 groups fight each other, the gates of heaven will be opened as per Murli point: "Mahabhari Mahabharat is gateway to heaven." .

Om Shanti.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

Murli 6-7-22:
"बाबा से तुम एक सेकेण्ड में जनक मिसल जीवनमुक्ति पा सकते हो, अगर यह पहेली हल की तो। बाबा फर्स्टक्लास बात सुनाते हैं - तीर्थों पर तो धक्के ही खाते रहते हैं। तुम लिख भी सकते हो कि जन्म-जन्मान्तर के धक्कों से छूटना चाहते हो तो यह पहेली हल करो। इसे हल करने से एक सेकेण्ड में जीवनमुक्ति पा सकते हो।"

Yeh EK paheli KAUN si hai jisse solve karne se EK second mei jeevan-mukti mil sakti hai. ????

Kya last 85 years mei kissi bk pbk ne paheli solve kee. ??

Please share ur views.
Om Shanti.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins
Murli 1-8-22
"तुम जान गये हैं कि हमको 84 जन्म लेने पड़ते हैं। वर्ण भी गाये जाते हैं। ब्राह्मण वर्ण का किसको पता नहीं है।"

Yeh brahmin varna kaun hai, jiska kissi (Sangamyugi brahmin) bk pbk ko pataa nahi.

According to av. Vani Brahmin are divided into half-cast brahmins and full-cast brahmins.

I have asked many BKs PBKs about this riddle of half-cast and full-cast brahmins... But no one has answered this question.

Can any bk pbk please explain.
Om Shanti.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Aaj ki Murli 8-8-22:
"अन्धों की लाठी बनना है। प्रश्नावली आदि बोर्ड पर जहाँ तहाँ लगाना चाहिए। एक बाप को सिद्ध करना है।"

Sangamyug mei andhe kaun hai, jinki laathi banna hai. ??

Kaun se board par prashnawali lagani hai. ??

EK BAP ko kaise siddh karna hai.??

Please explain.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by jayadeepan »

Hi Shiva brother
My question is, in the beginning, Murli said you will experience happiness in the Amrit Vela and it lasts a whole day. That's why we are knowledge path. But now the teaching says we will only become full at the end( that sounds like the Abrahamic religion when you die you will reach heaven). We should have a gradual growth and we should be visible to the world by now. But the teaching now says it is numberwise and OK in that case the eight should be ready. Both BKs and PBKs are still ordinary human beings and they have ( including the leaders) no power to change one soul on earth. If we wait for the end, that is Bhakti's path, is it not? We should experience happiness from the beginning at least one hour a day. In my case that is not happening. I have been taking anti-depressant since 1991 and I cannot sleep without the medication before becoming BK PBK and after becoming bk pbk. Let us say it is the disease of the soul from many births. Now coming in connection with Paramatma it should go away by at least 1%. I cannot see that is happening. If I cannot cure 1% of my disease and stabilize my mind how can I tell others god has come? It looks like Christians lying god healed me. What is the difference? Look like the followers of Of both BK and PBK are in blind faith both are not necessarily suffering sorrow. PBKs are in deep sorrow and nobody is enlightened. BKs have some kind of purity because they have come to the teaching with purity. But i do not see BKs progressing but look like BKs is degenerating into sinful and egoistic. Nobody will accept Virendra dev Dixit as the world Father in this stage, But according to them one day one night he will become the world Father. ( that sound like a miracle by Jesus christ proppaganda) . Baba should have been gradually becoming pure and it should be visible in his eyes so we can say he is on the right path. There is no sighn of BKs or PBKs uniting so far. It is 2022 already and there is no sighn of progressing in both Bk and PBKs. In bakthi marg we can have faith one day we will become this or we will become that when destruction starts. But this is path of knoweldge we should experience the happiness purification of soul gradually and not one day. It is like muhammed said god created world in 7 days.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by jayadeepan »

Murli 15-6-16 says:
" पानी की हद पर भी कितना झगड़ा चलता रहता है। दुश्मनी लगी पड़ी है। आपस में एक दो को ब्रदर्स समझते नहीं। सिर्फ ऐसे ही कह देते हैं कि हम सब एक हैं। एक तो हो न सकें। अनेक आत्मायें हैं, सबका अपना-अपना पार्ट है।"

In the above Murli point, Trikaldarshi ShivBaba is describing the future fight between the many groups which are forming in Sangamyug over Gyan ka pani....all groups have been BKs sometime in past and consider Brahma-Lekhraj Kirpalani as their mother and consider themselves as brothers....but every group has its own belief and these 7 groups can never be united, as they are souls of different religion and doing the shooting of broad drama.

Only after these 7 groups fight each other, the gates of heaven will be opened as per Murli point: "Mahabhari Mahabharat is gateway to heaven." .

Om Shanti.

No sighn of BKs fighting each other, in the worldly politics there is one modi and all the opposition parties are fighting each other. But in spiritual path every thing is secret and no body will tell you the truth. Amoung PBKs they have never able to reviel one soul other than baba for decades of studies and effort. All the students in the class feel sleepy and tired. If i wake up at 4 am i suffer immense anxiety all day i do not get any blessing from BK or PBK so how can i trust this teaching?
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by jayadeepan »

Adam wrote: 19 Dec 2020
Sakar Murli, Revised on 19.12.2020

आत्मा सूक्ष्म बिन्दी है, उनको देखने के लिए दिव्य दृष्टि चाहिए। आत्मा का ध्यान कर नहीं सकेंगे। ‘हम आत्मा इतनी छोटी बिन्दी हैं’ - ऐसा समझ याद करना मेहनत है। ... बाप कहते हैं - आत्मा को ही नहीं देखा है, तो परमात्मा को कैसे देखेंगे? आत्मा को देख ही कैसे सकते - और सबके तो शरीर का चित्र है, नाम है - आत्मा है बिन्दी, बहुत छोटी है, उनको कैसे देखें? कोशिश बहुत करते हैं, परन्तु इन आंखों से देख न सकें। आत्मा को ज्ञान की अव्यक्त आंखें मिलती हैं!

“A soul is a subtle Point - Divine vision is needed to see a soul. You are not able to focus on a soul (due to body-consciousness). It takes effort to (FIRST) consider yourself to be such a tiny Point, a soul, and (THEN) Remember the Father (to regain soul-consciousness, once again). ... The Father says - if you do not ‘see’ the soul, then how could you ‘see’ the Supreme Soul? How could you even see a soul (with the corporeal eyes)? Human beings have images of bodies. They have names, but a soul is just a Point, a very tiny Point. How can that be seen (with the corporeal eyes)? Although they try a great deal, it is not possible to see a soul with your physical eyes. Each of you souls receives a subtle Eye of Knowledge (to PERCEIVE the soul and the Supreme Soul).

There was teaching you are soul before ShivBaba enter brahma baba. But after the arrival of brahma baba we can only imagine but we cannot stabilize in the form of soul because it is not practical. But the teaching is you can do it gradually. But i do not see one soul becoming soul conscious gradually and uplifting another soul gradually. Because this is not Bhakti marg things should be visible. You cannot simply give a counterattack and pretend it is number-wise. Even if it is number-wise we should see numbers, then people may say it is gupth, OK but it cannot be gupth for all souls souls who want to experience they should experience it in gupth at least. And no soul is telling us they are successful. In BKs they are displaying Bollywood style smile and pretending they are happy . But PBKs are not doing this PBKs are like germens very straight forward and strict and do not display love happiness etc. Again this is not path of bakti this is path of experience and honestly if i wake up at 3 am i do not experience any amrith vela and i will have a ******* day all day. (so is it not path of bakti or knowledge).
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by admin »

jayadeepan wrote: 23 Aug 2022 There was teaching you are soul before ShivBaba enter brahma baba. But after ...

... all day. (so is it not path of bakti or knowledge).

Dear jayadeepan,

Your above post has not been correctly made.
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Trust the above guidelines would help. In case there is any other clarification required, we would be pleased to assist.

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Aaj ki Murli 7-10-22:

"ब्रह्मा से विष्णु बनना सेकण्ड का काम। विष्णु सो ब्रह्मा बनने में 5,000 वर्ष लगते हैं। भल त्रिमूर्ति बनाते हैं - ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर। परन्तु यह कोई नहीं समझते होंगे।"

Brahma 1 second mei Vishnu (2 souls LN) kab banenge. ???
Aur 1937 mei kaun Vishnu (2 souls) se EK soul Brahma bane.??

(Yeh point ka explanation kissi bk pbk maharathi yaa guru Virendra Dev Dixit ne aaj tak nahi diya.?)

Can anyone please explain.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Murli 12-11-88:
"Samjaane wala bhi behad buddhi wala chahiyea...bacchon ki buddhi Hadh mei fass padti hai."

Sangamyug mei Hadh ki buddhi wale bacche kaun-kitne hai. ??
Aur Behad ki buddhi wale bacche kaun-kitne hai.??

Murli 29-9-14:
"बच्चों को अभी हद और बेहद से भी पार जाना है । "

Yeh hadh ki duniya aur behad ki duniya kaun si hai.....aur uske paar kaise jaana hai ??

Please share ur views.
Om Shanti.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Murli 23-3-2020:
"हंस और बगुला इकट्ठा तो रह नहीं सकते। "

Hans hote paras-buddhi aur sirf Gyan-moti chugte.
....and bagula hote pattar-buddhi aur unme parakh shakti nahi hoti.

So Sangamyugi brahmins mei Hans kaun aur Bagula kaun.???

Anyone Please explain.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by mbbhat »

shivsena wrote: 09 Oct 2022 Murli 29-9-14:
"बच्चों को अभी हद और बेहद से भी पार जाना है । "

Yeh hadh ki duniya aur behad ki duniya kaun si hai.....aur uske paar kaise jaana hai ??

Hadh refers to Satyug (limited number of souls present). Behadh refers to Kaliyug = unlimited (all the souls present). Beyond both of these, means - Paramdham. It is the place where the Supreme Soul and all souls reside.

Mu Point - 21-12-70(3) given below. ... 7ea#p52164

There is also another similar point saying the same in further better manner. It clearly says - "Hadh arthhath Satyug, Behadh arthaath Kaliyug". But , presently, not able to find date.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by admin »

Dear mbbhat,

We humbly draw your attention to the post in link below to enable you to make a proper link to the particular post you are referring to, as has been done in your above post - which will greatly benefit others. Clicking on the arrow pointing upwards will take you to the relevant post in question.

admin wrote: 25 Aug 2022 In order to quote a particular point in any post of any member, ...

Thank you for your kind co-operation.

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by mbbhat »

Thank you dear admin.
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
"उस अल्फ को याद करो।
भगवानुवाच, मामेकम् याद करो तो मुझ से वर्सा मिलेगा।"

Who is USS ALAF referred to. ???

In the next sentence, nirakar ShivBaba says mujhe Yaad karo toh varsa milega. ???

What is the difference between ALAF and ShivBaba.... Are they same or different personality. ??

Can anyone please explain.
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