SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 01.10.2020

बच्चे इस समय पुरूषार्थ कर रहे हैं। भल वेद-शास्त्र पढ़ते हैं, शिव की पूजा करते हैं - परन्तु बाप कहते हैं, इनसे कोई मेरे को प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि भक्ति है ही उतरती कला। ज्ञान से सद्गति होती है - तो जरूर कोई से उतरते भी होंगे। यह एक खेल है, जिसको कोई भी जानते नहीं। शिवलिंग को जब पूजते हैं, तो उनको ब्रह्म नहीं कहेंगे। तब कौन है जिसको पूजते हैं। उनको भी ईश्वर समझ पूजा करते हैं। तुम जब पहले-पहले भक्ति शुरू करते हो, तो शिवलिंग हीरे का बनाते हो। अभी तो गरीब बन गये हैं, तो पत्थर का बनाते हैं। ... पत्थरबुद्धि बन गये हैं तो पूजा भी पत्थर की करते हैं - ज्ञान बिगर।
“You children are now making effort. Although people study the Vedas and Scriptures, and worship Shiva, the Father says - no one can attain Me through any of that, because the ‘path of Devotion’ is the path of descending (DEGRADATION). There is Salvation through Knowledge - therefore, there must surely also be something through which you descend. This is a Play, which no one knows about. When they worship a lingam of Shiva, they do not call that the Brahm element. So, whom do they worship? They consider that to be God and worship Him. When you first began to perform Devotion, you made Shiva lingams of diamond. Then you became ‘poor’ and so you made them of stone. ... Now people have stone intellects, so they worship stone – without having (PROPER) Knowledge.”

SIMILARLY – during Confluence Age – the study of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advance knowledge – (which is the ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the FALSE Gita & FALSE Scriptures of the ‘path of Devotion’ of the outer world of Ravan Rajya) - is the path which leads towards DEGRADATION, which continues to keep the Unrighteous children trapped in body-consciousness! Therefore, they are UNABLE to have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE.
While, the Study of the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), is the path which leads to Salvation, which enables the Righteous Children to become soul-conscious, once again – through ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE!
ALL this is INCORPORATED and preordained within this EWD Play - which hardly anyone comprehends accurately!

When Devotion or Bhakti was ‘Satopradhan’, in the beginning of Copper Age, a Shiva lingam was made of PURE, TRANSPARENT, FLAWLESS diamond. As Devotion continued to become more and more ADULTERATED & DEGRADED, with the passage of time, Shiva lingams were made of Gold, Silver, Copper & Iron – when Devotion or Bhakti DEGRADED progressively from ‘Sato’, ‘Rajo’, ‘Rajopradhan’ to ‘Tamo’, respectively. Finally, towards the end of Iron Age, when people developed STONE intellects, and became COMPLETELY body-conscious, Devotion or Bhakti became COMPLETELY ‘Tamopradhan’, due to COMPLETE Spiritual poverty! All the images, pictures, idols, memorials and practices, which are currently available and prevalent in the outer world, are representative of ‘Tamopradhan Bhakti’, or ADULTERATED & DEGRADED Devotion – and NOT ‘Satopradhan Bhakti’, or UNADULTERATED Devotion!

The BLIND, Unrighteous children DELUSIVELY believe that the so-called ‘advanced knowledge’ – (which is ACTUALLY the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advance knowledge) – is given by Incorporeal God Father Shiva - owing to having developed DEGRADED STONE intellects, AFTER EXPOSURE of their intellects to same. But, in ACTUAL FACT, the same is INFLUENCED by the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan or Maya - who MASQUERADES as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Prajapita’, ‘Vishnu’, ‘Shankar’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, etc., during the latter part of Confluence Age!

सतयुग है श्रेष्ठ मनुष्यों की दुनिया। जानवर आदि सब श्रेष्ठ हैं। वहाँ माया रावण ही नहीं। वहाँ ऐसे कोई तमोगुणी जानवर होते नहीं। तुमको मालूम है - मोर-डेल है - वह विकार से बच्चा पैदा नहीं करते। उनको आंसू गिरता है, उसे डेल धारण करती है। नेशनल बर्ड कहते हैं। सतयुग में भी विकार का नाम नहीं। मोर का पंख, पहला नम्बर जो विश्व का प्रिन्स है श्रीकृष्ण, उनके माथे में लगाते हैं। कोई तो रहस्य होगा ना। तो यह सब बातें बाप रिफाइन कर समझाते हैं। वहाँ बच्चे कैसे पैदा होते हैं, वह तो तुम जानते हो। वहाँ विकार होते नहीं।
“The Golden Age is the world of elevated human beings. Even all the animals, etc,. there are elevated. Maya, Ravan, does not exist there. There are not any degraded animals there. You know that peacocks and peahens do not create offspring through vice. A peacock sheds a tear which the peahen picks up. The peacock is called the national bird (of India). There is no mention of vice in the Golden Age. They portray peacock feathers on the head of Shri Krishna, the number one Prince of the (New) World. There must be some significance in that. The Father explains all of these aspects to you in a refined way. You know how children will be born there (in Golden Age). There is no vice there.”

Just as there is no sexual interaction between a peacock and peahen to produce offspring – so also children are born without any sexual interaction, during RamRajya - the noble interaction being through tears of Pure Love & Divine Bliss!

बाप कहते हैं - साक्षात्कार से कोई कल्याण नहीं। यहाँ तो मुख्य है याद की यात्रा। जैसे पारा खिसक जाता है ना। याद भी घड़ी-घड़ी खिसक जाती है। कितना चाहते हैं, बाप को याद करें, फिर और-और ख्याल आ जाते हैं। इसमें ही तुम्हारी रेस है। ऐसे नहीं कि फट से पाप मिट जायेंगे। समय लगता है। कर्मातीत अवस्था हो जाए, तो फिर यह शरीर ही न रहे। परन्तु अभी कोई कर्मातीत अवस्था को नहीं पा सकते हैं। फिर उनको सतयुगी शरीर चाहिए।
“The Father says - there is no benefit in having visions. Here, the main aspect is the pilgrimage of Remembrance. Just as mercury slips away, in the same way, Remembrance also repeatedly slips away. No matter how much one wishes to Remember the Father, other thoughts emerge. It is in this Remembrance that you must race. It is not that your sins will be absolved instantly; it does take time. If you reached the ‘karmateet’ stage now, your body would not remain. However, no one can attain the ‘karmateet’ stage yet - if you did, you would need a (pure) body of Golden Age.”

When one achieves the ‘karmateet’ stage, then one has to leave the old impure body. Only then can one take a new pure body during Golden Age.
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 02.10.2020

शास्त्रों में दिखाते हैं - बड़ी प्रलय हुई। फिर नम्बरवन श्रीकृष्ण पीपल के पत्ते पर सागर में आया। अभी तुम क्या कहेंगे? नम्बरवन है यह श्रीकृष्ण, जिसको ही ‘श्याम-सुन्दर’ कहते हैं। दिखाते हैं - अंगूठा चूसता हुआ आया। बच्चा तो गर्भ में ही रहता है। तो पहले-पहले ज्ञान सागर से निकला हुआ उत्तम ते उत्तम पुरूष श्रीकृष्ण है। ज्ञान सागर से स्वर्ग की स्थापना होती है। उनमें नम्बरवन पुरूषोत्तम यह श्रीकृष्ण है; और यह है ज्ञान का सागर, पानी का नहीं। ... जैसे शिवबाबा को भी पुरूषोत्तम वा सर्वोत्तम कहते हैं ना। वह है ही परम आत्मा, परमात्मा। फिर पुरूषों में उत्तम हैं यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण।
“It is written in the Scriptures that there was a great annihilation, and that the number one, Shri Krishna, then came floating on a pipal leaf on the ocean. What would you say now? This Shri Krishna, whom you call ‘Shyam-Sundar’ (the ugly & beautiful one), is number one. It is shown that he came sucking his thumb. A baby remains in a womb. So, Shri Krishna (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani), who is the highest among all human beings, is the FIRST one to emerge from the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’ (Shiva). Heaven is established by the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, in which the NUMBER ONE most elevated being is Shri Krishna (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani); and this One (Shiva) is the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, NOT an ocean of water. ... Shiv Baba is called the most elevated, or highest One of all. He is the Supreme Soul, God. Then the highest among human beings are Lakshmi & Narayan.”

The highest among all human beings is Shri Krishna, who is the FIRST one to emerge from the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’ – who, himself, then becomes the very first Sovereign, Shri Narayan, in the beginning of the New World of Golden Age – along with Shri Lakshmi!

जैसे बाबा ने समझाया है - शिव और शंकर को मिलाया क्यों है? शंकर का तो इस सृष्टि में पार्ट ही नहीं है। शिव का, ब्रह्मा का, विष्णु का पार्ट है। ब्रह्मा और विष्णु का आलराउन्ड पार्ट है। शिवबाबा का भी इस समय पार्ट है, जो आकर ज्ञान देते हैं। फिर निर्वाणधाम में चले जाते हैं। बच्चों को जायदाद देकर खुद वानप्रस्थ में चले जाते हैं।
“For instance, Baba has explained to you how they have confused Shiva with Shankar. Shankar does not even have a part to play in this world. Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu have parts to play. Brahma and Vishnu have an all-round part. Shiv Baba only has a part at this time, and this is why He comes now and gives Knowledge. He then goes back to the ‘land of nirvana’. He gives the children all His property and He then goes into the stage of retirement.”

Shankar does not play any part in this corporeal world, through any corporeal body – like Shiva does!

तो बाबा ने समझाया कि यहाँ शंकर का कोई पार्ट नहीं है, बाकी प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो जरूर प्रजा का पिता हुआ ना। शिवबाबा को तो आत्माओं का पिता कहेंगे। वह है अविनाशी पिता, यह गुह्य बातें अच्छी रीति धारण करनी हैं। ...
अब शंकर के लिए कहते हैं, ‘शंकर आंख खोलते हैं तो विनाश होता है’, यह कहना भी ठीक नहीं है। बाप कहते हैं - न मैं विनाश कराता हूँ, न वह करते हैं, यह रांग है। देवतायें थोड़ेही पाप करेंगे।
“So, Baba has explained that Shankar DOES NOT have ANY part to play here. However, PrajaPita Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) is definitely the ‘Father of People’, is he not? Shiv Baba is called the Father of souls. He is the eternal Father. You have to imbibe these deep aspects very well. ...
They say of Shankar that ‘when Shankar opened his eye, destruction took place’. It is not right to say this. The Father says - neither do I enable destruction to be carried out, nor does Shankar carry out destruction. That is wrong. Deities would not commit sin.”

Destruction, or World Transformation, ACTUALLY takes place in ACCORDANCE with Drama – and CANNOT be DIRECTLY apportioned to the actions of either Shiva, or even Shankar!

ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय एक ही होता है, जो ईश्वर आकर खोलते हैं, जिससे सारी विश्व का कल्याण हो जाता है। तुम बच्चों को अब राइट और रांग की समझ मिलती है, और कोई मनुष्य नहीं जो समझता हो। राइट, रांग को समझाने वाला एक ही राइटियस होता है, जिसको ट्रूथ कहते हैं। बाप ही आकर हर एक को राइटियस बनाते हैं। राइटियस बनेंगे तो फिर मुक्ति में जाकर जीवनमुक्ति में आयेंगे।
“There is ONLY ONE Godly World University, which is founded by God, through which there is benefit for the whole world. You children now understand the difference between right and wrong. No other human beings understand this. There is ONLY ONE Righteous One, who explains to you about right and wrong, who is called the Truth. Only the Father comes and makes everyone righteous. When you have become righteous you will go into Liberation, and then into Liberation-in-Life.”

‘PrajaPita Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Godly World University’ is the ONLY ONE Spiritual World University, which is founded by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, through PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani!

ड्रामा को भी तुम बच्चे जानते हो। आदि से लेकर अन्त तक पार्ट बजाने नम्बरवार आते हो। यह खेल चलता ही रहता है। ड्रामा ‘शूट’ होता जाता है। यह एवर न्यु है। यह ड्रामा कभी पुराना नहीं होता है, और सब नाटक आदि विनाश हो जाते हैं। यह बेहद का अविनाशी ड्रामा है। इनमें सब अविनाशी पार्टधारी हैं। अविनाशी खेल वा माण्डवा देखो कितना बड़ा है।
“You children also know the Drama. You come down, number-wise, to play your parts from the beginning to the end. This play continues all the time, and the ‘shooting’ of Drama continues (to take place). This is ever new. This Drama never becomes old; all other plays, etc. perish. This Drama is unlimited and imperishable. Everyone in this is an imperishable actor. Look how big the eternal Play and Stage are!”

Since this is an IMPERISHABLE Eternal World Drama (EWD) Play, which continues to REPEAT IDENTICALLY, every Cycle, and Cycle after Cycle – therefore, the GENERAL ‘shooting’, or RECORDING, of this Drama can be deemed to take place CONTINUOUSLY, from the beginning, to the middle, to the end.
Nevertheless, the SPECIFIC ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the ENTIRE Drama, ONLY takes place during the Confluence Age, of EACH Cycle – which is considered to be the BLUEPRINT of the ENTIRE Eternal World Drama Play!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 03.10.2020

मीठे-मीठे रूहानी बच्चों प्रति रूहानी बाप समझाते हैं। रूहानी बाप का नाम क्या है? शिवबाबा। वह है ही भगवान, ‘बेहद का बाप’। मनुष्य को कभी ‘बेहद का बाप’ अथवा ‘ईश्वर’ वा ‘भगवान’ नहीं कहा जा सकता। नाम भल बहुतों के ‘शिव’ हैं, परन्तु वह सब देहधारी हैं इसलिए उनको भगवान नहीं कहा जा सकता।
“The Spiritual Father explains to the sweetest, Spiritual children. What is the Name of the Spiritual Father? Shiv Baba. He is ‘Bhagwan’ (God), the ‘Unlimited Father’. A human being can never be called the ‘Unlimited Father’, ‘Ishwar’ or ‘Bhagwan’ (God). Although many people have the name ‘Shiva’, they are all bodily beings. This is why they cannot be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God).”

NO human being can be called ‘Unlimited Father’, ‘Ishwar’ or ‘Bhagwan’ (God)!
One who calls himself ‘Bhagwan’, or EVEN implies to his followers that he is the ‘Unlimited Father’, ‘Ishwar’ or ‘Bhagwan’, is carrying out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap, or Ravan Rajya!

बाप पहले से ही समझाते हैं - कोई भी स्थूल वा सूक्ष्म देहधारी को ‘भगवान’ नहीं कह सकते। सूक्ष्म देहधारी सूक्ष्मवतनवासी ही ठहरे। उन्हों को देवता कहा जाता है। ऊंच ते ऊंच है ही भगवान, परमपिता। ऊंच ते ऊंच नाम है, ऊंच उनका गांव।
“From the beginning, the Father has explained that no corporeal, or subtle bodily being can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). Subtle bodily beings are residents of the Subtle Region; they are called (subtle) Deities. The Highest-on-High is ‘Bhagwan’ (God), the Supreme Father (Shiva). His Name is the Highest-on-High, and His place of residence is the highest.”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, who is the Highest-on-High, can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). EVEN the subtle Deities of the Subtle Region CANNOT be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God)!

अभी तुम बच्चे ही जानते हो, ब्रह्मा की सन्तान ब्राह्मण-ब्राह्मणी बनकर फिर देवता बनते हैं। कहते भी हैं, बाप आकर ब्राह्मण देवी-देवता धर्म की स्थापना करते हैं। यह समझ की बात है ना। हम ब्रह्मा की सन्तान भाई-बहन हो गये, तो कुदृष्टि कभी नहीं जानी चाहिए। उनको रोकना है। यह भी हमारी मीठी बहन है। वह लव रहना चाहिए। जैसे ब्लड कनेक्शन में लव रहता है, वह बदलकर रूहानी बन जाए।
“You children understand that the children of Brahma now become Brahmins (during Confluence Age) and then become Deities (in Golden Age). It is said that the Father comes and establishes the Brahmin and Deity religions. This is something to be understood. You Children of Brahma have become Brothers and Sisters. Therefore, there should not be any lustful vision. You have to prevent that. ‘This one is also my sweet Sister’ - there should be such Spiritual Love. Let the (body-conscious) love that there is in a blood connection change into Spiritual (soul-conscious) Love.”

The Children of Brahma, who are Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris, should not have any lustful (body-conscious) vision, but should have only Spiritual (soul-conscious) Love among themselves!

इसमें बहुत-बहुत मेहनत है - है भी सहज याद। अपने को आत्मा समझ, बाप को याद करना है। विकार की दृष्टि नहीं रख सकते। बाबा ने समझाया है - यह आंखें बहुत धोखा देने वाली हैं, उनको बदलना है। हम आत्मा हैं। अभी तो हम शिवबाबा के बच्चे हैं। एडाप्ट किये हुए भाई-बहन हैं। हम अपने को बी.के. कहलाते हैं। चलन में फ़र्क तो रहता है ना।
“Even though this is called easy Remembrance, it does require a lot of effort. You have to (FIRST) consider yourselves to be souls, and (THEN) Remember the (Incorporeal) Father. You must not have any vision of vice (of sex-lust). Baba has explained that your eyes deceive you a great deal; they have to be transformed. ‘I am a soul; at this time, we are Shiv Baba's children. We are Brothers and Sisters who have been adopted. We call ourselves Brahma Kumars and Kumaris.’ There will then be a difference in your behaviour (and conduct) .”

UNTIL one is able to FIRST consider oneself to be a soul, and THEN remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, ALONE - one will not be able to transform the lustful body-conscious vision into the Spiritual soul-conscious vision!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Avyakt Vani 29.03.1986, Revised on 04.10.2020

वैसे तो अव्यक्त रूप से, अव्यक्त स्थिति से, सदा का मिलन है ही और सदा रहेगा। लेकिन साकार रूप द्वारा मिलन का समय निश्चित करना पड़ता है, और इसमें समय की हद रखनी पड़ती है। अव्यक्त रूप के मिलन में समय की हद नहीं है - जो जितना चाहे मिलन मना सकते हैं। अव्यक्त शक्ति की अनुभूति कर, स्वयं को, सेवा को सदा आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं।
“Generally, there is a CONSTANT meeting in the ‘Avyakt’ form, with the ‘Avyakt’ stage anyway - and it will ALWAYS be there. However, the times for meeting in the corporeal form have to be fixed, and the limitations of time have to be considered for this. There are NO limitations of time in meetings in the ‘Avyakt’ form - each one of you can celebrate a meeting for as long as you want. By experiencing ‘Avyakt’ Power, you can make yourself, and Service constantly move forward.”

ब्रह्मा की रचना दो प्रकार की गाई हुई है। एक ब्रह्मा के मुख से ब्राह्मण निकले। और दूसरी रचना - ब्रह्मा ने संकल्प से सृष्टि रची। तो ब्रह्मा बाप ने कितने समय से श्रेष्ठ शक्तिशाली संकल्प किया! हैं तो बाप-दादा, दोनों ही - फिर भी रचना के लिए शिव की रचना नहीं कहेंगे। शिव वंशी कहेंगे। शिव-कुमार शिवकुमारी नहीं कहेंगे। ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारी कहेंगे। तो ब्रह्मा ने विशेष श्रेष्ठ संकल्प से आह्वान किया अर्थात् रचना रची। तो यह ब्रह्मा के शक्तिशाली संकल्प से, आवाह्न से साकार में पहुँच गये हैं।
“Two types of Brahma’s creation are remembered. First are the Brahmins who have emerged from the (Lotus) Mouth of Brahma. The other creation is the world (of Brahmins) which Brahma (as an instrument of Shiva) created with his thoughts. Father Brahma had elevated, powerful thoughts for such a long time. Although there are both (Shiv)Bap and (Brahma)Dada, the creation would not be called the creation of Shiva. You are called the dynasty of Shiva. You are not called Shiv Kumars and Shiv Kumaris. You are called Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris (BKs). So, Brahma especially invoked you with elevated thoughts, that is, he ‘created’ creation (as an instrument of Shiva). So, you have arrived here in corporeal forms through the invocations of powerful thoughts of Father Brahma.”

ब्रह्मा के शक्तिशाली संकल्प के कारण ब्रह्मा के चित्र को देखते ही, चेतन्यता का अनुभव होता है। चैतन्य सम्बन्ध के अनुभव से आगे बढ़ रहे हैं।
“Because of the powerful thoughts of Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani), as soon as you see the picture of Brahma, you experience it to be ‘living’. You are moving forward by experiencing a ‘living’ relationship.”
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 05.10.2020

शिवबाबा तो है सिखलाने वाला। उनको तो पुरूषार्थ नहीं करना है। ...
भक्ति मार्ग में भी ब्रह्म तत्व को, या कोई शिव को भी याद करते हैं। परन्तु वह याद कोई यथार्थ नहीं है। बाप का परिचय ही नहीं, तो याद कैसे करें? तुमको अब बाप का परिचय मिला है। सवेरे-सवेरे उठकर एकान्त में ऐसे अपने साथ बातें करते रहो। विचार सागर मंथन करो, बाप को याद करो।
“Shiv Baba is the One who is teaching you. He does not have to make effort. ...
On the ‘path of Devotion’, some remember the Brahm element, and others even remember Shiva, but that remembrance is NOT accurate. Since they do not have the (CORRECT) introduction of the Father, how could they remember Him (ACCURATELY)? You have now received the Father's introduction. Wake up early in the morning and continue to talk to yourself in this way, in solitude. Churn the Ocean of Knowledge and Remember the Father.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva DOES NOT have to make any effort to become Pure – He is EVER PURE!

Although many remember Shiva in the Supreme Abode or Brahmlok, on the ‘path of Devotion’ also – but their remembrance is NOT ACCURATE, since they DO NOT have the CORRECT introduction of Incorporeal God Father Shiva – and therefore their sins cannot get absolved through such INACCURATE remembrance.

While, the Righteous Children remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – in the Soul World, or Supreme Abode – WITH His CORRECT introduction - as a consequence of which their sins get absolved, they become Pure from being impure, and become worthy to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya - number-wise, in accordance with their Spiritual efforts made during Confluence Age!

बाप भी है परम आत्मा। उनको शरीर तो है नहीं। अभी इस शरीर में बैठ तुमको समझाते हैं। यह वन्डरफुल बात है। भागीरथ पर विराजमान होंगे - तो जरूर दूसरी आत्मा है। बहुत जन्मों के अन्त का जन्म इनका है। नम्बरवन पावन - वही फिर नम्बरवन पतित बनते हैं। वह अपने को भगवान, विष्णु आदि तो कहते नहीं।
“The Father is the Supreme Soul. He DOES NOT have a body of His own. He is now sitting in this body and explaining to you. This is a wonderful aspect. Since He becomes present in this ‘Lucky Chariot’ (body of Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani), there must definitely be another soul (Soul of Shiva). It is this one's last of many births. He (Brahma Baba) was the NUMBER ONE, Pure soul, who then became number one impure. He DOES NOT call himself ‘Bhagwan’ (God), Vishnu, etc.”

Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, is the NUMBER ONE Pure soul – among ALL embodied souls on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play – who, himself, becomes number one impure, after going right around the Cycle of 5000 years, by taking the FULL 84 births. Brahma Baba DOES NOT call himself ‘Bhagwan’, etc. - like other bodily gurus, who carry out the ‘shooting’ of ‘Shivohum’, HiranyaKashyap, or Ravan Rajya, by implying that they, themselves, are ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Vishnu’, etc.!

शान्ति में रह थोड़े अक्षर ही बोलने हैं। जास्ती आवाज़ नहीं। गीत, कविताएं आदि कुछ भी बाबा पसन्द नहीं करते। बाहर वाले मनुष्यों से रीस नहीं करनी है। तुम्हारी बात ही और है। अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करना है, बस! स्लोगन भी अच्छे हों, जो मनुष्य पढ़कर जागें।
“You should only speak a few words peacefully, and not come into sound too much. Baba does not like songs, poetry, etc. You must not have any conflict with the people from outside (who are not in this Knowledge). Everything of yours is totally different. Consider yourself to be a soul and Remember the Father. That's all! You should have very good slogans so that, when people read them, they will wake up (from their Spiritual slumber).”

While giving Knowledge to others, the Righteous Children should not have any conflict, confrontation, argument or debate with those who are still not in this Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge – with ACCURATE comprehension of same!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 06.10.2020

तुमको बाप ने पहचान दी है - मैं प्यार का सागर हूँ - और तुमको (मास्टर) प्यार का सागर बना रहा हूँ। बाप, प्यार का सागर, कितना सबको प्यारा लगता है। वहाँ (सतयुग में) भी सब एक-दो को प्यार करते हैं। यह तुम यहाँ (संगम युग में) सीखते हो। किसके साथ भी विरोध नहीं होना चाहिए, जिसको बाबा लून-पानी कहते हैं। अन्दर में किसके लिए नफरत नहीं होनी चाहिए। नफरत करने वाले कलियुगी नर्कवासी हैं। जानते हो हम सब भाई-बहन हैं। शान्तिधाम में हैं, तो भाई-भाई हैं। यहाँ जब कर्मक्षेत्र पर पार्ट बजाते हैं, तो बहन-भाई हैं। ईश्वरीय सन्तान हैं।
“The Father has given you His Re-Cognition, that He is the ‘Ocean of Love’ - and that He is making you into (Master) ‘Oceans of Love’. The Father, the ‘Ocean of Love’, is loved so much by everyone. There (in Golden Age), too, everyone has a lot of love for one another. You are learning this here (in Confluence Age). You must not oppose anyone - which, (in other words), Baba calls, becoming like salt-water. There should be no scorn within you for anyone. Those who have scorn for others are residents of Hell of Iron Age. You know that all of you are Brothers and Sisters. When you are in the ‘Land of Peace’ you are ‘Brothers’ (as souls). When you play your parts on this field of action you are Brothers and Sisters, the children of God.”

The Righteous Children should NOT have ANY scorn for ANYONE, NOT EVEN for the Unrighteous children – otherwise, they too would be considered to be the residents of Hell of Iron Age, instead of being the Godly children of Confluence Age!
The Righteous Children should ALWAYS have COMPASSIONATE & BENEVOLENT vision towards EVERYONE – PARTICULARLY towards the Unrighteous children of Confluence Age!

अगर बाप के मददगार नहीं बनते, प्यार नहीं करते, एक-दो से प्रीत नहीं है, विपरीत बुद्धि होकर रहते हैं, तो विनशन्ती हो जाते हैं। विप्रीत बुद्धि होना असुरों का काम है। अपने को ईश्वरीय सम्प्रदाय कहलाकर, फिर एक-दो को दु:ख देना, उनको असुर कहा जाता है। तुम बच्चों को किसी को भी दु:ख नहीं देना है। तुम हो ही ‘दु:ख हर्ता, सुख कर्ता’ बाप के बच्चे। तो दु:ख देने का ख्याल भी तुमको नहीं आना चाहिए। वह तो हैं ही आसुरी सम्प्रदाय, न कि ईश्वरीय सम्प्रदाय क्योंकि देह-अभिमानी हैं। वह कभी याद की यात्रा में रह न सकें। याद की यात्रा बिगर कल्याण होना नहीं है।
“If one does not become a helper of the Father, if one does not love others, but has a non-loving intellect, then one is led to destruction. It is the work of demons to sustain non-loving intellects. To call yourselves part of God's community, and then cause sorrow for one another, is to be called devilish. You children must not cause sorrow for anyone. You are the children of the Father who is the ‘Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness’. Therefore, you must NOT EVEN THINK of causing sorrow for anyone. They (those who cause sorrow for others – EVEN in their thoughts) are part of the Devil’s community, not part of God’s community, because they are body-conscious. They can never stay on the pilgrimage of Remembrance. Unless you stay on the pilgrimage of Remembrance, there cannot be any benefit.”

Those who still cause sorrow to ANYONE, EVEN in their thoughts, are STILL part of the Devil’s community of Iron Age – and NOT God’s community of Confluence Age. Such ones cannot stay on the pilgrimage of ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – and, therefore, they CANNOT claim the high status of a Sovereign during RamRajya!

तुमको तो यहाँ दैवीगुण ही धारण करने हैं। आसुरी चलन तो नहीं होनी चाहिए। निश्चय नहीं है, तो फिर बैठे-बैठे यह कह देते, ‘इनमें शिवबाबा आते हैं - हम तो नहीं समझते (मानते)’। माया का भूत आने से आपस में ऐसे कह देते। आपस में आसुरी स्वभाव वाले मिलते हैं - तो फिर ऐसे बोलने लग पड़ते हैं, आसुरी बातें ही मुख से निकलती हैं। बाप कहते हैं - तुम आत्मा रूप-बसन्त बनते हो। तुम्हारे मुख से रत्न ही निकलने चाहिए। अगर पत्थर निकलते हैं, तो गोया आसुरी बुद्धि ठहरे।
“You have to imbibe Divine virtues here. There must not be any devilish behaviour. When they do not have faith, they say – ‘we do not believe that Shiv Baba enters this one’ (Brahma Baba). When the evil spirit of Maya enters them, they talk like this among themselves. Those with devilish natures meet and continue to talk among themselves in this way - only devilish aspects emerge from their lips. The Father says - you souls are becoming ‘rup’ and ‘basant’, so only Jewels (of Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge) should emerge from your lips. If ‘stones’ (of ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advance knowledge) emerge, it means their intellects are devilish.”

ONLY Jewels of Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) should emerge from the lips of the Righteous Children, who are in the process of imbibing Divine virtues.
Whereas, ‘stones’ of ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advance knowledge (‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the FALSE Gita), emerge from the lips of Unrighteous children, who continue to have devilish natures!

यह है ही ज्ञान और भक्ति का खेल। अभी तुम बच्चों को सारी समझ मिलती है। ज्ञान है सुख का रास्ता, ज्ञान से सतयुग की राजाई मिलती है। इस समय राजा रानी तथा प्रजा सब नर्क के मालिक हैं।
“ This is a Play about Knowledge and Devotion. You children are now being made full of understanding. This Knowledge is the path to Happiness. You receive the Sovereignty of Heaven through this Knowledge. At this time, all kings, queens and subjects are the ‘masters of Hell’. ”

The Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), during Confluence Age, enables one to become Masters, or Sovereigns of Heaven, or RamRajya.
Whereas, the study of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advance knowledge (‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the FALSE Gita), during the latter part of Confluence Age, enables one to become masters, or sovereigns of Hell, or Ravan Rajya!

बाप सब बच्चों को सावधान करते हैं। कर्मातीत अवस्था अभी हो न सके। कर्मातीत अवस्था हो जाए, तो फिर शरीर छोड़ना पड़े - अभी कुछ न कुछ विकर्म रहे हुए हैं, हिसाब-किताब है, इसलिए योग पूरा नहीं लगता है। अभी कोई भी नहीं कह सकते कि हम कर्मातीत अवस्था में हैं। नज़दीक आने से फिर बहुत निशानियाँ दिखाई पड़ेंगी। सारा मदार तुम्हारी अवस्था पर, और विनाश पर है। तुम्हारी पढ़ाई पूरी होने पर होगी, तो फिर देखेंगे लड़ाई सिर पर खड़ी है।
“ The Father cautions all the children. The ‘karmateet’ stage cannot be attained now. If you attained the ‘karmateet’ stage, you would have to leave your bodies. As yet, some sins and karmic accounts still remain, which is why you are unable to have ACCURATE Yoga. None of you can say that you have now attained your ‘karmateet’ stage now. When you come closer, many signs of that will be visible. Everything depends on your stage, and on (the actual time of) destruction. When your study is about to end, you will see that the war is standing right ‘over your heads’. ”

The FINAL world ‘destruction’, or World Transformation, can commence ONLY when the Righteous Children have achieved their COMPLETE ‘karmateet’ stage, TOGETHER, number-wise!
Once one achieves one’s ‘karmateet’ stage, one has to leave this old, impure body – to then be able to take a pure new body in Golden Age!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 07.10.2020

बाप कहते हैं - सब बच्चे बेसमझ हो पड़े हैं, देह-अभिमान में आकर। फिर तुम बाप द्वारा देही-अभिमानी बनते हो, तो बिल्कुल समझदार बन जाते हो। कोई तो बन गये हैं, कोई पुरूषार्थ करते रहते हैं। आधाकल्प लगा है, बेसमझ बनने में। इस अन्तिम जन्म में फिर समझदार बनना है। आधाकल्प से बेसमझ होते-होते 100 प्रतिशत बेसमझ बन जाते हैं।
“The Father says - all the children have become senseless (during Ravan Rajya) by coming into body-consciousness. You are now being made soul-conscious by the Father, and you are therefore becoming completely sensible (during Confluence Age). Some have become this; whereas, others are making efforts (to become this). It has taken you half the Cycle (during Ravan Rajya) to become senseless. Now, in this last birth, you have to become sensible (during Confluence Age). For half the Cycle (during Ravan Rajya), you have gradually been becoming senseless, and you have now become one hundred per cent senseless (at the end of Iron Age)!”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva can change the children, from being COMPLETELY senseless, or body-conscious, to being COMPLETELY sensible, or soul-conscious – through His ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance.

अभी यह ब्रह्मा बैठे हैं - इनको मालूम पड़ा है कि हम सो नारायण था, फिर 84 जन्म भोगे। यह है नम्बरवन में। (ब्रह्मा) बाबा बतलाते हैं – ‘मेरी तो आंख ही खुल गई’। तुम भी कहेंगे – ‘हमारी तो आंखें ही खुल गई’। तीसरा नेत्र तो खुलता है ना। तुम कहेंगे हमको बाप का, सृष्टि चक्र का पूरा ज्ञान मिल गया है - ‘मैं जो हूँ, जैसा हूँ - मेरी आंखें खुल गई हैं’। कितना वन्डर है।
“Now, this Brahma (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) is sitting here; he now knows that he was Narayan (in his first birth), and that he has then taken (full) 84 births. This one (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) is NUMBER ONE (among ALL embodied human souls, within this EWD Play). (Brahma) Baba relates (his experience) – ‘my (Third) Eye opened’. You also would say – ‘our Eyes have (now) opened’; the Third Eye opens. You say that you have received the full Knowledge of the Father, and the world Cycle - ‘my Eyes have opened with the understanding of who I am, the way I am’. It is such a wonder!”

Just as the Third Eye of Brahma Baba opened after understanding the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), given ONLY THROUGH him, by Incorporeal God Father Shiva – the Divine Eyes of the Righteous Children also open after comprehending same, in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE!

तुमको सिद्ध करना है - ज्ञान का सागर, पतित-पावन, सर्व का सद्गति दाता, त्रिमूर्ति परमपिता परमात्मा शिव है। ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर तीनों का जन्म इकट्ठा है। सिर्फ शिवजयन्ती नहीं है, परन्तु त्रिमूर्ति शिव जयन्ती है। जरूर जब शिव की जयन्ती होगी, तो ब्रह्मा की भी जयन्ती होगी। शिव की जयन्ती मनाते हैं - परन्तु ब्रह्मा ने क्या किया? लौकिक, पारलौकिक और यह है अलौकिक बाप। यह है प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा।
“You have to prove that the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, the Purifier, the Bestower of Salvation for all, the Trinity (‘Trimurti’), Supreme Father Supreme Soul, is (Incorporeal) Shiva. The (Divine) births of (the Subtle Deities) Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar take place together. It is not just ‘Shiv Jayanti’, but ‘Trimurti Shiv Jayanti’. When it is Shiva’s birthday, it is also definitely Brahma’s birthday. People celebrate the birthday of Shiva, but what did Brahma do? There is a corporeal (lokik) father, the (‘Parlokik’) Father (from beyond), and then this unique (Alokik) Father (of Confluence Age). This one (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) is PrajaPita Brahma.”

Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, is the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL PrajaPita, or ‘Father of the People’ of the ENTIRE world of embodied human souls, within this EWD Play!

ALL others, who imply that they themselves are ‘Prajapita’, during Confluence Age - and whom their gullible followers DELUSIVELY believe to be their ‘Prajapita’ – are founders of PRINCIPAL religious ideologies, prevalent during Ravan Rajya, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’ – who would be considered to be IMPOSTORS, when compared to the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL PrajaPita Brahma of the ENTIRE Cycle, and the great-great-grandfather of ENTIRE humanity, who is the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, who then becomes the very first Prince, Shri Krishna, of the very beginning of Golden Age!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 08.10.2020

रूहानी बच्चे यह जानते हैं कि बेहद का बाप, जो टीचर भी है, हमको बहुत रुचि से पढ़ाते हैं। उस पढ़ाई में तो बाप अलग होता है, टीचर अलग होता है, जो पढ़ाते हैं। कोई-कोई का बाप ही टीचर होता है, जो पढ़ाते हैं, तो बहुत रुचि से पढ़ाते हैं क्योंकि फिर भी ब्लड कनेक्शन होता है ना। अपना समझकर बहुत रुचि से पढ़ाते हैं। यह बाप तुम्हें कितना रुचि से पढ़ाते होंगे - तो बच्चों को भी कितना रुचि से पढ़ना चाहिए।।
“You Spiritual children know that the Unlimited Father, who is also the Teacher, is teaching us with great delight. In other studies, your father is separate from the teacher who teaches you. Some children's father is also their teacher who teaches them. Therefore, he teaches them with great delight, because there is also that blood connection - he knows that that child belongs to him and he therefore teaches with great delight. This Father (Shiva) would also be teaching you with great delight. Therefore, you children should also Study with great delight.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva, who is ALSO the Teacher, TEACHES the Righteous Children with GREAT Spiritual DELIGHT, during Confluence Age - therefore, the Children should ALSO Study such a HIGHEST Study, with the greatest possible Spiritual delight!

ऐसे-ऐसे ख्यालात कई बच्चों को आते हैं - इस आवागमन से, दु:ख-सुख से छूट जायें। बाप कहते हैं - यह कभी हो नहीं सकता! मोक्ष पाने के लिए कोशिश करना ही वेस्ट हो जाता है। बाप ने समझाया है - एक भी आत्मा पार्ट से छूट नहीं सकती। आत्मा में अविनाशी पार्ट भरा है। वह है ही अनादि अविनाशी। बिल्कुल एक्यूरेट एक्टर्स हैं - एक भी कम जास्ती नहीं हो सकते। तुम बच्चों को सारी नॉलेज है। इस ड्रामा के पार्ट से कोई छूट नहीं सकता। न कोई मोक्ष पा सकता है।
“Many children have such thoughts - they want to be liberated from this coming and going, from happiness and sorrow. The Father says - this can never happen! It is useless to try to attain ETERNAL liberation (‘Moksha’). The Father has explained that not a single soul can be liberated from his part. An imperishable part is recorded in each soul. Souls are eternal and imperishable. The actors are absolutely accurate - there cannot be even one soul more, or one soul less. You children have all the Knowledge. No one can be liberated from playing his part in this Drama, nor can anyone attain ETERNAL liberation.”

Although many embodied human souls achieve Liberation (‘Mukti’) – NO ONE can achieve ETERNAL liberation (‘Moksha’)! Embodied souls have DEFINITELY to play their parts on this corporeal sphere - by taking maximum 84 births, and MINIMUM one birth!

अभी तुम पुजारी हो फिर पूज्य बनते हो। तुम्हारी आत्मा भी पूज्य, तो शरीर भी पूज्य बनता है। तुम्हारी आत्मा की भी पूजा होती है, फिर देवता बनते हो तो भी पूजा होती है। बाप तो है ही निराकार। वह सदैव पूज्य है। वह कभी पुजारी नहीं बनते हैं। तुम बच्चों के लिए कहा जाता है, ‘आपेही पूज्य आपेही पुजारी’। बाप तो एवर पूज्य है, यहाँ आकर बाप सच्ची सेवा करते हैं। सबको सद्गति देते हैं। बाप कहते हैं - अब मामेकम् याद करो। दूसरे कोई देहधारी को याद नहीं करना है।
“You are now worshipers and you will then become worthy-of-worship. When you souls are worthy-of-worship, your bodies too become worthy-of-worship. You are worshiped in the form of souls; and then, because you become Deities, you are also worshiped (in your Deity forms). The Father is (always) Incorporeal, and He is, therefore, ALWAYS worthy-of-worship. He never becomes a worshiper. It is of you children that it is said – ‘you are worthy-of-worship and you are also worshipers’. The Father is ever worthy-of-worship. The Father comes here and does the TRUE (altruistic) Service of granting everyone Salvation. The Father says - now constantly Remember Me alone. Do not remember any bodily beings.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva is ALWAYS worthy-of-worship – since He DOES NOT come into the cycle of birth and death - and hence, He DOES NOT become a worshiper, like other embodied human souls!

भक्ति मार्ग में मनुष्य कितना फंसे रहते हैं। कोई ने ग्रंथ पढ़ लिया, ख्याल आया, मन्दिर बना लिया, बस ग्रंथ बैठ सुनायेंगे। बहुत मनुष्य आ जाते, बहुत फालोअर्स बन जाते हैं। फायदा तो कुछ भी नहीं होता। बहुत दुकान निकल गये हैं। अब यह सब दुकान खत्म हो जायेंगे। यह दुकानदारी सारी भक्ति मार्ग में है, इनसे बहुत धन कमाते हैं। ... यह सब ड्रामा मे नूँध है।
“People are trapped so much on the ‘path of Devotion’. Someone studied the Granth, and had the thought of building a temple, to sit there and relate the Granth. Many people go there, and many become followers, but there is no benefit in that. Many ‘shops’ have emerged. All of those ‘shops’ will now be destroyed. All of that ‘shop-keeping’ exists on the ‘path of Devotion’, and they earn plenty of money through that. ... All of this is fixed in Drama.”

SIMILARLY, in the latter part of Confluence Age - when the ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the ‘path of Devotion’ takes place WITHIN the Yagya - many different spiritual ‘shops’, or Groups emerge, which attempt to propagate the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) of Incorporeal God Father Shiva - originally given ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba, in the form of Sakar Murlis (SMs) & Avyakt Vanis (AVs) – ACCORDING to their OWN understanding - which is in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the CORRESPONDING, progressively DEGRADING CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya – which serve as the BLUEPRINT within Confluence Age, to re-create and sustain the CORRESPONDING MAIN religious ideologies, which emerge gradually during the ‘Night of the Cycle’, or during Ravan Rajya!
ALL of this is incorporated within this Eternal World Drama (EWD) Play!

बाप बैठ सब बातें समझाते हैं। इनको (ब्रह्मा को) भी पहले-पहले विष्णु का साक्षात्कार हुआ, तो बहुत खुश हो गया। वह भी जब देखा कि मैं महाराजा बनता हूँ। विनाश भी देखा, फिर राजाई का भी देखा, तब निश्चय बैठा - ओहो! मैं तो विश्व का मालिक बनता हूँ। बाबा की प्रवेशता हो गई। बस बाबा, यह सब आप ले लो, हमको तो विश्व की बादशाही चाहिए। तुम भी यह सौदा करने आये हो ना?
“The Father sits here and explains all aspects. At first, this one (Brahma Baba) had visions of Vishnu, and he became very happy. He saw that he was going to become an Emperor; he also had a vision of destruction, and then a vision of his Sovereignty; then he had the faith – ‘Oho! I am going to become the Master (Sovereign) of the World’. (Shiv) Baba entered him. ‘OK Baba, You take all of this, I just want the Sovereignty of the World’. You too have come here to make this bargain, have you not?”

When Incorporeal God Father Shiva entered Brahma Baba and gave him visions of destruction of the old world, and of his Sovereignty of the New World – then, Brahma Baba had full faith, so he surrendered EVERYTHING to ShivBaba, and became a COMPLETE ‘beggar’ during Confluence Age, to become the FIRST Prince of Golden Age – ‘beggar to Prince’!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 09.10.2020

बाप कहते हैं - ड्रामा अनुसार सब कुछ होता है, मैं कुछ भी करता नहीं हूँ। मैं भी ड्रामा के बंधन में बांधा हुआ हूँ। सिर्फ तुम बाप को याद करने से सर्वशक्तिमान् बन जाते हो। पवित्र बनने से तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बन जाते हो। बाप सर्वशक्तिमान् है, उनको सिखलाना होता है। बच्चे, मुझे याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश हो जायेंगे - फिर सर्वशक्तिमान् बन विश्व पर राज्य करेंगे।
“The Father says - everything takes place in ACCORDANCE with Drama - I do not do anything (new – or, for the very first time). I, too, am bound in the bondage of Drama. Just by Remembering the Father you become an ‘almighty authority’ (in accordance with Drama). By remaining Pure, you become ‘satopradhan’ from ‘tamopradhan’. The Father is the Almighty Authority - He has to teach you (in accordance with Drama). (He says) children, remember Me and your sins will be absolved. You will then become (Master) ‘almighty authorities’ and rule the World (in accordance with Drama).”


शक्ति नहीं होगी तो राज्य कैसे करेंगे। शक्ति मिलती है योग से - इसलिए भारत का प्राचीन योग बहुत गाया जाता है। तुम बच्चे नम्बरवार याद कर और खुशी में आते हो। तुम जानते हो हम आत्मायें बाप को याद करने से विश्व पर राज्य प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। कोई की ताकत नहीं जो छीन सके।
“If you do not receive (Spiritual) Power, how would you govern? You receive Power by having Yoga - this is why the ancient Yoga of Bharat has been remembered. You children have Remembrance, number-wise, and you experience Happiness accordingly. You souls know that you can attain the Sovereignty of the World by Remembering the Father. No one has the power to snatch that away from you.”

ONLY by studying the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and by remaining in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – can one receive Spiritual Power and become Pure - which enables one to become a Sovereign during RamRajya, number-wise!

झाड़ में भी कितना क्लीयर है। बाबा ने कैसे साक्षात्कार कराए, फिर चित्र बैठ बनवाये हैं। बाबा ने ही साक्षात्कार कराया - और फिर करेक्ट भी किया। कितना वण्डर है। सारी नई नॉलेज है। किसको भी इस नॉलेज का पता नहीं है। बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं, मनुष्य कितना तमोप्रधान बनते जाते हैं। मनुष्य सृष्टि बढ़ती जाती है। भक्ति भी वृद्धि को पाते-पाते तमोप्रधान बनती जाती है।
“Everything is so clear in the picture of the Tree. Look, how (Shiv)Baba granted visions, and had the pictures (of Knowledge) made. (Shiv)Baba granted those visions – and then, He also had them corrected (progressively). It is such a wonder! All of this Knowledge is new. No one knows of this Knowledge. Only the Father sits and explains how human beings continue to become ‘tamopradhan’. The human world population continues to grow. Devotion (‘Bhakti’) also continues to become ‘tamopradhan’ (from ‘satopradhan’) as it progresses.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva had the various pictures of Knowledge made, by granting visions; and He then, had them CORRECTED progressively, as required!

Devotion, or ‘Bhakti’, is ‘satopradhan’ in the beginning of Copper Age - which then gradually continues to DEGRADE, to become ‘tamopradhan’ by the end of Iron Age!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 10.10.2020

बाप खुद कहते हैं - मैं कैसे साधारण पतित तन में, बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में आता हूँ। इनके ही बहुत जन्म हैं। यह अब मेरा बना है, तो इस रथ द्वारा तुमको समझाता हूँ। यह अपने जन्मों को नहीं जानते हैं। भागीरथ यह है, इनके भी वानप्रस्थ अवस्था में मैं आता हूँ।
“The Father Himself says - I enter an ORDINARY, impure body at the end of his many births. The many births are of this one (Brahma Baba). This one now belongs to Me, and so I explain through this Chariot (body of Brahma Baba). This one does not know his own births. He is the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagirath’), and I enter him in his stage of retirement.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva gives the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), to the Righteous Children – ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, who is the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagirath’) - when he is in his stage of retirement!

बाप कहते हैं - मैं तुमको पढ़ाता हूँ, तुम सिर्फ मामेकम् याद करो। इस रथ द्वारा तुमको सिर्फ कहता हूँ कि मुझे याद करो। रथ को थोड़ेही याद करना है। ... बाप कहते हैं - देह सहित, सभी सम्बन्धों से बुद्धि का योग तोड़ो। अपनी देह भी छोड़ी, तो बाकी रही आत्मा। अपने को आत्मा समझ, मुझ बाप को याद करो।
“The Father says - I am teaching you. You must simply, Remember Me alone. I simply tell you through this Chariot (of Brahma Baba) to Remember Me alone. You must not remember the Chariot. ...
The Father says – break the Yoga of your intellect away from your body, and all your bodily relations. Once you have renounced your body, just the soul remains. Consider yourself to be a soul, and Remember Me, your Father.”

Since the Righteous Children must FIRST FORGET their OWN body, to be able to stay in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – therefore, the question of Remembering Him within ANY other corporeal, or subtle body of ANY embodied soul, DOES NOT ARISE!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Avyakt Vani 31.03.1986, Revised on 11.10.2020

विशेष रूप में, ‘शुद्ध संकल्प की शक्ति’ से, ‘जमा का खाता’ और बढ़ाना है। ‘शुद्ध संकल्प की शक्ति’ का विशेष अनुभव, अभी और अन्तर्मुखी बन, करने की आवश्यकता है। ‘शुद्ध संकल्पों की शक्ति’ सहज व्यर्थ संकल्पों को समाप्त कर, दूसरों के प्रति भी ‘शुभ भावना, शुभ कामना के स्वरूप’ से परिवर्तन कर सकते हैं। अभी इस ‘शुद्ध संकल्प के शक्ति’ का विशेष अनुभव सहज ही व्यर्थ संकल्पों को समाप्त कर देता है - न सिर्फ अपने व्यर्थ संकल्प लेकिन आपके शुद्ध संकल्प, दूसरों के प्रति भी ‘शुभ भावना, शुभ कामना के स्वरूप’ से परिवर्तन कर सकते हैं। अभी इस शुद्ध संकल्प के शक्ति का स्टॉक (stock) स्वयं के प्रति भी जमा करने की बहुत आवश्यकता है।
“You especially have to FURTHER INCREASE your ‘account of accumulation’, with the ‘Power of Pure thoughts’. There is now a need to have the special experience of the ‘Power of Pure thoughts’, by becoming EVEN MORE introverted. With the ‘Power of Pure thoughts’ you can EASILY FINISH your waste thoughts, and with your ‘form of good wishes and pure feelings’ you can bring about transformation in others also. The special experience of the ‘Power of Pure thoughts’ will now EASILY FINISH all waste thoughts - not just your own waste thoughts, but with your ‘form of good wishes and pure feelings’, your Pure thoughts can bring about transformation in OTHERS ALSO. There is now a GREAT NEED to accumulate a stock of these Pure thoughts for your OWN self.”

समय प्रमाण, जितना वायुमण्डल अशान्ति और हलचल का बढ़ता जा रहा है, उसी प्रमाण बुद्धि की लाइन बहुत क्लीयर होनी चाहिए - क्योंकि समय प्रमाण, टचिंग (TOUCHING) और कैचिंग (CATCHING), इन दो शक्तियों की आवश्यकता है। एक तो बापदादा के डायरेक्शन को बुद्धि द्वारा कैच (CATCH) कर सको। अगर लाइन क्लीयर नहीं होगी, तो बाप के डायरेक्शन साथ, मनमत भी मिक्स (MIX) हो जाती। और मिक्स होने के कारण, समय पर धोखा खा सकते हैं। जितनी बुद्धि स्पष्ट होगी, उतना बाप के डायरेक्शन को स्पष्ट कैच (CATCH) कर सकेंगे। और जितना बुद्धि की लाइन क्लीयर होगी, उतना स्वयं की उन्नति प्रति, सेवा की वृद्धि प्रति, और सर्व आत्माओं के दाता बन देने की शक्तियां, सहज बढ़ती जायेंगी - और टचिंग (TOUCHING) होगी, इस समय, इस आत्मा के प्रति सहज सेवा का साधन, वा स्व-उन्नति का साधन, यही यथार्थ है। तो वर्तमान समय प्रमाण, यह दोनों शक्तियों की बहुत आवश्यकता है। इसको बढ़ाने के लिए, ‘एकनामी’ और ‘एकानामी’ (ECONOMY) वाले बनना। एक बाप दूसरा न कोई!
“According to the time, to the extent that the atmosphere of peacelessness and upheaval is increasing, to that extent, the line of your intellect has to be VERY CLEAR – because, according to the time, the two Powers of ‘TOUCHING’ and ‘CATCHING’ are VERY ESSENTIAL. Firstly, you must be able to ‘CATCH’ the directions of BapDada with your intellect. If the line (of your intellect) is not clear, then the dictates of your own mind also get MIXED with the directions of BapDada. Then, because of them getting MIXED, you could be DECEIVED at that (particular) time. The CLEARER your intellect is, the MORE CLEARLY you will be able to CATCH the directions of BapDada. The CLEARER the line of your intellect is, the more easily the powers - for your OWN self-progress, for growth in Service, and for being a bestower and giving to ALL souls - will EASILY continue to increase – and you will receive a TOUCHING, that at this (particular) time, ONLY this is the ACCURATE method, for EASILY serving a particular soul, and for self-progress. So, according to the present time, both these powers are MOST ESSENTIAL. In order to increase them, you have to become one who is economical (‘Ekanami’ – ‘Economy’), and one who belongs to (ONLY) One (‘Eknami’) – ONE Father and NONE other!”

‘एक बाप दूसरा न कोई’ - इसको कहते हैं ‘एकनामी’; और ‘एकॉनामी’ (ECONOMY) क्या है? सिर्फ स्थूल धन की बचत को ‘एकॉनामी’ नहीं कहते। वह भी जरूरी है - लेकिन समय भी धन है, संकल्प भी धन है, शक्तियां भी धन हैं - इन सबकी ‘एकॉनामी’। व्यर्थ नहीं गँवाओ। ‘एकॉनामी’ करना अर्थात् ‘जमा का खाता’ बढ़ाना। ‘एकनामी’ और ‘एकॉनामी’ के संस्कार वाले यह दोनों शक्तियां (टचिंग और कैचिंग) का अनुभव कर सकेंगे। और यह अनुभव विनाश के समय नहीं कर सकेंगे - यह अभी से अभ्यास चाहिए। तब समय पर, इस अभ्यास के कारण, अन्त में श्रेष्ठ मत और गति को पा सकेंगे।
“To belong to ‘ONE Father and NONE other’ is to be ‘Eknami’ (being constantly in the Company of One). What is ‘Economy’ (‘Ekanami’)? Just saving physical wealth is NOT ‘Economy’. That is also necessary - but time, thoughts and powers are also wealth - and there has to be ‘Economy’ in all of these. Do not waste them. To be economical means to increase your ‘account of accumulation’. Those who have the ‘sanskars’ of ‘Eknami’ and ‘Economy’ will be able to experience both these Powers (of ‘TOUCHING’ and ‘CATCHING’). You WILL NOT be able to experience these (only) at the time of destruction - this practice is required to be made from NOW (onwards). Only by having this practice (from NOW onwards) will you be able to receive elevated directions at the end, and Liberation at the right time.”

In order to INCREASE the TWO most ESSENTIAL Powers of ‘TOUCHING’ and ‘CATCHING’, we have to become ones who CONSTANTLY belong to ONLY ONE Father and NONE other - and also CONSERVE our REAL wealth of time, thoughts and Spiritual Powers, AS MUCH AS possible, from NOW onwards!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 12.10.2020

कितना बड़ा बाप है। कहते हैं - तुम बच्चे मेरे मददगार हो। तुम मददगार नहीं होते, तो हम स्वर्ग की स्थापना कैसे करते? बाप समझाते हैं - बच्चे, अभी तुम मददगार बनो - फिर हम तुमको ऐसा बनाते हैं, जो कोई की मदद लेने की दरकार ही नहीं रहेगी; तुमको कोई के राय की भी दरकार नहीं रहेगी।
“He is such a GREAT Father! He says - you children are My helpers. If you were not My helpers, how would I be able to establish Heaven? The Father says - children, you become My helpers now – then I make you such, that you will not need to take anyone's help; you will not even need to take anyone's advice.”

Those Righteous Children who become the Father’s helpers, and follow His Shrimat, number-wise, during Confluence Age, DO NOT need to take help from anyone, nor do they need to take any advice from anyone, when they become the Sovereigns, number-wise, during RamRajya!

सपूत बच्चों पर ही बाप का प्यार होता है। जो कपूत होते हैं अर्थात् बाप का बनकर फिर ट्रेटर बन जाते हैं, विकार में चले जाते हैं, तो बाप कहेंगे - ऐसा बच्चा तो नहीं जन्मता तो अच्छा था। एक के कारण कितना नाम बदनाम हो जाता है। कितने को तकलीफ होती है। यहाँ तुम कितना ऊंच काम कर रहे हो। विश्व का उद्धार कर रहे हो ..
“Only the Righteous (worthy) Children are Loved by the Father. The Father says of the children who are Unrighteous (unworthy), that is, those who belong to the Father and then become TRAITORS by indulging in vice - it would have been better if such a child had not been born! Because of one, the names of so many are defamed, and so many experience difficulty. You are performing such an elevated task here! You are uplifting the world ..”

SIMILARLY, during Confluence Age – many Righteous Children get defamed, and experience difficulty in performing TRUE Spiritual Service of disseminating the Pure, UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – on account of the BLIND, Unrighteous children, who first belong to the Father, and THEN become TRAITORS - by getting attracted to the SUBTLE Vice of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the FALSE Gita) – and then blatantly propagating same, in order to beguile and attract many more unwary Brahmin souls into their fold!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 13.10.2020

हर एक चीज़ पहले सतोप्रधान फिर सतो-रजो-तमो में आती है। छोटे बच्चे को सतोप्रधान कहेंगे। छोटे बच्चे को महात्मा से भी ऊंच कहा जाता है। महात्मायें तो जन्म लेते, फिर बड़े होकर विकारों का अनुभव करके घरबार छोड़ भागते हैं। छोटे बच्चे को तो विकारों का पता नहीं है। बिल्कुल इनोसेंट हैं, इसलिए महात्मा से भी ऊंच कहा जाता है।
“EVERYTHING is at first ‘satopradhan’, and it then goes through the stages of ‘sato’, ‘rajo’ and ‘tamo’. Young children are called ‘satopradhan’. Young children are said to be more elevated than great souls (‘mahatmas’). Mahatmas take birth, grow up and experience the vices, and then leave home. Small children do not know anything about vice (of sex-lust); they are completely innocent. This is why they are said to be more elevated than ‘mahatmas’.”

Since little children have no AWARENESS of the vice of sex-lust, they are considered to be more ELEVATED than the ‘mahatmas’, who STILL have awareness of same, even though they are not physically involved with same!

भारतवासियों को यह पता नहीं है कि राधे-कृष्ण आपस में क्या लगते थे। दोनों ही अलग-अलग राजाई के थे। फिर स्वयंवर बाद लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनते हैं। यह सब बातें बाप ही आकर समझाते हैं। अब तुम पढ़ते ही हो स्वर्ग का प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज बनने के लिए। प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज का जब स्वयंवर होता है, तब फिर नाम बदलता है।
“The people of Bharat do not know what the relationship of Radhe and Krishna is. Each comes from a DIFFERENT kingdom. Then, after their coronation, they become Lakshmi & Narayan. The Father, Himself, comes and explains all of these aspects. You are now studying to become the Princes and Princesses of Heaven. It is at the time of the coronation of the Prince and Princess that their names are changed.”

Radhe and Krishna are NOT born to the same set of parents – they are NOT sister and brother; each comes from a DIFFERENT kingdom - and after their coronation they become the very first Sovereigns of Golden Age, Shri Lakshmi & Shri Narayan!

आजकल दुनिया में बहुत गन्द है। सबसे गन्दी बीमारी है बाइसकोप (cinema)। अच्छे बच्चे भी बाइसकोप में जाने से खराब हो पड़ते हैं, इसलिए बी.के. को बाइसकोप में जाना मना है। हाँ, जो मजबूत हैं, उनको बाबा कहते हैं - वहाँ भी तुम सर्विस करो। उनको समझाओ – ‘यह तो है हद का बाइसकोप, एक बेहद का बाइसकोप भी है। बेहद के बाइसकोप से ही फिर यह हद के झूठे बाइसकोप निकले हैं’।
“ Nowadays, there is a lot of degradation in the world. The worst sickness of all is the cinema. Even good children get spoilt by going to the cinema, which is why BKs are forbidden to go to the cinema. However, for those who are strong, Baba says - do Service there also; explain to them – ‘that cinema is limited; there is also an unlimited cinema; those limited and false cinemas started from the unlimited cinema’. ”

LIKEWISE, during Confluence Age – the FALSE, and most DEGRADING ‘cinemas’ of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the FALSE Gita), emerge from the TRUE, and most ELEVATING ‘cinema’ of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita)!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

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Sakar Murli, Revised on 14.10.2020

अब बाप कहते हैं - अपने को आत्मा समझो। ऐसे नहीं कि ‘आत्मा सो परमात्मा’ – नहीं! अपने को आत्मा समझ परमपिता परमात्मा शिव को याद करना है। याद की यात्रा मुख्य है, जिससे ही तुम पतित से पावन बनते हो। ... मूल बात है - अपने को आत्मा समझ, बाप को याद करना। तुम आधाकल्प से हिरे हुए हो - देह-अभिमान में रहने के। पहले अपने को आत्मा समझेंगे, तब बाप को याद कर सकेंगे।
“The Father says - now consider yourselves to be souls. It is NOT that a soul is the Supreme Soul – NO! Consider yourselves to be souls and Remember the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva. The pilgrimage of Remembrance, through which you become Pure from impure, is the main aspect. ... The main aspect is to (FIRST) consider yourself to be a soul, and (THEN) Remember the Father. You have developed the habit of body-consciousness during half the Cycle. When you FIRST consider yourself to be a soul - will you, THEN, be ABLE to Remember the Father.”

NO embodied human soul can be considered to be the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’).
ONLY when one is FIRST ABLE to EXPERIENCE the self as a soul – as a Point source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – will one be ABLE to EXPERIENCE Supreme Soul (Shiva) – ALSO as a POINT source of Vibrant, Luminous Spiritual Light Energy – and ONLY through such ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance can the sins of many births get incinerated, and can the soul become Pure from being impure, once again!

तुम राजयोग सीख रहे हो - जानते हो आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म का फाउन्डेशन लग रहा है। सूर्यवंशी-चन्द्रवंशी दोनों राजाई स्थापन हो रही हैं। ब्राह्मण कुल स्थापन हो चुका है। ब्राह्मण ही फिर सूर्यवंशी-चन्द्रवंशी बनते हैं। जो अच्छी रीति मेहनत करेंगे, वह सूर्यवंशी बनेंगे। और धर्म वाले जो आते हैं, वह आते ही हैं अपने धर्म की स्थापना करने। पीछे उस धर्म की आत्मायें आती रहती हैं, धर्म की वृद्धि होती जाती है।
“You are studying RajYog. You know that the foundation of the original, eternal, Deity religion is being laid. The Sun Dynasty and Moon Dynasty Kingdoms are being established. The Brahmin clan has been established; and it is Brahmins, themselves, who will then become part of the Sun and Moon Dynasties. Those who make effort very well will become part of the Sun Dynasty. Other founders of religions simply come to establish their own religion. Then, later, the souls of that religion continue to follow them down, as their religion continues to expand.”

समझो कोई क्रिश्चियन है, तो उन्हों का बीजरूप क्राइस्ट ठहरा। तुम्हारा बीजरूप कौन है? बाप - क्योंकि बाप ही आकर स्वर्ग की स्थापना करते हैं, ब्रह्मा द्वारा। ब्रह्मा को ही प्रजापिता कहा जाता है। रचता नहीं कहेंगे। इन द्वारा बच्चे एडाप्ट किये जाते हैं। ब्रह्मा को भी तो क्रियेट करते हैं ना? बाप आकर प्रवेश कर यह रचते हैं। शिवबाबा कहते हैं - तुम मेरे बच्चे हो। ब्रह्मा भी कहते हैं - तुम मेरे साकारी बच्चे हो।
“For instance, the ‘seed-form’ (‘bijrup’) of the Christian religion is Christ. Who is your ‘Seed-Form’ (‘BijRup’)? The Father (Incorporeal Shiva) - because He, Himself, comes and establishes Heaven, through Brahma. Brahma, himself, is called ‘PrajaPita’ (‘Father of the People’). He is not called the ‘Creator’. Children are adopted through him. Brahma too is created, is he not? The Father (Shiva) comes and enters him and creates (Brahma and the Brahmin children – through Brahma’s Lotus Mouth). Shiv Baba says - you are My (Spiritual) children. Brahma also says - you are my corporeal children.”

Incorporeal Supreme Soul Shiva comes from the Soul World, and enters the impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba, or soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, during Confluence Age, and creates him, as well as the Brahmin children, through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma, himself, who takes the COMPLETE 84 births and goes right around the Cycle – and who THEN becomes the FIRST Sovereign, Shri Narayan, of Golden Age.
Therefore, Shiva is the ‘Seed-Form’ (‘BijRup’) of the TRUE Brahmin religion – and Shiva is ALSO considered as the ‘Seed-Form’ of the ENTIRE Tree of Humanity; and Brahma Baba is the ‘PrajaPita’ of the Brahmin religion – and he is ALSO considered as the ‘PrajaPita’, and the great-great-grandfather, of ENTIRE humanity!

Incorporeal soul of Christ also comes from the Soul World, and enters the impure corporeal body of Jesus of Nazareth, during Ravan Rajya, and establishes the Christian religion, through Jesus, who takes the COMPLETE 84 births and goes right around the Cycle – and who THEN becomes one of the Sovereigns, Shri Narayan, of Golden Age.
Therefore, Christ is the ‘seed-form’ (‘bijrup’) of the Christian religion – and Christ is ALSO considered as the ‘seed-form’ of ONLY the Christian Branch of the Tree of Humanity; and Jesus is the ‘prajapita’ of the Christian religion – and he is ALSO considered as the ‘prajapita’ of ONLY the Christian Branch of the Tree of Humanity, during Ravan Rajya.

Other MAJOR, or PRINCIPAL, religions of Ravan Rajya are also established likewise, by their RESPECTIVE incorporeal ‘seed-form’ souls - through their RESPECTIVE corporeal ‘prajapitas’, who THEN become one of the Sovereigns, Shri Narayan, of Golden Age!

यहाँ जो अच्छा पुरूषार्थ करते हैं, तो जरूर अच्छे कुल में जन्म लेते होंगे। नम्बरवार तो हैं ना। जैसे-जैसे कर्म करते हैं ऐसा जन्म लेते हैं। जब बुरे कर्म करने वाले बिल्कुल खत्म हो जाते हैं, फिर स्वर्ग स्थापन हो जाता है - छांटछूट होकर। तमोप्रधान जो भी हैं वह खत्म हो जाते हैं। फिर नये देवताओं का आना शुरू होता है। जब भ्रष्टाचारी सब खत्म हो जाते हैं, तब कृष्ण का जन्म होता है, तब तक बदली-सदली होती रहती है। जब कोई छी-छी नहीं रहेगा तब कृष्ण आयेगा, तब तक तुम आते जाते रहेंगे।
“Those who make good efforts here (during Confluence Age), would definitely take (their next) birth in good homes. All are number-wise. You take birth according to the actions you perform. Heaven will be established when those who perform bad actions no longer remain – after getting sorted out. Everyone who is ‘tamopradhan’ will leave, and the new Deities will then begin to come down. After all of the corrupt ones have left, it is then that Krishna takes birth. Until then, there continues to be change. Krishna will come when no impure ones remain. Until then, you will continue to come and go.”

Shri Krishna can take birth ONLY when ALL the impure souls, in impure bodies (who are NOT in the Knowledge) leave.
But those who are PROPORTIONATELY Pure (who have taken this Knowledge), but who are STILL within their impure corporeal bodies, have to remain back, in order to receive and sustain the COMPLETELY Pure souls who come and take pure bodies!

कृष्ण को रिसीव (receive) करने वाले माँ-बाप भी पहले से चाहिए ना। फिर सब अच्छे-अच्छे रहेंगे, बाकी चले जायेंगे - तब ही उसको स्वर्ग कहा जायेगा। तुम कृष्ण को रिसीव करने वाले रहेंगे। भल तुम्हारा छी-छी जन्म होगा क्योंकि रावण राज्य है ना। शुद्ध जन्म तो हो न सके। गुल-गुल (पवित्र) जन्म कृष्ण का ही पहले-पहले होता है। उसके बाद नई दुनिया, ‘बैकुण्ठ’ कहा जाता है। कृष्ण बिल्कुल गुल-गुल नई दुनिया में आयेंगे। रावण सम्प्रदाय बिल्कुल खत्म हो जायेगी।
“Krishna's parents will be needed in advance to receive him. At that time, only good ones (who are PROPORTIONATELY Pure, and who have been in this Knowledge) will remain; everyone else (who have NOT been in this Knowledge) will have left - ONLY then will it be called Heaven (‘Satyug’). Only you (PROPORTIONATELY Pure souls, in impure bodies) who receive Krishna will remain. You would have taken impure births (through physical union) because this was still Ravan's kingdom (when you took birth); yours CANNOT be a pure birth (body). ONLY Shri Krishna can take the FIRST Pure birth. After that, the world is called the New World of Paradise (‘Satyug’, or ‘Golden Age’). Krishna will come in the completely beautiful New World. Ravan's community (impure souls in impure bodies, who have NOT been in this Knowledge) will have been completely destroyed.”

ONLY WHEN ALL the impure souls, in impure bodies, who have NOT been in this Knowledge, have left, can Shri Krishna (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) take the very FIRST Pure birth, in a pure body – but the souls who are instrumental to receive him, and sustain all such COMPLETELY Pure souls in pure bodies, would STILL be within their impure bodies, although they have imbibed this Knowledge to a great degree, and are PROPORTIONATELY Pure – but NOT COMPLETELY Pure – who would continue to leave their MARGINALLY impure bodies and take COMPLETELY pure bodies, themselves, PROGRESSIVELY – UNTIL Shri Krishna ascends the Throne as the very FIRST Sovereign, Shri Narayan, of Golden Age – when NO MORE souls in MARGINALLY impure bodies will remain, and when the FIRST Day 01.01.0001 of the Golden ERA will commence!

कृष्ण का नाम उनके माँ-बाप से भी बहुत बाला है। कृष्ण के माँ-बाप का नाम इतना बाला नहीं है। कृष्ण से पहले जिनका जन्म होता है, वो योगबल से जन्म नहीं कहेंगे। ऐसे नहीं कृष्ण के माँ-बाप ने योगबल से जन्म लिया है – नहीं! अगर ऐसा होता, तो उन्हों का भी नाम बाला होता। तो सिद्ध होता है उनके माँ-बाप ने इतना पुरूषार्थ नहीं किया है, जितना कृष्ण ने किया है। यह सब बातें आगे चल तुम समझते जायेंगे।
“Krishna's name is much more famous than those of his parents. The names of Krishna’s parents are not that well known. Those who take birth BEFORE Krishna (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) DO NOT take birth through the ‘Power of Yoga’. It is NOT that Krishna’s parents take birth through the ‘Power of Yoga’ – NO! If it were like that, their names would also be well known. This proves that Krishna’s parents did not make as much effort as Shri Krishna did. You will continue to understand these aspects more as you progress further.”

The parents - of Shri Krishna (soul of Brahma Baba or Lekhraj Kirpalani) of the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age - DO NOT make AS MUCH effort as Shri Krishna, during Confluence Age. Shri Krishna’s parents are sovereigns (King & Queen), but they DO NOT take birth through the ‘Power of Yoga’ – they have imbibed this Knowledge to a great extent, but they are STILL MARGINALLY impure, within RELATIVELY impure corporeal bodies, when Shri Krishna takes birth through the ‘Power of Yoga’ - due to which the elements, he comes in IMMEDIATE contact with, also get COMPLETELY purified, when he takes birth!

पूरी कर्मातीत अवस्था वाले राधे-कृष्ण ही हैं। वही सद्गति में आते हैं। पाप आत्मायें सब खत्म हो जाती हैं, तब उन्हों का जन्म होता है - फिर कहेंगे पावन दुनिया, इसलिए कृष्ण का नाम बाला है। माँ-बाप का इतना नहीं। आगे चल तुमको बहुत साक्षात्कार होंगे। टाइम तो पड़ा है।
“Only Radhe and Krishna have the COMPLETE ‘karmateet’ stage (first). They are the ones who go into Salvation (first). They take birth when all the sinful souls (impure souls in impure bodies, who are NOT in this Knowledge) no longer remain. It is then called the Pure World. This is why Krishna’s name is well known. The names of his parents are not well known. As you make further progress, you will have many visions. There is still time left.”

ONLY Radhe (soul of Om Radhe, or Saraswati Mama) and Krishna (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani, or Brahma Baba) achieve their COMPLETE ‘karmateet’ stage, FIRST of ALL - among ALL OTHER embodied human souls on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play – therefore, they are the ones who go into Salvation also, FIRST of ALL!

सर्वशक्तिमान् बाप से तुम इतनी ताकत लेते हो। संन्यासियों में भी पहले ताकत थी, जंगलों में रहते थे। अभी तो कितने बड़े-बड़े फ्लैट (flat) बनाकर रहते हैं। अभी वह ताकत नहीं है। जैसे तुम्हारे में भी पहले सुख की ताकत रहती है। फिर गुम हो जाती है। उन्हों में भी पहले शान्ति की ताकत थी, अब वह ताकत नहीं रही है। आगे तो सच कहते थे कि रचता और रचना को हम नहीं जानते। अभी तो अपने को ‘भगवान’, ‘शिवोहम्’ कह बैठते हैं।
“You receive so much (Spiritual) Power from the Almighty Authority Father. Sannyasis also used to have that (spiritual) ‘power’ when they lived in the forests. Now that they have built such big flats (apartments) for themselves to live in, they no longer have that ‘power’. You originally had the ‘power’ of Happiness, but then it disappears. Similarly, they initially had the ‘power’ of peace, but they do not have that ‘power’ any more. Earlier, they used to tell the truth, when they said that they did not know the Creator or creation. Now, they call themselves ‘Bhagwan’ (‘God’), ‘Shivohum’ (‘ShivBaba’), etc.”

SIMILARLY, during the latter part of Confluence Age – the respective ‘prajapitas’ of the MAJOR, or PRINCIPAL, religions of Ravan Rajya - who are instrumental to establish their respective religions - call themselves, or IMPLY to their followers that they themselves are ‘Bhagwan’, ‘ShivBaba’, etc. - when they are in the process of carrying out the EXACT ‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of their respective MAJOR religious ideologies of Ravan Rajya – using the VERY SAME points from the SMs & AVs, which have been ORIGINALLY spoken by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – but by MISINTERPRETING, MISREPRESENTING, MISAPPROPRIATING & MANIPULATING them, to be in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED & DEGRADED CONCEPTS of their OWN respective, progressively DEGRADING religious ideologies of Ravan Rajya!
Therefore, EVEN among BKs - those who get UNDULY influenced by material facilities (‘sadhan’ - साधन), lose their Spiritual Power and TRUE Happiness, owing to dilution of their meditative accomplishments (‘sadhana’ - साधना)!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2020

Post by Adam »

Sakar Murli, Revised on 15.10.2020

देह-अभिमान छोड़ देही-अभिमानी बनना है। हम आत्मा हैं - देही-अभिमानी बनें, तब ही बाप को याद कर सकें। वह है अज्ञानकाल; यह है ज्ञान काल। ज्ञान तो एक ही बाप देते हैं, जो सर्व की सद्गति करते हैं। और वह है निराकार अर्थात् उनका कोई मनुष्य आकार नहीं है। जिसको मनुष्य का आकार है, उनको भगवान नहीं कह सकते।
“You must renounce body-consciousness, and become soul-conscious. I am a soul - ONLY when I (FIRST) become soul-conscious, can I (THEN) Remember the Father. That is the ‘path of ignorance’; and this is the ‘path of Knowledge’. ONLY ONE Father, who grants Salvation to everyone, gives Knowledge. He is Incorporeal - that is, He does not have a human form. ANYONE who has a human form CANNOT be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God).”

ONLY WHEN one FIRST EXPERIENCES oneself as a soul, can one remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE!

NO embodied human soul can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God)!

मुख से सदैव फूल ही निकलें, कांटा नहीं निकलना चाहिए; कितने बच्चों के मुख से कांटे बहुत निकलते हैं। किसको गुस्सा करना भी कांटा है। एक-दो में बच्चों की अनबनी बहुत होती है। देह-अभिमान होने कारण एक दो की खामियां देखते, खुद में अनेक प्रकार की खामियां रह जाती हैं - इसलिए फिर सर्विस ढीली पड़ जाती है। बाबा समझते हैं - यह भी ड्रामा अनुसार होता है। सुधरना भी तो है।
“Only ‘flowers’ should constantly emerge from your lips; ‘thorns’ should not emerge (from your lips); ‘thorns’ still emerge from the lips of many children. To become angry with someone is also being a ‘thorn’. Many children are unable to get along with one another. Because of being body-conscious, they continue to look at the weaknesses of others, and this is why their own weaknesses remain within them - which is why Service becomes slack. Baba understands that this too happens according to Drama. However, each one has also to reform oneself.”

When children look at the weaknesses of others, their own weaknesses continue to remain within them – as a consequence of which Spiritual Service becomes slack! Although it may be considered that this occurs according to Drama, each one has STILL to make efforts to REFORM oneself as quickly as possible!

अभी तुम्हें ज्ञान का नशा चढ़ा हुआ है। मनुष्यों को है भक्ति मार्ग का नशा। कहते हैं – ‘भगवान भी आ जाए, तो भी हम भक्ति नहीं छोड़ेंगे’। यह उत्थान और पतन की सीढ़ी बहुत अच्छी है, तो भी मनुष्यों की आंखें नहीं खुलती हैं। माया के नशे में एकदम चकनाचूर हैं। ज्ञान का नशा बहुत देरी से चढ़ता है।
“You now have the intoxication of Knowledge; whereas, those people have the intoxication of the ‘path of Devotion’. They say – ‘even if God were to come, we would not stop performing Devotion’. This picture of the Ladder, showing the rise and fall, is very good. In spite of that, people’s eyes do not open. They are totally entangled in the intoxication of Maya. It takes a long time before the intoxication of Knowledge rises.”

SIMILARLY, during Confluence Age – the BLIND, Unrighteous children - who are COMPLETELY ENTANGLED in the intoxication of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’, or REFRESHING, of the FALSE Gita) – initiated by the Godly Form, or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, who MASQUERADES as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – DELUSIVELY believe that they would NOT STOP involving themselves with same, even if God, Himself, came in any other form, and directed them to do otherwise!
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