Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

For those who wish to narrate their experiences about the BKs and PBK 'Advanced Knowledge' and post views about their NEW beliefs.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

Audio recordings v/s paper Murli
[ जो सिर्फ हिंदी पढ़नेवाले है, उन्हें बता दें कि, इस टॉपिक में पहले लिखी गई बातों का ही सिर्फ अंग्रेजी अनुवाद किया जा रहा है फिलहाल| कोई नई बात नहीं लिखी जा रही है|]


Revised class is not available.
Audio link for 26.11.68.A.M:

Paper Murli link for 26.11.68.A.M:

Instead of addressing the readers, I should address the duplicate Brahma Baba of BKs while writing my posts to make it little entertaining, from now onwards.

1. It is written in the paper Murli on 2nd line of 3rd page, "All impure ones are born through vikh (vice- Sex lust)".

In the audio at 23.14 mins, instead of vikh (vice- Sex lust), you say 'vishta' (Hindi word Vishta means Faeces/ Excrement in English) and then you say '(...are born through) urine'.

What rubbish is this? How will anyone on the earth has ever born through faeces?
How come paper Murli is accurate if it is derived from the audio?
Should we think BKs or someone has corrected it in the paper Murli?
Never. It is just that you mis-read it. I mean, you are only reading the pre-narrated Murlis. The paper Murli is original and not the audio

2. It is written in the paper Murli in page no.3, line no. 7, "Morarji Desai is going to inaugurate in Delhi".

This is a real incident. When this Murli was narrated through the real Brahma or Dada Lekhraj, around the same time, Morarji Desai was coming to inaugurate a center or museum in Delhi.

But, when you were reading this Murli on 26.11.68, there was no such incident was happening. So you have to skip it and that's exactly what you did in the audio.

The paper Murli says, 'Earlier, whoever used to come to inaugurate, (we) would give them the message (of God). Similarly, we will give the message to Morarji Desai who is going to inaugurate in Delhi".

In the audio at 24.42 mins, you read everything else. But, why did not you mention 'Morarji Desai'? You even gave an extra example that 'Pope used to come to inaugurate and we used to give them the message', which is not present in the paper Murli.
But when it comes to Morarji Desai, you make a generic statement in the audio like 'Whoever comes to inaugurate here, we will give them God's message".

I don't think it needs further explanation.


Audio link for 13.4.68.AM :

Paper Murli link for 13.4.68.AM :

Revised English Murli (1.3.2019): ... glish.html

It is written in the paper Murli in 1st page on 9th line, "I sit with you, I play with you...But it is not that I eat with you. Because, the Father (Shiv) does not eat (as he has no body of his own)".
[Revised Murli is translated incorrectly, the above lines are the actual translation of original Hindi Murli].

In the audio at 2.05 mins, you exactly say that line which is not supposed to be said and you don't say those which are written in the paper Murli. So, you say " It is said, I eat with you....". Then you try to correct it by saying, "It is not that I eat along with you..", which is a little modified version of the next line in the paper Murli.

But why do you always say incorrect things in the audio?

Paper Murli says "I sit with you, I play with you...But it is not that I eat with you....", which is correct. Because, Shiv doesn't eat.
But in the audio, you only say "I eat with you....", which is completely wrong and you don't say "I sit with you, I play with you..".

Do you still want me to believe that you are the real Dada Lekhraj Brahma? I am not a fool.

I don't even need proofs. Just by looking at the way you narrate the Murlis, the way you behave in the audio, I can grasp a lot many things which prove that you are not the original Dada Lekhraj Brahma.

Please note,
1.References of page number and line number of the paper Murli, which are provided here, are based on original Hindi Murli.
2. Audio recordings are available only in Hindi language.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

[हिंदी पढ़ने वाले भी इसको दुबारा पढ़ लो, मज़ा आएगा]
Audio recordings v/s paper Murli
"""This post is like an explosion. Specially, the second point in this""".


The links are,

Audio :

Paper Murli :

Revised in English (19.10.2019) : ... glish.html

1. It is written in the paper Murli in page 2 and line 24, "they do not show it clearly (in the scriptures) that which Chariot he (ShivBaba) enters".

They have mis-translated it in the revised English Murli,
Let me speak to duplicate Brahma Baba of BKs.

So in the audio at 14.20 mins, you say "they have not written it fully".

See, the respective words for 'show' and 'write' in Hindi are 'Dikha' and 'Likha'. So, you mis-read it and you said 'Likha' instead of 'Dikha'.

I agree that it doesn't alter the meaning of the sentence much in this case. But, my point is, you are only reading the pre-narrated Murlis. Shiv is not narrating the Murlis through you.

2. In the very next line in the same page in the paper-Murli, "The Father (Shiv) says, I, through Brahma.....who is this I"?

It is just a simple sentence. ShivBaba explains so oftenly in the Murlis, when you say Om Shanti or greet someone in any other way, who is that entity which says Om Shanti? That is soul. Meaning, it is soul which does everything. It sees, it talks, it hears, it feels hunger etc.

Similarly, here in this case, when it is said ""The Father (Shiv) says, I create the new world through Brahma"", who is that 'I'? Who is saying this sentence? It is not Dada Lekhraj. We children should keep in mind that it is the Supreme Soul who is speaking. It is not the body which speaks and acts. It is only means that.

They have ignored this sentence completely in the revised English Murli.
Revised English:
22.11.68_pf2_eng.PNG (5.89 KiB) Viewed 15749 times
original Hindi:

[It is difficult to translate this audio, particularly]

In the audio at 14.36 mins, you are making blunders.

You say, "I..the Father..they removed the Father. . Only I can say, 'the Father'.. Only I can say I am the Father".

There is no meaning in it. who removed the Father and where did they remove?

And why are you trying so hard to prove that you are the real Brahma and only through you, Shiv will say "I ,the Father..." and as if he is actually saying it.

What an amazing acting! You started acting as if Shiv is speaking. You are speaking in Shiv's voice. Actually Shiv should speak in Brahma's voice.

You should be ashamed of yourself!

First of all, none of this appears in the paper Murli. There was actually no need of this acting. It is only because, you mis-understood a simple statement in the paper Murli and accordingly, you started acting.


Most of the times, you mis-understand the sentences while you read the Murlis. We will see many such cases later. So, Mr.Duplicate Baba, we are going to expose you soon.

Please note,
1.References of page number and line number of the paper Murli, which are provided here, are based on original Hindi Murli.
2. Audio recordings are available only in Hindi language.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

[ जो सिर्फ हिंदी पढ़नेवाले है, उन्हें बता दें कि, इस टॉपिक में पहले लिखी गई बातों का ही सिर्फ अंग्रेजी अनुवाद किया जा रहा है फिलहाल| कोई नई बात नहीं लिखी जा रही है|]
Audio recordings v/s paper Murli
Before moving on to the next, let us first understand its background.

You will often find something written inside the brackets in the original paper-Murlis. What it means is, whenever Baba (the original Brahma Baba) shares his own experiences or something similar to that, they just write it inside a bracket in short. This was happening when the Murlis were actually narrated through the real Dada Lekhraj. Those were even recorded in the form of cassettes and BKs are hiding them even today.

Whenever this duplicate Brahma Baba of BKs finds such things (something written in the brackets) while reading the Murlis in the class, he starts sharing some dummy or a false story. Because, he knows what it means, if something is written inside the brackets.
We will see many such cases later.

Next, S.M.22.11.68.AM:

The links for audio, paper-Murli and revised Murli are given in the previous post.

3. In the paper-Murli, in page no. 3 and line no. 9, it is written in the brackets, " (example of the dancing girl) "

In the audio, between 22.35 mins and 25.45 mins, he starts cooking up a story. It's not even a story. Whoever understands Hindi, will be able to catch him easily.

He talks about something which he has never done, which is very much clear in the audio. He says, 'I myself went there on invitation...,I don't enjoy dance..what would happen if someone is not interested (when they go for a dance show)...'. Then he connects the story somehow to the Murli which he is reading. He also laughs once in the middle.

Fun starts at 23.44 mins, first, he says 'he went there...'. As if ShivBaba is talking about Brahma. So he talks in ShivBaba's voice and says 'he went there..', means Shiv is talking about Brahma. What an acting!

Then at 23.50 mins, first he again talks in ShivBaba's voice and says 'he will share his experience', meaning, ShivBaba says 'Brahma will now share his experience'. Then he himself starts speaking as Brahma now and says 'I went there to the Kings....' and then he continues the story till 25.25 mins.
[I am not translating it fully. It is really difficult to do that]

He is trying really hard to convince that he actually went there for a dancing show on King's invitation.

This is too much fun! It seems as if he never had actually gone there and had never seen that dancing girl. Even, the story is also not cooked up well. One can easily notice that, the reason for him to share the story is, only because it is written in the brackets.


The links are,
Audio :

Paper Murli :

Revised Murli in English (21.10.2019) : ... i-English/

1.It is written in the paper-Murli ( page no. 3 ande last 5th line),
"This one (Brahma) is also sitting next to that One (Shiv)."

It's a common practice of duplicate Brahma baba in the audios that whenever he reads something related to Dada Lekhraj or original Brahma, he always, either over reacts and exaggerates it or he simply skips that line out of fear.

So, here in this audio at 21.12 mins, he reads the line something like this, "Yes. He is definitely sitting here". [Sorry, if the translation is not accurate]
But the point is, he is highly exaggerating it and re-affirming again and again that Shiv is sitting inside.

This is what Baba Dixit and every other Baba does.

So, the point is, when the original Brahma Baba left, he (duplicate Brahma) somehow felt that he is the real Brahma and he has to play the role next and he had his followers too. Hence, he started reading the Murlis and keeps trying to prove that Shiv is inside him. And Murli is talking about him.

I will share some Murlis later where you would actually understand the personality of real Dada Lekhraj. He was so simple, humble, sincere and natural.

2. In the audio at 39.30 mins, he starts explaining his experiences. He says "he used to do raas (dance) when he was in the path of devotion during his childhood and he used to keep the picture of Krishn with him".

So far, I never heard in any of the original paper Murlis which says "Dada Lekhraj used to do raas (dance)".

Please note,
1.References of page number and line number of the paper Murli, which are provided here, are based on original Hindi Murli.
2. Audio recordings are available only in Hindi language.
3. The lines quoted here from the paper Murli are actually taken from revised Murli (English) and not translated by us. This helps readers in finding out the exact line in the revised Murli.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

Audio recordings v/s paper Murli

The URLs for audio, paper-Murli and revised English Murli are given in the previous post.

Paper-Murli is talking about trance, Subtle Region etc in page 4.

[They have completely removed the 4th page in the revised Murli, except first 4 lines.]

3. Duplicate Baba is explaining it in detail in the audio, most of which are not present in the paper-Murli. At 40.45 mins, he says, "Little children used to decorate themselves and go into trance by themselves...The elder sisters would get them decorated and bring to Baba. Then they would see Baba, and they would keep looking at Baba. Baba would keep looking at them... Slowly they would close their eyes and would go into trance....".

This is something which happened in the beginning of Yagya. So, he is just exaggerating and trying to build a story to prove that all of this happened in-front him and he is the real Brahma. But,in reality, he was not present in the Yagya during those days.

So he said an incorrect thing that they used to look at Baba and then go into trance.

Immediately after he finishes his story, the paper-Murli says something else.

Paper-Murli says in page 4 and line number 13 & 14, "Many people experience visions even sitting at their home. It is not that Baba will look at some one (and they would go into trance). Visions (Sakshatkar) take place by themselves as fixed in the drama".

But, duplicate Baba said before this line in the audio, "he used to look at them and they would go into trance".
Now after reading this line, he tries hard to correct his mistake.
He doesn't read the line as exactly as it is in the paper-Murli. At 41.35 mins, he says, "they play the role themselves (or they themselves experience visions), it doesn't require Baba to give Drishti. There are many children who say, we saw Brahma in a vision. Did anyone give them Drishti? The visions take place by themselves. Did make anyone go into trance while sitting here"?

Wow! He is a nice actor too. None of whatever he said above is in the paper-Murli. He only tried hard to correct his earlier mistake, because he has contradicted that one line in the paper-Murli, which, he even altered it while reading.

Especially, observe between 41.36 mins and 41.44 mins in the audio and have some fun!That is where exactly he is should read this line - 'It is not that Baba will look at some one (and they would go into trance)'.

4. He also mis-understands a sentence in the paper-Murli, which is in line number 11 under the page 4. Which is- "The children experience visions on their own. No one is taught. The little children used to go into trance by themselves".

In the audio at 40.28 mins, he says, "Even during their school days, little children go into trance by themselves. They do raas themselves. They become used to it".

Then he corrects immediately at 40.40 mins and starts talking about the children of Yagya. Where, he makes another mistake which we discussed above. While trying to correct a mistake, he commits another mistake.

Here, first he thinks it is about school going (laukik) children in general. But, nothing as such is mentioned in the paper-Murli. It completely talks about Baba's children. But, he first fails to understands the connection between these two lines-
"The children experience visions on their own. No one is taught".
"The little children used to go into trance by themselves".
He interprets them separately and hence he thought, the second line is about (laukik) school going children.

What a blunder! You must analyse this carefully.

If this audio was a direct Murli spoken by original Brahma, this mistake would have never happened. Just think over it. This is so serious. This clearly proves everything.

The real Brahma would never say something like that. Even if says, he will never correct it. Whatever is said through him should be true.

5. He doesn't read the complete Murli. The last line he reads is -
"This is not a new thing". Which is 14th line in the 4th page. There are at least 12 more lines left in the paper-Murli.

He ends it at 42.18 mins in the audio. After that, he asks to bring toli. And in the meanwhile as they bring toli or while distributing toli, he starts some general discussion on the knowledge and then he says the final line-
"To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children....".

May be, he got tired after trying so hard to correct his mistakes in the audio, which we discussed above.

You should verify it. See, at 42.18 mins, there is no break in the audio. Also, the audio cassette is not getting changed, which normally happens at 29 or 30 mins as I understand. It is so clear in the audio that nothing as such is happening.

So, if he is real Brahma and the paper-Murlis are based on his audios, then why there are 12 extra lines in the paper-Murli, which he never spoke in the audio.

This is a very common thing with the audios. We will see many such examples as we move on.

In every audio, he speaks lot of things and most of them don't appear in the paper-Murli. Paper-Murli is not even 40% of its audio recording. Paper-Murli is 4 pages and if we type the audio recording, it is 12-13 pages. Let's not worry about this for now.

But, there are extra lines in the paper-Murli. Sometimes, he skips lines in the middle, because of his own reasons, which we will see later. Sometimes, he just ends the Murli early.

If he is the real Brahma and he had never spoken those lines in the audio, then who gave you those extra lines?

That means, paper-Murli came first and then the duplicate audios.

Do we need any other proof?

Please note,
1.References of page number and line number of the paper Murli, which are provided here, are based on original Hindi Murli.
2. Audio recordings are available only in Hindi language.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

Audio recordings v/s paper Murli

The links for audio, paper-Murli and revised Murli are,

Audio :

Paper Murli :

Revised in English (22.10.2019): ... glish.html

[They have removed 4th page completely and even, the last 2-3 lines of 3rd page, in the revised Murli.]

1. It is written in the paper-Murli on 4th page between the line numbers 7 & 9, "Baba has lived in the (laukik) world too. He has been with very rich and very poor people too; Because, he has been in connection with a lot of kings and queens etc too. He has been with the Muslims too".

In the audio at 31.38 mins, as usual, he starts exaggerating it and explains in detail.
As we already discussed, whenever he finds in the paper-Murli something related to Dada Lekhraj or Dada Lekhraj's personal life experience or something related to the beginning of yagy, either he skips it or he exaggerates it.

I think, there is no need to translate the audio here.

But the question is, whenever he finds something written inside the brackets in the paper-Murli, he always narrates a story to imitate.
But, whenever he narrates extra things, only to imitate or for any other reason, why none of those cases is not mentioned in short in the paper-Murli by putting it inside the brackets? Like in this example, he is saying so many things here.

They should actually type and produce everything which he says in audio, if he is a real Brahma. But, why are they not even putting a word inside the brackets for all of those instances of narrations?

"Hence, he is duplicate and the whole process is nothing more than a pure imitation".

2. The paper Murli talks about feeding gitti (a morsel) in page 4 and line number 32 &33.

In the audio at 38.50 mins, he again exaggerates and adds extra things to the story. He even says, he had fed 300-350 people. Also, he laughs in-between while narrating this story of feeding gitti.

"This is again a pure imitation".




Revised Murli : ... i-English/

Let me translate the paper-Murli also based on original Hindi Murli. It is written in the first line of 1st page, "The children understand that the Father is explaining to us, that is, to souls. And the Father considers Himself to be the Father of souls".

He gives a terrific interpretation of this statement. This is very common also. We will see many such examples, where he makes the things complex while reading and he completely changes the true meaning of it, without his knowledge. The problem is, he always grasps 2-3 lines at a time while reading, so that he can understand the whole meaning. But he fails to understand the actual meaning of the statements.

In the audio at 0.25 mins, he says, "The Father considers the souls to be his children. And he (the Father Shiv) considers himself to be the Father of souls".

If you split this into two different statements, in the audio, in both of the statements, it is the Father who considers or understands.

What a man! It was a simple statement in the paper-Murli. Why he is showing his creativity in the audio?

So, the first statement in the paper-Murli is completely mis-interpreted, where, it is the children who understand that we are souls and the Father of souls is explaining to us.
He did not anything about 'explaining' in the audio.

"It's again a clear proof of imitation".

Please note,
1.References of page number and line number of the paper Murli, which are provided here, are based on original Hindi Murli.
2. Audio recordings are available only in Hindi language.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

Audio recordings v/s paper Murli
"If you understand this proof, you will start trusting this research work".


The links for audio, paper-Murli and revised Murli are given in the previous post.

Paper-Murli/Page- 2, at the end--
[Translation is based on original Hindi Murli]

Let me split this here,
1. "Like, snake sheds its old skin automatically and gets the new skin"
2. "For which, it would not be said that it leaves its body and takes a new one"
3. "No".
4. "The example of changing the skin applies to a snake only".

[Similarly, when deities leave their body, it is not called as death. There is no death in the Golden Age and Silver Age]

It is very interesting to see in the audio, how he turns out a simple sentence into something, which, no one would have ever imagined.

At 16.25 mins in the audio, he mis-interpreted the 2nd/3rd line and says,
2. "it would not be said for animals that it leaves its whole body and then its soul enters a new body".
3. "No".

He could not understand that 2nd sentence is only a continuation of the 1st.

And, it is true for animals that they leave their body and take new one. They don't change their skins. Whatever he said in the audio is not only irrelevant and mis-interpretation, but also completely meaningless.

May be, he is trying to say that this example of changing the skins, does not apply to any other animal except snakes. Because, he is trying to connect it with the 4th sentence. He always grasps multiple lines and then he reads, yet he fails to understand the true meaning.
He reads the 4th line correctly. So, because he tried to focus on the 4th line while he is still reading the 2nd/3rd line, he mis-understood them.

Only he can do such a blunder.

It's a clear proof which indicates that he always grasps multiple sentences while reading the Murli. This, further proves that he is trying really hard to imitate.

You may think that he is not grasping multiple lines and he is not reading the paper-Murli, but it's a direct Murli spoken by the God Shiv through him.

Then, why these mistakes?
Why is he making blunders everywhere? How can Shiv make mistakes? How can Shiv forget what he himself said in the previous line and say a completely meaningless thing in the next line?

It's a COMMON SENSE! Just because, we got degraded so much and hence, we never even thought of verifying the audios, history of BKs and everything else. Even now, those who care for their dignity, money etc. will never accept the truth.

Please note,
1.References of page number and line number of the paper Murli, which are provided here, are based on original Hindi Murli.
2. Audio recordings are available only in Hindi language.

We should not be only focusing on collecting more and more number of proofs. Few proofs are more than enough to conclude. What is more important is, what should we do next? what is right way to progress in the knowledge? How do we become complete and pure? We should focus more on these questions and make the efforts accordingly.

It is also important to spread the facts which you have understood, which further helps you in becoming pure gradually. This is the best kind of service after the Journey of remembrance.

For now, let us pick only few more important proofs based on the audio recordings of duplicate Brahma and then, first we will try to conclude it.

Later, we will see rest of the proofs if required. Many such proofs were already produced in Hinglish/Hindi, we need to translate them.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

We will translate the remaining audio proofs later.

Let us first try to conclude.

Some more important facts and questions to BKs:
1. There are many such cases in the paper-Murli, where they write somethings inside the brackets in short. And he always imitates, and narrates some story for all such occurrences in the audio.

But, if we compare paper-Murli and audio recordings, paper-Murli is not even 40% of the audio. OK, if you are not typing the whole audio recording, you should at least put them in short inside the brackets. If they do so, we should have at least 10 such instances in each paper-Murli. But, we don't see any.

So, paper-Murli is original and the audios are imitations.

2. It is said in S.M.17.4.68.A.M that when we(Centre in-charge or teacher) read the Murli in the centres, they should also explain it. Otherwise, it would only take 10-15 mins.
That means, when original Brahma narrated these 4 page Murlis, it should have taken the same time, 10-15 mins. Or 20-25 mins, let's assume.
But, the audios spoken by duplicate Brahma are at least 40 mins and most of the times, 50-65 mins long. As PBKs typed these audios, they are 12-13 page long. We are taking the examples of the Morning classes here.

So, as it is said in the Murlis itself that it takes 10-15 mins to read the whole Murli, hence, paper-Murli are original and audios are imitations.

3. It is said in another Murli that so many Murlis have been narrated and if you keep them, the whole room would get filled.
In another Murli, it is said that the whole building would get filled.

Here, we hardly have Murlis of 5 years. In that too, I don't think the Night clases are included. Then, there are modifications/deletions, when every time they revise.
Where are the rest? I mean, do they have one good reason to hide the Murlis?

After such a long time, people got few paper-Murlis and some audios in 2012. Little more than what we had earlier. But, at least we have some original copies now. When this happened in 2012, BKs asked not to distribute them outside, if I am not wrong. WHY?

Why did they hide? Where are the rest? We are waiting even today.

4. As we have already discussed, BKs were well aware that Sewakram was not in Om Mndli. Also, it was Dada Lekhraj who used to read 'Bhagwad Gita' in the beginning, when satsang started, which is said in the Murlis itself ( I have read it at least 25 times, so far in the Murlis). Sewakram was even younger than Dada Lekhraj and he was in Anti-Om Mandli. We are talking about the same Sewakram, who was Dada Lekhraj's partner. If you read these books- 'Om Mandli' and 'An Reply To Is This Justice', it is very much clear. These books were written by Anti-Om Mandli and hence they are valid. At least, they will not write something false on Sewakram.

But, when Baba Dixit started his own group and came up with a false story saying 'Sewakram was 60 years old and elder than Dada Lekhraj', 'Sewakram used to read Bhagwad Gita in the satsang' etc, BKs were afraid of him so much.

They should have shared the facts and closed the matter. Even we know the truth now.

Instead, BKs started attacking him, started changing the yagy story and produced whole lot of false literature. Does it make any sense?

Of course it does make a lot of sense! Because, they were not afraid of Baba Dixit. They were afraid of their own secret, where they are hiding the real authorities of yagy. Including Dada Lekhraj, Mama, the special children like Kumarika, Ramesh, Jagdish etc.

Specially, Kumarika and Jagdish worked very hard to hide the facts when Baba Dixit started his group. Because, they are also duplicate. Even Ramesh and everyone else.

When Baba Dixit started studying Murlis, BKs thought that he or someone else would find out their secret soon. But, looking at BKs reaction, Baba Dixit assumed that everything which he said is correct.

In a way, Baba Dixit helped them hiding their secret. Because, he actually caught the attention and he also emphasised the fact that their Brahma is real, but there is another Brahma. Of course, he did not know about their secret.

This Sewakram thing is very important. This alone proves that, something was fishy in the BKs world.

Why would anyone hide their own history, specially, when it is in their favour?

Today, even we know very well that Baba Dixit has no knowledge of Murlis. Whatever the history he created is all false. Murlis are in the favour of Krishn alias Brahma and they talk negative things about Ram alias Shankar. Everything is so perfect for BKs.

Yet, they changed the history. They even started modifying the Murlis. Don't they understand Murlis? What was making them restless?
There should be something. We may even say, Kumarika died fighting with PBKs. What was so serious?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To be continued

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »


5. Why did they start editing the Murlis? There was no need at all.
Every concept that Baba Dixit teaches is completely opposite to the original teachings in the Murlis. The same teachings of the Murlis were followed in the audios of duplicate Brahma as well. How did they get confused?

6. As we discussed earlier, we have different categories of Murlis available. Let me make this clear that the Murlis were already revised even before 1969. May be, starting from 1962 or 1963, when Dada Lekhraj left. Hence, the audio recordings of duplicate Brahma are available only from 1963, that is when exactly he became Brahma suddenly.

So these scanned Murlis, which were type-written or cyclo-styled or hand-written, are not original Murlis. These are revised Murlis with new dates on them. Scanned Murlis are available only from 1964. There are some scanned Murlis, which they did not re-type, but they have overwritten the date alone. There are very few such cases.

There is a computer-typed Murli, dated 25.3.1958. We don’t know who typed these Murlis .
There is another scanned Murli, dated 25.3.1964. These two are same Murlis. They match line by line.
It was narrated by real Dada Lekhraj Brahma on 25.3.1958 and revised on 25.3.64. Fortunately, they did not re-type it. But, they have only overwritten the date as shown below,
25.3.64_scan.PNG (30.66 KiB) Viewed 15716 times

[You don't have to know Hindi to verify these, check the dates alone]

Linkss for both the Murlis, ----[25.3.58] ... 5-3-64.pdf ----[25.3.64]

It is very clear that they overwritten the 'year' of the Murli date and changed it from '58' to '64'. We don't write '4' that way in English. It's difficult to change '8' to '4' of course.

Some more,
[You need to verify the date alone] ... 7%20PM.pdf ---29.8.67 ... )-8-64.pdf --–9.8.64—2nd page me ... 7-4-64.pdf ---17.4.64 (it is actually 61) ... 4%20PM.pdf --17.9.64

You may verify few more,
[Follow the link given below. Most of them are self-explanatory; you just need to observe carefully. Better if you download them first and then verify]
11-1-66, 15-7-66, 23.12.67, 13-2-67 PM, 28.12.67, 28-2-67 PM, (27+29+30-2-67 PM), 1.1.67, 2.1.67, 13.1.67, 27-1-67, 7-7-66, 25-6-66, 1-6-66, 5.8.67, 22.12.67, 25.3.67

Baba asked some question in 17-2-67 PM, which he answered in 18-2-67.
How did they know on 17th itself that Baba would give the answer next day?
They have written it at the top of 17-2-67 PM that please read the night class of 17-2-67 first and then read the morning class of 18-2-67.

is not it strange? I don't think even Brahma could do that.

You may verify the same here. But it is in Hindi. ... 7%20PM.pdf [17-2-67 PM] ... 8-2-67.pdf [18-2-67]

Most of the scanned Murlis of 1964 and 1965 are hand-written. It is very clear that they did not re-type them, but they have written a new date on each old original Murli and re-used them. They did not re-type them.

Specially, you will find such cases in 1965. Whoever wrote the Murlis has not written the date or BKs have hidden them and written a new date on each Murli to re-use.

The same is true for few of the scanned Murlis of 1966 for those which are hand-written.

In 1964, may be, they just changed "61" to "64" by overwriting for each of the Murlis.

Most of the rest of the Murlis are type-written, meaning they re-typed them while revising. Hence, we will hardly find any discrepancies there.
See, when we keep on working on some particular thing, we become expert in it over a period of time. The same applies to BKs here.

But, the audio recordings of duplicate Brahma started from 1963. We have around 17 audios of 1963 and few computer-typed Murlis also.
You will find something written in Urdu or Sindhi at the top of many scanned Murlis. We don't know what is written.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

Some more observations:
7. As we have already discussed on 7th and 8th Nov, in a summary post, it is impossible to believe that BKs might have recorded the Murlis first and after the class everyday, they might have typed them in short. That they might have even corrected the mistakes in the audio recording and that they have written so grammatically correct Murlis. It is impossible. Now that we seen many other proofs, which clearly show that he is only reading the Murlis. And when he became Brahma, BKs started revising the Murlis, which were already narrated through original Dada Lekhraj Brahma since Karachi time and untill 1962 or 1963.

8. Someone may be thinking that ShivBaba used to enter in him in the morning and make him write the Murlis first and Brahma would read them later in the class. That is also false. Because, it is said in S.M.24.5.64.AM, " Murlis started coming out from Karachi. Baba did not speak Murli before in Karachi (directly), he (Brahma) used to get up at 2 in the night and write 15-20 pages, the Father (Shiva) would have him write. Then it’s copies used to come out".

Similar thing is said in another Murli also. So when he is saying this in the above Murli, it actually means that, on 24.5.64, he is speaking the direct Murli. In the same direct Murli, it is also said, "Murlis started coming out from Karachi". Meaning, he startded speaking direct Murlis since Karachi time itself. And the audio recordings which are verifying were narrated after 1963. How is it possible that, he first would write them, and then read in the class? But, of course he was reading the pre-narrated Murlis, which were spoken through real Brahma earlier.

Actually, 24.5.64 is also a revised Murli. But, this was originally a direct Murli which was narrated before 1963.

Other than that, ShivBaba used to speak to the children during the Murli. There are discussions which happen between Baba and the children, as we see in the paper Murli. Only then it is called Vani of Shiv.

Most important- If he is the real Brahma, and he used to first write the Murlis and then would read in the class, then why he himself is trying so hard in audios during the class to prove that ShivBaba is speaking through him? He should simply read and if required, give some clarifications.
He himself is proving that the Murlis were spoken directly earlier and he also proves indirectly that he is imitating.
Also, why should he afraid of reading some lines and then skip them. We will see such proofs later.

9. It was always clarified in the Murlis that the Subtle Region does not exist in reality. This Brahma of BKs also used to say the same in the audios always. But, as soon as he left his body in 1969, he re-clarified in his 3rd Avyakt Vani (2.2.69) that the Subtle Region exists. He further justifies his clarification in the same Avyakt Vani.

Check this, ... 2.1969.htm

Start reading from this line- "Some children become confused because they were told through Sakar Baba that the Subtle Region does not exist".

We also have read in at least more than 100 Murlis where it is so clearly said and explained in many different ways that the Subtle Region does not exist. You will get some proofs of such Murlis in the earlier posts of this topic.

Just because he left his body, how can he change it suddenly? Then what about rest of the things which were told in the Murli? Should we start doubting on them also?

Even BKs do the same with the revised Murlis.
They either alter the things or remove them if it is related to Subtle Region.

Proof# 1: S.M.25.11.68.A.M revised on 22.10.2019, ... -ki-Murli/

They retain this part,

Because, they think that it is in their favour. Especially, because of that line which is highlighted here. They think, it applies to their Avyakt BapDada. Firstly, ShivBaba would never say so clearly in advance about some future event.

How illiterate they are!

Just read that whole passage. To put it briefly, everywhere, it says Subtle Region does not exist. OK, leave that now.

Let me translate the highlighted part correctly first.
"Just as the Father sits in this one here and explains, likewise, he (Brahma) sits in the Karmatit body in the Subtle Region and meets these (children) or speaks".

It is "Brahma" who sits in the Karmatit body in the Subtle Region, and the children see him in their visions. They talk to him or meet him.

They have messed up everything. They think Shiv sits in the karmatit body of Brahma and meets him (Brahma) and then speaks.
Firstly, it is not said , "meets and speaks". The original Murli says "meets these or talk".
It is not also said, "meets that one". The original Murli says, "meets these". Meaning, Brahma meets the children or talk to them in the Subtle Region.

And here, ShivBaba is talking about the visions, not the real meetings. Nothing about a future event.

It is always said in the Murlis that the children experience the visions of the complete Brahma & complete Mama. It is also said that visions happen in advance, which they become so later (They become complete in the end). So also, we become deities later, we experience the visions of our aim-object here.

Just read the previous line of the highlighted section. It says "The other (Subtle Region) is a matter of visions".

Don't you at least understand the connection between these two sentences which appear one after the other, if not the whole passage?

cannot you understand the sentence which comes immediately after the highlighted section here?
It says "However, there is no history or geography of the world there".

Wait for next post...

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

"The BKs must be crazy"

In the last post we have seen how BKs mis-interpreted a statement completely and hence mis-translated it in English also.

Think of it. The whole world relies on BKs for Murlis. They simply trust them.

If you listen to the audio of this class (25.11.68.A.M), there also, he just reads the lines as they are. No clarification, nothing. Then, why this mistake in translating? Because, everything changed after 1969, when he (duplicate Brahma) left his body.

Hindi version of 22.10.2019 is also in the correct form, but they would understand it the same way as they have translated it in English.

Because of their ignorance, they retained that part of the Murli which talks about the Subtle Region, which we have seen in the last post. Otherwise, they would have removed those lines in the Murli.

If you think, I am mis-interpreting the Murli and BKs are correct with their translation. Please read the same Murli and it is written in the beginning of 2nd page of original Murli,
"There is no such thing as Subtle Region.....Nothing (or nobody) can stay in the Subtle Region. It's only a matter of ritual of visions, where you offer Bhog etc. Even if there is Brahma (in the Subtle Region), that is also only a vision of aim-object. Just as the vision of Vishnu takes place. Likewise, this (vision of Karmatit Brahma) is also about aim-object, that we have to attain such Karmatit stage. Therefore the vision takes place".

It is very clearly explained on what it means to have visions of Vishnu and Brahma in the Subtle Region.

They did not show this in the revised Murli. They removed this part completely. Starting from the last line of 1st page, they removed 7 lines altogether, in both Hindi and English versions.

And they retain that part as we have seen earlier, which appears in the 3rd page. That too, only because of their ignorance. They did not understand the meaning of it. The meaning of which, we have already discussed earlier and the same is explained even in the 2nd page of the same Murli.

Let's see another example on how they play with the revised Murlis.

Proof 2: S.M 30.01.68.A.M revised on 8.01.2019
You may check this here, viewtopic.php?f=38&p=54574#p54404

They have altered the sentence completely. Are you crazy?

The original statement says,
“That one is in the bondage of ‘karma’, that one is karmateet”. Meaning, the one who is seen in the Subtle Region in the visions is Karmatit.

They changed it to- “This corporeal one is in the bondage of karma whereas that subtle being is karmateet”.

Subtle being is karmatit?

Check this here, ... i-English/

Not only in English translation. They have changed the sentence completely even in the Hindi version.

It is not just about 2-3 instances. It is not only about Subtle Region. They remove and alter lot things in the Murli. They even never print the complete Murli, in most of the cases; they ignore the last page altogether nowadays.
Many such cases are reported in this forum as well recently by the forum members like "Golden Heart" and "Zorba the Greek".

But, we think that they (BKs) would take us to Heaven. Do they deserve Heaven, first of all?

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

"Thank God, Brother Ramesh, Brother Jagdish, Dadi Kumarika etc. are not alive. They could have killed us for this".

Let's continue,
10. Now the question is, when did the real Brahma leave the Yagya? It was around 1962 or 1963.
Why 1962 or 1963? There is some evidence available to prove this and some are yet to be verified.

Did he leave the Yagya or he left his body itself? We are not sure about this. But he left for sure.

So if he must have left the Yagya, why would he have gone? What made us think that he might have left the Yagya?
Let me remind you, Yashoda Mata (Laukik wife of Dada Lekhraj) left her body on June 16, 1961. On 26the June, a letter was written to the daughter Nalini, which you will find in this forum also.

The real Om Radhe Mama and the real Jagdish left their body much before. Jagdish was Baba’s right hand. Then, Yashoda Mata also left.

There is some talk in the Murlis about daughter Nalini. Was she the real daughter of Dada Lekhraj or not? We don’t know yet. We will see those Murlis later, nothing is clear yet on Nalini. The BKs must have imitated her too.

[Ignore from here]
{ Then, when the fake Brahma left the body, he used to say some strange things in the earlier Avyakt Vanis. Which led us sometimes think that the real Brahma was probably alive around that 1969 and 1970s. Some of those points will be shared tomorrow in the next post.

You may go here, ... Eng%5d.pdf

Search for A.V. and you will get some Avyakt Vani points. Please beware of the translations, it's a PBK literature.

Let’s see one of them. }
[Ignore till here]

This at least proves that he was alone in Gulzar Dadi that day. There was no BapDada.
“Very sweet Baba has sent [me] to meet you all children to have a spiritual chit-chat. (A.V.23.01.69, middle of pg.16)

God knows who sent him.

Read the last Murli (18.1.69.P.M). It is written, "this Dada is not complete yet....".
The same day, he left his body. He claims in the Avyakt Vani that he was an angel in the end before he left his body.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

"Baba Dixit and Avyakt BapDada are close friends"

There was a mistake here yesterday. Brahma either left the Yagya or left his body around 1962-63. Till here we were fine.
But, there are no proofs to prove that he was alive in 1969 and around 1970s.
As I verified the proofs again, which I was supposed to post today, I can see that I was wrong here.
So let's leave that part.

But there is a possibility that he did not leave his body when he left the Yagya. Because, so many things happened around the same period. Mama, Jagdish had already left their body. Then, Yashoda Mata also left her body in 1961. May be, he would have had some kind of uncertainty and left everything.
May be, he himself handed over the things to rest of the BKs and asked them to continue.
I am just trying to show you the possible scenarios. We should not get stuck anywhere and always be open.

Because, it is not right to conclude that he would have left his body around 1962. There is a great amount of possibility. But, if you just conclude there without any proofs, we will have issues later. But it is 100% sure under any circumstances, the real Brahma left before 1963.

Personally, I even had to verify, at least for the sake of self, that did Shiv actually arrive on earth or not. For me, the answer turned out to be 'Yes', after quite a long time.

Questioning gives us strength and brings a lot of challenges as well. We also have to be ready to face them. Why am I telling this? I talked to a brother yesterday and there were some issues. Then, I strongly felt that I should share a fact based out of my own journey, at least in 2 lines. Now, I am actually speaking the language of the laukik world, but this is the only choice.

11. Imagine this situation. The Yagya is going on for almost 30 years and all are intoxicated. And suddenly, the chief leaves. How would the rest feel? Either Brahma made the necessary arrangements or someone who was more popular in the group became the chief and continued to run the Yagya.

He (the fake Brahma) would have felt the same way as Baba Dixit. Because, then, there was no concept of someone leaving the body and then coming back in the Yagya after re-birth. Nobody ever imagined such things. They had the year of destruction also fixed. They had no time.
They have been in the knowledge for so long time. Now Brahma and Mama, both have gone. So, someone thought that he himself is Brahma and the people accepted him. Similarly, someone became Mama.

We can see him extra-intoxicated in the audio classes and also trying to prove that Shiv is sitting inside him. Because, somewhere, he actually believes so. Because, there is no one else left. People are always hungry for leader, so they also accepted him. As simple as that.

12. What about Avyakt Vanis? I have read few of them carefully, especially after I realized that this Brahma is not original. There is a vast difference between the teachings of the Murlis and that of Avyakt Vanis. He is another Baba Dixit and nothing more than that.

Only because he is in a subtle body, he thinks more or faster than us.
The same way, the soul of Shankar is in Baba Dixit. Hence, people like us become fools. Not because we understand their knowledge. It's only because, we are unable to verify their knowledge which seems to be new. This is not simple. Only Baba's remembrance would enable us to achieve that stage.

Even, the drills which Avyakt BapDada teaches are not correct. That is not the right way to remember Baba. We will see the proofs later.

I have a feeling that Avyakt BapDada gradually got influenced by Baba Dixit. May be, after 1980s or 1990s. Definitely not during 1969 and 1970s. Because, he didn’t even know Baba Dixit, how can he give any indications on him in the Avyakt Vanis? First of all, this Avyakt BapDada is fake, he doesn’t know anything about the knowledge and Baba Dixit. And Baba Dixit is also fake, he is not God or the God doesn’t enter in him. But, each of them doesn’t know the reality of the other. What a funny situation!

Of course, he (Avyakt BapDada) doesn't have complete faith on him(Baba Dixit). Just because, nothing had happened after a long time, he himself doesn't exists anymore and the real Brahma had gone long back, so may be he got attracted to advance knowledge or Baba Dixit slowly.

Avyakt Bapadada started repeating some of the knowledge of Baba Dixit ,or at least somewhat similar, later. Baba Dixit has been copying Avyakt BapDada since he started his group. Like, he learnt the meaning of ‘Gujarat’ as explained in Avyakt Vanis and he further developed this concept of splitting a word to an extra-ordinary level and nowadays, he started breaking even a single letter. Such a Joker! He gives clarification of Avyakt Vanis which he calls unlimited meaning, something which he does on the stories from the scriptures also. If the scriptures and Avyakt Vanis are originally false in their limited meaning itself, then how can any unlimited meanings do even exist for them? What an illiterate man!

Not only Avyakt BapDada. But the BKs too were even thinking of him (Baba Dixit) during 2018. As Avyakt BapDada stopped coming, they started developing a hope on Baba Dixit, though they themselves might have helped in attacking his centres during Nov-Dec 2017 and around Jan-2019. Also, Avyakt BapDada declared 2018 as the year of the end or to celebrate it as the year of the end. This happened in the Avyakt Vani spoken on 31st Dec-2017. I guess, he came once or twice more after that and then he stopped.

May be, this is only a guess. But, I have seen lot of changes during those days. May be BKs were waiting for 18th Jan-2019 as Baba Dixit gave this date. When Baba Dixit sees that nothing is happening in 2018 as he predicted earlier, he made another prediction that Brahma would become complete by 18th Jan- 2019. Now, the PBKs are waiting for 5th December 2019. Wow! amazing children of Ravan!

We don't know where is Avyakt BapDada (the fake Brahma) right now. He might have taken re-birth too. It is said in the Murlis clearly that the punishments will not be given by making the children enter in someone if they don't have their own body. No. They would take a new birth and then complete the punishments.
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destroy old world
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Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by destroy old world »

xpbk wrote: 17 Nov 2019
Let's see another example on how they play with the revised Murlis.

Proof 2: S.M 30.01.68.A.M revised on 8.01.2019
You may check this here, viewtopic.php?f=38&p=54574#p54404

They have altered the sentence completely. Are you crazy?

The original statement says,
“That one is in the bondage of ‘karma’, that one is karmateet”. Meaning, the one who is seen in the Subtle Region in the visions is Karmatit.

They changed it to- “This corporeal one is in the bondage of karma whereas that subtle being is karmateet”.

Subtle being is karmatit?

Check this here, ... i-English/

Not only in English translation. They have changed the sentence completely even in the Hindi version.

It is not just about 2-3 instances. It is not only about Subtle Region. They remove and alter lot things in the Murli. They even never print the complete Murli, in most of the cases; they ignore the last page altogether nowadays.
Many such cases are reported in this forum as well recently by the forum members like "Golden Heart" and "Zorba the Greek".

Regarding the particular sentence in question, in Original SM dated 30.01.1968, Revised on 08.01.2019, please view clarification of ‘Golden Heart’, in point 2 in link viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2727#p53892

Regarding the procedures followed by BK Organization in presenting the Original SMs & Revised SMs, please view clarifications of ‘Zorba the Greek’, in link viewtopic.php?f=38&p=54574#p54404

It is evident that Brother ‘xpbk’ has NEITHER understood the clarification of ‘Golden Heart’, NOR the clarifications of ‘Zorba the Greek’, CORRECTLY – and he has got himself trapped in the TREACHEROUS bog of making VAGUE assumptions, which he has CONDITIONED himself to believe to be true, over a period of time, under the FORCEFUL influence of Maya!

Please view points 1 & 2, and IN PARTICULAR point 2, of Original SM dated 24.12.1968, Revised on 18.11.2019 viewtopic.php?f=40&p=54608#p54604

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

“The secrets of Trance messages, Bhog, Avyakt Vani and Shankar”

We know that a lot of people used to have visions during the earlier days of the Yagya. They used to happen automatically according to the plan of the Drama, which is clarified in many of the Murlis.

Similarly, Baba sometimes says in the Murli he gives the fruit of devotion to the devotees by making them have visions. Then, he further clarifies in another Murli that they also happen automatically, because Shiv plays his role only in the Confluence Age.

ShivBaba says, the visions were required in the beginning, otherwise, it would have been difficult to explain the knowledge without the help of the Subtle Region. So, later he always told not to think of the visions. Because, they are not real and also, Maya could enter in the visions.
It is baseless to interpret the visions and dreams.

But, suddenly after 18th Jan, 1969, BKs started enjoying visions more than ever before. Also, Avyakt BapDada taught them this ignorance that the Subtle Region exists and he is sitting there. So, we saw so many trance messages coming, activities of offering Bhog etc in the BKs world. Is this Shrimat? This is not ShivBaba's teaching. He will always make us progress in the knowledge and never take you backwards.

But, the difference here is, these are not automatic. That Ghost, so called Avyakt BapDada, is making them experience.

I understood this when I read some researches. The Ghosts are capable doing of this. Let's say, if someone kills me and I become a ghost. Then, I could make someone experience the whole scene of how I was killed.

There are many movies based on such real events. You may at least google for 'Baba Harbhajan Singh' or search for youtube videos. Try to grasp only whatever is required. But, there is truth in it.

I liked this line- 'The legend further claims that the late Singh helped the search party find his body' [in Wikipedia].
We don't know how long he was in his subtle body.

If required, watch this short movie. It's a fiction, but the story of Baba Harbhajan Singh is explained in the end. It also has English subtitles.

And Baba Dixit, please stop saying that only sinful souls assume subtle body.

So, this so called Avyakt BapDada is playing with BKs. They are not natural visions and also, the God has nothing to do with it. Shiv never does that.

Also, it is possible to remain in subtle body for a longer period. That doesn't mean he is the real Brahma. Brahma should be here in the physical world as explained in the Murlis. Not in the Subtle Region. The Subtle Region doesn't exist at all. He only has subtle body and he keeps wandering here and there, and enters people wherever he can.

Read this to understand his daily routine. He also explains how great he is and what all kinds of service he is doing,
[The first two paragraphs are enough] ... 6.1974.htm

My favorite line in it is- “to give them the fruit of their devotion according to their capacity; to give souls temporary fruit for their rajopradhan actions performed for a temporary period; for hearing the call of the true bhagats and to grant them visions .... to look after the scientists who are to become the instruments to finish the old world”

What is he saying? ShivBaba came here to kill the path of devotion. Not to promote it. Not to help rajopradhan people, not to grant visions.
To look after scientists? OMG!

So, the real Brahma should be on this physical earth. There is a revised Murli which says,
“If you perform any bad action, you will be disgraced, won’t you? That too, in front of the Father. ShivBaba sits [in this one], doesn’t He? He will make you have visions: I was in this one. I used to explain to you so much. Now I am in the complete one (Brahma). You daughters go to the complete Baba. ShivBaba gives directions and so on through that one, doesn’t He"? (Mu.07.11.71, beginning of pg.2)

It is a revised Murli. But, even in many original Murlis also it is said, Brahma should be here on this physical world. May be, ShivBaba plays the role of Dharmraj later through Brahma. We will meet *him in that form, may be not in the form of Brahma again.

It is also said in the Murlis, ”Mama-Baba as well as the unique children will go in the Advance Party.”
Read about Advance Party in the earlier posts of this topic.

Brahma should be here on this earth. This fake Brahma will take re-birth. Or may be he has already taken as he stopped entering Gulzar Dadi. Think, if he takes re-birth at this point of time, when will he play the rest of his role. He will only be a kid even when the destruction begins.

Why am I writing this post? Because, we become excited and start believing BKs and even question those who oppose BKs, only because they have trance messages, Bhog, Avyakt Vani etc.

Bhog is a centuries old practice in India. Not a big deal. It is said even in the Murlis.
Only because, we never experienced it personally, we feel it as something great and get attracted towards it.

Wait for the next post.

Re: Murli points which influenced a PBK to become an Ex-PBK

Post by xpbk »

"Theory of relativity"

As we discussed in the last post, Bhog, Trance messages are not something new or special. Similarly, we got attracted to Shankar (Baba Dixit), just because he has some new things to say. That should not be a big deal. There are so many Babas in the real world. Each has crores of followers. So what? Only because they are new souls, they attract us, talk something new. The people who are not smart enough fall prey for them without actually trying to understand whether he is speaking the truth or not.

There are foreigners, educated people, and politicians among their biggest fans. That doesn't mean those Babas are Gods. Every follower thinks only his Baba is the greatest, because, he doesn't know rest of the world.

Do you know Steve Jobs? He was highly successful. Even he went to some monk in India before he became successful (I am not sure, whether this is a real story or not). Of course, they have some amount of purity and hence some amount of truth. That doesn't mean they are Gods. We are not even that big as those foreigners etc who follow Babas and we feel, especially the PBKs, as if only we have found the real God. That's only your arrogance and ignorance. Arrogance and Ignorance are synonyms.

So, what I learnt out of my experiences after I came out of BKs and PBKs world, we should always do just this- "question everything and never depend on anyone to reach to the truth". Take charge of your life. Are you not serious about your life? Or at least your family? How can we just trust anyone? There are some good people also. But, they too may have false beliefs.

Today's world is so much degraded. Even the educated people fall prey for such Babas. Do you know Sadguru? Why is he so famous? Have you ever tried watching him? What kind of questions people ask him? And how he answers and people go mad about him? Sadguru is just another Baba. Never in the history was so much percentage of the world asking these questions. What it means? Most of the world is unhappy. Do you think, the people who are asking such questions are intelligent or it's all part of the Drama? Questions were there always, but why nobody was worried earlier?
Some ask him very silly questions. That again makes us understand how degraded the whole world is!

So, it is just that we are living inside a well. We compare ourselves with only someone who are close to us and we try to be happy. Of course it is part of the drama. This is called ‘theory of relativity’. Like, PBKs look at the BKs and think, "we are better than them. So, Baba Dixit must be the real God". No other reason is required and they will sacrifice everything for Baba Dixit.

When we explain everything to PBKs and they understand the truth also sometimes. You know what they ask finally, “show me at least one such person in the entire Brahmin world who is better purusharthi than Baba Dixit”. Man, if you don't even know the meaning of 'better purusharthi' then how can I show you? Why should I do that? It's your life.

Or they ask, "then, where is real Brahma"?

I would like to answer this question for the sake of everyone, not just the BKs or PBKs.

We really don't know where he is. That doesn't mean I should be following someone else until we find him. No, better I should go back to laukik life- (Just kidding, not suggesting this to anyone).

I can only try to find the real Brahma or if I am really interested in the knowledge then I should try to become pure as soon as possible, which may further help me to reach Brahma. We cannot expect the drama to be under our control. Just because I am not able to do this, I would never prefer following someone like Baba Dixit, when I know what he is. I am not a fool. Or just leave everything, why waste time and money?

Or at least try to verify their teachings. There is nothing wrong in questioning someone and even yourself. Don't be so cruel. At least, think of your family.

We don't even realize how cruel we have become. I literally cried thinking of my family when I left Baba Dixit recently. What did I do with my family when I was a PBK!

I am not asking you to go back to your family. But, that is better than following someone like Baba Dixit, or Sister Shivani, etc.

And why you prefer Baba Dixit? At least, at least, at least, at least, at the very least, switch to someone like ‘Pankaj Baba’, ‘Bapuji Dashrath Patel’, ‘Piyush Baba’, ‘Nagraj Baba’, ‘Sagarika Shakti’ etc.
Baba Dixit is the worst possible option. [Just kidding, I am not suggesting any party or Baba].
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