SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 28.10.2019 (Original 04.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
रूहानी बाप तुम बच्चों को स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनाते हैं, अर्थात् तुम इस 84 के चक्र को जान जाते हो। आगे नहीं जानते थे। अभी बाप द्वारा तुमने जाना है। 84 जन्मों के चक्र में तुम आते हो जरूर। तुम बच्चों को 84 के चक्र का नॉलेज देता हूँ। मैं स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी हूँ परन्तु प्रैक्टिकल में 84 जन्मों के चक्र में आता नहीं हूँ। तो इससे समझ जाना चाहिए, शिव बाप में सारा ज्ञान है।
The Spiritual Father makes You into ‘spinners of the discus of Self-Realisation’, that is, You come to know this Cycle of 84 births. You did not know it previously; You have NOW come to know this from the Father. You definitely enter the Cycle of 84 births. I give You Children the Knowledge of the Cycle of 84 births. I am the ‘Spinner of the discus of Self-Realization’ (‘Swadarshanchakradhari’), BUT I DO NOT enter into the Cycle of 84 births PRACTICALLY. From this, You can understand that Shiva, the Father, has ALL the Knowledge.

Incorporeal God Father Shiva can be called ‘Swadarshanchakradhari’, in the SPECIFIC CONTEXT, that He retains ALL the Knowledge of this ENTIRE human World Tree within his intellect ETERNALLY - although He, Himself, DOES NOT enter the Cycle of 84 births PRACTICALLY!

Whereas, ALL the OTHER Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, are also called ‘swadarshanchakradhari’, in the PARTICULAR CONTEXT, that they come to know about this human World Tree, from Him, and retain same within their intellects ONLY during Confluence Age - after which they FORGET same, but they DO enter the Cycle of 84 births PRACTICALLY!

हमको तो अनुभव प्राप्त होता है। बाबा कहाँ से अनुभव लाते हैं जो तुमको सुनाते हैं? प्रैक्टिकल अनुभव होना चाहिए ना? बाप कहते हैं, मुझे ज्ञान का सागर कहते हैं, परन्तु मैं तो 84 जन्मों के चक्र में आता नहीं हूँ। ... इनको कैसे 84 के चक्र का मालूम पड़ा, जबकि खुद 84 जन्मों में नहीं आता है। बाप बीजरूप होने कारण जानते हैं। खुद 84 के चक्र में नहीं आते हैं। परन्तु तुमको सब समझाते हैं, यह भी कितना वन्डर है।
“It is we, who get the (actual, PRACTICAL) experience. From where does Baba gain the experience so that He is able to tell You about it? There should be a PRACTICAL experience, (in order to relate same), is it not? The Father says: I am called the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, but I DO NOT enter the Cycle of 84 births. ... How does He know about the Cycle of 84 births, when He, Himself, does not take 84 births? It is because the Father is the Seed Form, that He knows. He, Himself, DOES NOT enter the Cycle of 84 births, but He explains everything to You. This too is a great wonder!

Incorporeal God Father Shiva retains ALL the Knowledge of the Cycle of 84 births within his intellect ETERNALLY - because He is the Seed Form of the ENTIRE human World Tree – EVEN THOUGH He, Himself, DOES NOT enter the Cycle of 84 births PRACTICALLYwhich is a GREAT WONDER!

तुम वन्डर खाते हो ईश्वर में कैसे सारी नॉलेज भरी हुई है। उनमें आई कहाँ से, जो तुमको समझाते हैं? उनको तो कोई बाप भी नहीं, जिससे जन्म लिया हो वा समझा हो। तुम सब भाई-भाई हो। वह एक कैसे तुम्हारा बाप है, बीजरूप है। कितनी नॉलेज बैठ बच्चों को सुनाते हैं। कहते हैं, 84 जन्म मैं नहीं लेता हूँ, तुम लेते हो। तो जरूर प्रश्न उठेगा ना – ‘बाबा आपको कैसे मालूम पड़ा?’ बाबा कहते हैं - बच्चे, अनादि ड्रामा अनुसार मेरे में पहले से यह नॉलेज है, जो तुमको पढ़ाता हूँ इसलिए ही मुझे ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान् कहा जाता है। खुद चक्र में नहीं आते, परन्तु उनमें सारी सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त की नॉलेज है।
“You are wonder-struck as to how God is filled with all the Knowledge. Where did He get it from, that He is able to explain it to You? He does not have a father from whom He has taken birth, or (from whom He has) understood (the Knowledge). You are all Brothers; and He alone is your Father, the Seed Form. He sits here and gives You Children so much Knowledge. He says: I do not take 84 births; You do. So, the question would surely arise: ‘Baba, how did you come to know (all of this)?’ Baba says: Children, according to the eternal Drama, this Knowledge, which I TEACH You, is within Me, from the beginning. This is why I am called God (‘Bhagwan’), the Highest-on-High. He, Himself, does not enter the Cycle, but He has all the Knowledge of the beginning, middle and end of the whole World.

Incorporeal God Father Shiva is ABLE to give ALL the Knowledge of the Cycle of 84 births to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, during Confluence Age, ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba - because Shiva is the Seed Form of the ENTIRE human World Tree – and as per Drama Plan, this Knowledge is retained within His intellect ETERNALLY!

यह ‘ब्रह्मा सो विष्णु’, अर्थात् नारायण बनते हैं, इसको कहा जाता है गुह्य बातें। बाप बहुत गुह्य नॉलेज सुनाते हैं, जो और कोई पढ़ा न सके सिवाए बाप के। तो ब्रह्मा और विष्णु की कोई दो आत्मायें नहीं हैं। वैसे ही सरस्वती और लक्ष्मी - इन दोनों की दो आत्मायें हैं, या एक? आत्मा एक है, शरीर दो हैं। यह सरस्वती ही फिर लक्ष्मी बनती है, इसलिए एक आत्मा गिनी जायेगी। 84 जन्म एक ही आत्मा लेती है। यह बड़ी समझ की बात है।
“THIS Brahma (soul of DLR) becomes Vishnu, that is, he becomes Narayan; these are called deep aspects. The Father gives You very deep Knowledge which no one, EXCEPT the Father, can TEACH. Therefore, Brahma and Vishnu are NOT two souls. Similarly, are there two souls of Saraswati and Lakshmi, or only one? There is ONLY ONE soul, but two bodies. THIS Saraswati (soul of Om Radheof Confluence Age) THEN becomes Lakshmi (of Golden Age). Therefore, the soul is ONLY ONE. The VERY SAME soul takes 84 births. This is a great aspect, which is to be understood.”

Just as Brahma Baba, or the soul of DLR, himself, becomes Narayan, in the beginning of Golden Age; so also, Saraswati Mama, or the soul of Om Radhe, herself, becomes Lakshmi, in the beginning of Golden Age – and their COMBINED form, as Lakshmi & Narayan, is represented by the SYMBOLIC form of Vishnu!

मैं आता हूँ ब्रह्मा तन में। मनुष्यों को तो पता ही नहीं है कि ब्रह्मा कौनसा? सुना है प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा। तुम प्रजा हो ना ब्रह्मा की, इसलिए अपने को बी.के. कहलाते हो। वास्तव में शिवबाबा के बच्चे शिववंशी हो, जब निराकार आत्मायें हो, फिर साकार में प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा के बच्चे भाई-बहन हो, और कोई भी सम्बन्ध नहीं है।
“I enter the body of Brahma (soul of DLR). Human beings DO NOT know which Brahma this is. They have heard of Brahma, the ‘Father of the People’ (‘PrajaPita Brahma’). You (BKs) are the people of (‘PrajaPita’) Brahma, which is why You call yourselves Brahma Kumars and Kumaris (BKs). In fact, You are the Children of ShivBaba, so You are His progeny, as incorporeal souls. THEN, in this corporeal World, You are Brothers and Sisters, the Children of PrajaPita Brahma; there is no other relationship.”

Brahma & PrajaPita Brahma are ONE and the SAME soul of DLR, in Confluence Age – who, himself, THEN becomes the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna, and then the VERY FIRST Emperor, Shri Narayan, in the beginning of Golden Age!

बच्चे तो, इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण आदि को भी हैं ना। परन्तु वहाँ है योगबल। बाप तुमको योगबल सिखलाते हैं। योगबल से तुम विश्व के मालिक बनते हो, बाहुबल से कोई विश्व का मालिक बन न सके। लॉ नहीं कहता। तुम बच्चे याद के बल से सारे विश्व की बादशाही ले रहे हो। कितनी ऊंची पढ़ाई है। बाप कहते हैं - पहले-पहले पवित्रता की प्रतिज्ञा करो। पवित्र बनने से ही फिर तुम पवित्र दुनिया के मालिक बनेंगे।
“Lakshmi & Narayan also have children, but there is the ‘power of Yoga’ there (in Golden Age). The Father is TEACHING You the ‘Power of Yoga’. You become the Masters of the World through the ‘Power of Yoga’. No one can become the Master of the World through the ‘power of arms’ – that is not the Law. You Children are claiming your Sovereignty of the whole World through the ‘Power of Yoga’. This is such an elevated Study! The Father says: First of all, make a promise for Purity. ONLY by becoming Pure will You become the Masters of the Pure World.”

One can become a Sovereign of the WHOLE World, during RamRajya, ONLY THROUGH the ‘Power of Yoga’!
Whereas, one CANNOT become a sovereign of the WHOLE World, during Ravan Rajya, through the ‘power of arms’!
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Golden Heart
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 29.10.2019 (Original 05.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
याद के लिए कोई भी तकलीफ की बात नहीं है। बाप को याद करना - इसमें कोई तकल़ीफ नहीं है। ... अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का खजाना मिल रहा है। ... कुछ भी काम काज करते, बाप को याद करना है। ऐसे भी नहीं कि अभी निरन्तर तुम याद कर सकते हो। नहीं! इस अवस्था में टाइम लगता है। अभी निरन्तर याद ठहर जाए, फिर तो कर्मातीत अवस्था हो जाए।
“There is no question of ANY difficulty in Remembrance. There is NO difficulty in Remembering the Father. ... You are receiving the treasures of the imperishable ‘Jewels of Knowledge’. ... Whatever work You do, You have to Remember the Father. It is not that You can have constant Remembrance NOW (immediately). NO! It takes time to reach this stage. If You were to have constant Remembrance now, You would reach your ‘karmateet’ stage.”

It DOES take time to be ABLE to remain in CONSTANT, ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONEas a POINT source of Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Spiritual Light Energy!

देखा जाता है तुम्हारा नाम सारा विलायत से ही निकलेगा क्योंकि उन्हों की बुद्धि फिर भी भारतवासियों से तीखी है। ... वह इतने तमोप्रधान नहीं बने हैं, उन्हों की बुद्धि तो बड़ी तीखी है। उन्हों का जब आवाज़ निकलेगा, तब भारतवासी जागेंगे क्योंकि भारतवासी एकदम घोर नींद में सोये हुए हैं। वह थोड़े सोये हुए हैं। उन्हों से आवाज़ अच्छा निकलेगा
It is seen that your name will be glorified ONLY from abroad, because their intellects are still sharper than those of the people of Bharat. ... Those people have not become so ‘tamopradhan’. Their intellects are very sharp. When their sound spreads, the people of Bharat will awaken, because the people of Bharat are sleeping in a very deep sleep. Those people are sleeping in a light sleep. The sound from them will spread very well.”

The sound of the Righteous Children, from abroad, will spread fast towards the end, and will awaken the people of Bharat who are still sleeping in a very deep sleep of Spiritual ignorance!

तुम विनाश का नाम सुनते हो, तो अन्दर में खुशी बहुत होनी चाहिए। परन्तु ज्ञान ही नहीं होगा, तो खुश भी हो न सके। बाप कहते हैं, देह सहित सब कुछ छोड़, अपने को आत्मा समझो, अपनी आत्मा का योग मुझ बाप के साथ लगाओ। यह है मेहनत की बात। पावन बनकर ही पावन दुनिया में आना है।
When You hear the sound of ‘destruction’ (transformation), You should have a lot of internal Happiness. However, if You DO NOT have Knowledge, then there CANNOT be that Happiness. The Father says: Renounce everything, including your body, and consider yourself to be a soul. Let the Yoga of You, the soul, be connected to Me, the Father. This is something that requires effort. It is only after You have become Pure that You can go to the Pure World (Soul World).”

The Righteous Children can experience a great deal of internal Happiness, number-wise, when they hear the sound of ‘destruction’, at the end - which would CONFIRM that World transformation is PRACTICALLY taking place – ONLY IF they have actually IMBIBED the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, number-wise, in accordance with their Spiritual efforts made during Confluence Age!

बाप आये ही हैं पढ़ाकर देवता बनाने। तो इतनी अथाह खुशी बच्चों को रहनी चाहिए ना। अपने से पूछो, इतनी अथाह खुशी है? बाप को इतना याद करते हैं? चक्र की भी सारी नॉलेज बुद्धि में है, तो इतनी खुशी रहनी चाहिए। बाप कहते हैं, मुझे याद करो, और बिल्कुल खुशी में रहो। तुमको पढ़ाने वाला देखो कौन है! जब सबको मालूम पड़ेगा, तो सबका मुँह ही फीका हो जायेगा। परन्तु अभी उन्हों के समझने में थोड़ी देरी है।
The Father has come to TEACH You, and make You into Deities. So, You Children should have an abundance of Happiness. Ask yourself: ‘Do I have such an abundance of Happiness? Do I Remember the Father that much?’ You also have all the Knowledge of the Cycle, and so there should be that much Happiness. The Father says: Remember Me and remain in COMPLETE Happiness. Look who is TEACHING You! When they all become aware of this, their faces will then go pale. However, there is still a little time for them to understand.”

There is NO TONIC (MEDICINE) like Happiness! (‘Khushi jaisi khurak nahim’).
CONSTANT experience of SUPER-SENSUOUS Happiness (‘Atyindriya Sukh’) can PRACTICALLY CURE ANY DISEASE of the corporeal body, and enable the soul to constantly remain in a FLYING stage!
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Golden Heart
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 30.10.2019 (Original 22.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
तुम्हारी है अव्यभिचारी याद। एक होती है व्यभिचारी याद, दूसरी होती है अव्यभिचारी याद। तुम सबकी है अव्यभिचारी याद। किसकी याद है? एक बाप की। बाप को याद करते-करते पाप कट जायेंगे, और तुम वहाँ पहुँच जायेंगे। पावन बनकर फिर नई दुनिया में जाना है। आत्माओं को जाना है। ... भक्ति भी पहले-पहले तुमने ऊंच ते ऊंच शिव-बाबा की ही की थी। उनको कहा जाता है अव्यभिचारी भक्ति।
“Your Remembrance is UNADULTERATED. One is ADULTERATED remembrance; and the other is UNADULTERATED Remembrance. All of You have UNADULTERATED Remembrance. Whose Remembrance? Of ONE Father (Shiva). By continuing to Remember the Father, your sins will be incinerated, and You will reach there (Soul World). You have to become Pure, and then go to the New World (‘Land of Happiness’). Souls have to go there (to the ‘Land of Peace’). ... At FIRST, you performed Devotion of only the Highest-on-High ShivBaba. That is called UNADULTERATED Devotion.

Those who have performed UNADULTERATED Devotion (‘Satopradhan Bhakti’), during Ravan Rajya, are the ones who can remain in UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE, during Confluence Age!

Whereas, those who have performed ADULTERATED Devotion (‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’) during Ravan Rajya, are the ones who can remain only in ADULTERATED Remembrance, during Confluence Age – that is, they can Remember Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ONLY THROUGH the corporeal, or subtle body of an embodied soul!

यहाँ तो तुम सब आत्मायें हो। सब आत्माओं का बाप एक है। सबको बाप से वर्सा लेने का हक है। तुम हो भाई-भाई, भल शरीर स्त्री-पुरुष का है। आत्मा सब भाई-भाई हैं। ... ‘भाई-भाई’ माना सब आत्मायें एक बाप के बच्चे हैं, फिर प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा के बच्चे भाई-बहन हैं।
“Here, all of You are souls; and the Father of all souls is ONE (Shiva). Everyone has a right to claim their inheritance from the Father. Whether You have a male or a female body, You are all Brothers (as souls); all souls are Brothers. ... ‘Brothers’ means that all souls are the children of the ONE Father; and then, as Children of PrajaPita Brahma, all are Brothers and Sisters.”

ALL individual souls have a right to claim their respective inheritance of Liberation (‘Mukti’) & Salvation or Fruition (‘Jivan-Mukti’), number-wise – as the eternal children of Incorporeal God Father Shiva – as souls!

यहाँ ‘मरना’ अर्थात् अवस्था कम होना, माया से हारना। खत्म हो जाते हैं! ‘आश्चर्यवत् सुनन्ती, कथन्ती, भागन्ती .. अहो मम माया .. फारकती देवन्ती’ हो जाते हैं। मरजीवा बनते हैं, बाप का बनते हैं, फिर राम-राज्य से रावणराज्य में चले जाते हैं। इस पर ही फिर युद्ध दिखलाई है - कौरव और पाण्डवों की। ... बाप समझाते हैं, यहाँ की ही बात है।
“Here, ‘to die’ means to lose your stage, that is, to be defeated by Maya; they then die! It is such a wonder that they listen (to the Knowledge), relate same to others, and then run away. Oh, Maya! They become those who divorce (the Father). They die whilst alive, they belong to the Father; and then leave the ‘Kingdom of RAMA’, and go to the ‘kingdom of Ravan’. The war they have shown between the ‘Kauravas & Pandavas’ was based on this. ... The Father explains that those aspects refer to here (Confluence Age).

The war which they have shown on the ‘path of Devotion’, between the ‘Kauravas & Pandavas’, pertains to Confluence Age, when the BLIND Unrighteous children, or FALSE Brahmins, leave the ‘Kingdom of RAMA’, or the Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and go to the ‘kingdom of Ravan’, in order to study the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) – through which their intellects become ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED, INVERTED & DEGRADED!

तुम्हारी है ही योगबल की बात। हथियारों आदि से तुम कोई को कुछ करते नहीं। वह ताकत तो क्रिश्चियन में भी बहुत है। रशिया और अमेरिका दो भाई हैं। इन दोनों की है काम्पीटीशन, बॉम्ब्स आदि बनाने की। दोनों एक-दो से ताकत वाले हैं। इतनी ताकत है, अगर दोनों आपस में मिल जाएं तो सारे वर्ल्ड पर राज्य कर सकते हैं। परन्तु लॉ नहीं है, जो बाहुबल से कोई विश्व पर राज्य पा सके। ... अभी तुम पुरुषार्थ कर रहे हो - योगबल से विश्व का मालिक बनें। वह आपस में लड़ते हैं, मक्खन बीच में तुम खा लेते हो। माखन अर्थात् विश्व की बादशाही तुमको मिलती है, और बहुत ही सिम्पल रीति मिलती है।
“Yours is an aspect of the ‘Power of Yoga’. You do not do anything to anyone with weapons, etc. Those Christians have a lot of power to do that. Russia and America are two Brothers. They compete with one another in making bombs, etc. Each is more powerful than the other. They have so much power, that if they were to unite, they could rule the whole World. However, it is not the law that anyone can attain the reign of the World with the ‘power of arms’. ... You are now making effort to become the Masters of the World, through the ‘Power of Yoga’. Those people fight each other, and You eat the Butter in between. You receive the Butter, that is, the Sovereignty of the World, and You receive it in a very simple (easy) way.”

It is NOT POSSIBLE to attain the sovereignty of the whole World, during Ravan Rajya, through the ‘power of arms’, since same is NOT DESTINED within Drama to be so.

It is ONLY POSSIBLE to attain the Sovereignty of the whole World, during RamRajya, through the ‘Power of Yoga’, or the ‘Power of Remembrance’, in a very simple and easy manner!

बाप जो समझाते हैं तुम मानते हो, समझते हो। ऐसे नहीं कि तुम नहीं मानते। अगर नहीं मानते, तो यहाँ नहीं आते। इस धर्म के नहीं हैं, तो फिर मानते नहीं हैं। बाप ने समझाया है, सारा मदार भक्ति पर है। जिन्होंने बहुत भक्ति की है, तो भक्ति का फल भी उन्हों को मिलना चाहिए। उन्हों को ही बाप से बेहद का वर्सा मिलता है। तुम जानते हो, हम सो देवता विश्व के मालिक बनते हैं।
“You believe what the Father tells You, and You understand it. It is not that You do not believe it. If You did not believe it, then You would not come here. If You did not belong to this religion, You would not believe it. The Father has explained that everything depends on Devotion. Those who have performed a great deal of Devotion have to receive the fruit of their Devotion. They are the ones who receive the Unlimited inheritance from the Father. You know that You are becoming Deities, the Masters of the World.”

Those who do a great deal of UNADULTERATED, or ‘Satopradhan’ Devotion during Ravan Rajya, receive the fruit of same, during Confluence Age, in the form of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) - which they are easily able to COMPREHEND in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE.

Whereas, those who do a great deal of ADULTERATED, or ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan’ Devotion during Ravan Rajya, receive the fruit of same, during Confluence Age, in the form of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), which they are easily able to COMPREHEND in DISTORTED & PERVERTED PERSPECTIVES – in ACCURATE CONFORMITY with the DISTORTED & PERVERTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya – due to which they are THEN simply UNABLE to COMPREHEND the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, or TRUE Gita, in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!

माला जब फेरते हैं, तो जानते हैं ‘फूल’ निराकार है, फिर है मेरू। ब्रह्मा-सरस्वती ‘युगल दाना’ क्योंकि प्रवृत्ति मार्ग है ना।
“When people rotate a rosary, they know that the tassel (‘phool’) represents the Incorporeal One and then there is the dual-bead. Brahma (soul of DLR) and Saraswati (soul of Om Radhe) are the dual-bead (soul-mates), because this is the Family path.”

Although Saraswati Mama is the Spiritual Daughter of Brahma Baba, in Confluence Age, she is his eternal soul-mate or ‘yugal-dana’, within this EWD Play!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 31.10.2019 (Original 03.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
वह एक ही शिव बाप की आत्मा है, जिसको ही ‘सुप्रीम’ अथवा ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान् कहा जाता है। अभी तुम बच्चे समझते हो हम ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान् शिवबाबा के सामने बैठे हैं। वह इसमें (ब्रह्मा तन में) बैठे हैं, वह तुमको पार भी पहुँचाते हैं। उनको रथ भी जरूर चाहिए ना। नहीं तो श्रीमत कैसे दें? अभी तुम बच्चों को निश्चय है - बाबा हमारा बाबा भी है, टीचर भी है, पार ले जाने वाला भी है। अभी हम आत्मायें अपने घर शान्तिधाम में जाने वाली हैं। वह बाबा हमको रास्ता बता रहे हैं। वहाँ सेन्टर्स पर बैठने, और यहाँ सम्मुख बैठने में रात-दिन का फ़र्क है।
ONLY that ONE soul of Father Shiva is called the ‘Supreme’, and God (‘Bhagwan’), the Highest-on-High. You Children understand that You are NOW sitting in front of ShivBaba, God, the Highest-on-High. He is sitting in THIS one (body of Brahma); He also takes You across. He definitely needs a Chariot (a body). How else could He give You Shrimat? You Children now have the faith that Baba is your Father also, Teacher also, and also the One who takes You across (Satguru). We souls will now be going back to our Home, the ‘Land of Peace’. That Baba (Shiva) is showing us the path. There is the difference of day and night between sitting there, at a Center, and sitting here FACE to FACE with (Shiv)Baba (through body of Brahma Baba).

There is a DIFFERENCE of day and night between listening to the Murli at ANY Center, or EVEN in Madhuban, while being body-conscious – AND - listening to the Murli at ANY Center, or EVEN in Madhuban, while being AWARE of oneself as a soul, and experiencing oneself to be FACE to FACE with the Supreme Soul, or Incorporeal God Father Shiva – WHETHER through the impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba, PRIOR 1969, in ‘Sakar’; or, WHETHER through the subtle body of Brahma Baba, using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar, AFTER 1969, in ‘Akar’, or ‘Avyakt’; or, WHETHER through the Third Eye of one’s OWN Divine intellect, after having ALSO DEVELOPED one’s OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness – at ANY time, or ANY place, WITHOUT the need for ANY corporeal, or subtle body of ANY OTHER embodied soul!

बाप भी कहते हैं, मैं जानी जाननहार हूँ अर्थात् सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त को जानता हूँ। परन्तु सुनाऊं कैसे? विचार की बात है ना, इसलिए लिखा हुआ है – ‘बाप रथ लेते हैं’। कहते हैं, मेरा जन्म तुम्हारे सदृश्य नहीं है। मैं इसमें प्रवेश करता हूँ। रथ का भी परिचय देते हैं। यह (ब्रह्मा की) आत्मा भी नाम-रूप धारण करते-करते तमोप्रधान बनी है।
The Father says: I am also ‘Janijananhar’ (One who knows everything), that is, I know the beginning, middle and end of the World; but how can I narrate that to You? This is an aspect to consider. This is why it is written that ‘the Father adopts a Chariot’. He says: My Birth is not like yours. I enter THIS one (soul of DLR). He also gives You the introduction of the Chariot. This soul (of Brahma) has also become ‘tamopradhan’ whilst adopting names and forms (corporeal bodies).”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva can also be CONSIDERED as ‘Janijananhar’ (One who knows everything) – in the SPECIFIC CONTEXT that He is the Seed Form of the human World Tree, who knows the beginning, middle and end of the World – but NOT in the sense, that He knows EVERYTHING that goes on EVERYWHERE in this World, at ANYTIME, in PARTICULAR; or that He knows EVERYTHING that goes on within the mind of EVERY embodied soul, at ANYTIME, in PARTICULAR!

Please be AWARE that more than one page has been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME Revised SM!
View Original SM script dated 03.11.1968
View SAME Revised SM dated 31.10.2019
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 01.11.2019 (Original 02.01.1969)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप ने समझाया है कि ध्यान और योग बिल्कुल अलग है। योग अर्थात् याद। आंखें खुली होते भी तुम याद कर सकते हो। ध्यान को कोई योग नहीं कहा जाता। ... इसमें माया भी बहुत आती है। ... जैसे बाप बलवान है, वैसे माया भी बड़ी बलवान है। इतनी बलवान है, जो सारी दुनिया को वेश्यालय में ढकेल दिया है, इसलिए इसमें बहुत खबरदारी रखनी होती है। बाप की कायदे अनुसार याद चाहिए। बेकायदे कोई काम किया तो एकदम गिरा देती है। ध्यान आदि की कभी कोई इच्छा नहीं रखनी है। ‘इच्छा मात्रम् अविद्या ..’; बाप तुम्हारी सब मनोकामनायें बिगर मांगे पूरी कर देते हैं, अगर बाप की आज्ञा पर चले तो। अगर बाप की आज्ञा न मान, उल्टा रास्ता लिया, तो हो सकता है स्वर्ग के बदले नर्क में ही गिर जाएं।
“The Father has explained that trance is totally separate from Yoga. Yoga means Remembrance. You can have Remembrance even with your eyes open. Trance is NOT Yoga. ... Maya interferes a great deal in this (in trance). ... Just as the Father is Powerful, so Maya too is VERY powerful. She is SO powerful that she has pushed the whole World into a Brothel, which is why You have to be very cautious in this. You should Remember the Father lawfully (accurately). If You perform any unlawful action, she makes You fall completely. You should never have any desire for trance, etc. ‘You should be ignorant of even the slightest trace of desire ..’; if You follow the Father's directions, the Father fulfills all your aspirations even without your asking. If you do not follow His directions, and take a wrong path, it is then possible that, instead of going to Heaven, you will slip into Hell.

If ANYONE follows the WRONG path of studying the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), during Confluence Age - INSTEAD of Studying the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – then, INSTEAD of claiming the Sovereignty of TRUE Heaven, during RamRajya, they will only be able to claim the sovereignty of APPARENT ‘Heaven’, during Ravan Rajya!

गायन भी है, ‘गज को ग्राह ने खाया’। बहुतों को ज्ञान देने वाले, भोग लगाने वाले, आज हैं कहाँ, क्योंकि बेकायदे चलन के कारण पूरे मायावी बन जाते हैं। डीटी बनते-बनते डेविल बन जाते हैं। बाप जानते हैं कि बहुत अच्छे पुरुषार्थी जो देवता बनने वाले थे, वह असुर बन असुरों के साथ रहते हैं। ट्रेटर हो जाते हैं। बाप का बनकर फिर माया के बन जाते, उन्हें ट्रेटर कहा जाता है। अपने ऊपर नज़र रखनी होती है। श्रीमत का उल्लंघन किया तो यह गिरे। पता भी नहीं पड़ेगा!
“It has been remembered that ‘an alligator swallowed an elephant’. Those who used to give this Knowledge to many, and who used to offer ‘Bhog’, are not here today, as they were totally influenced by Maya due to their unlawful conduct. Whilst becoming Deities, they became Devils. The Father knows that those who used to make very good efforts, and who were going to become Deities, have become like devils and are living with devilish people; they have become traitors. Those who belong to the Father, and then belong to Maya are called traitors. You have to keep a watch (check) on yourself. If You disobey Shrimat, You will fall, and You will NOT EVEN realize it!”

Many among those who were initially IMPRESSED by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, and were going to become Deities, by FIRST Studying the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), spoken ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR – LATER came under the INFLUENCE of the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, to become like Demons, by studying the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – and INSTEAD of becoming worthy to claim the Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, they ONLY become worthy to claim the ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya – WITHOUT EVEN REAL-EYESing same!

बाबा ने शुरू में कमेटी बनाई थी, तो माताओं की बनाई थी क्योंकि कलश तो माताओं को ही मिलता है। ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ गाया हुआ है ना। अगर गोप लोग कमेटी बनाते हैं, तो ‘वन्दे गोप’ तो गायन नहीं है! श्रीमत पर नहीं, तो माया के जाल में फँस पड़ते हैं। बाबा ने माताओं की कमेटी बनाई, उन्हों के हवाले सब कुछ कर दिया। पुरुष अक्सर करके देवाला मारते हैं, स्त्रियाँ नहीं। तो बाप भी कलश माताओं पर रखते हैं। इस ज्ञान मार्ग में मातायें भी देवाला मार सकती हैं। पद्मापद्म भाग्यशाली जो बनने वाले हैं, वह माया से हार खाकर देवाला मार सकते हैं। इसमें स्त्री-पुरुष दोनों देवाला मार सकते हैं, और मारते भी हैं। कितने हार खाकर चले गये, गोया देवाला मार दिया ना।
In the beginning, Baba set up a committee of Mothers, because only the Mothers are given the Urn (of the Nectar of Knowledge). ‘Salutations to the Mothers’ has been remembered. Even if the Brothers set up committees, there is no saying like ‘Salutations to the Brothers’. If You do not follow Shrimat, You become trapped in Maya’s Web. Baba had set up a committee of Mothers and handed over everything to them. Generally, men, not women, cause insolvency. Therefore, the Father too places the Urn on the Mothers. On this ‘Path of Knowledge’, even Mothers can become insolvent. Those who can become multi-million times fortunate can also be defeated by Maya and become insolvent. Here, both males and females can become insolvent, and many do become insolvent! So many were defeated and left, which means that they became insolvent.”

Many among those who used to make very good Spiritual efforts, in the beginning, and who were going to become Deities, by Studying the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – LATER left, and became like Demons, by studying the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita); they become Spiritual traitors, due to which they become Spiritually insolvent!

माया कितनी जबरदस्त है - जो समझ नहीं सकते हैं हम क्या थे, कहाँ से एकदम नीचे आकर गिरे हैं। ... बाबा घड़ी-घड़ी बच्चों को सावधान करते रहते हैं। अपनी मत पर कमेटियाँ आदि बनाना इसमें कुछ रखा नहीं है। ...
अहंकार में आने से माया बहुत विकर्म कराती है। बाबा ने ऐसे थोड़ेही कहा है, ऐसी-ऐसी पुरुषों की कमेटियाँ बनाओ। कमेटी में एक-दो समझू सयानी बच्चियां जरूर होनी चाहिए। जिनकी ही राय पर काम हो। कलश तो लक्ष्मी पर रखा जाता है ना।
Maya is SO FORCEFUL that they are UNABLE to understand what they were, and HOW they have completely fallen. ... Baba repeatedly cautions You Children. There is nothing to be gained by setting up committees, etc., according to your own dictates. ...
When You become arrogant, Maya makes You perform many sinful acts. Baba has never said to set up such a committee of Brothers. There should definitely be one or two sensible Sisters on the committee, with whose advice the work can be carried out. The Urn is given to Lakshmi (to a Mother).”

The Mothers & Sisters are to be kept in FRONT, while disseminating the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and in the administrative functioning of the Yagya & Centers – while the Brothers have to provide adequate support to them! GENERALLY, by following this process, there is constant SUCCESS & SAFETY for BOTH the Mothers/Sisters, AS WELL AS, the Brothers!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 02.11.2019 (Original 26.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
हमारा बाबा बेहद का बाप भी है, टीचर भी है; और बरोबर हमारा सतगुरू भी है जो बच्चों को साथ में ले जायेगा। ... तुम जानते हो हम बाबा के बच्चे जरूर हैं। वह हमको पढ़ाते हैं इसलिए टीचर भी जरूर है। हमारी पढ़ाई है ही नई दुनिया अमरपुरी के लिए। अभी हम संगमयुग पर बैठे हैं। यह याद तो जरूर बच्चों को होनी चाहिए। पक्का-पक्का याद करना है। यह भी जानते हो इस समय कंसपुरी आसुरी दुनिया में हैं। समझो कोई को साक्षात्कार होता है, परन्तु साक्षात्कार से कोई कृष्णपुरी, उनकी डिनायस्टी में नहीं जा सकेंगे। जा तब सकेंगे जब बाप, टीचर, गुरू तीनों को ही याद करते रहेंगे। यह आत्माओं से बात की जाती है। ...
बाप, बाप भी है, टीचर, सतगुरू भी है। तीनों रूप में याद करो तो तीनों वर्से मिलेंगे। पिछाड़ी वाले तीनों रूप में याद कर नहीं सकेंगे। फिर मुक्ति में चले जायेंगे।
“Our Baba is our Unlimited Father also, and our Teacher also; and definitely our Satguru also, who will take us Children along with Him (back to the Soul World). ... You know that You are definitely Baba's Children. He is TEACHING us, which is why He is definitely our Teacher also. Our Study is for the New World, for the ‘Land of Immortality’. We are now sitting at the Confluence Age. You Children must definitely remember this. You must remember this firmly. You also understand that, at this time, You are in the devilish World, the ‘land of Kans’. Even if some do have a vision, it is not that through such vision they will be able to go to the ‘Land of Krishna’, or into his dynasty. It is when You continue to Remember the Father, the Teacher and the Satguru - all three - that You will be able to go there. Baba tells this to You souls. ...
The Father is the Father also, the Teacher and Satguru also. Remember Him in all three forms and You will receive all three inheritances. Those who come at the end will not be able to Remember Him in all three forms. They will then go into Liberation.

ONLY when the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, Remember ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – as the Father also, as the Teacher also, and also as the Satguru – ALL THREE – will they, THEN, be able to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya from Him, in Confluence Age ITSELF – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba!

Those who come at the end will NOT be able to Remember Him in ALL three forms.

इस संगम पर तुम प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा के बनते हो, तो भाई-बहिन हो। शिवबाबा को याद करते हो, तो भाई-भाई हो। यह सब बातें अच्छी रीति याद करनी हैं। ... राजयोग है ही प्रवृत्ति मार्ग का। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को 4 भुजायें देते हैं, तो प्रवृत्ति मार्ग हुआ ना। यहाँ बाप ने इनको एडाप्ट किया तो नाम रखा है ब्रह्मा और सरस्वती। ड्रामा में नूँध देखो कैसी है। वानप्रस्थ अवस्था में ही मनुष्य गुरू करते हैं, 60 वर्ष के बाद। इसमें भी 60 वर्ष के बाद बाप ने प्रवेश किया तो बाप, टीचर, गुरू बन गये।
“At this Confluence Age, You belong to PrajaPita Brahma, and so You are Brothers and Sisters. When You Remember ShivBaba, You are Brothers (as bodiless souls). You have to remember all of these aspects very well. ... RajYoga is for the house-hold path. PrajaPita Brahma is portrayed as having four arms (on the ‘path of Devotion’); therefore, this is a house-hold path. The Father has adopted this one (soul of DLR); and so, He has named them Brahma and Saraswati. Just look at what is fixed in Drama! People adopt a guru in their stage of retirement, after the age of 60. The Father (Shiva) also entered THIS one (soul of DLR) after he was 60, and became the Father, the Teacher, and the Guru.

Dada Lekhraj Khubchand Kripalani (DLR) was born on 15 December, 1876, although there is a birth certificate available in the public domain with a similar name, which states the date of birth as 15 December, 1884, over which there exists some controversy.
According to Sakar Murlis, Incorporeal God Father Shiva has CLEARLY stated that He enters Dada Lekhraj (DLR), in his stage of retirement, when he is 60 years old!

Therefore, this CLEARLY implies, that the birth certificate of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR, available in the public domain, indicates a FALSE date of birth - which was evidently manipulated, for required purposes, at a later time!

View point 3 of Revised SM dated 26.01.2019 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2727&p=53922#p53922
View point 4 of Revised SM dated 06.11.2017 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&p=53381#p53381
View point 1 of Revised SM dated 09.01.2016 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2602&start=45#p50645
View Page 2, Line 12, of Original SM script dated 17.03.1963

हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी भी तुम सुनते हो। बाप इसमें (ब्रह्मा में) आकर तुमको सब बातें समझाते हैं, इसको कहा जाता है बेहद की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी। यह नॉलेज न होने कारण तुम कितने बेसमझ बन पड़े हो। मनुष्य होकर दुनिया की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी को न जानें, तो वह मनुष्य ही क्या काम का? अभी बाप द्वारा तुम वर्ल्ड की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी सुन रहे हो। यह पढ़ाई कितनी अच्छी है, कौन पढ़ाते हैं? बाप। बाप ही ऊंच ते ऊंच पद दिलाने वाला है। इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण का, और जो उन्हों के साथ स्वर्ग में रहते हैं उन्हों का, ऊंच ते ऊंच पद है ना।
“You are the ones who listen to this History and Geography. The Father enters THIS one (Brahma Baba), and explains everything to You; this is called unlimited History and Geography. It was because You did not have this Knowledge that You became so senseless! If human beings do not know the History and Geography of the World, of what use are such human beings? You are now listening to the History and Geography of the World from the Father. This Study is very good. Who is TEACHING this? The Father. It is ONLY the Father who enables You to claim the highest status; the highest status is that of Lakshmi & Narayan and those who live with them in Heaven.

Please be AWARE that some SIGNIFICANT sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME Revised SM!
View Original SM script dated 26.12.1968
View SAME Revised SM dated 02.11.2019
View Original scanned SM dated 26.12.1968 ... -12-68.pdf
Hear Original audio of SM dated 26.12.1968 ... -12-68.mp3
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 04.11.2019 (Original 03.01.1969)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह भी तुम बच्चे जानते हो, बाप हमें शिक्षा देते हैं, जो फिर औरों को देनी है। पहले-पहले तो बाप का ही परिचय देना है क्योंकि सभी बाप को और बाप की शिक्षा को भूले हुए हैं। ... मुख्य हुआ बाप का परिचय; फिर यह सब समझाना है - हम सब भाई-भाई हैं, सारी दुनिया की जो सभी आत्मायें हैं, सब आपस में भाई-भाई हैं। ... सभी पतितों को पावन बनाने वाला एक ही बाप है। ... तो पहले-पहले यह समझाओ कि हम आत्माओं का वह बाप है, सभी ब्रदर्स हैं। ... अल्फ पहले पढ़ाना है। ... हम सब भाई-भाई हैं। सब आत्मायें कहती हैं गॉड फादर, परमपिता परमात्मा, अल्लाह। पहले तो यह निश्चय बिठाना है कि हम आत्मा हैं, परमात्मा नहीं हैं। न हमारे में परमात्मा व्यापक है।
“You Children also know that the Father is giving You teachings, which You then have to give to others. FIRST of ALL, You should give only the Father's introduction, because everyone has forgotten the Father and His teachings. ... The Father's introduction is the MAIN aspect. Then, You have to explain that we are all Brothers, that ALL the souls of the whole World are Brothers. ... The One who can purify all the impure ones is ONLY ONE Father. ... So, FIRST of ALL, explain that He is the Father of all souls, and that all of us are Brothers (as souls). ... You have to FIRST teach them ‘Alpha’ (‘Alif’ – Supreme Soul Shiva). ... We are all Brothers. All souls say: God Father, Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Allah. First of all, instill in them the faith that we are souls, and NOT the ‘Supreme Soul’; and that the Supreme Soul is not present in us.”

FIRST of ALL, the CORRECT introduction of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, should be given to others; and THEN explain to them that ALL the souls of the whole World are Brothers, as souls; and that the Purifier is ONLY ONE Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva, who, ALONE, is also called ‘Alpha’ (‘Alif’), or Allah; and that NO embodied human soul can be called as the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’)!

बाप को बुलाते हैं, परन्तु उन्हें जानते नहीं - वह कैसे भाग्यशाली रथ में आते हैं, तुमको पावन दुनिया में ले जाने! तो बाप समझाते हैं, मैं उनके तन में आता हूँ, जो बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में है, पूरा 84 जन्म लेते हैं। राजाओं का राजा बनाने के लिए, इस भाग्यशाली रथ में प्रवेश करना होता है। पहले नम्बर में है श्रीकृष्ण। वह है नई दुनिया का मालिक। फिर वही नीचे उतरते हैं। सूर्यवंशी, चन्द्रवंशी, फिर वैश्य, शूद्र वंशी; फिर ब्रह्मा वंशी बनते हैं। ... जिसमें मैंने प्रवेश किया है, इनकी आत्मा में तो ज़रा भी यह नॉलेज नहीं थी। इनमें मैं प्रवेश करता हूँ, इसलिए इनको ‘भाग्यशाली रथ’ कहा जाता है। खुद कहते हैं, मैं इनके बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में आता हूँ।
“Although they call out to the Father, they do not know Him – as to how He enters the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagyashali Rath’) in order to take You to the Pure World! So, the Father explains: I enter the body of the one who is in the last of his many births, and who takes the FULL 84 births. I have to enter this ‘Lucky Chariot’ (of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR) in order to make him into the King of kings. Shri Krishna is the FIRST number. He is the Master of the New World; and then he, himself, comes down whilst passing through the Sun Dynasty, the Moon Dynasty, and then the dynasties of merchants and ‘shudras’. He then becomes part of the dynasty of Brahma (once again). ... The one (soul of DLR) whose body I have entered, did not have the slightest bit of this Knowledge. I enter this one (soul of DLR), which is why he (Brhama Baba) is called the ‘Lucky Chariot’. He (Shiva) Himself says: I come (enter) in the last of this one's many (84) births.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva ONLY enters the body of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR, in Confluence Age, in order to give the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins – which is why ONLY Brahma Baba is called the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagyashali Rath’), who, himself, becomes the FIRST number, among ALL other embodied souls on this corporeal sphere, as the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna, of the very beginning of Golden Age!

Please be AWARE that SEVERAL sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM,
in the SAME Revised SM!

View Original SM script dated 03.01.1969
View SAME Revised SM dated 04.11.2019
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 05.11.2019 (Original 05.01.1969)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
तुम बच्चे यहाँ आये हो सद्गति पाने के लिए। तुम्हारी आत्मा में 5 विकारों के कारण पाप थे, उनमें भी मुख्य है काम विकार, जिससे ही मनुष्य पाप आत्मा बनते हैं। यह तो हर एक जानते हैं, हम पतित हैं। भ्रष्टाचार से पैदा हुए हैं। एक काम विकार के कारण सारी क्वालिफिकेशन बिगड़ पड़ती हैं, इसलिए बाप कहते हैं, इस काम विकार को जीतो तो जगतजीत नई दुनिया के मालिक बनेंगे। तो अन्दर में इतनी खुशी रहनी चाहिए। मनुष्य पतित बनते हैं तो कुछ समझते नहीं।
“You Children have come here in order to receive Salvation. You souls were filled with sins because of the five vices, among which the main one is the vice of sex-lust, through which human beings become sinful souls. All of You know that You are impure; that You were born through corruption (of the vice of sex-lust). Due to the vice of sex-lust, all of your (virtuous) qualifications have become spoiled. This is why the Father says: Conquer this vice of sex-lust and You will conquer the World, and become the Masters of the New World. You should have a lot of internal happiness. When human beings become impure, they do not understand anything (in the correct perspective).

SIMILARLY - when the BLIND Unrighteous children are TREACHEROUSLY INDOCTRINATED with the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), during Confluence Age – being the SUBTLE form of the LUSTFUL energy, which sustains body-consciousness, AND the GROSS vice of sex-lust, during Ravan Rajya – their Spiritual inclinations DEGRADE further; and their intellects become ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED, INVERTED & DEGRADED, due to which they are UNABLE to COMPREHEND ANYTHING of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE!

अभी तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि कितनी पलटती है, फिर भी माया धोखा जरूर देती है। ‘इच्छा मात्रम् अविद्या’। कोई इच्छा रखी तो गया। ‘वर्थ नाट ए पेनी’ बन जाते हैं। अच्छे-अच्छे महारथियों को भी माया किसी न किसी प्रकार से धोखा दे देती है, फिर वह दिल पर चढ़ नहीं सकते हैं। कोई तो बच्चे ऐसे होते हैं, जो बाप को भी खत्म करने में देरी नहीं करते। परिवार को भी खत्म कर देते हैं। महान् पाप आत्मायें हैं। रावण क्या-क्या करा देता है। बहुत ऩफरत आती है। कितनी डर्टी दुनिया है, इससे कभी दिल नहीं लगानी है। पवित्र बनने की बड़ी हिम्मत चाहिए। विश्व के बादशाही की प्राइज़ लेने के लिए पवित्रता है मुख्य।
“The intellects of You Children have now changed so much! Nevertheless, Maya STILL deceives You. ‘You should have total ignorance of desire’. If You have ANY desire, You lose (everything), and become ‘worth not a penny’. Maya deceives even very good ‘maharathis’ in one way or another, and they cannot then climb into Baba's Heart. Some children do not even hesitate to kill their father. They would even DESTROY their family members. They are greatly sinful souls. Ravan makes them do all sorts of things. They have great hatred. It is such a dirty World! You should never let your heart be ATTRACTED to it. A lot of courage is needed to become Pure. In order to win the prize of the World, Purity is the MAIN aspect.”

SIMILARLY - when the BLIND Unrighteous children are TREACHEROUSLY ATTRACTED to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), during Confluence Age – they CONTINUE with their IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE to study same EXHAUSTIVELY – and they, THEN, LOSE the ability to COMPREHEND ANYTHING of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE – and become ‘worth not a penny’, as far as claiming the Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya is concerned! The Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, makes them do all sorts of things – including OPPOSING, DEFAMING, MOCKING & INSULTING Incorporeal God Father Shiva, by CONTINUOUSLY MISINTERPRETING, MISREPRESENTING & MISAPPROPRIATING the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), to be in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the FALSE Gita & FALSE Scriptures, AND the DISTORTED & PERVERTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘path of Devotion’, of the outer World of Ravan Rajya; and further, even INSULTING the TRUE Brahmin Family members, by attempting to DESTROY their reputation with FALSE accusations & MALICIOUS insinuations – thereby becoming instrumental to carry out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!

Please be AWARE that SEVERAL sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME, EDITED Revised SM!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 06.11.2019 (Original 27.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह है रावण राज्य, पाप आत्माओं की आसुरी दुनिया। इन बातों को सिवाए तुम्हारे, और कोई नहीं जानते। रावण भल है, परन्तु उनको पहचानते थोड़ेही हैं। शिव का चित्र भी है, परन्तु पहचानते नहीं हैं। ... यह तो तुम ही जानते हो, और समझाते हो, हम श्रीमत पर देवता बनते हैं। रावण मत पर फिर आसुरी मनुष्य बन जाते हैं। मनुष्य मत को आसुरी मत कहा जायेगा।
“This is the ‘kingdom of Ravan’, the devilish World of sinful souls. No one knows these aspects, EXCEPT You. Ravan DOES exist, but no one recognizes him. There is also the image of Shiva, but no one recognizes Him too. ... ONLY You know, and explain to others, how You are becoming Deities by following Shrimat. By following the dictates of Ravan, You become devilish human beings. Human dictates are called devilish dictates.”

BOTH – Incorporeal God Father Shiva AND the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya – DO EXIST – but BOTH CANNOT be seen with the corporeal eyes of the corporeal body! EACH has an APPOINTED Chariot, or ‘mukarar-rath’, during Confluence Age – Incorporeal God Father Shiva delivers the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), or Shrimat, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba – while, the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, propagates the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), or devilish dictates, through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

नई आत्मा जो आती है, उनको दु:ख तो हो नहीं सकता। लॉ नहीं कहता। आत्मा सतोप्रधान से सतो, रजो, तमो में आवे, तब दु:ख हो। लॉ भी है ना! यहाँ है मिक्सअप, रावण सम्प्रदाय भी है, तो राम सम्प्रदाय भी है। अभी तो सम्पूर्ण बने नहीं हैं। सम्पूर्ण बनेंगे तो फिर शरीर छोड़ देंगे। कर्मातीत अवस्था वाले को कोई दु:ख हो न सके। वह इस छी-छी दुनिया में रह नहीं सकते। वह चले जायेंगे; बाकी जो रहेंगे वह कर्मातीत नहीं बने होंगे। सब तो एक साथ कर्मातीत हो नहीं सकते। भल विनाश होता है, तो भी कुछ बचेंगे। प्रलय नहीं होती। गाते भी हैं, ‘राम गयो, रावण गयो ..’; रावण का बहुत परिवार था। हमारा परिवार तो थोड़ा है।
“New souls who come down (from the Soul World) CANNOT experience sorrow (in the very beginning); the law does not allow that. Only after souls go from their ‘satopradhan’ stage into their ‘sato’, ‘rajo’ and ‘tamo’ stages do they experience sorrow. This is the law. Here, they are mixed up; there is the community of Ravan, and also the community of RAMA. As yet, You have not become COMPLETE. When You become COMPLETE, You will leave your (impure) bodies. There can be no sorrow for those who achieve their ‘karmateet’ stage. They CANNOT live in this dirty World (when they become COMPLETELY Pure); they would have to leave (their impure bodies). Those who remain would NOT have become ‘karmateet’ (they are PARTLY pure). NOT EVERYONE can become ‘karmateet’ at the SAME time. Even when destruction takes place, some people will remain; total annihilation does not take place. They also sing, ‘when RAMA left, Ravan also left ..’; the family of Ravan is large. Your Family is small.”

At the end of Confluence Age, those who become COMPLETELY Pure, or who achieve their COMPLETE ‘karmateet’ stage, will LEAVE their current impure corporeal bodies, to then take birth in the New World of RamRajya, or Golden Age, in pure corporeal bodies, when the Golden Age begins – through instrumental embodied souls who are PARTLY pure, who remain behind, and who, therefore, have still NOT achieved their COMPLETE ‘karmateet’ stage – which they achieve by the time the very first Prince, Shri Krishna, ascends the Throne, as Shri Narayan, when the Golden ERA begins!

Please be AWARE that SEVERAL sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME, EDITED Revised SM!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 07.11.2019 (Original 28.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बच्चे सुनते तो रहते हैं कि साइन्सदान चांद पर जाने का प्रयत्न करते रहते हैं। ... वह हैं साइन्स घमण्डी। तुम्हारे पास है साइलेन्स का घमण्ड। ... आत्मा भी रॉकेट है। वह कोशिश करते हैं, ऊपर जाकर देखें चन्द्रमा में क्या है, स्टॉर में क्या है! ... अभी तुम समझते हो, बाप कैसे आकर हमको मनुष्य से देवता बनाते हैं। यह ज्ञान सूर्य, ज्ञान चन्द्रमा, और ज्ञान लकी सितारे हैं। ज्ञान से ही तुम बच्चों की सद्गति हो रही है। तुम कितना दूर जाते हो।
“Children keep hearing about scientists who continue to make effort to go to the moon. ... They are proud of SCIENCE; You have the Pride of SILENCE. ... Souls too are ‘rockets’. They (scientists) try to go up and see what there is on the moon and the stars. ... You now understand how the Father comes and changes You from humans into Deities. There are the ‘Sun of Knowledge’ (Shiva), the ‘Moon of Knowledge’ (Brahma Baba), and the lucky ‘Stars of Knowledge’ (Righteous Children). You Children receive Salvation ONLY through this Knowledge. You go so far away (to the Soul World)!”

Science can enable embodied souls to travel ONLY UP TO the material heavenly bodies, within the corporeal sphere.

SILENCE can enable bodiless souls to travel BEYOND the corporeal sphere, to the Soul World, within a second!

यह भी समझते हैं, हम आत्मा पवित्र बनेंगे, तब ही अपने घर जा सकेंगे। फिर या तो योगबल से, या सजाओं के बल से, पावन बनना है। बाप तो समझाते रहते हैं जितना बाप को याद करेंगे, उतना तुम पावन बनेंगे। याद नहीं करेंगे तो पतित ही रह जायेंगे, फिर बहुत सजा खानी पड़ेगी, और पद भी भ्रष्ट हो जायेगा। ... आई.सी.एस. का इम्तहान दिया तो फिर कहेंगे नॉलेजफुल। इससे ऊंच नॉलेज कुछ होती नहीं। अब तुम भी कितनी ऊंच नॉलेज सीखते हो। ...
तो उन्हों की जिस्मानी नॉलेज और तुम्हारी नॉलेज में कितना फ़र्क है!
You also understand that You will be able to return Home (to the Soul World), ONLY when You souls become Pure. You have to become Pure, EITHER through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’), or through the ‘power of Retribution’ (‘bahubal’). The Father continues to explain that the more You Remember Him, the purer You will become. By not Remembering Him, You will remain impure, and You will have to experience a great deal of retribution, and your status will also be reduced. ... When you have taken the I.C.S. (Indian Civil Service) examination, it is said that you are knowledge-full. There is no (corporeal) knowledge higher than this (I.C.S.). You are now Studying such elevated (Spiritual) Knowledge! ...
There is so much difference between their worldly knowledge and your (Spiritual) Knowledge.

SIMILARLY - there is a DIFFERENCE of Day & Night between - the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), delivered by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Incorporeal Orifice of Brahma Baba, for the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, who become Sovereigns of RamRajya – AND - the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), propagated by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, for the BLIND Unrighteous children, or FALSE Brahmins, who become sovereigns of Ravan Rajya!

मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति दोनों को हम ‘शिवालय’ कह सकते हैं। ... यह है रूहानी हाइएस्ट नॉलेज। वह कहते हैं हम चांद के ऊपर जाकर रहेंगे। कितना माथा मारते हैं। बहादुरी दिखाते हैं। इतने मल्टी-मिलियन माइल ऊपर जाते हैं, लेकिन उन्हों की आश पूर्ण नहीं होती है, और तुम्हारी आश पूरी हो जाती है। उनका है झूठा जिस्मानी घमण्ड। तुम्हारा है रूहानी घमण्ड। ... तो उन्हों की है जिस्मानी ताकत, और तुम्हारी है रूहानी ताकत। जो सिर्फ तुम ही जानते हो। ... वह है जिस्मानी हाइएस्ट हुनर, तुम्हारा है रूहानी हाइएस्ट हुनर। तुम शान्तिधाम में जाते हो। उसका नाम ही है स्वीट होम। वो लोग कितने ऊपर जाते हैं। ... उन लोगों का जाना है हद तक। तुम बेहद में जाते हो!
You could call BOTH, the ‘Land of Liberation’ (Land of Peace – ‘Shantidham’), and the ‘Land of Liberation-in-Life’ (Land of Happiness – ‘Sukhdham’), the ‘Temple of Shiva’ (‘Shivalaya’). ... This is the highest Spiritual Knowledge. They (scientists) say that they will go and live on the moon; they try so hard; they show their courage. They go so many multi-millions of miles up! However, their aspirations are not fulfilled; whereas, your aspirations are fulfilled. They have FALSE physical pride. You have (TRUE) Spiritual Pride. ... Theirs is physical power; whereas, yours is Spiritual Power which only You know about. ... That is the highest physical art; yours is the highest Spiritual Art. You go to the ‘Land of Peace’ which is also called the sweet (Silence) Home. Those people go so high above (within this corporeal sphere). ... The travel of those people is limited; whereas, your travel is unlimited.

CONTRAST between ‘power of science’ (‘bahubal’) & ‘Power of Silence’ (‘Yogbal’)!

Please be AWARE that more than one page has been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME, EDITED Revised SM!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 08.11.2019"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह तो है अविनाशी वैद्य। ... सुखी बनने की ही दवाई है। सिर्फ मुझे याद करो, तो पावन सतोप्रधान बन जायेंगे, सब दु:ख दूर हो जायेंगे। फिर सुख ही सुख होगा। गाया भी जाता है - बाप दु:ख हर्ता, सुख कर्ता है। आधाकल्प के लिए तुम्हारे सब दु:ख दूर हो जाते हैं। तुम सिर्फ अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करो। आत्मा और जीव, दो का खेल है। निराकार आत्मा अविनाशी है, और साकार शरीर विनाशी है, इनका खेल है। ... तो बाप समझाते हैं, यह तो पढ़ाई है। कोई दवाई नहीं है। दवाई यह है याद की यात्रा। एक ही दवाई से तुम्हारे सब दु:ख दूर हो जायेंगे, अगर मेरे को निरन्तर याद करने का पुरूषार्थ करेंगे तो।
“This One (Shiva) is the eternal Physician. ... This Medicine (of ‘Manmanabhav’) is only for becoming Happy. Simply Remember Me (‘Manmanabhav’), and You will become Pure and ‘satopradhan’; all of your sorrow will be removed. There will then be nothing but Happiness. It has also been remembered that the Father is the ‘Remover of Sorrow’ and the ‘Bestower of Happiness’. He removes all your sorrow, for half a Cycle. You simply have to consider yourselves to be souls and Remember the Father. This is a Play about souls and bodies. Incorporeal souls are imperishable, and corporeal bodies are perishable - the (whole) Play is on this. ... The Father explains: This (Knowledge) is your Study; it is not Medicine. Your Medicine is the pilgrimage of Remembrance. If You make efforts to Remember Me constantly, all of your sorrow will be removed with ONLY this ONE Medicine (of ‘Manmanabhav’).”

Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) is a source of income, to remain EVER-WEALTHY for the next 21 births; while the pilgrimage of Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE, is the Medicine to remain EVER-HEALTHY for the next 21 births – during RamRajya!

यह है रावण की दुनिया। रावण बड़ा भारी दुश्मन है। इन जैसा दुश्मन कोई होता नहीं। हर वर्ष तुम रावण को जलाते हो। यह है कौन? किसको पता नहीं है। कोई मनुष्य तो नहीं है; यह हैं 5 विकार, इसलिए इनको रावण राज्य कहा जाता है। 5 विकारों का राज्य है ना। सबमें 5 विकार हैं। यह दुर्गति और सद्गति का खेल बना हुआ है। अभी तुमको सद्गति के टाइम आदि का भी बाप ने समझाया है। दुर्गति का भी समझाया है। तुम ही ऊंच चढ़ते हो, फिर तुम ही नीचे गिरते हो। शिवजयन्ती भी भारत में ही होती है। रावण जयन्ती भी भारत में ही होती है। आधाकल्प है दैवी दुनिया - लक्ष्मी-नारायण, राम-सीता का राज्य होता है। अभी तुम बच्चे सबकी बायोग्राफी को जानते हो।
“This is the World of Ravan. Ravan is your greatest enemy. There is no other enemy like him. Every year you burn an effigy of Ravan, but no one knows who he is! He is NOT a human being; he represents the five vices, which is why this is called the ‘kingdom of Ravan’. It is the kingdom of the five vices; everyone has these five vices. This a predestined Play about DEGRADATION and SALVATION. Now, the Father has explained to You about the time of Salvation, etc. He has also explained about Degradation. You are the ones who ascend (go high up), and You are also the ones who descend (fall right down). The Birth of Shiva, and the birth of Ravan, are only celebrated in Bharat. For half a Cycle it is the World of the Deities - the Kingdom of Lakshmi & Narayan, and that of Rama & Sita. You Children now know everyone’s biography.”

Ravan is NOT an embodied human being, NOR is Ravan a soul, like other embodied souls. Ravan is an ENERGY, termed as NESCIENCE, which PRACTICALLY ACTS – through EVERY embodied human soul, during Ravan Rajya, in GENERAL – and through ONE SPECIFIC embodied human soul, during Confluence Age, in PARTICULAR - who is the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – and who is instrumental to carry out the EXACT ‘shooting’ of the ‘path of Devotion’ of the outer World of Ravan Rajya, during Confluence Age, by propagating the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge!

बाप भी ब्रह्मा मुख से समझाते हैं, सम्मुख सब थोड़ेही देख सकेंगे। तुम अभी सम्मुख आये हो, पवित्र बने हो। ऐसे भी होता है, जो अपवित्र आकर यहाँ बैठते हैं, कुछ सुनेंगे तो फिर देवता बन जायेंगे, फिर भी कुछ सुनेंगे तो असर पड़ेगा। नहीं सुनें तो फिर आवें ही नहीं। तो मूल बात बाप कहते हैं ‘मनमनाभव’। इस एक ही मंत्र से तुम्हारे सब दु:ख दूर हो जाते हैं। ‘मनमनाभव’, यह बाप कहते हैं; फिर टीचर होकर कहते हैं, ‘मध्याजीभव’। यह बाप भी है, टीचर भी है, गुरू भी है। तीनों ही याद रहें, तो भी बहुत हर्षितमुख अवस्था रहे। बाप पढ़ाते हैं, फिर बाप ही साथ ले जाते हैं। ऐसे बाप को कितना याद करना चाहिए।
The Father explains through the (Lotus) Mouth of Brahma (soul of DLR) - not everyone will be able to see Him FACE to FACE (in ‘Sakar’). You have become pure and have now come FACE to FACE (with Shiva). It also happens that impure ones come and sit here; by hearing just a little, they will become Deities; even when they hear a little, there will be some effect. If they did not hear, then they would not come. Therefore, the main aspect which the Father says is ‘Manmanabhav’. All of your sorrow is removed by just this one mantra of ‘Manmanabhav’ (Remember Me ALONE – the Creator); the Father says this. Then, as the Teacher, He says ‘Madhyajibhav’ (remember your inheritance – creation). This One (Shiva) is your Father also, your Teacher also, and your Guru also. When You Remember all three, your stage becomes very cheerful. The Father TEACHES You, and He then becomes the One who takes You back along with Him. You should Remember such a Father a great deal.”

NOT EVERYONE is able to see and meet Incorporeal God Father Shiva, FACE to FACE, when He delivers the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, through the Lotus Mouth of the impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR, in ‘Sakar’ - ONLY UNTIL 1969!
Embodied human souls are afforded the opportunity to ‘SEE’ & ‘MEET’ Incorporeal God Father Shiva, FACE to FACE - in ‘Akar’, through the ELEVATED SUBTLE body of Brahma Baba, AFTER 1969 – using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar, WHENEVER SO REQUIRED – and ALSO through the Third Eye of the Divine intellects of the Righteous Children, who have since ALSO DEVELOPED their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness, UNTIL the VERY END of Confluence Age!
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Golden Heart
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 09.11.2019 (Original 19.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भल यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण विश्व के मालिक हैं, परन्तु उनकी आत्मा को कभी ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे कि यह बाप भी है, टीचर भी है, सतगुरू भी है। बल्कि सारी दुनिया में जो भी जीव आत्मायें है, कोई भी आत्मा को ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे। तुम बच्चे ही ऐसे याद करते हो। अन्दर में आता है यह बाबा, बाबा भी है, टीचर भी है, सतगुरू भी है। सो भी सुप्रीम। तीनों को याद करते हो, या एक को? भल वह एक है, परन्तु तीनों गुणों से याद करते हो। शिवबाबा हमारा बाप भी है, टीचर और सतगुरू भी है। यह ‘एक्स्ट्रा ऑर्डिनरी’ कहा जाता है। जब बैठे हो, अथवा चलते फिरते हो, तो यह याद रहना चाहिए। ... देहधारी नम्बरवन है कृष्ण, उनको बाप, टीचर, सतगुरू कह नहीं सकते। ...
इस एक आत्मा की तीनों ही सर्विस इकट्ठी हैं, इसलिए उनको सुप्रीम कहा जाता है।
“Although Lakshmi & Narayan are the Masters of the World, You cannot say of those souls that they are the Father also, the Teacher also, and the Satguru also. In fact, You cannot say this of any other human being in the whole World. ONLY You Children Remember Him in this way. You feel internally that this Baba (Shiva) is your Father also, your Teacher also, and your Satguru also, and that He is Supreme. Do You Remember all three, or only one? Although He is only ONE, You Remember Him with all the three qualities (of three forms). ShivBaba is our Father also, Teacher also, and Satguru also. This is something EXTRAORDINARY. You should Remember this whilst sitting down, and also whilst walking and moving around. ... Krishna is the NUMBER ONE bodily being, but he cannot be called the Father, Teacher and Satguru. ...
Only this ONE Soul (Shiva) does all three types of Service at the SAME time (SIMULTANEOUSLY), which is why He is called the Supreme.

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE, does ALL the THREE types of Spiritual Service - as the Father also, the Teacher also, and the Satguru also, SIMULTANEOUSLY, at the SAME time, during Confluence Age - ONLY THROUGH His ONE & ONLY ‘mukrar-rath’ of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the end of Confluence Age!

Please be AWARE that SEVERAL sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME, EDITED Revised SM!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A AV 06.03.1985, Revised 10.11.2019"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, AFTER 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children - 1) who were PHYSICALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar; and 2) who were SPIRITUALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through their own Divine Intellects, in their own 'Akari' stage.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
आज होलीएस्ट, हाइएस्ट बाप अपने होली और हैपी हंसों से होली मनाने आये हैं। त्रिमूर्ति बाप तीन प्रकार की होली का दिव्य राज़ सुनाने आये हैं। ...
लोग तीन प्रकार की होली मनाते हैं - एक जलाने की होली, दूसरी रंग लगाने की होली, तीसरी मंगल मिलन मनाने की होली।
Today, the Holiest and Highest Father (Shiva) has come to celebrate Holi with His holy and happy Swans. Trimurti Father (Shiva) has come to tell You the divine significance of three types of Holi. ...
People celebrate three types of Holi - one is the Holi of burning, the second is the Holi of colouring others, and the third is the Holi of celebrating an auspicious meeting.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva & subtle Brahma Baba Meet the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, as BapDada, in ‘Akar’, or in ‘Avyakt’, in Madhuban – using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar, WHENEVER SO REQUIREDEVEN AFTER Brahma Baba leaves his impure corporeal body, in 1969, and becomes ‘Avyakt’!

इस संगमयुग पर आप महान आत्मायें जब बाप की बनती हो, अर्थात् होली बनती हो, तो पहले क्या करती हो? पहले सब पुराने स्वभाव संस्कार योग अग्नि से भस्म करते हो, अर्थात् जलाते हो। उसके बाद ही याद द्वारा बाप के संग का रंग लगता है। ... और जब संग का रंग लग जाता, यह रूहानी रंग की होली मना लेते, तो आत्मा और परमात्मा का, बाप और बच्चों का, श्रेष्ठ मिलन का मेला सदा ही होता रहता। अज्ञानी आत्माओं ने आपके इस रूहानी होली को यादगार के रूप में मनाना शुरू किया है।
“At this Confluence Age, when You great souls belong to the Father, that is, when You become holy, what do You do first? First, You incinerate all your old sanskars and nature in the Fire of Yoga, that is, You burn them. Only after that are You coloured with the colour of the Father’s Company, by having Remembrance. ... Then, when You are coloured by His Company, and when You have celebrated this Holi of Spiritual colour, then the elevated Meeting of souls with the Supreme Soul, of the Father and the Children, continues to take place CONSTANTLY. People without Knowledge later (on the ‘path of Devotion’) begin to celebrate the memorial of this Spiritual Holi of yours.

On the ‘path of Devotion’, during Ravan Rajya, people celebrate the festival of Holi, in MEMORY of the Spiritual Holi, which the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, celebrate with BapDada, during Confluence Age!

खुशी की प्राप्ति का यादगार बहुत खुश होकर होली मनाते हैं। ... उस दिन के लिए सभी का मूड भी हल्का रहता है। तो यह आपके डबल लाइट बनने का यादगार है। ... सभी सम्बन्ध का, आयु का भान भूल जाते हैं। समान भाव में आ जाते हैं। यह भी आपके विशेष समान भाव अर्थात् भाई-भाई की स्थिति, और कोई भी देह के सम्बन्ध की दृष्टि नहीं, यह भाई-भाई की समान स्थिति का यादगार है।
“They celebrate Holi with a lot of happiness, as a memorial of your attainment of Happiness. ... On that day everyone’s mood also remains very light. So, this is a memorial of your becoming double light. ... They forget all consciousness of age and relationships. They have the feeling of equality. This is also the memorial of your being especially equal, that is, the stage of brotherhood, without the awareness of any other relationship; it is a memorial of your equal stage of brotherhood (as embodied souls).”

The MEMORIAL of EVERY Spiritual ACT & EVERY Spiritual stage, of the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins – during Confluence Age – is THEN celebrated by the devotees and people, during Ravan Rajya, in one form or the other, at one occasion or the other!

साधन होते हुए भी काम नहीं करेंगे, इसलिए बुद्धि की लाइन बहुत क्लीयर चाहिए, जो टच हो जाए कि अभी क्या करना है। एक सेकण्ड भी देरी की, तो गये। ... जैसे शुरू में घर बैठे आवाज आया, बुलावा हुआ कि ‘आओ, पहुँचो, अभी निकलो’। और फौरन निकल पड़े। ऐसे ही अन्त में भी बाप का आवाज पहुँचेगा। जैसे साकार में सभी बच्चों को बुलाया। ऐसे आकार रूप में सभी बच्चों को ‘आओ, आओ’ का आह्वान करेंगे। बस, आना और साथ जाना। ऐसे सदा अपनी बुद्धि क्लीयर हो; और कहाँ अटेन्शन गया, तो बाप का आवाज, बाप का आह्वान, मिस हो जायेगा। यह सब होना ही है।
Even though there will be ALL facilities, but they will NOT work (at the end). This is why the line of your intellect has to be very clear, so that You can receive the ‘touching’ as to what You need to do at that time. If You delay for even ONE second, You will be lost. ... In the beginning, many people sitting at home, ‘heard a sound’ calling them: ‘Come, reach here; leave right now’! They instantly left and came. In the same way, at the end too, the Father’s ‘call’ will reach You. Just as all the Children were summoned in corporeal, in the same way, He will invoke all the Children in the subtle form - ‘Come, come’! Come, and go with Him, that’s all! So ALWAYS let your intellect be CLEAR. If your attention is drawn anywhere else, You will miss the Father’s ‘call’ and His (subtle) invocation of You. All of this has to definitely take place (as per Drama).

ONLY when the intellect is CLEAN & CLEAR, and COMPLETELY FREE from the turbulence of ANY fluctuation, will one be able to receive the SUBTLE TOUCHING of BapDada, at the very end, when ‘destruction’, or FINAL transformation, is about to occur!
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 11.11.2019 (Original 13.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
गुरू लोग मंत्र देते हैं। यह रिवाज कहाँ से निकला? यह बाप जो नई सृष्टि रचने वाला है, वही पहले-पहले मंत्र देते हैं ‘मनमनाभव’। इसका नाम ही है वशीकरण मंत्र, अर्थात् माया पर जीत पाने का मंत्र। यह कोई अन्दर में जपना नहीं है। यह तो समझाना होता है। बाप अर्थ सहित समझाते हैं। भल गीता में है, परन्तु अर्थ कोई नहीं समझते हैं।
“Gurus give mantras (during Ravan Rajya), but when did that tradition begin? This Father (Shiva), One who creates the New World, Himself, gives the mantra of ‘Manmanabhav’, FIRST of ALL (in Confluence Age). This is called the mantra which disciplines (influences) the mind; that is, it is the mantra to achieve victory over Maya. You do not have to chant it internally, it has to be explained. The Father explains the meaning of it. Although it (mantra) is (written) in the (FALSE) Gita, no one understands its meaning.”

The mantra given by Incorporeal God Father Shiva to the Righteous Children, is NOT for chanting, but for EXPERIENCING!

तुम झट कहेंगे सतयुग नई दुनिया में हमारा राज्य था। एक ही आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म था। दूसरा कोई धर्म नहीं था। एवरीथिंग न्यु। हर एक चीज़ सतोप्रधान होती है। सोना भी कितना अथाह होता है। कितना सहज निकलता होगा, जो फिर ईटें, मकान आदि बनते होंगे। वहाँ तो सब कुछ सोने का होता है। खानियां सब नई होंगी ना। इमीटेशन तो निकालेंगे नहीं, जबकि रीयल बहुत है। ... इन्डिया में भी एक्सपर्ट बहुत हैं, होशियार होते जायेंगे। फिर वहाँ यह होशियारी लेकर आयेंगे ना। ... वहाँ हेलीकाप्टर्स भी फुल प्रूफ होते हैं। बच्चे भी बड़े सतोप्रधान शुरूड़ बुद्धि वाले होते हैं। आगे थोड़ा चलो, तुमको सब साक्षात्कार होते रहेंगे। जैसे अपने देश के नजदीक आते हैं, तो झाड़ दिखाई पड़ते हैं ना। अन्दर में खुशी होती रहती है, अब घर आया कि आया। अभी आकर पहुँचे हैं।
“You would instantly say that it was your Kingdom in the Golden Age of the New World. There was ONLY ONE original eternal Deity religion (in Golden Age). There were no other religions (at that time). Everything is new; everything is ‘satopradhan’. There is limitless gold there. It is mined very easily, and bricks and mansions are made from it. Everything there is made of gold. The mines would all be new. There would be no imitations there, when real gold is abundant. ... There are many experts in India, who will continue to become cleverer; and they will then come there (in Golden Age) with their expertise. ... The helicopters there are also foolproof. Even children will be ‘satopradhan’, having shrewd intellects. As you progress a little further, You will continue to have visions of everything. It is similar to when approaching your home country (while returning from abroad), You begin to see the trees (from afar); You begin to experience internal happiness as You are about to arrive home.”

SUPER-SENSUOUS internal Happiness will arise SPONTANEOUSLY within the Righteous Children, as the time of the beginning of Golden Age approaches!

आखरीन में सब जला देंगे। यह बना-बनाया खेल है, जो रिपीट होता है। बाकी ऐसे नहीं कि शंकर के आंख खोलने से विनाश हो जाता है; इनको गॉडली कैलेमिटीज़ भी नहीं कहेंगे। यह नैचुरल ही है। अब बाप तुम बच्चों को श्रीमत दे रहे हैं। कोई को दु:ख आदि देने की बात ही नहीं। बाप तो है ही सुख का रास्ता बताने वाला।
“Eventually they will burn everything (with nuclear missiles). This is a predestined Play, which continues to repeat. It is not that destruction takes place by Shankar’s eye opening. They (calamities) cannot be called Godly calamities; they are natural (calamities). The Father is now giving You Children Shrimat. It is not a question of causing sorrow for anyone. The Father is the One who shows the path to Happiness.”

Nuclear war, natural calamities on a World scale, and civil war, are the predestined processes through which the old World of Ravan Rajya is TRANSFORMED into the New World of RamRajya – and therefore, they are SUPREMELY BENEVOLENT!

Please be AWARE that SEVERAL sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME, EDITED Revised SM!
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Golden Heart
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SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 12.11.2019 (Original 16.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह तो बच्चों को पक्का है ना कि जितना हम बाप को याद करेंगे उतना पवित्र बनेंगे। जितना हम अच्छा टीचर बनेंगे उतना ऊंच पद पायेंगे। बाप तुम्हें टीचर के रूप में पढ़ाना सिखाते हैं। तुमको फिर औरों को सिखाना है। तुम पढ़ाने वाले टीचर जरूर बनते हो; बाकी तुम कोई का गुरू नहीं बन सकते हो, सिर्फ टीचर बन सकते हो। गुरू तो एक सतगुरू ही है, वह सिखलाते हैं। सर्व का सतगुरू एक ही है। वह टीचर बनाते हैं। तुम सबको टीच करके रास्ता बताते रहते हो, मनमनाभव का। बाप ने तुम्हारे पर यह ड्यूटी रखी है कि मुझे याद करो, और फिर टीचर भी बनो।
You Children do have the firm understanding that You will become Pure to the extent that You Remember the Father; and to the extent that You become a good teacher, You will claim a high status. The Father, in the form of a Teacher, teaches You how to teach. You then have to teach others. You definitely become teachers who teach others, but You cannot become anyone's guru; You can only become a teacher. The guru is ONLY ONE Satguru (Shiva), who TEACHES You. The Satguru of everyone is One. He makes You into teachers. You teach everyone and continue to show them the path of ‘Manmanabhav’. The Father has given You the duty to Remember Him and also to become teachers.

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva is the Supreme Satguru, who TEACHES the Righteous Children to become teachers, like Him - to enable them to teach the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) & Easy RajYog to others also!

बाप कहते हैं, मैं पतित-पावन हूँ। हे बच्चों, देह सहित देह के सब धर्म छोड़, मुझे याद करने से, तुम पावन बन, फिर से अपने घर मुक्तिधाम पहुँच जायेंगे। सारा कल्प घर को भूले हो। बाप को सारा कल्प कोई जानता ही नहीं है। एक ही बार बाप खुद आकर अपना परिचय देते हैं - इस मुख द्वारा। इस मुख की कितनी महिमा है। गऊमुख कहते हैं ना। वह गऊ तो जानवर है, यह है मनुष्य की बात। तुम जानते हो यह बड़ी माता है। जिस माता द्वारा शिवबाबा तुम सबको एडाप्ट करते हैं।
“The Father says: I am the Purifier. O Children, renounce your bodies and all bodily religions, and Remember Me; You will then become Pure, and reach your Home, the ‘Land of Liberation’, once again. You forgot your Home (Soul World) for the WHOLE Cycle. No one knows the Father, throughout the WHOLE Cycle. The Father, Himself, comes ONLY ONCE (in Confluence Age) and gives His introduction through THIS Mouth (of the corporeal body of DLR). There is so much praise of THIS Mouth (of Brahma Baba). People speak of a Cow’s Mouth (‘gaumukh’). That cow is an animal, but this refers to a human being. You know that THIS one (Brahma Baba) is the senior (‘Alokik’) Mother, through whom ShivBaba (as the ‘Parlokik’ Father) adopts all of You.

Incorporeal God Father Shiva, as the ‘Parlokik’ Father, TEACHES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog (TRUE Gita), to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR, as their ‘Alokik’ Mother – therefore, ‘gaumukh’ is the memorial of ONLY Brahma Baba!

यह तो मोस्ट इज़ी है। बाप को याद करना है। बच्चा थोड़ा बड़ा होता है, तो ऑटोमेटिकली माँ-बाप को याद करने लग पड़ता है। तुम भी समझो हम आत्मा बाप के बच्चे हैं। याद क्यों करना पड़ता है? क्योंकि हमारे ऊपर जो पाप चढ़े हुए हैं, वह इस याद से ही खत्म होंगे। इसलिए गायन भी है, ‘एक सेकण्ड में जीवनमुक्ति’। जीवनमुक्ति का मदार पढ़ाई पर है, और मुक्ति का मदार याद पर है। जितना तुम बाप को याद करेंगे और पढ़ाई पर ध्यान देंगे, तो ऊंच नम्बर में मर्तबा पायेंगे।
“To Remember the Father is MOST easy! When a child grows a little, he automatically begins to remember his parents. You too should realise that You souls are the Children of the Father. Why do You have to Remember Him? Because the sins You have accumulated can only be absolved through this Remembrance. This is why it is remembered that ‘You can attain Liberation-in-Life in a second’. Liberation-in-Life depends on your Study, and Liberation depends on your Remembrance. To the extent that You Remember the Father and pay attention to your Study, accordingly You will claim a high numbered status.

The status which one receives during ‘Liberation-in-Life’ in RamRajya, depends on the ACTUAL inculcation of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), which depends on ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance, or Yoga, of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONEas a POINT source of Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Spiritual Light Energy!

इतनी दिल लग जाए, जो यह याद कभी भूले ही नहीं। अब बेहद का बाप कहते हैं, तुम आत्मायें मेरी सन्तान हो। सो भी तुम अनादि सन्तान हो। वह जो आशिक-माशूक होते हैं उन्हों की है जिस्मानी याद। जैसे साक्षात्कार होता है फिर गुम हो जाते हैं, वैसे वह भी सामने आ जाते हैं। उस खुशी में ही खाते पीते याद करते रहते हैं। तुम्हारे इस याद में तो बहुत बल है। एक बाप को ही याद करते रहेंगे। और तुमको फिर अपना भविष्य याद आयेगा। विनाश का साक्षात्कार भी होगा। आगे चल जल्दी-जल्दी विनाश का साक्षात्कार होगा। फिर तुम कह सकेंगे कि अभी विनाश होना है। बाप को याद करो। बाबा ने यह सब कुछ छोड़ दिया ना? कुछ भी पिछाड़ी में याद न आये।
Your hearts should be so attached (to ShivBaba) that You never forget to Remember Him. The Unlimited Father now says: You souls are My Children; You are My eternal Children. The remembrance of those lovers and beloveds is of corporeal beings. They have a vision of one another, and it is as though they are in front of one another, and then the vision disappears. They eat, drink, and remember one another in that happiness. There is a lot of Power in this Remembrance of yours. You will continue to Remember ONLY ONE Father. You will then remember your future. You will also have visions of destruction. As You progress further, You will frequently have visions of destruction. Then, You will be able to tell others that destruction is to take place and to Remember the Father. (Brahma) Baba renounced everything, did he not? Nothing should be remembered at the end.”

The Righteous Children will continue to receive visions at the end, number-wise - PROVIDED they develop a high Spiritual stage, through concerted Spiritual efforts.

Please be AWARE that SEVERAL sentences have been trimmed/omitted from the Original SM, in the SAME, EDITED Revised SM! One FULL page has also been omitted from the Original SM!
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