Flaws in PBK Philosophy

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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 565) More examples proving flaws in PBK concept of 'TITLE HOLDER' or 'INCHARGE' position:-

501) A lot is already said earlier.
[Refer to Flaw No.s 64, 78, 163, 178, 196, 292, 293, 294, 409, 467, 526, etc.]
Few more points adding to the topic.
----Mr. Dixit had been absent in Yagya for around six months (when he was in jail) in 1998. To whom had he given incharge position?

---Now, from around December 2017 TILL DATE, Mr. Dixit is absconding. Let us consider this absconding also is like taking LEAVE (if PBKs like, because the word ABSCONDING is like a shame). To whom and how the incharge or the title Holder position is given?

------ . ------

# Flaw No. 566) Yaadavaas too riding on PBK Shankar

503) Mr. Dixit is being controlled by lokik worldly laws to such an extent, that he is absconding from past around 3 Months.
So, now, where is Bhakti Marg memorial of this?
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 567) Mr. Dixit trying to save himself from Bhasmaasur?

504) One of the PBKs believe the three months absconding of Mr. Dixit is his part of saving himself from Bhasmaasur.

PBKs may kindly prove who is Bhasmaasur and how come the role of Bhasmaasur has started just before three months?* - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2640&p=53562#p53562


* - The point is - who is Bhasmaasur here? Ex PBKs who had given complaints or lowkik govt/court or ... ?

The same allegations had been put on Mr. Dixit even before. But, why this is special?

Kindly also address about what PBKs mean by independence as well as how many times Mr. Dixit enters into his so called (spiritual) womb.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 568) In PBK view-

---number of chariots are only 2,
---God speaks Murlis through 3,
---number of Brahmas are 5! and
---claim in whomsoever Shiv enters, they should be named as Brahma, but limit number of Brahmas to FIVE!!!
--- -

Total foolishness, is it not?
http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t= ... omb#p49060

30 May 2015, 17:43

VCD 1259, C.No.1745, Dhulawadi (Nepal),
Mu. 28.09.68, Dt. 04.03.10

You should not become ready to accept anything without proof and evidence. Yes, the Father says: I ride this permanent Chariot (body) and explain to you children. A permanent Chariot as well as a temporary Chariot is mentioned. [The Father] says: Whichever body I enter, I name it as Brahma. So, is there one Brahma or are there many [Brahmas]? There is certainly one Brahma but there is one permanent Chariot, and is there [just] one Brahma? There are many Brahmas. When there is one permanent Chariot and there are many Brahmas, ...
In PBK view, there are only two chariots, temporary and permanent.
But, they claim God spoke Murlis or gave knowledge regularly for years through three chariots (from 1937 till 1942, through Sevakram *(or previous birth of Mr. Dixit); from 1942 till 1947, through previous birth of Kamala Devi; from 1947 till 1969, through B Baba; from 1969 till 1976 (absent?!); from 1976 onward, through present body of Mr. Dixit.

PBKs (mis)use the Murli point saying "In whom I enter, that Chariot should be named as Brahma" to manipulate the right figure (of Brahma) from ONE to FIVE.

But, when the Murli point says - whomsoever I enter, it should be named as Brahma, PBKs limit number of Brahmas only to 5. How come? Who has given them such authority to (mis)interpret the Murli point?

This proves that they PBKs take the Murli points FOR GRANTED. they deeply fail to realize that they have fallen into their own trap, and are hence definitely highest Kumbhkarnas.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 569) TOO MANY are next to God - as per PBKs:-

1) In BK view- just two souls (Meru daanaa) are next to God. Sometimes baba places Brahma ahead, sometimes Mama. But, they are the top two seeds (one very next to each other). So- one or two next to God does not create any confusion. Now-

From - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t= ... omb#p48287
Mr. Dixit c/o arjun wrote: VCD No.564, C.No.1050, Bahadurgarh,
Mu.05.06.67, Dt.01.12.06

Krishna was not only the master of Vaikunth. What? He was the master of the whole world. How many [people] are there in the world? He used to rule over the hearts of all the five-seven billion human beings that existed. Who? The Confluence Age Krishna. [You may also] call him Prajapita. It is because it is said in the Murli: Next to God is Prajapita, next to God is Krishna, next to God is Narayan [and] next to God is Shankar. Call him Shankar, call him Prajapita, call him the Confluence Age Krishna or Narayan it is one and the same thing. So, they don’t know whether Krishna was the master of Vaikunth or the master of the whole world. Now it is in your intellect that the Confluence Age Krishna was the master of the whole world as well as Vaikunth. What? When he has created Vaikunth, he will be its master too.
2) Murli never says- Krishna = Ram = Shankar , etc.

Murli says BVS (sometimes LN too) are next to Shiv. It also says B becomes V, or BS become LN (RK). [But, not in same birth, different ones.
Brahma/Prajapita is the title for Conf. Age, Vishnu(LN) to G Age, Shankar to Subtle Region (or end stage).

3) Murli clearly says- Brahma = Prajapita.

Mr. Dixit misinterpreted the Murli point and took all the titles for himself in ONE BIRTH itself!

Now- by such mis-interpretation, PBKs fall into their own pit.

4) Now- as per above PBK argument, ALL of the FIVE Brahmas (PBK invented Brahmas), two Krishnas, two Narayan, etc, should be next to Shiv.
[BKs have no problem to intercahnge seat between Brahma and Mama]

Will PBKs give all these five Brahmas (Mr. Dixit, Kamala Devi, Vedanti sister, B baba, Mama) same seat?

So- PBKs fall into their own pit by such misinterpretion.

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# Flaw No. 570) Mr. Dixit's WOMB period has EXPIRED:-

From - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t= ... omb#p49141
VCD No.1708, C.No.2194, Perumbavoor (Kerala)-1,
Dt. 21.09.12, Mu.25.02.68

Every soul will do the churning and reveal its births by itself. But the topic going on here was about the birthday. Should the birthday of the Creator Father be considered to be the year 76 or not?[/color] (Student: He was not revealed completely.) Yes; the mother came to know. The Father also came to know through the mother. I am your Father, [and sometimes] you are my Father means the souls of Ram and Krishna themselves are the ones who play the part of hero and heroine. Those souls came to know. But did the eight deities come to know? Who will be in the new world at first? Will there be a family unit or not? Or will only the souls of Ram and Krishna be there? Certainly, there will be some or other family unit. There will be many members in that family unit. So, it was proved that in the year 76, the Creator Father of heaven was not revealed.

But, the feotus certainly became mature. It attained the seed form stage. Then, when is it born? Is it born after four months or does it take double the time for being born? The foetus that became ready in four-five months, will it be considered as the birthday or does the birthday arrive after this? So, when will it be said [to be the birthday]?
(Students: 2017-18.) Why? It is said in the Murli itself that it takes 40 to 50 years for you children to become satopradhaan from tamopradhaan. For whom was it said: ‘you children’? The word, ‘you children’ that has appeared… are the ones in front addressed as ‘you’ or is it said to the ones who are not in front? It is said to the children who are in front. So does He teach the children of the Rudramaalaa (the rosary of Rudra) addressing them as ‘you’ or does He teach the children of the Vijaymaalaa (the rosary of victory)? Or does He teach the souls who enter the [beads] of the Rudramaalaa?

In fact, it is said in the Murli, I speak to you children; this one listens in between. Who? Brahma Baba listens in between. So, the followers of Brahma Baba also listen in between. As for the rest, whom do I teach? Whom do I speak to? Will [He] speak to the one who is intelligent or will [He] speak to the foolish children?
(Student: To the intelligent one.) To whom? [He] will speak to the one who is intelligent. So, ShivBaba did announce; whether he is the soul of Ram or the Rudra’s children who follow the soul of Ram, a single sentence was said for everyone: it takes 40-50 years to become satopradhaan from tamopradhaan for you children of the Rudramaalaa, you children who become the kings.

So, for when will it be said that Shivjayanti has taken place?
(Someone said: It will take place in 2018.) Why in 2018? Why not in 2008? Why not in 2028? (Someone said something.) 40 years will have to be added in [the year] 76. So, if 40 years are added to the year 76 then what is the outcome? The outcome is 2016-17. The time of the revelation of the first soul of the Rudramaalaa arrives. So just like it happens in the world, first the embryo is formed in the womb. Its original form is called shukra? What is called in English? Immense? (Student: Semen.) Semens. The embryo is formed. After the embryo is formed, it transforms into a non-living foetus later on. In which year (month)? In the fourth or fifth month. And then the child is born in physical in the ninth month. So, will the Point of light, whose name is Shiva be called the Creator? Is He the Creator or is the Creator of the new world of heaven someone else? Who is the Creator?

The one whom Shiva, the Point of light enters in a permanent way is the Creator.
Permanent means he was present in the beginning, he is in the middle as well as in the end. So, it was said: the birthday of the Creator of heaven, the Father, is celebrated. And is the birthday of a famous person celebrated more or is that of the insignificant people celebrated more? The more famous person someone is, his birthday is grandly celebrated in the world to that extent. So, who is the biggest person? The biggest person is the emperor of the world. All the ambitious people [like] Hitler, Napoleon who existed, they had an ambition to gain victory on the entire world but they could not rule the entire world. And no one can rule the entire world through violence either.
... (to be continued)
1) Mr Dixit had claimed his womb period will end by 2017/18, but now more than 50% of 2019 is finished.

What do PBKs interpret this now?

2) We can see how OPENLY Mr. dixit defames the HIGHEST CREATOR Incorporeal point of light SUPREME ShivBaba and takes that title on to himself.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# 571) Mr. Dixit in his act of HK Hood, inadvertently took seat of BHASMAASUR too:-
...So just like it happens in the world, first the embryo is formed in the womb. Its original form is called shukra? What is called in English? Immense? (Student: Semen.) Semens. The embryo is formed. After the embryo is formed, it transforms into a non-living foetus later on. In which year (month)? In the fourth or fifth month. And then the child is born in physical in the ninth month. So, will the Point of light, whose name is Shiva be called the Creator? Is He the Creator or is the Creator of the new world of heaven someone else? Who is the Creator?

The one whom Shiva, the Point of light enters in a permanent way is the Creator. Permanent means he was present in the beginning, he is in the middle as well as in the end. So, it was said: the birthday of the Creator of heaven, the Father, is celebrated. And is the birthday of a famous person celebrated more or is that of the insignificant people celeb
511) Mr. Dixit says- the creator, creation process in spirituality is very similar to that of the lowkik world.
But, he says- - 'One who grows in a womb is the creator!"

Such a great blunder he committed.

In lokwk world also, One who is inside the womb is believed to be creation only.

This is another clear example which shows weak and inverted intellect of PBKs and Mr. Dixit.

512) So- Mr. Dixit in his CLEAR acts of HK Hood(= trying to take seat of God/creator), he never noticed that he is actually putting himself in the seat worse than a baby (=womb).

-------------- ----------

572) Mr. Dixit inadvertently declares himself as inferior to even a baby as well as all the creation/s:-

513) Usually Mr. Dixit and PBKs are very happy to quote a Murli point to criticize B baba as baby intellect, but
Mr. Dixit threw himself even to a deeper level- womb! - that too- 80 long years (1936 to 2016/18)- is it not? It is already more than 82 years now.

514)Mr. Dixit says- in Conf. Age, he would be in womb for 80 years! He is happy to have the status of inferior to even a baby for 80 long years.

So- Mr. Dixit says- (at least) 80% of his Conf. Age life, he would be in womb itself. (80 years of the 100 years of Conf. Age).
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 573) Mr. Dixit while hijacking all the titles, (inadvertently) fell down to the bottom only:-

515) Mr. Dixit and PBKs say- Mr. Dixit gets all the titles- Ram, Krishn, Vishnu, Narayan, Shankar, etc in this very same birth itself.

In that case, few Murli points should also have been like- "Ram is Subtle Region resident, ", is it not?
[Because there are Murli points saying- Shankar resides in Subtle Region].

So- why no Murli point says- Ram resides in Subtle Region?

516) Moreover- Sri Krishn is praised with five famous titles- Sarvagun sampanna, 16 kalaa sampoorn, sampoorn nirvikaari, maryaadaa purushottam, sampoorn ahimsak.

Why Ram is not praised so or better? (if PBKs claim human Ram is number one)
------------------- -------------------- -----------------
# Flaw No. 574) PBKs inadvertently imply - Mr. Dixit cannot be Shankar:-

517) By seeing Bhakti yaadgaars of Shiv mixed with Shankar, PBKs boast it for their Guru Mr. Dixit.
PBKs usuallly question BKs by saying- "Why Shiv is mixed with Shankar only but none? [Murli points give reasoning, but PBKs are not willing to accept them*).

But, as per PBK claim in 515), Mr. Dixit gets all the names in the present birth itself.
Then onbiously, in Bhaktimarg, there should have been all the deities Ram, Krishna, Narayan, etc. - mixed with Shiv in the same way as mixed with Shankar, is it not?
Also- Murli points should also have said so. Why no Murli point says so?

So- by claiming himself as Shankar, and all the titles on himself, PBKs lost even the seat of Shankar, since their arguments oppose their own claims than supporting.

*518)- Three to four Murli points give reason for mixing of Shiv and Shankar.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 575) PBKs inadvertently imply- Mr. Dixit is neither Shivling, nor has any place in it:-

519) Murli points clearly say- Shivling represents incorporeal Shiv. But, Mr. Dixit tried to misinterpret everything and hijacked even the Shivling on himself- as one of his acts of HK Hood.

520)Now- According to PBKs, Shivling does not represent (just) point of light Shiv. According to them,

---the point in the ling = incorporeal Shiv
---The body(ling itself) represents Mr. Dixit
---The base on which Shiv is placed represents Parvati. And- Parvati is false Gita (kamala Devi) as per PBKs. (anyone can correct me, if I am wrong)

521) So- PBKs claim dot on Shivling represents Shiv riding on Shankar.

Now, if that is the case, then PBKs inadvertently imply- Shiv and Mr. Dixit together ride on Parvati (base), is it not?

522)Also- since PBKs claim moon on Shankar represents B Baba riding on Shankar/Dixit, then why no moon is shown on Shivling?

523)Moreover- PBKs imply- both Shiv and Mr. dixit are dependent on Parvati (base).
But, the base is out of Yagya since 1998 by giving divorce to Mr. Dixit.

524) So- by hook or crook, whatever Mr. Dixit or PBKs may try to distort the real knowledge, they inadvertently fall into their own pit.

525)Now- by claiming the base as FG(False Gita - kamala Devi), PBKs inadvertently imply- Shiv and Shankar are dependent on false Gita!

526) BTW- the PBK FG/base has left their Yagya since 1998. So- as per PBKs, the Shivling is now on ground or ...???

So- by sticking to corporeal things, and claiming something illogical things, PBKs lost every position.

527)Also- Where is yaadgaar of PBK Parvati(Kamala Vevi) giving divorce to Shiv?
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 576)Why Ram is not mixed with Shiv in Bhakti, and why no Murli point says- Ram is next to Shiv?:-

528)On the basis of Murli POINTS, as well as (inadvertently) even from PBK teachings- Mr. Dixit CLEARLY loses position of even Ram.

529)According to PBKs, there are (humanly)-

---4 to 5 Brahmas.
---2 Krishnas - Two in Conf. Age Krishnas (B Baba and Mr. Dixit)
---Two Prajapitas(One title holder - B baba, and Mr. Dixit as true)*
---Two Narayans (One in Conf. Age- Mr. dixit, and one in G Age-B baba).
---Two human Gitas- Kamala Dixit (FG) and Vedanti sister (TG)
---Two Lakshmis (Sister Vedanti in Conf. Age, and Mama in G Age after getting birth)
---One Ram [Incorporeal Ram ShivBaba is out of context, we are saying about human souls].
---One Shankar.

530)For PBKs, the highest titles are Ram, Shankar, and Prajapita- among human souls.
But, I think the first two are (and should be) more important for them. Because - in their view- there is only Ram or Shankar. But, Prajapita are two (including title holder)!

[Even in their speech, Mr. Dixit usually uses there two titles/names more than even Prajapita. He usually says- "Soul of Ram", Shankar, etc with higher spirit than Prajapita. [If I am wrong, kindly correct me. - But that is not necessary to prove the above point. ]

531) Now- if we see, for the titles Ram and Shankar, there is no other claims. BKs do not claim B Baba or anyone to be Ram, and they speak much less about Shankar (since Murli also speaks very less).

532)So- logically speaking - at least in PBK view- there should not be any confusion for these two posts - Ram and Shankar. (because PBKs do not use the word "TITLE HOLDER" to these two posts.


534)But- PBKs boast and put questions to BKs by asking- "Why Shankar only (in yaadgaar/Bhakti-memorial) is mixed with Shiv?"- so Shankar should be highly special, etc, etc. - you(BKs) speak much less about Shankar, so you do not know, etce, etc. ...
Since BKs do not talk much about Shankar, (since Murli also says so), Mr. Dixit took the title Shankar for himself. But, again fell into his own pit.

535) Because - Ram is also highly special to PBKs as equal to Shankar, is it not?. Actually, for PBKs title Ram should be even more special. [since for Shankar, BKs take that title - some believe B baba plays all the roles of trimurt, some believe final stage of Mama is Shankar - as Murli point says- Saraswati should be placed in the seat of Shankar,... ]

So- when there is no confusion/application from anyone for the post of Ram, and PBKs firmly believe Mr. Dixit is eligible for the title Ram (in Conf. Age itself) as well as will be human deity Ram in Silver Age,

---why there is no yaadgaar/memorial of Ram being mixed with Shiv? or (at least)
---Why no Murli point saying - Ram is next to Shiv?
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Post No. 577)Deliberately cutting/ignoring Murli points:-

PBKs, the so-called gyaani tu atmas who claim their eye of knowledge is sharper than anyone else in this world, - not only deliberately ignore the Murli points which is much more crime than of BKs cutting the Murli points, but also fail to check whether what their Guru had spoken is true.

536) PBKs claim - "name ShivBaba is based on BODY". This attempt is exposed here below.

False claim is here- - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=113&p=1823#p1823
PBK Arjun's post on 16th August 2006,

Exposed here by mbbhat on 17th Oct 2009- http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... rir#p31617

Another false attempt of PBKs is exposed recently-

537)The false claim of PBKs is- Brahma and Prajapita are different.

This is exposed here- http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=37&t ... 393#p54393 and here- viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2721

538)Interestingly- in THEIR Trimurti picture, PBKs place

- sister Kamala Devi/Dixit/Sharma in the seat of BRAHMA,
--sister Vedanti sister in place of Vishnu, and
--Mr. Dixit in place of Shankar. [No place to Prajapita?]


# Post No. 578)Neither PRAJAPITA nor Ram is present in PBK Trimurti picture!

539) As said above - in PBK Trimurti, no place to Ram and PRAJAPITA.

And- Mr. Dixit himself took the last/third position in Trimurti (right most side).

540) So- by deliberately misusing the Murli points, Mr. Dixit made the positions of his claims to the titles- Prajapita and Ram as totally weak, failed to show them in Trimurti and took the last side position in the Trimurti.

Still foolish PBKs claim Mr. Dixit (third position) is number one soul!
[Whatever it is- Mr. Dixit took only one seat in Trimurti]

So- unknowingly, Mr. Dixit never realized his failure of such a great fall.
541) For BKs, Brahma = Prajapita = Chariot, and the same Brahma becomes Vishnu.

So- the top rank soul/s occupies the first two seats in Trimurti. No problem.
[Regarding Shankar, no enough points are avalible in Murlis, but still BKs believe it can be either B Baba or Mama- so no problem, because the top two souls are placed in seat of trimurtis.]
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Post/Flaw No. 579) PBK Trimurti picture fails by default/Murli as well as (inadvertently) in their own point of view too:-

Continuation of flaw No. 569 - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... 394#p54260 and flaw/post No. 578 above-

542)Let us take both the cases one by one.

Case 1)DEFAULT/Murli point of view:-
Murlis clearly say- BVS are next to Shiv. So- the personalities BVS should be the very next to SS Shiv.

But, in PBK Trimurti picture,
---Kamala Devi, whom PBKs have given the title Flase Gita(FG) is the Brahma,
---BK Vedanti sister whom PBKs give title TG(True Gita) is the Vishnu, and
---Mr. Dixit is the Shankar.

According to PBKs, these three personalities are not only different souls, but also their ranks drastically differ each other. The FG or the TG do not get seat in the top 8 souls- in PBK view itself.

So- by default itself, the PBK Trimurti picture fails.

Case 2)PBK point of view:-
Mr. Dixit c/o arjun wrote:
VCD No.564, C.No.1050, Bahadurgarh,
Mu.05.06.67, Dt.01.12.06
Krishna was not only the master of Vaikunth. What? He was the master of the whole world. How many [people] are there in the world? He used to rule over the hearts of all the five-seven billion human beings that existed. Who? The Confluence Age Krishna. [You may also] call him Prajapita. It is because it is said in the Murli: Next to God is Prajapita, next to God is Krishna, next to God is Narayan [and] next to God is Shankar. Call him Shankar, call him Prajapita, call him the Confluence Age Krishna or Narayan it is one and the same thing. So, they don’t know whether Krishna was the master of Vaikunth or the master of the whole world. Now it is in your intellect that the Confluence Age Krishna was the master of the whole world as well as Vaikunth. What? When he has created Vaikunth, he will be its master too.
We can see - Mr. Dixit is highly intersted in equating all the personalities/titles to himself (that too in present birth itself- trying to eat all the fruit in one birth itself?!)
But, in his Trimurti picture, Mr. Dixit has shown different souls! No equating one to another! A great intellectual suicide from Mr. Dixit.

544)See how inverting Mr. Dixit is.

---Ocean of knowledge ShivBaba says- Brahma = Prajapita = Prajapita Brahma,
But, the inverted intellect Mr. Dixit bifurcated Brahma into 5 different personalities/souls.

---Baba says- Ram and Krishna are different, Narayan, Krishna, etc will not be in Conf. Age, but in Golden Age, etc, etc.
But the inverted intellect Mr. Dixit equated everything together and claimed himself to all these titles.

---Baba says- souls of Brahma (plus saraswathi) and Vishnu are same.
But, PBK Trimurti picture says opposite- PBK Brahma (ex PBK Kamala Devi) does not become Vishnu either in Conf. Age or in G Age.

545)Hence, PBKs NOW, lose value of THEIR OWN argument of - equating all to one- in their own view too.

546)Many times- we see- Knowingly or unknowingly, a person automatically and accidenatlly, reaps for his own past deeds. - even in the lowkik world.

Similarly, here, it is almost clearly visible- Mr. Dixit and PBKs (unknowingly), went against their own one of the VERY BASICS/FOUNDATION- of EQUATING one to OTHER and ALL.
So- when time to reap the fruit (in Trimurti picture), automatically/unknowingly Mr. Dixit limited himself just to ONE seat.

547)So- from PBK Trimurti picture - I think, it may not be wrong to say-

---a)Mr. Dixit hmself (inadvertently) is DECLARING - "He can never be real Brahma or real Vishnu, but eligible only for the imaginary* post Shankar."

---b)In case, if PBKs claim Mr. Dixit is also a Brahma and Vishnu, - from THEIR own Trimurti picture, and THEIR own way of arguments, Mr. Dixit will be limited just for title holder Brahma and title holder Vishnu posts- because he gave those two positions to other souls in his Trimurti picture itself.

*548) - So- far post of Shankar is imaginary only.
(Among human souls), In Conf. Age, BRAHMA is hero, and during other period in the Kalpa, Vishnu would be hero**. Part of Shankar is only for a few period, yet to know.

** - In heaven Vishnu would be practically ruling, and in hell(in scriptures)- Krishna and Vishnu would be heroes.

So- unknowingly, Mr. Dixit cornered himself!
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

Flaw No. 580):- Cause of Intellectual Suicide for PBKs in THEIR OWN Trimurti picture

549) One of the MAIN claim/teachings of Mr. Dixit is - "All ARE SAME" as shown above-. His many so-called clarifications is based on THIS CLAIM.

But, Mr. Dixit can never equate the three personalities in trimurtis- either in this birth or to the FUTURE BIRTHS! For PBKs, all the them have to be three different souls altogether

550) The reason is VERY SIMPLE- The VERY FIRST FOUNDATION of false PBK philosophy is based on three extra and different souls- the so- called GITAMATA(kamala Devi soul). Radha bachchi(Vedanti soul), and Sevakram(Mr. Dixit's soul in previous birth)

Because Mr. Dixit has made God dependent on three EXTRA and SEPARATE souls at the VERY BEGINNING of Conf. Age itself.

[PBK cooked up theory says- Mr. Dixit/Sevakram, Gitamata (Kamala Devi soul) Radha bachchi, (Vedanti sister) had also been there together with SS Shiv to give the so-called clarification to B baba about his visions in 1936 itself.


So- PBKs contradict with their own statements. More they claim- "ALL ARE ONE and the SAME" more they need to differentiate and discriminate.

552) So- the real essence of the knowledge- "Brahma so Vishnu" - PBKs can never explain properly.

In PBK view- Gitamata/Kamala_Devi is their main Brahma whom they call as main/real/Adi/First Brahma Kamala Devi),. Hence Mr. Dixit has placed her in the place of Brahma in Trimurti picture.

Now- in PBK view itself- Kamala Devi never becomes Vishnu (either lakshmi or Narayan - in the present or in the future birth).
------------------ ----------

# Flaw No. 581) PBKs lose both titles P(Prajapita) and B(Brahma):- - as per their own Trimurti

553) The so-called PBKs usually boast and attack BKs by saying- "You are only BKs. we are PBKs. You are children of only Brahma, we are children of both Prajapita and Brahma, blah, blah, blah".

Now- if we see- PBKs have neither Brahma, nor Prajapita in their Trimurti picture.

Because their Brahma(Kamala Devi) in their own view-
----is a False Gita(in their own view),
---Cannot become Vishnu (in their own view) and
---out of PBK Yagya and married someone in lowkik way from 1998 till date.

And- Mr. Dixit has no seat as Brahma or Prajapita Brahma (in their own) Trimurti Picture.

So- as per PBK theory and their Trimurti picture, PBKs now have to limit their titles just to K- is it not.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

Flaw No. 582)PBKs themselves are confused - One Brahma or 4/5 Brahmas-

554)Baba, Shiva, and Brahma - are the most used words in Murlis.
PBKs have misinterpreted all the important names/title in Murlis. But, here, OPEN/CLEAR lies of PBKs is clearly seen. They could not hide this.

----555a) Flaw No. 516 - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... ard#p52715

-----555b) From http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... ies#p43997
arjun wrote:First of all Dada Lekhraj Brahma Baba is not part of actual Trimurti at all. His picture has been superimposed on all the three personalities. But when the actual Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are revealed, Dada Lekhraj's picture will be removed completely. It is about the actual Brahma and Shankar that Baba has said that they are righteous. Even Dada Lekhraj is righteous, but to a lesser extent.
Here, arjun soul is referring Actual Brahma to ex PBK kamala Devi. [anyone can correct me , if I am wrong].

555c) - http://bk-pbk.info/viewtopic.php?f=39&t ... der#p50861
arjun wrote:Real Brahma is only one - Prajapita Brahma. All others are title holders.
556)So- is real Brahma different than actual Brahma ???

Or is meaning of real and actual different in PBK dictionary? - :laugh:

Also- 557)If PBKs now say- real Brahma only one,
why should PBKs say- Brahma is name of many, Brahma has four/five heads, etc. They also speak first Brahma, second Brahma, third Brahma, etc. [PBKs have created duplicates - They say two Krishnas, two Narayans, two Saraswathis, etc - but no Krishna, Narayan or saraswathi is shown with 2 heads].

So- here- PBKs failed to hide their lies.
----------- ------
558)PBKs now say (May be after Kamala Devi left Yagya in 1998 -not sure ) Kamala Devi is FALSE Gita .

How can a false personality be fit for a real/actual seat of Brahma?*

559)Moreover- In 555b) PBK arjun says- Kamala Devi is one of the two righteuous children of God.
But- how can a "FALSE" personality be righteous child of God???

* - ---If Mr. Dixit is real Brahma (as per one of the statements of PBK arjun), why should PBKs place Kamala Devi in the place of Brahma in PBK Trimurti?

560) PBKs use Murli point erroenously as said in 537) above- to claim "Brahma and Prajapita are different."

Arey- If there are 4/5 Brahmas, how come Murli point can say - Brahma and Prajapita are different? It should say- "Brahmas and Prajapita are different"**- is it not?
Do the so-called Gyani tu soul PBKs have at least some basic level of intellect?

561)BTW- If PBKs claim Brahma and Prajapita are different (by quoting Murli point), then it is as good as (inadvertently) declaring - Mr. Dixit is CLEARLY NOT ELIGIBLE for the post of BRAHMA.
And- also they are clearly admitting that real Brahma is B Baba (Dada Lekh Raj).
Because PBKs use this Murli point to differentiate between B baba and Mr, Dixit.

**562) I would like to write the Murli point here in English- as it is in Hindi only in the link given in 537).

In the PBK PHilosophy, the so-called SACHCH Gita KHAND 1:- SM dated 19-03-68(3), - "Prajapita Brahma vah donon toh naamigraami hai. Prajapita Brahma abhee tumko miltaa hai - interpreted by PBKs as "Prajapita (and) Brahma, the two are famous. You get Prajapita Brahma now."

But, in reality, ther Murli point is not so. It is actually,

SM 19-03-68(3):- "Toh jab koyi pahley2 aate hain toh samjhaanaa chaahiye Parampita ek hee hai. Yah toh sabhee maanthay hain. Shaastron may bhee likhaa huvaa hai Prajapita Brahma. Vah donon toh naamigraami hai. Prajapita Brahma abhee tumko miltaa hai.

= "So, When someone comes, first explain Supreme Father is only one. All agree this. In scriptures it is also written Prajapita Brahma. These two (Supreme Father and Prajapita Brahma) are famous. You get Prajapita Brahma now. "

Displacement of FULL STOP mark (immediately after Prajapita Brahma) is the cause for misinterpretation. Not sure who is the cause. But, mostly here, it seems PBKs are responsible. The Hindi Murli is right.

But, EVEN IF the typing error had happened by BKWSU, anyone can realize it easily, because when one reads the Murli sentences in sequence- the displacement of the FULL STOP clearly gives an awareness of some awkwardness in following them.

But- failure of PBKs to realize not even a little bit of these have proved that PBKs

--have no capacity to realize simple and accidental language errors,
--fail to check adjacent sentences in such cases.
--have no capacity to check logically (as clearly proved in this post).
--they have no capacity to realize the great contradictions what they speak.
--have absolutely no shame to speak open lies and non-sense.

563)So- PBKs have DUPLICATE philosophy reagarding- Sri Krishna, Narayan, Sarawathi, Gita, etc.
But, regarding Brahma, PBKs are flickering fully, zero stability. In fact, negative.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

Flaw No. 583) Failure to understand real meaning of GUDDI/POSITION/THRONE:-

viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2731&sid=28e9afb1dd ... d29#p54933
arjun wrote:Baba is telling that In the form of Satguru He takes everyone back (to the Soul World). If as per the BKs Brahma Baba’s form itself was the form of Sadguru, then at the time when Brahma Baba left his body, everyone should have been taken along. But nobody was taken along. So, then is the form of Sadguru different?
564)B Baba has left only his corporeal body. Not subtle body. He has not rerurned to Paramdham. Neither ShivBaba has said good bye to all the children and took rest in Paramdham.

Lots of Avyakt Murli points clearly explain this and even in this topic, such things are explained.

Even though PBKs frequently utter words like - gyaani tu atma, unlimited meaning, subtle meaning, subtle intellect, etc, it is once again clear that PBKs have ability to think of only corporeal bodies(their bodily Guru Virendra Dev Dixit and bodily followers). So, they clearly demonstarte that they utter these words like parrot only.
Baba is telling that there, when one guru dies, then (one among) the other followers is given the charge. Even in the Brahmakumari organization after Brahma Baba left his body, first Didi Manmohini, then Dadi Prakashmani, then Dadi Janki, and now Dadi Gulzar occupied his throne. So, can the Father be present at the place where such tradition of the path of Bhakti is followed? Baba is telling that Baba gives a guarantee that I will take everyone back with Me
565) The seat of Brahma has never been given to anyone. The seat of Brahma or fixed Chariot in BKWSU is still B Baba only.

Only the "nimitt/incharge position" is taken by others. Didi Manmohini or Pakahsmani, etc had NIMITT(INCHARGE) position only.
None of them is called as Prajapita Brahma or Brahma.
Even the most senior BK sister (any Dadi as well) is called as incharge sister.
The word "Admistrative Head" does not mean owner of the Yagya. That name is used only for interaction with lowkik people.

Owner of the Yagya is/are same from beginning till end.
Names "BapDada, Shibbaba's bhandaar, Brahma Bhojan, etc." are used even till today. Not "Dadi Bhohjan, Dadi Bhandar, Dadikumar, etc".

566)But, in PBK view- the fixed Chariot(Prapaita) was Sevakram from 1937 to 1942.
Then the fixed Chariot changed to two sisters till 1947!.
Then it changed to B Baba till 1969.
Then there was no Chariot present in PBK Yagya (or they have confusion) till 1976.
When Mr Dixit was in jail for six months in 1998, or absconding since around 2018 December, neither the fixed Chariot, nor incharges were/are present in PBK Yagya.

For PBKs, even the position/throne of BRAHMA changes. For them even the position/title Gita changes from one to another frequently.

They are also confused with the name Sevakram now.

567) BTW- in BK view- the Owner/s of Yagya:- It is ShivBaba through B Baba and his hands. It is pravruttimarg.
But, note that one(Jagadamba) seat of B baba is given to Mama even when B baba had been alive! Hence Mama also becomes as special as B Baba.

So, in one way, there are three owners to this Yagya. Actually two- ShivBaba and B baba. But, still Mama is also like in the board of directors, so the context is to be understood. Baba has given the title creator to these three souls. Hence when Baba says couple beads, Mama gets seat equal to B Baba. But, literally, Mama is just one of the BKs.

So, the context should be understood properly.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

Flaw No. 584) PBKs inadvertenly imply Mr. Dixit is not primary person:-

567)According to PBKs, ROLE OF CREATION in the corporeal world, started first from B baba, not from Sevakram. They believe first vision happened to B baba (not to Sevakram). They claim (falsely) God entered Sevakram's body only when B baba approcahed him after the vision.

So- even in their own view, the divine part in the corporeal world began through B baba, not Dixit.

568)And, PBKs claim their head Mr. dixit was out of Yagya from 1942 till 1969 (or 1976 they are in confusion from 1969 till 1976. No PBK addresses properly whether God ShivBaba entered in Mr. Dixit in 1969 or 1976, but mostly they say in 1976, to fit their personality for the 1976 date. Hence they are caught in their own propaganda).

569)But, PBKs clearly and openly say/admit B Baba is present in PBK Yagya too since its very beginning itself. They claim soul of B baba enters both body of Dixit as well as Dadi of Gulzar. Hence in their own view, it is soul oif B baba who is playing the full time role in both the yagyas, not Mr. Dixit.

PBKs also claim the final moment is determined when B baba becomes Vishnu. Again in their own view, the final moment is not decided by Mr. Dixit. It is decided by B Baba!

So- in the attempt to hijack seat of B baba, Mr. Dixit fell into his own pit.

Flaw No. 585) PBKs are confused about corporeal Chariot from 1969 till 1976:-

570) I was wondered why PBKs do not claim Supreme Soul Shiv enters Mr. Dixit after 1969 Jan 18th. But later found the following could be the main reasons.

One of the bases of PBK philosophy is on 1976 - They try to wrongly bifurcate* the names - "(just) Conf. Age" and "Purushottam Conf. Age". According to them, the first 40 yrs (1936 till 1976) is just Conf. age. So, mostly, due to this, they say - God entered Mr. Dixit only in 1976.

But, then they again fail to address the period from 1969 till 1976. No corporeal Chariot as per PBK view? [For BKs, it is not an issue. They believe creation happens through corporeal and subtle parts.].

* - In BK view- both Conf Age and Purushottam Conf. Age are one and the same. Like "God Father" and "most beloved God Father" represent the same personality.
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Re: Flaws in PBK Philosophy

Post by mbbhat »

# Flaw No. 586) Why Mr. Dixit said Sevakram was died/murdered in 1942, not just left Yagya?

571)A Murli point says- "Some first class children who had been in Yagya for 5- 10 yrs, who used to go into trance, and also used sit on guddi/throne and taught drill to Mama baba- got confused in the knowledge and left Yagya. Python/Maya ate them". viewtopic.php?f=2&t=53&p=42346&hilit=py ... a04#p42346

Mr. Dixit found this Murli point suiting for his Date of Birth(DOB). So- he manipulated and made this fit for Sevakram and two imaginary sisters/mothers.

Now- the Murli point says- they got confused in the knowledge and left Yagya. But, Mr. Dixit claims Sevakram was murdered/died.

572)So- why Mr. Dixit claims B Baba's lowkik partner Sevakram died or murdered in 1942?,[ but for the other two (imaginary/manipulated) sisters - whom they call "GitaMata" (Kamala Devi's previous birth), "child Radha" (previous birth of sister BK Vedanti) - as NOT murdered/dead? ]

573)Since Mr. Dixit's DOB is said to be first february 1942, he had to claim that Sevakram died at least on or slightly before 1942. He had no other choice!

(presently PBKs are confused whether to use the name Sevakram or not, one of the reasons is- his death date was found much later than 1942).

--But, for the other two imaginary/manipulated sisters- Mr. Dixit simply says- they left Yagya.
And, so far, Mr. Dixit or any PBK has not been able to explain when they died (left their bodies).

574)When some PBk/s ask about their death dates, Mr. Dixit failed to give reply, just gave vague reply by saying "mother's role is not important!". So, you need not know about it! [But, in all his teachings, he is discussing more about mothers than Father/s. Even in the PBK Trimurti picture, there are two mothers/females and only one Father/male. ]

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