When does Golden ERA actually commence?

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Golden Heart
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When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

SM, Revised 17.08.2018
बस, बाप को याद करते रहो, तो तुम्हारे विकर्म विनाश हो जायेंगे। तुम विकर्माजीत राजा बन जायेंगे। विकर्माजीत राजा का संवत एक से शुरू हुआ, फिर विक्रम संवत 2500 वर्ष बाद शुरू होता है। विकर्माजीत और विक्रम, भारतवासियों के दो संवत हैं। विक्रम का संवत सभी जानते हैं, विकर्माजीत का संवत भूल गये हैं। यह है पढ़ाई।
“Continue to remember the Father and your sins will be absolved. You will become the Kings who are conquerors of sin. The Era of King Vikarmajeet (who conquered sins) began with (in year) one; and then, after 2500 years, the era of king Vikram (who committed sins) begins. Vikarmajeet and Vikram are the two eras of the residents of Bharat. Everyone knows about the era of Vikram, but they have forgotten about the Era of Vikarmajeet. This is a Study.”
View clarifications in point 5

SM, Revised 01.02.2018
तुम जानते हो कृष्ण और राधे दोनों अलग-अलग राजाई के थे। प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज थे। पीछे स्वयंवर बाद लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनते हैं, तो फिर उन्हों की डिनायस्टी गाई जाती है। संवत भी उनसे कहा जायेगा।
“You know that both Radhe and Krishna came from SEPARATE kingdoms. They were a Prince and Princess. After their coronation, they become Lakshmi & Narayan, and THEN their dynasty is remembered. The ERA also begins from that time.”
View clarifications in point 9

SM, Revised 25.09.2017
श्रीकृष्ण गोरा सतयुग का पहला प्रिन्स था, जो फिर विश्व के महाराजा महारानी बनते हैं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण से ही राज्य शुरू होता है। राजाई से संवत शुरू होता है ना। सतयुग का पहला संवत है, विकर्माजीत संवत। भल पहले जब कृष्ण जन्मता है, उस समय भी कोई न कोई थोड़े बहुत रहते हैं, जिनको वापिस जाना है। पतित से पावन बनने का यह संगमयुग है ना। जब पूरा पावन बन जाते हैं, तो फिर लक्ष्मी-नारायण का राज्य, नया संवत शुरू हो जाता है, जिनको विष्णुपुरी कहते हैं। विष्णु के दो रूप लक्ष्मी-नारायण से पालना होती है।
“Shri Krishna was the FIRST beautiful Prince of the Golden Age, who THEN becomes the World Emperor and Empress. The Kingdom begins ONLY with Lakshmi & Narayan. The era begins with their Kingdom. The first era of the Golden Age is the era of Vikarmajit (the conquerors of sin). When Shri Krishna first takes birth, there are STILL some (embodied souls) remaining, who have to return Home, EVEN at THAT TIME. This is the Confluence Age to become pure from impure. The new era, the Kingdom of Lakshmi & Narayan, starts when EVERYONE becomes COMPLETELY pure, which is THEN called as the ‘Land of Vishnu’ (‘VishnuPuri’). Sustenance takes place through the two forms of Vishnu - Lakshmi & Narayan.”
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SM, Revised 24.08.2017
एक भी पतित न रहे तब कहेंगे पावन दुनिया। तुम इस समय हो पावन, परन्तु सारी दुनिया तो पावन नहीं है ना। पावन बनेंगी जरूर। जब विनाश होगा, तब सारी दुनिया पावन होगी, उसको नई दुनिया कहेंगे। नई दुनिया का संवत कोई पूछे, तो समझाना चाहिए, जब महाराजा महारानी तख्त पर बैठते हैं तब नया संवत शुरू होता है। जब तक नया संवत शुरू हो, तब तक पुराना जरूर कायम रहेगा। यहाँ से संवत शुरू नहीं होगा। हम ब्राह्मण भल नये हैं। परन्तु दुनिया अथवा सारी पृथ्वी थोड़ेही नई है। अभी है संगम। कलियुग के बाद सतयुग आना है। हम कहते ही हैं फर्स्ट प्रिन्स प्रिन्सेज राधे कृष्ण, फिर भी हम उस समय सतयुग नहीं कहेंगे। जब तक लक्ष्मी-नारायण तख्त पर नहीं बैठे हैं, तब तक कुछ न कुछ खिटपिट होती रहेगी, भल राधे कृष्ण आ जाते हैं। देखो, यह हैं विचार सागर मंथन करने की बातें। सतयुग जब शुरू होगा, तब संवत शुरू होगा। सूर्यवंशी डिनायस्टी का संवत फलाना। परन्तु प्रिन्स प्रिन्सेज के नाम पर संवत कभी नहीं होता। बाकी बीच के समय में, आना जाना होता रहता है। छी-छी मनुष्यों को भी जाना है। कुछ न कुछ बचे हुए तो रहते ही हैं ना। जो भी बचे हुए होंगे वह भी वापिस जायें, टाइम लगता है। यह कौन समझाते हैं? ज्ञान सागर भी समझाते हैं, तो ब्रह्मपुत्रा ज्ञान नदी भी है, दोनों इकट्ठे समझाते हैं।
“This will be called a pure World, when NOT A SINGLE impure person remains. At THIS time You are pure, but the whole World is not pure. They will definitely become pure. After destruction takes place, the whole World will be pure. That will be called the New World. When someone asks You about the era of the New World, then explain that the NEW ERA will begin when the Emperor and Empress sit on the throne. Until the NEW ERA begins, the old era will definitely still remain. The era will not begin from here. Although we Brahmins are NEW, the World, that is, everything on Earth, is NOT new. It is now the Confluence. The Golden Age has to come after the Iron Age. We say that the first princess and prince are Radhe and Krishna. Even then, we will NOT call that the Golden Age at THAT time. Until Lakshmi & Narayan sit on the throne, there will continue to be one conflict or another, even though Radhe and Krishna have come. Look, these are all aspects to be churned. When the Golden Age begins, the era will begin, the era of so-and-so of the Sun Dynasty. An era never exists by the name of the prince or princess. There will continue to be coming and going during the time in between. Impure people also have to go back. There will be a few people that still remain here. It takes time for all those who are still left here to go back (Home). Who is explaining this? The Ocean of Knowledge is also explaining, and Brahmaputra River of Knowledge is also present; BOTH are explaining together.”
View clarifications in point 5

SM, Revised 11.08.2017
लक्ष्मी-नारायण से ही राज्य शुरू होगा। वह होता है विकर्माजीत संवत, विकर्मों पर जीत पहनकर, तुम अपना राज्य-भाग्य लेते हो।
“The Kingdom begins only with Lakshmi & Narayan. That is the era of the conquerors of sinful actions. You conquer sin and claim your fortune of the Kingdom.”
View clarifications in point 9

SM, Revised 20.04.2017
अभी नाटक पूरा होता है, जो भी एक्टर्स हैं सब चले जायेंगे, बाकी थोड़े रहेंगे। ‘राम गयो रावण गयो..’, बाकी बचेंगे कौन? दोनों तरफ के थोड़े-थोड़े ही बचेंगे, बाकी सब वापिस चले जायेंगे। फिर मकान आदि बनाने वाले, सफाई करने वाले भी बचते हैं। समय चाहिए ना। हम भी चले जायेंगे। तुमको राजाई में जन्म मिलेगा। वो फिर सफाई करते हैं। बाबा ने कहा है, जहाँ जीत वहाँ जन्म। भारत में ही जीत होगी। बाकी वह सब खलास हो जायेंगे। राजायें आदि जो धनवान होंगे, वह बचेंगे, जिनके पास तुम जन्म लेंगे। सारी सृष्टि का फिर तुमको मालिक बनना है।
“The Play is now coming to an end, and all the actors will RETURN (Home). VERY FEW WILL REMAIN. ‘RAMA went & Ravan went..’, so, then, who will remain? Very few will remain FROM BOTH SIDES, the rest will all RETURN. Then those who build buildings, and those who cleanse everything will ALSO remain. Time is needed for that. We will also RETURN. You will take birth with Sovereigns. Those people will cleanse everything. Baba says: You will take birth where there is Victory. There will be Victory in Bharat alone; all the rest will PERISH. Sovereigns and the others, who are wealthy, will remain, with whom You will take birth. You have THEN to become the Masters of the WHOLE World.”

SM, Revised 14.04.2017
ऐसे थोड़ेही कहेंगे - जेवर झूठा है, सोना सच्चा है। वो लोग समझते हैं आत्मा शुद्ध है। जेवर (शरीर) झूठा है, उनको हम साफ करते हैं। परन्तु नहीं। आत्मा अगर शुद्ध होती तो शरीर भी शुद्ध होता। यहाँ एक भी श्रेष्ठ नहीं है। सतयुग में ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे। वह तो सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी हैं, चोला विकारी हो तो आत्मा फिर पवित्र कैसे हो सकती? सोना पवित्र है और जेवर झूठे बनें, यह कैसे हो सकता? यह अच्छी तरह समझाना है; इस समय, कोई भी श्रेष्ठाचारी नहीं है।
“You cannot say that the jewelry is false, and that the gold is real. Those people believe that the soul is pure, whereas the jewelry (body) is dirty, and hence they are cleansing that. But NO; if the SOUL were PURE, THEN the BODY would ALSO be PURE. There is not a single elevated being here. You would not say so in the Golden Age. There, they are completely viceless. If the COSTUME is IMPURE, HOW CAN the SOUL be PURE? It is not possible that the gold would be real and the jewelry would be false. You must explain this very clearly; at THIS time, not a single one is elevated.”
View VARIOUS clarifications in point 3

SM, Revised 31.01.2017
पहले नम्बर में श्रीकृष्ण, उसने ऐसा क्या कर्म किया, जो अपने माँ बाप से भी जास्ती मर्तबा पाया। वह महाराजा महारानी कहाँ थे, जिनके पास कृष्ण का जन्म हुआ। जब तक निर्विकारी होकर नहीं रहेंगे, तब तक अविनाशी ज्ञान बुद्धि में बैठ नहीं सकता। बुद्धि का ताला खुलता ही तब है, जब पवित्र रहते हैं। अपवित्र बनने से सब बुद्धि से निकल जायेगा। बहुत बच्चे फारकती दे देते हैं। पढ़ाई को ही छोड़ देते हैं। वह फिर कभी किसको ज्ञान सुना न सकें। पतित बन जाते, खान-पान भी गंदा खाते। मायावी मनुष्यों से जाकर मिलते हैं।
The NUMBER ONE is Shri Krishna. What actions did he perform that he claimed a HIGHER status than his mother and father? Where were those emperor & empress, to whom Krishna was born? UNTIL You become and remain viceless, TILL THEN the imperishable Knowledge cannot sit in your intellect. ONLY when You remain pure, does the lock on the intellect open. By becoming impure, everything is removed from the intellect. Many children divorce (the Father). They stop studying. They can THEN never relate Knowledge to anyone. They become impure, and they also eat ‘impure food’. They go and mix with devilish people.
View clarifications in point 1

SM, Revised 13.12.2016
श्रीकृष्ण तो संगम पर हो न सके। हाँ, कृष्ण की आत्मा जरूर है। वह भी सीखकर औरों को सिखाते हैं। यह है मुख्य पहला नम्बर प्रिन्स। इनके साथ और भी तो हैं ना, राधे भी साथ में है। परन्तु फर्स्ट प्रिन्स यह है। राधे तो फिर भी बाद में है। पहले इनका नाम है। यह कितनी गुह्य बातें हैं, इसलिए बाप कहते हैं मुख्य एक ही बात को उठाओ। गीता कृष्ण ने नहीं गाई। कृष्ण को भगवान नहीं कह सकते। इस बात में ही सारी बात है, जीतने की।
Shri Krishna cannot exist in the Confluence Age. Yes, the soul of Krishna definitely exists. He too studies and teaches others, to become the MAIN, number ONE Prince. He has others with him too; Radhe is also with him, but he is the FIRST Prince. Radhe only comes later. First is THIS one's name. These are such deep aspects. This is why the Father says: Take up the main one aspect, that the Gita was not sung by Krishna, and that Krishna cannot be called God. All aspects for victory lie in this one aspect.

बाप से भी कृष्ण का नाम जास्ती है। राधे-कृष्ण के मॉ-बाप कोई इतने मार्क्स नहीं ले सकते हैं, जितने राधे-कृष्ण लेते हैं। ऊंची पढ़ाई यह पढ़ते हैं। सबसे जास्ती मार्क्स कृष्ण लेते हैं, परन्तु जन्म तो फिर कहाँ लेना ही पड़ेगा। तो जिसके पास जन्म लिया उनका इतना मान नहीं होता है। पहले जरूर उनके माँ-बाप जन्म लेते होंगे। फिर भी कृष्ण बच्चे का नाम बाला होता है। यह बातें बड़ी गुप्त है।
Krishna's name is greater than that of his father. The parents of Radhe & Krishna cannot receive as many marks, as Radhe & Krishna themselves receive. They (Radhe & Krishna) study the HIGHEST Study. Krishna receives the MAXIMUM marks. However, he still has to take birth somewhere. So, those with whom he takes birth DO NOT receive as much regard as he does. His parents would surely take birth first. Nevertheless, the name of the Child Krishna is glorified. These aspects are very subtle.
View clarifications in points 8 & 10

SM, Revised 10.11.2016
पतित आत्मायें सब हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू कर घर चली जायेंगी। बाकी थोड़े बचेंगे। पवित्र आत्मायें आती जायेंगी।
Impure souls will settle all their accounts and return Home, and ONLY a FEW will REMAIN. Pure souls will continue to come.
View clarifications in point 6

SM, Revised 01.11.2016
तुम जानते हो कृष्ण की आत्मा जो गोरी थी, वह अब बहुत जन्मों के अन्त के जन्म में तमोप्रधान बन गई है। फिर इनमें प्रवेश कर इनको सो श्रीकृष्ण गोरा बना रहा हूँ, इसलिए कृष्ण को सांवरा और गोरा, श्याम और सुन्दर कहते हैं। यह सतयुग का पहला नम्बर सुन्दर प्रिन्स था।
You know that the soul of Krishna, who was beautiful, has NOW become ‘tamopradhan’ at the end of the last of his many births. Then I ENTER him and make him into beautiful Shri Krishna again. This is why Krishna is said to be the ugly and the beautiful one, ‘Shyam & Sundar’. He was the NUMBER ONE beautiful Prince of the Golden Age.

कृष्ण की आत्मा ने आगे जन्म में यह ज्ञान प्राप्त किया है, अब कर रहे हैं। जिसका नाम मैंने ब्रह्मा रखा है। उनके बहुत जन्मों के अन्त के जन्म में मैं प्रवेश करता हूँ।
The soul of Krishna received this Knowledge in his previous birth, and is NOW receiving it again. I have named him Brahma. I ENTER him at the end of the last of his many births.
View clarifications in points 5 & 7

SM, Revised 30.08.2016
कृष्ण का कितना नाम गाया जाता है। उनके बाप का नाम ही नहीं, उनका बाप कहाँ है। जरूर राजा का बच्चा होगा ना। वहाँ, बड़े राजा के घर में जन्म होता है। परन्तु वह पतित राजा होने के कारण उनका नाम थोड़ेही होगा। कृष्ण जब है तब थोड़े पतित भी रहते हैं। जब वह बिल्कुल खलास हो जाते हैं तब वह गद्दी पर बैठते हैं, अपना राज्य ले लेते हैं, तब ही उनका संवत शुरू होता है। लक्ष्मी-नारायण से संवत शुरू होता है।
“The name of Krishna is praised so much. There is no mention of his father's name, where is his father? He (Krishna) would definitely be the son of a king. There, his birth takes place in the house of a great king. However, BECAUSE THAT KING IS IMPURE, he is not renowned. When Krishna is there, a few impure ones remain. When they (impure ones) completely leave, then he sits on the throne and claims his Kingdom, only after which his era begins. The era begins with Lakshmi & Narayan.”
View clarifications in point 4

SM, Revised 14.07.2016
बाबा का तो अनुभवी रथ है ना। तुम बच्चे अब समझ रहे हो - आत्मायें और परमात्मा अलग रहे बहुकाल... तुम जो पहले अलग हुए हो, फिर तुम ही आकर पहले मिलते हो। सतयुग का फर्स्ट प्रिन्स है श्रीकृष्ण। कृष्ण का बाप भी तो होगा ना। कृष्ण के माँ-बाप का इतना कुछ दिखाते नहीं हैं। सिर्फ दिखाते हैं माथे पर रखकर नदी से उस पार ले गया। राजाई आदि कुछ नहीं दिखाई है। उनके बाप की महिमा क्यों नहीं है? अभी तुम जानते हो इस समय कृष्ण की आत्मा ने अच्छी रीति पढ़ाई पढ़ी है। जिस कारण माँ-बाप से भी ऊंच पद पाया है। तुम समझते हो हम श्रीकृष्ण की राजधानी में थे, स्वर्ग में तो थे ना।
The Chariot of Baba is EXPERIENCED. You Children NOW understand, that souls remained separated from the Supreme Soul for a long period ... ONLY You, who got separated FIRST, THEN come and Meet FIRST. Shri Krishna is the FIRST PRINCE of the Golden Age (‘Satyug’). Krishna would also have a father, is it not? They have not shown very much about Krishna’s parents. They have just shown that he was placed on the head and carried across the river. They have not shown a kingdom, etc. Why is there NO PRAISE of his father? You NOW understand that the soul of Krishna STUDIED this study VERY WELL, at THIS TIME, and due to THIS REASON, he RECEIVED a STATUS, EVEN HIGHER THAN THAT of his PARENTS. You understand that You were in the Kingdom of Shri Krishna, You were in Heaven.
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SM, Revised 08.02.2016
तो गरीब-निवाज़ निराकार भगवान को ही मानेंगे, कृष्ण को नहीं मानेंगे। कृष्ण तो धनवान सतयुग का प्रिन्स बनते हैं। भगवान को तो अपना शरीर है नहीं। वह आकर तुम बच्चों को धनवान बनाते हैं, तुमको राजयोग की शिक्षा देते हैं। पढाई से बैरिस्टर आदि बनकर फिर कमाई करते हैं। बाप भी तुमको अभी पढाते हैं। तुम भविष्य में नर से नारायण बनते हो। तुम्हारा जन्म तो होगा ना। ऐसे तो नहीं स्वर्ग कोई समुद्र से निकल आयेगा। कृष्ण ने भी जन्म लिया ना। कंसपुरी आदि तो उस समय थी नहीं। कृष्ण का कितना नाम गाया जाता है। उनके बाप का गायन ही नहीं। उनका बाप कहाँ है? जरूर कृष्ण किसी का बच्चा होगा ना। कृष्ण जब जन्म लेते हैं तब थोड़े बहुत पतित भी रहते हैं। जब वह बिल्कुल खत्म हो जाते हैं तब वह गद्दी पर बैठते हैं। अपना राज्य ले लेते हैं, तब से ही उनका संवत शुरू होता है। लक्ष्मी-नारायण से ही संवत शुरू होता है।
(You would NOW believe that) “ONLY incorporeal God (REAL ShivBaba), and not Krishna (soul of DLR), is the Lord of the Poor. Krishna was a wealthy prince of the Golden Age. God doesn't have a body of His own. He comes and makes you Children wealthy. He GIVES YOU THE TEACHINGS of Raja Yoga. One becomes a barrister, etc., through study, and then earns an income. The Father too is NOW TEACHING you (the RIGHTEOUS Children). In the future you will become Narayan from an ORDINARY (IMPURE body of a) human. You will take birth, is it not? It is not that Heaven would emerge from the ocean. Krishna too took birth, is it not? There was NO land of Kans, etc., at that time. The name of ‘Krishna’ is remembered so much! His father (bodily father) is NOT remembered. Where is his (bodily) father? Krishna would definitely be someone's child. When Krishna takes birth, there are STILL A FEW IMPURE ONES as well (the physical body of Krishna’s bodily father is IMPURE, when Krishna takes birth). When all of them completely LEAVE, he (soul of DLR, as Krishna) sits on the throne and claims his (soul of DLR, as the VERY FIRST Narayan) Kingdom. His era (period) begins from that time. That era (period) begins with Lakshmi and Narayan.”
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SM, Revised 02.02.2016
कृष्ण और राधे की आयु में 2-3 वर्ष का फ़र्क होगा। सतयुग में जरूर पहले कृष्ण ने जन्म लिया होगा फिर राधे ने। परन्तु सतयुग कब था, यह किसको पता नहीं है। तुमको भी समझने में बहुत वर्ष लगे हैं, तो दो दिन में कोई कहाँ तक समझेंगे। बाप तो बहुत सहज बताते हैं, वह है बेहद का बाप, जरूर उनसे सबको वर्सा मिलना चाहिए ना।
There would be a difference of TWO to THREE years between the ages of Krishna and Radhe. Krishna would be born FIRST in Golden Age and THEN Radhe. However, no one understands when the Golden Age existed. You too have taken many years to understand this. How much would someone understand in just two days? The Father explains everything to you very simply. He is the unlimited Father. Everyone should definitely receive an inheritance from Him.
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SM, Revised 28.08.2015
कृष्ण प्रिन्स होगा तो कहेंगे ना - हमारा बाबा राजा है। ऐसे नहीं कि कृष्ण का बाप राजा नहीं हो सकता। कृष्ण प्रिन्स कहलाया जाता है तो जरूर राजा के पास जन्म हुआ है। साहूकार पास जन्म ले तो प्रिन्स थोड़ेही कहलायेंगे। राजा के पद और साहूकार के पद में रात-दिन का फर्क हो जाता है। कृष्ण के बाप राजा का नाम ही नहीं है। कृष्ण का कितना नाम बाला है। बाप का ऊंच पद नहीं कहेंगे। वह सेकण्ड क्लास का पद है, जो सिर्फ निमित्त बनते हैं कृष्ण को जन्म देने। ऐसे नहीं कि कृष्ण की आत्मा से वह ऊंच पढ़ा हुआ है। नहीं। कृष्ण ही सो फिर नारायण बनते हैं। बाकी बाप का नाम ही गुम हो जाता है। है जरूर ब्राह्मण। परन्तु पढ़ाई में कृष्ण से कम है। कृष्ण की आत्मा की पढ़ाई अपने बाप से ऊंच थी, तब तो इतना नाम होता है। कृष्ण का बाप कौन था - यह जैसे किसको पता नहीं। आगे चल मालूम पड़ेगा। बनना तो यहाँ से ही है। राधे के भी माँ-बाप तो होंगे ना। परन्तु उनसे राधे का नाम जास्ती है क्योंकि माँ-बाप कम पढ़े हुए हैं। राधे का नाम उनसे ऊंच हो जाता है। यह हैं डीटेल की बातें - बच्चों को समझाने के लिए। सारा मदार पढ़ाई पर है। ब्रह्मा पर भी समझाने का अक्ल चाहिए। वही कृष्ण जो है उनकी आत्मा ही 84 जन्म भोगती है। तुम भी 84 जन्म लेते हो। सब इकट्ठे तो नहीं आयेंगे। जो पढ़ाई में पहले-पहले होते हैं, वहाँ भी वह पहले आयेंगे। नम्बरवार तो आते हैं ना। यह बड़ी महीन बातें हैं। कम बुद्धि वाले तो धारणा कर न सकें
When Krishna is a prince, he would say that his father is the king. It isn’t that Krishna’s father cannot be a king. Krishna is called a prince; therefore, he MUST DEFINITELY HAVE TAKEN BIRTH to a KING. He wouldn’t be called a prince if he had taken birth in a wealthy family. There is the difference of day and night between the status of a king and that of a wealthy person. There is no mention of the king who was Krishna’s father. Krishna’s name is glorified so much. His father’s status is NOT SAID TO BE AS HIGH.
His (father’s) status is SECOND CLASS, because he SIMPLY BECOMES THE INSTRUMENT to give birth to Krishna. It is NOT THAT HE STUDIED MORE than Krishna’s soul. NO ! It is Krishna who then becomes Narayan; while his father’s name disappears. He (Krishna’s father) was definitely a Brahmin, but he STUDIED LESS than Krishna. Krishna’s soul STUDIED MORE than the soul of his father. This is why his name is glorified. Who was the father of Krishna? It is as though no one knows this. As you go further you will come to know this. He has to become that here. There are ALSO the parents of Radhe, but Radhe’s name is GLORIFIED MORE than those of her parents. Because HER PARENTS STUDIED LESS, Radhe’s name BECOMES HIGHER than theirs. These are detailed matters which you children have to explain. Everything depends on how you study. You need wisdom to explain about Brahma. The SAME SOUL of Krishna HIMSELF then takes 84 births. You also take 84 births. Not everyone comes there (in the very beginning of the Golden Age) at the same time. Those who are ahead in this study will come there first. Everyone comes there, numberwise. These are VERY SUBTLE matters.
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SM, Revised 17.08.2018
The memorials of King Vikarmajeet & king Vikram are of the VERY SAME soul of Brahma Baba, or DLR; therefore, the DEGRADED king Vikram of the beginning of Copper Age, himself, becomes the ELEVATED King Vikarmajeet of the beginning of Golden Age, and vice versa!

SM, Revised 01.12.2018 & 02.02.2016
Prince Krishna (Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR) & Princess Radhe (Saraswati Mama, or soul of Om Radhe) of Golden Age, are born to SEPARATE sets of corporeal parents, belonging to two SEPARATE kingdoms, with a DIFFERENCE of 2 to 3 years between their respective births. Although the Golden Age can be REGARDED to commence from the day of the birth of Shri Krishna of Golden Age, who is born BEFORE Shri Radhe, the Golden ERA ACTUALLY commences from the day of their coronation, when they ascend the Throne!

SM, Revised 24.08.2017
Although the Golden Age MAY ONLY be CONSIDERED to commence from the day of the birth of Shri Krishna, the GOLDEN ERA ACTUALLY commences ONLY WHEN Shri Radhe & Shri Krishna ascend the Throne, as the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereigns, Shri Lakshmi & Shri Narayan - from the DAY of their coronation, in Golden Age. From the time of the corporeal birth of Shri Krishna, UNTIL the time of his coronation as Shri Narayan, IMPURE souls, in impure corporeal bodies, STILL remain on this corporeal sphere, INCLUDING the corporeal father of Shri Krishna - ALL of WHOM, FINALLY leave their impure corporeal bodies, by the TIME Shri Krishna ascends the Throne as Shri Narayan - ALONG WITH Shri Radhe, as Shri Lakshmi. This period of about 21 years - from the time of the corporeal birth of Shri Krishna, UNTIL the time of his coronation as Shri Narayan - is CONSIDERED as the ACTUAL 1st DIAMOND Birth, out of the 21 births of RamRajya!

SM, Revised 20.04.2017
Very few will remain FROM BOTH SIDES – the Righteous Children on ONE SIDE & the BLIND Unrighteous children on the other side – Ram Sampradaya & Ravan Sampradaya - the rest will all RETURN. The few Righteous Children who remain, will be among the sovereigns, aristocrats and affluent, with whom the ELEVATED Righteous Children will take birth. The few BLIND Unrighteous children who remain, will be architects & masons, or the maids or servants, who will build buildings and cleanse everything in the New World, to prepare same for the benefit of the ELEVATED Righteous Children, who will THEN become the Masters of the WHOLE World!

The Righteous Children will be among the sovereigns & affluent, and the BLIND Unrighteous children will be among the maids & servants, in RAMA's REAL PARADISE, in the beginning of RamRajya - the basis being the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, spoken by God, through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba.

The BLIND Unrighteous children will be among the sovereigns & affluent, and the Righteous Children will be among the maids & servants, in Ravan's APPARENT ‘Paradise’, in the beginning of Ravan Rajya - the basis being the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, influenced by the Godly Form of Ravan or Maya, through the BOGUS mouth of the 'mukrar-rath' of Ravan!

SM, Revised 14.04.2017
When the FIRST Prince of Golden Age, Shri Krishna, is born, the corporeal body of his ‘lokik’ Father is STILL impure, and therefore the soul of his ‘lokik’ Father would ALSO STILL be impure, since the soul CANNOT be pure, if the COSTUME or corporeal body is STILL impure.

SM, Revised 31.01.2017
In this Version, Incorporeal God Father Shiva CLEARLY DECLARES that NUMBER ONE is Shri Krishna, of the beginning of Golden Age, although his corporeal parents are also addressed as Emperor & Empress (‘Maharaja-Maharani’). There is NO AMBIGUITY, WHATSOEVER, that the NUMBER ONE status pertains to the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna of Golden Age, who is the VERY SAME soul of REAL Prajapita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, in Confluence Age, who claimed a HIGHER status than his corporeal mother and father, by virtue of his HIGHEST actions, which he performed in Confluence Age, owing to which he became the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL World Sovereign, in Confluence Age, by virtue of which he becomes the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereign, in the beginning of Golden Age, when he holds the HIGHEST OFFICE of the VERY FIRST Emperor, Shri Narayan, of the New World of RamRajya - ALONG WITH, his Spiritual soul-mate or ‘yugal-dana’, Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, who holds the HIGHEST OFFICE of the VERY FIRST Empress, Shri Lakshmi, of the New World of RamRajya, by virtue of having been the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL World Sovereign, in Confluence Age - ALONG WITH Brahma Baba.

SM, Revised 30.08.2016
When Shri Krishna takes birth in Golden Age, his corporeal father is STILL impure, and is not as renowned as Shri Krishna, although he too is regarded as an Emperor (‘Maharaja’). The Spiritual status of Shri Krishna is HIGHER than that of his corporeal father, since he is NOT as CLEVER in Knowledge as the soul of Shri Krishna (as Brahma Baba), during Confluence Age!

SM, Revised 14.07.2016
The Spiritual status of Shri Krishna is HIGHER than that of his corporeal parents, because the soul of Shri Krishna (as Brahma Baba), studied the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) VERY WELL, and to a MUCH HIGHER DEGREE, than the souls of his corporeal parents, during Confluence Age!

SM, Revised 28.08.2015
Although the soul of the corporeal father (of Shri Krishna of Golden Age) was a Brahmin during Confluence Age, but he studied the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), LESS than the soul of Shri Krishna (as Brahma Baba), in Confluence Age – due to which the Spiritual status of the corporeal father of Shri Krishna becomes SECOND CLASS, although he is an Emperor to whom Shri Krishna is born - while that of the soul of Shri Krishna (as Brahma Baba) is FIRST CLASS, PASS with HONOURS, in Confluence Age, by virtue of which he achieves the HIGHEST Spiritual status among ALL OTHER embodied souls, on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Adam »

This gets interesting. Can we have a more simpler sequential projection of same, to enable us to carry out a logical analysis? Thanks.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

The ‘Satopradhan’ memorials of King Vikarmajeet & king Vikram are of the VERY SAME soul of DLR or Brahma Baba, who becomes the REAL PrajaPita of the Cycle – through whom Incorporeal God Father Shiva delivers the TRUE Gita, in Confluence Age – who becomes the FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna; and THEN the FIRST Emperor, Shri Narayan, of the Golden Age; when RamRajya commences – and who THEN becomes the FIRST prince, and the FIRST king, of the Copper Age, when Ravan Rajya commences!
Logically, the corporeal father of the soul of Shri Krishna, during the TRANSITION from Iron Age to Golden Age, should be the SAME soul, who AGAIN becomes his corporeal father, during the TRANSITION from Silver Age to Copper Age – being the LAST Prince, or the LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age!

The ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan’ memorials of King Vikarmajeet & king Vikram are of the VERY SAME soul of the LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age, who becomes the APPARENT PrajaPita of the Cycle – through whom the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, carries out the EXACT ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita, in Confluence Age – who becomes the corporeal father of the FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna, (who THEN becomes the FIRST Emperor, Shri Narayan), of the Golden Age; when RamRajya commences – and who oversees the TRANSITION from Ravan Rajya to RamRajya, in his SAME corporeal body, during the Confluence of Iron Age & Golden Age - and who THEN becomes the LAST Prince, and the LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age – and who oversees the TRANSITION from RamRajya to Ravan Rajya, in his SAME corporeal body, during the Confluence of Silver Age & Copper Age!
Logically, the corporeal father of the soul of Shri Krishna, during the TRANSITION from Iron Age to Golden Age, should be the SAME soul, who AGAIN becomes his corporeal father, during the TRANSITION from Silver Age to Copper Age – being the LAST Prince, or the LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age!

After you are in a position to grasp the above inter-relationship, we can then proceed further!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Adam »

We understand that this Cycle is of a comfortable 5,000 years duration; but after going through the above post, our intellects are revolving in a rapid cycle of 5,000 seconds duration; and we seem to be getting more perplexed, rather than feeling comforted!

Leaving jokes aside, can you please clarify how two different souls, presumably having a relationship of father & son, are having the same memorials of King Vikarmajeet & king Vikram? Meaning, in what sense is each of them, Vikarmajeet & Vikram? Thank you.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, becomes King Vikarmajeet through the ‘Power of UNADULTERATED Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’), in the Confluence between Iron Age & Golden Age – as a consequence of which he leaves his old impure corporeal body, and takes a New Pure corporeal body – and becomes the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna; and THEN the VERY FIRST Sovereign, Shri Narayan, of the ‘New World of Bharat’, along with Shri Lakshmi, who is the soul of Saraswati Mama or Om Radhe - and becomes king Vikram, when he changes from being soul-conscious in his previous Pure corporeal body at the end of Silver Age, to being body-conscious in his following impure corporeal body in the beginning of Copper Age - during the confluence between Silver Age and Copper Age – after which he indulges in the vice of sex-lust (‘bahubal’)!

The soul of the LAST Prince, and the LAST Sovereign of Silver Age, becomes King Vikarmajeet through the ‘power of ADULTERATED remembrance’ (‘bhogbal’), through the SAME corporeal body, at the END of the Confluence between Iron Age & Golden Age , when he becomes instrumental to give corporeal birth to Shri Krishna of the beginning of Golden Age - and becomes king Vikram, when he changes from being soul-conscious to being body-conscious towards the end of Silver Age, through the SAME corporeal body, when he indulges in the vice of sex-lust (‘bahubal’), FIRST of ALL – during the confluence between Silver Age and Copper Age – when he becomes instrumental to give corporeal births to the souls of Shri Radhe & Shri Krishna, as TWINS – who become the VERY FIRST sovereigns of the ‘old land of Bharat’, in the VERY BEGINNING of Copper Age!

Trust this would serve in further clarifying your query!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Adam »

Well, to be honest, after going through the above clarification, our intellects are now revolving in a more rapid cycle of 500 seconds duration, instead of the earlier 5,000 seconds duration; and we seem to be getting more and more perplexed. We will revert with a further query, when we figure this one out, since it obviously requires deeper and subtler thoughtful analysis!

In the meantime, we would like to humbly request the Admin to consider shifting this topic to the Sub-Forum, “Questioning, Discussing & Debating”, so that others may also involve themselves in constructive discussions, and pose any relevant questions which they may have. Thank you.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

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This topic, When does Golden ERA actually commence? has been moved to this Sub-Forum, Questioning, Discussing & Debating, as per request of Adam, and a shadow of same has been retained in the Sub-Forum, Ideological Interpretation of the Yagya History: BK and PBK versions, for the time being.

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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Adam »

Dear Admin,

Thank you for shifting this interesting topic to this Sub-Forum; and we trust others, who may be interested, would also involve themselves in fruitful discussions, and promote a healthy debate, so that everyone may benefit.
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

In the popular Bhakti song,
“Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hari Hari!
Hari Rama, Hari Rama, Rama Rama, Hari Hari!”
view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfZUrBy4QZQ

1. Who is Hari?
2. Who is Krishna?
3. Who is Rama?
4. Why is Krishna (or Rama) shown as fair & dark, while Radhe (or Sita) is only shown as fair, even beside dark Krishna (or Rama)?
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

1. ‘Hari’ represents Incorporeal God Father Shiva, who is Spiritually connected to BOTH the embodied souls of ‘Krishna’, as well as, ‘Rama’.

2. In ONE context - ‘Krishna’ represents the soul of Brahma Baba or DLR, who changes from being ‘dark’, in his 84th impure corporeal body in Confluence Age, to ‘fair’, in his 1st Pure corporeal body, in the beginning of Golden Age – and who changes from being ‘fair’, in his last Pure corporeal body at the end of Silver Age, to ‘dark’, in his first impure corporeal body, in the beginning of Copper Age.

3. In the SAME context - ‘Rama’ represents the soul of the LAST Prince, or the LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age – who changes from being ‘dark’ to being ‘fair’ in his SAME corporeal body, during the Confluence of Iron Age & Golden Age – and who changes from being ‘fair’ to being ‘dark’ in his SAME corporeal body, during the Confluence of Silver Age & Copper Age!

4. In ONE PARTICULAR context - Shri Krishna is shown in some images as ‘fair’, and in other images as ‘dark’, to signify that the VERY SAME soul of Brahma Baba or DLR, who is ‘fair’, in the beginning of Golden Age, when the ‘Day of Brahma’ begins, becomes ‘dark’, in the beginning of Copper Age, when the ‘Night of Brahma’ begins.
Although Shri Radhe is ALSO ‘fair’, in the beginning of Golden Age, and ALSO becomes ‘dark’, in the beginning of Copper Age, she is STILL shown as ‘fair’ beside ‘dark’ Shri Krishna – to signify that ALTHOUGH Shri Krishna becomes ‘dark’ in the beginning of Copper Age, the ‘fair’ qualities are also present within his personality in a subdued form, which are represented by ‘fair’ Shri Radhe shown beside him. Since Shri Radhe is the soul-mate or ‘yugal-dana’ of Shri Krishna, instead of showing BOTH Shri Krishna & Shri Radhe as half ‘dark’ and half ‘fair’, (signifying that BOTH the good and evil tendencies are prevalent within them), they have shown Shri Krishna as ‘dark’, and Shri Radhe as ‘fair’ beside Shri Krishna, which conveys the SAME sense, in a different manner!
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

Can we then consider - at least in one particular context - that Hari (Shiva), Krishna & Rama are the Trimurti of this world drama, or eternal world cycle?
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »


SM, Revised 02.02.2016
अब इस समय इस तन में दो मूर्ति हैं। ब्रह्मा की आत्मा और शिव परम आत्मा। इस समय दो मूर्ति इकट्ठी हैं - ब्रह्मा और शिवशंकर तो कभी पार्ट में आता नहीं। बाकी विष्णु सतयुग में है। अभी तुम ब्राह्मण सो देवता बनेंगे। हम सो का अर्थ वास्तव में यह है। उन्होंने कह दिया है - आत्मा सो परमात्मा। परमात्मा सो आत्मा। कितना फ़र्क है। रावण के आने से ही रावण की मत शुरू हो गई।
“Now, AT THIS TIME, there are two IMAGES ('MURTIS') in THIS body. There is the soul of Brahma and the Supreme Soul, Shiva. AT THIS TIME two IMAGES ('MURTIS') are TOGETHER - Brahma and Shiva. Shankar NEVER comes to play a part, while Vishnu exists in the Golden Age. You are now Brahmins and you then become Deities. In fact, this is the meaning of ‘You, yourself, are THAT’ (‘hum so, so hum’). They have said that a soul is the Supreme Soul and that the Supreme Soul is a soul. There is so much DIFFERENCE! Ravan’s dictates begin as soon as he comes.”
View clarifications in point 4

Although Incorporeal God Father Shiva DOES NOT come into this Cycle of birth and death; and therefore, DOES NOT take ANY copopreal body of His OWN – YET, He DOES take the support of the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, as His ‘mukrar-rath’, or APPOINTED Chariot, during Confluence Age; hence, He TOO is an IMAGE or ‘MURTI’ – in this PARTICUAR SENSE!

A) For ‘Day of Brahma’, or the ‘Day of the Cycle’ – in the Confluence between Iron Age & Golden Age - Trimurti comprises of –
1. Incorporeal God Father Shiva – as Incorporeal Bhagwan, or REAL ShivBaba, in Confluence Age
2. Soul of Brahma Baba, or DLR - who becomes the FIRST Prince, and the FIRST Emperor, of Golden Age, &
3. Soul of Saraswati Mama, or Om Radhe - who becomes the FIRST Empress, of Golden Age

B) For ‘Night of Brahma’, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’ – in the Confluence between Silver Age & Copper Age -Trimurti comprises of –
1. The LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age – as corporeal ‘Bhagwan’, or APPARENT ‘ShivBaba’ in Confluence Age – (since Incorporeal God Father Shiva DOES NOT play ANY PRACTICAL role at THAT time - in the Confluence between Silver Age & Copper Age)
2. The SECOND LAST Sovereign, Shri Sita, of Silver Age – being the ‘RajyaMata’, during TRANSITION of RamRajya to Ravan Rajya
3. The LAST Sovereign, Shri Sita, of Silver Age

C) For the ENTIRE Cycle – Trimurti comprises of –
1. Incorporeal God Father Shiva - ‘Hari
2. The FIRST Sovereign, Shri Narayan, of Golden Age (soul of Brahma Baba) - ‘Krishna
3. The LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age (TBA) - ‘Rama

This is THEN commemorated in the popular Bhakti song,
“Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hari Hari!
Hari Rama, Hari Rama, Rama Rama, Hari Hari!”
view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfZUrBy4QZQ
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by destroy old world »

We all seem to agree (BKs & PBKs) that Shiva (‘Hari’) definitely does enter the last, (or 84th ?), impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba in Confluence Age - (‘Krishna’) - in order to speak the TRUE Gita – who then becomes the first prince, Shri Krishna, and then the first sovereign, Shri Narayan, in his first pure corporeal body in the beginning of Golden Age – after leaving his previous impure corporeal body.

So, does Shiva (‘Hari’) also ACTUALLY enter the last, (or 84th), impure corporeal body, of the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age, when he is in his last impure corporeal body in Confluence Age - (‘Rama’) - in order to speak the FALSE Gita - or in order to carry out the shooting of the FALSE Gita?
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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

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This topic, When does Golden ERA actually commence? has now been moved to this Sub-Forum, For Vishnu Party & all other Splinter Groups, to enable all interested members to interact freely, and a shadow of same has been retained in the Sub-Forum, Ideological Interpretation of the Yagya History: BK and PBK versions, for the time being.

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Re: When does Golden ERA actually commence?

Post by Golden Heart »

destroy old world wrote:So, does Shiva (‘Hari’) also ACTUALLY enter the last, (or 84th), impure corporeal body, of the soul of the last prince, and the last sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age, when he is in his last impure corporeal body in Confluence Age - (‘Rama’) - in order to speak the FALSE Gita - or in order to carry out the shooting of the FALSE Gita?
REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God (‘Hari’), ONLY speaks the TRUE Gita – DIRECTLY - ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba - (soul of Krishna of the beginning of Golden Age) – which ALSO includes, ONLY the ESSENCE, of the UNADULTERATED CONCEPTS of ‘Satopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘Path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya.

Whereas, the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya - MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Shankar’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, ‘Dev-Dev-Mahadev’, etc. (‘Hari’), initiates and propagates the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) - through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, also MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – (soul of the LAST Rama of Silver Agein Confluence Age) – which ALSO constitute the ‘unlimited clarifications’ of the PERVERTED & DISTORTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘Path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya!

JUST AS - the corporeal religious founders, of EVERY MAJOR religion of Ravan Rajya, are ACTUALLY, ONLY the instrumental mediums through whom a PARTICULAR religion is established – (in the ABSENCE of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in ‘Sakar’) – but they are STILL CONSIDERED to be ‘Bhagwan’, or God, by their respective followers - on account of their body-consciousness, and on account of their INABILITY to relate Spiritually, DIRECTLY with Supreme Soul Shiva - due to lack of His correct introduction and proper comprehension –
SO ALSO – the corporeal politico-religious head, of ALL MAJOR religions of Ravan Rajya – who is the LAST Sovereign, Shri Rama, of Silver Age - is ACTUALLY, ONLY the instrumental medium through whom the ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita of Ravan Rajya is carried out, in Confluence Age – WITHOUT the ACTUAL entry of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in ‘Sakar’ – but he is STILL CONSIDERED to be the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’) & ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’, by his INNOCENT followers - on account of their body-consciousness, and on account of their INABILITY to relate Spiritually, DIRECTLY with Supreme Soul Shiva - due to lack of proper comprehension, and lack of ACTUAL Spiritual experience!
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