PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 25.09.2018 wrote: Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969 – DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God. The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
तुम यहाँ आये हो - ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय में, जहाँ ईश्वर पढ़ाते हैं, मनुष्य से देवता बनाते हैं। यह नॉलेज तुम्हारे में भी नम्बरवार समझते हैं।
कोई तो अच्छी रीति समझते हैं, कोई पूरा नहीं समझने वाले भागन्ती हो जाते हैं, मात-पिता से रूठ पड़ते हैं। जिनके लिए गाया हुआ है - आश्चर्यवत् ऐसे मात-पिता से रूठ पड़ते हैं। पशन्ती, कथन्ती फिर रूठ पड़न्ती ..; जानते हैं मात-पिता से हमको 21 जन्म लिए स्वर्ग की बादशाही मिलती है, फिर भी भूल जाते हैं।
You have come here to this World Godly University, where God is TEACHING You, and making You into Deities from human beings. Among You too, You understand this Knowledge number-wise.
Some understand very well; whereas others, who do not understand completely, run away; they sulk with the Mother & Father. Of such ones, it is remembered that they were the ones who were amazed, and who then sulk with the Mother & Father. They like (
this Knowledge), they relate same to others, and then they sulk ..; You know that You receive the Sovereignty of Heaven from the Mother & Father for 21 births, and YET You forget Him.”
Incorporeal God Father Shiva
TEACHES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge & Easy RajYog (
TRUE Gita) to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins,
ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba, and
ONLY THROUGH the World Godly University -
PBKRIVV-A – in order to make ordinary human beings of Iron Age into ELEVATED Brahmins of Confluence Age, and THEN into ELEVATED Deities of Golden Age.
However, the BLIND Unrighteous children, who
DO NOT understand the TRUE Gita, in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE, sulk with the ‘Alokik’ Parent –
REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev – and therefore, with the ‘Parlokik’ PARENT -
REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God – and then they are TREACHEROUSLY INDOCTRINATED by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, with the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (
being the ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita of the outer World of Ravan Rajya), through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - thus becoming the instruments to carry out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!
बाबा ने समझाया है - जिसको शान्ति कहा जाता है, वह मिलती ही है शान्तिधाम अथवा निर्वाणधाम में, उसको मुक्तिधाम भी कहा जाता है। अगर कोई कहे हम 100 परसेन्ट रेस्ट में हैं, परन्तु यह अक्षर कोई है नहीं। सारे दिन में कोई न कोई कर्म जरूर चलता है। हाँ, अल्पकाल के लिए रात के नींद को रेस्ट कहते हैं क्योंकि आत्मा कहती है, मैं सारा दिन काम करके थक गयी हूँ, अब रेस्ट लेती हूँ। अपने को डिटैच कर देते हैं।
Baba has explained that what is known as Peace can only be received in the Land of Peace (‘Shantidham’), the Land of Silence (‘Nirvandham’). That is also called the Land of Liberation (
‘Mukhtidham’). If some say that they are at 100% Rest, but there is no such thing (
on this corporeal sphere). Throughout the day, one type of action or another takes place. Yes, they can call, sleeping at night, as temporary rest, because the soul says, ‘having worked through the whole day I am tired, and so I am now taking a rest’. They detach themselves.”
यह तो जानते हो - बाप रहते ही हैं शान्ति-देश में या ऐसे समझते हो कि परमपिता परमात्मा वहाँ रेस्ट में रहते हैं।
परमात्मा रेस्ट में तब रहते हैं, जब उनका पार्ट नहीं है। मुक्तिधाम में कोई काम नहीं करते हैं। यह बड़ी समझने की बातें हैं।
“You know that the Father resides in the Land of Peace, or You understand that the Supreme Father Supreme Soul stays at Rest, there.
The Supreme Soul stays at Rest, when He does not have a part (to play). No one does any work in the Land of Liberation. These are GREAT aspects to be understood.”
अभी तुम्हारी बुद्धि का ताला खुलता जाता है। बाप कहते हैं, तुमको पता है मैं रेस्ट में कब रहता हूँ? जबकि तुम बच्चे स्वर्ग में, सुख में रहते हो। वहाँ तुमको सुख-शान्ति है। उसको रेस्ट नहीं कहा जायेगा।
रेस्ट में तब कहें जब तुम्हारा कोई पार्ट नहीं है। तुम जब स्वर्ग में हो तो मुझे कोई मेहनत नहीं करनी पड़ती। मैं वहाँ (
घर में) शान्त में रहता हूँ, शान्ति का दूसरा अक्षर वहाँ रेस्ट कहेंगे। यहाँ तो रेस्ट में रह नहीं सकते हैं।
“Now, the locks on your intellects continue to open. The Father asks: Do You know when I am at Rest? When You Children are in Heaven, in Happiness. There, You have Peace and Happiness. That would not be called Rest.
You can say You are at Rest when You do not have any part. When You are in Heaven, then I do not have to make any effort. I stay there (
at Home) in Peace. Another name for Peace, there, is Rest. You cannot stay at Rest here.”
आत्मा कहती है - मैं रेस्ट में तब हूँ जबकि रात को नींद करती हूँ, उस समय रेस्ट में हूँ या शान्त में हूँ - बात एक ही है। रात को अशरीरी बन जाते हैं, शान्त हो जाते हैं। फिर उठते हैं, तो कर्म में आते हैं फिर भी अन-रेस्ट है। कर्म करते अन-रेस्ट भासती है।
“ The soul says: I am at rest when I go to sleep at night. At that time, whether I am at rest or in peace, it is the same thing. You become bodiless at night; you become peaceful. Then, when you wake up, you come into action, and you are then at ‘unrest ’. When performing an action you experience ‘unrest’. ”
सतयुग में अन-रेस्ट का सवाल नहीं, अन-रेस्ट करती है माया। वहाँ ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे कि हम रेस्ट में रहते हैं। काम-काज सब करते हैं परन्तु अशान्त नहीं रहते हैं। बाकी रेस्ट अक्षर है नहीं। समझो कोई कहते हैं हम शिमला जाते हैं रेस्ट के लिए, परन्तु रेस्ट का अर्थ नहीं।
सच्ची रेस्ट तब है जब हम निर्वाणधाम में रहते हैं, वहाँ चुप रहते हैं।
In the Golden Age there is no question of ‘unrest ’. It is Maya that causes you ‘unrest’. There (in Golden Age), You would not say that You are at Rest. While doing all your work You do not become peaceless. The word ‘rest’ does not exist there. For instance, someone might say: I am going to go to Simla for a rest, but there is no meaning in that ‘rest’.
True Rest is when we stay in the Land of Silence (‘Niravandham’). There, we remain silent.”
बाकी रेस्ट कोई को नहीं है। कोई कहे हमको 100 परसेन्ट रेस्ट है, तो यह रांग है। इसको अज्ञान कहा जाए। हाँ, यह जरूर कहा जायेगा - पढ़ाई नहीं पढ़ने चाहते, तो रेस्ट लेते हैं। न पढ़ना, रेस्ट लेना, यह तो फिर थकना हो गया। अपना ही खाना खराब करते हैं। समझाया जाता है - हे रात के राही, स्वर्ग की राह पर चलते-चलते थक मत जाना, रूठ नहीं जाना।
“ Otherwise, no one has Rest (
on this corporeal sphere). If anyone says that he is at 100% Rest, that is wrong. That is called ignorance. Yes, it would definitely be said: If someone does not want to Study, he takes a rest (
from studying). Not to Study, and to take rest, means you are tired. You then spoil your own ‘food’. It is said, ‘O traveler of the Night, do not become weary while walking on the path to Heaven, do not sulk’. ”
तो जब कोई कहते हैं, 100 परसेन्ट रेस्ट में हैं, तो समझाना चाहिए कि 100 परसेन्ट रेस्ट तो कभी मिलती नहीं। हाँ, ऐसे कहेंगे स्वर्ग में 100 परसेन्ट पवित्रता-सुख-शान्ति रहती है। नाम ही है स्वर्ग। बाप को कहते हैं, ‘सत श्री अकाल’। सच बोलने वाला। उनको कोई काल नहीं खाता। उनको कहा जाता है, ‘कालों का काल’। बाप कहते हैं, यह छी-छी दुनिया है। इस भंभोर को आग जरूर लगनी है।
तुम बच्चे जानते हो यह महाभारत लड़ाई महा-कल्याणकारी है।
“So, when anyone says that he is at 100% Rest, You should explain that one can never receive 100% Rest (
on this corporeal sphere). Yes, it can be said that there is 100% Purity, Happiness and Peace in Heaven. The very name is Heaven. The Father is called ‘Sat Shri Akaal’. He is the One who speaks the Truth. Death never comes to Him. He is called the ‘Death of all Deaths’. The Father says: This is a dirty World. This haystack definitely has to be set on Fire.
You Children know that this Mahabharat War is SUPREMELY benevolent.”
बाप आकर समझाते हैं - रचता बाप मनुष्य सृष्टि की रचना कैसे करते हैं? यह तो कोई भी नहीं जानते। बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं, प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को क्रियेटर नहीं कहेंगे। भल प्रजापिता कहा जाता है, परन्तु वह रचता नहीं। मनुष्य कहते हैं हमको अल्लाह ने पैदा किया।
निराकार फादर को ही रचता कहेंगे। रचता बाप को जरूर मनुष्य ही जानेंगे, जानवर तो नहीं जानेंगे। जानवर तो मुख से नहीं कहेगा कि हमको परमात्मा ने रचा है। मनुष्य कहेंगे, हमको भगवान् ने रचा है।
“The Father comes and explains how the Creator Father creates the human World. No one knows this at all. The Father alone sits and explains that PrajaPita Brahma (
soul of DLR) CANNOT be called the Creator. Although he is called the Father of People (
‘PrajaPita’), he is NOT the Creator. Human beings say that Allah created them.
Only the Incorporeal Father would be called the Creator. ONLY human beings would know the Father, the Creator; animals would not know Him. Animals would not say that the Supreme Soul created them. Human beings would say that God (
‘Bhagwan’) created them.”
ONLY ONE Unlimited ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father, Incorporeal Supreme Soul, REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God can be called as the Incorporeal Creator & ‘Bhagwan’ (
However, since He has to become the Creator in a PRACTICAL form -
ONLY THROUGH REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, by FIRST adopting Brahma Baba as His
ONE & ONLY Spiritual Wife, and THEN as His VERY FIRST, DIRECT ‘mouth-born’
SPECIAL Spiritual Child (
‘murabbi bachha’), Spiritually Re-Born through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba,
himself – through whom ALL the other Righteous Children are also given Spiritual Re-Birth – therefore, Brahma Baba ALSO becomes an
INSTRUMENTAL ‘creator’, and hence is also
REGARDED as the ‘creator’, in
The Righteous Children CLEARLY understand that
ONLY ONE Incorporeal Creator -
REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God – who
ALONE, can be called as the Supreme Soul & ‘Bhagwan’ - Re-Creates them in the Confluence Age, EVERY Cycle.
Animals would not say that the Incorporeal Supreme Soul created them!
However, the BLIND Unrighteous children, become
WORSE than animals AFTER EXPOSING their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, due to which their intellects become ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED, INVERTED & DEGRADED – as a consequence of which they get TREACHEROUSLY TRICKED into DELUSIVELY believing that their ‘Alokik’ ‘corporeal creator’ is
THEIR bodily guru, who implies that he, himself, is the ‘Supreme Soul’ (
‘Paramatma’), ‘highest-on-high’ ‘Bhagwan’, ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, etc. - thus becoming instruments to carry out the CLEAR ‘shooting’ of HiranyaKashyap & Ravan Rajya – more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age!
यह बेहद का बाप कहते हैं - देखो, मैं भी कैसे रचना रचता हूँ। इनमें प्रवेश कर इनको मुख द्वारा कहता हूँ - हे आत्मा, तुम मेरी हो, मैं तुम्हारा बाप हूँ। फिर इनके द्वारा तुम बच्चों को रचता हूँ। तुम हो मुख वंशावली। अज्ञान काल में भी कहते हैं ना, ‘जैसे हैं, तैसे हैं, मेरे हैं’। बाप भी ऐसे कहते हैं। तुम ब्रह्मा के बच्चे बन जाते हो। तो अभी तुम हो मुख वंशावली, फिर तुम कुख वंशावली भी बनेंगे। बाप कहते हैं, तुम मेरे हो, फिर तुम दैवी घराने में जायेंगे।
“That Unlimited Father says: Look, how I too create creation. I enter this one (
corporeal body of the soul of DLR) and tell him through his (
OWN) Mouth: O soul, You belong to Me, I am your Father. Then I create You Children through him (
Brahma Baba). You are the ‘mouth-born’ progeny. On the path of ignorance also, it is said: ‘However I am, whatever I am, I am Yours’. The Father also says this. You become the Children of Brahma. So, You are now the ‘mouth-born’ progeny (
in Confluence Age), and You will then become a ‘womb-born’ creation (
in Golden Age). The Father says: You belong to Me (
in Confluence Age), and You will then go into the Deity house-hold (
in Golden Age).”
REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God becomes the ‘Parlokik’ Incorporeal Creator in a PRACTICAL form -
ONLY THROUGH REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, by FIRST adopting Brahma Baba as His
ONE & ONLY Spiritual Wife, and THEN as His VERY FIRST, DIRECT ‘mouth-born’
SPECIAL Spiritual Child (
‘murabbi bachha’), Spiritually Re-Born through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba,
himself – through whom ALL the other Righteous Children, including Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, are also given Spiritual Re-Birth – all of whom are regarded as the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of REAL PrajaPita Brahma (
who is Brahma Baba)!
बाप यह ईश्वरीय रचना कैसे रचते हैं - यह कोई भी समझ नहीं सकते। बाप समझाते हैं यह (
ब्रह्मा) भी कहते हैं, मैं भी मुख वंशावली बनता हूँ। बाप के साथ माँ जरूर चाहिए। तुम कहते हो, हम प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा के मुख वंशावली हैं, शिवबाबा ने हमको अपना बनाया है। उनको शरीर तो चाहिए ना? शिवबाबा को तो शरीर नहीं है। शरीर का लोन लेते हैं। फिर कहते हैं, तुम मेरे हो, इसको कहा जाता है ‘मुख वंशावली’।
शिवबाबा इस मुख से, इस वन्नी (स्त्री) द्वारा कहते हैं कि तुम मेरे बच्चे हो। बाप ही समझाते हैं, और कोई शास्त्रों आदि में यह बातें हैं नहीं। तुम अभी सुनते हो फिर प्राय:लोप हो जायेगा।
“No one can understand how the Father creates this Godly creation. The Father explains, and THIS one (
Brahma Baba) also says: I too become a ‘mouth-born’ creation (
through OWN Mouth of Brahma Baba,
himself). Together with the father, a mother is definitely needed. You say that You are the ‘mouth-born’ progeny of PrajaPita Brahma, and that ShivBaba has made You belong to Him (
through Brahma Baba). He definitely needs a body, is it not? ShivBaba does not have a body (
of His own). He takes a body on loan. He then says: You belong to Me; this is called the ‘mouth-born’ creation.
Shiv Baba says through THIS Mouth, through THIS Wife, that You are My Children. Only the Father explains (
these aspects); these aspects are not mentioned in any other Scriptures, etc. You are now listening (
to these aspects), and they will then get merged.”
The ‘Parlokik’ Incorporeal God Father Shiva enters the corporeal body of Brahma Baba, and FIRST adopts him as His
ONE & ONLY Spiritual Wife, and THEN as His VERY FIRST, DIRECT ‘mouth-born’
SPECIAL Spiritual Child (
‘murabbi bachha’), through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba,
himself – as a result of which Brahma Baba ALSO becomes a ‘mouth-born’ creation, Spiritually Re-Born through his OWN Lotus Mouth – AFTER which ALL the other Righteous Children, including Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, are also given Spiritual Re-Birth, through the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, due to which all of them are also regarded as the REAL ‘mouth-born’ progeny of REAL PrajaPita Brahma (
who is Brahma Baba) – Incorporeal God Father Shiva being their
INCOGNITO ‘Parlokik’ Father & Brahma Baba being their
INCOGNITO ‘Alokik’ Mother!
ONLY Incorporeal God Father Shiva explains all these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE,
ONLY to the Righteous Children with potential Divine intellects, and
ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba -
FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969;
and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, AFTER 1969 – using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar,
WHENEVER SO REQUIRED – and ALSO through the Third Eye of the Divine intellects of the Righteous Children, who have since ALSO DEVELOPED their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness,
UNTIL the VERY END of Confluence Age!!