Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by mbbhat »

Nothing is explained by sita soul, EXCEPT the SAME OLD verbiage and garbage of the 'shooting' of Bhaktimarg.
Soul brother Sita had talked about scriptures earlier- as if he had very good knowledge of the scriptures, and as if all the scriptures point to ONLY Shankar as great, when compared to Brahma and Vishnu - blah, blah, blah.

But, now, that soul has left that track, in SHEER EXASPERATION, and is INCOHERENTLY speaking something in a vague way and abstract manner, to AMUSE own mind and APPEASE his human 'God' -Virendra Dev Dixit, delusively believing that he, along with his BLIND colleagues, the PBKs, stand to attain a high status in RamRajya - instead of Ravan Rajya!

You may CARRY ON UNTIL the APPOINTED Hour, Minute and Second!
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

From - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=53068#p53067 and
from - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=53068#p53068

Om Shanti

Dear brother who is writing responses to me,

I haven't read the whole response, but I have noticed you haven't provided the Murli points I requested for to support your points. Of course, I know you cannot provide, because what you say is not supported in the Murli and it is only manmat.

Dear mbbhat,

It is good to check and verify our churning with someone we trust, because sometimes we can be taken away and we can easily find out when we receive feedback. If you receive confirmation it is also good, it is a win-win situation, it is a Gyan discussion anyway.


The RESPONSES are DEFINITELY NOT DIRECTED towards ANY PARTICULAR individual or individuals, and are MEANT SOLELY for those who MAY be interested in same, for their VERY OWN BENEFIT! The RESPONSES are MOST DEFINITELY NOT DIRECTED towards the BLIND Unrighteous children, who have DECIDED to CONTINUE with their ARROGANCE of body-consciousness, and who CLEARLY have NO ABILITY to COMPREHEND the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE, and hence they should SIMPLY IGNORE SAME, and remain HAPPY with what they DELUSIVELY believe to be THEIR CORRECT COMPREHENSION of the Pure Versions of God, UNTIL the APPOINTED HOUR. It has been PRACTICALLY DETERMINED that providing them with ANY Pure Version of God, is a VAIN EXERCISE, in FUTILITY - being a WASTE of TIME, WASTE of RESOURCES & WASTE of ENERGY.
ON the CONTRARY, SUCH provision of such Pure Versions of God, would ONLY SERVE to FURTHER STRENGTHEN their DISTORTED & PERVERTED STANCE, since they would CONTINUE to MISINTERPRET, MISREPRESENT & MISAPPROPRIATE same, in accordance with their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED & INVERTED STONE intellects, since their Spiritual & Intellectual frequency is CLEARLY 180 DEGREES OUT OF PHASE - for which NO BLAME can be apportioned to them!
They are MERELY enacting their designated roles within this EWD Play.
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

Suppose we cannot comprehend the Murli, still, is it better to stick to what is written there, like Bhakti, and repeat it without understanding, or listen and narrate matters which come from mouth to mouth? The versions from the Murli are still pure versions, even if our mind is impure, and whatever others hear and narrate are evil matters. Even if we are soul conscious, we will still degrade listening to evil matters. Baba has said: hear no evil. The points that one can have direct connection with ShivBaba without Brahma or that one can remember ShivBaba without Brahma are evil matters which go from mouth to mouth.

About the claims you make about yourself that you are soul-conscious, even if you were soul-conscious it is not good to demonstrate that, and to say it about yourself, this is not humble. Baba has said that all are impure, that means body-conscious, souls will become complete only at the end. It is said so in the Murli for the souls of even Mama and Baba. So, unless you believe that it is now the end, it is better to avoid thinking about yourself or saying about yourself or others that you have become soul-conscious. Baba has also given signs about the souls who are becoming complete, who are soul-conscious and stay in remembrance that they will talk less. Judging from your posts which are very long and which contain language aimed to promote oneself and depict others in an unfavorable perspective, it is hard for me to believe you are soul-conscious. If you were soul-conscious you would see others in their perfect form, as Baba has directed. In their perfect form all souls are pure and elevated, you would not use the words like unrighteous children, because you would see their perfect form. You would also not show off about yourself being sou-conscious and others being not, as this is a sign of competitiveness. On the contrary, if you were soul-conscious you would speak very less, you would be very humble about yourself and put others before yourself - you first. You would also not use dismissive language like....this is not meant for you, because if you were soul-conscious you would have the feeling of belonging. And this is a public forum and everything that is posted is visible to all. One cannot select or restrict who reads it. In such case, is it not better to avoid posting evil matter at all, because this way one will save oneself and others from having to avoid the evil matters.


"...listen and narrate matters which come from mouth to mouth?"
This is EXACTLY what the BLIND PBKs are ACTIVELY INVOLVED in DOING - by simply listening and narrating the DISTORTED & PERVERTED MISAPPROPRIATIONS, which come out from the BOGUS mouth of their bodily guru, -Virendra Dev Dixit, who is under the ACTIVE INFLUENCE of the Godly Form or 'Ishwariya Rup' of Ravan or Maya - WITHOUT using their OWN intellects, in ACCORDANCE with the Pure UNADULTERATED Shrimat of God!

"The versions from the Murli are still pure versions..."
The Versions from the Murlis will ALWAYS remain as Pure Versions of God, and be APPRECIATED as SUCH, by embodied souls who have DEVELOPED Divine intellects - REGARDLESS of the FACT that they have been SEVERELY MANIPULATED, DISTORTED and PERVERTED, by the 'mukrar-rath' of Ravan, -Virendra Dev Dixit, in order to THOROUGHLY INDOCTRINATE his gullible followers - and REGARDLESS of what the BLIND Unrighteous children, the PBKs, may continue to DELUSIVELY believe in!

"...whatever others hear and narrate are evil matters."

"The points that one can have direct connection with ShivBaba without Brahma or that one can remember ShivBaba without Brahma are evil matters which go from mouth to mouth."
No such claim has been made. The above is a COMPLETE MISAPPROPRIATION by the INVERTED intellects of the BLIND PBKs!
Here, Brahma, refers to Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, ALONE - and to NO OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere - and DEFINITELY NOT to the MAHA-MURKH 'mukrar-rath' of Ravan, MASQUERADING as 'Prajapita Brahma', and as the 'mukrar-rath' of God, and making THOROUGH IDIOTS out of the BLIND PBKs - WITHOUT they EVEN REAL-EYEsing SAME!

"About the claims you make about yourself that you are soul conscious..."
No such claim has been made. The above is a COMPLETE MISAPPROPRIATION by the INVERTED intellects of the BLIND PBKs! The BENEVOLENT ENDEAVOUR has been to HIGHLIGHT the CONTRAST between UNADULTERATED Knowledge given by God, THROUGH Brahma Baba - on the one hand - & - ADULTERATED knowledge propagated through the BOGUS mouth of the bodily guru of the BLIND PBKs, who is -Virendra Dev Dixit - on the other hand - SOLELY for the BENEFIT of CONCERNED viewers ONLY! And to HIGHLIGHT the DIFFERENCE between the ACTUAL EXPERIENCE of soul-consciousness, and the FRAUDULENT experience of the BLIND Unrighteous children, DELUSIVELY claiming that they are on the path of DEVELOPING soul-consciousness, when they are CLEARLY on the path of TRAPPING AS MANY EMBODIED SOULS, AS POSSIBLE, EVEN FURTHER into the VICIOUS BOG of body-consciousness - WITHOUT EVEN REAL-EYEsing what EXACTLY they are ACTUALLY INVOLVED in doing!

" would not use the words like unrighteous children, because you would see their perfect form."

" it not better to avoid posting evil matter at all, because this way one will save oneself and others from having to avoid the evil matters."
THAT is EXACTLY what the MAHA-MURKH 'mukrar-rath' of Ravan & the EQUALLY 'MAHA-MURKH' BLIND Unrighteous children should have done LONG AGO! But the reason they are STILL MOTIVATED to CONTINUE, is because they are TOTALLY BLIND (Spiritually), and DELUSIVELY, but STAUNCHLY believe - that the EVIL MATTERS, which they are BLATANTLY involved in PROPAGATING, represent the actual TRUTH!!!

Viewers may review points 1, 4 & 7 of post dated 23.06.2017, in link below -
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

Come on, brother, don't play that innocent. How can you portray the difference between soul-consciousness and non soul-consciousness, if you don't know what soul-consciousness is.

Certainly you have claimed that it is possible to have direct connection with ShivBaba, without Brahma. You have said that this is possible for those who are soul-conscious. They catch the vibrations from Paramdham, you know that by experience, as you say.

Your compassionate feeling is only in your mouth. Your attitude is evident. You are obsessed with us. Every day your posts are about us, the unrighteous ones, but you don't put yourself in the list of the unrighteous ones, so what are you? Certainly incorporeal, viceless and egoless. And soul-consciousness is a trademark. You are not able to accept that someone else, following a path different than yours can move towards soul-consciousness.


When the BLIND PBKs have NO OTHER RECOURSE, with regard to the PROPER COMPREHENSION of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, they start ATTACKING INDIVIDUALS - as they have been trained to do, under the EVIL INFLUENCE of their bodily guru, -Virendra Dev Dixit, MASQUERADING as 'ShivBaba', 'Prajapita', etc., and ALSO as the 'mukrar-rath' of God - thus making THOROUGH IDIOTS out of them!
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

You have to humble yourself and think before speaking. No one is obliged to tolerate your frivolous definitions.


ONCE AGAIN, this CLEARLY PROVES how the BLIND PBKs have become NATURALLY accustomed to MISAPPROPRIATE EVERY ASPECT - owing to their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED & INVERTED STONE intellects - under the ACTIVE EVIL INFLUENCE of their bodily guru, -Virendra Dev Dixit!
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

You are causing harm to many by spoiling the atmosphere, so you have to exercise control over your outputs.
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:From - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=53068#p53067 and
from - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=53068#p53068

Dear mbbhat,

It is good to check and verify our churning with someone we trust, because sometimes we can be taken away and we can easily find out when we receive feedback. If you receive confirmation it is also good, it is a win-win situation, it is a Gyan discussion anyway.
The suggestion is OK, but it is again LLU of PBKs, since I have already said it is only ONE of the SEVERAL METHODS of Yaad*.

And- I have never forced anyone to accept my views. Let the readers think and judge for themselves, what is good for their own selves. If they like, they can ask other BKs, if they wish to. So- TO ASK SUGGESTIONS FROM OTHERS- this option is ALWAYS OPEN (whether you suggest or not) !

When PBKs claim any method of Yaad of BKs is wrong, (in their view), what is the point in getting suggestions from others?

And- PBKs claim any directions from Dadis, Didis etc are manmath. Then why do they suggest to take directions from them or others (in PBK view)? Just double standard once again! - :laugh:

See, dear PBK Sita soul,
Unknowingly, you have good wishes for others like lowkik people (hence you are suggesting so), but at the same time, you are acting with total ignorance, and inadvertently acting in double standard manner, is it not?

* - BTW, Baba has clearly said- if you do not seem something is not OK, just leave it. SM 27-1-82(3) - Post No. 38 - ... chod#p4090

So- if anyone does not like any part of my churning, let them leave that part of my churning, and select/take only that part which seems to be right to them. Very simple, is it not?
It is good to check and verify our churning with someone we trust,
See- the so-called Gyani tu atmas, now prove that they do not have ability to churn, and are becoming emotional. Good.
But, at the same time, they trust Mr. Dixit BLINDLY, who has committed blunders after blunders.
What can be said further? Just Drama!
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

I claimed what you say is not along the BK lines of thought, so I suggested to check.


How do the BLIND PBKs SIMPLY RECKLESSLY ASSUME that, what THEY believe to be the BK line of thought, (ACCORDING to their understanding), is ACTUALLY the CURRENT OFFICIAL BK line of thought???
In making their PERVERTED ASSESSMENT, which TIME PERIOD are they referring to in the ENTIRE DURATION of the Conf Age? And based on which FACTORS?
ALSO, in making their PERVERTED ASSESSMENT, which CATEGORY of BKs do they have in mind, to be in a position to determine the CURRENT OFFICIAL BK line of thought? There are MANY TYPES and MANY CATEGORIES of BKs. There are MANY NEW BKs who are STILL in the process of understanding what REAL Shrimat ACTUALLY is - and who are therefore, not in a position to follow Shrimat properly, at all!

So, by INDOCTRINATING the BLIND PBKs to LOCK their intellects to ALL the DEFICIENCIES, DRAWBACKS & FAULTS, which are STILL EXISTING among certain BKs, and which they are still in the process of RECTIFYING, the bodily guru of the BLIND PBKs, -Virendra Dev Dixit, has INADVERTENTLY TRAPPED them into IMBIBING the VERY POISON, which the BKs are in the PROCESS of ELIMINATING! Mr Dixit EVEN goes to the EXTENT of JUSTIFYING this ACTION, by stating that Shankar SUCKS the poison OUT of ALL such BKs, but is TOTALLY UNAFFECTED by same - INCLUDING his PERVERTED ACT of physically copulating with the INNOCENT & IGNORANT 'kanyas & matas'.
In this case, ONE WOULD HAVE to ACCEPT that his/their role is the HIGHEST ROLE among ALL other embodied souls, within this EWD Play - EVEN HIGHER than God, HIMSELF! CARRY ON CLEO!
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

Brother, why do you have to exercise your language abilities in my posts. I was not discussing with you. It is gross to butt in between.


NOR is the RESPONSE, directed towards ANY PARTICULAR individual.
It is designed to promote deeper churning within interested viewers, and NOT to trigger warfare between particular individuals. ANYONE who feels offended by same should learn to simply ignore same - that is ALSO a VIRTUE (although a negative one).
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

NOR is the RESPONSE, directed towards ANY PARTICULAR individual.
It is designed to promote deeper churning within interested viewers, and NOT to trigger warfare between particular individuals. ANYONE who feels offended by same should learn to simply ignore same - that is ALSO a VIRTUE (although a negative one).
I know, brother. You are just concerned to enlighten people. That is why you are using bigger and colorful fonts so that matters are very clear and no confusion arises.


Thank you for you kind understanding, forbearance and compassion.


NEVERTHELESS, above SAT Member is advised to refrain from unduly interfering with the personal feelings of other members on the forum, particularly renowned and mature members, like soul Bro Sita, IF they, themselves, personally DO NOT APPROVE of same - regardless of personal views of CONCERNED SAT Member, in the matter.

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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

For me, the birth through vibration is something you have made up that neither can be proved nor disproved. Baba has not said about it in the Murlis. But how will children who come to this world after 1936 take this spiritual birth. Or is it that spiritual birth through vibration happens there even now.

From what you say I gather that according to you now the soul of shiv plays part along with Brahma Baba in this world through some instruments. But it is said the part of Shankar will be played practically. So somewhere this part that you say is going on through some instruments has to be visible. For example if you say that the part of Shankar is to destroy the vices this should be taking place practically somewhere. If you like you can give more information.


Spiritual verities can neither be proved nor disproved, in a worldly sense. They have to be experienced individually, personally. An individual may or may not consider the experience, which is described by another to be real; that is purely the choice of the first individual, who is free to believe whether such experience is real or imaginary.

Regarding the usage of the words, ‘Baba’ and ‘Murli’ – it should be clear to all concerned, by now, that there is a TRUE ‘Baba’ and a FALSE ‘Baba’, operating in Confluence Age; consequently there is a TRUE ‘Murli’ and a FALSE ‘Murli’, one being the TRUE Gita, and the other the FALSE Gita, one relating to the ‘Day of the Cycle’, and the other, the ‘Night of the Cycle’.
Hence, simply continuing to use the words, ‘Baba’ and ‘Murli’, without being able to CLEARLY DISTINGUISH as to who is who, or which is which, is by ITSELF the ROOT CAUSE of ALL MISUNDERTANDING & CONFLICTS. Unless this is FIRST PROPERLY APPRECIATED, there can be no further sensible and healthy discussions, which could take place. One cannot keep his feet in two different boats, proceeding in two different directions, for long. Therefore, one has to realize that he has first to ensure that his two feet are in the SAME BOAT, BEFORE continuing to proceed further, in whichever direction he chooses to proceed.

Logically, souls who take only one birth in the Cycle, should have a life span of minimum 100 years, with 25 years EACH, for each of the FOUR periods, Golden, Silver, Copper & Iron, for these particular souls. And since Confluence Age is of 100 years duration, only when ALL souls have descended, should the Supreme Soul then come to this corporeal sphere into the corporeal body of Brahma Baba.
Regardless of this issue, the spiritual ‘impregnation’ takes place in the ‘womb’ of the sanskars of the soul, and has NOTHING to do with whether the soul is embodied or not, since there would be many souls, who are without a body, in any case - who are still in the process of taking the next corporeal body, after having left the previous corporeal body, on this corporeal sphere, during the period of about 12 days, in normal circumstances; and who remain roaming on this corporeal sphere, as ghosts, since they are unable to get the next corporeal body, on account of their evil karmic debts, under abnormal circumstances - during the actual occurrence of the spiritual ‘impregnation’, which takes place in the ‘womb’ of the sanskars of the soul.

REAL ShivBaba & Brahma Baba, along with Saraswati Mama - as the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL Trimurti of the Cycle - CONTINUE to enact the specific role, as REAL Shankar, in a PRACTICAL way, on this corporeal sphere, AFTER 1969, TILL the END of Confluence Age. This role is CLEARLY VISIBLE to souls who have since DEVELOPED their OWN 'akari' or subtle stage of consciousness, and is EVIDENT through the innumerable souls in corporeal bodies who have been successful in overcoming the vices within them, and experience TRUE Happiness.
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

I don't know whom you are addressing warning about the usage of the words "Baba" and "Murli". When we say Murli we mean the Murlis spoken through Brahma Baba. When we say Baba we mean the one who spoke them, the Supreme Father in the corporeal body then. But you seem to be following the trend of forbidding people that has been going on. Many BKs used to be deprived from the Murli due to various made up reasons against the Shrimat from the Murli that children have right to the Murli. Great sorrow has been given to people and BKs are guilty for that. Now if you are not happy with our use of some language you have to check if you are also not trying to exercise control without need.

You are trying to build distrust towards what we say when we say that it is said in the Murli as if we mean something else. Those who have studied the Murlis will be able to see what we say are the points from the Murlis. If someone follows blindly he can be manipulated.

Whatever you say about the Supreme Soul coming after all souls and souls taking one birth of minimum of 100 years is wrong. Baba has said that when he comes there are some souls still left in Paramdham. This is also proved by the fact that the population is growing. Where are these souls coming from. And the claim that the one birth is of min of 100 years is absurd since there are so few people who live up to 100 or more than 100 years, whilst there will be plenty of souls taking one birth only.

I don't well understand what you mean about the 12 days of souls in between. If you mean that between the leaving of the body and the taking of the new body there will be an intermediate period of 12 days this is also wrong as Baba has said in the Murli that the soul is as fast as a rocket. It leaves the body here and in no time it takes birth in London that is it enters in a womb in London in a second, in less than a second. There is no intermediate time.

Please state from where do you have the information regarding the 12 days, because I haven't heard anything about 12 days in the Murlis.

Whatever you say about spirituality and experience and not needing to prove that, I don't agree. Baba comes and speaks through the mouth and people hear and this can be recorded and is the proof of the Knowledge and this is Shrimat, that is directions of one. Whatever someone experiences is his personal business. Here we listen to one who is knowledge-full not to many who give directions according to their own mind, directions against to the knowledge from the Murlis.


Regarding souls still left in Soul World after Shiva comes - same need not refer to human souls.
Regarding the population growing - same is on account of the fact that, that many number of souls, who had already descended earlier, and who were unable to get corporeal bodies, on account of their evil karmic debts, and were roaming around this corporeal sphere as ghosts, get corporeal bodies towards the end of the Cycle, to enable them to resolve their karmic debts, as a last chance.
Regarding few people who live up to 100 or more than 100 years - 100 years of Confluence Age is STILL GOING ON, hence the last souls who have descended are STILL in the process of completing their 100 years.

Regarding the intermediate period of 12 days before an embodied soul takes the next body, under normal circumstances, there are several references to same in several SMs. Those who have not come across same, or have overlooked same, or have misunderstood same, or have MISINTERPRETED, MISREPRESENTED & MISAPPROPRIATED same, would continue to think that same are NOT in the Murli, originally spoken by Shiva through Brahma Baba.
INNOCENT/IGNORANT PBKs should get same checked with their bodily guru, or through their system in AIVV, since this is a well known aspect, with a well-established practice in Bhakti, and could not have possibly been missed out in their ADULTERATED clarifications, which pertain essentially to the CORRUPTED CONCEPTS and PRACTICES of Bhaktimarg.

ALL above are purely a matter of personal choice of concerned individuals, whether they would like to consider them or not, according to their specific roles in Drama, according to the potential of their intellects, and according to the number-wise status of embodied souls.

In post, in link - viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2624&p=53144#p53144
viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1387&start=585#p49922 - Rosary of Maya -
If there is a Rosary of Maya, same MUST ESSENTIALLY CONSIST of embodied souls, and SAME MUST ESSENTIALLY have a HEAD or CHIEF soul, who is the 'mukrar-rath' of Ravan or Maya, Virendra Dev Dixit!
Who is the HEAD or CHIEF embodied soul in the Rosary of Maya, in Confluence Age???
Refer post, in link - viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1387&start=585#p49922
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

Where is there the matter of choice if proofs are presented. We will have to accept. Please, provide the points from the Murlis regarding the intermediate period. You can also quote from memory.


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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

Please, give a link where on this forum there are points from the Murli (or some other proof) which prove that there is an intermediate period between the soul leaving the body and entering another body.

So far, the only argument you have given is that this is the belief on the path of Bhakti. I don't think this is a valid argument, since there are many beliefs on the path of Bhakti that contradict the knowledge for eg. the soul receiving mukti for forever, taking birth as animals etc.

= RESPONSE = 27 Jul 17

The ORIGINAL issue was regarding the aspect of –
Regardless of this issue, the spiritual ‘impregnation’ takes place in the ‘womb’ of the sanskars of the soul, and has NOTHING to do with whether the soul is embodied or not, since there would be many souls, who are without a body, in any case - who are still in the process of taking the next corporeal body, after having left the previous corporeal body, on this corporeal sphere, during the period of about 12 days, in normal circumstances; and who remain roaming on this corporeal sphere, as ghosts, since they are unable to get the next corporeal body, on account of their evil karmic debts, under abnormal circumstances - during the actual occurrence of the spiritual ‘impregnation’, which takes place in the ‘womb’ of the sanskars of the soul.
If there exists a doubt about the aspect of , ‘the period of about 12 days’, the other aspect of, ‘souls, who remain roaming on this corporeal sphere, as ghosts’, would still be applicable, for the ORIGINAL issue in question, unless there is a doubt regarding that as well. Rather than SUDDENLY JUMPING into IMMEDIATE NON-ISSUES, the BLIND PBKs should FIRST CONCENTRATE on the IMMEDIATE ISSUE at hand, which is of GREATER SIGNIFICANCE, at the SPECIFIC time period in question.

It was also clarified that -
ALL above are purely a matter of personal choice of concerned individuals, whether they would like to consider them or not, according to their specific roles in Drama, according to the potential of their intellects, and according to the number-wise status of embodied souls.
It has been ALREADY DETERMINED & PROVED, that providing ISOLATED points from the SMs or AVs, DOES NOT serve the DESIRED PURPOSE, since same HAVE BEEN TAKEN COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT by AIVV - which has now been changed to AVV, for the MOST RIDICULOUS reason, provided by -Virendra Dev Dixit – thus dispensing with the word, ‘Godly’, thereby ‘SHOOTING’ God, BOTH, from their ADULTERATED CORPOREAL ‘Trimurti’, AS WELL AS, from the name of the DoGly university – thus Spiritually ‘MURDERING’ God, and REMOVING EVERY TRACE of EVEN His ‘CORPSE’ - His REAL ‘mukrar-rath’ of Brahma Baba!
Therefore, it is considered that the applicable and relevant points are best presented, when the Murli is available to ALL CONCERNED, on a DAY to DAY basis – so that the ACTUAL PULSE and CONTEXT of the CONCERNED Murli is available, while examining the relevant points, in question.
ALL the points, which are required to be clarified, would be provided in the CONCERNED Murli of the Day, on this forum, as is being done, on a day to day basis. And therefore, the point in question, would also be available in the body of the CONCERNED Murli itself, when same is indicated in the relevant Murli, on the relevant date, in future. Those who are interested in same, should CONTINUE reading the UNADULTERATED UNLIMITED CLARIFICATIONS of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, being provided on this forum, on a day to day basis.

For the PRESENT, the BLIND Unrighteous children should FOCUS their ENERGY in determining as to who is the REAL ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God, and making THROUGH IDIOTS out of them – FOR THEIR VERY OWN BENEFIT – instead of dissipating their ENERGY in side-scenes, or less relevant issues, which are of NO CONSEQUENCE to the ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT of a soul-conscious stage, which is of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE!

Who is the HEAD or CHIEF embodied soul in the Rosary of Maya, in Confluence Age???
Refer post, in link - viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1387&start=585#p49922

Who is the one who TREACHEROUSLY & CLANDESTINELY implies that he is ‘ShivBaba’ (‘Shivohum’), or ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’), in Confluence Age???
Refer link - viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2602&start=375#p52968
भल मनुष्य अपने को शिवोहम् भी कहलाते हैं, परन्तु हैं पतित। ...
अपने को शिवोहम् या परमात्मा कहना यह अशुद्ध अभिमान है। ...
तुम रावण की मत पर मुझे गाली देते आये हो। ... बाप अच्छी मत देंगे, माया बुरी मत देगी, इसलिए खबरदार रहना।
“Even though human beings also call themselves, ‘Shivohum’ (I am Shiva), but they are impure. ...
To call oneself, ‘Shivohum’ or ‘Supreme Soul’ is impure ARROGANCE. ... By following the dictates of Ravan, you have been ABUSING Me. ...
The Father gives BENEVOLENT directions. Maya gives MALEVOLENT directions, and this is why You have to remain CAUTIOUS.”
Through which PRINCIPAL embodied soul does Maya give MALEVOLENT directions, in Confluence Age???

Refer the LAST point in Revised SM dated 25.07.2017 in link -
यह दादा कोई ब्रह्मा नहीं था। भल असुल ब्राह्मण थे, परन्तु वह छोड़ दिया।
“This Dada was NOT Brahma (BEFORE ENTRY of Shiva). Although, in reality, he was a (Worldly) Brahmin (BEFORE), he renounced that (AFTER ENTRY of Shiva).”
The above is the CORRECT INTENT of REAL ShivBaba in His REAL UNADULTERATED Murli.
Hence, when the Righteous Children say, Baba & Murli, they are referring to REAL ShivBaba & His REAL UNADULTERATED Murli.

The VERY SAME Version has been MISINTERPRETED, MISREPRESENTED & MISAPPROPRIATED by the Defamer Of God to TREACHEROUSLY imply that the soul of DLR was NOT Brahma (AFTER ENTRY of Shiva), to TREACHEROUSLY TRICK the BLIND PBKs into DELUSIVELY believing that there was ANOTHER SENIOR Brahmin, who was in the Yagya, in the beginning, who was REAL ‘Brahma’, or REAL ‘Prajapita’, who later left the Yagya!
Hence, when the BLIND Unrighteous children INNOCENTLY/IGNORANTLY/ARROGANTLY say, Baba & Murli, they are referring to APPARENT or FALSE ‘ShivBaba’, (being the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, operating through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, -Virendra Dev Dixit) & his FALSE ADULTERATED Murli – ALTHOUGH the ACTUAL WORDS in the ORIGINAL Version are EXACTLY the SAME, the SAME has been SEVERELY MANIPULATED by the Defamer Of God, -Virendra Dev Dixit!


UNLESS CONCERNED souls REAL-EYEs the CLEAR DIFFERENCE between the TWO, they will continue to remain in a state of BEWILDERMENT & UTTER CONFUSION, and KEEP DELUSIVELY believing that ‘Baba’ refers to REAL ShivBaba, and ‘Murli’ refers to His REAL UNADULTERATED Murli!!!
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Re: Churning of soul Brother 'sita'

Post by sita »

Brother, you are having your own topics to fill them with whatever you like. Why do you have to speak one and the same matters again and again, so that to distract the public from the fact that you are unable to support your claims. As if it is our fault that you are making claims that are against the knowledge.

You claim that we misinterpret the Murlis, but it is not a matter about us, but about you. You have to support your claims with points from the Murli. You are not misinterpreting. The reality is that you don't have the habit to support your words with the words from the Murli. Certainly everyone is having the freedom to speak matters that are not there from the knowledge. In fact you have not claimed that it is Baba who has said that there is an intermediate period. So you can say whatever you like. But it is certainly not something good to reply in such a way.
Where is there the matter of understanding. I was just asking to prove your point. This is so natural in the course of a discussion. Instead of admitting that indeed in the Murli it is said that the soul gets rebirth immediately like a rocket and nowhere it is said about intermediate period, you start abusing us. If you think that this way you are proving your point, you are wrong. It is a very bad manner to reply like that. Be humble enough to respect the discussion and abide by the spirit of it. In any discussion we have to provide arguments. I hope in the future you will pay greater attention to whatever claims you are making.


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