Some evident errors

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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

Certainly Jagadamba would not be last, but first among the chandravanshi. The matter about number 108 is with respect to the fact that in the rosary there is a flower and next to the flower there is a dual bead. So these two beads of the dual bead who are the mother and the Father are both equally close to the flower that is the Supreme Father and if we take one of them as the first and count through the whole rosary the other one will come as last, but because the supreme Father establishes 2 religions Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi (also Brahmin, but there is no rosary of brahmins) so one is the head of the 12 of the suryvanshi on the one side of the rosary, and the other is the first from the other 12 of the chandravanshi on the other side of the rosary, because both suryavanshi and chandravanshi are closer to God. It is not that on one side of the rosary it will come the 12 beads of suryavanshi and on the other side it will come the last 12 beads of the last religion, because they will be closer to the supreme Father this way. And as it was correctly mentioned there are 4 main religions on each side of the tree. The religions on the left side resemble the soul of Ram (Suryavanshi) and on the right side resemble the soul of Brahma (Chandravanshi). So they will come after these two religions on each side of the rosary numberwise respectively.


The = RESPONSE = to the previous post has since been upgraded, for better clarity of the current understanding of the PBKs, with respect to the Rosary.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:The matter about number 108 is with respect to the fact that in the rosary there is a flower and next to the flower there is a dual bead. So these two beads of the dual bead who are the mother and the Father are both equally close to the flower that is the Supreme Father
3) Just again illogical or plain lie.
----PBKs believe the female part/bead in the couple are inferior to the male part. They believe the human souls in RudrMala and Vijayamala are not exactly identical.
---PBKs even believe the head of the Vijamala takes punishment. They even imply in their teachings that they are cowardice. Already discussed.
----So- logically, there is no value to the statement saying - both the beads are EQUALLY close to God. [But, OK, here, you may say whatever you like/believe, as let us see what PBKs are taught from Virendra Dev Dixit.].

# Error No. 53) In PBK view- Suryavanshis receive property through Chandravanshis:-
The religions on the left side resemble the soul of Ram (Suryavanshi) and on the right side resemble the soul of Brahma (Chandravanshi). So they will come after these two religions on each side of the rosary numberwise respectively.
4) PBKs claim all the souls will receive property through Jagadamba.
In PBK view- Jagadamba is head of Chandravanshi.
So- PBKs imply all the souls including Suryavanshis receive property through Chandrvanshis! - :laugh:
Certainly Jagadamba would not be last, but first among the chandravanshi.
5) Instead of playing like- merry go around, you may kindly explain properly - How many groups, and what place each group is placed. (the hierarchy) - in the PBK view.

See- in the previous post, I had said- PBK Jagadamba is head of the last (12th) group. Do PBKs believe so? If not, in which group- 6th, 7th or ...?
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

See- in the previous post, I had said- PBK Jagadamba is head of the last (12th) group. Do PBKs believe so? If not, in which group- 6th, 7th or ...?
I have told you clearly that - no, PBKs do not believe so. It is only due to the lack of faith in me that you don't believe me when I say something to you, but this becomes a reason to ask the same question again and again, and go in useless discussion.

You have yourself mentioned in your previous post that groups are 10 or 9. Please, make it clear what do you mean with the last 12th group.

You have to also judge where it is that you have received wrong information, where it is that you are yourself confused about the ideas in the PBK, and where it is that you like to prove the ideas confused. I am OK to discuss the advanced knowledge, but please, note that few times already you have come with wrong information, and I have already told you several times to check your sources, about the information about the advanced knowledge and it would be the best to limit yourself to the literature and classes on the website. You will yourself accept and understand that it will be a total waste of time to discuss whatever anyone may say, like a crazy idea here and there, in the name of advanced knowledge. I think someone is confusing you and feeding you wrong information and as a result you have a set of crazy ideas someone has told you this is the advance knowledge and I can understand If you develop a sense of ridicule towards that.

To me it is clear that there is some confusion in your mind. You have said (to have received such information) of Jagadamba to be the last one of the first group of 12, but the first group of 12 is of the suryavanshi.

The information that in the advanced knowledge is believed that the rosary of 108 is of 9 groups of 9 religions of 12 souls each is correct. The 9 different groups of the 9 different religions are ranked numberwise and the chandravansi group is number two.

Regarding the head of Vijaymala it is not true that we believe it receives punishment. We believe that the rosary of eight constitutes of 4 beads from the suryavanshi and 4 beads from the chandrvanshis (Vijaymala).The 8 deities don't receive any punishment.
They believe the human souls in RudrMala and Vijayamala are not exactly identical.
Of course, brother, no doubt there are not even two souls who are exactly identical and no two souls can have the same and equal status. All souls are numberwise. There is difference in the status, duties, nature and sanskars, acts, reponsibilities, behaviour etc, of the king and the queen, but each one of them is having also his won speciality and they become king and queen only when they are together. It is a tradition that a king cannot be proclaimed a king until and unless he marries. And when the queen marries, she is proclaimed a queen not in her own clan from where she had come, but in the clan of her husband. That is why it is also our belief that on combining with the beads of the suryavanshi, the beads of the chandravanshi also become suryavanshi.
So- PBKs imply all the souls including Suryavamshis receive property through Chandrvamshis! - :laugh:
Why is this funny. Jagadamba is a world mother, mother of the suryavanshis also. Inheritance is mukti and jeevanmukti and it is the mothers who open the gates to heaven. The gate to heaven is Mahabharat, It is the shaktis who do the destruction. When Mahakali assumes fearful form even Shiva is pacified under her feet.
5) Instead of playing like- merry go around, you may kindly explain properly - How many groups, and what place each group is placed. (the hierarchy) - in the PBK view.
I will certainly explain, but first please, explain what it is that you have not understood properly from the explanation given about the rosary.


A note of caution to Divine Brother mbbhat.

Please be aware that AIVV is a well established Organization, with dedicated and devoted followers.
This Organization has a DEFINITE function within this EWD Play, which also needs to be appreciated.
In any School or College, individuals would always be number-wise in their understanding and comprehension of the subject matter, and would be graded accordingly. Same applies here.
The information which one receives from a particular individual, at any particular time, can NEVER represent the subject matter to the HIGHEST THEORETICAL LEVEL from the ORIGINAL source.
AIVV and the founder, have been ADVANCING PROGRESSIVELY in the Knowledge with the passage of time.
Assuming the HIGHEST level to be 10, and assuming that the current status of the Organization, as a whole, is at level 8, some aspirants may be ANYWHERE between level 1 to level 8, at any given time, in their progress. If you obtain information from an aspirant who is still at level 3 or 5, you will still not get the CORRECT understanding based on the Organization as a whole, which is at level 8 already. Trust the above example makes things fairly clear.

Divine Brother Sita may be at level 5 or 6, at present, and on the way to reaching level 8, and finally level 10, depending on individual efforts. The understanding of the Knowledge itself has been CHANGING over a period of time. Obviously Bro Sita is your best source of information, at present, at least on this forum. Since you do have an affinity to continue having a dialogue with him, it would be proper to avoid such interaction, which would annoy, embarrass or make him feel uncomfortable, or give him the impression that he is personally being ridiculed. In this regard, we would request you to avoid using emoticons, which would give the impression of ridiculing anyone, and also avoid saying that what they believe in are lies. Whatever they believe in, is in THEIR good faith, and needs to be respected as such, and understood in the correct perspective, with respect to THEIR viewpoint, and NOT with respect to OTHERS' viewpoint.

We have also cautioned the previous concerned members of SAT to exercise greater prudence in projecting their views, so that other concerned members may not feel offended or embarrassed, as far as possible.
The temporary restriction on PBK member GuruDev has since been lifted.
The minor restrictions imposed on fluffy bunny would also be lifted.
Fluffy bunny & PBK Arjun should be encouraged to contribute their views on the forum as well.

In case you need to interact with a PBK, personally over the phone, who may be at level 7, at present, you may send a PM to the Admin, and you would receive his contact details, after getting his due approval, on account of his busy schedule.

From: A new member of SAT - interested in forging a better interactive atmosphere on this forum.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

Divine Brother Sita may be at level 5 or 6, at present,...
Dear admin/SAT,
Sorry, I have not commented anything about present or future level of any member here. I had said about group and rank of Jagadamba- (in PBK view). Hope it is clear now.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

The information that in the advanced knowledge is believed that the rosary of 108 is of 9 groups of 9 religions of 12 souls each is correct. The 9 different groups of the 9 different religions are ranked numberwise and the chandravansi group is number two.
Certainly Jagadamba would not be last, but first among the chandravanshi.
Do you not read?
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:Certainly Jagadamba would not be last, but first among the chandravanshi.
sita wrote:Why is this funny. Jagadamba is a world mother, mother of the suryavanshis also. Inheritance is mukti and jeevanmukti and it is the mothers who open the gates to heaven. The gate to heaven is Mahabharat, It is the shaktis who do the destruction. When Mahakali assumes fearful form even Shiva is pacified under her feet.
6) This is the logical error.
If PBK Jagadamba is a chandrvamshi category soul (second grade personality) how can she be a mother (and instrument to give property) of Suryavamshis (first grade people) ?
Regarding the head of Vijaymala it is not true that we believe it receives punishment. We believe that the rosary of eight constitutes of 4 beads from the suryavanshi and 4 beads from the chandrvanshis (Vijaymala).The 8 deities don't receive any punishment.
7) Unfortunately, many PBKs contradict with each others. PBKs criticize even Vijayamala as inferior to Rudramala and so far- I have heard from the PBKs that- all the beads of Vijayamala would get punishment, except the top 8 of Rudramala.

8) PBKs believe Vijayamala head(first soul) is sister Vedanti. And, here, Sita soul says- Chandravamshi means Vijayamala.
But, just above Sita soul has said- PBK Jagadamba is first soul among chandravamshi.

So- only contradictions and contradictions. Then when some question is put to PBKs, they blame the persons that- the person who has asked has confusion in his/her mind. :sad:

9) I have heard PBKs saying- even PBK Jagadamba KD will get punishment.

Sita soul may express his/her reply if he/she wishes.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

Well, brother, you were not able to get if there are 12x9 souls in the rosary or 9x12, something so simple. Now I think that it is not that you are getting wrong information, but that you are not able to get it.

Certainly Vijaymala is chandravanshi. If we believe that sister Vedanti is the head of Vijaymala and also Chandravanshi where is the contradiction. If she is a firm follower of Brahma Baba, that means Chandravanshi. It is the Vijaymala who are in fact the firm Chandravanshi. In the Rudramala also there are souls who are Chandravanshis, for example the 12 souls in the 108 and also from the rosary of 1000, 16000, 900 000 etc.

As the brother here pointed rightly our knowledge undergoes refining and changing. The old matters have to be left aside. I confirm that the current understanding about the 8 deities is 4 from Rudramala and 4 from Vijaymala.

You always complain and put the blame on me that the lack of your understanding is due to the lack of full information. No, brother there is abundance of information. For example about the rank of Jagadamba. If you move your mind a bit you will be able to get your answers. But the reality is that you always want to bring the discussion in the discussive mode over ridiculous matters also, bring same matters again and again, because the essene of your questions are not to understand, but oppose. I appeal to you, before posting another question or requesting another explanation to think yourself if you are not able to get the answer on your own.
If PBK Jagadamba is a chandrvamshi category soul (second grade personality) how can she be a mother (and instrument to give property) of Suryavamshis (first grade people) ?
Baba puts mothers in front. Even Brahma Baba used to put Mama in front and it was said in the Murli that Mama is number one whilst we know that Baba is number one.


Div Bro mbbhat -
Kindly review the = RESPONSE = in earlier upgraded post, in link below -
viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2593&p=52997#p52997 for easier understanding of the PBK Rosary.
There still exists a difference, in the understanding regarding KDD, whether she is in Suryavanshi or Chandravanshi, among SOME PBKs, who are at different levels of evolution, but Nr 1 in Chandravanshi is regarded as Sr Vedanti, since she is CONSIDERED as the soul-mate or yugal-dana of -Virendra Dev Dixit.
mbbhat wrote: Dear admin/SAT,
Sorry, I have not commented anything about present or future level of any member here. I had said about group and rank of Jagadamba- (in PBK view). Hope it is clear now.

From, = RESPONSE = in viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2593&start=180#p53002
the example given there is PURELY ARBITRARY, to simply highlight the fact that one has to be careful of the information obtained from a particular individual, who may himself be at ANY level of personal comprehension of the Knowledge, from 1 to 8. It DOES NOT MEAN that Div Bro Sita is ACTUALLY at the level indicated therein - it is JUST AN EXAMPLE ONLY. It would be difficult for an individual, himself, to clearly determine, which level he is EXACTLY in at any given point of time, in Confluence Age, and any estimation of another individual regarding that individual, would be based on the other individual's personal perception of same, which itself can NEVER be ACCURATE!
Hence the information obtained from some/different PBKs may, and DEFINITELY would, APPEAR to be outdated or even CONTRADICTORY, depending on which level of comprehension the SAME information is obtained from DIFFERENT individuals, who are at DIFFERENT levels of understanding the SAME Knowledge, which is constantly being UPGRADED.

To give a simpler example -
God first mentioned that the soul was like a Ling - let's call this level 1 of understanding;
Then He mentioned that the soul was like a thumb - let's call this level 2 of understanding;
Then He mentioned that the soul was like a bright flame - let's call this level 3 of understanding;
Then He mentioned that the soul was like a Star - let's call this level 4 of understanding;
Then He mentioned that the soul was like a Point - let's call this level 5 of understanding.

This does not mean that God has been playing pranks or tricks with embodied souls, or that His Knowledge is CONTRADICTORY. What it means is that He has been TACTFULLY UPGRADING the Knowledge GRADUALLY, to enable the souls, who are body-conscious, to be ABLE to readily appreciate the Knowledge, without MUCH DIFFICULTY, as they gradually propgress towards soul-consciousness, so that they would then be in a better position - both to UNDERSTAND, AS WELL AS, to ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE PRACTICALLY, what He is saying!
Had He straightway mentioned that the soul is like a Point, the embodied souls, who were in absolute state of body-consciousness, would NEITHER be able to grasp what He is saying, with their GROSS intellects, NOR would they be SUCCESSFUL in considering themselves as a Point, STRAIGHTAWAY - to begin with!

Some New BKs may still tell the outsiders that the soul is like a Ling, or a thumb, or a bright flame, or a Star - depending on their personal, individual understanding, AT the TIME. OR, some more advanced BKs may EVEN consider that it would be better to follow the same process that God followed, with NEW ASPIRANTS - to GRADUALLY take them to he HIGHEST understanding and EXPERIENCE - in accordance with what Baba has been saying, that one should FEEL the Spiritual PULSE, BEFORE giving the Knowledge to ANYONE.

So, the same principle should be applicable to the advanced Knowledge. It is VERY DIFFICULT and CUMBERSOME to communicate Spiritual ASPECTS through the WRITTEN WORD. If you desire to get a better picture of the PBK Rosary, from a PBK who is at a HIGHER level of understanding, it is better to obtain such picture through telephonic conversation, rather than wasting so much of your time and energy, in beating around the bush, and going after ALL those discrepancies or flaws, which may NO LONGER be EXISTING at ALL, since they have become OBSOLETE, LONG AGO. Trust the situation is more clear to you now.

Another aspect which we would like to highlight here, is that the AIVV Knowledge is NOT GOING to be BROUGHT DOWN, by ridiculing it or finding faults with it - simply because such Knowledge is APPROPRIATE & ACCURATE within Drama, in this EWD Play. What needs to be understood is, how this advanced knowledge FITS in, within the framework of Drama - and, more important - WHERE EXACTLY, in the TIME FRAME, this advanced knowledge ACTUALLY FITS IN! ONCE this ASPECT becomes VERY CLEAR, NO ONE, in his right frame of mind, would waste his precious time, resource and energy in ridiculing or criticizing same - just as no one in his right frame of mind, would do so, with regard to ANY PROMINENT RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY, existing in the outer World of Ravan Rajya!
If you are GENUINELY interested in knowing more about the advanced knowledge, with a view to HIGHLIGHT the DIFFERENCE between - HOW the SAME Knowledge of God is used to carry out the 'shooting' of the Day of Brahma, in Confluence Age; and how the VERY SAME Knowledge of God, is THEN used to carry out the 'shooting' of the Night of Brahma, in Confluence Age - that is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT MATTER ALTOGETHER.
In this regard, we VERY MUCH APPRECIATE your EXTENSIVE efforts to highlight SO MANY Points, which CLEARLY CONTRADICT the very BASIS of the advanced knowledge, and which have NOT been considered by AIVV aspirants, in THAT LIGHT, so far - so that CONCERNED individuals may BEGIN to COMPREHEND the DIFFERENCE between the 'shooting' of the Day of the Cycle & the 'shooting' of the Night of the Cycle, USING the VERY SAME Points of Knowledge in SMs & AVs, for BOTH the FUNCTIONS. This effort of yours is HIGHLY COMMENDABLE and would DEFINITELY be BENEFICIAL to innumerable souls - if not now, immediately - then, SURELY in the near future.
We thank you for your kind attention and wish you the very best.

From: A NEW member of SAT, who is interested in creating a more cordial interface between the BKs & PBKs.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

# Error No. 54) In PBK view- Lakshmi is Chandravanshi?:-
Certainly Vijaymala is chandravanshi. If we believe that Sister Vedanti is the head of Vijaymala and also Chandravanshi where is the contradiction.
10) That is fine. good. Now, that contradiction is removed*. But, more have come up.
Since PBKs claim sister Vedanti is fit for the title Lakshmi from 1976 itself, how can Lakshmi be chandravanshi? Both Narayan and Lakshmi are names for Suryavanshi.
If she is a firm follower of Brahma Baba, that means Chandravanshi. It is the Vijaymala who are in fact the firm Chandravanshi.
11) To claim sister Vedanti to be a firm follower of B Baba (in the way PBKs believe) is again illogical. Since PBKs believe B Baba enters in Virendra Dev Dixit, as well as KD, where is sister Vedanti?
PBKs also claim B baba is studying their advance knowledge too, (Am I right?) But, sister Vedanti has not yet started.
PBKs believe B baba controls both Virendra Dev Dixit and KD. They believe B Baba created eclipse on KD. If that is true (of course, all these have absolutely no proof and are only in PBK dictionary), where is match between sister Vedanti and B baba?
As the Brother here pointed rightly our knowledge undergoes refining and changing. The old matters have to be left aside. I confirm that the current understanding about the 8 deities is 4 from Rudramala and 4 from Vijaymala.
12) So, do you acknowledge that earlier- the PBK belief was- the 8 deities were from just PBK Rudrmala and sister Vedanti was not present in it?
--- Earlier, in PBK theory, both sister Vedanti and KD would be fit for punishment?

13) Now another error is- in PBK view- sister Vedanti does not get punishment, as they NOW believe she is in top 8 deities,...
---But, PBK Jagadamba is out of the top 8, and hence is likely to get punishment- RIGHT?
----So- how can the inferior one= KD (who receives punishment) be instrument to give property to the rest?
For example about the rank of Jagadamba. If you move your mind a bit you will be able to get your answers.
14) SAT has said it as 108, and the last bead in PBK Rudramala. You have said it as first bead in the group 2. So, I had taken it as 13 - in the other thread.
Baba puts mothers in front. Even Brahma Baba used to put Mama in front and it was said in the Murli that Mama is number one whilst we know that Baba is number one.
15) There is no error here. Because both the beads are very next to each other. So, in BK view- there is no much error.
But, in PBK view- error is huge. Mr. Dixit has fully cancelled the passport of Mother Premkanta, and also of KD at least partially. He has declared that KD will leave her present body (which is a very much inferior state in PBK view).
Flaw No. 540 - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=52928&hilit=passport#p52928
Certainly Vijaymala is chandravanshi. ...In the Rudramala also there are souls who are Chandravanshis, for example the 12 souls in the 108 and also from the rosary of 1000, 16000, 900 000 etc.
* - 16) Baba says- all the 550 crore souls belong to RudrMala (which refers to full population by the end of the Kalpa).
So- how come some beads getting place only in Vijayamala in end period?** - viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2103&p=52675#p52675

Hence PBK concept of Vijaymala goes wrong by default itself. Vijaymala begins from Golden Age, not in Conf. Age.

** - Or take any period of time or however you like. Murli says- all the souls would be in RudrMala. But, PBKs believe their Vijayamala group does not come in Rudrmala.
[Baba has also said RudrMala would be formed in the end.]
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

That is right that all the souls belong to Rudramala, when they are in soul-conscious state. First, all souls will go to mukti and they are shown being guided by the incorporeal stage of Shankar on the picture of the tree on their way to Paramdham.

Rudramala and Rundamala refer to the different types of souls. Rudramala souls are knowledgeful souls, souls who get attracted through knowledge to the knowledge, and have sanskars of independence and male-like, king-like controlling attitude. Rundamala or Vijaymala refer to the souls who have taken more female births, or births in which they have followed the path of purity, like the sanyasis, and who get attracted to the knowledge through emotions, like visions. Neither the rudramala nor the vijaymala are ready yet, yet we use these words, because we have the eye of knowledge of the three aspects of time.

The soul of Lakshmi is entitled to be called the soul of Lakshmi in 1976, as much as she is entitled to be called the soul of Lakshmi in any time of the drama in any birth. Baba has said to see the perfect form. IN 76 it is that some revelation happens in the mind of these souls itself and to some other close souls.

Yes, I explained that I believe that the soul of Jagadamba is the head of the second group and that will make her number 13, but because groups do not go one after the other in the rosary, but both groups of Suravanshi and Chandravansi are on the two sides of the flower, that is why if you count it starting from the first soul of the suryavanshi, that bead will come in last. But it does not mean that her number is after the numbers of the other religions. No, it is before them, after the suryavanshi.

Regarding leaving body of Jagadamba, I think it has not been said in a definite way. About the role of Premkanta, it was of a very short time. Souls receive marks for effort for a long time, so certainly her status will be lower. But her specialty is to surrender first of all and that gives her a boon. Baba has explained about that.

Yes, previously the head of Vijaymala was not considered in the 8.

About Jagadamba giving to others and her status being lower, this is compared to the lifting the Govardhan moutain with the small finger. Baba uses the weakest finger for cooperation in a big task. It is the specialty of Baba that he uplifts those who are down. The inheritance if of ShivBaba, we receive it through Jagadamba, not from Jagadamba. I am not saying Jagadamba is prostitute, but Baba has given such example that we should give knowledge to prostitutes, and they will narrate it in such a way that they will bring tears in the eyes and will become instrument to uplift many.

It does not matter that sister Vedanti has not taken knowledge yet. She will make effort quickly. We cannot say that just because someone has not come into knowledge yet, that he is not a firm follower. What type of follower is someone is seen when he starts following.

I am ready to answer and discuss any matter only if mbbhat, or others also who use his account to write in his post, exercise control over their emotions. Every time I enter into discussion I have the feeling that they are mad at me due to some reason. There is no reason to be angry with me. Baba has said that we should run away from angry people. If this happens I will not respond.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:That is right that all the souls belong to Rudramala,...
Rudramala and Rundamala refer to the different types of souls.
17) Both contradict. That is OK if PBKs do not realize the logic.
The souls of Lakshmi is entitled to be called the soul of Lakshmi in 1976....
18) The question asked was can Lakshmi be name of Chandravanshi? You are saying something else. That is OK .
Yes, I explained that I believe that the soul of Jagadamba is the head of the second group and that will make her number 13,
19) Thanks to Baba. I was almost right. The PBK had told me the rank as 12. Accidentally, he might have had said so forgetting to add one to the 12.
When I had said 12, you accused me that I have wrong information. You who claim superior to BKs, and Gyani tu atmas, could have corrected it instead of accusing me. Do not worry. That is also OK.
Yes, previously the head of Vijaymala was not considered in the 8.
20) Thank you. But, you still did not reply- whether the PBk jagadamba gets punishment or not?
About Jagadamba giving to others and her status being lower, this is compared to the lifting the Govardhan moutain with the small finger.
21) Not logically right. It is not that some of those who have only weak fingers are selected for the task.
It just implies that - Baba takes from us very little. In fact it implies Baba does not take/need anything from anyone. To make us nimitt, it is shown so.

Your argument is like- PBK Jagadamba has only weak finger, and has no other finger!
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

When I had said 12, you accused me that I have wrong information. You who claim superior to BKs, and Gyani tu atmas, could have corrected it instead of accusing me. Do not worry. That is also OK.
Why should I correct it. You are coming here to argue. It is against my interest to enter into a discussion with you.
Your argument is like- PBK Jagadamba has only weak finger, and has no other finger!
It is Krishna who lifts the mountain and Jagadamba is like the finger, but Krishna has other fingers also, but he does not lift it with them, but with the small finger.
20) Thank you. But, you still did not reply- whether the PBK jagadamba gets punishment or not?
I don't have information if Jagadamba will come in 8 deities.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:Why should I correct it. You are coming here to argue. It is against my interest to enter into a discussion with you.
22) Thank you for the reply. It just shows that PBKs are liars and accuse others for their own mistakes.
sita wrote:I don't have information if Jagadamba will come in 8 deities.
sita wrote: You always complain and put the blame on me that the lack of your understanding is due to the lack of full information. No, Brother there is abundance of information. For example about the rank of Jagadamba. If you move your mind a bit you will be able to get your answers. But the reality is that you always want to bring the discussion in the discussive mode over ridiculous matters also, bring same matters again and again, because the essence of your questions are not to understand, but oppose. I appeal to you, before posting another question or requesting another explanation to think yourself if you are not able to get the answer on your own.
23) PBK double standard is once again exposed here.

They claim they have abundant of information, and one (even a non PBK) can calculate easily. But, when their faults are exposed, they hesitate to give reply.

It is crystal clear that one whose rank is 13, cannot get place in top 8, is it not? Then obviously, PBK Jagadamba is for the FINAL punishment. So-, there is DEFINITELY ERROR in their philosophy that- one who receives punishment is the world mother! And gives birth to Prajapita!

But, due to clear failure, the above PBK simply says- "I do not have information!" - is it not? - :sad:
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

22) Thank you for the reply. It just shows that PBKs are liars and accuse others for their own mistakes.
What mistakes? You came here to spread wrong information and said this is what the advanced knowledge teaches. I don't know if you have received that information from someone else, you have understood it wrongly or you deliberately give wrong information. I accuse you for what you have done. But I haven't lied in this.
23) PBK double standard is once again exposed here.

They claim they have abundant of information and one (even a non PBK) can calculate easily. But, when their faults are exposed, they hesitate to give reply.

It is crystal clear that one whose rank is 13, cannot get place in top 8, is it not? Then obviously, PBK Jagadamba is for for the FINAL punishment. So-, there is DEFINITELY ERROR in their philosophy that- one who receives punishment is the world mother! And gives birth to Prajapita!

But, due to clear failure, the above PBK simply says- "I do not have information!" - is it not? - :sad:

See, you are able to find the answers to your own questions. Why do you have to ask?
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by mbbhat »

sita wrote:But I haven't lied in this.
24) It is as good as a lie; because when I had said that the PBKs had said 12, which is close to 13 (which is your agreement), your accused others, is as good as a lie.

[Now, I am sure that the PBK who replied for my question had given the reply in a hurry.

So, he had forgotten to add one to it.

Actually, the PBK felt embarased tp some extent when I had asked him(in around 2005) about Jagadamba. May be because first of all, the rank of Jagadamba is not in top 2. So, it is a cowardice type. Secondly, PBK Jagadamba had already left AIVV in 1998, he had hidden this matter with me. I came to know that only from this forum(around in 2010) that KD had left AIVV in 1998. ]
See, you are able to find the answers to your own questions. Why do you have to ask?
25) (Even though Baba knows everything) Baba says- I give vision before giving punishment. Why? To make the point clear to the other.
Similarly, in the forum to make points clear, I will put question. You may reply or not. Left to you.

26) And, you have done several mistakes while replying, that will prove more faults from PBK side. For example, you have even given a statement saying "Narayan too failed! - [for Ram failed] - :laugh:
sita wrote:But technically, I think it will be also correct to say Narayan failed etc, as it is one and the same souls who become Lakshmi–Narayan and Ram-Sita. - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2099&p=51696&hilit ... lly#p51696
27) Do not worry, I am not just to prove you as wrong. Many other PBKs would be reading in this forum.
They may recognize their fate and may correct themselves in the future. So, it is nothing personal like what you feel. That is according to your personal structure of your sanskars, which makes you feel that way, which you yourself have to deal with, for your own benefit, instead of putting the blame on others for same.
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Re: Some evident errors

Post by sita »

The 12 post is also questionable, but at least there is some logic in that. Whatever point is there there should be some logic in that. We should not just repeat whatever someone tells us without understanding the logic.

I have absolutely no problem with making mistakes. I have made many mistakes in the past and probably will do so in future. I have not become perfect. It is not difficult to accept mistakes, because this is how we learn.
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