Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

Dear Shivsena,

Indeed there is both righteousness and unrighteousness in the drama, but not for 5000 years. For 2500 years there is only righteousness. When ShivBaba comes he creates righteousness, and all unrighteousness vanishes for half a Kalpa. Then unrighteousness starts and grows and now, in Sangamyug we have both righteousness and unrighteousness to their extremes.

You also have to agree that the experience of people with Virendra Dev Dixit, differ. I have gained a lot of happiness through my association with the advanced knowledge, and not at all sorrow. Keeping this in mind, I would like to politely request you to take due care that the feelings of people are not hurt by disrespect for people whom they hold dear. It is not that someone should not voice his opinion. I can understand your point, but I would not agree to the way it is put like "an absolute fact, with no doubt". We are all human beings who are voicing our own personal opinions and we are all entitled to make mistakes and everything we say is open to discussion. There is nothing wrong with this; so, please, be humble enough to accept such an attitude towards your own self too.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

sita wrote:Dear Shivsena,
... in Sangamyug we have both righteousness and unrighteousness to their extremes.
Soul brother sita.....That is exactly what I have been trying to convey all along… ShivBaba is the seed of all the positivity and divine qualities(righteousness), that are existing in the World… and -Virendra Dev Dixit(Devil) is the seed of all the negativity and demoniac qualities(unrighteousness)...-Virendra Dev Dixit not only imbibed negative sanskars in Himself in Sangamyug, but also taught his followers the same to attach the mind to a physical body.[ Mu: “Guru jiska andha, uske chele satyanash”...”Whose Guru is blind, his followers destroy the Truth”]
You also have to agree that the experience of people with Veerendra Dev Dixit, differ. I have gained a lot of happiness through my association with the advanced knowledge, and not at all sorrow.
Sita.....I fully agree with you...initially i was also intoxicated by Virendra Dev Dixit’s adv-Gyan and i whole-heartedly preached it and fought with my bk-friends....i even made the first website of adv-Gyan with Virendra Dev Dixit’s consent and did a lot of preaching on the net...but after his arrest in 1997, i realised that something is not right and i started researching on Murlis-Vanis from 2000 onwards and slowly i realised that Virendra Dev Dixit is manipulating the points to prove that he is ShivBaba and cleverly hiding those points which go against unless you study the Murli-Vanis yourself you will never find the truth about Virendra Dev Dixit and you will all the time think that he is giving you ready-made nectar (when in fact, he is giving PBKs nothing but lies-slow poison)....and one fine day you will wake up to this fact and feel very sorrowful of wasting your precious time...but by then it will be too please wake up now and try to see who is a friend and who is an enemy, just through common-sense-logic and ex-PBKs experiences.

On the one hand, you say that you are experiencing happiness and no sorrow; but on the other hand, you say that you are getting hurt or are feeling sorrow, when someone disrespects your Guru-Virendra Dev Dixit. These two claims do not match. In Murlis it is said: “Neither take sorrow nor give sorrow”! If you are actually receiving Gyan from God through –Virendra Dev Dixit, then how come you are getting hurt and taking sorrow, when –Virendra Dev Dixit is defamed? This proves that you are not receiving knowledge from God, is it not? Or, if you are receiving knowledge from God, it is of absolutely no use to you, since you and particularly souls like Arjun, are not able to actually imbibe it in your practical life, as per practical demonstration of your interactions on the forum with others?
Keeping this in mind, I would like to politely request you to take due care that the feelings of people are not hurt by disrespect for people whom they hold dear.
Sita....I am using the words in the English Dictionary to describe the part Virendra Dev Dixit is playing in Sangamyug....i have not coined these words myself....i am trying to understand the meaning of these words and when i look around in Sangamyug i find no other personality on whom these words fit perfectly.
Also you must understand that i am not describing Virendra Dev Dixit-the person, whom i do not know..but i am describing his part-role in Sangamyug, which tallies well with Murli-Vani points--Bhakti-scriptures and words in the English Dictionary

It is not that someone should not voice his opinion. I can understand your point, but I would not agree to the way it is put like "an absolute fact, with no doubt".
Sita.....I say what i feel strongly and I feel duty-bound to convey same to as many PBKs as I possibly can, in order to protect them from falling into the trap of the Devil himself. Do I not have the freedom and right to warn my fellow brothers as per Murli-Vani : “Apne humjins ko jagana hai” (“Wake up your brothers) and “Andhon ki lathi banna hai” (“Be the stick for the blind”)
We are all human beings who are voicing our own personal opinions and we are all entitled to make mistakes and everything we say is open to discussion. There is nothing wrong with this; so, please, be humble enough to accept such an attitude towards your own self too.
When –Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs defame BKs, it seems OK to you...but when someone else defames –Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs, you cry foul....Arjun calls my small prerogative of locking the topics as double standards...but it is the PBKs who have double standards on this forum...they feel it their right to defame BKs but when someone defames them and their guru, they feel insulted.... So what type of a game are you and Arjun actually playing? And how is this game eventually going to help you?

All PBKs please note that I neither have the time, nor the inclination, to attend to and respond to every immature-irrelevant comment or query made by souls like you and Arjun. That is exactly the reason that I had no other option but to lock some of my topics, to avoid interaction with such souls, since they constantly pestered me with their immature-irrelevant views, which are best ignored completely. The purpose of my locking topics is to build a database of eye-opener points for BKs and PBKs, which they can easily refer to in future, when there will be total confusion in BKWSU and Aivv (when avaykt-BapDada stops incarnating in Gulzar Dadi).... Such locked topics would only be in the in “Discussion-Forum” and ‘Ex-PBKs only’ forum. Similarly, all other members would have the right to lock their individual topics in their respective sub-forums VIRTUALLY, by indicating their intention in the beginning of the topic itself and at intervals thereafter, if so required, taking the assistance of the Admin. whenever required, to ensure compliance. This has been agreed with the current Admin, who will notify everyone accordingly in the Admin sub-section shortly. Similarly, the ‘Discussing BK Experiences’ sub-forum may be used exclusively by BKs for such purposes. These steps should ensure that everyone gets an equal opportunity to post, without unduly feeling that special facilities are provided to someone else, which should not have been their concern in the first place. Their primary concern should be to make the best of what is made available to them....i hope that i have made my point clear.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

Dear Shivsena,

What you post depends on you. You can consider what the result of a post may be, but if and how people will comment your post does not depend on you. If some issue is raised you cannot just dismiss it as irrelevant or say you don't have time. If you post you have to be ready for discussion, this is not a blog, and if some issue is raised by someone it means that for them it is relevant and you should address it in all its seriousness. If you have time to post you have to find time to discuss. Otherwise your behavior could be interpreted as running away from discussion.

I am not hurt by your posts. You have asked me in the past to not reply to your posts and I have stopped reading them. The issue was about you. As everyone else, before posting we consider how will our post be taken by others, what result will it produce and because we are responsible for the atmosphere we create among ourselves, I thought we should try creating a fellowship, rather than enmity, but everyone has to take part in it.

Our future depends on what we create now. You care about time of turmoil in future, but if we build a strong bond now, we will face problems in the future together and it will be easier. But if you prefer to cast yourself away, it is your choice, but don't mistake it that we are the problem, and when we stop posting etc. everything will be fine. Rather you will have to find resources within yourself to overcome yourself and come forward as our fellow. We are not your enemies because of what we are, it is in the way you see us. Nor are we misguided victims. The fact you have left the PBK knowledge does not prove it to be false. You could have made a mistake yourself.

I found your claim that if Virendra Dev Dixit was ShivBaba, the words about trickster would not be there in the dictionary to be absurd, but now you have made me think it is not. The matter is again not about me and my feelings, but about you. Reading the dictionary and finding there proofs that Virendra Dev Dixit cannot be ShivBaba and plays the role of a villian is indeed not your best self and you are capable of more. With your logic I can prove Virendra Dev Dixit plays the role of ShivBaba. Just turn on the word God. It refers to the role through him in the Confluence Age.

It is your right to claim Virendra Dev Dixit is Satan etc. and warning us about how we will repent in future, but in reality you don't know what will happen in future. It is also possible that we ramain happy with what we have now and don't repent about it.

You should not find excuses about what you do with the PBKs. If you follow double standards, the fact that PBKs may also follow double standards is not an excuse for your action. You should not have double standards, even if the whole world has them. Nor should you point fingers to others, even if PBKs point fingers to BKs.

You also expect from us that whatever you may post we will accept it, because the Murli says to let defamation in from one ear and let it out from the other. With this you have regarded us as Godly students, which is nice, but you also accept your posts to be defamation, which is not good. For me defamation is the lowest level of communication and just empty claims, you cannot really address or discuss them, because they have no basis or reason, they are not search for truth, nor a message, but are intended to discredit people. This way they are of no benefit to anyone.

Virendra Dev Dixit in his role of Satan is also entitled to change. I don't know what is your perception, but if he is occupied with the brahmin family and the knowledge (even in a twisted way), he would probably come in the first half of the Kalpa, or do you believe he will come only after Copper Age? I mean, he is also entitled to achieve his perfect stage of a deity and we could lend a helping hand in this beneficial task.

On the other hand you comment our behavior as proof we are not Godly children. But our behavior is not that bad, that it proves us to be children of the worst villain too. If you claim to give superior Gyan to BK and PBK this should be reflected in your actions too. For me, your unwillingness to engage in discussion and only giving a message is definitely a shortcoming and proof of the lack of solid ground in your Gyan. So I conclude that the one who teaches you this Gyan must have taught you this way and he also lacks solid ground in Gyan.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

from here viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1387&start=585#p49411
The personified Maya described in the above point is none other than -Virendra Dev Dixit, who confuses Godly students-BKs, who make a mistake of accepting shaitan-Virendra Dev Dixit as God and fall into a trap....and in the end Maya-rustom-Virendra Dev Dixit will then fight those rustom children, who try to oppose him.
But there is a very small number of BKs who make the mistake of accepting Virendra Dev Dixit as God and fall into the trap, but it is said that Maya defeats everyone. Do you believe that everyone will believe Virendra Dev Dixit to be God?

It is also possible to oppose Virendra Dev Dixit without first accepting him as God.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

sita wrote: But there is a very small number of BKs who make the mistake of accepting Veerendra Dev Dixit as God and fall into the trap, but it is said that Maya defeats everyone. Do you believe that everyone will believe Veerendra Dev Dixit to be God?
Sita...just wait for the climax of the Sangamyugi Drama to start, when BapDada stops incarnating in Gulzar Dadi in mt abu in the near future.....Virendra Dev Dixit is just waiting for that day....after that Maya-azgar-Virendra Dev Dixit will start swallowing all ignorant bk-praja(just as Ravan trapped sita in disguise of a sadhu) and there will be a fight between the BKs(kaurav) and PBKs(yadav) ...first Maya will defeat everyone and when 108 ruhani shivshakti-pandavsena will start fighting Maya-Virendra Dev Dixit, then he will bow down in front of 108 rudramala and become their first bhakt. (as per Vanis)
It is also possible to oppose Veerendra Dev Dixit without first accepting him as God.
Imo, only those who have identified Maya-Virendra Dev Dixit by studying the Murlis-Vanis will be able to fight him with weapons of knowledge. ..those who do not know his part will never be able to fight him.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

...first Maya will defeat everyone and when 108 ruhani shivshakti-pandavsena will start fighting Maya-Virendra Dev Dixit, then he will bow down in front of 108 rudramala and become their first bhakt. (as per Vanis)
But this way it would become like democracy. Would there not be one most-eminent soul among the 108?
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

sita wrote: But this way it would become like democracy. Would there not be one most-eminent soul among the 108?
Where is the question of democracy, when it is said that children are numberwise.....Who would be no. 1 in 108, remains to be seen when the mala is formed.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

To all PBKs.

Murli 27-6-15 says: " भगवान के रचे हुए यज्ञ में ही असुरों के विघ्न पड़ते हैं। यह भी संगम पर ही वण्डरफुल खेल चलता है। ऐसा यज्ञ फिर सारे कल्प में नहीं रचा जाता। यह है राजस्व अश्वमेध यज्ञ, स्वराज्य पाने के लिए। इसमें ही विघ्न पड़ते हैं।"

[ " The sacrificial fire initiated by GOD faces obstacles from asurs(demons). This wonderful play occurs in Sangamyug. Such a sacrificial Fire is not created in the whole Kalpa. This is Rajasva Ashwamegh Yagya (in which the 'horse' or body is sacrificed) to get inheritance(sovereignty). This Yagya faces obstacles."]

Which is Bhagwan ka rachaa hua Yagya (Yagya initiated by God)??
Who are the asurs(demons) who are putting vighna(obstacles) in the Yagya ?? ...and what is the vighna(obstacles) ??

Please share your views.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

Who would be no. 1 in 108, remains to be seen when the mala is formed.
I am asking because by mala I understand a gathering and a gathering is there in corporeal and there is some special soul who unites the gathering.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

sita wrote: I am asking because by mala I understand a gathering and a gathering is there in corporeal and there is some special soul who unites the gathering.
THere is no special soul in corporeal who unites the rudramala....Mala is formed by beads and thread...beads are souls and thread is the belief with which they are united....and once the beads are united, the thread is not seen.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

THere is no special soul in corporeal who unites the rudramala....Mala is formed by beads and thread...beads are souls and thread is the belief with which they are united....and once the beads are united, the thread is not seen.
We had different beliefs, but we changed them when we learned the knowledge, but someone spoke the knowledge through someone particular or special, is it not? IMO, if in a gathering there is no company of truth, that gathering is false. And the truth refers to one, particular, practical, special soul and if it is a rudramala, then Rudra should be there in the form of the flower in the gathering.

Which is this single belief that is adopted by the other souls so that it becomes a gathering and who is the special soul, instrumental in initiating, propagating that particular belief and where is he?
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

sita wrote: Which is this single belief that is adopted by the other souls so that it becomes a gathering and who is the special soul, instrumental in initiating, propagating that particular belief and where is he?
PBKs habit of attaching their minds to a dehdhari-Virendra Dev Dixit is completely against SHiv-Bhagwanu-vach which clearly says:"Forget the body and all bodily relations"....but they still insist on seeing a Dehdhari-Virendra Dev Dixit as their saviour...unless they revise their decision, then will never understand Gyan in the right perspective.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by sita »

Your avoiding answering is not a good habit. The query is very essential. You have said that mala will be formed on the basis of similarity of beliefs. I agree. You also have to agree that this similarity of beliefs has been formed only after listening to the knowledge of the Murlis. Here you have the option to say that ShivBaba already narrated the Gyan he had to narrate, as he has said, so now it depends on us. It will be a valid answer, but another point remains. We are all false and impure, and if we gather together, then impurity and falsehood will only increase. Even if we churn the Murlis, we will churn on the basis of our impure thinking. Only if we have the practical company of the supreme Father, will this be called a satsang. Here the option you have is to say that God comes in Dadi Gulzar. Please, state clearly your stance, so that we can progress with our discussion. State openly if you believe that the only practical role of God being enacted at present is going on there, through Gulzar Dadi, or do you have any other suggestion. Please, answer straightforwardly and without weaseling.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by shivsena »

sita wrote:Your avoiding answering is not a good habit.
I have answered to the best of my ability...if you cannot understand it, then it is not my problem.
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Re: Question for Shivsena and ex-pbks.

Post by vrkrao »

Exactly. It is not the problem of PBKs if you cannot understand their philosophy. They have answered to the best of their ability. So, it is better not to put additional efforts to make them realize the truth as you had realized that they only understand from their level of perception

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