Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.208, कैसेट नं.689, मंगलदेई,
मु.15.03.66, ता.12.04.05

सब माना? 500 करोड़ मनुष्य आत्मायें तो पतित बनती हैं लेकिन जो देवआत्मायें होती हैं वो भी पतित बन जाती है। देवआत्मायें भी पतित बनती हैं, देव आत्माओं में भी जो ऊँच ते ऊँच पद पाने वाले हैं, वो भी पतित बनते हैं। जो सारे विश्व का पिता था वो भी पतित बनता है। सब पतित बन जाते हैं , पाप आत्माओं कि दुनिया बन जाती है। पाप आत्मा को फिर पुण्य आत्मा बनाना ये सिवाय बाप के और कोर्इ का काम नहीं हो सकता। क्या? पाप आत्मा को पुण्य आत्मा बनाने के लिए कौन चाहिए? वो भी सुप्रिम सोल बाप चाहिए। सुप्रिम सोल बाप मनुष्य सृष्टि के पिता में आकर के प्रवेश करता है और सारी ह्युमिनिटी को पतित से पावन बनाता है, पाप आत्मा से पुण्य आत्मा बनाता है। पुण्य करने वाली आत्मा। दुवा दो और दुवा लो, खुश रहो और दूसरों को खुश रखो। न दुख दो, और न दुख लो।

तुम भी बहुत दान देते हो तो 21 जन्म पुण्य आत्मा बन जाते हो। वहाँ 21 जन्म कोर्इ भी पाप आत्मा नहीं बनता। फिर 21 जन्म जब पूरे होते हैं तो थोड़े पुण्य आत्मा, थोड़े पाप आत्मा बनते रहते हैं। तुम र्इश्वर को डायरेक्ट देते हो। क्या कहा? कारण क्या हुआ? पाप आत्मा से पुण्य आत्मा बनने का फाउंडेशन क्या हुआ? क्या कार्य करते हो तुम जो तुम पाप आत्मा से पुण्य आत्मा बनते हो? तुम अपना तन, तुम अपना मन, तुम अपना धन क्या करते हो? डायरेक्ट र्इश्वर को देते हो। जो डायरेक्ट र्इश्वर का पार्टधारी है उसके हाथ में देते हो और कोर्इ मनुष्य गुरु के हाथ में वो पॉवर नहीं सौंपते हो। न तन की पॉवर सौंपते हो, न धन की पॉवर सौंपते हो, और न जो मन के संकल्पों की पॉवर है वो भी और किसी के हाथ में नहीं सौंपते हो। तुम ऐसा पुण्य करते हो। सो भी जो काम सच्चार्इ से किया जाता है, वो सफलीभूत होता है। 21 जन्मों के लिए पुण्य आत्मा बन जाते हो।

बाप समझाते हैं तुमको पाप आत्मा से पुण्य आत्मा बनाया जाता है। क्या? तुम पुण्य आत्मा थे नहीं आखिरी जन्म में। थे पाप आत्मा, तन से, मन से, धन से, समय से, संपर्क से, संबंधियों से सब तरीकों से तुम पाप ही करते थे। अभी तुमको पाप आत्मा से पुण्य आत्मा बनाया जाता है। दान या पुण्य कितना करते हैं। देवताओं जैसा पुण्य आत्मा कोई है नहीं तो जरुर इतना दान किया है ना? क्या? यहाँ कौनसे देवताओं की बात है? सतयुगी के देवताओं की बात है या संगमयुग में जो देवतायें बन जाते हैं, मनुष्य से देवता, उनकी बात है?
(सभी ने कहा-संगमयुग में।) वो कितने हैं टोटल संख्या में? 33 करोड़ की तो बात नहीं है। 9 लाख? 9 लाख की भी बात नहीं है। 9 लाख में तो आधे जन्म लेने वाले हैं। (सभी ने कहा-साढे चार लाख।) साढे चार लाख है ऐसे जो पाप आत्मा से पुण्य आत्मा इसी जन्म में बन जाते हैं। जरुर इतना दान किया है। कितना? कि 84 जन्म लेने वाले पुण्य आत्मा देवआत्मायें बन जाते हैं।

बलि चढ़ाया जाता है ना? बाबा ये सब कुछ आपका है। तो जब सब कुछ आपका है तो बड़े ते बड़े पुण्य आत्मायें हो गये ना? भारत में दान-पुण्य बहुत होता है। सबसे जास्ती पुण्य अभी होता है। क्या? न सतयुग में, न त्रेता में, न द्वापर में, न कलियुग में, कब? संगमयुग में भी जब परमात्मा बाप के डायरेक्ट स्वरुप को तुम बच्चे पहचान लेते हो तब तुम्हारा कहेंगे सबसे जास्ती पुण्य हुआ। तुम सब दान देते हो, तो 21 जन्म पुण्य आत्मा बनते हो। नंगे आये, नंगे जाना है। 18-3-66 वाणी का दूसरा पेज। इसलिए कहते हैं बाबा, जो कुछ है आपका ही है। तो बाप कहते हैं, ये नयी दुनिया तुम्हारी है। तुम्हारा जो भी पुराना कखपन है, तुम कहते हो ये सब बाप का है। तो बाप कहते हैं, जो नयी दुनिया है वो सब तुम्हारी है।

माना नयी दुनिया का जो भी संगठन संसार के सामने प्रत्यक्ष होने वाला है, जिसे दुनिया में पैरेडाइज़ कहा जाता है, अंग्रेज लोग उसे कहते हैं पैरेडाइज़, खुदा की करतूत। मुसलमान लोग उसे कहते हैं जन्नत, हिंदु लोग उसे कहते हैं वैकुंठ। बाप कहते हैं ये तुम्हारा है, हमारा नहीं है। जो कुछ है सब आपका है। यूँ तो सब कुछ छोड़ना ही हैं। क्या? ‘यूँ तो’, माना अभी नहीं छोड़ोगे ज्ञान के आधार पर अगर तुम्हारी बुद्धि में नहीं बैठता है कि हम स्वत: ही अपने आप सब कुछ छोड़ दें, तो भी क्या होगा अंत में? ये तन, ये मन, ये धन, ये समय, ये शक्तियाँ, ये देह के संबंधी ये तुम्हारे साथ जायेंगे क्या? नहीं। विनाश होगा तो सबका विनाश हो जायेगा। तो बोला यूँ भी तो सब कुछ छोड़ना ही है। मृत्युलोक का अब मृत्यु होना है। मृत्यु होता है तो सब कुछ दे दिया जाता है। आदमी की मौत होती है, तो क्या करते हैं कोर्ट में जाकर? जो कुछ उनके पास होता है सब विल कर देते हैं। तो बाप भी तुमको विश्व की बादशाही विल कर देते हैं। समझते बहुत अच्छा है, परंतु इतना पुरुषार्थ करके ऊँच पद पावे, ऊँच वर्सा पावे पुरुषार्थ करने वाले कम निकलते हैं। बाप जैसा पुरुषार्थ कराना चाहते हैं ऐसा पुरुषार्थ करने वाले बच्चे बहुत थोड़े निकल रहे हैं।

VCD No.208, C.No.689, Mangaldeyi,
Mu.15.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

‘All’ means what? The five billion human souls become impure anyway, but even the deity souls become impure. The deity souls become impure and even among the deity souls the ones who receive the highest position also become impure. The one who was the Father of the entire world also becomes impure. All become impure. It becomes the world of the sinful souls. Making the sinful souls (paap aatmaa) noble souls again, this cannot be the task of anyone else apart from the Father. What? Who is needed to make the sinful soul into noble soul? The Supreme Soul Father is needed. The Supreme Soul Father enters the Father of the human world and makes the entire humanity pure from impure; He makes them from sinful souls into noble souls, the souls who perform noble deeds. Give blessings and take blessings. Remain happy and make others happy. Neither give sorrow, nor take sorrow.

You also make donations a lot, so you become noble souls for 21 births. No one becomes a sinful soul for 21 births there. After completing 21 births some remain noble souls and some become sinful souls. You give directly to God. What was said? What is the reason? What is the foundation of becoming noble souls from sinful souls? What do you do so that you become noble souls from sinful souls? What do you do with your body, your mind, your wealth? You give them directly to God. You give them directly in the hands of the one who plays the role of God. You don’t entrust this power to any human guru. You neither entrust the power of the body, nor do you entrust the power of the wealth, neither do you entrust the power of the thoughts of the mind to anybody. You perform noble acts like this. And the work done truthfully becomes successful. You become noble souls for 21 births.

The Father explains: You are transformed from sinful souls to noble souls. What? You weren’t noble souls in your last birth. You were sinful souls. You were committing only sins through the body, the mind, the wealth, the time, the contacts and relationships and through all the ways. Now? Now, you are made from sinful souls to noble souls. You make donations or perform virtuous acts so much. No one is as noble as the deities. So certainly, they have given so much in donation, haven’t they? What? It is about which deities here? Is it about the Golden Age deities or is it about the ones who in the Confluence Age become deities from human beings?
(Students: The Confluence Age…) How many are they in total? It is not about the 330 million [deities]. (Students: 900 000.) 900 000? It is not about the 900 000 either. Half of the 900 000 are the ones who are born.(Students: 450 000.) There are 450 000 [souls] who in this very birth become noble souls from sinful souls. They certainly have given so much in donation. How much? [So much] that they become noble souls, deity souls who have 84 births.

You make sacrifices, don’t you? [You say:] Baba, all this belongs to you. So, when [you said] everything belongs to you, you are the greatest noble souls, aren’t you? [People give] a lot of donations in Bharat. Noble deeds are performed the most now. What? Neither in the Golden Age, nor in the Silver Age; neither in the Copper Age, nor in the Iron Age. When? Even in the Confluence Age, when you children recognize the practical form of the Supreme Soul Father, then it will be said that you have performed noble deeds the most. You donate everything, so you become noble souls for 21 births. You came naked; you have to go back naked. Second page of the Vani dated 18.03.66. That is why you say: Baba, everything that we have, belongs only to you. So the Father says: This new world is yours. You say that all your rubbish belongs to the Father. So the Father says that the entire new world belongs to you.

It means that the gathering of the new world that is going to be revealed before the world, [the gathering] which the world calls ‘paradise’... The English people call it ‘paradise’, God’s work. The Muslims call it jannat. The Hindus call it Vaikunth. The Father says: It is yours; it isn’t Mine. Everything that we have, belongs to you. Everything has to be left anyway. What? Anyway… meaning if you don’t leave it now, if this much doesn’t sit in your intellect on the basis of knowledge that you yourself should leave everything, then what will happen in the end? Will this body, this mind, this wealth, this time, these powers, these bodily relationships go with you? No. When the destruction takes place, everyone will be destroyed. So it was said: Everything has to be left anyway. The mortal world (mrityulok) has to end up now. When someone dies, everything [belonging to him] is given away. When a man dies, what do they (his family members) do after going to the court? They give away in will everything he had. So the Father also gives away the kingdom of the world to you in will. They understand [the knowledge] very well but attaining a high position, high inheritance after making purushaarth… Those who make purushaarth are few. Very few children who make purushaarth as the Father wants are emerging.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.208, कैसेट नं.689, मंगलदेई,
मु.15.03.66, ता.12.04.05

सीढ़ी पर समझाना बहुत सहज है। पुज्य से पुजारी कैसे बनते हैं वो तुमको बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। 84 की सीढ़ी बहुत अच्छी है। पहले चित्रों पर समझाने के बाद फिर मुँह जबानी समझाओ, तो भी बहुतेरे समझ जावेंगे। एक बार चित्र देखा फिर दूसरों को भी समझाते रहेंगे। सीढ़ी देखी बुद्धि में बैठ जाता है, 84 जन्म हम ही लेते हैं, पहले हमको जाना है, फिर नंबरवार पुरुषार्थ अनुसार पद मिलता है। तो रात दिन का फर्क है, किसमें? किसमें-2 रात दिन का फर्क है? जो सीढ़ी की नॉलेज को गहरार्इ से समझ लेते हैं, जिनकी बुद्धि में सीढ़ी का ज्ञान बैठ जाता है झट से उनमें और जो सीढ़ी की नॉलेज को नहीं समझ पाते है उतना गहरार्इ से उनमें रात दिन का फर्क है क्योंकि सीढ़ी की नॉलेज को समझने वाले पक्के भारतवासी है। उन्हे सीढ़ी का चित्र बहुत पसंद आवेगा। दूसरे धर्म वालों को सीढ़ी का चित्र उतना पसंद नहीं आवेगा। क्योंकि सीढ़ी के चित्र का हेडिंग क्या है? भारत के उत्थान और पतन की 84 जन्मों की कहानी। ये भारतवासी ही 84 जन्म लेते हैं। क्या? क्या राज़ की बात बतार्इ? कि जो पक्के भारतवासी है, वो 84 जन्म लेते हैं।

और जो कम जन्म लेने वाले हैं जो सेकेंड नारायण के राज्य में आवेंगे या थर्ड नारायण के राज्य में आवेंगे... मान लो कुमारका दादी है या विश्वकिशोर भाउ थे, वो सतयुग में जाकर किसके वारसदार बनेंगे? कुमारका दादी और विश्वकिशोर भाउ को मम्मा बाबा ने सारी अथॉरिटी सौंपी हुर्इ थी ना? शरीर छोड़ने के बाद भी सारी अथॉरिटी किसके हाथ में है? यज्ञ की सारी अथॉरिटी किसके हाथ में रही? कुमारका दादी के । जब तक विश्वकिशोर भाउ जीवित रहे बाबा ने उनके हाथ में सारी अथॉरिटी सौंपी। इतना जिम्मेवारी और किसी बच्चे के हाथ में नहीं सौंपी। तो यहाँ शूटिंग तो हो गर्इ ना? तो सतयुग में उनकी गद्दी का मालिक कौन बनेगा? कौन बनेगा? जिसने यहाँ लिया होगा वही वहाँ भी लेगा। तो सेकेंड नारायण बन जाता है। सेकेंड नारायण और नारायणी क्लीयर हुये कि नहीं? हो गये। जो फर्स्ट नारायण है उसमें अव्वल नंबर का धर्मपिता प्रवेश करता है। अल्लाह अव्वल दीन, दीन माना धर्म। अव्वल नंबर दीन माना धर्म की स्थापना करने वाला प्रवेश करता है। किसमें? अव्वल नंबर के नारायण में। अव्वल नंबर का नारायण कौन? नर से नारायण या नर से प्रिन्स? नर से नारायण में अव्वल नंबर का धर्मपिता प्रवेश करता है अव्वल नंबर धर्म की स्थापना के लिए। तो द्वयम नंबर का धर्मपिता कौन? अरे, नंबर दो का धर्मपिता कौन है? इब्राहिम, तो वो किसमें प्रवेश करेगा?

अरे, शास्त्रों में जो गायन होता है वो पहले नंबर नारायण का है, नर-नारायण का गायन है या सेकेंड, थर्ड, फोर्थ, सात नारायणों का गायन है? सात नारायण का कोर्इ गायन नहीं है, कोर्इ पूजन नहीं, कोर्इ मंदिर नहीं। फर्स्ट नारायण का गायन है, तो दूसरे नारायणों का गायन-पूजन क्यों नहीं होता है? कोर्इ कारण होगा ना? उनका कोर्इ मंदिर क्यों नहीं होता है? कोर्इ तो कारण होगा ना? अरे, मंदिरों में जो पूजा होती है उस पूजा का कोई आधार होता है या नहीं? पूजा का क्या आधार है? अरे, पूजा का आधार है प्युरिटी। ब्राह्मण बन करके जिसने जीवन में पूरी प्युरिटी की धारणा की है, पवित्रता को पूरा अपनाया है गृहस्थ जीवन में रहते हुए तो वो जरुर प्राप्ति का अधिकारी बन जाता है और जिसने न खुद उस रास्ते को अपनाया पवित्रता के रास्ते को न दूसरों को अपनाने दिया, न खुद पवित्र रहा , न दूसरों को पवित्र रहने दिया तो फर्स्ट नारायण का राज्य पायेगा या निचले नारायणों का राज्य पायेगा? निचले नारायणों के राज्य में जावेगा। तो सेकेंड धर्मपिता वो सेकेंड नारायण में प्रवेश करता है। फर्स्ट नंबर का धर्मपिता फर्स्ट नारायण में प्रवेश करता है। थर्ड नंबर का धर्मपिता सतयुग के थर्ड नारायण में प्रवेश करता है। माना जिस नंबर का नारायण उसी नंबर के धर्मपिता का आधार बनता है।

तो बताया कि सीढ़ी 84 की बहुत अच्छी है समझाने के लिए। जबानी समझाओ तो भी समझ जाये। एक बार चित्र देखा तो बुद्धि में बैठ जाता है। तो नंबरवार पुरुषार्थ अनुसार पद मिलता है। एक जैसा पद सभी को नहीं मिल सकता। कोर्इ सतयुग का सेकेंड नारायण बनेगा, कोर्इ थर्ड बनेगा, कोर्इ आठवा नारायण बनेगा। रात-दिन का फर्क हो जाता है। गाया जाता है मायाजीते जगतजीत, क्या? जगतजीत कौन बन सकता है? जो माया को जीते, जीतने का पुरुषार्थ करें। तो किसीको जीता जाता है, तो उसके साथ युध्द करनी पड़ती है कि नहीं? कि बिना युध्द किये जीत लिया जाता है? बिना युध्द के तो कोई राज्य जीता नहीं गया। आज तक की हिस्ट्री ये बात बताती है। तो यह भी बेहद की लड़ार्इ है। हमारी हद की बाहुबल की लड़ार्इ नहीं है। हमारी ज्ञान की लड़ार्इ है।

पांडव ज्ञान की लड़ार्इ लड़ते हैं। कौरव और यवन ये बाहुबल की लड़ार्इ लड़ते हैं। यज्ञ के अंदर भी ऐसा ही है, जो जन्म-जन्मांतर कौरव बनने वाले हैं, यवन अर्थात् मुसलमान बनने वाले हैं वो बाहुबल का प्रयोग करेंगे। बाहुबल में तन का बल भी आ जाता है, हाथापायी भी आ जाती है और जो तन के बल से कमाया हुआ धन है अस्वच्छता तरीके से उस धन का उपयोग भी आ जाता है। किसीको घूस दे करके उल्टा काम करा लिया जाता है तो बाहुबल कहा जायेगा या योगबल कहा जायेगा? उसे भी बाहुबल कहा जायेगा। तो गाया जाता है मायाजीते जगतजीत अगर जगतजीत बनने का पुरुषार्थ करना है, जगतजीत वालों की लिस्ट में आना है, असल सूर्यवंशी बनना है, तो क्या करना पड़े? माया से युध्द करना पड़े।

VCD No.208, C.No.689, Mangaldeyi,
Mu.15.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

It is very easy to explain on the picture of the Ladder. The Father sits and explains to you how you become worshippers from worship worthy [deities]. the Ladder of 84 births is very good. After explaining on the basis of the pictures, explain orally. Then, many [people] will understand. If they see the pictures once, they will keep explaining it to the others as well. After seeing the Ladder it sits in the intellect: ‘We ourselves have 84 births. First of all we have to go; then we receive positions number wise, according to our purushaarth. So, there is a difference like between day and night. Between what? Between what is there a difference like between day and night? There is a difference like between day and night between the ones who understand the knowledge of the Ladder deeply, the ones in whose intellect the knowledge of the Ladder sits immediately and the ones who can’t understand the knowledge of the Ladder very deeply. It is because the ones who understand the knowledge of the Ladder are the real residents of Bharat. They will like the picture of the Ladder very much. The followers of the other religions won’t like the picture of Ladder so much. It is because what the heading of the picture of the Ladder is? The story of 84 births of the rise and fall of Bharat. Only the residents of Bharat have 84 births. What? What secret was mentioned? The ones who are the real residents of Bharat have 84 births.

The ones who have fewer births, the ones who will come in the kingdom of the second Narayan or the ones who will come in the kingdom of the third Narayan… Suppose there is Kumarka Dadi or Vishvakishor bhau… Whose heirs will they become in the Golden Age? Mama and Baba handed over the entire authority to Kumarka Dadi and Vishvakishor bhau, didn’t they? Even after they left their body, the entire authority came in whose hands? The entire authority of the Yagya came into whose hand? Into Kumarka Dadi’s hands. Until Vishvakishor bhau was alive, Baba handed over the entire authority to him. He didn’t hand over so much responsibility to any other child. So the shooting certainly took place here, didn’t it? So who will become the master of his throne in the Golden Age? Who will become this? The one who took it here, will take it there as well. So he becomes the second Narayan. Has it become clear who the second Narayan and Narayani is or not? It has. The No.1 religious Father enters the one who is the first Narayan. [It is said:] Allah Avval Diin. Diin means religion. The one who establishes the No.1 religion enters him. Whom? The No.1 Narayan. Who is the No.1 Narayan? Is it [the one who becomes] Narayan from a man or the one who becomes a prince from a man? The No.1 religious Father enters [the one who becomes] Narayan from a man to establish the No.1 religion. So who is the No.2 religious Father? Arey! Who is the No.2 religious Father?
(Student: Abraham.) Abraham. So, who will he enter?

Arey! Is the No.1 Narayan, the one who becomes Narayan from a man praised in the scriptures or are the second, third, fourth, the seven Narayans praised?
[Students: The first Narayan.] The seven Narayans aren’t praised at all. They aren’t worshipped at all. They don’t have any temples. The first Narayan is praised. So, why aren’t the other Narayans praised and worshipped? There must be some reason, mustn’t there? Why isn’t there any temple of them? There must be some reason, mustn’t there? Arey, is there any basis of the worship that takes place in the temples or not? What is the basis of worship? Arey! Purity is the basis of worship. The one who after becoming a Brahmin assimilated purity to the full extent, the one, who adopted purity completely while living a household life, he certainly becomes entitled to reward. And in the case of the one who himself didn’t follow this path, the path of purity and didn’t let the others to follow it, the one who himself didn’t remain pure and didn’t let the others be pure either… will he receive the kingdom of the first Narayan or will he receive the kingdom of the lower Narayans? He will go to the kingdom of the lower Narayans. So the second religious Father enters the second Narayan. The first religious Father enters the first Narayan. The third religious Father enters the third Narayan of the Golden Age. It means, as is the number of Narayan, he becomes the support of that number of religious Father, accordingly.

So it was said: the Ladder of 84 [births] is very good to explain. They will understand, even if you explain to them orally. If you see the picture once, it sits in the intellect. So, [everyone] receives positions number wise (higher or lower) according to the purushaarth. Everyone cannot receive the same kind of position. Someone will become the second Narayan of the Golden Age; someone will become the third [Narayan] and someone will become the eighth [Narayan]. There is a difference like between day and night. There is a saying: The victory over Maya is victory over the world. What? Who can become the conqueror of the world? The one who gains victory over Maya, the one who makes purushaarth to conquer Maya. In order to conquer someone, do we have to fight with him or not? Or do we gain victory without fighting? No kingdom was gained without a war. The history up till now confirms this. So this is also the unlimited war. Our war is not limited, [using] physical power. Our war is the war of knowledge.

The Pandavas (descendants of Pandu) fight the war of knowledge. The Kauravas (descendants of Kuru) and Yavanas (descendants of Yadu) fight the physical war. The same is in the Yagya as well. The ones who become Kauravas, Yavanas, meaning Muslims birth after birth will use physical power. The physical power includes the power of the body, it includes scuffling and it also includes using the wealth earned through the body using dirty means. If someone gives a bribe and has some work done, will it be called the physical power or the power of Yoga?
(Students: The physical power.) It will also be called the physical power. So there is saying: Victory over Maya is victory over the world. If you want to make purushaarth to conquer the world, if you want to enter the list of the ones who conquer the world, if you want to become the true Suryavanshis, then what will you have to do? You will have to fight with Maya. ... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.208, कैसेट नं.689, मंगलदेई,
मु.15.03.66, ता.12.04.05

माया को बाबा क्या कहते हैं? माया बेटी, माया बेटी तो कोर्इ पर्सनालिटी हुर्इ ना? नहीं हुर्इ? पर्सनालिटी कैसी? तो उसके फालोअर्स ये समझते हैं बहुत ऊँचा पुरुषार्थी है और बाबा ने उसको क्या नाम दे दिया? माया बेटी। ये पुरुषार्थी बहुत ऊँचा नहीं है। नंबर दो के धर्मपिता का आधार बनने वाला है। उसने जन्म-जन्मांतर के इस्लामियत के संस्कार , व्यभिचार के भरे हुए हैं, वो व्यभिचारी बनती है और दूसरों को भी व्यभिचारी बनती है। नर्क में गोते खाती है और दूसरों को नर्क में गोते खिलाती है। ऐसा टाइटिल दे दिया है। तो माया बेटी को जो जीतेंगे वो जगतजीत बनेंगे। ये युध्द करना पड़ेगा। गेट वे टू हेविन इज़ महाभारत कहा जाता है। माना महाभारी महाभारत गृहयुध्द स्वर्ग के गेट खोलेगा। जो इस युध्द में से पसार होगा वो स्वर्ग में प्रवेश करेगा। अगर युध्द में से युध्द करते हुए पसार न हुआ, क्रॉस न किया तो स्वर्ग के गेट में घुस नहीं सकता।

तुमको तो तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बनना है। क्या कहा? ज्ञान का युध्द तो करना है, लेकिन पहली शर्त क्या है? सतोप्रधान बन करके युध्द करना है। तामसी युध्द नहीं करना है। पावन से पतित बनना यानी 5 विकारों से, माया से, हार खा जाना। पतित किसे कहा जाता है? तन से पतित, मन से पतित, धन से पतित, समय भी व्यर्थ गंवायेगे तो उसे भी कहेंगे पतित। समय नीचे गिरा, समय को गढ्ढे में गंवाया या समय की वैल्यु की? जो समय को बरबाद करता है... आज की दुनिया में सबसे जास्ती वैल्युबल चीज़ कौनसी है? समय। धन की भी कोर्इ वैल्यु नहीं रह गयी, मनुष्य की भी कोर्इ वैल्यु नहीं रह गयी, संबंधियों की भी कोर्इ वैल्यु नहीं रह गयी, तन की भी कोर्इ वैल्यु नहीं रह गयी। बहुत से कुत्ते अच्छे है जो कारों में घूमते हैं, खीर-पूरी खाते हैं। मनुष्य के तन की कोर्इ वैल्यु नहीं है आज। समय की वैल्यु है, क्योंकि अभी परमात्मा बाप आया हुआ है, लास्ट चांस चल रहा है, टू लेट का बोर्ड अभी नहीं लगा है। चाहे तो हम जन्म-जन्मांतर की प्राप्ति परमात्मा बाप से कर सकते हैं। सुख, संपत्ति की प्राप्ति कर सकते हैं। तो गाया जाता है मायाजीते जगतजीत। माया रावण पर जीत पाने से जगतजीत बनोगे। तो समझानी बहुत अच्छी है।

समझानी जो बाप देते हैं वो बहुत अच्छी समझानी है। इसलिए बाप को सदगुरु कहा जाता है। क्या? सदगुरु तारे और मनुष्य गुरु बोरे। मनुष्य गुरुओं ने क्या किया? बुढ़ा दिया, माना डुबा दिया। क्या-2 डुबा दिया? तन भी डूब गया, मन भी डूब गया, धन भी डूब गया। आज की दुनिया में जो कोर्इ धनवान है, वो पसीने की कमार्इ से धनवान नहीं बने हैं। कौनसी कमार्इ से धनवान बने हैं? ब्लैक, ब्लैकमेल की जो कमार्इ है, उससे धनवान बने है। पसीने की कमार्इ से आज के दुनिया में कोर्इ भी करोडोपति, लखापति नहीं बन सकता। तो सारा का सारा जो भी इस दुनिया में कमार्इ की जा रही है, वो सब पतितपना है। पावन तो बाप ही आ करके बनाते हैं, पतित माना नीचे गिरा हुआ, पावन माना ऊँचा उठा हुआ। तन की शक्ति क्षीण होती है माना पतित है। मोटी-2 भाषा में देखा जाता है तो कह देते हैं विकार में गया तो पतित है। विकारी कर्मेन्द्रियों से भोग किया तो पतित है।

नहीं, बाप ने तो बताया गृहस्थ जीवन में रहना है। गृहस्थ जीवन में रहना माना साथ-2 रहना। साथ-2 सोना, साथ-2 खाना, साथ-2 सारा कार्य करना लेकिन कर्मेन्द्रियों में क्षीणता न आये, पतितपना न आये। कर्मेन्द्रियों से शक्ति क्षीण हुर्इ माना पतित हुआ। ऐसे जो शक्तियों से क्षीण होते हैं उनका तन बल भी क्षीण होता है। उनको बाप की याद आना बंद हो जाती है। क्या? मनन चिंतन मंथन चलना बंद हो जाता है। तो मन भी क्षीण हो जाता है। तो पतितपने की और पावनपने की परिभाषा बहुत गहरी है, उस परिभाषा को सब कोर्इ नहीं समझते हैं। कोर्इ तो सन्यासियों मिसल भाग खड़े होते हैं, घरबार ही छोड़ देते हैं, वो तो और भारी पाप हो गया। उसको सच्ची पवित्रता नहीं कहा जा सकता। वो कायरों वाली पवित्रता है। जैसे कोर्इ 10 साल जेल में रहे और बाहर निकलने बाद दींग हाँके कि हमने 10 साल पवित्रता का, ब्रहमचर्य का पालन किया। तो यह उसकी दींग हाँकना है। वास्तव में वो पवित्रता नहीं है, वो तो मजबूरी है। मजबूरी को थोड़े ही पवित्रता कहा जायेगा? भोग और योग। योगी वो है जो चीज़ सामने हो, सामने नहीं उसमें डूबा हुआ हो, उस धन, सम्पत्ति, वैभव में और डूबे होने के बावजुद भी शक्ति क्षीण न हो। न मनोबल क्षीण हो, न तनबल से क्षीण हो, और न चरित्रता से क्षीण हो।

दु:ख देने की तो बात ही नहीं। दु:ख तो विकारी देते हैं। वि माना विपरीत, कार माना कार्य करने वाले; जो कार्य करना चाहिए वो नहीं करते। कर्मेन्द्रियों से किसी को दु:ख दिया, तंग किया, परेशान किया, वो है विकार, विकृती। विकारी दूसरों को दु:ख देता है। कर्मेन्द्रियों से ऐसा कोर्इ कार्य किया ही नहीं जिससे दूसरे को दु:ख हो तो उसे विकारी थोड़े ही कहा जायेगा। विकारी और निर्विकारी। नि:शेष है ऐसा भाव जिसमें दूसरों को दु:ख दिया जाए वो है निर्विकारी। तो बाप कहते हैं, बच्चे अब मैं तुमको जन्म-जन्मांतर के लिए निर्विकारी बनाने आया हूँ। तुम श्रेष्ठ इंद्रियों से सुख भोगेंगे। नाक, आँख, कान, मुख ये श्रेष्ठ इंद्रिया है। ये श्रेष्ठ इंद्रियों का जो सुख होगा वो सदाकाल का सुख होगा। आज के टाइम में जो सुख भोगा जाता है वो विकारी सुख कहा जाता है क्योंकि विकृति पैदा करता है।

मैंने तो श्रेष्ठ इंद्रियों का सुख भोगना तुमको सिखाया था। और ये सुख का लेन-देन बाप ही सिखाय सकते हैं। मनुष्य की दृष्टि मनुष्य को पावन नहीं बना सकती। पावन दृष्टि वाला सिर्फ परमात्मा बाप ही बना सकता है। तो बाप आया हुआ है। बाप कहता है बच्चे, अब तुम्हारी दृष्टि से सृष्टि पवित्र बनने वाली है। कब बनेगी? जब तुम्हारी दृष्टि पावन बन जाए। तुम्हारी दृष्टि पावन बनेगी बाप की दृष्टि से। जो खुद ही पतित दृष्टि वाले हैं, वो दूसरों को पावन कैसे बनायेंगे? इस पतित दुनिया में सब पतित है, एक भी पावन नहीं। तो पावन कौन बनायेगा? जरुर जो जन्म मरण के चक्र से न्यारा है वही इस सृष्टि पर आता है। वो ही जिसमें प्रवेश करता है उसके द्वारा पतितों को पावन बनाता है। ओम शांती।

VCD No.208, C.No.689, Mangaldeyi,
Mu.15.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

What does Baba call Maya? Daughter Maya. Daughter Maya is a personality, isn’t she? is not she? What kind of a personality is she? Her followers think that she is a very great purushaarthi. And what name has Baba given her? Daughter Maya. This purushaarthi is not a very great one. She will become the support of the No.2 religious Father. The sanskaars of Islam, adultery of many births are recorded in her. She herself becomes adulterous and makes the others adulterous. She herself dives in hell and makes the other dive in hell too. She has been given such title. So those, who will gain victory over daughter Maya, will become conquerors of the world. This war will have to be fought. It is said that the gateway to heaven is Mahabharata. It means that the Massive Civil War of Mahabharata will open the gates to heaven. The one who, will pass through this war, will enter heaven. If someone doesn’t pass through it, if he doesn’t cross it, he can’t enter the gate of heaven.

You have to become satopradhaan from tamopradhaan. What was said? You have to fight the war of knowledge, but what is the first condition? You have to become satopradhaan and then fight the war. You mustn’t fight an impure war. To become impure from pure means to be defeated by the five vices, by Maya. Who is called impure? Impure through the body, impure through the mind, impure through the wealth, even if someone wastes, it will be called impure. Was time wasted, was it thrown into ditch or was it valued? The one who wastes time… What is the most valuable thing in today’s world?
(Students: Time.) Time. There is no more value of wealth. There is no more value of human beings. There is no more value of relationships. There is no more value of the body. There are many lucky dogs that travel in cars and eat khiir and puri (rich food). The human body has no value today. Time has its value, because the Supreme Soul Father has come now. This is the last chance. The board ‘Too late’ hasn’t been put up yet. If we wish, we can make attainments for many births from the Supreme Soul Father; we can receive happiness and wealth. So there is a saying: Victory over Maya is victory over the world. You will become conquerors of the world by gaining victory over Maya - Ravan. So, it is a very good explanation.

The explanation that the Father gives is very good. That is why the Father is called Sadguru. What? Sadguru takes you across and human gurus makes you drown. What have the human gurus done? They drowned, meaning they sank. What all did they drown? The body drowned, the mind drowned and the wealth drowned too. The wealthy people in today’s world have not become wealthy through working hard. They have become wealthy through what kind of income? They have become wealthy through the money earned by dealings in black market. No one in today’s world can become a millionaire or a billionaire through hard work. So, all the [types of] earning made in this world is impurity (patitpanaa). The Father Himself comes and makes pure. ‘Impure’ means the one fallen. ‘Pure’ means the one raised high. If the power of the body is lost, it means that he is impure. In a general language it is said that if someone indulges in vice, he is impure; if someone experiences pleasures through the vicious organs, he is impure.

No… The Father has said that you have to remain in the household life. Living the household life means staying together, sleeping together, eating together, doing everything together. But there shouldn’t be weakness, impurity in the karmendriyaan . If someone loses power through the karmendriyaan, it means he has become impure. Those who lose their power like this lose bodily power as well. They stop remembering the Father. What? Their thinking and churning stops; so the mind also becomes weak. The definition of impurity and purity is very deep. Not everyone understands that definition. Some run away like the Sanyasis; they leave the household itself. This is an even greater sin. It cannot be called the true purity. It is the purity of cowards. For example, someone spends 10 years in a jail and after coming out he boasts ‘I have maintained purity, celibacy for 10 years, then this is his boasting. In reality, it is not purity, but compulsion. Compulsion will not be called purity. Experiencing the sensual pleasures (Bhog) and Yoga (Yoga); the one who has something in front of him; not just in front of him but he is immersed in it, in that wealth, property and luxury; but despite being immersed in it, he shouldn’t lose his power. He should not lose the power of the mind, nor the power of the body and he should not lose his character either.

There is no question of giving sorrow at all. The vicious ones (vikaari) give sorrow. Vi means opposite, kaar means the ones who perform actions. They don’t perform actions that should be performed. If we gave sorrow to someone through the karmendriyaan, if we harassed him, if we troubled him, it is a vicious act (vikar), viciousness (vikriti). A vicious person gives sorrow to others. If he did not at all perform any act through the karmendriyaan that gives sorrow to others, he won’t be called vicious. [There is a difference between] the one who is vicious and the one who is free from vices (nirvikaari). The one who doesn’t have any intention to give sorrow to others is free from vices (nirvikaari). So the Father says: Children, I have come to make you free from vices for many births. You will experience happiness through the elevated indriyaan . The nose, the eyes, the ears, the mouth – these are the elevated indriyaan. The happiness through these elevated indriyaan will be the everlasting happiness. The happiness experienced nowadays is called the vicious happiness, because it creates viciousness.

I taught you to experience happiness through the elevated indriyaan. Only the Father can teach this happiness, the exchange of this happiness. The drishti (vision) of a human being cannot make human beings pure. Only the Supreme Soul Father can make someone with a pure drishti. So, the Father has come. The Father says: Children, now the world will become pure through your drishti. When will it become [pure]? [It is], when your drishti becomes pure. Your drishti will become pure through the Father’s drishti. How will the ones who themselves have an impure drishti purify the others? Everyone in this impure world is impure. There isn’t even one [soul] who is pure. So who will purify [you]? Certainly, the One who is beyond the cycle of birth and death comes to this world and through the one whom He enters He purifies the impure ones. Om Shanti.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.208, कैसेट नं.689, मंगलदेई,
मु.15.03.66, ता.12.04.05

बाबा- जगदम्बा है संगमयुग में, और लक्ष्मी है सतयुग में। जो स्वर्णिम सतयुग होगा उसमें लक्ष्मी होगी। जगदम्बा लक्ष्मी का पद नहीं पाती है। महालक्ष्मी बन सकती है संगमयुग की, माना लक्ष्मी के और जगदम्बा के संस्कार मिल करके अंत में एक हो जायेंगे। जगदम्बा में है सामना करने की ताकत लक्ष्मी में है सहन करने की शक्ति, दोनों शक्तियाँ मिल करके एक हो जायेगी, बैलेंस हो जायेगा।
...कृष्ण मथुरा में पैदा हुआ था वो अपनी जन्म भूमि में क्यों नहीं जाता था? वृदांवन में क्यों रहता था गाँवडे में?

जिज्ञासु- यशोदा को माँ समझा था ना इसलिए।
बाबा- नहीं, कंस उसको मारने के लिए तैयार था। इसलिए छुपके गांवडे में रहता था। राम ने अयोध्या में रह करके रावण से लड़ार्इ क्यों नहीं की? जंगल में क्यों छुपा-छुपा फिर रहा था?
जिज्ञासु- सीता को ले गया इसलिए।
बाबा- सीता को ले गया लेकिन जंगल में क्यों रह करके लड़ार्इ की? (जिज्ञासु ने कुछ कहा।) नहीं, इसलिए लड़ार्इ की जंगल में रह करके कि उसको रावण से सीधा युध्द नहीं करना था। लोग समझते हैं बाहुबल का युध्द किया। लेकिन बाहुबल का युध्द करना ही नहीं था। शंकर जी भस्मासुर के डर से इधर उधर भागे-2 दुनिया में क्यों फिरे?
जिज्ञासु- शंकर ने उसको वर दिया... बाबा- तो वो मोहिनी रुप में विष्णुजी ने कैसे सामना कर लिया उसका? कभी-2 क्या है बाहुबल से सीधे लड़ार्इ लड़ने के बजाय युक्ति से काम निकलना पड़ता है। अभी सन् 98 का एक बार देखा हुआ है, उन्होंने तो बाहुबल दिखा करके और रिश्वत दे करके प्रशासन को, पुलिस प्रशासन को, अखबार वालों को बाबा को जेल में डलवा दिया। अभी वही दुबारा गलती फिर करनी है?
...राज्य किसका है? मधुबन में भी माया आती है कि नहीं? माया का राज्य हो गया।

जिज्ञासु- उनके मन में इच्छा रहती है ना बाबा से मिलने के लिए।
बाबा- बाबा तो कहते हैं अव्यक्त बन जाओ। कितने साल से बोल रहे हैं अव्यक्त हो जाओ-2? जो टीचर्स है वो ही अव्यक्त नहीं बनेंगे तो स्टुडेन्ट कैसे बनेंगे? अव्यक्त नहीं बनना है? बनना है, तो कैसे बनना है? जब ऐसे नहीं बनेंगे तो ऐसे तो बनेंगे।
जिज्ञासु- अभी कम्पिल में नहीं जायेंगे?
बाबा- जायेगा। लड़ार्इ पूरा होगा तो जायेगा। फर्रूखाबाद में भी मिलना बंद कर दिया फिर चण्डीगढ में भी मिलना बंद कर दिया, दिल्ली में भी मिलना बंद कर दिया। दिल्ली में पार्कों में मिलते थे। वो भी मिलना बंद कर दिया। माया कहती है कि मैं नहीं मिलूंगी तो मैं किसी को भी मिलने नहीं दूंगी। और जब चारों तरफ से बंद हो गया तो अभी बाबा घरों-2 मे जाकर मिल रहे हैं। एक बार ऑल इंडिया में टूर लगायेगा तो कम से कम 100-200 आद्मियों से मिलना हो जायेगा। अभी जम्मू में गया तो 8-10 आद्मियों से मिलना हो गया। करने से क्यों नहीं होता? हिम्मते बच्चे मददे बाप, हिम्मत करो तो वो मदद कर देता है।
जिज्ञासु- बेसिक सेंटर ज्यादा स्ट्रोंग है।
बाबा- खारुपेटिया से भी कोई नहीं निकला। बेसिक सेंटर स्ट्रोंग नहीं है, ये इस्लाम धर्म में और क्रिश्चन धर्म में कंवर्ट होने वाले स्ट्रोंग हैं। वो कभी दूसरे धर्म में कर्नवट नहीं होते। जो क्रिश्चन्स है और जो मुसलमान है वो कभी दूसरे धर्म के शास्त्रों को, ज्ञान को नहीं सुनते । तो शूटिंग कर रहे हैं। कान में उंगली दे लो। उनका कहना है जब दादी मानेगी, कुमारका दादी तब हम मानेंगे। जो जिस धर्म का होगा वह उसी को फॉलो करेगा ना। जो जिस धर्म का होगा वो उसी की बात मानेगा। अगर कुमारका दादी इस्लाम धर्म में जाने वाली है, मुसलमान धर्म में तो वो उन्ही की बात मानेंगे।

...मुरली में तो बोला हुआ है डायरेक्ट मुरली सुनेंगे तो फर्स्ट क्लास है, टेप रेकॉर्ड से सुनेंगे तो सेकंड क्लास है और कागज में मुरली पढ़ेंगे सुनेंगे तो थर्ड क्लास मुरली है। तो फर्स्ट क्लास मुरली कहाँ से मिले? जब पहचानेंगे तभी तो फर्स्ट क्लास मुरली मिलेगी। ...तुलसी गरीब निवाज की कोर्इ न पूछे बात। तुलसीदासजी ने जब रामायण लिखी थी तो तुलसीदासजी की रामायण कोर्इ सुनना नहीं चाहता था। ऐसे ही होता है। सच्चार्इ जब निकलती है तो उस समय उसका ज्यादा मान नहीं होता, बाद में उसका बहुत मान होता है।

जिज्ञासु- जैसे इशु क्रिस्त। पहले तो इतना मान नहीं था।
बाबा- हाँ, जी। फिर? सूली पे चढ़ा दिया। फिर बाद में अब? दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा...
जिज्ञासु- कितनी किताब है।
बाबा- अब दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा संख्या क्रिश्चन की है। ...माया जब विक्राल रूप धारण करती है तो चारों तरफ से कसती है।
जिज्ञासु- निश्चय पत्र है ना, उसे देखने के बाद उसे गुस्सा आ गया।
बाबा- उनके युगल ज्ञान में चल रहे है?
जिज्ञासु- बेसीक सेंटर घर में है।
बाबा- बेसीक सेंटर है तो वो मुरली नहीं सुनते हैं? मुरली में तो लिखा हुआ है - लिखवा लेना चाहिए। उनका एड्रेस बताओ ‘कौन है?’ ऐसे नहीं मानना चाहिए। एक बार लिखा, सौ बार बका। मुख से आदमी सौ बार बोल दें और एक बार लिख दें तो वो ज्यादा वैल्युबल है।
जिज्ञासु- वो मानते नहीं है।
बाबा- मुरली को नहीं मानती ना, मुरली में जो बात लिखी हुई है? माउंट आबू की तो मुरली है। ... आसाम वाले हिंदी जानते नहीं है उतनी, तो मुरली में क्या-2 बोला उनको ये पता ही नहीं है। वो जैसा बता देगें वैसा ही मानेंगे। फिर?
जिज्ञासु- 22 साल हो गया घर में सेंटर है।
बाबा- फिर? 22 साल में हिसाब कितना बना पढ़ार्इ लिखार्इ का? ज़ीरो है।
... छोड़ने वाले तो है ही नहीं। सारी दुनिया को साथ में लेके जाना है।
…जब पढ़ार्इ पढ़ाते है मुरली की तो मुरली के पढ़ार्इ से, मुरली के पॉइंट से ही मारा जा सकता है ना देखो मुरली में तो ये बात लिखी है।

जिज्ञासु- बेसिक के सेंटर की बहनजी घर में रहती है। वो जैसे समझाती है वही समझते हैं।
बाबा- देहधारियों के भगत है ना, बाबा की मुरली पर तो फिदा नहीं है। मुरली के ऊपर फिदा होना चाहिए। मुरली से प्यार तो मुरलीधर से प्यार। देहधारियों से प्यार हो गया तो देहधारियों से प्राप्ति होगी। मुरली से प्यार होगा तो मुरलीधर से प्राप्ति होगी। गीता में भी तो लिखा है जो भूत प्रेतों की पूजा करने वाले है वो भूत प्रेतों से प्राप्ति करते हैं। जो देवताओं की पूजा करने वाले वो देवताओं से प्राप्ति करते हैं। जो मेरे उपासक है वो मेरे से डायरेक्ट प्राप्ति करते हैं। तो किससे प्राप्ति करना अच्छा है? आत्मा रुप सुर्इ की सारी कट उतरने पर तुम डायरेक्ट बाप से सीखोगे । सीखोगे माना कोई भविष्य में ऐसा टाइम आने वाला है ना? जो कुछ बच्चों को डायरेक्ट बाप पढ़ार्इ पढ़ायेगा, वो और किसी देहधारी से नहीं पढ़ेंगे। 8 वी पास कर लेते हैं 10 वी पास कर लेते हैं, चपरासी वपरासी बन जाते हैं।
जिज्ञासु- नहीं आते गुल्जार दादि के तन में तो बोलते नहीं क्यों?
बाबा- मुरली में तो बेालते हैं, बाबा तो बोलते हैं कि देवताओं को इशारा दिया जाता है, और जो मनुष्य होते हैं उनको बोल के समझाया जाता है। यहाँ तो बोल के भी समझा रहे हैं अव्यक्त वाणी में। बोलते तो है, बता तो दिया - जैसे तुम बच्चे सेवा स्थान चेंज करते हो वैसे बापदादा ने भी सेवास्थान चेंज किया है। वो तो गांधारी ने जैसे जानबूझ करके पट्टा बांधा था आँखों पे वैसे जबरदस्ती सच्ची बात को न मानना उसके लिए क्या किया जाए? अव्यक्त वाणी में तो 20 बार बोला हुआ है...
जिज्ञासु- प्रकाशमणी दादी तो सब जानती है।
बाबा- प्रकाशमणी दादी ही तो गांधारी की तरह आँखो पर पट्टी बांध करके बैठी हुर्इ है। हाँ, जानबूझ के अडियल स्वभाव की है। अभी तो उनको सुनार्इ भी नहीं पड़ता। एडवांस पार्टी के 10,15 लोग गये थे अंदर बात करने के लिए दादी से तो कान की मशीन उतार के रख दी। भार्इ लोग बोलते रहे वो अपनी टब से सुनती रही। कोर्इ जवाब नहीं।

VCD No.208, C.No.689, Mangaldeyi,
Mu.15.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

Baba: Jagadamba is in the Confluence Age and Lakshmi is in the Golden Age. There will be Lakshmi in the Golden Confluence Age. Jagadamba doesn’t receive the position of Lakshmi. She can become the Confluence Aged Mahalakshmi. It means that the sanskaars of Lakshmi and Jagadamba will become one at the end. Jagadamba has the power to face. Lakshmi has the power of tolerance. Both powers will combine and become one. There will be balance.
…Krishna was born in Mathura. Why didn’t he go to his birthplace? Why did he stay in Vridavan, in a village?

Student: It is because he considered Yashoda to be his mother.
Baba: No. Kansa was ready to kill him; that is why he stayed hidden in villages. Why didn’t Ram stay in Ayodhya and fight with Ravan ? Why was he hiding and wandering in jungles?
Student: It is because [Ravan] took Sita away.
Baba: He took Sita away, by why did he (Ram) stay in jungle and fight? (Student said something.) No. He stayed in jungle and fought, because he didn’t want to fight with Ravan directly. People think that he fought a war with the use of physical power, but he didn’t want to fight a war with the use of the physical power at all. Why did Shankar wander around the world fearing Bhasmasur ?
Student: Shankar gave him a boon…
Baba: So how did Vishnuji in the form of Mohini (a charming woman) face him? Sometimes instead of fighting a direct war with the use of the physical power we have to use a tact and do our work. You have seen once, in 98. They used physical power, gave bribes to the administration, police administration and journalists and put Baba in jail. Now, should the same mistake be done again?

…Whose kingdom is it? Does Maya come to Madhuban or not? It has become the kingdom of Maya.

Student: They want to see Baba…
Baba: Baba says you should become subtle (Avyakt). For how many years has he been saying that you should become subtle, you should become subtle? If the teachers themselves don’t become subtle, how will the students become this? Don’t you have to become subtle? (Student: We have to become.) You have to become, then how will you become this? If you don’t become [subtle] in this way, you will have to become [subtle] in that way.
Student: Now won’t Baba go to Kampil?
Baba: He will go. When the fight is over, He will go. Meeting [children] in Farrukhabad was stopped, meeting in Chandigarh was stopped, meeting in Delhi was also stopped. He used to meet [children] in parks in Delhi. That was also stopped. Maya says: ‘If I don’t meet Him, I will not allow anybody to meet Him.’ When meetings were stopped everywhere, Baba goes and meets [the children] at their houses. If Baba makes an all-India tour once, he will meet at least 100-200 people. Now he went to Jammu and met 8-10 people. What is impossible if we make an attempt? If the children are courageous, the Father helps them. If you are courageous, He helps you.
Student: The basic centers are stronger.
Baba: No one from Kharupetia (a place in Assam, an Indian state) has come [in knowledge] either. The basic centers are not strong. The ones who convert to Islam and Christianity are strong. They never convert to other religions. The Christians and Muslims never listen to the scriptures, the knowledge of other religions. So, they are doing the shooting. [They say:] Put fingers into your ears. They say: ‘When Dadi, Kumarka Dadi accepts [the advance knowledge], then we will accept it.’ So, a person who belongs to a particular religion will follow only the [head of] that religion. A person belonging to a particular religion will accept only the words of the [head of] that religion. Kumarka Dadi is going to go to the Islam, the Muslim religion, so they (her followers) will accept only her words.

…It is said in the Murlis: If you listen to the Murli directly, it is first class [Murli]. If you listen to it through the tape recorder, it is second class. And if you read or listen to the paper Murli , then it is third class . So where will they receive the first class Murli? They will receive the first class Murli only when they recognize [the Father]. ... [It is said:] Tulsi garib nivaaz ki koi na puuche baat . When Tulsidasji wrote the Ramayan, no one wanted to listen to his Ramayan. It is the same thing that happens. When the truth emerges, it is not given much importance at that time. It is given a lot of importance later on.

Student: They didn’t believe in Jesus Christ so much at the beginning.
Baba: Then? They crucified him. And what happened later on? [What is it] now? Now in the world…
Student: …there are so many books.
Baba: Now the population of the Christians is the biggest in the world. …When Maya takes on a ferocious form, she constricts you from all the sides.
Student: He got angry after seeing the letter of faith…
Baba: Is her husband following knowledge?
Student: There is a basic centre at her home…
Baba: When there is a basic center. Don’t they listen to the Murlis ? It was written in the Murlis that you should have [the letter of faith] written; they should write their address, they should write who they are. You shouldn’t simply believe [in someone]. Writing something once is equal to saying it 100 times. A man may say something 100 times through the mouth, but if he writes it once, it has more value.
Student: He doesn’t accept this.
Baba: So he doesn’t accept the Murli, does he? The topics written the Murlis… the Murlis are from Mount Abu. …The people from Assam don’t know Hindi much. So, they don’t even know what it is said in the Murli. They will believe whatever is told to them. Then?
Student: It has been 22 years since there is a centre at their home…
Baba: Then? What was the result of studying for 22 years? [The result] is zero.
... [ShivBaba] is not going to leave [anyone] at all. He has to take the entire world with Him .
…When the knowledge taught is of the Murlis, they can be hit the knowledge of the Murlis, the points of Murlis only, can’t they? [You can say:] Look, this is the point written in the Murli.

Student: A sister from the basic center stays at their house so, he listens to whatever she explains.
Baba: They are devotees of bodily beings, aren’t they? They are not devoted to Baba’s Murlis. You should be devoted to the Murlis. Love for the Murli means love for the one who narrates the Murlis (Murlidhar). They love the bodily beings, so they will receive attainments from the bodily beings. If someone loves the Murlis, he will receive attainments from the Murlidhar. It is also written in the Gita: The ones who worship ghosts and spirits receive attainments from ghosts and spirits, the ones who worship deities, receive attainments from deities and My worshippers, receive direct attainments from Me. So, it is good to receive attainments from whom? When the entire rust of the needle like soul is removed, you will learn directly from the Father. You will learn, meaning such time will come in the future, won’t it, when the Father will teach some children directly? They won’t learn from any bodily being. If someone passes 8th, 10th. class they become peons and so on.
Student: If He doesn’t come into the body of Gulzar Dadi, why doesn’t He tell [them] about this?
Baba: Baba says in the Murlis that the deities are given hints and human beings are explained through words. Here, in the Avyakt Vanis, he is explaining through words. He certainly says, he has told [them] ‘Just like you children change your place of service, BapDada has also changed the place of service.’ Just like Gandhari had deliberately blindfolded herself; if they forcibly don’t want to believe the truth, what can we do? It was said scores of times in the Avyakt Vanis…
Student: Prakashmani Dadi knows everything.
Baba: It is Prakashmani Dadi herself who like Gandhari has blindfolded herself. Yes, deliberately, she has a stubborn nature. Now she can’t even hear. 10-15 people of the Advance Party went inside to talk with Dadi, so she took out her hearing aid and put it aside. The brothers were speaking and she was listening blankly. She didn’t give any response. (Concluded.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

VCD No.209, Kharupetiya, Mu.19.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

This is the night class of the 19th March 1966. Storms of Maya make you go completely out of the tune (betaalaa). The Father says, the outsiders have a monkey like intellect. So many exhibitions [and] projector [shows] were organized, still they don’t understand. They don’t know at all who Shiva is. Even if literature is made available to them, the ones with a monkey like intellect do not understand the gems [of knowledge] at all. Even the children at home do not understand completely, so that they may go and do service of someone. They do not even know on whose service they are. It is Godly service (the service of God), isn’t it? In the foreign government, the servants feared [the officers] a lot and here, this is a very big government. The very name is Divine (Ishwariya) Government. They keep making very third class purushaarth (spiritual effort). On seeing the destination to be high, their legs start shivering. Some also fall. It is certainly very easy, still they find it to be difficult. Then it is considered that as per the drama, they will have followed in the same way in the previous Kalpa (cycle).

When we settle down just with the help of [the knowledge of] the drama, we don’t feel sorrowful. We don’t feel sorry because we keep the drama in front. It is understood that the Father has to work hard to transform monkeys into deities. They forget again and again [to remember the Father]. If spiritual service is not done, it is [considered as] waste of time [and] waste of energy. Body consciousness is a very tough enemy. The mind is the toughest [to control]. Now it is our enemy. Though it is said that lust is the biggest enemy, the first enemy is body consciousness because all the vices emerge from body consciousness itself. If you consider yourself to be a soul, no vice will emerge [in you]. Because of this body consciousness a lot of time is wasted. It is wasted in the case of many [people]. Acchaa; good night to the children.

Next night class is of the 26.03.66. The service done through exhibitions is better than that done through projector [shows]. When [the pictures] are explained, their face is observed. It cannot be observed in the projector [shows]. First of all we should give the introduction of the Father. From one Father we receive the limited inheritance; he is the lokik (worldly) Father and from another Father (the Paarlokik Father) we receive the unlimited inheritance for 21 births. So there are two fathers, the limited and the unlimited. From the unlimited Father we receive the unlimited inheritance. The Father gives the unlimited emperorship for heaven. We should definitely explain about the difference between the two fathers. From one [Father we receive] the limited inheritance and from another [Father we receive] the unlimited inheritance for 21 births. We receive the inheritance for 21 births from the unlimited Father only once. It is not received again and again. Has the task that has to happen only once been completed? Has the task of receiving the unlimited inheritance from the unlimited Father only once been completed or not?
(Someone said: It hasn’t.) It hasn’t been completed so far. So this proves that the task that was performed through the body of Brahma… was it the task of the the unlimited Father or the limited Father? (Someone said: Of the unlimited Father.) Was it of the unlimited Father? Then did you receive the inheritance or not? (Someone said: No.) Arey, then was he the unlimited Father or the limited Father? Will Brahma be called only the Father of the Brahmakumar-kumaris or the Father of the entire human creation? Limited means there is a fixed limit, [like] thousand, two thousand, four thousand, ten thousand, five lakhs (500 thousand), one crore (10 million), two crores (20 million); and unlimited means [something] which doesn’t have any fixed limit.

He is the Father of all the five to seven billion human souls. So, was [the Supreme Soul] the limited Father or the unlimited Father through Brahma? He was the limited Father, wasn’t He? For example, Christ will be called the limited Father. All his followers in the world today [numbering] 100-150 crores are limited [followers], so, he will be called limited Father. So the Father says: the unlimited Father comes only once and gives the unlimited inheritance. This means, the body in which He came in the beginning of the Yagya, that personality wasn’t revealed at all. He remained just incognito because when the Father sows the seed, it is sowed secretly; nobody comes to know about it at all. And the one who is revealed as the Father in the year 76 in the Advance Party, he is the unlimited Father. He too is teaching the knowledge now. When the studies are completed, all the five billion human beings will receive the inheritance of liberation (gati) and true liberation (sadgati). This is called the inheritance of liberation (mukti) or liberation in life (jiivanmukti). But it is received only once. No one has received it yet. It has to be received. However, this point is proved that He is the limited Father through Brahma and not the unlimited Father. Only the Brahmakumar-kumaris will say: We have found the Father. Then is he the Father of the Brahmakumar-kumaris or the Father of the entire human creation? The entire human creation should accept: Our Father has come. Hence, a big difference is created.

The limited inheritance of the entire world has to come to an end. Not only of Bharat [but] he is the Father of the entire world. Everyone will go to Shantidhaam (the Abode of Peace). As for the rest, the Bharatwaasis (residents of India) receive the unlimited inheritance. So, both the inheritances should be shown: the limited inheritance and the unlimited inheritance. Whatever attainments were made from whichever religious Father, will it be called the limited or the unlimited [attainments]? It will be said that the attainments received from those religious fathers also was limited [attainments]. Certainly, nobody received the unlimited attainments. Hence you children should feel happy [thinking:] we have received the unlimited Father. The traditions [practiced by] the unlimited Father become victorious (zindaabaad) now. And all the rest are the traditions practiced by the limited fathers. Those are the traditions of the path of Bhakti (devotion). The path of Bhakti becomes murdaabaad (defunct) and your path of knowledge becomes victorious. Knowledge comes from the One and Bhakti comes from many.

The Father also comes in Bharat. This also proves… what? Why does the Father come only in Bharat? Why doesn’t He come in the foreign countries? Why does the Father come only in Bharat and not in the foreign countries? There must be some reason, mustn’t there?
(Someone said: The land of Bharat and so on…) No. The Father comes in the land of Bharat because Bharat... yes, it certainly exists from the beginning till the end. It is only the land of Bharat that exists in this world for 5000 years. The other religious lands like America didn’t exist 500 years ago from today. There was no name at all of it [mentioned] in the history. Nobody knew at all that a great island like America also exists in this world. 500 years ago some sailors, who had left Bharat, lost their way and reached America. After reaching there, they found that there were already some [people] who had left [their place] and reached there. They were called Red Indians. Those Red Indians who lived there were very few. Later on, people from Europe started reaching there because America was discovered and the population started increasing there [gradually]. So, 500 years ago, there wasn’t any name and trace of America. It was submerged in the depth of the ocean. ... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

VCD No.209, Kharupetiya, Mu.19.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

5000 years ago too the atom bombs were exploded, the balance of the earth was disturbed and America had submerged in the depth of the ocean. Similar is the case with Australia; 300 years ago, no human being resided in Australia. 300 years ago Australia was discovered and people from the country and abroad started to go and reside in Australia. So, except Bharat, all the religious lands did not exist earlier and they will not exist now (in future) either because all these are the perishable religious lands. So, the question arises, why are they perishable religious lands? Why Bharat is an imperishable religious land? Someone may say: God comes here. Even then, the question remains the same; why does God come here? Why is this [land] an imperishable religious land so that God comes here? It is because purity is given a lot of importance here. The extent to which they take care of the purity of the virgins and mothers here, they don’t take care of it to that extent in other religious lands. Faithfulness is nurtured here. [People] consider faithfulness to be very righteous. Adultery is considered to be very bad. So, God comes in Bharat on the grounds of purity. And God is certainly ever pure.

When the human beings become pure, they are called deities; and those who remain impure are called human beings or if they are the ones who make [others] more impure and sorrowful, they are called demons. But God is always pure. He is called Sadaa Shiv (always beneficial). Even when He enters someone’s body, He has a pure conduct; He doesn’t become impure. In its memorial, Shivling is shown in the temples. The mother’s form has been shown [there]. Jalaadhari is the mother’s form. Even if Shivling is kept in that jalaadhari, it is considered to be pure. Every human being of Bharat goes and worships it. Who is worshipped? Is the one who is impure worshipped or is the one who is pure worshipped? Certainly, the one who is pure will be worshipped otherwise, why will someone bow the head before it? So it was said, the Father comes only in Bharat. He does not come in other religious lands because the rivers of the other religious lands are certainly not praised to be the ‘purifier of the sinful’. Rivers means the rivers of knowledge. Who? The virgins and mothers. They (the rivers of other religious lands) don’t remain pure. They don’t have any rule to make only one husband [theirs] in their life. They make many husbands in just one birth. So, they don’t have purity. There is a vast difference between the mentality of the virgins and mother there and the virgins and mothers here. Now, there is the influence of the foreigners (videshi). Foreign education is being taught in the region of Bharat. So, because of being influenced by it, the virgins and mothers of the region of Bharat are also being influenced in some percentage. Otherwise, it wasn’t like this earlier. When such impurity starts spreading in Bharat as well, God comes to this world.

So, the Father comes in Bharat. This also proves… what? The customs and traditions of knowledge of the new world that the Father establishes after coming, no human being can establish it. There is Shiv jayanti ; it is the memorial of [the fact] that He is everyone’s Baba. Krishna is not Baba of everyone. In fact, Krishna is called a child. ShivBaba is the unlimited Father of everyone. He alone teaches Raja Yoga. They have inserted the name of Krishna in the Gita. This topic is very easy to understand. The body conscious ones make a mistake in explaining [this]. You children should definitely become soul conscious. This [topic] needs an appropriate explanation in a proper way. For example Birla ; he keeps having the temples of Lakshmi-Narayan built. So many Birla temples have been constructed, where the idols of Lakshmi-Narayan have been kept. So, those who construct the temples of Lakshmi-Narayan should be told: come and understand this first, where were these Lakshmi-Narayan the masters of. In a way, it has also been written in the scriptures that they were the masters of the Golden Age. Actually, those who directly become Narayan from a man and Lakshmi from a woman, they are not the masters of the Golden Age. In fact, they are the masters of the entire world. The entire world bows before them. He (Narayan) is considered as Adam.

So, it was said, they are soul conscious. There is no defamation of Lakshmi-Narayan . There is the defamation of all the deities and they have also written the defamation of God in the scriptures. Even the defamation of Ram and Krishna has been written [in the scriptures]. But there is no defamation of Lakshmi-Narayan in the scriptures. So certainly, the Father has made them complete in this way and has enabled them to reach that stage. There is no kingship in the Iron Age, then how did they receive this kingdom? When did they receive it? Certainly, they received this kingdom in the beginning of the Golden Age and the end of the Iron Age. This [period] is called the Confluence Age (Sangamyug). If they don’t know [this], there is no use of building temples. So, you will have to explain to them: ‘if you understand how Lakshmi-Narayan achieved the kingdom, you yourself can become the masters of the world’. You should write in this way. Even if a single wealthy person is uplifted, he can uplift many. What? It was said about uplifting whom?
(Someone said something.) No, it wasn’t said about uplifting the temple. [It was said about] the big merchants, the rich people who have built the Birla temples. It is said for them: [Mr.] Birla has built this [temple]. Birla, Tata, Dalmiya are very great personalities, aren’t they? But are they big personalities according to the worldly point of view or are they big personalities according to the [the point of view of] knowledge? They are big personalities according to the worldly point of view. So, will Baba have said this in the limited or in the unlimited? (Someone said: In the unlimited.) What is it in the unlimited here? Who is Birla in the unlimited? Who is Birla in the unlimited who keeps building Birla temples meaning the temples of Lakshmi-Narayan? The one who himself becomes Lakshmi-Narayan first, will create other Lakshmi-Narayans. If he himself becomes living Lakshmi-Narayan, what will he makes others [into] as well? He will make them [into] living Lakshmi-Narayan.

This is why it has been said in the Murli: in the future, the couples will be praised a lot. The couples who run the Gita Paathshaalaa, they will be praised in all the four directions. Why? It is because they make purushaarth according to it. What kind of purushaarth? [Purushaarth of] becoming Narayan from a man and Lakshmi from a woman. There is no purushaarth or business bigger than this. It is the best, the elevated business. All those businesses will suffer loss. There will never be any kind of loss in this business. It will be successful till the end. So, Birla should be explained or his family members should be explained; what? [They should be explained about] ‘where were these Lakshmi-Narayan the masters of. If you don’t know this, there is no use of building the temple. If you understand how Lakshmi-Narayan achieved the kingdom, you can become the masters of the world’. You should write in this way. Even if a single wealthy person is uplifted, he can uplift many. Wealthy person has a high voice. No one listens to a poor man. You can write [to them]: you do build temples but do not know about their (Lakshmi-Narayan’s) occupation. By understanding the secret of these Lakshmi-Narayan you can become the masters of the world. Acchaa; Om Shanti.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

VCD No.209, Kharupetiya, Mu.19.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

5000 years ago too the atom bombs were exploded, the balance of the earth was disturbed and America had submerged in the depth of the ocean. Similar is the case with Australia; 300 years ago, no human being resided in Australia. 300 years ago Australia was discovered and people from the country and abroad started to go and reside in Australia. So, except Bharat, all the religious lands did not exist earlier and they will not exist now (in future) either because all these are the perishable religious lands. So, the question arises, why are they perishable religious lands? Why Bharat is an imperishable religious land? Someone may say: God comes here. Even then, the question remains the same; why does God come here? Why is this [land] an imperishable religious land so that God comes here? It is because purity is given a lot of importance here. The extent to which they take care of the purity of the virgins and mothers here, they don’t take care of it to that extent in other religious lands. Faithfulness is nurtured here. [People] consider faithfulness to be very righteous. Adultery is considered to be very bad. So, God comes in Bharat on the grounds of purity. And God is certainly ever pure.

When the human beings become pure, they are called deities; and those who remain impure are called human beings or if they are the ones who make [others] more impure and sorrowful, they are called demons. But God is always pure. He is called Sadaa Shiv (always beneficial). Even when He enters someone’s body, He has a pure conduct; He doesn’t become impure. In its memorial, Shivling is shown in the temples. The mother’s form has been shown [there]. Jalaadhari is the mother’s form. Even if Shivling is kept in that jalaadhari, it is considered to be pure. Every human being of Bharat goes and worships it. Who is worshipped? Is the one who is impure worshipped or is the one who is pure worshipped? Certainly, the one who is pure will be worshipped otherwise, why will someone bow the head before it? So it was said, the Father comes only in Bharat. He does not come in other religious lands because the rivers of the other religious lands are certainly not praised to be the ‘purifier of the sinful’. Rivers means the rivers of knowledge. Who? The virgins and mothers. They (the rivers of other religious lands) don’t remain pure. They don’t have any rule to make only one husband [theirs] in their life. They make many husbands in just one birth. So, they don’t have purity. There is a vast difference between the mentality of the virgins and mother there and the virgins and mothers here. Now, there is the influence of the foreigners (videshi). Foreign education is being taught in the region of Bharat. So, because of being influenced by it, the virgins and mothers of the region of Bharat are also being influenced in some percentage. Otherwise, it wasn’t like this earlier. When such impurity starts spreading in Bharat as well, God comes to this world.

So, the Father comes in Bharat. This also proves… what? The customs and traditions of knowledge of the new world that the Father establishes after coming, no human being can establish it. There is Shiv jayanti ; it is the memorial of [the fact] that He is everyone’s Baba. Krishna is not Baba of everyone. In fact, Krishna is called a child. ShivBaba is the unlimited Father of everyone. He alone teaches Raja Yoga. They have inserted the name of Krishna in the Gita. This topic is very easy to understand. The body conscious ones make a mistake in explaining [this]. You children should definitely become soul conscious. This [topic] needs an appropriate explanation in a proper way. For example Birla ; he keeps having the temples of Lakshmi-Narayan built. So many Birla temples have been constructed, where the idols of Lakshmi-Narayan have been kept. So, those who construct the temples of Lakshmi-Narayan should be told: come and understand this first, where were these Lakshmi-Narayan the masters of. In a way, it has also been written in the scriptures that they were the masters of the Golden Age. Actually, those who directly become Narayan from a man and Lakshmi from a woman, they are not the masters of the Golden Age. In fact, they are the masters of the entire world. The entire world bows before them. He (Narayan) is considered as Adam.

So, it was said, they are soul conscious. There is no defamation of Lakshmi-Narayan . There is the defamation of all the deities and they have also written the defamation of God in the scriptures. Even the defamation of Ram and Krishna has been written [in the scriptures]. But there is no defamation of Lakshmi-Narayan in the scriptures. So certainly, the Father has made them complete in this way and has enabled them to reach that stage. There is no kingship in the Iron Age, then how did they receive this kingdom? When did they receive it? Certainly, they received this kingdom in the beginning of the Golden Age and the end of the Iron Age. This [period] is called the Confluence Age (Sangamyug). If they don’t know [this], there is no use of building temples. So, you will have to explain to them: ‘if you understand how Lakshmi-Narayan achieved the kingdom, you yourself can become the masters of the world’. You should write in this way. Even if a single wealthy person is uplifted, he can uplift many. What? It was said about uplifting whom?
(Someone said something.) No, it wasn’t said about uplifting the temple. [It was said about] the big merchants, the rich people who have built the Birla temples. It is said for them: [Mr.] Birla has built this [temple]. Birla, Tata, Dalmiya are very great personalities, aren’t they? But are they big personalities according to the worldly point of view or are they big personalities according to the [the point of view of] knowledge? They are big personalities according to the worldly point of view. So, will Baba have said this in the limited or in the unlimited? (Someone said: In the unlimited.) What is it in the unlimited here? Who is Birla in the unlimited? Who is Birla in the unlimited who keeps building Birla temples meaning the temples of Lakshmi-Narayan? The one who himself becomes Lakshmi-Narayan first, will create other Lakshmi-Narayans. If he himself becomes living Lakshmi-Narayan, what will he makes others [into] as well? He will make them [into] living Lakshmi-Narayan.

This is why it has been said in the Murli: in the future, the couples will be praised a lot. The couples who run the Gita Paathshaalaa, they will be praised in all the four directions. Why? It is because they make purushaarth according to it. What kind of purushaarth? [Purushaarth of] becoming Narayan from a man and Lakshmi from a woman. There is no purushaarth or business bigger than this. It is the best, the elevated business. All those businesses will suffer loss. There will never be any kind of loss in this business. It will be successful till the end. So, Birla should be explained or his family members should be explained; what? [They should be explained about] ‘where were these Lakshmi-Narayan the masters of. If you don’t know this, there is no use of building the temple. If you understand how Lakshmi-Narayan achieved the kingdom, you can become the masters of the world’. You should write in this way. Even if a single wealthy person is uplifted, he can uplift many. Wealthy person has a high voice. No one listens to a poor man. You can write [to them]: you do build temples but do not know about their (Lakshmi-Narayan’s) occupation. By understanding the secret of these Lakshmi-Narayan you can become the masters of the world. Acchaa; Om Shanti.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

VCD No.209, Kharupetiya, Mu.19.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

The next [Murli] is the morning class of the 08.05.66. Just as though you children are sitting here, check, where is the connection of your intellect? Because when someone narrates something, they ask: where is your intellect? You don’t listen to me. So now tell [Me], when you are sitting here, is the connection of your intellect towards the Sweet Home and the sweet emperorship. By sitting in the remembrance of the Father, your (vikarma) wrong actions are destroyed and they will be destroyed in the future too. By sitting in whose remembrance? In the Father’s remembrance. In the remembrance of which Father? If we sit in the remembrance of the one whose wrong actions are already destroyed, our wrong actions will also be destroyed and if we remember the one whose wrong actions are not already destroyed, the one whose sinful actions are not destroyed, our sinful actions cannot be destroyed. We will become [like] the one whom we remember.

So, it was said: By sitting in the remembrance of the Father, your wrong actions will be destroyed. So, it is about which Father? There are two unlimited fathers. Everyone has his individual limited Father. Shiva is the unlimited Father. He is the Father of the souls. And there is the Father of the human beings; he is Prajapita. So, will the sinful actions be burnt to ashes by the remembrance of Prajapita? Sinful actions cannot be burnt to ashes by the remembrance of Prajapita because he has 84 births, he comes in the cycle of birth and death and he is a pleasure seeker (bhogi). He is also impure. When the Supreme Soul comes in that impure one and controls that body, by remembering that Father our sinful actions are burnt to ashes. And we will go and reach the Abode of Happiness (Sukhdhaam).

What? By remembering whom will we reach the Abode of Peace (Shantidhaam)? And by staying in whose remembrance will we reach the Abode of Happiness? Certainly, there are two fathers. Two unlimited fathers work in the same body. Firstly, there is the limited Father; you do not receive any attainments through him. Secondly, there are two unlimited fathers. One is the Father of the souls and the other is the Father of the entire human creation. So, when the incorporeal Father, the Supreme Soul enters the Father of the entire human creation, He says: If you remember Me… whom do all the religious fathers remember? Do they remember both, the corporeal one and the incorporeal one? Or do they just remember the incorporeal one? They just remember the incorporeal Point of light; so, do they attain liberation or liberation in life. They attain [just] liberation. They attain liberation (gati), they don’t attain true liberation (sadgati). True liberation is attained through the body. We should obtain happiness and peace through the body and not sorrow and restlessness. So, how is it possible that we attain both liberation as well as liberation in life, liberation as well as true liberation? For that it was said: Remember the incorporeal one within the corporeal one. What? As the stage of the corporeal one whom that incorporeal one enters, rises gradually, the stage of you children will also rise high accordingly.

By sitting in the remembrance of the Father your sinful actions will be burnt to ashes; you will reach the Abode of Happiness. This is the Raja Yoga that the Father teaches. It means the connection of the intellect (Yoga) with the Father is required for [achieving] kingship. For example, to [complete the studies of] law, there is the connection of the intellect with barrister and the studies [of law]. What? Barrister means a lawyer. So, those who study the knowledge from a lawyer become lawyer. If they study the knowledge from a doctor, they become a doctor. So, from whom will we have to study the knowledge to become a deity from a human being? From whom will we study to become a deity? To become a doctor, we learn the knowledge from a doctor, to become a lawyer we learn the knowledge from a lawyer, to become an engineer, we learn the knowledge from an engineer. So, from whom will we have to learn the knowledge to become a deity? It is certainly, [from] the one who is called ‘Dev Dev Mahadev’ (the greatest deity). Among all the 33 crore (330 million) deities in the entire world, the highest deities are Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar; [they are called as] Tridev (the three deities). Even among the Tridev, Brahma is a deity, Vishnu is a deity and higher than even them is Mahadev. So those who study from Mahadev - because the Supreme Soul Shiva, the Teacher is sitting in him alone - definitely become deities. He Himself teaches Raja Yoga for [attaining] kingship.

You know that you will become the masters of paradise (Vaikunth); we will become the masters of the new world. What? What will the new world be called? [It will be called] the new world and Vaikunth. The Christians say that there was the rule of Krishna in paradise. You will go to paradise and become the masters. You will also become the masters of the new world. Our Baba establishes the new world. You should remember this in your heart. What was said? Then you will become happy. Because of what will you become happy? Compare, tally [this]. What does the Baba of Brahmakumari’s establish before going? Does he establish the new world before going?
(Someone said: No.) Why? Just go and see at Mount Abu, how beautiful Sukhdhaam and Shantidhaam has been built! Then isn’t it the new world? Why? If the buildings themselves are called the new world, many beautiful buildings have been constructed in the foreign countries. The buildings made by bricks aren’t called Sukhdhaam or Shantidhaam. In fact, this is the fort of living souls; this is the gathering of living souls. A gathering of such reformed souls becomes ready that the vibrations of every soul start becoming good after entering it. Baba establishes the new world. You should remember this in your heart.

You should wake up in the morning, go and sit in the hall or the roof. If someone is sleeping, the atmosphere will not be proper. What was said? You should especially take care of this in the class, the place where the gathering takes place that you should not feel sleepy. If one person feels sleepy, his vibrations are spread to another person. If someone feels sleepy, what should he do? He should go upstairs for a walk on the roof. Such ones who spoil the atmosphere cannot sit there. They should have a walk. The Father who is the sweetest, you are the sweet children of that Father. So, those who become such sweet children, [the others] will find them to be that sweet. The Father says: Remember Me again and again. Then your sinful deeds will be destroyed. It is not that you should sit and read some book (granth) or the Gita. What? Who perform this shooting? In the Gurudwaras , they read out the Guru Granth Sahib . In the Hindu temples, they read out Ramayana and the Gita. Who perform that shooting at this time? In the ashrams of those so-called Brahmakumaris, they sit, read and narrate the Murlis; they are read out. They don’t know at all, what are the deeper meanings. Neither do they know [them] nor do they want to listen to if someone tells [them about it].
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

VCD No.209, Kharupetiya, Mu.19.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

So, people think that after Bhakti [is completed], God will come and meet [us]. He will come and bring about the true liberation of everyone; He will liberate everyone. Liberator of mankind [means] He is the Libertor of every human being. The one who liberates himself is called the Liberator. He liberates us from sorrow [and] restlessness. All this is about the human beings. The human beings themselves are taught [the knowledge]. God Shri Krishna cannot be the Liberator. Liberator is the One. They also say: Baba come, take away our sorrow and give us happiness. The Golden Age is the Abode of Happiness [and] the Iron Age is the Abode of Sorrow. Even this topic doesn’t sit in anyone’s intellect: who are there in the Golden Age and who are there in the Iron Age. There are deities in the Golden Age and in the Iron Age all are demons. They are the ones [belonging to] the demonic community. And no one knows this either that all are the ones [belonging to] the demonic community.

Who is called an asur? Who is called sur? Sur means a deity. The one who give happiness to others is a deity and the one who gives sorrow to others is a demon (asur). It means, he cannot give happiness [to others]. ‘A’ means not; it means, he cannot tread in tune with the Supreme Soul. He will certainly oppose the Shrimat given by the Supreme Soul. So, the one who opposes [the Shrimat] will follow the opinion of the mind, the opinion of human beings [and] will refute the words of God. He cannot tread in tune [with God]. So he is called a demon. The deities tread in tune with God. They do not oppose anything [said by God]. They don’t oppose through actions, they don’t oppose through speech and they don’t oppose the words of the Supreme Soul even through the thoughts of the mind. No one knows about these things. They have become the ones with a stone like intellect. Otherwise, Bharat was so high!

Bharat [is the place] where ShivBaba, the Purifier of the sinful comes on His own. What? He doesn’t come on being called. How does He come? He comes on His own and [how does Brahma Baba come] in Dadi Gulzar? He comes on being called. Why is there this difference? ShivBaba comes on His own, without being called.
(Someone said something.) Yes, a human soul comes there [in Dadi Gulzar]. Human souls desire to obtain respect and honour while ShivBaba does not need [any] respect and honour. He is always in the soul conscious stage. Sadaa Shiva doesn’t need any respect and honour. In fact, He has the duty; He executes His duty. He doesn’t wish for any authority; but what do the human beings want? Human beings want [to have] authority. No matter how elevated person are they, no matter if they are the ones who become deities, even they wish to obtain respect and honour. So see, our ShivBaba is such an elevated Father and He is so egoless!

They say Shivjayanti or Shivraatri [but] they don’t understand the meaning. Certainly, sounds of victory (jayjaykaar) for Shiva would have been made [by the people]. Just like, when a child is born in a house, they play musical instruments; they celebrate. That is about the ordinary children. This child Krishna is such who becomes the first prince of the world; he is the first creation. The Father is revealed through that child. First there is Shivjayanti and after that is Krishnajayanti . The Father’s birthday comes first and the child’s birthday comes later on. But why is it celebrated only in the night? [The birthday] of Krishna as well as [the birthday] of Shiva is celebrated in the night. The birth of Shiva as well as of Krishna takes place at 12 o’clock midnight. Why are they shown at the same time? What is the reason? It is because the Father is not revealed by Himself. Through whom is the Father revealed? He is revealed through the child Krishna. The soul of Krishna [i.e.] Dada Lekhraj enters the body of a Brahmin child. It plays the part of half moon earlier and later it becomes a full moon, the one who is complete with 16 celestial degrees and is revealed. So along with the birthday of that child, the Father’s birthday also takes place. Hence the birthday of both of them is celebrated at 12 o’clock midnight.

The Copper and the Iron Ages are the night. [It is said,] Brahma’s day and Brahma’s night. So, where does Brahma exist? Does Brahma exist in the Copper and the Iron Ages? Then why are the Copper and the Iron Ages called Brahma’s night? Brahma doesn’t exist in 2500 years of the Copper and the Iron Ages. When does he exist? He exists in the Confluence Age. So certainly, the shooting of all the four ages takes place in the Confluence Age itself. In that shooting of all the four ages, the shooting period of the Copper and the Iron Ages is the night of Brahma. And the shooting period of the satopradhaan Golden and the Silver Ages, [the period] of the stage of ascent (cartii kalaa), is called the day of Brahma. So it was asked: why is it said Brahma’s day and Brahma’s night? So, do we receive answer for the question ‘why’ from those following the basic knowledge or from those following the advance knowledge? Those in the basic [knowledge] don’t know at all, why is it said so. They simply read the Murli and leave it. Here, it is explained that Prajapita is also Brahma. He will certainly be having children as well. If we just say Brahma, there are many with the name Brahma. This is why Brahma is shown with four [or] five faces. So, there are many faces of Brahma. But there is only one Prajapita Brahma. He will certainly be having children. You also say that the day of you Brahmakumars and kumaris are the Golden and the Silver Ages and the Copper and the Iron Ages are the night. Baba explains in a very easy way.

You have to forget all the scriptures and so on that you have read. You have to become [like] a plain paper. I am not found through these yagyas, intense meditations and so on. No one can meet Me by performing these sacrificial rites and rituals of the path of Bhakti. All these are the materials of the path of Bhakti. You have degraded through these materials. You have read so much; so, because of studying again and again, you cannot even forget [these topics] now. Here, whatever [thoughts] you have along with the body, like [the thought:] ‘I am a barrister, I am so and so’, you have to forget all these things. The very first teaching that is taught is: ‘I am a soul. Become soul conscious’. The Father speaks and this child also speaks after listening to the Father. So, in a way, both Bap and Dada speak. What was said? Who is ‘this child’? The Father speaks and this child speaks after listening to the Father. So, Krishna is the child; and who is the Father? To whom did the child Krishna listen? Arey!
(Someone said: To the Father.) Which Father? Did he listen to the Father Shiva or the Father Ram? (Everyone said: The Father Ram.) To whom did Krishna listen in the beginning of the Yagya? He listened to the Father Ram. So that Father Ram is ‘bap’ (the Father) and the child Krishna is ‘Dada’. Dada means the elder brother. This child also speaks after listening to [the Father]. So, in a way, both Bap and Dada speak. ... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

VCD No.209, Kharupetiya, Mu.19.03.66, Dt.12.04.05

Whether the Father speaks or this child speaks after listening to the Father then, in a way, both Bap and Dada speak. What do they say? Now become soul conscious. It is the soul that leaves one body and takes another. This has also been explained: certainly, not everyone will have 84 births. ‘Everyone’ means how many? How many won’t have 84 births? All the five-seven billion human souls don’t have 84 births. How many souls have 84 [births]? How many souls have 84 births? You don’t know this at all? (Someone said: Nine lakh (900 thousand).) 900 thousand? So, the 900 thousand [souls] who have 84 births, 900 thousand stars in the sky are famous, they are the non-living stars. In your case it is about the living stars. The praises that they sing in the path of Bhakti are the praises for you. These things are about you. They are to a lesser or a greater extent even in your intellect.

The serviceable children should certainly become engaged in service. You are Brahmins. This is the business of the Brahmins. Whatever is the Father’s business is the business of you Brahmins. What was said? When will you be called a Brahmin? Arey, even in the world, a doctor’s child learns to practice medicine soon. A lawyer’s child learns to practice law soon. The child of an engineer will learn the art of engineering soon. The child of a mechanic will learn the job of mechanics soon. Whose children are we? We are the children of Prajapita Brahma, aren’t we? So, whatever is our Father’s occupation, that itself is our occupation. Both (the child and the Father) should have the same occupation. If the occupation is not the same, what does it prove? [It proves] that he is not the child of the Father till then.

Narrate the true story of Satya Narayan. All the other [stories] are useless. Bharat’s original name is the land of truth (sacckhand). Now it is the land of falsity (jhootkhand). You know these things. What? There is truth and only truth in the land of truth. Nothing is false there; and in this land of falsity, there is falsity and only falsity. When there was the Ancient Deity Religion in Bharat, when there was the rule of Lakshmi-Narayan, no other religion existed [at that time]. And what is it now, in the land of falsity? Neither the Ancient Deity Religion exists… why doesn’t it exist? It is because numerous false religions have spread; many religions have spread. The deities had a righteous religion, righteous actions because it was established by the Father. The Christian religion is not established by the Father. Who has established it? Christianity has been established by some human being, a religious guru.

The Father certainly comes in Bharat to purify the sinful. He alone is the Father of everyone. He is the Sadguru of everyone and purifies everyone from being sinful. In this world, which is the world of the land of falsity, everyone is sinful [and] only the One Father purifies all those sinful ones. He is the Father, the Teacher and the Sadguru too. What does it mean? When He was teaching through the body of Brahma, was He teaching in all the three forms: the Father, the Teacher and the Sadguru? No. He was not the Father [through him] either. The task of the Father is to sow the seed. The seed of knowledge was not sown through Brahma. In fact, Brahma had visions. He himself wasn’t able to understand the meaning of the visions. So, the seed of knowledge was sown in him by someone else. Thus, he is not proved to be the Father either. The Father is the one who sows the seed [and] the giver of inheritance in the end. Neither was the seed of knowledge sown by him nor was the task of giving the inheritance of liberation and liberation in life to the children in the end was performed by him. So, he is not the Father either. The clarifications of the knowledge of the Gita that was narrated through the mouth of that mother Gita was given by him either. So, he is not the Teacher either.

The job of the teacher is to explain the meanings clearly of whatever is [written in] the textbook, whether it is the poetry or the prose. So, through Brahma, He was neither the Father nor the Teacher and He wasn’t the Sadguru who brings about the true liberation either. He himself was bound in the bondage of subtle body. He himself degraded; then how will it be said [that he attained] true liberation? This is why, it has been said in the Murli: ‘Don’t remember this Brahma. Don’t keep this Brahma’s photo [with you]. If you keep his photo [with you], you too will become impure like him’. So, it can also be seen that all the old Brahmakumars and kumaris remember Brahma [and] while remembering him, they leave their body in his very remembrance; so, their final thoughts lead them to their final destination (ant mate so gati). Even among them, some have heart failure [and] some [others] suffer from something else. Everyone is dying an untimely death. Untimely death is the death that leads to degradation. You children leave your body voluntarily.

The Father comes and purifies all the sinful ones. He is the Teacher, the Sadguru as well as the Father and He has all the three [roles] through the same body. It is not that He is the Father through Brahma then, He is the Teacher through Vishnu [and] then He is the Sadguru through Shankar. No. There is only one personality (muurti) through whom He becomes the Father, the Teacher as well as the Sadguru. But everyone doesn’t know all these things. They just keep worshipping Shiva but they don’t know [Him]. It is because all the religions have become orphans. Bharat in particular and the world in general; everyone has become an orphan. In this Bharat, [the place] where the Father comes, the people don’t know at all when did ShivBaba come and how did He come. It will be said for Christ that he came 2000 years ago. Everyone knows [this]. They will say for Abraham that he came 2500 years ago. They will say for Buddha that he came 2250 years ago. But no one knows about the Father, when did the Father Shiva come in this world? Why do they remember [Him]? Why are temples built in [His] memorial? They don’t know anything. Now the Father has explained these things to you. Baba, whom you used to remember, is so sweet! Now He has come face to face and is explaining to you children. What? Being face to face and explaining [something] and not being face to face, should be understood, shouldn’t it? To come face to face and explain [something] means, He should explain [to us] the way we want it [to be explained]. We should like those words. But if we don’t like the words, He will not [be said to] be face to face. This one (inko) is called the fortunate Chariot. Who? The body through which the Father comes and explains, through which He becomes the Teacher itself is called the fortunate Chariot. [Shiv]baba cannot be given any other Chariot (body) in the form of the fortunate Chariot. There cannot be any other Chariot in the form of the fortunate Chariot. Only one Chariot is fixed, that is said to be fortunate. Acchaa, Om Shanti.
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.309, कैसेट नं.793, पटना (बिहार),
मु.31.12.66, ता.27.09.05

31.12.66 का प्रात: क्लास चल रहा था। दो पेज के मध्यांत में। बात चल रही थी जो सतयुग में, त्रेता में, स्वर्ग में देवतायें थे वो कहाँ चले गये? और किसने इनकी बादशाही को लूट लिया? शास्त्रों में भी लिखा हुआ है सतयुग में नारायण का राज्य था, वो विश्व महाराजन थे। त्रेता में रामराज्य था, सारी प्रजा बहुत सुखी थी। फिर वो स्वर्ग की देवतायें गये कहाँ? कोर्इ जानते नहीं है कि इन देवताओं की राजार्इ को किसने लूटा। उन देवताओं के साथ वास्तव में लड़ाई तो किसीकी लगी नहीं । अगर लड़ाई नहीं लगी है तो शास्त्रों में क्यों दिखाया हुआ है देवासुर संग्राम हुआ, त्रेता में राम-रावण का युद्ध हुआ और हिरण्यकश्यप ने प्रहलाद को बहुत दु:ख दिया? कहते हैं हिरण्यकश्यप का राज्य था सतयुग में। तो ये सब कहाँ की बातें लिखी हुर्इ है? वास्वत में ये सब बातें जब भगवान इस सृष्टि पर आते हैं उस समय की यादगार है।

हर युग में भगवान नहीं आता, हर युग में उसको आने की दरकार नहीं है। क्योंकि सतयुग में तो सत्य का बोल बाला होता है। त्रेता में तो रामराज्य बहुत प्रसिद्ध है। रामराज्य में कहते हैं सब सुखी थे और द्वापरयुग में भी इतना जास्ती दु:ख नहीं होता है। क्योंकि द्वैतवाद शुरु होता है, रावण राज्य शुरु होता है, दो-2 मतें शुरु होती है, दो-2 राज्य शुरु होते हैं दो-2 धर्म शुरु होते हैं दो से चार, चार से आठ देश शुरु होते हैं क्योंकि पहले तो एक भारत ही देश था तो पहले सात्विक स्टेज में होते हैं। रावण भी पहले सात्विक स्टेज में होता है। बाद में धीरे-2 सतोप्रधान से सतोसामान्य, रजो और तमो बन जाता है कलियुग के अंत में आके। कलियुग के अंत में जो भी मनुष्य गुरुओं के द्वारा स्थापन किये गये धर्म हैं वो सब तामसी बन जाते हैं। और जब तामसी बन जाते हैं तो सब धर्म के नाम पर अधर्म हो जाते हैं। परमपिता परमात्मा शिव के द्वारा जो स्थापन किया हुआ धर्म था सनातन धर्म वो और ही ज्यादा तामसी बन जाता है, अंधश्रद्धायुक्त बन जाता है।

तो अनेकता के कारण राजार्इ चट्ट हो गर्इ। वास्तव में जो शास्त्रों में लड़ाइयाँ दिखार्इ गर्इं हैं वो इस समय संगमयुग की यादगार है। भगवान जब इस सृष्टि पर आते हैं तो सत्य असत्य का युद्ध कराते हैं। ये ज्ञान और अज्ञान का युद्ध है। ज्ञान कहा जाता है सच्चार्इ को, जानकारी को। काहे की जानकारी? सच्चार्इ की जानकारी। सुष्टि की बारे में क्या सच्चार्इ है? 84 का चक्र कैसे घूमता है? इस सृष्टि का निर्माता कौन हैं? सृष्टि कैसे सतोप्रधान से तमोप्रधान होती है? परमात्मा कौन हैं? आत्मायें क्या-2 पार्ट बजाती हैं? और आत्माओं से परमात्मा का क्या-2 कनेक्शन कैसे-2 जुटता है? वो सब बातों की सच्ची जानकारी कोर्इ मनुष्य मात्र के पास नहीं है। क्यों नहीं है? क्योंकि जो भी मनुष्य मात्र है वो सब जन्म मरण के चक्र में बंधे हुये हैं।

एक भी मनुष्यात्मा ऐसी नहीं है जो जन्म मरण के चक्र में बंधी हुर्इ न हो। चाहे वो देवत्मायें ही क्यों न हो 33 करोड़ देवत्माओं में सर्वोपरी, सबसे ऊँची माने जाने वाली महादेव की आत्मा ही क्यों न हो क्योंकि महादेव को भी ध्यान में बैठा हुआ दिखाया जाता है। याद में बैठा हुआ दिखाया जाता है। तपस्या में बैठा हुआ दिखाया जाता है। तो ज़रुर कोर्इ की याद करते होंगे। किसको याद करते हैं? ज़रुर उन महादेव से भी कोर्इ ऊँचा होगा। अरे, देवताओं से भी कोर्इ ऊँचा होता है? जो देवताओं का भी अधिपति है महादेव कहा जाता है जिससे बड़ा कोई देवता होता नहीं है, उससे भी कोर्इ ऊँचा हो सकता है? हो सकता है। क्योंकि मनुष्य सुधरता है तो देवता बनता है, मनुष्य बिगड़ता है तो राक्षस बनता है। जो देवता बनते हैं वो नंबरवार देवतायें हैं। कोर्इ ऊँची कोटि की देवतायें हैं 16 कला संपूर्ण, कोर्इ कलातीत स्टेज को पाते हैं। जो कलातीत स्टेज को पाने वाला है उसका नाम रख दिया महादेव। लेकिन वो भी देवात्मा है। परमपिता नहीं है। जो भी आत्मायें हैं चाहे देवात्मायें हैं, सब इस सृष्टि पर जन्म मरण के चक्र में आती हैं। एक ही सुप्रीमसोल बाप शिव ऐसा है जिसको सदाशिव कहा जाता है। वो सदा एकरस स्थिति में रहता है। सदैव सात्विक है। तमो और रजो कभी नहीं बनता।

दुनियां में जो भी मनुष्यात्मायें हैं दुनियां की जो भी चीजें हैं, प्रकृति के जो भी पाँच तत्व है अथवा सारी सृष्टि ही क्यों न हो सब चार अवस्थाओं से पसार होती हैं। पहले सतोप्रधान, फिर सतोसामान्य, फिर रजो, और तमो। जैसे बच्चा जन्म लेता है तो बचपन में कितना खुशी रहती है, सात्विक स्टेज होती है, क्योंकि कोर्इ विकार नहीं होता। जवानी में विकृतियाँ पैदा हो जाती हैं। और वो विकृतियाँ इतनी ज्यादा बढ़ती हैं, इतने ज्यादा विकार बढ़ते हैं कि शरीर बूढ़ा होने पर भी चित्त को परेशान करते हैं। शरीर से सुख भी नहीं भोग सकता, और मन को ठिकाने भी नहीं लगा सकता। उसे कहते हैं तामसी स्टेज। तो दुनियां की हर चीज, हर आत्मा चार अवस्थाओं से पसार होती है। एक परमपिता परमात्मा ही ऐसा है जो एकरस रहता है, और सदा एकरस रहता है। ऐसे नहीं कि सतयुग है, त्रेता है, द्वापर है, कलियुग है तो उसकी एकरस स्थिति बदल जाती हो। नहीं। वो है ही सत्त धाम का वासी।

वो सत्त धाम का वासी जब इस सृष्टि पर आता है तो जब सारी सृष्टि तामसी बन जाती है, मनुष्य मात्र तामसी बन जाता है, पशु, पक्षी, जानवर सब तामसी स्टेज को प्राप्त करते हैं तब इस सृष्टि पर आता है और आने के बावजूद भी उसके ऊपर तामस का संग का रंग नहीं लगता। वो सदा सात्विक सटेज में रहता है। सात्विक स्टेज में रहने के कारण उसके संग के रंग में जो भी आत्मायें रंगती हैं वो सब तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बनती हैं, और तेजी से बनती है। कनेक्शन जोड़ने की बात है। कनेक्शन जोड़ने के लिए वो अपना स्वरुप बताता है। वो बताता है कि मैं ज्योतिबिंदु आत्मा हूँ लेकिन जन्म मरण के चक्र से न्यारी हूँ। मैं अभोक्ता हूँ, और तुम आत्मायें भोक्ता हो। मैं अकालमूर्त हूँ। जिस मूर्ति में मुकर्रर रुप से प्रवेश करता हूँ, या जिन मूर्तियों में भी मुकर्रर रुप से प्रवेश करता हूँ उनको संग के रंग से ऐसी स्थिति वाला बना देता हूँ कि दुनियां की कोर्इ भी ताकत उन मूर्तियों को खलास नहीं कर सकती। उनके अंदर इतनी पावर आ जाती है। इतनी शक्तिशाली बन जाती हैं कि प्रकृति के पाँच तत्वों से भी वो मुकाबला कर सकती हैं। प्रकृति जब विकराल रुप धारण करती है सारी सृष्टि में विकराल स्टेज होती है। एटमिक विस्फोट होते हैं, पृथ्वी का बेलन्स बिगड़ जाता है तो भी वो मूर्तियाँ जिनमें परमात्मा प्रवेश करता है अचल और अडोल रहती हैं। अभी भी ऐसे होता है कभी-2। कहीं-2 भूकंप आते हैं ढेर सारे मर जाते हैं। लेकिन कोर्इ-2 भाग्यशाली आत्मायें ऐसी बचती हैं जिनको खरोंच तक नहीं आती। और मलबे के अंदर से साबुत निकल आती हैं। तो ऐसे ही वो आत्मायें हैं जिन्हें परमात्मा बाप का संग का रंग प्रैक्टिकल में लगता है।

VCD No.309, C.No.793, Patna (Bihar),
Mu.31.12.66, Dt.27.09.05

The morning class of the 31.12.66 was in progress. [We were] in the end of the middle part of the second page. The topic being discussed was: ‘Where did the deities present in the Golden and Silver Ages, heaven go? And who looted their kingship?’ It is written in the scriptures as well that the kingdom of Narayan was in the Golden Age and he was the emperor of the world; the kingdom of Ram was in the Silver Age; all the subjects were very happy. So where did those deities of paradise go? No one knows who looted the kingship of those deities. In reality, no one fought with those deities. If no one fought with them, why did they show (write) in the scriptures that there was a fight between the deities and the demons, in the Silver Age the war between Ram and Ravan took place and Hiranyakashyap gave a lot of sorrow to Prahlad ? They say that the kingdom of Hiranyakashyap was in the Golden Age. All these stories that are written are about which time? Actually, all these stories are memorials of the time, when God comes on this world.

God doesn’t come in every age. There is no need for Him to come in every age. It is because in the Golden Age there is the dominance of truth, the kingdom of Ram in the Silver Age is very famous. They say that everyone was happy in the kingdom of Ram. And in the Copper Age too there isn’t so much sorrow; because when duality, the kingdom of Ravan starts, two opinions, two kingdom begin, two religion begin; the number of countries increases from two to four , from four to eight - Previously there was only the country of Bharat. - They are in the saatvik stage at first. Even Ravan is in the saatvik stage at the beginning. Then, from satopradhaan he gradually becomes satosaamaanya, rajo and tamo at the end of the Iron Age. All the religions established by the human gurus become degraded (taamsi) at the end of the Iron Age. And when they become taamsi, they become irreligious in the name of religion. The Ancient Religion established by the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva becomes even more taamsi. It becomes full of blind faith.

So, the kingship was ruined because of duality. Actually, the fights shown in the scriptures are memorials of this time, the Confluence Age. When God comes to this world, He brings about a war between the truth and falsehood. This is the war between knowledge and ignorance. The truth, information is called knowledge; the information of what? The information of the truth: What is the truth about the world, how does the cycle of 84 [births] rotate, who is the Creator of this world, how does the world become tamopradhaan from satopradhaan, who is the Supreme Soul, what parts do the souls play, what is the connection of the Supreme Soul with the souls and how is it created? No human being possesses the true information about all these things. Why don’t they have it? It is because all the human beings are bound in the cycle of birth and death.

There isn’t even one human soul who wouldn’t be bound in the cycle of birth and death; no matter whether they are the deity souls or the soul of Mahadev, who is considered to be the highest among 330 million deities. It is because even Mahadev is shown to be sitting in meditation; he is shown sitting in remembrance; he is shown sitting in tapasyaa. He certainly will remember someone. Whom does he remember? Definitely there will be someone higher than Mahadev. Arey! Is there someone higher than even the deities? The one who is the leader of the deities, the one who is called ‘Mahadev’, there is no deity higher than him; can there be anyone higher than even him? There can be. It is because when a human being reforms, he becomes a deity; when he becomes corrupt, he becomes a demon. The ones who become deities are number wise. Some are the deities of the high category, complete with 16 celestial degrees; some reach the stage beyond celestial degrees. The one who reaches the stage beyond celestial degrees is named Mahadev. But even he is a deity soul; he isn’t the Supreme Father. All the souls, it doesn’t matter if they are deity souls, all of them enter the cycle of birth and death in this world. Only the one Supreme Soul Father Shiva is such who is called Sadaa Shiva , He always remains in the constant stage (ekras sthiti); He is always saatvik; He never becomes tamo or rajo.

All the human souls in this world, everything in this world, all the five elements of nature or [in other words] the entire world passes through the four stages. Satopradhaan at the beginning, then satosaamaanya, then rajo and tamo. Just like when a child is born, he is very happy in his childhood. He is in the saatvik stage, because he doesn’t have any vice in him. Vices emerge in adolescence and they increase so much, the vices increase so much that even when the body becomes old they trouble the mind. Man can’t experience happiness through the body and he can’t stop the mind either. This is called ‘the taamsi stage’. So, everything, every soul in the world passes through the four stages. Only the Supreme Father Supreme Soul is such who remains constant and He always remains constant. It is not that His constant stage changes depending on the Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages. No. In fact, He is the resident of the Abode of the Truth (Satdham).

When that resident of the Abode of the Truth comes to this world… When the entire world becomes taamsi, when all the human beings becomes taamsi, when the animals, birds and everything become taamsi, it is then that He comes in the world but despite coming He is not influence by taamas (the degraded stage). He always remains in the saatvik stage. Because He always remains in the saatvik stage, all the souls who are coloured by His company, become satopradhan from tamopradhan, and they become this quickly. It is about establishing a connection with Him. He tells [us] about His form to [enable us] to establish connection. He says: ‘I am a soul, a point of light, but I am beyond the cycle of birth and death. I am abhogtaa and you, souls, are the ones who enjoy pleasures (bhogtaa). I am the one whom death doesn’t devour (akaalmuurt); the personality or personalities whom I enter in a permanent way, through the colour of My company, I make their stage such that no power in the world can destroy them. They receive so much power; they become so powerful that they can face even the five elements of nature. When nature takes on a ferocious form, the stage (atmosphere) in the entire world is fearsome. There are atomic explosions; the balance of the Earth becomes unsettled, yet the personalities whom the Supreme Soul enters remain steadfast and unshakable. Even now, sometimes it happens like this. There are earthquakes somewhere [and] lots of people die, but some fortunate souls, who don’t receive even a scratch, survive and they come out of the ruins safe and sound. Similar are those souls, who are influenced by the Father’s company in practice.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.309, कैसेट नं.793, पटना (बिहार),
मु.31.12.66, ता.27.09.05

अब कोर्इ कहे प्रैक्टिकल में संग का रंग कैसे लगता है? वो तो जन्म मरण के चक्र में ही नहीं आता। भले जन्म मरण के चक्र में नहीं आता लेकिन जैसे मनुष्यों की बनार्इ हुर्इ गीता में लिखा हुआ है प्रवेष्टुम। मैं प्रवेश करने योग्य हूँ। जैसे भूत प्रेत किसी में प्रवेश कर जाते हैं वो भूत प्रेत तो सूक्ष्म शरीर से प्रवेश करते हैं लेकिन सुप्रीमसोल को अपना सूक्ष्म शरीर भी नहीं है। वो तो सदा ही ज्योति बिंदु है। जिस ज्योति बिंदु का बड़ा आकार शिव लिंग बनाते हैं पूजा करने की सुविधा के लिए। वो ज्योति बिंदु शिव मनुष्य आत्माओं में प्रवेश करता है। कौनसी मनुष्य आत्माओं में प्रवेश करता है? कोर्इ में भी प्रवेश करेगा क्या? वो भूत प्रेत होते हैं कोर्इ में भी प्रवेश कर जाते हैं क्या? उनका भी मुकर्रर घोड़ा होता है। अब सुप्रीमसोल परमात्मा तो दुनियां की सबसे श्रेष्ठ आत्मा। वो शिव की तो दुनियां में सबसे जस्ती मंदिर बनाकर पूजा होती है। वो तो ज़रुर श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं में ही प्रवेश करेगा या दुनियां के निकृष्ट आत्माओं में प्रवेश करेगा? (किसीने कहा – श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं में।)

जो श्रेष्ठ ते श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें हैं वो है 108। दुनियां से चुनी हुर्इ श्रेष्ठ ऐसी आत्मायें जिनको हर धर्म में सिमिरण किया जाता है। हिंदू धर्म हो वो भी माला स्मरण करते हैं, उन मणकों को, या मणकों की जो यादगार बनी हुर्इ है आत्मा के रुप में उन आत्माओं को याद करते हैं मणकों के रुप में सिमिरण करते हैं, स्मरण करते हैं। माला सिमरी जाती है। मुसलमान भी माला घुमाते हैं, क्रिश्चियन भी माला घुमाते हैं, बौद्धी भी माला घुमाते हैं। आखिर उस माला रुपी संगठन को बनाया किसने? वो जो यादगार भक्तिमार्ग में बनार्इ हुर्इ है माला घुमाने की, माला में मणकों को स्मरण करने की एक-2 मणके को हाथ में लेकर के स्मरण करते हैं वो तो स्थूल हाथ में लेते हैं, है बुद्धि रुपी हाथ की बात। जैसे हाथ से कोर्इ चीज़ कैच की जाती है, पकड़ी जाती है, ऐसे बुद्ध से भी कोर्इ बात कैच की जाती है। तो बुद्धि को भी हाथ का मिसाल दिया जाता है। तो माला जो भक्तिमार्ग में घुमाते हैं वो माला इस समय की यादगार है।

इस समय जो तमोप्रधान सृष्टि बनी हुर्इ है, सब आत्मायें तामसी बन जाती है, एक दूसरे को दु:ख देने वाली बन जाती है। मनसा दु:ख देती है संकल्पों से, एक दूसरे के प्रति र्इर्षा, द्वेष के खराब-2 संकल्प चलाती है, वाचा से दु:ख देती है गंदी-2 एक दूसरे के प्रति भाषा बोलती है, कर्मेन्द्रियों से दु:ख देती है मारा मारी भी करती है, खून खराबा करती है। और जब से ये रावण राज्य शुरु हुआ दूसरे-2 मनुष्य गुरु आये, इब्राहीम, बुद्ध, क्राईस्ट , गुरुनानक तब से ही, द्वैत जब से शुरु हुआ तो ये मारा मारी चलती चली आ रही है। जब अति को पहुँच जाता है तो अति को अंत करने के लिए वो सुप्रीमसोल इस सृष्टि पर आता है और आकर के बाताता है कि अभी ये राक्षसी दुनियां खलास होनी है। अब ये दु:ख की सृष्टि खलास होनी है। अब मैं इस सृष्टि का सुख की सृष्टि बनाता हूँ। इसलिए उसको सुखदाता कहा जाता है। भगवान को दु:खदाता नहीं कह सकते। अज्ञानी लोग है, भगत लोग है वो कभी-2 कहते हैं तू ही दु:ख देता है, तू ही सुख देता है। लेकिन जो ऊँचा होगा वो ऊँचा काम करेगा, या नीचा काम करेगा? ऊँचा तो ज़रुर ऊँचा काम करेगा। उसकी ऊँचार्इ इसी में है कि वो इस सृष्टि में आकर के सबको सुखी करके जाता है। एक भी मनुष्यात्मा इस सृष्टि पर ऐसी नहीं बचती जिसको वो शान्ति का दान देकर न जाता हो। सब मनुष्यात्मायें शान्त होकर के शान्तिधाम में जाकर के निवास करती है। वो शान्तिधाम है बाप का देश। बाप तो ज़रुर अपने बच्चों को, जो भटके हुये बच्चे हैं उनको भटकती हुर्इ दुनियां से निकाल करके अपने शान्तिधाम में ले जावेगा।

तो वो बाप सदाशिव है। उसकी स्थिति ऊपर नीचे होने वाली नहीं है। हम आत्माओं की स्थिति ऊपर नीचे होती है। अब वो आता है प्रवेश करता है तो किसमें प्रवेश करता है? जो आत्मायें जन्म जन्मांतर दूसरों को सुख देने में लगी रहती है उनमें प्रवेश करता है। भले संग के रंग में आकर के दु:ख भी देती है। लेकिन वो उनका दोष नहीं है उतना। जैसे राजा का बच्चा है कुसंग में आता है और गरीब का बच्चा है वो भी कुसंग में आता है दोनो में जास्ती बिगडैल कौन बनता है? राजा का बच्चा ज्यादा पॉवरफुल होता है तो ज्यादा बिगडैल बन जाता है। संग का रंग तो दोनों को लगा ना। तो क्या किसको दोष दिया जाय? उसको दोष कम दिया जाय जो गरीब का बच्चा है और जो राजा का बच्चा उसको ज्यादा दोष दिया जाय? संग का रंग तो दोनों को लगा, कुसंग में तो दोनों ही आये। दोनों आये कुसंग में। लेकिन पॉवर जिसकी ज्यादा होती है वो उसी पॉवर से कार्य करता है। नीचे गिरने में भी उतनी ही पॉवर लगाता है, और ऊँचा चढ़ने में भी उतनी ही पॉवर लगाता है।

तो भगवान शिव के जो श्रेष्ठ बच्चे हैं, जो डायरेक्ट बच्चे हैं वो संसार में रुद्र गणों के रुप में गाये गये हैं। कहते हैं भगवान रुद्रावतार। रौद्र रुप धारण करके आता है इस सृष्टि पर। ऐसा रौद्र रुप धारण करता है कि संसार के जितने भी पापी हैं, दुष्ट कर्म करने वाले हैं, दूसरों को दु:ख ही दु:ख देने वाले हैं ऐसों का भी उद्धार कर देता है, उनकी बुद्धि सुधार देता है। वो अपनी दुष्टता भूल जाते हैं। लेकिन फिर अंतर क्या हुआ? जो अच्छा कर्म करते हैं वो भी सुधर जाते हैं, जिन्होंने जन्म जन्मांतर बुरे कर्म किये वो भी सुधर जाते हैं फिर भगवान ने फैसला क्या किया अगर दोनों को ही एक जैसी प्राप्ती हो जाये? भगवान का फैसला ये है कि जो अनेक जन्मों तक दूसरों को सुख देने में लगे रहते हैं, देवता वर्ण की आत्मायें है दैवी आत्मायें हैं उनको वो अनेक जन्मों का सुख देता है पहले। सतयुग और त्रेता में वो आत्मायें बहुत सुखी रहती हैं। वो भगवान की बनार्इ हुर्इ सृष्टि है। सतयुग और त्रेता माने सृष्टि का आधा कल्प जिसमें भगवान आकर के सुख बाँटता है। किनको बाँटता है? जो पिछले जन्म जन्मांतर दूसरों को सुख देने में लगे रहते हैं, सहयोगी वृत्ति के होते हैं, दु:ख देने का कार्य नहीं करते। अगर करते भी हैं तो कुसंग में आकर के करते हैं बाकी उनका कोर्इ दोष उतना होता नहीं। तो ऐसी श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें जिनमें भगवान बाप प्रवेश करता है वो कितनी भाग्यशाली आत्मायें हैं।

VCD No.309, C.No.793, Patna (Bihar),
Mu.31.12.66, Dt.27.09.05

Now, someone may say: ‘How are they influenced by His company in practice? He doesn’t enter the cycle of birth and death at all.’ Although, He doesn’t enter the cycle of birth and death; just as it is written in the Gita made by the human beings ‘praveshtum’ [i.e.] I am capable to enter. For example, evil souls enter someone. They enter along with their subtle body, but the Supreme Soul doesn’t have even a subtle body. He is always a point of light. They make a big form of that point of light, Shivaling for the convenience of worship. That Shiva, the Point of light enters [the body of] human souls. [The body of] which human souls does He enter? Will He enter anyone? Do those evil souls enter anyone? Even they have their appointed horse (body). Now, the Supreme Soul is the most elevated soul of the world. They build temples of that Shiva and worship Him the most in the world. He will certainly enter only [the body of] elevated souls. Or will He enter [the body of] the inferior souls of the world? (A student: Elevated souls.)

The 108 [souls] are the most elevated souls. They are selected souls of the world who are remembered in every religion. They remember that maalaa in the Hindu religion as well. They remember, recollect those beads or the memorial of those souls in the form of beads The maalaa is chanted. The Muslims, the Christians as well as the Buddhists rotate the maalaa. After all who created that gathering in the form of the maalaa? The memorial of rotating the maalaa on the path of devotion (Bhakti), of remembering the beads in the maalaa... They take each bead in the hand and remember it. Those people take them in their physical hands. In reality, it is about the hand like intellect. Just like we catch, hold something with the hand, in the same way we catch something through the intellect. So, the intellect is compared with the hand. The maalaa, which they rotate on the path of devotion, is the memorial of this time.

At this time [in] the tamopradhaan world, all the souls become taamsi. They give sorrow to each other. The mind gives sorrow through thoughts. They have bad thoughts full of envy and jealousy towards each other. They give sorrow through words. They use dirty language for each other. They give sorrow through the karmendriya . They even beat [each other], they shed blood. And ever since this kingdom of Ravan started, the other religious gurus [like] Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Guru Nanak came, ever since duality started, these clashes have been going on. When it reaches the extreme point, the Supreme Soul comes on this world to bring the end of that extremity. And He says [this] after coming: this demonic world has to finish now; this world of sorrow has to finish now. Now I make this world into a happy world. That is why He is called ‘the Giver of Happiness’. God can’t be called ‘the Giver of Sorrow’. The ignorant people, the devotees say sometimes: ‘You Yourself give happiness, You Yourself give sorrow.’ But will the elevated one do elevated work or inferior work? The elevated one will certainly do elevated work. His highness is proved through the fact that He comes to this world and makes everyone happy. In this world there doesn’t remain even a single human soul whom He doesn’t give that gift of peace before going. All the human souls become peaceful, go to the Abode of Peace and stay there. The Abode of Peace is the Father’s country. The Father will certainly take out His children, who have lost their way, from the misleading world to His Abode of Peace.

That Father is Sadaa Shiva. His stage doesn’t go up and down. The stage of us souls goes up and down. Now, He comes and enters. Whom does He enter? He enters the souls that are engaged in giving happiness to others birth after birth. Although, they also give sorrow after coming under the influence of the company; but it isn’t their fault much. For example, there is a king’s child. He falls in with bad company; and there is a child of a poor man and if he also falls in with bad company, who out of the two becomes more corrupted? The king’s child is more powerful, so he becomes more corrupted. The colour of the company influenced both of them, didn’t it? Then who should be blamed? Should the child of a poor man be blamed less and the child of a king be blamed more? The colour of the company influenced both of them. Both of them fell in with bad company. Both fell in with bad company, but the one who has more power, works according to his power. He applies the same amount of power to fall as well as climb up.

So, God Shiva’s elevated children, His direct children, are praised in the world in the form of ‘Rudragan ’. They say: ‘God, the incarnation of Rudra’. He comes to this world having taken on a ferocious form (raudra ruup). He takes on such a ferocious form that He uplifts all the sinful ones in the world, the ones who commit wicked actions, the ones who give sorrow and only sorrow to others. He reforms their intellect. They forget about their wickedness. But what is the difference? The ones who commit good deeds as well as the ones who committed bad deeds for many births reform; then what kind of justice did God do, if both [groups] receive the same kind of reward? God’s justice is that those who remain engaged in giving happiness to others for many births, those who are souls of the deity class, who are divine souls; He gives them the happiness for many births first of all. Those souls remain very happy in the Golden and Silver Ages. That is the world created by God. [It is] the Golden and Silver Ages, meaning half of the cycle of the world. God comes and distributes happiness in it. To whom does He distribute it? To the ones, who in their previous births were engaged in giving happiness to others, the ones who had the attitude of cooperation. They don’t do the work of giving sorrow. Even if they do so, they do it because of falling in with bad company. As for the rest, they are not so guilty. So, such elevated souls whom God the Father enters are very fortunate.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.309, कैसेट नं.793, पटना (बिहार),
मु.31.12.66, ता.27.09.05

इसलिए उनकी यादगार में भारत में रुद्राक्ष की माला गार्इ हुर्इ है। रुद्राक्ष की माला में जो रुद्राक्ष पिरोये जाते हैं उसमें मुख बने हुये होते हैं। कोर्इ रुद्राक्ष में एक मुख, कोर्इ में 4 मुख, कोर्इ में 2 मुख, कोर्इ में 14 और 16 मुख भी। अनेक मुखों का भी रुद्राक्ष होता है। लेकिन कम मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष कम मिलता है और ज्यादा मुखों वाला रुद्राक्ष ज्यादा मिलते हैं। ये कोर्इ में कम मुख होते हैं, कोर्इ में ज्यादा मुख होते हैं ये ऐसा क्यों है? किस बात की यादगार? ये इस बात की यादगार है कि जिनमें कम आत्मायें प्रवेश करती हैं वो कम मुखों वाले रुद्राक्ष बनते हैं। जिनमें सिर्फ एक बाप ही प्रवेश करता है वो एक मुख का रुद्राक्ष होता है। वो ढूँढने से भी नहीं मिलता। कहाँ की यादगार? इस समय इस सृष्टि पर जब भगवान आते हैं और भगवान किसी साकार तन के द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष होते हैं तो सारी दुनियां को ढूँढने से नहीं मिल जाता है। भगवान को ढूँढने में तो पादरी लोग भी लगे हुये हैं गिरजाघरों में। गॉड फादर को ढूँढने के लिए मुसलमान भी लगे हुये हैं, बौद्धी भी लगे हुये हैं सारी दुनियां में फैले हुये हैं ये लोग लेकिन भगवान को तो नहीं पाते। भारत वर्ष में भी कितने भक्त है, कितने पंथ है सब भगवान को ढूँढने में लगे हुये हैं। चिल्लाते हैं, कितने कीर्तन करते हैं, कितने भजन करते हैं, कितनी तपस्यायें करते हैं फिर भी नहीं मिलता।

किनको मिलता है? उन 108 श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को मिलता है जिनमें वो प्रवेश करता है। इसके अलावा मुकर्रर रुप से सिर्फ एक के द्वारा ही मिलता है। क्योंकि एक ही इस सृष्टि पर मनुष्य ऐसा है जो सारी मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीज होता है। बीज माना बाप, जिसकी सब धर्मों में मान्यता है। मुसलमान लोग उसको आदम कहते हैं, क्रिश्चियन लोग उसको एडम कहते हैं, जैनी लोग उसको आदिनाथ कहते हैं, हिंदुओं में उसको आदिदेव शंकर कहते हैं। हर धर्म में नाम है, नाम में साम्यता भी है। लेकिन नाम अलग-2 कर दिये हैं। है एक ही व्यक्ति, उस एक व्यक्तित्व में परमात्मा शिव मुकर्रर रुप से प्रवेश करता है। बाकी कोर्इ कह नहीं सकता कि मेरे अंदर परमात्मा शिव कार्य करता है। एक भी नहीं कह सकता और जो 108 है वो भी नहीं कह सकते। लेकिन उनके कार्य कलापों से ये साबित हो जाता है ये परमात्मा के कार्य में विशेष सहयोगी रहे।

तो जो अनेक मुखों का रहस्य है वो सारी सृष्टि के बीज से कनेक्टेड है। सारी सृष्टि में अनेक धर्मों के लोग हैं। अनेक धर्मों के अनेक बीज भी होने चाहिए। इसलिए शास्त्रों में लिखा हुआ है जब सृष्टि प्रलय को प्राप्त हुर्इ, धरती गर्त में जाने वाली थी उस समय एक नाव बनार्इ गर्इ और उस नाव में सारी दुनिया के जो बीज है वो इकट्ठे कर लिये गये। ताकि उन बीजों का विनाश न हो। अब वो है तो इन चैतन्य बीजरुप आतमाओं की बात। ये चैतन्य बीजरुप 108 आत्मायें हैं जब भगवान बाप आते हैं ब्रह्मा के द्वारा सृष्टि रचते हैं तो जो ब्राह्मण तैयार होते हैं उनमें दुष्ट ब्राह्मण भी बन जाते हैं ढेर के ढेर और श्रेष्ठ ब्राह्मण भी तैयार होते हैं। शास्त्रों में उनका जिक्र है रावण, कुम्भकर्ण, मेघनाथ जैसे ब्राह्मण भी थे, और गुरु वशिष्ठ, विश्वामित्र जैसे श्रेष्ठ ब्राह्मण भी थे। श्रेष्ठ की संख्या थोड़ी होती है। और जो भ्रष्ट कर्म करने वाले ब्राह्मण होते हैं उनकी संख्या जास्ती होती है। तो भ्रष्ट कर्म करने वाले जो ब्राह्मण है उन आततार्इ ब्राह्मणों का पत्ता साफ करने के लिए भगवान को रौद्र रुप धारण करना पड़ता है।

रामायण में उनको राम का रुप दे दिया है कि भगवान राम ने ऐसे-2 बाण छोड़े जिन बाणों से वो आसुरी सृष्टि खलास हो गई। अब वो कोर्इ स्थूल बाण की बात नहीं है। ये तो भक्तिमार्ग में स्थूल बातें उठाय ली हैं। दुनियां के जो महात्मा लोग होते हैं प्रवचन देते हैं वो भी ये नहीं सिखाते कि खूँकार करो, युद्ध करो, हिंसा करो वो भी यही सिखाते हैं कि अहिंसा परमो धर्म: चाहे महात्मा बुद्ध ही क्यों न हो। तो भगवान जो महात्माओं से भी ऊँचा है, देवात्माओं से भी ऊँचा है वो भगवान कैसे ये बात सिखा सकता है कि हिंसक युद्ध करो, खूनखराबा करो? भगवान तो आकर के अहिंसक युद्ध सिखाते हैं और वो अहिंसक युद्ध क्या है? कि हमारे अंदर जो कमजोरियाँ भरी हुर्इ है अनेकों धर्मपिताओं और उनके फॉलोअर्स के संग के रंग में आने से... भारतवासी संग के कुसंग में आ करके नीचे गिर गये। उन आत्माओं को जो दूसरे-2 धर्म में कन्वर्ट भी हो गर्इ उनको एक-2 करके निकालता है। निकाल करके ब्रह्मा का वत्स बनाता है ब्रह्मा मुख से ज्ञान सुन करके अपने को सुधारने वाले ब्रह्मा मुखवंशावली ब्राह्मण। जिनका शास्त्रों में गायन है कि भगवान ने ब्रह्मा के मुख से ब्राह्मण पैदा किये। अब मुख में कोर्इ मशीन थोड़े ही रखी हुर्इ है कि जिसमें से ‘हुआ’ किया और ब्राह्मण निकल पड़े। ये तो समझ की बात है कि भगवान बाप आते हैं तो जिस मुख का आधार लेते हैं ज्ञान सुनाने के लिए... क्योंकि उनको अपना मुख तो है नहीं। वो तो निराकार है, निरंजन है, उसको पाप कर्म तो लगता ही नहीं है। इसलिए कोर्इ न कोर्इ शरीर में प्रवेश करता है और जिस तन में भी प्रवेश करता है उसका नाम ब्रह्मा रखता है।

तो ब्रह्मा के मुख से जो-2 वाणी सुनते हैं, अपने जीवन में धारण करते हैं, दूसरों को सुनाते हैं क्योंकि ब्राह्मणों का काम ही होता है सुनना और दूसरों को सुनाना। ज्ञान की बातों को धारण करना, और दूसरों को धारण कराना। ऐसी श्रेष्ठ ज्ञानी तू आत्मा भगवान को प्रिय है। बाकी कुछ ऐसे भी ब्राह्मण तैयार होते हैं जो मुखवंशावली नहीं बनते। माने भगवान बाप ने ब्रह्मा के मुख से जो वाणी उच्चारी उस वाणी पर ध्यान नहीं देते। जो यादगार है मुरली से प्यार माना मुरलीधर से प्यार। भगवान की मुरली से प्यार नहीं तो मुरलीधर से प्यार नहीं। उन्होंने बाँस की मुरलियाँ समझली भक्तों ने। अब भगवान बाप आकर के कोर्इ बाँस की मुरली थोड़े ही बजाता है? मुरली माना मीठी तान। भगवान बाप आकर के ब्रह्मा मुख के द्वारा मीठी-2 वाणी सुनाते हैं। जो मीठी-2 वाणी सुनाते हैं वो इतनी मीठी लगती है कि बार-2 याद आती है। सबको नहीं याद आती है। क्यों? मीठी चीज तो सबको अच्छी लगनी चाहिए। सबको क्यों नहीं याद आती?

VCD No.309, C.No.793, Patna (Bihar),
Mu.31.12.66, Dt.27.09.05

That is why the maalaa of Rudraaksh is praised in Bharat as their memorial. The rudraaksh threaded in the maalaa have mouths made on them. Some rudraaksh have one mouth, some have four mouths, some have two mouths, and some also have fourteen-sixteen mouths. There are rudraaksh with numerous mouths too, but there are less rudraaksh with fewer number of mouths and there many rudraaksh having many mouths. Why is it like this that some have few mouths while some have more? It is a memorial of what? It is a memorial of the fact that the ones in whom fewer souls enter become rudraaksh with fewer mouths. The one in whom the Father alone enters is the one-mouth rudraaksh. It is very difficult to find it. It is a memorial of which time? At this time, when God comes to this world and is revealed through some physical body, not the entire world finds him, despite searching for him. The priests in Churches are engaged in searching God. The Muslims as well as the Buddhists are engaged in searching God the Father. These people are spread in the entire world, but they don’t find God. There are so many devotees, so many sects in Bharat as well! All are engaged in searching for God. They cry out, they sing so many hymns, they sing so many devotional songs, they perform tapasyaa for so long, yet they don’t find Him.

Who finds Him? Those elevated 108 souls, whom He enters, find Him. Besides this, you find Him only through one [personality] in a permanent way. It is because there is only one such human being in this world who is the seed of the entire human world. The seed means the Father, who is believed in every religion. The Muslims call him Aadam; the Christians call him Adam; the Jains call him Adinath; the Hindus call him Adidev Shankar. There is his name in every religion and the names are similar as well, but they have given him different names. He is the same person. The Supreme Soul Shiva enters that one person in a permanent way. Apart from him no one can say: ‘The Supreme Soul Shiva works through me.’ Neither the one nor the 108 [souls] can’t say this, but their activities prove that they are special helpers in the task of the Supreme Soul.

So, the secret of many mouths is connected to the seed of the entire world. There are people of various religions in the entire world. Various religions should also have their various seeds. That is why it is written in the scriptures that when it came to the pralay of the world, when the Earth was to fall into a chasm, a boat was made and all the seeds of the world were collected in it, so that those seeds wouldn’t be destroyed. Now, it is about these living seed form souls. There are 108 living seed form souls. When God the Father comes and creates the world through Brahma, many among the Brahmins that are created become wicked, and the elevated Brahmins are also created. They are mentioned in the scriptures. There were Brahmins like Ravan, Kumbhkaran, Meghnad , and there were elevated Brahmins too like Guru Vashishta, Vishvamitra. The population of the elevated ones is small and the population of the Brahmins, who commit corrupt deeds, is big. God has to take on a ferocious form in order to destroy the Brahmins who commit corrupt deeds, who are tyrants.

In the Ramayana they gave Him the form of Ram; [they have written] that God Ram hit such arrows that the demonic world was destroyed. Well, it is not about physical arrows. On the path of devotion they have understood things in a physical sense. The great souls in the world who deliver lectures also don’t teach [people] to shed blood, to fight a war, to spread violence. They also teach that ‘non-violence is the highest religion’. Let it be Mahatma Buddha himself. So, how can God who is higher than the great souls, who is higher than the deity souls, teach to fight a violent war, to shed blood? God comes and teaches the non-violent war. And what is that non-violent war? [It is a war against] the weaknesses that are present in us because of the influence of the company of the many religious fathers and their followers. The residents of Bharat kept bad company and fell down. Those souls who even converted to other religions, He picks them up one by one and makes them into Brahma’s children. They listen to the knowledge through Brahma’s mouth and reform themselves. [They become] Brahmamukhvanshaavali Brahman , who are praised in the scriptures that God gave birth to Brahmins through Brahma’s mouth. Well, there wasn’t a machine in his mouth so that he opened his mouth [saying:] ‘huaa’, and the Brahmins came out of it. It is the question of understanding that when God the Father comes and takes the support of a mouth to narrate knowledge; because He Himself doesn’t have a mouth. He is incorporeal, untainted (niranjan), and is not affected by sinful actions at all. That is why He enters some body. And the body which He enters is named Brahma.

So, the ones, who listen to the Vani from Brahma’s mouth, put it in practice in their life and narrate it to the others..., Because the very occupation of the Brahmins is to listen to and narrate [knowledge] to the others, to put the points of knowledge into practice and encourage others to put it into practice. Such elevated [and] knowledgeable soul is dear to God. As for the rest, there are some Brahmins like this as well who don’t become mukhvanshaavali. It means they don’t pay attention to the Vani that God the Father narrated through Brahma’s mouth. There is a memorial (saying) ‘love for the Murli means love for the One who narrates the Murli’. If someone doesn’t love God’s Murli, he doesn’t love the One who narrates those Murlis. Those people, the devotees, thought that it was about a bamboo flute (Murli). Well, God the Father doesn’t come and play a bamboo flute. Murli means sweet melody. God the Father comes and narrates sweet Vani through Brahma’s mouth. The sweet Vani that He narrates is so sweet that it is remembered again and again. Not all remember it. Why? Everyone should like a sweet thing. Why doesn’t everyone remember it?
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.309, कैसेट नं.793, पटना (बिहार),
मु.31.12.66, ता.27.09.05

कुछ ब्राह्मण ऐसे होते हैं जो ब्रह्मा के चिकने चुपड़ी देह को याद करते हैं। उनकी देह को, शरीर को याद करते हैं। जिस गोद में सुख लेते हैं उस गोद को ही याद करते हैं और ब्रह्मा के द्वारा सुनार्इ हुर्इ वाणी का ध्यान नहीं रखते। तो वाणी ही तो परमात्मा शिव का साकार रुप है। शिव तो निराकार है। उसके द्वारा जो चीज़ निकलती है वो क्या चीज़ है? वाणी ही तो उसकी चीज़ है, वो ही तो उसका वर्सा है। उस वाणी का अगर किसीने महत्व नहीं दिया और देह को पकड़ लिया जिस देह में परमात्मा ने प्रवेश किया तो इससे साबित होता है कि वो जन्म जन्मांतर देह से चिपकने वाली आत्मा है। पाँच तत्वों को उसने ज्यादा महत्व दिया है। आत्माओं को महत्व नहीं दिया है। आत्मा अलग चीज़ है, और पाँच तत्वों का बना हुआ देह या शरीर अलग चीज़ है। ये पाँच तत्वों से बनी हुर्इ देह जैसे मिट्टी है। मिट्टी से अगर बुद्धि का लगाव लगाया जायेगा तो बुद्धि मिट्टी बन जायेगी। और आत्माओं को याद करेंगे तो आत्मा को याद करने से आत्मा में सूक्ष्मता आयेगी। क्योंकि आत्मा होती है सूक्ष्म और देह और देह के पाँच तत्व होते हैं स्थूल। स्थूल को याद करेंगे तो बुद्धि स्थूल बनेगी, या सूक्ष्म बनेगी? स्थूल बनेगी। और सूक्ष्म आत्मा और आत्माओं के बाप परमात्मा को याद करेंगे तो बुद्धि सूक्ष्म बनेगी। यही राज़ है ब्रह्मा की सृष्टि का।

ब्रह्मा ने जो सृष्टि रची ब्राह्मणों की उन ब्राह्मणों में से जिन्होंने ब्रह्मा और सरस्वती की देह को याद करना शुरु कर दिया, देह से लगाव पैदा करना शुरु कर दिया वो राक्षसी संप्रदाय के ब्राह्मण बन गये। और जिन्होंने ब्रह्मा के मुख से, सरस्वती के मुख से चलार्इ हुर्इ वाणी को विशेष महत्व दिया वो सारस्वत ब्राह्मण बन गये, सरस्वती पुत्र, विद्वान ब्राह्मण, ज्ञानी तू आत्मा। भगवान को क्या प्रिय है? ज्ञानी तू आत्मा मुझे विशेष प्रिय है। रामायण में भी लिखा हुआ है ज्ञानी प्रभुई विशेष प्यारा। भक्त भी प्यारे हैं लेकिन विशेष प्यारे कौन हैं? ज्ञानी विशेष प्यारे हैं। सन्यासियों की भी बात छोड़ दी, उठार्इ नहीं बात। क्या? एक तो ज्ञान, एक भक्ति, एक वैराग। तीन बातें हैं। उनमें से पहला महत्व भगवान किसको देते हैं? ज्ञान को। क्योंकि भगवान आकर के देता क्या है? भगवान के पास क्या चीज़ है जो देने की है? ज्ञान ही तो है, जानकारी तो है। जो सत्य है वो सत्य ही तो देगा। गॉड इज़ ट्रुथ कहा जाता है। तो ट्रूथ गॉड फादर आकर के क्या देगा? जिसके पास जो होगा वो ही देगा। चोर के पास चोरी के गुण होंगे तो उसके संग के रंग से जो भी कोर्इ लेना चाहेगा तो क्या लेगा? चोरी के संस्कार ही लेगा। विद्वान के पास विद्युता होगी तो विद्युता की बातें देगा। माने जो जैसा होगा वो वैसा ही दूसरों को देगा और बनायेगा।

भगवान सत्य को कहा जाता है। सत्यम्-शिवम्-सुन्दरम्। जो सत्य है वो ही कल्याणकारी शिव है। और जो कल्याणकारी है, सत्य है वो ही सुंदर है। कोर्इ भी चीज़ देखने में कितनी भी सुंदर लगती हो, कोर्इ भी व्यक्ति देखने में कितना भी सुंदर लगता हो या लगती हो लेकिन अगर उसमें सच्चार्इ नहीं है और दूसरों का कल्याण करने वाला नहीं है या कल्याण करने वाली नहीं है, सदैव अकल्याण करने वाली है तो ऐसी सुंदरता का कोर्इ मूल्य नहीं। भले सुंदरता के ऊपर अल्पकाल के लिए आकर्षित हो जाये लेकिन बाद में उसकी आँखें खुलती है ये तो हमने बहुत बुरा किया। इसलिए सत्य को गॅड फादर कहा जाता है। सत्यम्-शिवम्-सुंदरम् कहा जाता है। तो सत्य को पहचाना माना गॉड फादर को पहचाना।

तो पहले आता है सत्य। सत्य माना सच्चार्इ, सत्य की जानकारी, जानकारी अर्थात् ज्ञान। पहले भगवान नहीं आता है सामने, क्या?
(जिज्ञासुओं ने कहा – पहले ज्ञान आता है।) कोर्इ किसीको सुना दे भगवान आया हुआ है चलो दिखा दे। हाँ? भगवान आया हुआ है तो चलो देख आये जाके। तो भगवान तो ज्योति बिंदु है। वो तो जन्म मरण की चक्र में ही नहीं आता, गर्भ से जन्म ही नहीं लेता, तो इन आँखों से कैसे देखने में आ जायेगा? इन आँखों से भगवान नहीं पहचाना जा सकता। काहे से पहचाना जा सकता है? ज्ञान से। तो पहले ज्ञान सुनाया जाता है। बेसिक कोर्स है सात दिन का, एडवान्स कोर्स है सात दिन का, अगर किसी की बुद्धि में आ जाता है, बैठ जाता है तो फिर प्रोसीजर है कि जाकर के भगवान के घर में ही उन बातों की तफ्तीज़ करो, वेरीफाय करो कि हमने जो भी मनुष्यों से सुना है वो सच्चा सुना है, या झूठ सुना है? वेरीफाय हो जाये फिर पक्का निश्चय बुद्धि बन ही जायेगा। ऐसी पक्की निश्चय बुद्धि बनी हुर्इ आत्मा भगवान बाप का बच्चा बन जाती है। ज्ञान में दिव्य जन्म होता है। स्थूल जन्म नहीं है। ब्राह्मणों का भी दिव्य जन्म गाया हुआ है। ब्राह्मणों का कोर्इ गर्भ से जन्म नहीं होता।

हाँ, दो तरह के ब्राह्मण होते हैं। कोर्इ कुखवंशावली होते हैं, कुख माना गोद से प्यार करने वाले, शरीर से प्यार करने वाले, और कोर्इ बाह्मण होते हैं मुखवंशावली। मुख से जो वाणी निकलती है उस वाणी के आधार पर अपना जीवन को परिवर्तन करने वाले। तो जो मुखवंशावली ब्राह्मण है उनको फिर एडवान्स कोर्स दिया जाता है। एडवान्स कोर्स लेने के बाद फिर सात दिन की भट्ठी में उनको पकाया जाता है। कहाँ पकाया जाता है? जो भी भगवान बाप के प्रत्यक्ष होने का स्थान है वहाँ उनको पकाया जाता है। दुनियां में भी कोर्इ आत्मा शरीर छोड़ती है फिर बाप का बच्चा बनती है तो क्या करना पड़ता है? आत्मा एक जगह शरीर छोड़ करके बाप के घर में जाके जन्म लेती है ना। जन्म लेकर के पहले गुप्त, बाद में प्रत्यक्ष होती है। गर्भ में गुप्त रहती है और बाद में जन्म लेती है तो प्रत्यक्ष होती है।

यहाँ भी ऐसे ही है। सात दिन का कोर्स पूरा करने के बाद आत्मा सात दिन जाकर के भट्ठी में पकार्इ जाती है। ये आत्मा रुपी र्इंटों की भट्ठी है। कोर्इ ज़रुरी नहीं है कि जितनी भी र्इंटे हैं वो सब फर्स्ट क्लास हो करके निकलेंगे। भट्ठी में र्इंटे पकार्इ जाती हैं तो ज्यादा तर र्इंटे अव्वल नंबर के निकलती हैं। फिर उससे कम तादाद की द्वयं नंबर निकलती है, और तीसेरे नंबर की भी निकलती हैं और जली हुर्इ र्इंटे भी निकलती हैं। ऐसे ही यहाँ भी आत्मा रुपी ये र्इंटे हैं जो सात दिन की भट्ठी में पकार्इ जाती हैं। पकने के बाद फिर वो निश्चय बुद्धि हो जाती है। निश्चय बुद्धि माना जन्म लिया और अनिश्चय बुद्धि माना मृत्यु हो गर्इ। भगवान बाप को जिन्होंने पहचान लिया, जान लिया कि कैसे इस सृष्टि पर आकर के पार्ट बजाता है तो वो हो गया निश्चय बुद्धि और संग कुसंग के रंग में आकर के अगर उसको भूल गया और उसकी पढ़ार्इ को छोड़ दिया, उसकी वाणी सुनना छोड़ दिया, उसकी चलार्इ हुर्इ चाल चलना छोड़ दिया तो जैसे अनिश्चय बुद्धि हो गया। अनिश्चय बुद्धि माना मृत्यु हो गर्इ। तो यहाँ भी जन्म भी होता रहता है, मृत्यु भी होती रहती है।

VCD No.309, C.No.793, Patna (Bihar),
Mu.31.12.66, Dt.27.09.05

There are some Brahmins who remember the smooth and suave body of Brahma. They remember his body. They remember the very lap, on which they experience happiness, [but] they don’t pay attention to the Vani narrated through Brahma. The Vani itself is the corporeal form of the Supreme Soul Shiva. Shiva is incorporeal. What is that thing that comes from Him? The Vani itself is that thing. That itself is His inheritance. If someone didn’t value that Vani and caught hold of the body which the Supreme Soul entered, it proves that he is a soul who clings to the body birth after birth. He has given more importance to the five elements; he didn’t value the souls. The soul is separate and the body made of the five elements is a separate thing. This body made of the five elements is like soil. If the intellect becomes attached to soil, it will become soil. And if we remember the soul, subtleness will come in our soul, because the soul is subtle and the body and the five elements of the body are physical. If we remember something physical, will the intellect become physical or subtle? It will become physical. And if we remember the subtle soul and the Supreme Soul, the Father of the souls, then the intellect will become subtle. This itself is the secret of Brahma’s world (srishti).

In the Brahmin world created by Brahma, the Brahmins who started to remember the body of Brahma and Sarasvati, those who started to have attachment to the body, became Brahmins of the demonic community. And the ones, who gave special importance to the Vani narrated through the mouth of Brahma and Sarasvati, became the Saarasvat Brahmins, the sons of Sarasvati. They are learned Brahmins, knowledgeable souls. What is dear to God? A knowledgeable soul is especially dear to Me. It is also written in the Ramayana: Gyaani Prabhue vishesh pyaaraa . The devotees are also dear, but who are especially dear? The knowledgeable ones are especially dear. The topic of the Sanyasis was also left. It was not mentioned. What? There are three things: knowledge (Gyan), devotion (Bhakti) and detachment (vairaagya). To what does God give importance first of all? To knowledge; it is because what does God give when He comes? What does God possess to give? It is knowledge, information itself. He will give what is true, truth. It is said: God is the truth. So, what will the true God the Father give when He comes? Someone will give what he has. A thief will have the traits of stealing. If someone wants to take something through his company, what will he take? He will take only the sanskaars of stealing. A learned person will have scholarship; so he will give scholarship. It means someone will give and make the others [something] according to what he [himself] is.

Truth is called God. Satyam Shivam Sundaram (the true, beneficial and beautiful One). The one who is true is Himself the beneficial Shiva. And only the one who is beneficial [and] true is beautiful. No matter how beautiful something may seem to be , no matter how beautiful a man or a woman may appear to be , but if there is no truth in him, and if he or she doesn’t bring about benefit to the others or if they always do harm, then there is no value of such beauty. Although, someone is attracted to that beauty for some time, later on his eyes open [and he thinks:] ‘What I did was very wrong’. That is why truth is called God the Father. It is said Satyam Shivam Sundaram. So, if someone recognized the truth, it means that he recognized God the Father.

So, the thing that comes first is satya; satya means the truth, the information about truth; information means knowledge. God doesn’t come in front [of us] first. What?
(Students: Knowledge comes first.) A person may tell someone: ‘God has come, let me show you.’ [The other person will say:] ‘Eh? Has God come? Let’s go and see Him!’ [But] God is a point of light. He doesn’t enter the cycle of birth and death at all. He isn’t born through the womb at all. So, how will He be seen through these eyes? God can’t be seen through these eyes. How can He be recognized? Through knowledge. So, knowledge is narrated at first. There is the basic course and the Advance Course for seven days. If someone understands it, if it sits in his intellect, then the procedure is that he should go to the house of God Himself to study those topics, to verify whether the things that he heard from people are true or false. When he verifies [everything], he will certainly become the one with a firm faithful intellect. The soul with such a firm faithful intellect becomes the child of God the Father. His divine birth in knowledge takes place; it is not a physical birth. The divine birth of the Brahmins is praised. Brahmins are not born through the womb.

Yes, there are two types of Brahmins. Some are kukhvanshaavali, meaning the ones who love the lap, who love the body. And some Brahmins are mukhvanshaavali. They transform their life on the basis of the Vani that emerges from his mouth. So, the mukhvanshaavali Brahmins are given the Advance Course. After receiving the Advance Course, they are baked in the seven days bhatti . Where are they baked? They are baked in the place where the revelation of the Father takes place. Even in the world, when some soul leaves his body, he becomes the child of some Father. So, what does he have to do? The soul leaves his body in one place, goes to his [new] Father’s house and is born there, isn’t it? First he is hidden, then he is born and is revealed. In the womb he remains hidden; later on he is revealed when he is born.

It is the same here as well. After completing the seven days course, the soul is baked in the bhatti for seven days. This is the furnace (bhatti) of the brick like souls. It isn’t necessary that all the bricks will come out as first class bricks. When bricks are baked in the furnace, most of them come out as first class bricks. Few come out as second class [bricks]. Third class bricks as well as some burnt bricks come out too. Similarly, there are brick like souls here; they are baked in the seven days bhatti. After being baked they become the ones with a faithful intellect. If [someone becomes] the one with a faithful intellect, it means he is born. And if [someone becomes] the one with a doubting intellect, it means he died. The ones who recognized God the Father, who came to know how He comes in this world and plays His role, they became the one with a faithful intellect. And if they forgot Him because of being influenced by bad company, left His study, stopped listening to His Vani and stopped following His directions, it is as if he became the one with a doubting intellect. If [someone became] the one will a doubting intellect, it means he died. So here, birth as well as death keeps taking place.
... (to be continued.)
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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

Post by arjun »

वी.सी.डी.नं.309, कैसेट नं.793, पटना (बिहार),
मु.31.12.66, ता.27.09.05

हाँ, अमरनाथ बाप के जो बच्चे बन जाते हैं वो फिर अमर ही रहते हैं। क्योंकि भगवान शिव आते हैं तो तीन मूर्तियों के द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष होते हैं। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और शंकर। ब्रह्मा की मूर्ति उसके द्वारा ज्ञान सुनाते हैं। विष्णु की मूर्ति उसके द्वारा प्रैक्टिकल कर्म सिखाते हैं, और शंकर की मूर्ति उसके द्वारा ज्ञान का ताण्डव नृत्य करते हैं। कैसा नृत्य? ताण्डव। ताड माना पिटार्इ। किसकी पिटार्इ? ब्रह्मा के द्वारा जितना मीठा ज्ञान सुनाया जाता है... ब्रह्मा वही आत्मा है जो सतयुग के आदि में हे कृष्ण नारायण वासुदेव जिसको कहा जाता है इसलिए कृष्ण के हाथ में मुरली दी जाती है। मीठी तान सुनाने की यादगार। और राम को बाण दिये जाते हैं या शंकर के मंदिर में नगाड़ा दिया जाता है। जैसे बादलों की गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज होती हो, या डमरु दिया जाता है गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज वाला कर्कश आवाज। मुरली की तरह मीठी आवाज नहीं। किनके लिए? है तो वही एक ही वाणी। कोर्इ को मीठी लगती है, और कोर्इ को गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज लगती है, कडुवी लगती है। नगाड़े की तीखी आवाज लगती है। तीखी आवाज उनको लगती है जिन्हों के जन्म जन्मांतर के खराब कर्म हुये हैं और यहाँ ब्राह्मण बनने के बाद भी उन्होंने र्इश्वरीय ज्ञान को महत्व नहीं दिया। ज्ञान कुछ और कहता है वो कर्म कुछ और उल्टे करते हैं। ज्ञान कुछ और बोलता है वो वाचा भी उल्टा बोलते हैं। तो ऐसी आत्मायें जो भगवान बाप की वाणी को पूरा ग्रहण नहीं कर पाती, उनको भगवान की वाणी कर्कश लगती है।

जैसे दुनियां में भी होता है एक ही आदमी एक को बहुत अच्छा लगता है, और वही एक आदमी दूसरे को बहुत खराब लगता है। यहाँ भी ऐसे ही है। वो भगवान का पार्ट कोर्इ को तो एकदम काला भूत दिखार्इ पड़ता है। क्या दिखार्इ पड़ता है? कालों का काल, महाकाल दिखार्इ पड़ता है एकदम काला। और कोर्इ आत्मा ऐसी होती है जिनको बहुत सुंदर दिखार्इ पड़ता है, बहुम अच्छा मालुम पड़ता है। दोनों को आँखें एक जैसी है देखने की। एक उसको काले के रुप में देखता है और दूसरा उसको गोरे के रुप में देखता है। तो भगवान का नाम पड़ गया है श्याम-सुंदर। क्या? एक ही व्यक्तित्व पार्ट बजाने वाला। पार्ट सबकी नज़र में है कि वो एक ही पार्ट है। वो पार्ट एक ग्रूप को लगता है कि बहुत खराब पार्ट बज रहा है और दूसरे ग्रूप को लगता है कि ये बहुत अच्छा पार्ट बज रहा है। ऐसा अंतर हो जाता है। इसलिए उस पार्टधारी का नाम भक्तिमार्ग में रख दिया है श्याम सुंदर।

इतना श्याम ते श्याम माने काले ते काला भयंकर पार्टधारी दूसरे धर्म का कोर्इ धर्मपिता नहीं हो सकता। दूसरे धर्म वाले पिता न ज्यादा अच्छा पार्ट बजाते हैं, और न ज्यादा बुरा पार्ट बजाते हैं। न ज्यादा काले बनते हैं, और न ज्यादा गोरे बनते हैं। ये देवी देवता सनातन धर्म का जो धर्मपिता है वो अति का काला है, और अति का गोरा है। एक ही टाइम पर कुछ आत्माओं को गोरा दिखार्इ पड़ता है, और कुछ आत्माओं को काला दिखार्इ पड़ता है। किस बात में ये अंतर पैदा हो जाता? आसुरी आत्माओं को काला क्यों दिखार्इ पड़ता, और देवात्माओं को अच्छे ते अच्छा सुंदर कृष्ण क्यों दिखार्इ पड़ता? एक ही साथ एक ही व्यक्तित्व के ऊपर दो नाम क्यों रख दिये गये, श्याम सुंदर? जैसा-2 चेश्मा, वैसा-2 दिखार्इ देता है। 63 जन्मों में जिसने-2 जैसे-2 कर्म किये हैं... अच्छे कर्म करने वालों को भगवान का रुप अच्छा दिखार्इ देता है। और जिन्होंने 63 जन्म बुरे ते बुरे कर्म किये है उनको बुरा दिखार्इ देता है। तो ये अंतर पड़ जाता है भगवान के पार्ट का। पार्ट ऐसा है जिसके लिए बोला है कि तुम बच्चे भी शंकर के पार्ट को समझ नहीं सकते; वन्डरफुल पार्ट है। क्यों वन्डरफुल है?

क्योंकि वो सारी सृष्टि का बाप है। सारी सृष्टि में देवतायें भी हैं अच्छे ते अच्छे पार्टधारी, और राक्षस भी हैं बुरे ते बुरे पार्टधारी। 500-700 करोड़ मनुष्य सृष्टि है। 700 करोड़ मनुष्य सृष्टि में अच्छे ते अच्छे भी है और बुरे ते बुरे भी है। हर धर्म में अच्छे ते अच्छे हैं और बुरे ते बुरे हैं। जो भी दुनियां के धर्म हैं और धर्मपितायें हैं उनमें अच्छे ते अच्छे धर्मपितायें और धर्म भी हैं, और बुरे ते बुरे धर्मपितायें और धर्म भी हैं। तो परमात्मा बाप उन सभी धर्मों में से श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को चुनता है, और चुन करके ब्रह्मा की औलाद ब्राह्मण बनाता है। दुनियां के हर धर्म के बीज चुन करके इकठ्ठे होते हैं माउण्ट आबू में, और वहाँ से ब्राह्मणों की सृष्टि की शुरुआत होती है।

इसलिए भक्तिमार्ग में कहते हैं कि ब्राह्मणों की नौ कुरियाँ होती हैं। नौ ऋषि थे, जिन नौ ऋषियों से नौ गोत्र शुरु हुये। ये कोर्इ नौ गोत्रधारी अलग से नहीं है आज की दुनियां में फैले हुये जो खास-2 धर्म हैं उन्हीं की यादगार है। देवता धर्म के दो रुप थे। सूर्यवंश और चन्द्रवंश जो बाद में हिंदू कहे गये। और जो दूसरे धर्मों में कन्वर्ट होने वाले जैसे कोर्इ इस्लाम धर्म में चले गये, कोर्इ भारतवासी बौद्धी धर्म में चले गये, कोर्इ भारतवासी क्रिश्चियन धर्म में चले गये तो जो दूसरे-2 धर्मों का जाकर के फाउन्डेशन लगाते हैं और भारतवासियों को धोखा दे जाते हैं उन आत्माओं में भी कोर्इ न कोर्इ बहुत श्रेष्ठ है। ऐसे नहीं कि सब एक जैसे होते हैं। कारणे अकारणे कुसंग में आकर के खराब हो जाते हैं। तो ऐसे बच्चों को बाप कलेक्ट करता है। माउण्ट आबू में जाकर के वो ब्राह्मण बनते हैं।

उनमें से जो सूर्यवंशी हैं वो ज्ञान सूर्य के औलाद किसके कंट्रोल में रहेंगे? जो दूसरे धर्म के बीज होंगे, या दूसरे धर्म की जो जड़े होंगे, फाउण्डेशन होंगे उनके कंट्रोल में रह सकेंगे? सूर्यवंशी जो होंगे वो कभी किसीके कंट्रोल में नहीं रह सकते। इसलिए वो यज्ञ के आदि में ही छोड़ करके चले जाते हैं। जिसके लिए वाणी में बोला हुआ है कि राम फेल हो गया, यज्ञ के आदि में ही। तो भगवान बाप ने उनको बाण दे दिये। जाओ ले जाओ ये धनुष और जाओ ले जाओ ये बाण। ये धनुष बाण की कमार्इ करके तुम अपनी कमार्इ करो। तो वो आत्मायें ज्ञान के बाण ले लेती हैं भगवान से और पुरुषार्थ करने के लिए ऐसा शरीर मिलता है उनको अगले जन्म में कि कोर्इ भी स्थिति-परिस्थिति में वो अपने शरीर से अच्छा पुरुषार्थ करने के लिए निमित्त बन जाती हैं। कठिन से कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी वो मुकबला करती हैं। क्योंकि उनमें पिछले 63 जन्मों के संस्कार भरे हुये हैं विधर्मियों से टकराने के।

जैसे शिवाजी हुये, शिवाजी की सेना हुर्इ, महाराणा प्रताप हुये महाराणा प्रताप की सेना हुर्इ, लक्ष्मी बार्इ हुर्इ लक्ष्मी बार्इ की सेना हुर्इ, वो सारा का सारा ग्रूप सूर्यवंशियों का ग्रूप है।
(किसीने कहा - पृथ्वीराज?) पृथ्वीराज चौहान हुआ। (किसीने कुछ कहा।) बहुत हैं ज्ञान के लिए थोड़े उदाहरण देना काफी है। 84 जन्म हैं तो 84 जन्म लेने वाले हैं ना। उनमें से 21 जन्म निकाल दो। बाकी कितने बचे? जो 63 जन्म बचे उन 63 जन्मों में वो हीरो पाटधारी है। तो हीरो के रुप में पार्ट बजाने वाली जो आत्मायें होंगी वो तो बहुत पॉवरफुल होनी चाहिए। हीरो कैसा पार्ट बजाता है ड्रामा में? हीरो जब पार्ट बजाता है तो हीरो के पार्ट को देख करके सबको खुशी होती है ना या दु:ख होता है? जो विलियन होता है उसका पार्ट देख करके दु:ख होता है। और जो हीरो होता है उसके पार्ट को देख करके तो सब खुश होते हैं। तो ऐसी श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें हैं परमात्मा बाप के जो बच्चे बनते हैं। उनको कहा जाता है रुद्रमाला, रुद्राक्ष की माला। लेकिन अंतर क्या पड़ता है?

VCD No.309, C.No.793, Patna (Bihar),
Mu.31.12.66, Dt.27.09.05

Yes, the ones who become the children of the Amarnath Father remain immortal. It is because when God Shiva comes, He is revealed through the three personalities (murti): Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Through the personality of Brahma He narrates the knowledge, through the personality of Vishnu He teaches actions in practice and through the personality of Shankar he performs the tandav dance . What kind of dance? Tan dav. Tad means ‘beating’. Beating whom? The sweeter the knowledge is narrated through Brahma ... Brahma is the very soul who is called ‘He Krishna Narayan Vasudev’ in the beginning of the Golden Age. That is why Krishna is given a flute (Murli) in his hands. It is a memorial of playing the sweet tune. And Ram is given arrows or a drum, [which makes] a sound like the rumbling of clouds, is placed in the temple of Shankar or he is given a damru , which makes a rumbling sound, a harsh sound. It is not a sweet sound like that of a flute. For whom? It is the same Vani. Some find it sweet and some find it to be a rumbling sound; they find it bitter, they find it to be the sharp sound of a drum. Those who find it to be a sharp sound, have committed bad deeds birth after birth and here, even after becoming Brahmins, they did give importance to the knowledge of God. Knowledge says something and they do something opposite to it. Knowledge says something and they say something opposite to it. So, the souls who are unable to grasp the Vani of God the Father completely find His Vani to be harsh.

Just like it also happens in the world. One person seems very nice to someone and the same person seems very bad to someone else. It is the same here as well. Some find the God’s part to be completely dark and evil. What does He appear to them? He appears to be the Death of deaths, the great Death (Mahaakaal) , completely dark. And there are some souls who find Him to be very beautiful and very good. Both have the same eyes to look through, but one sees Him dark while the other sees Him fair. So, God is given the name ‘Shyam Sundar’ (Dark-Beautiful). What? There is only one personality who plays part. Everyone can see that it is only one part. That part seems to be very bad to one group and very good to the other group. There is such difference. That is why that actor is given the name Shyam Sundar in the path of Bhakti.

There can’t be a religious Father of any other religion who would play the darkest fearsome role. The fathers of the other religions neither play too good roles, nor do they play too bad roles. They neither become too black, nor do they become too fair. The religious Father of the Ancient Deity Religion is extremely dark and extremely fair. At the same time He appears fair to some souls and to some souls, He appears dark. Why does this difference arise? Why does He seem to be dark to the demonic souls and why does He seem to be the best and beautiful Krishna to the deity souls? Why was the same person given two names, Shyam Sundar at the same time? Someone sees something according to the glasses he wears. Whoever has performed whatever actions in the 63 births... The ones who perform good deeds find the form of God to be nice. And the ones who have committed the worst deeds in the 63 births find Him to be bad. So, this difference in the role of God arises. The role is such that it is said about it: ‘Even you children can’t understand the role of Shankar. It is a wonderful part.’ Why is it wonderful?

It is because he is the Father of the entire world. In the entire world there are deities, the ones who play the best roles as well as demons, who play the worst roles. This is the world of five-seven billion [souls]. In the human world of seven billion [souls] there are the best ones as well as the worst ones. There are the best ones and the worst ones in every religion. Among all the religions and religious fathers of the world are the best religions and religious fathers as well as the worst religions and religious fathers. So, the Supreme Soul Father selects the elevated souls from all those religions. After selecting them, He makes them into Brahmins, the progeny of Brahma. The seeds of every religion are selected and gathered at Mt. Abu. And the world of the Brahmins originates from there.

That is why they say in the path of devotion that there are nine categories of Brahmins. There were nine sages (rishis). Nine gotras originated from those nine rishis. The ones belonging to the nine gotras are not someone else. It is a memorial of the main religions spread in today’s world. There were two forms of the Deity Religion, the Sun Dynasty and the Moon Dynasty; they were called ‘Hindu’ later on. And those who convert to other religions; for example some went to the Islam, some Bharatwaasis went to the Buddhist religion, some Bharatwaasis went to the Christian Religion… So, some souls among those who go and lay the foundation of other religions and betray the Bharatwaasis are also very elevated. It is not that all are of the same kind. They become corrupted due to some reason, due to the influence of bad company. So, the Father collects such children; they become Brahmins in Mt. Abu.

Among them, the Suryavanshis , the progeny of the Sun of Knowledge, will remain under whose control? Can they remain under the control of the seeds, the roots, the foundation of the other religions? The Suryavanshis can never stay under anyone’s control. That is why they go away leaving the Yagya in the beginning itself. It is said about it in Murli: ‘Ram failed at the beginning of the Yagya itself’. So, God the Father gave him arrows. [He said:] ‘Take this bow and take these arrows. Earn your income with the help of these arrows and bow.’ That soul takes the arrows of knowledge from God. And he receives such a body to make purushaarth in the next birth that he becomes instrument to make good purushaarth through that body in any circumstance. He faces the most difficult circumstances, because he is full of the sanskars of clashing with the vidharmis in the past 63 births.

For example there was Shivaji, Shivaji’s army; there was Maharana Pratap, Maharana Pratap’s army, Lakshmi Bai, Lakshmi Bai’s army. That entire group is the group of the Suryavanshis.
(A student: Prithviraj?) There was Prithviraj Chauhan. (A student said something.) There are many of them. To impart knowledge, a few examples are enough. There are 84 births… They are the ones who have 84 births, aren’t they? Take away 21 births from it. How many remain? He is the hero actor in all the remaining 63 births. So, the souls who play roles in the form of heroes should be very powerful. What kind of part does the hero play in a drama? Everyone feels happy watching the hero playing his role, don’t they? Or do they feel unhappy? They feel unhappy watching the part of the villain, but everyone feels happy watching the part of the hero. So, those who become the children of the Supreme Soul Father as such elevated souls. They are called ‘the Rudramala ’, the rosary of rudraaksh. But what difference arises? ... (to be continued.)
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