How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

mbbhat wrote:due to your LLU (low level of understanding), you cannot think properly , it is up to you.
Is this really a Brahmin attitude? I am sorry but I cannot believe that you are a BK. You must be one Vishnu Party or something similar. I don't believe you are being honest about who and what you are.

I like honest straight-forward people. I don't care whether they are kings or paupers, or what religion they come from.

If people are honest and straight-forward you can do business with them, and relate to them.
If they are dishonest and manipulative, there is nothing you can do with them.

All you can do, and should do, is defend society from them.

The BKs leaders are not honest and straight forward to outsiders.
They are dishonest and manipulative even towards their followers ... the very people who provide the money for them to eat, sleep and, increasingly, live like royalty.

I think they are the only people on earth who believe an "Age of Truth" can be built on a mountain of lies.

Apparently, to question how they can do that is a "low level of understanding".

I remember a Murli point about BKs hanging upside down like bats ... they think they are the right way up and the whole world is wrong. In fact, they are the ones who are upside and will argue about it to the End of the World.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by mbbhat »

Keep on moving, great wonderful soul.

or get stuck in silly things- is this braahmin attitude?, blah, blah, blah.

Are you interested in searching truth or to check attitudes of one soul.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

mbbhat wrote:Are you interested in searching truth or to check attitudes of one soul.
Yes, I am trying to help you develop yourself intellectually and move upwards in life. I am focusing my attentions almost completely on helping you.

You're a bit stuck in your BK life. You've reach the limits of BK philosophy, and you know it. You've realised it does not answer all the questions and are still looking for more. You're wondering what's next ... if PBKs or ex-BKs are having a more fulfilling or interesting life.

I cannot speak for the PBKs, however, they appear to be very interested in working out the mental puzzles contained with the Knwoledge but as an ex-BK I can say life after the BKWSU has been wonderful and inspiring. There is so much more to it than the closed atmosphere of the BKWSU.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by mbbhat »

fluffy bunny wrote: 1)Yes, I am trying to help you develop yourself intellectually and move upwards in life. I am focusing my attentions almost completely on helping you.

2)You're a bit stuck in your BK life. You've reach the limits of BK philosophy, and you know it. You've realised it does not answer all the questions and are still looking for more. 3)You're wondering what's next ... if PBKs or ex-BKs are having a more fulfilling or interesting life.

4)I cannot speak for the PBKs, however, they appear to be very interested in working out the mental puzzles contained with the Knwoledge

5)but as an ex-BK I can say life after the BKWSU has been wonderful and inspiring. 6)There is so much more to it than the closed atmosphere of the BKWSU.
1)Is it so really? good. Thank you.

2)You speak as if you know me better than me. The point is - I have reached limit of speed on ground. Now, the areoplane should leave the runway (sacrifice all egos, even that of knowledge and have unlimited disinterest = since one feels that his life is already a success, he should not have desire even to live). BK philosophy has already given answer for all the things to me. Here, what we are discussing are just limited truths and not absolute truth. They are not important.

This makes me one more thing clear. The truth cannot be revealed by/in words for anyone. Because, after one stage, he cannot be in ground. He will have to fly= totally detached from everything, even service (except through thoughts). So- then all his relations would be with god, then there will be no interest or need to prove or explain anything. It is natural stage.

So- if a person thinks of to prove anything , then his life is going to get stuck(that too especially with people like you who are interested in material and literal facts, and cannot see fully, but just half like PBKs).

So- people like you will keep on searching and searching for truth.

3) Good to know that truth seekers like you guess a lot.

4) I can also see that you cannot see even the limited truths and physical facts, [Because even after failure to identify the typing errors by their god fathers, and much more things given here in the forum], you still are enjoying* or feeling them it as truth or something great, or really worthy or useful (even if you do not believe it).

But, if you are happy with PBKs, good.

5)But, I can see you still stuck even more with BKWSU in searching truth or trying to prove something.

If you like to express(left to you):- Which life is more wonderful and inspiring to you among these- Before you had come to BKWSU or after becoming ex Bk?

6) Murli says- A BK should not be even attached/influenced to/by BKs. You could not succeed in getting out of this chain. you could not see ShivBaba. You can see only humans/BKs. That is the limit of your eye/intellect.

[But, if you still feel this failure as not a a failure, then fine . Keep it. Because - if one has no capacity to reach gold, and feels "that was just mud", then there will be no feeling of disappointment of loss of gold (Similar to the fox saying grapes were sour). So- you had been really lucky here. Congratulations.

* - So- I can guess whether what you feel about your present life as wonderful and inspiring life is really truth or just a guess/illusion what you really feel about PBKs. [But, good, it is better to be in illusion/dream than to be in reality, if the reality is bitter ]
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

We discuss the matter of "truth" before. Please, if you are going to use English words, use the accepted meanings, do not try to distort them.

Brahma Kumari philosophy cannot be "absolute truth" because it has shown to be false, changing, highly improbable and entirely unsubstantiated (no evidence).

Something that is 'absolute' would be complete, faultless, unchanging and predictable with plenty of evidence to support it.

What you really mean is something like, "for me it the best", which is a purely 'subjective' state.
mbbhat wrote:Which life is more wonderful and inspiring to you among these- Before you had come to BKWSU or after becoming ex BK?
Before I was fooled but the Brahma Kumaris I was a child and, in comparison to most of the world, I had a fortunate childhood. Therefore, I do not think I can answer your question.

What I wish most is that I had never stepped through the door of the BK center to be lied to, deceived and misled by them; and, especially, I wish that I had not suffered the years of confusion and ambiguity waiting for a Destruction which did not happen in 1986 and wasting my life whilst doing so.
6) Murli says- A BK should not be even attached/influenced to/by BKs. You could not succeed in getting out of this chain. you could not see ShivBaba. You can see only humans/BKs. That is the limit of your eye/intellect.
No, the limitation is in your eye/intellect.

I have seen through the spirit behind the Brahma Kumaris and it is not "God". You have not done so yet. I could accept that is it the spirit of Lekhraj Kirpalani but in no way could any relative intelligent or educated person possibly believe he is "complete", the Father of humanity, god or whatever other false and exaggerated claims the vain Brahma Kumaris make of him.

Honestly, the Brahma Kumaris do not just lie to outsiders ... they are narcissistic, boastful, self-centered idiots too.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by mbbhat »


For me, everyone is an actor , even you. so- nothing to worry or to get confused by whatever incident.

You may feel bad about BKWSU or even me. But, good that your present ex Bk life is good.

all the best.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

mbbhat wrote:You may feel bad about BKWSU or even me. But, good that your present ex BK life is good.
To be honest ...
  • I would *really* like back the years of my life that the Brahma Kumaris stole from me with their lies and manipulation.

    I would like to have had a life without their dishonest influence.
When I say "the Brahma Kumaris" I don't mean the likes of you. I mean the inner circle.

They are the thieves of people's lives, liars and spiritual murders.

That is a fact and it has since been proven without any doubt. The Brahma Kumaris lie and you cannot make an Age of Truth out of lies.

I gained nothing from them and I lost perhaps a decade or more of my life. I lost the best time of my life, the time to educate and establish myself, the motivation to develop myself within this world.

And I see them still going around stealing people's lives and people from their rightful families.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by mbbhat »

Fine. what i can say is- you just got influenced by humans.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

No, I experience the objective nature of the deceptive BKWSU. Not only its leaders are dishonest, but its god is too.

I was lied to by their deceptive god.

My religious sincerity or willingness to believe its god spirit or dead guru Lekhraj Kirpalani was god was manipulated. "Being influenced by human beings" means something quite different in the BKWSU, as you well know.

Don't insult me ... you poisonous, insulting little twisted man.
  • a) In the first place, the directions for it all (Shrimat) came and come from the god/gods of the BKs, e.g. the false predictions of Destruction in 1986, its false claims of religion.

    No human being predicted Destruction in "50 years" (1986), nor "50 to 60 years" (1986 to 1996). It was written in the Murlis. It was spoken from the guddhi in Madhuban. Their god did. God does not lie. God does not make mistakes. God does not trick or manipulate ... but the god spirit/deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani of the BKWSU does.

    b) In the second place, the system established by the god/gods of the BKs states clearly that the words of the leaders are equal to the god/gods of the BKs (Shrimat), and that the god takes responsibility for their actions.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by mbbhat »

I have put my views. You have put your views. i will see from my angle. You have seen from your angle.


As per my views, I have not insulted you, even you also have not insulted me.

As per your views.....I do not know.
Don't insult me ... you poisonous, insulting little twisted man.
Thank you.

But, you only had chased me like shadow, and also has called me donkey just couple of days before. Was it not a twisted?

BTW, you had just said- your ex BK life is very good inspiring and wonderful. So- please keep on thinking it again and again, so that you will not feel any bad, is it not?

Like Baba says- forget all the body relations and remember your fortune, then Maya will not come to you.

So- you may think just positive experiences in life and also the present wonderful and inspiring moments, so that you will be really wonderful and wonderful.
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

It's an objective fact ... not a subjective opinion.

Admit it.
  • Did the god spirit of the BKWSU state Destruction would be "in 50 years" (1986) ... true or false?

    Yes or no?
(It was in the Murlis and on posters ... what are you going to say?)
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by mbbhat »

See here- post No. 74 ... 970#p44290

Baba had initially said- There is Subtle Region . Then said no. Then again said Yes.

you may be interested in literal figures and facts, i am not.

So- you are right in your own perspective, i am right in my own perspective, is it not?
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

mbbhat wrote:So- you are right in your own perspective, i am right in my own perspective, is it not?
No, it is not "my own perspective" ... i.e. a 'subjective' opinion.

It is absolute ... i.e. an 'objective' truth.

Therefore it is not equal to 'your opinion'. It is a 'fact'.

In essence, what you are saying is. "I chose not to believe in absolute truth ... therefore I accept some degree of falsehood".

The question is what degree of falsehood do you accept from your god spirit/Lekhraj Kirpalani? 10% ... 50% ... 90% ... 100%?

It seems to me you are saying, "Our god/Lekhraj Kirpalani can lie and mislead us 100% 'in order to test our faith' and that is acceptable".

In fact, this is the way BK adherents are taught to think. Don't think ... don't question ... just follow blindly ...
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by Roy »

fluffy bunny wrote: Did the god spirit of the BKWSU state Destruction would be "in 50 years" (1986) ... true or false?
Yes Father Shiv through Brahma Baba Krishna most certainly did... Here is one point about destruction, to which i have added interpretations based on my study of advance knowledge...

"It takes approximately 50 years time for the destruction of (the) Iron Age (i.e. the Ravanraj Kingdom of the Confluence Age, which occurs when Brahma Baba becomes complete at the end - i.e. Brahma so Vishnu) and establishment of (the) Golden Age (period of the Confluence Age, which is Ramraj, 111). Some souls (450,000) remain after this (i.e. survive the Mahabharata war of knowledge of the Brahmin family, which takes place before the war of the outside world). Then they (the harmonious souls who are Confluence Age Vishnu) establish their (Deity) Kingdom afresh (over several years in Vishnupuri - which results in the establishment of the practical Golden Age, after 2036/7... 450,000 deity souls, over a period of years after the final nuclear destruction, in 2036/7, will give birth to the next 450,000 deity souls, which will eventually bring the Golden Age population, up to approximately 900,000... the souls that take 84 births in the Drama)." [Mu 11.02.73]

Here are some points which i feel go together with this point on the 50 year period of destruction and establishment... Please read them all to get a clearer picture.

"This Auspicious(Purushottam) Confluence Age, is a small age of 50 years." [Mu 02.03.74]

"I (Shiv) come at the Purshottam Sangamyug of every cycle (in the form of the Father, Ram ShivBaba - in the body of Prajapita-Ram). In 50-60 years, Father(in the body of Shankar aka Prajapita-Ram) comes and teaches(advance knowledge to) His children." [Mu 08.09.68]

"Father(Shiv) comes in the (Purushottam) Confluence Age (to play the role of Father), stays in him(Shankar aka Prajapita-Ram, the especially appointed or permanent Chariot) for 50-60 years(Brahma Baba Krishna was only the temporary Chariot, between 1947/8 and 1968/9 - 21/22 years), and transforms him." [Av 26.11.72, 29.11.77]

"You will go to the New World(Ramraj), after studying (advance knowledge through Shankar aka Prajapita-Ram) in the Purushottam Sangamyug." [Mu 24.03.68]

"Now the Sun of Knowledge (Prajapita-Ram) has left the corporeal world (i.e. he begins churning the knowledge in the Murlis, from 1969) and is standing in the subtle avaykt world (i.e. his mind and intellect become subtle, detached from the concerns of the corporeal world)." [Av 16.07.69]

"Subtle Region is created for 50 years (commencing in 1969/70, when Prajapita-Ram- aka Shankar, starts churning Gyan - see point above)." [Av 15.03.70]

"Two years remain out of 10 years (that ShivBaba spoke of in the Sakar Murli, in 1966, within which destruction will take place)... Soon (within two more years, from 1974) it is the end of the Iron Age (within the mind and intellect of Prajapita-Ram)." [Av 04.02.74]

"When the Iron Age ends (in the intellect of Prajapita-Ram aka Shankar in 1976, as a result of his 5-6 years of spiritual efforts and realisations), then Bhakti would also end (for him first of all); only then will God (Shiva) come and meet (in the form of the Father) because He alone gives the fruits of Bhakti (by revealing the deep secrets locked within the Sakar Murlis, that allow the accurate churning of Gyan to commence for the true Brahmins, or PBKs). He (Prajapita-Ram) is called the Sun of Knowledge." [Mu 11.01.08]

"Whatever sins you have committed in 2500 years, can be burnt in 50 years to become Satopradhan (once the part of Father commences in the Purushottam Confluence Age)." [Mu 03.03.74]

"Father(Ram ShivBaba) comes and transforms our intellect from stone to elixir-like(Paaras), in 50 years." [Mu 05.06.74]

"By knowing (Ram Shiv)Baba (the part played through Prajapita-Ram, not Brahma Baba Krishna), one can know the path of pious actions. It takes 40-50 years to become pious." [Mu 11.09.73]

"Now(in the Purushottam Confluence Age) you (true Brahmin) souls, are following the Shrimat of Ram ShivBaba." [Mu 02.03.78]

“Now(in the Purushottam Confluence Age) Ram ShivBaba(Shiv+Prajapita-Ram) gives you directions. There is victory in the faith itself.” [Mu 08.12.74]

“If you want to go to the kingdom of Ram, follow the directions of Ram(ShivBaba, in the Purushottam Confluence Age).” [Mu 12.05.77]

"The bestower of true salvation (sadgatidata) is one Ram(ShivBaba). When He’s praised as Ram, the purifier of sinful, then why do you make others(Brahmin Dadis) your preceptor? Father(Shiv) liberates through him(Ram aka Prajapita Brahma aka Shankar). He liberates from the bondages of preceptors(body conscious gurus/Dadis)." [Mu 04.09.73]

"Humans(BKs) become followers of sanyasi-guru(BK Dadis) in blind faith (after 1969). They become followers of sanyasi, but they do not know what inheritance they will get from their sanyasi-guru. This is blind faith... what is the aim-object? They(these Brahmin souls who follow Dadis blindly) do not know anything." [Mu 05.12.98]
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Re: How can the BKWSU keep lying to outsiders?

Post by fluffy bunny »

Well, there you go ... that is the truth of it.

Of course, to the BKs, it's no problem.

They can just hide it, change it and say, "Baba was testing our faith by being wrong" and not question or worry about it.

Of course, Virendra Dev Dixit or the PBKs say that cannot be Godly or ethical and so it must have some deeper significance, but the BKs don't want to admit it. It's better for them not to look too closely at the detail.

And it is a matter of fact that it is either not ethical or Godly to lie to outsider.
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