Brahma Kumaris stealing from other religions.

For those involved with the Brahma Kumaris, to discuss issues about the BKWSU in a free and open manner.
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fluffy bunny
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Brahma Kumaris stealing from other religions.

Post by fluffy bunny »

From Questions for BKs ... I have come to accept that it is the nature of the Brahma Kumaris to steal from other religions. I wish they would stop but I fear it is futile to try and ask them to do so.
fluffy bunny wrote:And please ... don't take a dump of your BK filth in the Tao. It is not your religion. Show some respect and leave it well alone.
Roy wrote:This is not my conversation, and i know Avyakt Bhai is more than capable of fighting his own corner; but this seems somewhat strong fluffy Bhai. I respect your need for getting to the truth about all things BK, and am grateful that you bring your energy and knowledge to this forum; but i don't feel this is your finest work.
I am sorry but I am serious.

What I am demanding is an equal respect for other people's religion and, specifically here, for Brahma Kumari adherents to stop robbing from, bringing into defamation, and manipulating other people's religions. The insult is made even worse where the Brahma Kumaris do not even recognise Taoism founders or existence in their theology (The Tree etc).

You may not be aware but in their dedication to social climbing, the Western BKs of late have taken to stealing ideas and credibility from Taoism (just as they have from the traditions of Hinduism and Raja Yoga in the past). Hypocritically, this is also against Shrimat.

Unlike the Brahma Kumaris, Taoism has, on the whole, a universally positive reputation. There is a small cult of superior Western Brahma Kumaris who seek to use the dressing of Taoist ideas as a garb, or disguise, for their own benefit. To "window dress" their own religion and make it appear more attractive.

Taoism is cool, Brahma Kumaris is not. Brahma Kumarism is about the most un-Taoist religion you could find and yet they disguise their beliefs in what they have taken from elsewhere.

Partly, this has come about because of the intellectual and artistic poverty, and narrowness, of Brahma Kumarism. Taoism is very poetic and universal, Brahma Kumaris is not. Taoist aesthetics largely appeal to aspirant middle class Westerners, Brahma Kumari ones do not. It may be that Avyakt7 is, in essence, a Taoist rather than a Brahma Kumarist, in which case I would apologise to him once he jettisons his own brand of Brahma Kumarism.

This is where all of you here, who try your best to follow Shrimat and Gyan sincerely, will immediately see the contradiction. The god of the BKs is utterly clear about the place of manmant and Bhakti, and yet those that pass themselves off as BKs constantly go about robbing from other religions and stealing others ideas to market themselves and their religion!

Would the BKs have stolen the Koran and Mohammed's words to liken Dadi Janki's superiority to them? No, of course, not. So why exploit a different religion just because there are no fanatics to challenge you? Simple answer ... the BK Moghuls enjoy preying on the weak and undefended, invading their lands and stealing it from them.

It makes me wonder about the symbolism in the Murlis. did not it constantly go on about the Moghuls coming to rob Shiva's temple Somnath? Here they are, not satisfied with robbing all of Somnath, charging over the Himalayas to rob the Chinese and Taoism.

And, funnily enough, the God of the BKs never seemed to mention the Chinese, and their 12,000 to 15,000 year old history, as existing at all.
avyakt7 wrote:Some individuals just never learn.... and rather live life biting like a poisonous snake.
So which divine virtues or celestial arts are condescension and insult?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris stealing from other religions.

Post by Roy »

fluffy bunny wrote:Taoism is cool, Brahma Kumaris is not. Brahma Kumarism is about the most un-Taoist religion you could find and yet they disguise their beliefs in what they have taken from elsewhere.

I take your point fluffy Bhai, which is nicely argued. I just felt your original comment was rather venomous in its tone, and therefore detracted somewhat from the actual point you were making. But once again you reveal the knowledgeable side of yourself that was behind this, which makes your presence on this forum, so valuable.
fluffy bunny wrote:It makes me wonder about the symbolism in the Murlis
Good point!

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