No death for V Dixit Baba?

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Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by satyaprakash »

I have listened to many VCDs produced by Virendra Dixit Baba.
Now the PBKs are claiming that this Baba is speaking the voice of Siva or is a rep of Siva or Siva himself or some such version.
Assume that these are Sivas words: Now the questions:
why is there no subject for each CD?
why the topic is not clear?
why there is a rambling from one topic to another without any connection?
why these things cannot be made as a book?
why do you need thousands of CDs to describe your path?
why is it so difficult to interpret?
how many more such Cds will be produced?

Is Siva a confused God? By the very definition of all knowing and all powerful -he is not like this.
The above gives doubt that these are not Siva's word but that of a human person who is very confused.
Any other view?

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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by ak1972 »

siva is not confusing.
The problem is very simple.. you are trying to learn B.Sc without undergoing basic schooling.
Please do not take this as a offensive statement, if you are really keen to understand what Baba Dixit is trying to say, you will first have to undergo a 7 day course which will lay the foundation for you to understand these classes that you are listening, once that basic is clear, i don't see that you will ever come with such q's.
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Re: No death for V Dixit Baba?

Post by Roy »

satyaprakash wrote:I will handle Arjun and Roy myself and reply to them. Arjun always writes clearly. Roy is only trying!
This comment made me smile Bhai, because it is true! :D I have a lot or respect for Arjun Bhai's powers of clear explanation, which reveal his clarity of understanding, and command of language; even when its not his native one.
satyaprakash wrote:A nuclear war releases so much heat that everything will get burnt! Why freeze? What do you get if you freeze the ashes?
The freezing will occur due to the massive heat that will be released as you have commented on. This will lead to the evapouration of great amounts of water from the sea; and together with this, there will be a massive amount of dust in the atmosphere, due to the exploding bombs. It is dust that clouds form around, by being the base(seed) for water vapour to cling to, and eventually form large water droplets, that when big enough, fall as rain. So there will be no sunlight due to the dust and the clouds; but huge amounts of rain will fall that will cool the earth; and because this situation will last for some time, the temperature will steadily fall; so that eventually, there will be a big freeze around the globe. You must have heard of the nuclear winter, that scientists have spoken of over the years; that they predict would follow, a worldwide nuclear war.
satyaprakash wrote:Who will survive a nuclear war?
Only those souls who have become totally pure, by 2036. This is a simple matter of karma! Only souls who are beyond the effects of karma(karmateet), will be able to survive this terrible final war. But even they cannot escape being frozen it would appear; and will have to return to Paramdham(the Soul World) for a short period, until the great thaw begins.
satyaprakash wrote:From where you got this understanding and these figures. Which scientist told you? where is it published?
I have come across this at least once, and it was some years back on a television science programme. I am sure there will be data available on the net if you care to search for it. The thing is, there are people living now, to well over 100 years in certain areas of the world; even in a certain part of nothern India i believe and this is at the tail end of the 5000 years Drama, where everything has become tamopradhan. So it is no stretch for me to believe ShivBaba when He tell us; that in the Golden Age, the lifespan of a pure Deity, will be between, 150 to 200 years.
satyaprakash wrote:Why should he become a women- is it also a PBK story?
It is a simple matter of logic and balance. One's last thoughts before leaving the body, take you to your destination. Someone(soul) in a male costume, will be coupled with a soul in a female costume; and thus each one will be relating to(thinking about) a soul in a costume of the opposite sex a great deal. Also, the Golden Age particularly, is about balance... so each soul will have the experience of being both son and daughter, Father and mother, etc.
satyaprakash wrote:It says you are from London!
I am from Birmingham(second city of the UK) originally; but now live about 15 miles outside.
satyaprakash wrote:What job are you doing?
I am not working presently, due to a chronic health condition! I used to work in a bank, and was also a driving instructor for a time.
satyaprakash wrote:Are you educated in a college?
Yes; i studied maths, physics and chemistry for my A levels; but studied business at college. I am no academic though, only fairly average in intelligence. The soul who brought me into Gyan, was a former scientist; and it was the logic(but also his depth of dharna) with which he was able to explain Gyan to me, that helped me gain a deeper appreciation of ShivBaba's teachings.
satyaprakash wrote:why do you believe this type of pure imaginary stories? What basis is there for you to believe all this?
It appeals to my intellect; i find Gyan very logical and practical; especially AK.
satyaprakash wrote:Are you not from a religious family?
No! I became an atheist for a few years, in my early youth; after learning of Darwin's theory of evolution at school. However, i found myself being drawn towards the spiritual side of life, in my early twenties. I reached a sort of epiphany at 25; and almost the next day i discovered raj Yoga, much to my delight!
satyaprakash wrote:Normally rural women are taken in by these stories. It is surprising that a person from UK is believing all this!
This is the speciality of Gyan, it speaks to all types of people, from whatever their background. Yes, most Gyani souls are from India; but a few of us have wandered away from the mother land, in our later births.
satyaprakash wrote:May be the time has come for you to look around and learn the truth.
I believe i found the truth(basic knowledge), back in 1985.
satyaprakash wrote:Best wishes, May god be with you!
Thank you Bhai, best wishes to you as well!

Om Shanti

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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by RudraPutra »

satyaprakash wrote: why is there no subject for each CD?
why the topic is not clear?
....there are subjects...even topics are crystal clear.....but you cannot understand the thing....
leave the suject or topics but since you had not gone through basic process it is very hard to make you understand about the reason for the CD's class....
why there is a rambling from one topic to another without any connection?
....from long time i am following the AK but i never ever experienced the same.....still your basic problem...
why these things cannot be made as a book?
....there is saying that
if we make the whole earth as writing pad,if we make pen with the whole jungles and use ocean as ink....still we cannot explain GOD and his leela....
why do you need thousands of CDs to describe your path?
...alright so what actually we should do....just explain me...
why is it so difficult to interpret?
as in Gita it is said "Guhyaat guhyataram gyaan" might be difficult...and that is why ShivBaba is practically available...
how many more such Cds will be produced?
well i cannot answer you this...sorry!!!
Is Siva a confused God? By the very definition of all knowing and all powerful -he is not like this.
The above gives doubt that these are not Siva's word but that of a human person who is very confused.
Any other view?, siva is not but half knowledge makes you is always said that half knowledge is dangerous....
my humble request to you is that you undergo the process of courses and still if you think it as unsatisfying you have your own way....
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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by RudraPutra »

Satyaprakash Bhai,
Let me ask you certain questions:
1.Do you believe in scripts or shastras?
----If yes don't you see any confusing matters in those scripts...??? answer me then i will ask accordingly...
----If no then are you an atheist? whom and what do you believe in?
2.Do you believe in science?
----if yes than i should say that if you are not an atheist you are following two diferent science do not believe in scripts and suppose if you are an atheist and believing science than i should say you that even science had proven very confusing and very much erronous in many situations....for example lets talk about carbon dating which is still a debatic issue in science part....even the concept of evolution:Darwins theory etc.
----if no and if you are an atheist,whom and what the hell do you believe in?...what life are you leading?
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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by Roy »

RudraPutra wrote:my humble request to you is that you undergo the process of courses and still if you think it as unsatisfying you have your own way....
I totally agree with this sensible suggestion of Rudra Bhai's. Much as i enjoy "rabbiting on" about Gyan; i think it is ultimately fruitless, if a soul hasn't taken the courses available, to give one a good background; so there is at least some meeting ground, from which to proceed.

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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by arjun »

satyaprakash wrote:why is there no subject for each CD?
CDs contain Murlis. Murlis are words spoken by the spiritual Father to the spiritual children and is not restricted to any one topic. Therefore, the CDs do not have any subject mentioned on them. These are just datewise clarification Murlis.
why the topic is not clear?
You have to first undergo the basic and Advance Course in order to understand the Murlis.
why there is a rambling from one topic to another without any connection?
The answer is same as above.
why these things cannot be made as a book?
Scripts of hundreds of these Murlis (which could be transcribed into Hindi and translated into English) have been uploaded on the official website of PBKs as well as this forum. May be you have deliberately worn a band like Gandhari to turn a blind eye to all these materials which are freely available to anyone in the world. Moreover, in order to avoid costs these have not been made as a book, as that book would run into thousands of pages.
why do you need thousands of CDs to describe your path?
Why do you eat food everyday? Just as you need food to keep your body alive, we need this food for our souls.
why is it so difficult to interpret?
You have to first undergo the basic and Advance Course in order to interpret the Murlis.
how many more such Cds will be produced?
ShivBaba says 'you have to drink the nectar of knowledge as long as you are alive' and as long as the Father is in this world He would continue to give knowledge. If you do not like His knowledge, you can simply ignore it.
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Re: No death for V Dixit Baba?

Post by arjun »

satyaprakash wrote:You also said that he will get it out of ice and reenter it later. Does it not mean he will not die?
No. It does not mean that he will not die. The soul is the same and the body is the same. The only difference is that the body and the soul has undergone transformation. But even the transformed soul has to leave the transformed/rejuvenated body after some years. So, it is not true that he does not die/leave his body.
More you bother abour preserving dead bodies the more backward in civilisation you are.
Hindus are the best. They burn it and go ahead.
The egyptian pyramids are an example where they tried to preserve their dead in the hope of souls entering later. Is PBK trying that?
Why do you go to Egypt to look for examples? Everyone in India is aware of how Shankaracharya's body was preserved by his disciples in a cave when his soul entered into the dead body of a king to bring him back to life and understand the nuances of 'kamashastra' in order to defeat a lady scholar (Ubhay Bharati) whose husband (Mandan Mishra) he had defeated while debating all other Hindu scriptures with him.

So, what's wrong if the souls of PBKs go to the Soul World for a short period (varying from one second to a few years) and re-enter their own bodies?
Some how the bodies must be preserved or one should not die!
Why such morbid fear of death?
I was recently reading a book on Adi Shankaracharya where it was mentioned that soon after child Shankar took sanyas, he went straight to Onkarnath to study from a guru named Gobindpad who was believed to be performing tapasya in a cave since last one thousand years and was the son of Gaurpad. Gaurpad was the son of Shukdev and Shukdev was the son of sage Vyas who is believed to have written the Advait Vedanta. If you believe this story it means it is the merging of the mythology into actual history. When you can believe someone lived for a thousand years, then cannot you believe if PBKs say that deities live for about 150 years in the Golden Age when their soul as well the body is pure? Where is the imagination or the fear for death involved in this?

It is your fear about the hollowness of your own philosophy which prompts you to make fun of others.
Arise and Awake from your ignorance!
May Samba Siva (s(c)a amba siva= Lord Siva with Parvati Devi) give you better knowledge!
And may I kindly know where your SambaSiva and Devi Parvati exist at present? On Mount Kailasa or in the thin air (just like Om Radhey Mama of Shivsena Bhai)?
Do you mean to say that all Hindus follow only Bhakti marga. Gnana marg does not exist in Hindus? All margas are allowed in Hinduism only.
Had Gnana marg (path of knowledge) existed in Hinduism or its scriptures, India would not have plunged into the darkness of ignorance and vices and poverty that we see today.
A nuclear war releases so much heat that everything will get burnt! Why freeze? What do you get if you freeze the ashes?
When it releases immense heat it would also cause the surface water of oceans and rivers to vaporise and then precipitate continuously for many days leading to cooling down of atmosphere to the extent that many areas would freeze.
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Re: No death for V Dixit Baba?

Post by arjun »

roy wrote:This comment made me smile Bhai, because it is true! :D I have a lot or respect for Arjun Bhai's powers of clear explanation, which reveal his clarity of understanding, and command of language; even when its not his native one.
I think satyaprakash did not mean to comment on your language but on the clarity of advance knowledge. Your English is much better than mine. Just because you are new to advance knowledge he might have felt that your clarification of advance knowledge is inadequate. But you explain many points of advance knowledge better than many regular PBKs. So, please do not take satyaprakash's statement in a negative sense.
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Re: No death for V Dixit Baba?

Post by Roy »

arjun wrote:I think satyaprakash did not mean to comment on your language but on the clarity of advance knowledge. Your English is much better than mine. Just because you are new to advance knowledge he might have felt that your clarification of advance knowledge is inadequate. But you explain many points of advance knowledge better than many regular PBKs. So, please do not take satyaprakash's statement in a negative sense.
Thank you Bhai, i appreciate your comments. I feel my advantage on this forum, is that English is of course my native language; and thus it is much easier for me to express myself, than it is for some others; who although their depth of Gyan is greater; do not quite have the mastery of English that you in particular demonstrate, and also Shivsena Bhai. You both more than match my expressive powers in the language, and have more knowledge and experience as well. This is why i feel free to test my understanding of AK on here; because i know you'll most likely correct me, when i stray too far outside the correct teachings. :D

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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by satyaprakash »

arjun wrote:You have to first undergo the basic and Advance Course in order to understand the Murlis.
Thanks for the advice Arjun Bhai. This is what the PBKs repeatedly tell anyone questioning their ideas and beliefs. I know exactly what is thought in these 7 day classes and also the so called advanced classes.
Other than the story about 5000 year cycle etc, there is very little philosophy- however much you may disagree, there is only story and no philosophy in this path!
Unless you are ready to simply believe in all these stories no one willunderstand your path. Anyone questioning is repeatedly told to attend 7 day classes.
The fox cut its and calls it beautiful so that every one else will also cut their tails.
A book need an index, a list of chapters and cogent ideas in it.
arjun wrote:Scripts of hundreds of these Murlis (which could be transcribed into Hindi and translated into English) have been uploaded on the official website of PBKs
Just dumping a lot of trash VCD content on the web is only words without any meaning. Hence I challenge you to put your ideas in a book so that people can question you with proper reference.
arjun wrote:Ds contain Murlis. Murlis are words spoken by the spiritual Father to the spiritual children and is not restricted to any one topic.
Correction. There is no topic. It is only a rambling talk on anything that occurs to his mind without conveying any meaning. There are so many thousands of CDs - can you tell which CD talks about which topic?\
arjun wrote:If you do not like His knowledge, you can simply ignore it.
It is not like or dislike- when there is no knowledge what to ignore?
After all is said and done, I appreciate Arjun for very efficiently defending his faith. His arguments almost give an impression of having strength in it. Due to Arjun's long and close association with Dixit Baba, he knows the standard answers to counter arguments. (only these answers are weak and fall by if you look closely). Other give stale and silly arguments mostly of nuisance value!
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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by satyaprakash »

RudraPutra wrote:Do you believe in science?
Science is not a question of belief. It is working laws. It works in physical plane.
Do not mix up science with your strange world ending ideas.
RudraPutra wrote: if you are an atheist,whom and what the hell do you believe in?...what life are you leading?
Atheists do not believe in Hell!
Anyhow I am an Hindu and I lead a good life!
RudraPutra wrote:for example lets talk about carbon dating
You are afraid of carbon dating as it disproves PBKs cycles and world ending theory. Read about Carbon dating from some good source like Wikipediaor good science book.
Do not believe the trash dished out by PBKs without any basis.
RudraPutra wrote:Darwins theory
Darwin's theory is only theory and not science laws. Do not worry about it. I also do not believe Darwin theory.
RudraPutra wrote:if we make the whole earth as writing pad,if we make pen with the whole jungles and use ocean as ink....still we cannot explain GOD and his leela....
This is Koran and Bhakti idea! You should not quote it as you are supposed to be full of Gyan!
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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by RudraPutra »

satyaprakash wrote: Science is not a question of belief. It is working laws. It works in physical plane.
Do not mix up science with your strange world ending ideas.
....alright and what the science tells about your Hindu ideologies which you follow....not only Hindi,infact every scripts are challenged by science....
no problem keep every stuff isolate and tell me in what do you have faith....scripts with no logical sense or working laws of so called science?
Atheists do not believe in Hell!
Anyhow I am an Hindu and I lead a good life!
do you really know the meaning of Hindu....? or just lame follow of the old generations concept....
you are the sophisticated way of ATHEISM....since you have no answers for your late scripts....what the scripts have done till now....??? haven't you seen the downfall of whole world....??? illogical sense which surrounds you make you so weak that people like you are even not able to explain the flaws pointed out by anyone.....this is the main reason why Hindus are joining different religion(although reality is far bitter)...
saying Hindu and being Hindu is different concepts altogether.....and till now there are just saying Hindus and not the perfect one....
You are afraid of carbon dating as it disproves PBKs cycles and world ending theory. Read about Carbon dating from some good source like Wikipediaor good science book.
Do not believe the trash dished out by PBKs without any basis.
....sorry brother being a science student and the one who has keen interest(till now) is not saying without can check the sites....and it is strange you do not know the debatical issues on carbon dating.... ... -the-bible
....and this is the present global issue and not the PBK's issue....
Darwin's theory is only theory and not science laws. Do not worry about it. I also do not believe Darwin theory.
great...atleast we have something in common....
This is Koran and Bhakti idea! You should not quote it as you are supposed to be full of Gyan!
yeah you are right,but thorns are removed through thorns and hence you have been answered in a Bhakti way...coz you are in Bhakti....!!!
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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by RudraPutra »

I am very much keen to know,why Satyaprakash Bhai is dying hard in trying to prove PBK's concept as false....
PBK's are not the one who had pointed out this concept has been mentioned in BK's Murli as well as Avyakt Vani....but still they are not questioned(if i am not wrong)?....strange!!! atleast PBK's do accept scripts upto some extent where BK's totally disagree with this....
Moreover other members are also having their own concepts but still they are remained to be questioned,why so?
There must be something why satyprakash is so keen interested to attack AK and Baba....
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Re: Why Siva is full of confusion?

Post by Roy »

What i find interesting; is that you can give countless rational, and even scientific arguments for your beliefs; but still souls insist that you are avoiding their questions, or not giving straight answers, or are making up senseless stories. There comes a point when you have to think, what more can i say. Ultimately, each soul will believe, what it wishes to believe. We make our case, then we have to move on!

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