The power of our thoughts

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The power of our thoughts

Post by atma »

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As time goes on I am understanding more and more on how much power our thoughts have and will have in the future.

With regards to the basic knowledge I saw and experienced on how some souls with the basic knowledge chose to think about things like destruction, what they could not do or not have and they would of course become depressed or miserable.

This can easily happen even now to those seeking the knowledge in the Advance Party as well.

As I go through each day I am becoming ever so much aware and careful of where my thoughts are because of the law of attraction because these thoughts are creating my future.

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Post by arjun »

Dear Atma Bhai, Om Shanti. Welcome back to the forum. Seems like you had forgotten all of us and were busy in Baba's remembrance.

I agree that sometimes when we become date conscious, and when things do not happen on the predicted dates then one feels depressed. One would find it difficult to pass time. Instead we should try to become soul conscious and see things as a detached spectator. Then we would be able to enjoy life in a better way and the time would also drive past us like a speeding train. We would not even know how the time passed. As you said this problem of depression can arise even in the Advance Party like the BKs if they become date conscious.

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Post by atma »

Bhai Arjun,

Thanks, my only wish is that I was in that much remembrance. is not it said in the Murlis that 8 hours is the goal to achieve mastery?

I find depression and attachment can be connected. From my experience with the bk's I found some to simply not have that balance between lokik and alokik in which Baba teaches us to have and therefore go to one extreme and isolate themselves to much or start to live like a hermit.

I am honestly not to concerned about dates it really doesn't serve much purpose for me because with dates one might then do things out of fear or selfish reasons instead of love.

I think things have to work more naturally and not to be forced.

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Post by arjun »

Dear Atma Bhai,

Om Shanti. Thanks for the reply. I am also sailing in the same boat as you as far as remembrance is concerned. The karmic debts of so many births leads to the remembrance of bodily beings coming to my mind several times. But I have to correct myself again and again by telling myself that remembering these bodily beings or things is not going to be of any use. Most of the time I find that the wasteful thoughts include such thoughts which we create repeatedly although we know that we have already thought over that subject on earlier occasions and taken decisions on them. Wasteful thoughts also include thoughts about people who are in no way concerned with us or of any use. Then there are many news items that you see on TV or read in the newspapers which are of no use to us, but we see or read them only out of curiosity.

Recently, one of the emerging stars of Indian cricket team was held up in a hairstylist's shop for five hours just because thousands of people had gathered outside the shop just to have a glance of his hairstyle (he is famous for his long hairs) after coming to know of his presence. One of the TV channels was airing the news as if the hairstyle of that cricketer is the most important news of the country. While surfing through news channels, we also get attracted to such news even if it is for a few seconds, but later on repent for having wasted time on such useless news. In India, there are more than a dozen national news channels and many of them keep airing such unimportant news in a spicy manner to attract maximum viewership. Well, it is upto us to decide what is more important for us.
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Post by atma »


Yes it is all so fascinating. How are mind can be attracted to many different things.

In the NOrth America's we are very much star struck here as well with the dramatic increase in seperation and divorce it seems to be the main interest of many souls about which star is with whom etc.

It is rather comical for me this star struck thing.

I simply do not understand this the obsession etc. Mind you I do not impose my feelings on others if they wish to share such things with me. Those movie stars I am not interested in.

What interest me is the Biggest brightest star the one known as the North Star which all the other stars circle around .

This is a special star indeed.

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