What is Lekharaj's soul according to Virendra Dev Dixit?

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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by Sach_Khand »

fluffy bunny wrote: Why should they be afraid?

Perhaps they are just sick of you and dealing with your attitude Sanjeev? Why should anyone pay any attention to you? What have you got to offer here?

is not it just respect for Shrimat/Maryadas/etc because they says, "incognito charity is the highest".

You are a lot like the egotists at the BKWSU, Sanjeev, who cannot stop for a moment promoting themselves or their gurus ... they also make a big deal out of individuals who do not with to take any credit personally whatsoever and prefer to remain anonymous. Because they are so caught by ego, they presume that all others are as well; they try to pick out individuals, name them and target them looking for personal faults and ignoring the bigger issues. Why should anyone subject themselves to being targeted if they do not wish to be?

Now, personally, I do not believe in what the blogs say, nor think how they write will be successful ... but I do agree with respecting individual's right to anonymity if they so wish. It is their decision, not yours, so your insults are wasted.
Who are you?
What right do you have to poke your nose in the issues of BKs and so called PBKs. You are just a fluffer as you have rightly written in your nick name. The one who want to spoil the job with your foolish poking business. Mind your own business. If you are really interested in the Godly knowledge, then first make yourself clear about does really Shiv exist. And has He really come to this vicious world to tranform this world. If you do not understand this or cannot have faith in this then please keep your mouth shut. And do not disturb by your poking business. Hope you have some manners and will hereafter stop your poking business, atleast in my posts.

By the way are you that so called incognito PBK.
If you are that incognito PBK then just write yes if not then no. That would be enough. I need no lecture from you.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by Sach_Khand »

arjun wrote:Om Shanti. As far as I know, ShivBaba through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has clarified that Ravan refers to the five seed-form (PBKs) and five root-form (BKs) souls representing the five vices and the soul of Dada Lekhraj which plays the role of Hiranyakashyap in the Confluence Age represents the head of donkey depicted on Ravan's head (in the picture of Ravan as published by the BKs).

Here, donkey is symbolic of body consciousness as well as the hard work undertaken by the soul of Dada Lekhraj in the Yagya. It carried the burden of the responsibility of Yagya from the time Prajapita departed from the Yagya (in 1942) till 1969. But at the same time it was under the wrong impression that it is the soul of Prajapita Brahma or the medium of God or God of Gita and hence played the role of Hiranyakashyap.
I remember an incident which took place in 1993 when I had been to Kampil first time.
After bhatti I stayed there for few more days. One day I heard from PBKs of Kampil about the service they were doing in the nearby areas and heard about one Bk. So I took the adress of that Bk and went to his village near Kampil. He was a young Kumar. He told me that he had come to Kampil to discuss about the knowledge. At that time Virendra Dev Dixit and few others were sitting there in the first outside room in the first floor (old building).
That BK asked about the knowledge and at that time he asked Virendra Dev Dixit that who was he? The reply given was that he was the donkey on the head of the Ravan.
I did not give much importance to that then. I just said to that BK that it was due to egoless state of Virendra Dev Dixit that he had answered so. After returning to Kampil I told about this conversation.
Has ever any children who had met Dada Lekharaj had any such experience in his life time. If D.L. was so much body conscious then has he ever done the acts which Virendra Dev Dixit is doing in the name of Shankar or Sangamyugi Krishna?
If Dada Lekharaj was really the donkey on the head of Ravan, then why was Virendra Dev Dixit telling in those audio cassettes that the same soul of Brahma Baba enters into one of the Brahmin child and plays the part of Adi Dev?
by arjun » 27 Apr 2010
The soul of Dada Lekhraj also enters the body of Mama Kamala Devi to play the role of Jagdamba.
He is said to play the role of Dattatreya as well.
On one hand PBKs say that Dada Lekharaj is Chaitanya Gita and plays part through Mama and he is alo Dattatreya and on the other hand they are saying that he is donkey. What is true?
Is Chaitanya Gita a donkey? or is Dattatreya a donkey?
Only donkeys will think so. Jaisi drushti vaisi shrushti. This is reason why Virendra Dev Dixit said that Ram becomes Ravan and Krishna becomes kans. It is his own body consciousness and ill will which is making him frustrated and in that frustration he is giving such knowledge. Vinash kale vipareet budhhi.

Remember what V.D had told in the beginning. He had said that in 1976 there was said in Avyakt Vani that Bap ki pratyakshata ka varsh manao (celebrate the year as Father's revealation year). And also in the same Vani it was said that a Brahmin child will become nimitta (in Hindi). And that child will get scholarship.
But it is said in Murlis that videshi will reveal Father first (and that too in midnight I suppose). So Virendra Dev Dixit is the videshi. who revealed The GodFather. GodFather was revealed through videshi (and hence it was said that Bap videshi bankar aya hai.) And videshi do not consider The GodFather as a corporeal being. Videshi Virendra Dev Dixit could not reveal The Corporeal form of The GodFather but just revealed Him as Nirakari i.e., incorporeal entity. And based on his asuri knowledge Virendra Dev Dixit has utterly failed whenever he tried to emulate The Corporeal GodFather Who does not need to prove his nirakari state. And no one can emulate The GodFather. Such Gurus who try to emulate The GodFather are heads of Ravan (Ravan i.e., Virendra Dev Dixit who has started this process of emulation). First he tried this with premakanta and next with some other women then with Kamala Devi for many years and also many others. But has utterly failed. And will contiue to fail. Seeing him many BK maharthis also tried it. Some understood their mistake and changed and continued to be BK and some Maharathis tried to prove themselves and continued to do mistakes and lastly left BKs.
The scholarship which Virendra Dev Dixit got was useless. Just remember the Hindi film song Aaall iiiss Weeelll of 3 idiots.
"Scholarship ki pee gaya poori gam toh phir bhee mita nahee,
Agarbattiyaan raakh ho gayee God toh phir bhi dikha nahee
This applies to Virendra Dev Dixit fully.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by arjun »


“बाबा तो प्रदर्शनी में जा न सके क्योंकि बापदादा दोनों इकट्ठे हैं। बाबा की आत्मा और इनकी आत्मा इकट्ठी है। यह वन्डरफुल युगल है। इस युगल को तुम बच्चों के सिवाए कोई जान न सके। अपने को युगल भी समझते हैं फिर भी कहते हैं मैं एक ही बाबा का सिकीलधा बच्चा हूँ। इस लक्ष्मी-नारायण के चित्र को देखकर बहुत खुशी होती है। हमारा दूसरा जन्म यह है, हम गद्दी पर जरूर बैठेंगे। तुम भी राजयोग सीख रहे हो, एम आब्जेक्ट सामने खड़ी है। इन्हें तो खुशी है कि मैं बाबा का सिकीलधा बच्चा हूँ फिर भी सदैव याद ठहरती नहीं। और-और तरफ ख्यालात चले जाते हैं। ड्रामा का लॉ नहीं जो एकदम याद ठहर जाए और कोई ख्याल न आये। माया के तूफान याद नहीं करने देते। जानता हूँ हमारे लिए बहुत सहज है, क्योंकि बाबा की प्रवेशता है। बाबा का नम्बरवन सिकीलधा बच्चा हूँ। पहले नम्बर में राजकुमार बनूँगा फिर भी याद भूल जाती है। अनेक प्रकार के ख्यालात आ जाते हैं। यह है माया। जब इस बाबा को अनुभव हो तब तो तुम बच्चों को समझा सके।“(ब्रह्माकुमारियों द्वारा प्रकाशित रिवाइज़्ड साकार मुरली दिनांक १४.०१.०९, पृ. २)

“Baba cannot go to the exhibitions (to explain) because both Bap and Dada are together. Baba’s soul and the soul of this one is together. This is a wonderful couple. Nobody except you children can know about this couple. He considers himself to be a spouse, yet he says – I am the only long lost and now found (seekiladha) child of Baba. You feel very happy on seeing the picture of this Lakshmi and Narayan. This is our next birth. We will certainly sit on the throne. You are also learning rajyog; the aim object is in front of you. This one feels happy that he is the long lost and now found child of Baba. Yet, the remembrance does not remain constant forever. The thoughts move in other directions. The remembrance becoming constant immediately and not getting any other thought is against the law of drama. Storms of Maya do not allow us to remember. I know that it is easy for me because Baba has entered in me. I am the numberone longlost and now found child of Baba. I will become the number one prince. Still I forget. Many kinds of thoughts emerge. This is Maya. Only when this Baba experiences something can he explain to you children.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 14.01.09, pg 2 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

The above Murli point proves how Brahma Baba declared himself to be the medium of God. Although Shiv played the role of a mother through him and set an example of righteous actions, but his only mistake of declaring himself to be the medium of God laid the foundation of child Krishna's name being inserted as the God of Gita. ShivBaba Himself says in the Murlis that this is the only and biggest mistake committed by the children.

If Brahma Baba does not consider himself to be God of Gita then why does he not ask BKs to remove all the larger than life pictures of himself and other BKs being displayed all over BKWSU HQs and centers and gitapathshalas despite a clear direction in the Murlis that children should not keep a picture of Brahma Baba? This proves that Brahma Baba considers himself to be God of Gita. What will such a soul be called? Decide yourself.

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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by shivsena »

arjun wrote: and the soul of Dada Lekhraj which plays the role of Hiranyakashyap in the Confluence Age represents the head of donkey depicted on Ravan's head.
If Baba Dixit teaches that DL is playing the role of HK, then it gives rise to many queries.

If DL=HK, then how can a soul playing the role of Hiranya-Kashyap(one who gives sorrow to others) become karmatit and deliver Vanis which are being clarified by Baba Dixit.

Also in many cassettes Baba Dixit mentions that DL never gave sorrow to anyone, but he definitely received sorrow from many bk children which resulted in heart attack in 1969.....so how can a soul playing HK receive sorrow from children(in scriptures it is written that Hiranya-kashyap gave sorrow to his own child bhakt prahlad)

Can any pbk explain this ambiguity.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by Sach_Khand »

arjun wrote: The above Murli point proves how Brahma Baba declared himself to be the medium of God. Although Shiv played the role of a mother through him and set an example of righteous actions, but his only mistake of declaring himself to be the medium of God laid the foundation of child Krishna's name being inserted as the God of Gita. ShivBaba Himself says in the Murlis that this is the only and biggest mistake committed by the children.

If Brahma Baba does not consider himself to be God of Gita then why does he not ask BKs to remove all the larger than life pictures of himself and other BKs being displayed all over BKWSU HQs and centers and gitapathshalas despite a clear direction in the Murlis that children should not keep a picture of Brahma Baba? This proves that Brahma Baba considers himself to be God of Gita. What will such a soul be called? Decide yourself.
There is nothing wrong in declaring The Truth. Only fakes will use excuses to shy off.
In Murlis too nowhere it is said that accepting that ShivBaba enters them is a crime. Infact it is said in a Murli point that some children understand that the knowledge that was spoken through them was out of their capacity. And humble children accept that it was ShivBaba Who has actually given The Knowledge and Drishti and done service whereas some egoistic children think that it is their own knowledge and capacity. So there is nothing wrong in accepting that ShivBaba uses someones body for service. It is said in Murlis that considering Oneself as Supreme Soul is like Hiranyakashyap. And Dada Lekharaj has never said so. It is Virendra Dev Dixit who after couple of decades i.e., in the mid 1990s started telling that ParamPita is different and ParamAtma is different and tried to project himself as ParamAtma i.e., Supreme Soul. Hence it is Virendra Dev Dixit who has played the part of Hiranyakashyap. And we can see how he is playing his part. Even his so called wife too left him. Why? Because she could not live with him knowing his reality.
Now it is for people like Arjun to decide what is truth based on actual Murli points and not just on clarifications given by Virendra Dev Dixit.
Regarding the Murli point quoted by Arjun,
“Baba cannot go to the exhibitions (to explain) because both Bap and Dada are together. Baba’s soul and the soul of this one is together. This is a wonderful couple. Nobody except you children can know about this couple. He considers himself to be a spouse, yet he says – I am the only long lost and now found (seekiladha) child of Baba. You feel very happy on seeing the picture of this Lakshmi and Narayan. This is our next birth. We will certainly sit on the throne. You are also learning rajyog; the aim object is in front of you. This one feels happy that he is the long lost and now found child of Baba. Yet, the remembrance does not remain constant forever. The thoughts move in other directions. The remembrance becoming constant immediately and not getting any other thought is against the law of drama. Storms of Maya do not allow us to remember. I know that it is easy for me because Baba has entered in me. I am the numberone longlost and now found child of Baba. I will become the number one prince. Still I forget. Many kinds of thoughts emerge. This is Maya. Only when this Baba experiences something can he explain to you children.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 14.01.09, pg 2 published by BKs in Hindi
Who is this Baba who cannot go to the exhibitions? It was for Dada Lekharaj at that time. Virendra Dev Dixit in his earlier days of BK knowledge used to go to worldly temples to give knowledge according to the literature of AIVV.
About Bap Dada. If the confusion about Bap Dada gets cleared then too the whole knowledge can be understood corectly. After so many years still even Bap Dada are not understood.
Bap-Dada is used in two sense. And there are seemingly contadictory statements. It is because Bap -Dada is used in two sense.
(1) Bap- The Corporeal GodFather i.e., Shiv + Dada Lekharaj.
Dada- Eldest corporeal child of Corporeal GodFather i.e., Mama i.e., Om Radhe i.e., Saraswati i.e., Jagadamba.

(2) Bap- The Incorporeal God Shiv.
Dada- The soul of Dada Lekharaj. The eldest amongst all incorporeal souls who is the Banni of Supreme Soul Shiv and is also the covering of the sweet Shiv i.e., Gothri in the saying "Goodh jaane Goodh ki Gothri jaane."

I am giving a Murli point quoted by Shivachild in another post,
Re: Meaning of BapDada
by shivachild » 10 Apr 2010
"Yeh Brahma bura padkar paas ho number one mein jata hai. Mama jawan bhi number one mein jati hai."
English: "This old Brahma will pass and become number one. young Mama will also become number one."
Murli dated 02.11.2007
In the above point it is said that two souls i.e., Dada Lekharaj and Mama Saraswati both will go in number One. It is these two souls which is acting in this Sangamyug. Supreme Soul Shiv has already played and created the drama inthe beginning itself when he came and Sangamyug started. That was the first creation. Bani banayee ban rahee ab kuch bananee nahee. When this is said it reffers to the first creation done by Shiv in Nirakar stage. And that is again created by Prajapita (Dada Lekharaj) in Sakar stage but in a subtle way in Sangamyug and therefore it is said that Prajapita bhee creator hai meaning Prajapita too is Creator. And the same is repeated in the broad drama of 5000 years by Mama Saraswati. Now this soul of Mama Saraswati is considered as The Corporeal GodFather. And this is the actual mistake. This mistake is corrected again in Sangamyug. And this soul of Mama is the soul which is controlling the Great Brahmakumaris Circus as a ringmaster. And Virendra Dev Dixit is under the illusion that Mama is the Supreme Soul Shiv. And is attracted by that soul. And hence is acting an asuri part. And considering that soul as Ram says that Ram becomes Ravan and Krishna becomes kans becuase of his own body consciousness.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by arjun »

Om Shanti.
1. Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) cannot be said to have achieved karmateet stage. Deliverance of Avyakt Vanis by the soul of DL and his role as Hiranyakashyap are two different issues. He delivers Avyakt Vanis because he still has attachment for the BKs. But those Avyakt Vanis have the same dharna points which he has been repeating every year since 1969. But he continues to play the role of Hiranyakashyap because he has not been able to stop the projection of BB as the God of Gita by BKs.

2. Brahma Baba received sorrows because he had more sanskars of a mother.

3. Baba does say that no child should feel egotistic that they have narrated knowledge in an effective manner. Mama Baba could have entered in them to do service. But it is also said that nobody can claim so. If everyone starts claiming that ShivBaba entered in them, then ShivBaba will become omnipresent, while both BKs and PBKs claim that God is not omnipresent. So, not even Brahma Baba can claim that Shiv enters in him. If he claims so, he is only playing the role of Hiranyakashyap.

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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by Sach_Khand »

arjun wrote: 1. Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) cannot be said to have achieved karmateet stage. Deliverance of Avyakt Vanis by the soul of DL and his role as Hiranyakashyap are two different issues. He delivers Avyakt Vanis because he still has attachment for the BKs. But those Avyakt Vanis have the same dharna points which he has been repeating every year since 1969. But he continues to play the role of Hiranyakashyap because he has not been able to stop the projection of BB as the God of Gita by BKs.
This misconception that Dada Lekharaj is delivering Avyakt Vanis will soon go. It is the soul of Mama Saraswati who is giving Avyakt Vanis. As Shivsena has written in some other post Avyakt Brahma is being played by Mama Saraswati.
arjun wrote: 2. Brahma Baba received sorrows because he had more sanskars of a mother.
How can someone whose responsibility is taken by Supreme Soul Shiv get sorrow? These are all fantasies spread by Virendra Dev Dixit.
arjun wrote: 3. Baba does say that no child should feel egotistic that they have narrated knowledge in an effective manner. Mama Baba could have entered in them to do service. But it is also said that nobody can claim so. If everyone starts claiming that ShivBaba entered in them, then ShivBaba will become omnipresent, while both BKs and PBKs claim that God is not omnipresent. So, not even Brahma Baba can claim that Shiv enters in him. If he claims so, he is only playing the role of Hiranyakashyap.
ShivBaba has not told that all children are Brahma. So no one can claim to be Brahma. And that is the reason why even Virendra Dev Dixit hesitates to claim as Prajapita Brahma.

It is only through Dada Lekharaj, Shiv has played the part of giving knowledge to children claiming Himself as Supreme Soul Shiv. Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members accept this. It is only Dada Lekharaj's photo that is shown as Brahma which is given in Trimurti and other Godly knowledge pictures. And if Dada Lekharaj says, "Yes, my part is that of Brahma because Shiv has chosen my body as The Chariot" then it is not a crime. If Dada Lekharaj would not have accepted it then it would have been deception. Becuase all the time in Murlis it is considered Dada Lekharaj as Brahma and in pictures too his picture is given. So it was right on the part of Dada Lekharaj to accept his part humbly. He was never been egoistic about his part. Accepting the Truth is not a crime. Actually sometimes not accepting is actually due to ego within that is being suppressed by humble words. It is hypocrisy.

But Virendra Dev Dixit is deceiving. On one hand he is trying to prove himself as Prajapita Brahma since 1976 and ParamAtma since mid 1990s. But never accepts it openly. Neither has Shiv ever introduced himself through him. He projects himself as Shankar. But in the literatures of AIVV even in the internet the pictures of Trimurti and other pictures having them never show Virendra Dev Dixit . Is this not deceiving? When AIVV believe that Virendra Dev Dixit is Shankar why is it not putting his photo in the place of Shankar? And why is AIVV not putting the photo of Virendra Dev Dixit in the place of Prajapita Brahma's photo.

I have nothing personal agasinst Virendra Dev Dixit or his followers. I am just writing what I feel and experience regarding the Godly knowledge in Murlis. If I am wrong I may get lower grade. It's O.K.. According to me it is only when we ourselves churn all that we hear then only we become the authority of experience and this is what ShivBaba expects from His children.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by Sach_Khand »

Sach_Khand wrote:Who are you?
What right do you have to poke your nose in the issues of BKs and so called PBKs. You are just a fluffer as you have rightly written in your nick name. The one who want to spoil the job with your foolish poking business.
I really did not know the actual meaning of fluffer. I made out the meaning by seeing the meaning of fluff given in dictionary at home. Today I saw the meaning of fluffer in the dictionary on the net. It is horrible! And I did not mean it. I do not know why this ex-l has changed to fluffy bunny. I do not need any explanation. I just cleared what I wrote.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by shivsena »

arjun wrote: Om Shanti.
1. Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) cannot be said to have achieved karmateet stage.
How can a soul who has not achieved karmatit stage deliver dharna Vanis when he himself is not complete. Also a soul who has not become karmatit(settled his karmic accounts) should he not take another physical body to settle his accounts.
Deliverance of Avyakt Vanis by the soul of DL and his role as Hiranyakashyap are two different issues. He delivers Avyakt Vanis because he still has attachment for the BKs. But those Avyakt Vanis have the same dharna points which he has been repeating every year since 1969. But he continues to play the role of Hiranyakashyap because he has not been able to stop the projection of BB as the God of Gita by BKs.
First you say that two issues are different....and the next two statements say that DL delivers same dharna points in avaykt Vanis and he also continues to play HK at the same time. Can you please explain.

Also what role is DL playing in VD and Kamladevi.

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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by Sach_Khand »

shivsena wrote: How can a soul who has not achieved karmatit stage deliver dharna Vanis when he himself is not complete. Also a soul who has not become karmatit(settled his karmic accounts) should he not take another physical body to settle his accounts.

Murli dt. 5.6.85, pg.3:
"Is samay kiskee karmateet avastha hona asambhav hai. Karmateet avastha ho jaay phir toh yah shareer bhee na rahe. Inko chhodna pade. Ladayee lag jaay."
shivsena wrote: First you say that two issues are different....and the next two statements say that DL delivers same dharna points in avaykt Vanis and also he continues to play HK at the same time. Can you please explain.
Also what role is DL playing in VD and Kamladevi.
Possibly Arjun has stopped answering to you too (as he has stopped answering my queries). Might be your questions too are illogical and repeating and foolish!!!
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Post by shivsena »

arjun wrote:
2. Brahma Baba received sorrows because he had more sanskars of a mother.
If Brahmababa(DL) had more sanskars of mother, then how was he HK or Ravan ?????

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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post by mbbhat »

Sach_Khand wrote:This misconception that Dada Lekharaj is delivering Avyakt Vanis will soon go. It is the soul of Mama Saraswati who is giving Avyakt Vanis. As Shivsena has written in some other post Avyakt Brahma is being played by Mama Saraswati.
This comment has got some point now after seeing the the word mateshwari" word in older Murlis. Good going.
It is only Dada Lekharaj's photo that is shown as Brahma which is given in Trimurti and other Godly knowledge pictures. And if Dada Lekharaj says, "Yes, my part is that of Brahma because Shiv has chosen my body as The Chariot" then it is not a crime. If Dada Lekharaj would not have accepted it then it would have been deception.
So there is nothing wrong in accepting that ShivBaba uses someones body for service. It is said in Murlis that considering Oneself as Supreme Soul is like Hiranyakashyap. And Dada Lekharaj has never said so. It is Veerendra Dev Dixit who after couple of decades i.e., in the mid 1990s started telling that ParamPita is different and ParamAtma is different and tried to project himself as ParamAtma i.e., Supreme Soul. Hence it is Veerendra Dev Dixit who has played the part of Hiranyakashyap. And we can see how he is playing his part. Even his so called wife too left him. Why? Because she could not live with him knowing his reality
Thanks for the points.
I just wanted to appreciate the points.

This is in ex PBK forum. I will not write anything more here. But, I feel this topic seems to be fit in Questioning. and debating section. I do not know why is it here.

Anyhow- This post can be deleted at any time as felt necessary.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post by shivachild »

mbbhat wrote:This comment has got some point now after seeing the the word mateshwari" word in older Murlis. Good going.
BKs think that Avyakt Vanis are spoken by Supreme Soul Shiva with the subtle body of Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani in the corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar.

PBKs think that Avyakt Vanis are spoken by the soul of Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani in the body of Dadi Gulzar.

In fact, It is Avyakt BapDada[Bap=No.1 Shivshakti=Om Radhey-Mama-Saraswati & Dada=soul of Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani] who are narrating Avyakt Vanis in the body of Dadi Gulzar.
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post by arjun »

In fact, It is Avyakt BapDada[Bap=No.1 Shivshakti=Om Radhey-Mama-Saraswati & Dada=soul of Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani] who are narrating Avyakt Vanis in the body of Dadi Gulzar.
Then where is Shiv?
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Re: What is Lekharaj's soul according to Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post by shivachild »

Murli dated 09.09.2012 says,"The Shaktis cannot do anything without Shiva and the Father Shiva also cannot do anything without the Shaktis. So the Confluence-Aged combined form of all of you is Shiv Shakti. It is not the form of just the mothers; even the Pandavas are the form of Shakti. As a memorial, even the jagadgurus of today worship your combined form of Shiv-Shakti."

In the Confluence Age Shiv is always combined with shiv shaktis.(Mama Om Radhey and Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani)
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