[Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

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Post by andrey »

When someone enters the path of knowledge he receive extra attentions from his family and friends and everything he does comes to be watched under microscope. One will not follow the principle, but because of knowing them he will apply them to others like "Hey your Baba says like this, why do you not follow. Then after this point all the actions he takes are dues to this single one reason. The mother could have had a headacke as a reason to not go to a party, but no, is is because "they say so" or the headacke is because of them

One feels it insulting because it is as if some external strange people are changing the mind of a member of the family as if someone else is interfering and because there is some difference of how life should be lived and what principles followed there is quarrel, whether this should be or that.

Like in the given example from the Bible, it is founding of a religion. Even in the Bk, initially, children were welcome. Spiritual connections become more powerful than bodily. Those souls who feel like belonging get attracted.

But it is only Christ who has spoken like this. We believe with different religions, separation of the world comes. Now is the time that these religions are destroyed and only one true religion remains that will result in peace and happiness.

But there is some compulsion of the drama. Now i come to think that those who used to oppose these religious founders used to be correct, but something new comes and it is initially good, so it is supported. In all of these religions foundings there are the examples of people sacrificing themselves, money, property, following purity, and dedicating their life. This surrendering is not even against the Murli, but it is according to the situation.

The more we avoid taking sides, because we are not expert the better. Can we give advices and interfere in people's personal life? BK world is a small world in the whole world. If we take every religion and, the religious people and the institution there they don't work. They are not engaged in wordly matters.

Some ask who feeds Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit), why is he not working? If he had to work for 8 hours instead of narrating the Murli them, i personally will work double to feed him so that he can narrate Murlis. There are definitely Seniors and juniors, but who is senior and junior in knowledge is important? Now a senior and junior in a center will be the one who is most capable in today's world, who is master in managing money or the art of advertising. Values change.

Like also we have the common rule of the country. Why it is that there are few elected people that sit in the parliament, create laws and receive big salaries. Why don't they dig in the field too. Now quarrel will stop when nature is provider. When there will be no my and mine, because nature is not partial. Nature will give shade to the sinner and the saint too, but there is also account with nature. If we have harmed it or protected it, it will harm or protect us.
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Post by john »

andrey wrote:Some ask who feeds Baba (Veerendra Dev Dixit), why is he not working? If he had to work for 8 hours instead of narrating the Murli them, I personally will work double to feed him so that he can narrate Murlis.
Why not go to India and work and feed him? That will make you close in many ways, forget the internet forums and go and live the life for real.

After five years or so come back and tell us your experiences.
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Post by andrey »

There is no need. There is no shortage.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by seeker »

alladin wrote:if she is a deity, she can say NO even to Seniors!

I love your post of 30 Apr 07 - I have not read through that entire thread ... too tired at this time ... but I couldn't resist commenting on how very impressed I am with your understanding, clarity, and true uncorrupted spirituality. I couldn't agree with you more. You are spot on ! Good on You ! You lifted my spirits about my activities with the BKs and cemented my position for my own perspective.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by sweetsajani »

Hey everyone!

Sweetsajani is back after like a year lol...been really busy with my final year in college...

I wanted to reply to Andrey....I am a very blunt person and I will tell you frankly that you are an ignorant individual who has no idea what is going on in the world...whether you're 15 or 75 years old...apparently you have not experienced any trauma in your life, your even life in general....and this is why you are acting this ignorant...I'd suggest that before you comment, you read the entire thread and then say what is on your mind.....as a human being,...and Christian (or whatever you are) it is important to keep your remain silent if you do not know what you are talking about

As for feeding baba so that he can write his little Murlis...I say you go for it....the reason you say that you would work double and feed him is because you either don't work and don't have a career....or you're a spoiled little person who sits at home while your wife, Father, or husband works all day and brings money into the home...apparently you don't know how much effort and time it takes for an individual to earn even $1 and feed his or her own family...and that is why you are willing to work double hours to feed Baba....I'd suggest that you actually go and work double hours for even a DAY!!!!!...before you make false promises

AND for everyone else who read the thread and then voiced your opinions...I greatly appreciate that you are not as ignorent as Mr. or Miss or Mrs. Andrey
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by andrey »

Dear Sweetsajani,

I have no ill intention in whatever I have said. I now see it is not to the point. It is only I liked to take the side of your mother. For me it is indeed she is following other people’s advices. From whatever you have said it is obvious there are problems in your family. I wish you would be able to manage them.

I just liked to take side of your mother so that you may see she may not be as bad a person. Although i don’t know her, and I know what it is to have problems at home from my own experience, but anyway if we are able to live in peace and harmony it will be good for us. It always takes effort from both the sides, if there is quarrel at least two people are involved. This is why I would not quarrel with you in any way, because your life is not my responsibility. After you have opened your story you should not be surprised of any kind of comment. Or do you expect certain type of comment only.

In the same manner that happens also in the other part of the forum when someone gets enthusiastic a lot he starts commanding others what to do or not, what to speak or not, that is not of their business. So I cannot stop replying just to please you, but of course I would mind the way you take it. And if it is not pleasing to you then it is not pleasing for me also. If you like to create conflict with your bluntness, then why do you attack me. Please, go and be blunt and quarrel with your own family. It is of course also none of my business to take side, it is only also my bluntness that force comes if we see something not right and we respond. Maybe it is also not a shortcoming if we could do it in peaceful manner.

If you would relate with love to your mother would she not respond? We can always take initiative.

I would request that we avoid personal comments. It is only that you have opened your personal life that I have dared to comment.

If you have just finished college what do you know about making money?

Anyway if I have caused you grief with my comment I apologize. I may be ignorant about your situation, but you should not expect someone else to solve your situation.

To make false promises is OK when you know you won’t have to fulfill them. In the case it is not a true promise, but just a way of saying things.

My intention is to present you an alternative point of view in which your family member is not only wrong and only bad. Without knowing her I’m sure everyone has some good side also, and if we look at it, sometimes it may be hard, but sometimes it is more important to keep relations well. In my opinion one should follow only to the extent his situation permits, and it does not create conflict at home and gives sorrow to others. I have myself given a lot of sorrow to my family members, friends and colleagues that is why I can relate to your mother. I can anyway assure you it is all for good if the intention is good. Generally any mother would feel for her children. I myself in many ways would like to behave differently in many situations when I have to adopt and adjust to the rules of society. Although I don’t like many things in the world I am compelled to live in it and the more i can find ways to make it better place, the better. Charity begins at home.

You should also not be surprised of the behavior of your mother. If she is following the Murli then there it is said that we should not ask our worldly family for anything nor follow their advice.

Anyway I have a celebration so I don’t accept anything you have said in a bad way. I welcome you back to the forum and am happy. If there is no need to comment I will stay silent.

Anyway I read your post as an invitation to reveal more of my identity, so I will tell you I’m 29 and am mr and single, and live with my mother and Father. It is true that my Father is not working at present, but he has worked enough in the past and deserves to stay home. He may be small person in your eyes, but not in mine. He had once said to me that everything is temporary. It is true, today we work, we are rich, tomorrow we broke and are poor. Today we live, tomorrow we die. My mother is working indeed and I’m also working, but i would prefer she stays home also as I can take care for them both. I would tell you that without the need to feed Baba I had worked double work not in a single occasion, and many times I had not been paid. I had worked since my childhood when I was working along with going to school and also taking night shifts due to which I used to fall asleep in the last classes for the day. I also have an elder married brother who lives separately and they also both work.

The Murli also may be small in your eyes, a nothing, some writings or speeches and Baba can be small in your eyes, some small personality, but to our eyes he is very great personality. You even know this so you deliberately defame. Today there is a big difference. In the eyes of the world also I don’t have a career, although I’m respected at work, but career is not my goal. Today to make a career, the business to grow one has to flatter and enter corruption. If I would be able to renounce the need of going to work I would be very happy to do so indeed and I am sure every normal person would be also. This is just whatever we are fighting for. A world where there is no need for work. No bosses, no customers. This can be a mere dream for you and in the eyes of the world, but if not today then tomorrow those who had dedicated their life to e mere dream, if this dream comes true, then their life will not be in vain and if it remains a mere dream, then it is at least a good dream. A dream is also reality, better live a life full of lively real dreams in us rather then be depressed with whatever hard reality we see.

Yes I’m born in a country with Christianity as the main religion, but I don’t see myself Christian, because I don’t like Christ. I don’t know him.

I hope I had responded to all the matters raised by you as a human being that you must not doubt I am and so you have been satisfied.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by sweetsajani »


Yes you are right that when I wrote on this forum I am open to anyone's comments and you are definitely allowed to say what you want....BUT it is important for you to actually read the entire thread before you make such a comment....if you had actually read the entire thread...you would have noticed my comment that i had made several times about how I have tried many times in the past 7 years ...WITH LOVE.....to get my mom out of this BK bull *******....BK is OK for people who know how to balance their lives or at least are single and never married....it is not something for a married woman with three children who cannot balance her life out....I love my mother and will always love her...to me...who she USED to be...was who I loved....who she USED to be....was who I respected....I used to look up to my mother when she stood up for her family...took care of her family...and at the same time enjoyed her life with her friends by going out...I also respected her devotion to God in a way that it did not interfere with her life....as a woman I am all for doing what you want and living independently....however, the independence that my mom wishes to proclaim is not one that is desirable when you have children and are married.....I would be happy if my mother went out and enjoyed her self and went away from all the stresses in life...however...ever since my mother went into BK...she has no stress....she cooks for us but that's it....I look after my siblings and their education....I look after everything as well as my Father's health...and at the same time I am a full time student...and for your information, I just graduated from college but I have been working to help my family financially as well

Once again...I am open to anyone's opinions and comments...afterall...viewing everyone's opinions allows me to decide what I need to do...I do not hate my mother....if that is how you see it Mr. Andrey....she is my mother....I can never hate her...as a child I get mad at her and may say that I hate her when I am mad....but no matter what I love my mother....my family has tried our hardest in the past 7 years out of LOVE to get her out of this mess...unfortunately that does NOT work...once again if you had read the thread...you wouldve known this

And yes...to me the Murlis are bull *******....to me it's something some fraud/deceptive individual has written in order to get into this BK bull *******...also...to me...there is no one called "baba" in this world.....whoever this individual is is purely an imagination that all BKs have in their mind and unfortunately they are too psychopathic to get it out of their minds...this "baba" guy gives them a sense of security which they cannot get from anywhere else.....after all BK = CULT!!! BK is not a religion...it is purely a cult
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by sweetsajani »

andrey wrote:
It is true that my Father is not working at present, but he has worked enough in the past and deserves to stay home. He may be small person in your eyes, but not in mine.

I never said anything about your Father so I don't know why you're even bringing this up....Your Father is not a small person in my eyes.....in fact...to me...Fathers are the most important family members on earth...I am very close to my Father and I respect every Father in this world.....I respect a Father and child relationship more than any other relationship in the world....so please do not put words in my mouth by saying that your Father is a small person in my eyes...thank you very much.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by andrey »

I belive it all comes, because you try to take her out of this and she does not want to be taken out. She also likes to take you out of your way of life, so it is a tug of war. For me some positive change may happen when we accept the person as it is, and relate to him accordingly. Past will never come back, and no matter we like someone to change according to our desire, he is free to be whatever he likes. Even if others give us sorrow it is their will.

I believe you are also making sincere attemps so they must bring result. Anyway how do you think your mother takes when you have chosen an alternative way that when you don't succeed in relating to her, then if you succeed in revealing the shortcomings of BK this will bring positive result. If it is cult or not she believes in it. If Baba is real of not she believes in it. It would be the same if you had tried to stop her from her religious practices from the time before BK.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by andrey »

andrey wrote:I belive it all comes, because you try to take her out of this and she does not want to be taken out. She also likes to take you out of your way of life, so it is a tug of war. For me some positive change may happen when we accept the person as it is, and relate to him accordingly. Past will never come back, and nomatter we like someone to change according to our desire, he is free to be whatever he likes. Even if others give us sorrow it is their will.

I believe you are also doing sincere attemps so they must bring result. Anyway how do you think your mother takes if when you have chosen an alternative way that when you don't succed in relating to her, then if you suceed in revealing the shortcomings of BK this will bring positive result. If it is cult or not she believs in it. If Baba is real of not she believes in it. It would be the same as if you had tried to stop her from her religious practices from the time before BK.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by sweetsajani »


When we relate to her....she goes more towards it and starts practicing more ******* and starts taking up more ******* rules that the BK teach her....the more we relate to her...the more in depth she goes.....thanks for your opinion...however your opinion is something one can take if this were a hollywood movie :)
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by andrey »

Please, do net get disturbed. It is seen you are a caring person that would like to express your attention. For your mother it may be that she needs to know you will keep the same even if she is a BK. She is in delicate situation. If she goes towards you she will lose the BK, if she goes towards the BK she will lose you, maybe she does not know what she needs or wants more. To externally grab something in extra demonstrative way may mean internal uncertainty in it.

Maybe it is time you also retire a little. If your love to her is true it will work. Maybe it is time it takes more subtle and incognito form. This way it will work more powerfully and one day she will realize you truly feel for her. It may even take up to some few years, but don’t worry, because when you worry she thinks she is the cause of your sorrow, that may make her feel very bad.

Maybe it is time you are having fun, the way you like her to have. She will be happy if you see you happy. When you came in the forum after some one year like…taraaaa…..if you keep such а high spirit everything around you will also go up. It can be also helpful if you would manage to see the whole situation like a movie indeed, animation like Mickey mouse, that no one ever dies there but just gets smashed and gets up again. She will be your mother till the rest of your life. It may take some time for things to go well. She may also change that may encourage you additionally.

Of course it is only a side view. There is no way I can have other, because it is not my situation. Nevertheless sometimes just the side view can help us see things in different way. In reality I cannot do much even if I give you my best advice. Firstly there is a lot of information one must know, but secondly it is because you may have to do everything yourself, to realize yourself, discern in which situation what to do. I wish there were someone in similar situation who could help more. Generally I would advice you to not take this problem as a problem a lot and something very big and unusual.

Today there is conflict in every house. I’m sure your house is more peaceful and cozy then many others, and you could be happy about it. Generally this itself, the whole world itself is the world of sorrow. There is a lot of sorrow at many places. It is not a peaceful and happy place, world. It is normal for there to be sorrow and conflict. It is when we forget this and expect something else that we are left with disappointment. If you are making an attempt to make your home a good place then this is very hard, because the external atmosphere is such that you create something for a long time with a lot of effort and it destroys it in no time with a single hit. But good things happen slowly. I believe it is that you would like that change happens immediately which is normal. Your mother maybe also expects you become BKs today. Practically, maybe you would both reach somewhere in between.
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by sweetsajani »

andrey wrote:Please, do net get disturbed. It is seen you are a caring person that would like to express your attention. For your mother it may be that she needs to know you will keep the same even if she is a BK. She is in delicate situation. If she goes towards you she will lose the BK, if she goes towards the BK she will lose you, maybe she does not know what she needs or wants more. To externally grab something in extra demonstrative way may mean internal uncertainty in it. Maybe it is time you also retire a little. If your love to her is true it will work.
Well I have retired a little...actually for a year now ... I just kind of gave up on her...we all did....but she went more into it....hopefully you are right and with time God will change things and make her realize her mistakes
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Re: [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post by mbbhat »

Dear sweetsajani soul,
Unfortunately I am seeing this thread for the first time. For last three months I was inactive and when I had been active this thread was not. I am trying my best to explain. I am a Bk.
1)There are four relations in our life. a)Spiritual, b)personal(actually say family relation= relations with body and/or emotions), c)Official and d)Social.
Today nobody(even many BKs) has experience of real spiritual relation. This is the cause for all the problems.
Assume that a lady works in the office of a General Manager. There would be just official relation between the two. If they get married to each other they will stop seeing each as official. The weightage for that relation will become very less. Even when they work together in office each will consider one as husband/wife of the other.
Similar thing occurs here when one becomes BK. He determines to consider everybody as soul. The old family relations are to be forgotten. This is the aim of every BK.
In the above example the Manager and the lady can work comfortably even being in the same office if there is understanding(knowledge) and are bold to face public. But in many cases a husband and wife will not be able to work together in the same office in front of others. For this one should be able to get attached and detached(flexible) in a second (or in a short time). A person who enjoys family relation(satisfied with his wife) and is conscious about his official relation(duty) only will be able to maintain balance(or switch over) between the two. Similarly a BK truly enjoying his BK life and has duty consciousness about his family work only will succeed in this matter.
In relation both sides are important. Both have to understand each other. If the lady is not aware of the marriage and considers husband as just Manager(as before) there will be problem. This is the situation in your family. You try to maintain the old(bodily family) relation but mother wants to establish new relation(transform). She wants to consider herself as soul and also forget even her body(that is BK teaching). [Just imagine the situation when the Manager expects the lady to behave as his wife but the lady continues to behave as just an official person and vice versa]. So she will not be interested(or at least try to get rid of) in many old habits. Not only that since this is a new knowledge even a Bk will have hesitation in communicating with others since very few in the society follow it. It is like trying to sell/distribute a new product. Since rules in BKWSU are strict, new & sometimes not practiced honestly by even Seniors, things become worse.
In such cases(when one member alone become Bk) each will have to maintain just honest official relation between them. There love will not work. You will have to see your mother with respect than love.
In your case I agree that your fault is much lesser than your mother’s [She has acted with anger in many cases]. [But the other cases where she was not interested to eat with you or see scenes, etc cannot be considered as mistakes. You should treat them as her life style and give respect].
Family relations are stronger than official relation. Social relation is the weakest. So people get highest stress(or enjoyment) when they are influenced by family relations.
2)Regarding money:- There is no need to give 50% of the money to your mother. But as a rule (in Hindu philosophy, a wife has right to 50% of her husband’s earnings), woman is considered as half partner. You may know that if a Govt servant dies his wife gets 50% of the pension of her husband from Govt but the husband has no right for his wife’s earnings. So I definitely feel that your mother is eligible for at least (1/5)th of the total property of the family (since there are 5 members in your family).
I would like to quote a Murli point which is for KUMARIS who wish to surrender to BKWSU:- “You ask for your share from your Father. Tell them that you wish to serve whole world on Godfatherly service. If they understand it is good(or correct). If they do not, do not worry about it.
3)Regarding destruction of the world three deadlines have passed so far(1976, 1986, 1999). But I would like to give an example. Say a doctor says ‘the patient will die in a week’ and the patient survives for 10 days(or even for an year). We will not blame the doctor (if the patient dies due to the same disease as mentioned by the doctor). Because there is closeness between the two( a week and 10 days) or one year is small compared to life span of a man(100 years). So out of 5000 years these changes(1976 to 86, 99 or even till now) appear to be very small to us. [Many may not be able to digest this point].
Sometimes I think that these false predictions have a great thing in service. Today BKWSU is seen as an institution that has predicted about destruction(of course today it is false). When the destruction begins to start with full force the world will immediately be convinced about the knowledge of BKWSU and nothing can stop them. The amount of repent will be huge.
4)Regarding suicides in BKWSU, I have got news of about five such cases, one in our own centre in the year around 1985. I was about 14 years old. A mother(who was teacher in lowkik) was a Bk student. She used to say in centre(BKWSU)- “My son(drunkard) always torture me for money. He even holds my neck”. Just few days before her suicide she had asked BK centre incharge “My son is torturing me. (All the members in her family were against BKWSU) Can I stay(or surrender, I am not sure. Her age was around 50) in centre”. But it seems that the centre incharge refused. She was dull in those few days(two to three days before her suicide). After her suicide it appeared in news papers that “a lady going to BKWSU committed suicide”. But who knows about her son’s behavior!? Then BK centre incharge said if I would have known that she commits suicide I would have permitted her in centre. I do not know about Ranjana Patel’s incident. I am form South India and at present not a regular official student.
[Just two days before I got news about suicide incident of a BK surrender sister due to her severe health problems. I do not know details. Most probably the incident has taken place within a month].
5)Will money donated to BKWSU become pure?:- The fruit will be in the following order(descending).
a)Money earned honestly by an honest(full faith and right dharna) Bk. He should donate without ego. He should feel that this money is ShivBaba’s and not mine at all (just a trustee) or at least I get benifited for 21 births by this seva.
b)Money earned by BKs by tension, greed
c)Money earned by BKs by wrong means like telling lies(eg: in business)
d)Donation of Money of non BKs without ego.
But if a non Bk has both ego and hates BKWSU he will get very small benefit.
All the cases are not considered here(like bribes, etc). If you need to know I will try my best to explain.
6)My suggestions to you is:- If you are comfortable or rich, your Father can give some money(a small amount for her monthly expense what a normal lady would do or need in society) to your mother as her monthly expense. Let her do whatever she wants.
Ignore her. No need to show any love to her. It will not work. Give only respect. If you wish to love her love her in your mind. Your love will not be useful here. Especially in front of others remain detached. But never hate her in your mind even if you do not give her any money. If you respect her life style (like not getting disturbed if she takes 4 times bath, sacrifices onion and garlic, etc), you will win her.
The biggest task is to make her independent and uninfluenced from senior Bk sisters. Actually slogan of every Bk should be Ëk baap doosraa na koyi= None but one God Father. When BKs fail in this their life becomes hard and sometimes miserable. But you cannot do this. She alone should feel comfortable in your home. If you tell mother about bad qualities of BKWSU your mother may get uncomfortable with you. But you can comment real negative things about BKWSU to your mother that is likely to harm you or your mother PATIENTLY, AND THAT TOO OCCASSIONALLY SAY ONCE IN A MONTH.
7)I believe one day all BKs would share their money and everything to each other. (That would be end of the world). Because that is the proof that all BKs belong to one family. But if it is permitted now itself then many people would take disadvantage and pretend to be BKs. Not only that some selfish BKs may misuse money of other BKs and woud cause even more disturbance than now. This is one of the reasons why even though soul is genderless brothers and sisters are seated separately while meditating. Please note that BKs consider themselves as the worst shudras in this drama. They are the most degraded and also pururshaarthis. So these are not surprise (at least to me). Knife is restricted to a child. Similary brothers and sisters have to be seated separately now since many of the BKs’ power of concentration is not upto the mark. Not only that if they are seated together, who will send their wife or children to BKWSU? How will society look BKWSU? Nobody would be ready to attend for even one week course! Some rowdies also would like to attend classes of BKWSU to sit close with sisters.
8)Regarding considering husband as brother:- Yes, that is one of the highest aim in life. It is challenging. You had asked “How disgusting to have sex with your own Brother!”. Yes we are. That is why we want to change ourselves. We know that we are most patit(impure) and will become number one paavan(pure). But at that time(before becoming BK) we were not knowing that we were brothers(souls). Hence sin is not much. Hence we also feel carefree(nishchint). But just imagine:- how a person would feel if she has sex with her brother? Hence BKs after getting knowledge we keep aim to maintain celibacy.
9)BKs never treat others as shudras. You can see my posts in the thread- Do BKs treat agyaanis as shudras.
10)It is not true that BKs do not believe in materialism. BKs believe that in heaven there would be aeroplanes and 36 varieties of food, etc etc. But in this birth BKs should be vairaagis(dis interest). But for service they are supposed to use all the technology or means. Life of a Bk is karmayoga not hathayoga. Remain in water but do not get influenced(lotus). In fact- Science is actually going to serve just BKs. This is one of the highest intoxication of BKs. BKs believe that the science helps them in three ways:- Gives comfort in heaven, helps in destruction of hell and becomes an excellent instrument for Godly Service.
11) You have said your mother took out the bed comforters (which were new and cost over $300) and never used them again:- ex-l replied as “So what about seats in a train or airplane ... there are a whole load of **** and ******* pressed up hard against them and I am sure very, very many of them had had sex the night before, that morning, or may be even in the inflight toilet. You should tell this to your Mom. The Good Ladies of Tampa will have a field day and ban sitting on public transport”.
When we are at outside our home we tolerate/adjust to lots of dust and mud. But in our home we wish to be clean. Similarly a Bk even if he sits in public transport places he wishes his personal things to be according to his requirement. I eat food outside occasionally when I am invited. But in my home I eat in my own plate. It will not be shared to anybody. It all depends on the ability to forget the things.
12)You said BKs are not bothered about saving water etc. Just imagine:- BKs do not add to POPULATION. This is highest service from them. They sacrifice nonveg food, spending money for alcohol, etc. This saves a lot form all points of view. So other matters become silly. Even you have said that your mother was not interested in sight seeing(in a tour perhaps). That is also a saving!
13)Your mother had said, “I love you all, but Baba is everything to me”. If you like remember this. This is not a lie. She might have lied in many occasions to satisfy her ego or in a situation when unable to make others understand her. For a lady husband is first. Similarly for a soul(bk) Supreme Soul is first.
14)If possible give a separate room to her so that she can do meditation and ignore her. No need to give any huge amount of money. But you be satisfied. Let her shout or blame you. After sometime she would be surprised and feel shame of herself for her bad qualities. [I may not be right person for you to suggest since I am a BK. It is left to you].
15)In my lowkik family we were five BKs initially. After that now there are only two(I and my mother). Others left gyaan. I had difficult situations with my lowkik brother and sister.
16)God is unique and separate/detached from others. Similarly BKWSU is also to a great extent. In that way it is a cult. I do not feel bad by comparing BKWSU to Al Qaeda. But you can get experience of many BKs who were tortured and kept in chains in rooms for months together to prevent them to become BKs. BKWSU is totally non violent (Al Qaeda!). BKWSU is a cult like soldiers serving the country. Actions of soldiers are veru much different than a normal citizen. If one does not know about enemy he will criticize soldier’s behaviour. Similarly if one does not know about dangers of body consciousness and vices, they will misunderstand BKs.
But what if the soldier is weak or fool! This is the present situation in BKWSU. Many of BKs are fools. That is why there are different parties BK, PBK, Vishnu Party(now a new one has come up at Hyderabad. I think the name is related to sanatan party). All preach or follow same Murlis but in different ways. What a foolishness!
Slogan of BKs should be Self Transformation to World Transformation. Till BKs become pure or powerful world will not recognize them. So BALL IS IN OUR COURT. Of course you have right to blame to some extent since you have suffered by wrong actions of a BK directly to a considerable extent.
Many BKs have very high faith in BK knowledge even after failure of many deadlines. They are ready to die for Yagya. In this way it is a cult. The final motto is “Ämma mare to bhee halwaa khaanaa beebi mare to bhe halwaa khaana”. There is such a unity(love) and also detachment. A Bk is least bothered when another Bk dies. In this way it is a cult. They just move forward.
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