BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

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BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post by mbbhat »

Admin note: Posts moved from Our Father ... Give us our Daily Bread and 84% say, “Make the Murlis public!”
news editor wrote:For BK followers, the channeled messages through the mediums of Lekhraj Kripalani or Hirday Mohini are considered to be God speaking to humanity. Lekhraj Kripalani is known as “The Father of Humanity”. Called Murlis, these are the key to not just BKs’ lives but their eternal salvation ... or damnation ... and daily relationship with God.

Every week BrahmaKumaris.Info, the only independent and ecumenical website supporting the entire BK “Brahmin Family”, receives requests from individual BK Raja Yoga practitioners for copies of these messages. Each week, there is consistent discussion about the system of secrecy, control and revision that has been instituted by the leadership of the BKWSU over these spiritual teachings.

Individuals are refused copies. BKWSU followers are forbidden to send copies by emails. So-called BK “students” are told that they can only read copies if they come to the BKWSU center and sometimes even only in specific areas. A complex, security encoded website exists to serve the chosen few which ever versions it has been decided should be circulated. Old copies are coveted by students whereas in the middle period the organization was using them to wrap up and send out homemade sweeties to followers. This despite the fact that ‘God’ in the Murlis themselves says they ought be read “7 or 8 times”.

What has the BKWSU, an organization that flaunts its United Nations relationship and it adherence to the Declaration of Human Rights, to hide? What exclusive rights do the leadership of the BKWSU consider they have over what are said to be “God’s Words”?
You are very very correct. The reason for this - is not being 100% understanding of Murli. You see what happens when a child is given diamonds? It just plays with them. It cannot really understand the value. We grownups are between children and matured (completely pure or comfortably pure). So what happens is that BKs even though understand and have faith in Murli, hesitate if others misinterpret it. Other people cannot understand Murli. If others can understand Murli, then they will never comment about BKs. Like if your family member does a mistake, you will keep it as secret, you will not announce it to the public. You will try to help with love and effort.

But BKs know that they are the most degraded souls in this world drama. So they need to put maximum effort to purify themselves. But actually what happens is due to ego, the effort is not constant. So, one feels discomfort in the spiritual life. Some get tired and leave. Some try to maintain their status. All these happen because of this. Many comments given in this site are true. But what is truth.

You see when a weak person wishes to climb a mountain (conquer vices like lust, anger, greed, etc), he needs support (remembrance of God). If he forgets God, he fails. Similarly, it is necessary for every BK to give first importance to remembrance of God and then Service (teaching others). But what happens is that one tries to do more service than changing the self. The changing self is the salary(input) and teaching others is the output (work generated by self for your employer by your effort). What will happen if your expenditures (load) are more than your salary (capacity)? You will become weak. Similarly, this is the situation of more no. of BKs. BKs hear Murli daily. But they feel lazy in doing self study. Due to this self progress halts or becomes slow. Then the internal happiness dies. Then their teachings also will have no sweetness. Others will not like them. So this is the result and we have this website.

Anyhow, in a drama, all is interesting. Similarly, one who is detached can remain always comfortable. The main aim for a Bk is to conquer lust. But very very few BKs do this effort honestly and maintain constant happiness and power in life. You can ask any Ex-BKs "whether you had put sincere effort to sacrifice lust?" their answer will be "No" or they will feel shy. You can check this. In the beginning of Bk organization itself, out of 400, just 70 survived (had faith). Others left the organization. So these ups and downs are not new to this organization. When you do a journey to mountain, if 100 start, then 50 will return by the 25% of the journey. 10% may reach 80% of the height. 5% may reach the aim. So- the aim in Bk is the highest! To conquer lust even being in household or being active in the society!

Suppose, say, that one person wishes to learn driving. Then while driving initially, it will never be perfect. Some people may laugh at hi. But - remember - the one who laughs will never be a good driver. The one who does not know how to drive at all will laugh. Because a good driver knows effort and enjoyment in learning driving. Similarly, people who comment usually do that, due to their short temper or ignorance. So what happens is they comment much more than (actual) due to being influenced by these weak BKs. Anyhow, comments are good for an effort maker, whether it is good or bad.

I also strongly agree that the comments given by Ex-BKs are right; But have they done sincere effort in their BK life?

I always wish good to all. I am not hating even public or ex-BKs who hate BKs maximum.
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Re: Give us our Daily Bread

Post by arjun »

mbbhat wrote:Give us our Daily Bread
Dear brother,
Om Shanti. I tried to read your post twice but did not find anything matching with the topic of the thread. I suppose you support this forum's campaign for freeing the Murlis under the captivation of BKWSU.

If so, you can also contribute in this campaign by conveying our feelings to the BKWSU administration and by trying to upload the Murlis available with you on this forum (in the downloads section) for the benefit of the souls thirsting for the water of Godly knowledge.
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Re: Give us our Daily Bread

Post by fluffy bunny »

mbbhat wrote:You can check this. In the beginning of BK organization itself, out of 400, just 70 survived (had faith). Others left the organization.
Interesting comment.

Can you give us specific dates and references to that please?

Will you lobby with us so that the original and unedited Murlis are available to all for study by the BKWSU?

Thank you.
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Re: 84% say, “Make the Murlis public!”

Post by mbbhat »

Dear Soul,

It is correct to keep them without reach of public. The reasons are

1) Initially, one is served just one roti. After eating it, there is need of giving the second.
2) In Murli also Baba says-
  • Initially give knowledge of two fathers to new comers;
    Just say, Consider yourself as soul and remember Father.
    Give knowledge to my devotees and devotees of deities.
    Do not give knowledge of drama until the person recognizes the introduction of ShivBaba.
    Never directly say- God has incarnated. People will laugh.
    Without completing the seven day course, one should not be permitted to sit in Murli class.
    Knowledge is precious. Do not waste it.
    Knowledge will sit only in pure mind.
So, I think it is against Shrimat if anyone who discloses Murli to public. But I am satisfied by Drama in every event. So, even though many people in this forum are commenting against BKs that they are not observing Shrimat, do these people wish to follow Shrimat? If not, then why do they need Murli? Just see how Maya catches everybody everywhere! Baba says, Maya is also almighty.

Dear Souls, the Murli says, just hear from me. But here votes are taken (84%)!

I definitely respect the research work being done here. What I think is, these scientists do a lot of research and Destruction happens. Science serves deities in heaven (Of course, this is BK belief). Similarly these researches may prove beneficial to BKs at the end. Let us wait and see in the drama.
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Re: 84% say, “Make the Murlis public!”

Post by arjun »

It is correct to keep them without reach of public. The reasons are
Dear mbbhat Bhai,

Om Shanti. Your answers appear typically pleasing for the BKWSU establishment, but cannot satisfy the hundreds of thirsty souls who wish to have Murlis available on the net.

Your answers sound similar to the reasons that the priest class in every religion used to deny the ordinary followers access to their respective religious texts over the ages. In this Age of information technology revolution, it does not make any sense to hide Godly versions from God's children.

With regards,
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Re: 84% say, “Make the Murlis public!”

Post by mbbhat »

Dear Arjun Soul,

I am not unhappy by these things. I am just mentioning some points which may really be useful at least to somebody.
One day, Murli will definitely reach public. Otherwise, Drama may not be complete. But by that time, BKs will also be complete and Destruction will begin. Do not think that I am worried like other BKs. I am happy if this website exists. Because this website gives message of BKs free of cost to the world.

Not only that, there is some positive things, like this is open to anybody to express their views.

*There is good even in every bad. But there need not be bad in every good. In heaven there is only good. But in hell, there is both good and bad. So, in a service (done by honest BKs). there is only good. But if anything is done by ordinary BKs, or even by those who hates BKs, there is definitely some good. I am really happy to get some documents here which I would not had got otherwise from Bk institution.

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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by mbbhat »

yogi108 wrote:Let me try to answer the first question: 1976 was a disaster from the BK perspective ... If all of us notice, now the Destruction stuff is slowly reducing in its classes as well as classes by senior yogi's ... Let me also tell you all the BKs are also responsible for Destruction to be the central theme for the BKs. It is one of the most interesting aspects from my perspective of Gyan ... We all want to know how and when its going to happen and my guess is that the BK organization just played to the gallery ..Yogi
Dear Yogi soul,

One is more intelligent if he can see future. So to know the date of Destruction, one should become intelligent (vishaalbuddi = broad intellect). Without understanding the rules and principles of drama (which is broad = 5000 yrs), one’s intellect cannot become broad (open).

One who is more intelligent will be really powerful. This is obviously seen in this world. Intelligent people have better technology and rule the world even if they are few in numbers. They create (change according to their power) the world.

Golden Age is created by highly intellectual souls who are top most BKs. Baba calls them master creators (may be 16,108 or 108 souls). Heaven is created by power of purity. So it can be said that knowledge sits in pure intellect only. Baba also says this in Murli. A healthy person alone can digest the food. Even if highly nutrient food is put into stomach of an unhealthy person, it will be of no use to him. It will just pass as stools.

See the following point.

28-10-2000(3):- aage chal tum serviceable bante jaayenge. Purusharth karenge, phir samjhenge = “In future, you will progress and become serviceable. You will do effort. THEN UNDERSTAND!”

So without doing purusharth, one won’t (or may not) understand!

Another thing is- What is the need of knowing the date of Destruction if one is not ready to start (become pure = ever ready).

The most important thing is, IT IS THE MASTER CREATORS WHO ARE INSTRUMENTS (nimit) for Destruction. As soon as they are ready, Destruction will begin. Except them, nobody will be able to know the date in advance. Because, Master Creators are the only one who are really powerful (intelligent).

See the following Murli points.

15-1-2008(1 or 2):- ab Kaliyug kaa vinaash honaa hai. Aasaar bhee dekhne may aa rahe hain. Samay vahee sangam kaa hai. Accurate TIME KUCH KAH NAHEEN SAKTE. Baaki haan, Rajdhaani pooree sthaapanaa ho jaayegee. Bacche karmaateet avasthaa paayenge to gyaan khatm ho jaayegaa. LADAAYI aarambh ho jaayegee.
“Now Kaliyug is going to get destroyed. The signs are also visible. The time is the same as that (previous kalp) Confluence. ACCURATE TIME CANNOT BE SAID (predicted). But yes, Kingdom will get established completely. Children will become karmaateet. Then knowledge will end. Wars will begin.

Think:-. The KNOWLEDGEFUL GOD Father himself says,- ACCURATE TIME CANNOT BE SAID. *Baba has also clearly said in many Murlis that, Drama repeats exactly every 5000 yrs and NOTHING IS NEW in this drama. Then why cannot Destruction time be said? Are you going to accuse Baba for this? So don't you think that even if Baba knows the date of destruction he will not disclose it?

The above Murli date is 2008, so must be revised version of 1968. The 1976 prediction destruction date Murli (10 years before) would be in 1966. The above is the later Murli. But why had not this point [accurate time cannot be said] come into BKs’ intellect.

So, it is clear that BKs were weak. The first Murli clearly says ‘aage chal tum serviceable bante jaayenge’. That means you (children) are weak. If you accuse BKs you are indirectly accusing Baba is many cases. It is left to you.

*I waited for some days for some body to quote to avoid multiple quotes.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by fluffy bunny »

You are doing it again. Basing your arguments on absolutely imaginary conjecture like "The above Murli date is 2008, so must be revised version of 1968."

There is no 'must' and no 'logic' behind that. Again, you take a reasonable and true line of thought as yogi108 wrote, "1976 was a disaster from the BK perspective" and then ignore it, climb up on your pulpit ... and go off on a ramble to put us to sleep.

That is a true statement. 1976 was an absolute disaster from the BK perspective. Loads of people left, lots of illwill was engendered, credibility was lost ... and then they desperately covered it all up from Westerners mostly.

Just out of interest, what do you know about what actually happened and what of the original Murlis and posters of that date have you?
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BK mbbhat

Post by mbbhat »

ex-l wrote: what do you know about what actually happened and what of the original Murlis and posters of that date have you?
What do you know personally?
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by fluffy bunny »

I know that again you are not answering a straight question. Do we presume the answer is ... nothing then?
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by mbbhat »

Whatever you wish! How can I give you solid food when one cannot drink (actually does not wish) water?
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Re: Is BK Raja Yoga for the chronically low in self-esteem?

Post by mbbhat »

paulkershaw wrote:I'd like to point out here that there are many people who have started such 'bad' habits BECAUSE of their involvement with the Raj Yogis mentioned. Just because someone chooses to drink or smoke does not neccessarily mean they have low self-esteem.
Dear paulkershaw soul

Sorry, I did not mean that. I meant that Raja Yoga was benifit to some extent even though they did not become BKs. In my quote, 'influence of RajaYogis' means, speeches given by Rajayogis, the service camps in many areas, including villages, etc. I just cut it to make short.

*You may be correct. Due to being influenced by weak or negative RajYogis more than Godfather, there may be such cases. I do not know.
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Re: Is BK Raja Yoga for the chronically low in self-esteem?

Post by paulkershaw »

It seems you are having to say 'sorry' often for the things you have written in such haste. Perhaps it would be better to ensure that what you post is truly what you want to say.
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Re: Is BK Raja Yoga for the chronically low in self-esteem?

Post by mbbhat »

I feel no sorry at all since I do not hate anybody and do not force (expect). That is just to keep you inside the track and understand better. This is the thing here. If I use smooth words, people here will make fun of me. There is a saying in our language (KANNADA)- "MAANA IRUVAVANU MAANAKKE ANJIDARE, MAANA KETTAVANU TANAGE ANJIDA EODU TILIYUTTAANE". I CANNOT TRANSLATE EXACTLY, BUT WILL TRY.

"When one who is shy (values, morality etc) fears for shyness (quality), the other one who has no shyness (least bothered about morality in life) thinks that this person has feared of me!"

This is what has happened in the beginning when I posted my quotes. Many commented me wrongly. This made me to use strong words. Remember your quotes also.
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Re: Is BK Raja Yoga for the chronically low in self-esteem?

Post by paulkershaw »

Mbbhat - have you ever heard of something called epistimological debate syndrome or vignette analysis? Please try to answer directly yes or no.
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