The Detachment Paradox

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The Detachment Paradox

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The Detachment Paradox - posted by: Atma on July 29, 2004

A paradox is basically a contradiction; usually in a statement, but it can also be in a situation, practice or belief system. In the context of the BKs, there is what I would term the “detachment paradox”.

The BKs list attachment as one of the five vices. And they say that its opposite, detachment, is a virtue to be cultivated. In the BK path, there is a lot of emphasis on service, Shrimat and Gyan. Many people get so caught up in the philosophy and the future-oriented belief system that they lose sight of the situation or realities “on the ground”.

What am I getting at? Leaving aside the abstract belief concepts, the Brahma Kumaris is an organization made up of people - human beings. It has a structure and a hierarchy. We can think of it as a pyramid but, for the purposes of this post, a set of concentric circles is a better image and will make my meaning clearer.

Those in the innermost, or central, circle would be the Seniors, many of whom were there from the beginning or very early days of the movement. Indeed, some of them would have been in the group during the 14 years of seclusion. Today, they are the movers and shakers in the movement. The point is this: from the very beginning, to the present time, these folks in the inner circles have constantly been in the company of each other and are, presumably, like minded individuals. They meditate together, do service together, eat together and celebrate together. They frequently talk, plan and discuss together Even those sisters posted abroad are in constant touch with their fellow sisters, not to mention the other BK’s who reside in the centers and the students who attend class. They also regularly make trips back to India and Abu, paid for by donation money.

There is recognition of the happiness that this company can bring. Indeed, those who experience it are regarded as more fortunate - and more valuable. This has sometimes been expressed this way: “Better to be a bead of the rosary than a single bead.” Again, the point I am making is that, in this scenario, it is totally meaningless to speak of detachment. In other words, when people are constantly surrounded by and interacting with their peers, there is no test – or price - of detachment. To claim “detachment” in those circumstances is cost free. And the closer your circle is to the central circle, the more company you have. Those based in Abu, which is, in terms of geography and hierachy, the innermost circle, ironically have the most company. I say “ironically” because it is in Abu that the fire of tapasya should be burning hottest.

Contrast this to those souls in the outer rings of the concentric circles. Many of them are physically alone, and consequently suffer isolation and loneliness. Yes, they can go to the center to attend classes and experience “sat sangh” but that’s for an hour or two, and then it’s back to the harsh realities of everyday “worldly” life. Meanwhile, the sisters remain cozily cocooned in the centers, in the company of their companions. Many of them, if left alone, would be like a fish out of water. Yet they expect those on the outer edges to be sustained simply on faith in the knowledge and the “source”.

It’s easy to tell someone to live like that when you are not in their shoes. Worse yet if the person is married and the spouse is not in Gyan. It can be a living hell. Those on the fringes don’t have the luxury of constant company of like minded souls, and so they pay a heavy price for their “detachment”. That price is compounded by the burden of maintaining impossibly high “spiritual” standards while, at the same time, discharging their duties in a very worldly and competitive environment. An environment that couldn’t care two hoots about the BK lifestyle and “principles”.

This is a significant challenge that the center wasis simply do not have to face.
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