Mukhri Mata funding

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Re: MukriMata

Post by arjun »

bkti-pit wrote:is not it up to us to see our non-BK friends as our sweet Brothers and Sisters, children of God instead of impure shudras? Which of these brings more benefit to us and the world?

One who can only see the Shudra has a problem with the purity of his/her vision. How can one be giving to nature if he/she cannot appreciate its beauty? ...

Our dear Brother Arjun may or may not be able to find the exact quote but I clearly remember Baba saying that when a BK is acting like a Shudra, at that time he/she is a Shudra ...
I could find the following points in a PBK publication (True Gita Volume-III) under the heading 'Shudrakumaris'.

You are beneficial for everyone. If anyone has any enmity then he will be termed as half caste. He’s half Shudra and half Brahmin. [Revised Sakar Murli dated 5/10/73 Pg-2 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK]

Some children have such a bad life style that they are not Brahmakumaris but shaitan kumaris (daughters of demon), they do disservice instead of service. [Revised Sakar Murli dated 10/4/72 Pg-2published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK]

In the same book under the same topic there are some other Murli points also which indicate the characters of Shudrakumaris, which basically refers to those surrendered BK/PBK sisters who do not follow the Shrimat. But I suppose it applies to all the BKs/PBKs who do not follow Shrimat. Ex-BKs may find these points interesting, but BKs may see these Murli quotes as defamatory against surrendered BK sisters. So, I am not posting them here for now. But if anyone is interested I can post the same, if not here, in another thread (I remember a member having started a thread on 'rating' the BK centers).

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Re: MukriMata

Post by fluffy bunny »

If they are Murli quotes, they should be recorded and everyone educated. 'Definition of Shaitan Kumaris' etc sounds like a good enough topic to me.
"Shayṭān" (شيطان, from the root šṭn شطن) is both a noun and an adjective. As a noun it means "adversary" or "enemy" or "opponent," and as an adjective it means "adversarial," "opposing," or "evil." In Popular Islamic Culture, Shaitan is often simply translated as "The Devil."
In Basic Islamic Teachings, Allah created three intelligent races. Angels, Jinns and Humans - of which the latter two have been granted 'free will' to choose between good and evil. Iblis was of the jinn race (a supernatural equivalent to Man) and was a devoted servant of Allah. He attained a very high status and was brought close with the Angels. Allah knew Iblis harboured ill intentions, however, and this was the reason for his name, Iblis (meaning "desperate").

The Angels do not have free will and simply do not sin because they were not granted the freedom by God to disobey. When Allah created Adam The First Human, He commanded all the Angels and Jinn to prostrate to him as was termed "the Best of Creation". All the Angels and Jinn did so, except Iblis, who refused to obey. Iblis was proud and arrogant and considered himself superior to Adam, since Adam was made from clay and Iblis was created from smokeless fire. For this act of disobedience, Allah cursed him to Hell for eternity, but gave him respite until the Day of Judgment, after Iblis requested it.
In Islam, the Shaytan and his minions are "whisperers", who whisper into the chests of men and women, urging them to commit sin. This is where the desire to sin comes from, according to Islam.

The Qur'an provides a supplication for mankind, aimed at fighting the tempting of al-Shaytan (the Shaytan) and his minions: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the sneaking whisperer (Shaytan), Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, Of the jinn and of mankind. Qur'an Chapter 114 (Mankind)
Its basically the same as Satan in the Anglicised Bible. Funnily enough, john morgan, this is what I am hinting at in my post on Gulzar, elsewhere. "Humans and Jinns" ...
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Re: MukriMata

Post by enlightened »

sakaash wrote:Mukrimata - (not so sure about the spelling), is the name of the new building that they are constructing in Shantivan to house up to 5000 people. Dadi Janki is currently on a quest to collect all the money she can to help get this building ready before next season. I was there when she "sort of in a roundabout" way asked for money and this is what started me questioning ... actually, I was questioning long before that, but it put the spotlight on my questions a bit more!
Hi Sakash/anyone else

Could you please find the correct name of this new construction being built in Shantivan? Mukrimata sounds like such a strange name. doesn't sound very BK at all.

Enlightened :wink:
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Re: MukriMata

Post by arjun »

enlightened wrote:Could you please find the correct name of this new construction being built in Shantivan? Mukrimata sounds like such a strange name. doesn't sound very BK at all.
Om Shanti. I have come to know from my BK sources that 'Mukhrimata' is actually the name of the area near Shantivan in Abu Road where a big open air auditorium to seat one lakh (100,000) apart from facilities to accommodate (lodging facility for) about 5,000 people.
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Re: MukriMata

Post by arjun »

ex-l wrote:If they are Murli quotes, they should be recorded and everyone educated. 'Definition of Shaitan Kumaris' etc sounds like a good enough topic to me.
Senior Brahmakumaries do not have good relationships. Because of differences of opinion they do not even talk to each other. There is a lot of body consciousness. One has to become worthy of going to the Kingdom of Rama, musn’t one? This is a Godly kingdom. Those with demonic resolves cannot stay here. They do not even have the right to call themselves Brahmakumaris. [Revised Sakar Murli 18/11/72 Pg-3]

Some Brahmakumaris get angry. If any sister is sick, they do not give her medicines, and do not feed her adequately. Baba explains everyone through the Murli. He cautions them. If you perform such acts then it is as if you belong to demoniac community. [Revised Sakar Murli 31/7/70 Pg-2]

Some head Brahmakumaris live very comfortably here itself. They keep servants and maid servants, “Prepare the bed for me; bring a cup of tea for me; do this”, Baba considers them to be body conscious. Baba is so egoless (humble). Father’s Chariot is also very humble. When children get big museums (to run) then they start issuing orders. They live like queens. [Revised Sakar Murli 12/11/70, Pg-2]

The Brahmanis do not make full efforts. They live at the centres very comfortably. They eat and drink; make others clean the utensils and make them wash the clothes. Baba says that if you extract service here, then, in the future, you will have to become maid servants and serve them. If you take service from others then you will accumulate debts. [Revised Sakar Murli 13/10/78 Pg-3 & 13/10/73 Pg-3]

There are many such Brahmakumaris also who sit and teach the path of worship just as the saints and sages do. They keep the non-living idol of Krishna and bow their heads before it. People bow their heads before the Brahmakumaris too. They ( the Brahmakumaries) earn some income. They sit and eat. They are causing so much loss to themselves. Instead of climbing up they bring about their own downfall. [Revised Sakar Murli 11/4/72 Pg-2]

Now a days the Brahmakumaris are so proud that if they see that a good teacher has come (to their center/area) their face becomes pale. They feel the pinch. Everyone will become the fans of that one. Then I will not be respected. The stage deteriorates [Revised Sakar Murli 10/1/72 Pg-3]

Some sisters live like a head. So they get very intoxicated. They live with a lot of pomp. They talk even to the elders with disrespect (using the words ‘too, too’ in Hindi, which is used to address younger persons/subordinates/servants) They become pleased if anyone calls them “Didi, Didi” (sister). They do not meditate; they get intoxicated. I’m Didi. They do not think that he (i.e. the person whom she is talking to) is cleverer. [Revised Sakar Murli 26/3/75 Pg-2]

(The above Murli extracts are draft English translations done by a PBK based on the original Hindi version published by BKs and as available in the old PBK publication "Sachchi Gita - Vol-III"; these Murlis were narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba, i.e. before 1969)
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Re: MukriMata

Post by fluffy bunny »

Amazing ... is that a twinkle of faith rekindling in me?
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Re: MukriMata

Post by bkti-pit »

Thanks and many thanks Arjun!
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taking service from others

Post by alladin »

Hi, the heart says thanks to Arjuna.

As I was reading such points I also thought what ex-l said, if this were the teachings and the teacher, I would go for it now!! In the Sakar Murli 25/04/08 Baba says, "if you become pure and viceless you are my followers. If you don't become this, you are not my followers". They save some points from editing but in any case, the message cannot reach the addressee: it just goes into one ear and out of the other.

Suddenly I remembered the hundreds of instances where some BK teachers, due to arrogance, stopped doing any karma Yoga altogether. Especially those who get involved in VIP service or SML, Living values etc ... programs, start thinking that they are more intelligent than anyone else, higher caste and that they should be served. :roll: No time to even wash a cup!

They issued a permit by themselves and got a stamp from the SS!
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Re: MukriMata

Post by andrey »

Amazing ... is that a twinkle of faith rekindling in me?
All four pillars of faith are needed. Along with faith in Baba and the self also we have to have faith in the Brahmin family. Also drama.
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Re: MukriMata

Post by fluffy bunny »

sakaash wrote:the deadline date for handing over the cash is Sunday since Dadi Janki will be returning to India on Monday and would like to take the offerings with her
I have to say I noticed this line early but was busy elsewhere ... "deadline date for handing over the cash is Sunday since Dadi Janki will be returning to India on Monday and would like to take the offerings with her".

Does that suggest the offerings were to be in "cash". I mean, does she take a suitcase full with her or does she take cheques made out to Indian accounts!?! Is it special good karma, limited supply, get yours now before the deadline ends? This is worth inspecting closer because it may have all the hallmarks of pressure salesmanship "closing a deal". Surely donations could be transfer anytime?

Can anyone tell us what the purpose or quality of these mass gatherings are like and about? Are they busy all the year, or do they stand empty most of the time? Personally, I always preferred little, quiet, out of the way places and nature. Why not just use satellites or the internet to connect people? Or ship the teachers to where the students are?
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Re: MukriMata

Post by joel »

arjun wrote:"Senior Brahmakumaries do not have good relationships. Because of differences of opinion they do not even talk to each other. There is a lot of body consciousness." [Revised Sakar Murli 18/11/72 Pg-3]
Yes, Arjun, these versions remind me of the charm of Sakar Baba's language. You felt he would criticize in the Murli while still clearly showing affection. Inflammatory language used by a kindly person sounds much worse when quoted in a different context removed from the person's physical presence, basically reinvented by the presenting teacher. Clearly the BK religious tradition has changed as distance opens up from the founder's personal presence.

Even during his life, it appears he observed their lifestyles and personalities as deeply human, full of foible and flaw. I think his obsession with and insistence on abstinence is unhealthy. At the same time, this distaste for mature intimacy comes from a thousand-years tradition or longer, is to be expected and makes sense within the cultural context. He is rejecting the other characteristically Hindu tradition of affectionate and intimate physical love shown in carvings.
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Re: Mukhrimata funding

Post by john morgan »

I suspect that Destruction will not take place until after this development is complete. Otherwise it would be a total waste of time. Does anyone have a date of likely completion please? On second thoughts the development would have to be used for a while otherwise building it would be pointless. So the date of completion say 3 years plus say 5 to 7 years = 10 years, so destruction will not take place until 2018. Gyan likes precedents for example Brahma Baba was one big precedent made up of a lot of little precedents which everyone follows numberwise. So if Global House was a precedent then Mukhrimata could last for a very long time but I cant see a mini madhuban creating a precedent for the original so you can disregard that. Official : date for Destruction is 2018, any complaints because it has come earlier please post here next Iron Age, or is it the Confluence? haven't read a Murli for so long I am really not sure. Anyway all this 2032 is nonsense 2018 is right. Trust me, in 1969 I forecast the end of the world but that was a trial run, this is the real thing. This is not a drill, I am not talking about the drills that builders use, repeat THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
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Re: Mukhrimata funding

Post by paulkershaw »

john morgan wrote:Anyway all this 2032 is nonsense 2018 is right. Trust me, in 1969 I forecast the end of the world but that was a trial run, this is the real thing. This is not a drill, I am not talking about the drills that builders use, repeat THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
Ahha - along with me, yet another person reaches God consciousness of Self.

Hope it doesn't get too crowded in here as everyone else follows suit. And talking of suits send me money to start another guruji group please. Send it in a LARGE sealed suitcase ...
ex-l wrote: Does that suggest the offerings were to be in "cash". I mean, does she take a suitcase full with her or does she take cheques made out to Indian accounts!?!
Now look what you've all done: This is not soul-consciousness, people. Do behave!


Be on the look out at all major airports for a tiny little old asian lady dressed in a white sari with a big badge, who's lugging a huge old suitcase marked "karma 2008" and holding tightly to its straps.

Loads of dollars in cash inside suitcase. No need to harm old lady, just pull on suitcase and run fast.
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Re: Mukhrimata funding

Post by fluffy bunny »

paulkershaw wrote:Be on the look out at all major airports for a tiny little old asian lady dressed in a white sari with a big badge, who's lugging a huge old suitcase marked "karma 2008" and holding tightly to its straps.
Ha! Nah, its in the money belt. Did you really think the Dadis have pot bellies? They tuck the wads under their saris. I mean, who is going to strip search a little old holy Indian lady?
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post by fluffy bunny »

Just a quick note ... I see that in the latest Janki Kripalani newletter, the "Mukhri Mata" buildings have another name now;
  • ... Manmohini Complex!!!
So they are already building memorials for themselves!!! Who writes these newsletter for her? The style is always very similar.
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