Bro Neo and his inspirations

for ex-Brahma Kumaris, to discuss matters related to their experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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bro neo
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Post by bro neo »

This one goes to freedom.Congratulations :D.

... If we build it, they will come :).
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Post by bro neo »

I received the following in my PM inbox today:
I think that you should serious consider your input to this forum. Twice now I have seen you make quite nasty and immature attacks on others regarding living with their mothers etc, John and Arjun.

You are capable of good and BK related thought but you seem to want to go off on and start a dozen new topics about nothing which could easily have been incorporated into old related topics or on what I can only guess is drug fuelled rants ... I mean, what the hell is all this conspiracy stuff and what how does it relate to the BKWSU?

I think if you are bored you ought to go off and make mischief elsewhere ... start up a personal blog or something ...
Some personal stuff about the person who sent it to me that I won't share and then it continues with:
If you have spare time and want to help, ask the admins what you can do ... but I think you have to step back and think about the overall effect you are having on the forum right now. Obviously the BKWSU want to discredit this site right now ... are you trying to help them? ...
Now mind you this came from a 'friend' from this forum. Don't ya hate it when your 'friends' turn on you when they don't like what they see. I am all to familiar with it happening to me. After my first NDE I lost about 99% of my 'friends' just cause I wasn't what I used to be and changed, revealed a deeper truer part of me, or wasn't their drinking buddy anymore because I had to deal with personal problems.

Anyways I changed and went through some seriously lonely and painful times. But I did not die or kill myself, I carried on fighting for truth, for freedom, for what I believed to be true. I eventually made new 'friends' and thought things would get better. Then I joined the BKWSU. Same happened again when I joined the BKs, 99% of my 'friends' thought I lost it and let me know sometimes with ex stream disregard, sometimes with just not being around anymore. I kept to what I believed in and decided that believing in the BKWSU was the best thing for me to do at that point in life.

Well, I think you get what I am saying. Same happened again when I left the BKWSU. My state and speed of spiritual transformation has gotten more intense as time has moved on. This same cycle actually started to happen more frequently, it was like I was constantly being tested between staying where I was spiritually and please those around me so they would accept me or stand up for what I believed true and losing those close to me around me. At times I have also had to totally pack up and go off to a different country with no idea what waited for me there.

Caroline Myss talks about this happening as she went through her psychic transformation. I actually broke down in tears when I heard her talk about it because it's exactly what I had been going through for many years and to hear some one of her spiritual caliber to say it was OK and she went through it to, made me feel a great love, respect and pain because despite the whole world and all those around me turning on me their was one thing I never gave up and had actually never let me down.

I was true to myself and truth, and truth was always there guiding me, protecting me, loving me despite me not being able to see, feel and know of its presence. At times all I was, was a broken person drowned in lonely, unceasing lonely pain. A fear, and tense hurt that is so overwhelming I couldn't even consciously allow myself to feel it and was just lost in intellectual torment. That pain was with me today. As I was coming home from work it just intensified. I knew it was there and decided to just accept it, to go into it and be present in it and give my awareness to it as it was real and if I was to be who I am today then it meant to be in it fully, awake and present.

It stayed around and I stayed in it, alone and feeling it for some time. After a while I received an inspiration. The understanding of the cycle I spoke of above. I also realized the fact that I had always been there for myself and that I have had to face death more then once to be true to myself and each time I just got stronger, wiser, and more self realized. I want to share a way to end this pain. I have not heard any great masters share it in this way before so I am honored to be able to share it with you in the following theory and rational.

But before I do, a quick public response to the above PM. My 'nasty' attacks were provoked with disregard and ignorant remarks and intention, which is also how I am interpreting the above received PM. My 'nasty' attacks are nothing compared to what I could say and do if some one really wants to test me. Sorry about starting new topics that don't fit into your little box of how this site should be run, I wasn't aware someone died and made you God.

In regards to drug fueled rants, from what I've read from you, you know nothing about drugs. My understanding is that you have never even gotten second hand smoke, and don't even know what I am talking about because your friends are just not ... what's the word I am looking for here? 8) ... Yeah, what is with all this conspiracy and harassment anyways. I am just speaking the truth and here you are joining my hate mail. I guess they got to you or maybe you just decided to join up with them cause you did not like the way things are going.

I have a very successful career outside of my spiritual life and it takes up most of my day and sometime nights. I post here because of my mission here in this life and because of what my superiors want. I have no spare time and every time I post one of my monsters on this site I go hours at a time, sometimes without food, and get little sleep at night cause I have to wake early the next day for work.

I know what effect I am having on this forum. I see a light and future that is something greater then ever before in recorded history. If anything, I am rallying the EX-BKs to save this site and all the BKs and world for that matter, are you helping discredit this site?

One last thing, 'friend'. You apparently have no idea who I am and who my superiors are. But I, I know, who you are.
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Extreme Ways....

Post by button slammer »

bro neo wrote:Casino Royale
The Bourne Identity - Trailer 1 + Extreme Ways. 'Bourne Identity' track by Moby
bro neo wrote:I was true to myself and truth, and truth was always there guiding me, protecting me, loving me despite me not being able to see, feel and know of its presence. At times all I was, was a broken person drowned in lonely, unceasing lonely pain. A fear, and tense hurt that is so overwhelming I couldn't even consciously allow myself to feel it and was just lost in intellectual torment ...
Today the true Father, the true Teacher, and the Sat-Guru is seeing His children everywhere who are embodiments of truth and embodiments of power, because the power of truth is the most elevated. av 30.11.07
bro neo wrote:I want to share a way to end this pain. I have not heard any great masters share it in this way before so I am honored to be able to share it with you in the following theory and rational.
Bro Neo, its an honour to hear your story and your dreams ...

Respect. :wink:
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Post by abrahma kumar »

A communique from an Ascended Master?
Do you all consider yourselves to be elevated souls who have claimed the right to self-sovereignty? You have received the right to self-sovereignty, have you not? Such souls who have claimed all rights must be powerful. There is the power of that Kingdom, and there is real strength in that power.

Nowadays, the government speaks about the party that has political power, ‘the power of the kingdom’, so to be a ruler means to have authority; power. Therefore, how great is the power of self-sovereignty? Have you attained such a power? Are all the physical sense organs carrying out their tasks according to your power? A ruler calls everyone into the royal court and asks, “How well is the kingdom operating?”

Therefore is the court of you, the rulers who have claimed self-sovereignty, operating accurately? Is there upheaval taking place somewhere? Do those engaged in the business of your kingdom deceive you or cause you loss? Do the eyes, the ears, the hands or even the feet, sometimes deceive you? Do you ever experience loss or damage? If the authority of a ruler is accurate, then in every thought, at every second, there is an income of multimillions.

If the authority of the rulers is not absolutely precise, then, at every second, there is a loss of multimillions. The attainment is of multimillions, but also, if there is a loss then to lose just once means to lose multimillions. The more that you receive, so to that extent there is the risk of loss. There is an accurate account of this.

Throughout the day, review the business of your kingdom. Is your minister, the eyes working as they should? Are the ears doing their work properly? Are all the departments functioning accurately? Do you check this? Or do you finish the day wearily, and go straight to sleep? In fact, before performing any action, first check, and then carry it out. First, think, and then do, not vice versa. To total the results, and then check is something else, but a Gyani soul will first think and then do.

So, do you precede every action with consideration and thought? Are you ones who think about action before, or ones who think about it afterwards? If a soul thinks afterwards, then it cannot be called ‘Gyani’. Always remember that you are the souls with the right to self-sovereignty, and on the basis of this you claim the rights to the kingdom of the world. Then there isn’t a question of: Will I become this or not?, because if there is self-sovereignty now, then the kingdom of the world is with you.
(Avyakt 26.4.84 groups)
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Post by bro neo »

abrahma Kumar wrote:A communique from an Ascended Master?
Looking at it with a good filter can reveal some quite elevated communication. Putting on my old BK filter I can see some seriously brainwashing stuff though. This is of course is an English translation of what was said, so it's only as elevated as the translators capacity to relay it. button slammer, much respect to your posts as well, and I do feel the honor is mine. Here is the theorem.

Human brains are born trained to seek love from others and outside ones self, (food, shelter, security, money, etc). This is a blessing and a curse, for children are thus born helpless and their entire existence is dependent on their immediate community. It does force adults to be responsible or suffer the end of their society.

But as we move into adulthood, I think a time comes when we have the opportunity to be initiated into the greater mysteries. We can only be initiated by totally altering our natural design of human dependency and move from being co-dependent into interdependent with the M.O. of being true, whatever the cost.

The dynamic of automatically seeking love, acceptance and security from others and the world must be consciously altered so that we seek to truly love and respect the self and truth and to become dependent on this. Depression and sometimes panic comes from rejection and abandonment from others. But to understand it is OK, if we stay true to the self, and that realization brings a great relief and joy.

The shift then effects the subconscious and respective and relative energies. In other words, we accept others reject us, love our true selves, honor it, we change, it effects all aspects of reality and others also then start to love and respect us.
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Post by john »

Bro Neo

I think when you leave out the 'Conspiracy and overdramatic' stuff you make a lot of sense and have some nice insights into the human psyche. Unless you have proof for such things, maybe it should go in a 'conspiracy theories' section?

If you present your ideas of how the BKSWU operates as 'facts', then any rational person will want to know the proof. If you cannot present any, then it appears as hot air.
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Post by bro neo »

Hi john, good to see you. How has life been? In constant 'bliss' from being in BapDadda's rememberence is, I believe, your correct programed response. Is it not, BK? Oh, I am sorry, your not really a BK, your a;
  • Reforming BK
Do tell, what does that mean anyway, will be waiting anxiously for your telling us. :P

I don't mean to bore everyone with my life, but since I got a whole topic named after me, and the great hard working administers of this site went through a lot of work to marvelously organized my sharings, I will just share a little.

Course, planning for the ex-BK retreat has been an obsession of mine. I have been busy with my hard but very rewarding work for its manifestation in very, very excessive glory. Other then that holidays are coming up for me from work so I have started to party hard-core early. Its like EX-mas night all the time with the occasional New Years Eve party to keep things, to say the least, a little out of control. The most fun I think I have been having is with all the wonderful ladies that I have been spending time with lately. This is of course, because, well ... OK enough about me.
  • How about a magic spell?
    Good old fashion alchemical protection magic.
    Shield from attack and harm.
Use the mind to mentally feel the area around the body. After the atmosphere of the body is felt, imagine a shield of energy completely surrounding it. This outer shell should be programed to be organized to shield the self from the attack or negative energy in question. It is a good idea to also add to the program code of the shield to allow in benifical and positive energys, so as to allow in the nourishing substance and growth producing energys we all love. Finally, charge the shield with emotional and physical energys as desired.
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Post by john »

bro neo wrote:Hi john, good to see you. How has life been? In constant 'bliss' from being in BapDadda's rememberence is, I believe, your correct programed response. Is it not, BK? Oh, I am sorry, your not really a BK, your a; Reforming BK. Do tell, what does that mean anyway, will be waiting anxiously for your telling us. :P
Have you lost the ability to see people as individuals? Your stereotyping is very lazy.

A reforming BK is someone who is still interested in the Murlis and believes they are from GodFather, but is wanting to understand the Murlis through their own 'churnings' rather than simply following the party line of the BKSWU. For me this includes a full correct understanding of the Yagya history and efforts to obtain all Murlis ever spoken and not just the 5 year cycle of the BKSWU.

I am not part of the BKSWU organisation.
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Post by bro neo »

8). So in other words, you're a BK reject who has no where else to turn for spirituality, so you hold on to the belief that the BKWSU really owns God. John, you're what the Murli calls, one of the ones who has fallen from the 5th floor.
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Post by john »

bro neo wrote:So in other words, your a BK reject who has no where else to turn for spirituality so you hold on to the belief that the BKWSU really owns God. John, your what the Murli calls, one of the ones who has fallen from the 5th floor.
It is my belief that ShivBaba is GodFather, yes. i don't feel I am holding onto it, but that it is a part of me. When I read Sakar Murlis I feel ShivBaba is talking to me. I am more than happy to accept that others do not uphold my belief and I wish everyone well in their spiritual or life's journey. What I find objectionable is wild accusations with no foundation or proof. I am not saying BWSWU is without fault, just that they should only be blamed or credited for what they actually have done.

If you have proof for what you say then fine, let's examine it. If not, you are just throwing ******* in the hope that some will stick.
So in other words, your a BK reject who has no where else to turn for spirituality
I can turn anywhere for spirituality, I am a free person, but I choose the path I am following.
one of the ones who has fallen from the 5th floor.
I do not agree with your assertion, but after almost 30 years of spiritual life I have the confidence to accept that I am what I am. Success or failure, it is me.
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bad moods?

Post by alladin »

What is dis fussin' and fightin'? I wanna know, yes, I want to know now!

Cool down your tempah!! (please!)
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Hey alladin, don't worry, I am just helping our little boy to wake up and become free.

And now john.

30 years of spiritual life sounds like a prideful statement, one which you have absolutely no proof to back up and I highly doubt within those 30 years you have done any serious level self analysis work. Do you even remember your dreams at night? 30 years of spiritual life is like saying, "I am a hurting little boy with no one that loves me and the pain is too much to bear so I believe in ShivBaba because through this Bhakti I am unconscious enough to not have to hurt all the time."

30 years of spiritual life means, you have made some serious 'mistakes' in your life and that the fact that you have been aware of the definition of spirituality for 30 years you can cope with your failures. But do you even know what spirituality means? Unless you are exactly 30 years old then you don't. You are however what ShivBaba calls body conscious, dreadfully so in fact. So much so that you will be serving me and the rest of the EX-BKs hand and foot for every one of your births in the Kalpa, including this one. Oh the fun we had with you in our past lives. Perhaps you were only my personal little play thing but it's much more fun to share one's toys.

30 years of spiritual life, believing ShivBaba is 'GodFather', not getting up for Amrit Vela everyday, attending morning class everyday, being BC all the time, as you apparently are, (you don't have to prove this, you have posted enough times on the forum for everyone to see) not having surrendered 100% to Shiva Baba and Shiva Baba's Shrimat, not being in constant rememberence and doing service and ... Well lets just say Shiva Baba loves you as much as he loves his #1 BB, but your so insignificant in his rosary and your number so low that I am sure he doesn't know your name or that you even exist.

If I have said anything too 'nasty' and made you cry john, I am sorry but at the end of the day there is only one true 'GodFather'. Please do continue this dialog, I have much more to say about you which I am sure you would love to hear.
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Post by john »

bro neo wrote:I have much more to say about you which I am sure you would love to hear.
Not really, sorry. If you have a lot to say about someone you don't even know, then you are deluded in your abilities. Really it's just yourself you are revealing.

If you must work on character analysis, stick to your own as you're quite clueless when it comes to others. Besides how do you know you're not just projecting your own inner mind and habits onto others? I think you are.
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Post by bro neo »

Come now don't be such a wimp. You're getting your medicine so pucker up and take it like a man. OK, I am asking a lot of you but I think you are ready, although others disagree with me.

When I was a BK my SS, the BK in charge of my country, told me about people like you. She spoke from first hand experience, as this happened to a lot of the people who joined the BKs around the time she was still a young BK. She was an old SS. My heart goes out to her, although she was always a bit stuck up and in her own little world of denial and fantasy.

She told me about groups of people who left the BKs because the demands of the Maryadas were just to much to ask of a Double Foreigner. These people just stopped going to morning class for one reason or another, but that they still met in groups to read the Murli. I found that pitiful back then, as I was a BK on fire and saw anyone who wasn't in contention with me for a place in the rosary of 8 as a servant of mine that I will give to in this life and will serve me for the Kalpa. I was actually too hardcore a BK for her and she warned me, "I know people like you. They either leave the BKWSU or burn out after a few years." Well, I am definitely not burned out.

My take on it now is a lot more realistic, in that I understand that some people are just not fit to do some things, but this doesn't necessarily make them good or bad, just human. I do judge people based on their level of awareness and attitude and discipline towards effort but only for the time I need to interact with them. A seed can become a tree with time and given the right nourishment.
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Post by john »

Get over yourself mate. Why do you always have to blow your own trumpet so loud? Your ego is ballooning way out of proportion. I mean really you're just busting for a fight with whoever, but what's it going to prove, that you're spiritually 'well 'ard'. I mean you were ready to pick a fight with Arjun for no reason, or no reason a rational person would see.

You think you're being clever, but really you are just working in stereotypes and cliches, which makes me think you've lost the ability to see individuality. Maybe you need to get out more?
OK, I am asking a lot of you but I think you are ready
To be honest, I am not interested in anything you have to offer. All I have to say to you is that if you are making accusations towards BKSWU, then where is your proof? But you have no proof so instead you try and draw anyone who doesn't agree with you into your web of delusion.
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