Recent visit to BK centre after gap of 6 months

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Recent visit to BK centre after gap of 6 months

Post by pilatus »

Would just like to share that I recently visited a BK centre after a gap of 6 months. It was the Cambridge meditation centre, pitched as Retreat by the River (Cam).

I was pleased to find that none of my old anxiety and irritation was present. The meditation wasn't as strong as it perhaps was when I was an "irregular" student but some of the visual effects and sensations were still present albeit somewhat fainter.

I was invited to sit on the gaddi and give my introduction (only the 3rd time this has happened). The family were as friendly and curious as I've generally found them to be at other UK centres.

It was particularly poignant timing for this to happen as only the week before I had become a postulant with the (Anglican) Society of St Francis (SSF). This means that I am now committed to a 9-point Basic Rule of Life. In parallel, I am also on track to be confirmed in November, so the spiritual journey continues ...

Lots of love and best wishes,
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fluffy bunny
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Post by fluffy bunny »

No big issue here, just an honest question. How do you square all the stuff about channeling and mediumship that goes on in the BKWSU with your Christian stance and how do you think the Christian Churches will reconcile with it? Is Christianity going to adopt and absorb some of those such practices just as it has taken from the general Modern or New Age influences?

Will we need to revisit and revise the Malleus Maleficarum?
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abrahma kumar
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Post by abrahma kumar »

Congratulations pilatus.
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fluffy bunny
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Re: Recent visit to BK centre after gap of 6 months

Post by fluffy bunny »

pilatus wrote:only the week before I had become a postulant with the (Anglican) Society of St Francis (SSF). This means that I am now committed to a 9-point Basic Rule of Life. In parallel, I am also on track to be confirmed in November, so the spiritual journey continues ...
One other question, in the articles of the US BKWSO that we have seen recently, it talks about a "creating an ordained clergy". News for many of us who knew of no such thing within the BK family in the West. Although one presumes there is some sort of surrendering ceremony in India for the sisters, there appears to be little in way of training except for "The Course" and "The Murli".

May be in some other thread you can compare your experience as going through this in your new order versus the BK system?
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Post by pilatus »

Thanks abek and ex-I,

Sorry for the delay in responding but very busy with a new job and family at the moment. To answer your questions ex-I:

1. I don't feel any need to square BK practice with my Christian "stance". This visit was a test for me and how I'd feel about going back into a BK environment but it doens't mean that I am going back to being a BK student - perhap just a friend of and occasional visitor to specific BK centres and/or people. As I've shared elsewhere, I have been and still am integrating the best elements of eastern and western faith and philosophy which I've personally experienced. In fact, I've set myself the target of writing and publishing my own book on the subject :)

2. The reason that Christianity has been so successful numerically is, in my view, largely due to its inherent inclusivity. In the early days, this came from spreading the Jewish traditions and teachings to Gentiles or non-Jews, and this process has continued with sometimes greater and sometimes less success. In modern times, the term which is used to describe this is "the broad church".

3. So I think that the church has always done what you describe and it's an ongoing process. In particular, Anglicanism is a relatively open strand of Christianity and Franciscans, in particular, seem especially open. You may not be aware of this but the (Anglican) Society of St Francis (SSF) has some of its roots in a Christian ashram or community in India of the 1920's and 1930's called the Christa (Prema) Seva Sangha. The basic rule which we adopt as Tertiaries of the SSF is largely based on The Rule of the Christa Prema Seva Sangha 1934!

4. I wouldn't pretend that a lot of damage hasn't been done in the name of Christ and Christianity over the last two millennia, including e.g. the Crusades and witch hunting. However, as a Quality Manager I am afraid that I always use Spanish Inquisition to refer to the Monty Python version especially Cardinal Ximinez (Michael Palin): "NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise ... surprise and fear ... fear and surprise ... Our two weapons are fear and surprise ... and ruthless efficiency ... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency ... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope. ... Our *four* ... *Amongst* our weapons ... Amongst our weaponry ... are such elements as fear, surprise ... "

Lots of love and best wishes - JSK,
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Post by pilatus »

PS ex-I as requested, I will document my experience as I go through this new Christian/Franciscan journey. Perhaps you could suggest the best channel to use within the forum for this - I hesitated before using the BK area for this current posting? :P
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Post by fluffy bunny »

pilatus wrote: You may not be aware of this but the (Anglican) Society of St Francis (SSF) has some of its roots in a Christian ashram or community in India of the 1920's and 1930's called the Christa (Prema) Seva Sangha. The basic rule which we adopt as Tertiaries of the SSF is largely based on The Rule of the Christa Prema Seva Sangha 1934!
No, I had no idea but was inspired at a young age by Bede Griffiths' work, a Benedictine monk who lived in India as a sannyasis.

Latterly, I discovered that Christianity had a very early introduction to India, via the Roman trading ports in the 1st Century AD, with the historical (rather than mystical conspiracy version) likelihood that one of the original disciples actually visited there. I had no idea the Romans made it to India before.

Mind you, just to balance the Tree of religion, Clement of Alexandria wrote about Buddhism, Origen stated that Buddhists existed as far as pre-Christian Britain and other authors question its influences on early Christianity. My starting was to find "the Yoga of Christ" and assumed he had some direct connection to the Indian traditions.

All and Everything forum would a comfy chair, I guess. Question, is the god of the BKs the one and same God as everyone else's?
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Post by joel »

ex-l wrote:I [...] was inspired at a young age by Bede Griffiths' work, a Benedictine monk who lived in India as a sannyasis.
Intriguing person. Thanks for the link.
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