Sexual assault in Gyan

for concern over cult-related damage, institutional abuse & psychological problems.
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Post by paulkershaw »

ex-l wrote:Had I been centered and acting according to instinct, I would have known exactly what to do; scream, shouted even whacked him to pull over and stop. But the path that the BKs were encouraging me on was this very uncentered, spaced out, passive, impractical path. Basically, I was being taught and encouraged by people that did not have a clue about real life and how to live it, it was all "woo-woo" angels and spirituality. I was pretty much still in the Honeymoon Period.
Much of this problem is the instruction the early BK learns is: 'Do not give sorrow to anyone' as it stopped us from speaking our mind and coming into action when we should. I know many BK's who were terrified of speaking their mind when faced with abusive situations, people and experiences.

In my case, these 'instructions' caused me to take emotional abuse from insecure and overpowering people at work over a long period of time. I did not know how to say 'NO' and speak up or stand up for myself, therefore I lived in a permanent state of sorrow and fear, but did not realise it at the time. Thank God, things have changed now.

Abuse is abuse, and whilst its great not causing so called 'sorrow' to any-one, the return side of this is that we were probably also abusing ourselves on deep emotional and mental levels. It is again another case of BK-isms ruling the subconcious in ways often not realised.

Power to the people I say.
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Post by arjun »

ex-l wrote:We know of case of many BKs in many countries, including high profile individuals, that carry on pleasurable, not forced, sexual relationships while even, in one case at least, still taking the Guddhi.
"If a kumari remembers a Kumar then the mind will never be peaceful. The intellect will keep on thinking (about him). She will be continuously reminded of him." [Revised Sakar Murli dated 1/3/78 Pg-2, published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK]

"Many kumaris are also very dirty. How much so ever one may explain them, they do not understand. They are just interested in drinking urine (i.e. indulging in sex). They keep thinking of indulging in sex and drinking urine. There are such persons also who go on honeymoon. They go there to indulge in sex. When they (i.e. Kumaris) hear about it, they also feel like blackening their faces (i.e. indulging in sex)." [Revised Sakar Murli dated 21/4/69 Pg-3, published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK]

"Baba keeps using stronger words day by day. Worldly Father also explains that, ‘Do not get married, your face will get blackened. So they give a reply to the Father also that we will blacken our face and perish’." [Revised Sakar Murli dated 21/4/69 Pg-3, published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK]

The above Murli quotes are from the times of Brahma Baba when the world (including the Yagya) was comparatively pure. So, one can imagine the condition of Brahmin souls when the umbrella protection of ShivBaba in corporeal form is not available. The above Murli points could be applicable to the PBKs (including me) also. Although we may be BKs or PBKs, if we are in body consciousness and if the youth or 'X' factor is added to it then one can succumb to lustful thoughts, words or actions. This is where a continuous vigil is required if one wants to undertake a spiritual journey.

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Post by fluffy bunny »

This was taken from a leading Indian marriage website. i do not condemn the individual, I would encourage them to go and learn their lesson consciously and carefully, if they feel that strongly. But I do wonder what the hell the BKWSU is up to playing with people's minds ... I'd be happy to counsel some of those young women.

The BKWSU also has to address its issue of buying young teenage girls for the price of their dowry and binding them as Kumaris whilst they are still physically and sexually maturing when it may not be their fortune/dharma. This is a sort of slavery to my mind.

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Post by paulkershaw »

arjun wrote:Baba has also asked Kumaris to assume the form of Kali in regard to such assaulters. "Especially Kumaris should not become Sheetala (a female Hindu deity who’s the personification of calmness), they should become Kali (another deity known for her ferocious from towards demons).

Just to continue with this posting and forum topic, I have a very close (non-BK) friend who explained to me that she twice avoided being raped by taking onboard another dramatic persona and energy, and actually chased away the perpetrator by chanting and engaging other 'different' methods, i.e she did not go into victim mode but rather overpowered her potential assailants by using 'spiritual methods' and not physical force. They ended up running away! So if we take this Murli point/Gyani instruction into practical context it could hold ground if applied accurately and with intention.

Hope no-one ever has to find how out but at least practicing how to avoid this kind of conflict may strengthen one's 'spiritual' understanding of self ...
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Violence begins at home, mental one especially

Post by alladin »

I was once harassed by a BK man who was collecting sisters at Jaipur train station from trains that arrived there back from Mt. Abu in the still dark early am hours. I was alone - with Baba!! He tried to convince me to go to his house and freshen up with a nice shower, before heading to the center. Of coures, I turned down the offer but he was insisting and I heard he was used to that way of "picking up sisters!". A young innocent one could have found herself in a very unpleasant situ, forced to strip-tease before him, or something!! I forgot whether I reported to the Jaipur sister or not.

Criminologists and statistics always confirm that most physical abuses occur within families. Violence, begins at home! So, if the BK organisation claims to be a family, no surprise if there are some cases of sex abuse and LOTS of mental abuse, including female oppressing and humiliating men. ( See Sparkal + celticgyan on ex-BK topic Seniors and ego, brothers as taxi drivers).

Problem is that, including for the victims, always the idea prevails that “dirty linen should be washed in the family”, that exposure is bad. So, let the Vatican tribunal or the US military courts judge criminals committed by their members, and see the ( obvious) results!! Paedophile priests and war criminals get away with everything, are moved somewhere else at the most. Any resemblances??
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Post by zhuk »

paulkershaw wrote:I have a very close (non-BK) friend who explained to me that she twice avoided being raped by taking onboard another dramatic persona and energy, and actually chased away the perpetrator by chanting and engaging other 'different' methods, i.e she did not go into victim mode but rather overpowered her potential assailants by using 'spiritual methods' and not physical force.
Well, hooray for those whose rapists choose to be "scared away" by such means. Not everyone is so "lucky" :evil:

I agree things like self-defence classes etc are helpful in building mental & physical confidence in potentially dangerous situations ("inner" or "spiritual" strength). Hell, if only i did not have a back problem i'd love to do one ;). But Spiritual methods? Oh, please ...

I just wish people would stop putting the responsibility on the female to prevent rape ... women are instructed to "not walk alone ... not walk after dark ... not to get drunk ... not to wear certain types of clothing ... not to go into "victim mode" ... What's wrong with saying to all males everywhere ... just don't rape. Seriously, just don't do it :roll: :roll: :roll:.
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