Computer & the Eternal World Drama

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new world
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Computer & the Eternal World Drama

Post by new world »

This article is the analogy between computer & the eternal world drama. The points of analogy are as follows:-

1) 'control section' located in CPU may be compared to the soul which gives commands to the verious parts of human body & which gives response to the stimulations of that parts of body,
2) 'soul' is the 'user' of body,
3) 'mind' is 'interface',
4) 'logic & arithmatic section' may be compared to 'intellect' (buddhi),
5) 'Mukti' is like 'shut down stage' of computer',
6) 'desk-top' is like 'seed-form stage' (Beejrup avastha). Just as we have to access any computer program through desktop & finally we return to desktop after closing that program, like the rame way any soul ends his role at the end of Confluence Age (Sangam Yuga) with seed-form stage & starts his role (in broad drama) again with seed-form stage,
7) 'God' is like 'host computer' & all human souls are like 'clients',
8 ) 'Sanskars' are saved programs of soul,
9) 'viruses' are like 'vices',
10) just as any computer program ends with the command, 'come to the first step' that is, every computerised program passes through the circular process. In other words first & last step of any computer program is the same step. Like the same way, the pre-ordained program of broad drama of 5000 years passes through the circular process, that is. Broad drama starts & ends wiith the starting point of Golden Age (Satya Yuga).

In this article I've tried to combined science with spirituality. I wish from all of you to add your opinion.
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Post by di »

Hi New World, and welcome to the forum!

Guess you learnt a different sort of Information technology than I did, especially programming. Please, I can certainly appreciate your analogy and don't mean to be disagreeable, this is just another opinion, something that this forum is so fantastic for ... free thought and open discussion. I apologize if I seem a little terse, its just the season for it. Just taking your analogy a step further though you will probably wont like what I have done to it.

I always had the understanding that a computer is but a machine. It has no intelligence and is incapable of independent thought ... now that actually reminds me of someone I know. (If you are unaware, I am going through the final heartbreaking stages of the death of a relationship ultimately for which the BKSWU programing is responsible for.) The PC cannot carry responsibility.

The soul is the end user, the one who has the capability of intelligent (in some cases not so intelligent) input via peripheries in order to make the PC perform, write the software, obey its commands. i.e. the heads of the BKSWU. The network of computers, the 'robots' they have programed to do just as instructed. Mt Abu the server. Technology is an ever growing field, an infinite one you could say ... certainly not a circle.

I agree, it is a circular process while ever nothing new is put into it or until it is reprogramed or some piece of hardware starts malfunction or dying ... possibly even the motherboard? I can see a definite analogy and certain main areas of BKdom where the 0s and 1s are showing obvious signs of 'bugs' and viruses and needs its registry cleaned right out.

In fact, I think a whole hardrive format would be a good thing and a nice new updated operating system installed complete with drivers. I also find with PCs that it is often the poor program that is blamed for the user (soul) not achieving the desired result.
We used to have a saying in IT, "There are no stupid computers, only stupid people using them" and (not from IT), "Insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again expecting a different result."

Unfortunately I fail to see the spirituality in being a programed (elsewhere they have been refered to as zombie like) chip. The PC malfunctions when the newer programing (Murlis) are rewritten and the bugs aren't ironed out, can cause a whole system to crash.

So I have a real problem with the circle type thinking. It makes my head go in circles and I get dizzy. Welcome to the forum!

new world
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Co-operate me

Post by new world »

I've given 10 points of comparision between computer & eternal world drama. I wish your co-operation. Please add some more points of comparishon between computer & world drama.
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Post by mr green »

A computer is a machine good for watching porn and shooting off the heads of aliens.

The World Drama Cycle is a body of ideas adapted from Hinduism with the the duration changed and all aspects under constant revue as it is repeatedly found to be incorrect.
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Post by bansy »

A computer is something out of Silicon valley.

The World Drama Cycle is something out of the Ganges valley.
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Post by fluffy bunny »

bansy wrote:The World Drama Cycle is something out of the Ganges valley.
Excuse me being a pendantic ***** but was not it the Indus Saraswati Valley ... sorry!
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Post by bansy »

ex-l, yes I was just being metaphoric. You're right it's somewhere around there but I gave it a few miles here and there, as long as the rivers are in Bharat :P
new world
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A computer cannot imagine a number as big as we can imagine.

Post by new world »

A fantatistic idea to prove that we human beings are superior to even a super computer.

Imagine a number as big as you can. And ask a computer to imagine a number as big as it can imagine.

A normal calculator can show 8 or 10 or 12 digits numbers. Thus a 12 digit calculator cannot imagine a number bigger than 999999999999. Possibly it can imagine numbers bigger than a 12 digit number by using power function. But even then there is a limit to the biggest number a calculator can imagine. Beyond that limit calculator replies 'infinity'. But infinity is nnt a number.

Same process is applicable for any computer. Super computers imagine numbers of millions & billions digits. But beyond a limit the computer says 'not defined' or 'infinity'. To increase the capacity of a computer to imagine bigger & more bigger number, we have to use softwares of superior versions. But even then there will be again a limit of the biggest number that computer can imagine. Thus without using new superior versions of softwares, the capacity of a computer to imagine even big numbers cannot be increased.

But logically there's no limit to our capacity to imagine a number as big as possible (even numbers of millions & billions digits). When I say that this number, suppose 'x', is the biggest number a Param 10 super computer can imagine, then it's clear that we can imagine the number 'x' & even we can imagine numbers bigger than 'x'. Thus we are great than a super computer.

It needs to change or improve softwares to improve the capacity of a computer. But within us a inbuilt program has been naturally fed which improves itself. We are already fed with the hightest quality programming. By techniques of 'mind power' or 'RajYoga meditation' these quality programming gets emerged. But computers are not fed with such types of the hightest quality programs. For this external efforts of a programmer are necessary. So we can imagine a number bigger than that a computer can imagine.
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